Prayers for Texas

Note: This page was originally created in response to  President Donald J. Trump Proclaiming September 3, 2017, as a National Day of Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey and for our National Response and Recovery Effort

Day of Prayer for Texas Proclamation

Updated: For use as prayers in regards to the unprecedented snowstorm occurring in Texas in February, 2021

Rare winter storm slams Texas with snow, ice and bitterly cold temps (

All 254 Texas counties under winter storm warning as arctic blast heads east – CBS News

Pray for Texas Image    Texas Flag

Ten Things to Pray For After Hurricane Harvey

CBN Prayer for Texas

Prayer Guide: A Call to Prayer for Texas 

The Governor of Texas and the President of the United States have asked the nation to pray for Texas on Sunday, September 3, 2017.  Let us respond wholeheartedly and join in prayer for those in need in the aftermath of this terrible storm.

Psalm 46:1-5
God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling.

There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God,
The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved;
God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.

Heavenly Father, our refuge and strength, and our very present help in trouble, we lift to You those who have lost loved ones and ask that You be with them in their time of grief.

For those who are sick and injured, we pray that You bring them healing and care.

For those who have lost everything, their homes, their possessions, the things that remind us of our families and our lives, we ask that You would be the God of all comfort to them.

For those without water, without food, and without shelter, send aid quickly and enable us to be Your hands extended to them in their time of need.

For the rescue workers, for the first responders, and for everyone providing aid, strengthen and encourage them and protect them from all harm. May they find joy in their work and rest at the end of the day.

And now we pray for America. May we love one another just as You have loved us. May we unite together to help our brothers and sisters in their time of need so that we can truly be one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Gordon Robertson
The Christian Broadcasting Network

Charisma News Recommendations

1. Pray for peace. There’s a lot of panic happening as tensions and fear rise. Where there is panic, fewer people make wise and careful decisions on how to be safe.

2. Pray for the flooding. Houston is known for the way our city fills with water after a quick afternoon thunderstorm. Our city is virtually underwater. Pray that the waters will move and the city can dry out quickly.

3. Pray for our homeless population. Big cities come with large homeless populations, and those are often the people most harshly affected. Pray for shelters to have spaces and people to have open hearts to share food, water and safe spaces.

4. Pray for long-term solutions. It’s so easy to have quick responses to national disasters, but the news moves on and so does the help—long before the city has recovered. Pray for help as long as it’s needed, while builders repair damage and people move back into their homes. Pray that those who want to help won’t be easily distracted and the world won’t pass us by.

5. Pray for resilience. Many people depend on day-to-day work for paychecks. Many of the families I work with don’t have a steady income and can’t go back to work even one or two days after a storm. These flood conditions mean many families are without their normal paychecks and that can wreak havoc on their lives.

Texas National Day of Prayer

Almighty God, you are our Mighty Fortress, our refuge and the God in whom we place our trust. As our nation faces great distress and uncertainty, we ask your Holy Spirit to fall afresh upon your people – convict us of sin and inflame within us a passion to pray for our land and its people. We long for peace and justice within our borders and so we lift before you our leaders in government, our families, our communities, and those in law enforcement and the Armed Services. Grant each an awareness of their desperate need of wisdom and salvation in you until sin becomes a reproach to all and true righteousness exalts this nation.

Protect and defend us against our enemies and may the cause of Christ always prevail against those who seek our harm. Raise yourself up in the midst of our schools, courts and homes and most of all, your Church. You are mighty to save, so please send a spirit of revival and renewal and may it begin in our own hearts.

Remember America, we pray. Remember the foundations on which this country was built. Remember the prayers of our nation’s fathers and mothers, and do not forget us in our time of need. We confess our sin, praise your name, laud your Gospel, and commit to extending your grace to all, especially the poor and needy. Thank you for listening to our cry for you are greatly to be praised!

In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer by Governor Abbot

Article about event

“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you today with aching hearts, searching for healing and hope that only you can provide. We know that you, our God, that you are our refuge and our strength.

“We thank you for using us to reveal the goodness of humanity. We thank you, Dear Lord, for sparing so many who could have been lost, and would have been lost, but for the many souls who you worked through to save so many.

“We thank you for giving strength to the legions of first responders and to the volunteers who risked their lives to rescue so many of us. They seek to do your will by serving you and helping others.

“Dear Lord, we pray for the victims, we pray for the families, we pray for their health and for a speedy recovery.

“And we thank so many people across this state, this nation and across the entire world for their generosity and the way that they have shared what they had with the people of Texas and helping us to the process of renewal.”

Pray for Texas Image Grey

A Prayer for Texas by Rebecca Beckett


We are broken before you as we watch the devastation in Texas. As we see our loved ones suffering, losing everything, Lord we fall on our knees before you and weep for them. Heavenly father, please surround them with your peace. Only your peace can break through the suffering and heartache. Only your peace can calm the anxious spirit. Only your peace can calm the storm inside even as it rages outside.

Lord, thank you for the stories of hope, the stories of help in the news. Thank you for showing us that this is what humanity is really about, that we are for each other and not against each other. Lord, thank you.

We boldly ask for you to calm the storms, the rain and recede the waters. Please, Lord.

Thank you that you walk with us in the midst of suffering. Thank you that you never leave our side when we can’t find the will to move forward. Lord, thank you that you hear the prayer of our hearts even when we have no words. You are here. You are near.

We hold on to the promises in your Word. We hold on to the hope that this is not the end. We hold on to the hope that better days are coming. We hold on to the hope that this too shall pass. Thank you for this hope.

Trembling and weary we walk forward knowing that you are our strength. That it is all the strength we need.


Collect Prayer from the Mass for the Aversion of a Hurricane

O God, to whose commands all the elements give obedience, we humbly entreat you, that the stilling of fearsome storms may turn a powerful menace into an occasion for us to praise you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Scholastica for the Aversion of a Storm

Blessed and Holy Saint Scholastica, intercede for your people in this time of need.

May your prayers go to the throne of God in order that we be delivered from harm that our lives and our homes be protected, and that our parishes and churches stand erect and ready to serve your people.

Finally, Saint Scholastica, may your prayers deliver all of those in danger, heal all those in illness, and direct all of those without shelter.

Intercede for us, great patroness, and offer us the good weather for which we hope.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayers Against Storms

You have forgotten that with prayer and fasting you can ward off wars, suspend natural laws.”. OUR LADY OF MEDJUGORJE 7/21/1982


Almighty God, Lord of the universe, Creator of everything, we come to You, seeking Your divine protection as we face our fears and confront the threats that cause us anxiety
After every invocation let us say:

From strong hurricane Irma
From relentless rains
From destructive earthquakes
From drought and pests
From deadly floods and storm surges
From red tides and fish kills
From deadly lightning
From violence and wars
From corruption and sin
From criminality and terrorism
From selfishness and indifference
Divine Jesus, You calmed the storms and walked over the waters. Give us fine weather. Shield us from distress. Drive away from our land all calamities and disasters of nature. We entrust ourselves to You now and forever.
Our Lady of Fatima Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.

Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. +
God became man, + and the Word was made flesh. +
Christ was born of a Virgin.+
Christ suffered.+
Christ was crucified.+
Christ died.+
Christ rose from the dead.+
Christ ascended into Heaven. +
Christ conquers. +
Christ reigns. +
Christ orders. +

May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning.+
Christ went through their midst in Peace, +
and the Word was made flesh. +
Christ is with us with Mary. +
Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the
Generation of Juda, the Root of David, has won. +

Holy God! + Holy Powerful God! + Holy Immortal God! +
Have mercy on us.