Pilgrimage Information

What is a pilgrimage and what do you do?

Pilgrimage – A journey to a sacred place undertaken as an act of religious devotion, either simply in order to venerate (honor) it, or to ask the fulfillment of some need or as an act of penance or thanksgiving, or a combination of these.

Our Lady: “Please understand, My children, that the layout of this property represents the soul’s journey into holiness and our United Hearts.

1. The soul is first drawn into My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart (represented at the Lake of Tears), where he is purged of many of his most flagrant faults.

2. Then he travels along guided by the angels — as is represented on the property by the Lake of Angels. He receives many graces to move deeper into My Heart and into Divine Love, the Heart of My Son. This is represented by Maranatha Spring on the property.

3. Finally, in conformity to the Divine Will of God, he arrives at the Field of Victory, Our United Hearts and the Triumph. Understand that every triumph and victory is surrounded by the Way of the Cross.

4. And thus you have at the back of the property — the Stations of the Cross.
December 12, 1999