Summary Extracted from the Holy Love Messages
If you pray and ask Me, I will help you to understand that every cross is a grace in disguise and a victory beyond all victories.”
“Attachments are Satan’s tool, his way of pulling you away from Me. If you ask Me I will help you overcome every barrier, but you must want it. Come to Me completely. Free yourselves of all that stands between us.
Ask for the grace, then, to realize the importance of this request – this Heavenly guideline. As you attempt to accept God’s Will you will quickly see your shortcomings and weakness in certain virtues. I will help you. Ask Me.”
“Ask Me, and I will assist you in taking away any personal flaws such as impatience, unforgiveness – even bitterness will fly away from you, and I will fill you with love – only love.”
“I desire every soul reach for the brass ring of Unitive Love. I will help you if you ask Me.”
look into his own heart, and ask Me to help him eradicate the inordinate self-love in his heart
tonight I have come to ask you to empty your hearts of everything that does not lead you deeper into Holy and Divine Love. If you ask Me, I will assist you. This is Holy Abandonment and the way to be united with God’s Divine Will.”
Ask Me for the help to be open to and accept My Mercy.
Ask Me and I will help you to find the way to true holiness through self-surrender.
please understand that you will only be perfected in holiness at the rate that you are perfected in Holy Love and Holy Humility. So then, this should be your goal in every present moment–to become deeper in love and humility. Ask Me and I will help you.”
Therefore, do not be swayed by any compromise or any heresy that calls your heart away from the true Tradition of Faith. Be on guard. Ask Me, and all truths will be revealed to you.
Those who hold grudges are allowing unforgiveness to become like a god. If they ask Me, I will help them to forgive.”
Yes, abandon yourselves to Me, empty your hearts of self, and follow the simple and childlike way of Holy and Divine Love. Ask Me, and I will help you.
Ask Me for the strength to be prolife in every situation and I will give it to you.
I desire each one ask Me for the grace to be more holy and to love Me more. With your free will, come to Me and enter herein.”
Be determined to focus on the triumph of the cross and not just the cross itself. Ask Me and I will assist you.
“In Holy Love, you are all being called to imitate My Mercy. Ask Me for the grace to forgive and forget. I will help your sincere efforts in this regard.
“If you were to ask Me how best to propagate the Messages of Holy and Divine Love, I would tell you simply – ‘Be the Message’.”
“My brothers and sisters, in every trial and difficulty ask Me to show you the nugget of grace within situations and the hearts of people involved.”
I stand ready to retrieve your hearts from the anxieties and pressures of the world; but you must remember to ask Me, for I do not impose.
There are too many distractions in the world today. Souls forget to ask Me for the grace of living in Holy Love.”
“Lay claim to the grace of the present moment by freeing your heart of any and all such burdens. Ask Me and I will assist you through My Divine Love for your spiritual well-being.”
What I am telling you is, do not let Satan fill your heart with hopelessness as you pray. Before you begin to pray, ask Me to fill your heart with faith, hope and love. I will honor such a prayer. Then, your prayers will pierce My Heart and bring forth the greatest graces.”
Source of “Ask Me” Messages by Jesus
April 12, 1999
Monday United Hearts Prayer Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help you see that Holy Love endures all things. If you pray and ask Me, I will help you to understand that every cross is a grace in disguise and a victory beyond all victories.” The United Hearts Blessing is given.
May 1, 1999
Jesus Christ
“It is I, Jesus, the Word born Incarnate. Child, I have come to help you understand the mutual love I call you to. The law of Holy Love is to love the Lord thy God with your whole heart, soul, and mind, and your neighbor as yourself. This is the way to union with the Divine Will, the way to holiness, sanctity. Anything, person or place, that obstructs the way, represents an attachment.”
“So today, I would like to teach you about attachments. It is Satan who tries to carry your heart away. He suggests you should be worried about your appearance, your reputation, where you live, or what you are to eat. He keeps your heart in turmoil through unforgiveness. He suggests you must not give up your own opinion, which is the trap of self-righteousness. Within this same attachment to opinion lies another snare, that of judging. All of these fill your heart with thoughts contrary to love of God and neighbor.”
“When you come before Me to pray, anything that your mind clings to in the natural is some sort of attachment. If you love Me with your whole heart it is easy to surrender everything to Me. It is easy to trust Me. But you do not trust Me if you cannot see My grace at work in every aspect of your life through My Love for you.”
“Attachments are Satan’s tool, his way of pulling you away from Me. If you ask Me I will help you overcome every barrier, but you must want it. Come to Me completely. Free yourselves of all that stands between us. I will bless you.”
July 26, 2000
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus born Incarnate. I have come to share with you the secret for hasty and certain advancement through the Chambers of My Heart. It is humble acceptance of all things as from the Hand of God. Thus, it is surrender to God’s Divine Will. In this surrender, every virtue comes into play. In this surrender, self will is annihilated. The soul does not need to take account of which Chamber he is in. He only needs to accept the moment in the way My Father wills it. You may think this sounds too easy to be the key to your sanctity, but look closely and you will understand it is not easy, and not even possible without Heaven’s assistance. Ask for the grace, then, to realize the importance of this request – this Heavenly guideline. As you attempt to accept God’s Will you will quickly see your shortcomings and weakness in certain virtues. I will help you. Ask Me.”
July 25, 2003
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of Divine Love. I invite you to surrender completely to Me, each one of you in this present moment. In this way I can most powerfully use you as My disciples, and I can bring many, many souls into the Refuge of Holy and Divine Love.”
“Ask Me, and I will assist you in taking away any personal flaws such as impatience, unforgiveness – even bitterness will fly away from you, and I will fill you with love – only love.”
“Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
August 1, 2003
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“How can I describe this Unitive Love I call you to? The length and breadth and depth are greater than human understanding. And yet, it is attainable in this life, but enjoyed by so few. It is a love of such profound measure that it transforms every present moment. It brings the Kingdom of My Father’s Divine Will to reign in the heart so that the soul accepts everything as from the Hand of God – in victory as well as defeat.”
“How can I make you understand the measure of peace that this Unitive Love brings to the heart? How can I express to you the depth of joy? It is Heaven on earth. In Unitive Love everything in the present moment is shared with Me. There is no trial or tedium you face alone – no anxiety, for in Unitive Love everything is given over to Me.”
“I desire every soul reach for the brass ring of Unitive Love. I will help you if you ask Me.”
November 17, 2003
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to you seeking your greater understanding of these truths. Just as humility is the light that shines through every virtue, pride is at the root of every sin. Every soul has some pride in his innermost heart. The journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts is a journey that helps the soul discover where pride takes over in thought, word and deed in any present moment.”
“The one that is full of self-interest, the one that seeks recognition in the world, the one who safeguards his reputation is the soul who must look into his own heart, and ask Me to help him eradicate the inordinate self-love in his heart. When the soul discovers inordinancies within his heart, he must not by presumptuous supposing he can overcome these faults on his own without the help of grace. As he begins to conquer his areas of pride, he must ask his guardian angel not to let him fall into self-righteousness. This is a trap leading to pharisaical pride.”
“In every present moment I am your fortress–My Mother’s Immaculate Heart your shield. Trust in these words.”
May 7, 2004
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come to ask you to empty your hearts of everything that does not lead you deeper into Holy and Divine Love. If you ask Me, I will assist you. This is Holy Abandonment and the way to be united with God’s Divine Will.”
“Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
July 29, 2004
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help all understand that they must put all insult and injury behind them. Let it all be washed away by the grace of forgiveness. Understand that a contrite heart is pleasing to Me, but once you have experienced My Mercy on your behalf, you must trust My Divine Mercy.”
“Do not allow yourselves to be trapped in a scrupulous conscience by refusing to believe in My Mercy. Forgive yourselves. Not to do so is a reflection of self-love. The soul cannot forgive himself as he cannot accept his own sinfulness. Ask Me for the help to be open to and accept My Mercy. The humble heart can forgive self and neighbor and does not waste time licking his wounds.”
“In every present moment accept God’s Will for you. Do not hold anger in your heart for whatever God permits or ordains for you. Understand that you will be given the grace to handle every problem life hands you. My Father, Who sees all things, will not abandon you. Avoid a bitter heart at all costs, for many will be in purgatory until the end of time because of bitterness of heart.”
“Let forgiveness cleanse your hearts of all grudges. Then you will be ready for the Kingdom.”
January 7, 2005
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here. His Heart is exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, allow Me to take dominion over each present moment in your life. Do not squander the present moment, My brothers and sisters, on selfish pursuits. Ask Me and I will help you to find the way to true holiness through self-surrender.”
“I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
June 17, 2005
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, please understand that you will only be perfected in holiness at the rate that you are perfected in Holy Love and Holy Humility. So then, this should be your goal in every present moment–to become deeper in love and humility. Ask Me and I will help you.”
“Tonight I extend to you My Blessing of Divine Love.”
December 25, 2005
Christmas Day
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I come to you bearing the gift of peace, just as I came as Prince of Peace in the manger at Bethlehem. Peace does not come into the heart with great pomp and fanfare. Rather, peace engulfs the heart in quietude, simplicity and humility. My attempts at shedding peace upon the world must be met with the surrender of free will; for unless free will cooperates with grace, the graces of Heaven cannot act in the heart and spirit.”
“Further, I tell you, that peace and truth are companions. This is why I am also Lord of Truth. Untruths come from Satan, the enemy of peace. Untruths bear agitation, unrest and anxiety. Therefore, do not be swayed by any compromise or any heresy that calls your heart away from the true Tradition of Faith. Be on guard. Ask Me, and all truths will be revealed to you. A lying spirit cannot stand up to the test of truth.”
“As Prince of Peace and Lord of the Truth, I am the Light that pierces all darkness.”
June 7, 2006
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Spiritual littleness comes only as the soul surrenders to humility and self-effacement. Therefore, understand that it is a cooperation between grace and human effort that results in childlike littleness.”
“Those who seek to be recognized as holy are opposing the grace of littleness with their free will. They are, in fact, deep into spiritual pride. Those who are self-righteous will never be little in My Eyes, for they are making gods of their own opinions. Those who hold grudges are allowing unforgiveness to become like a god. If they ask Me, I will help them to forgive.”
“Spiritual littleness requires humble surrender, humble trust and complete self-effacement, making all others more important than self. It is not easy, but in My Eyes–a perfection in Holy and Divine Love.”
November 3, 2006
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “My brothers and sisters, tonight I invite you to lose all concern for self, and let your hearts be filled with love of God and neighbor. It is in this way you will be drawn into union with the Divine Will. Yes, abandon yourselves to Me, empty your hearts of self, and follow the simple and childlike way of Holy and Divine Love. Ask Me, and I will help you.”
“Tonight We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
October 12, 2008
Second Sunday Service to Pray against Abortion
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “My brothers and sisters, always find your peace and security in God’s Divine Will. If you support life from conception to natural death, you are living in God’s Will, and your attitudes and opinions must reflect this. If you do not support life from conception through natural death, then you are far from Our United Hearts. Ask Me for the strength to be prolife in every situation and I will give it to you.”
“We’re extending to you the Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
October 16, 2009
Friday – For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, here at this site I have opened My Heart to the world holding nothing back. I desire each one ask Me for the grace to be more holy and to love Me more. With your free will, come to Me and enter herein.”
“Tonight I’m extending to you the Blessing of Divine Love.”
March 5, 2010
Friday Service – For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come to ask you to lose sight of yourselves and focus on the cross which always leads to victory in some way. Be determined to focus on the triumph of the cross and not just the cross itself. Ask Me and I will assist you.”
“Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
June 27, 2011
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I have come to describe to you the anatomy of grudge-bearing. A grudge is a burden you are not being asked to carry. A grudge is unforgiveness, and holds the heart in the past. It is a useless barrier between your human heart and My Sacred Heart. It is the sign of anger. A grudge is most certainly Satan’s handiwork.”
“Sometimes the soul does not recognize that he is carrying a grudge. But at the end of the day when he examines his conscience, as all souls should, if he remembers thinking of someone or some situation with a dissatisfied turbulence, he may well be carrying a grudge.”
“I hold no grudges. Divine Mercy forgives all who seek My forgiveness. I do not remember past sins the soul repents of. I do not search out error in people.”
“In Holy Love, you are all being called to imitate My Mercy. Ask Me for the grace to forgive and forget. I will help your sincere efforts in this regard.”
September 19, 2011
Monday Service – Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My dear brothers and sisters, I’m taking all your petitions into My Sacred Heart where My Father will consider them in accordance with His Divine Will.”
“If you were to ask Me how best to propagate the Messages of Holy and Divine Love, I would tell you simply – ‘Be the Message’.”
“Tonight I’m imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love.”
October 21, 2011
Friday Service – For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, in every trial and difficulty ask Me to show you the nugget of grace within situations and the hearts of people involved.”
“This is the way to go deeper into holiness. This is the way to accept My Father’s Will for you.”
“Tonight I’m extending to you the Blessing of Divine Love.”
March 26, 2012
Monday Service – Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, I stand ready to retrieve your hearts from the anxieties and pressures of the world; but you must remember to ask Me, for I do not impose. When I place your heart in My Own Heart, you will feel My Presence, and your anxieties will vanish. This is the way to remain in God’s Divine Will.”
“Tonight I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
July 27, 2012
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“You cannot be casual about My Call to you. Too many present moments in each person’s life slip away unpronounced in Holy Love. This is how Satan reshapes the conscience of the world. This is how untruths take form in hearts.”
“A heart that is best prepared to hold on to Holy Love is one that disregards others’ opinions and, therefore, his reputation in the world; then, such a heart focuses on love of God and neighbor. There are too many distractions in the world today. Souls forget to ask Me for the grace of living in Holy Love.”
“I come to this Mission during these times to encourage a revolution of Holy Love in hearts. Such a revolution does not depend upon weapons of mass destruction, but upon a willingness to choose Holy Love in the present moment.”
July 30, 2012
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“If you allow your heart to be consumed with spiritual debris, I am unable to fill you with My grace; then you are less able to determine My Father’s Will for you.”
“Such debris can be even the smallest sin or fault. It can be worldly concerns – worry over the past or the future – which is the bad fruit of lack of trust in Me. Spiritual debris can be even the smallest grudge – the tiny fleck that irritates the eye of your soul, which is your heart.”
“Lay claim to the grace of the present moment by freeing your heart of any and all such burdens. Ask Me and I will assist you through My Divine Love for your spiritual well-being.”
November 28, 2012
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Today, I have come to repeat to you the intrinsic importance of hope in every situation. Without hope, you cannot trust; without trust, you cannot believe. If you do not believe, then your prayers fall short of entering My Heart. These prayers, burdened with insufficient hope, are like food that is flat – unseasoned with salt.” [He smiles. He knows I like salt.]
“You know how tasteless such food is. What I am telling you is, do not let Satan fill your heart with hopelessness as you pray. Before you begin to pray, ask Me to fill your heart with faith, hope and love. I will honor such a prayer. Then, your prayers will pierce My Heart and bring forth the greatest graces.”
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