(In the Name of the Father, the Creator and of the Son, the Redeemer and of the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier)
(In the Name of the Father, Divine Truth and of the Son, Divine Mercy and of the Holy Spirit, Divine Love.)
(In the Name of the Father, Divine Will and of the Son, Divine Intellect and of the Holy Spirit, Divine Memory.)
(In the Name of the Father, My Abba God and of the Son, My Sweet Brother Yeshua and of the Holy Spirit, My Holy Advocate, Fire Paraclete.)
(In the Name of the Father, Righteous Eternal Father and of the Son, Lamb of God and of the Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth.)
Prayer of Conversion
“Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus, as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in You”
(Divine Mercy Prayer)
Almighty God, I pray for the gift of true contrition. Not sadness about my weakness impacting my ego or perfectionistic tendencies but true sorrow with true recognition of how I offend, betray, assault, even wound You – the gift of pure intentions when making my confession or act of contrition. Even a hatred of each transgression in thought, word or deed.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee. (“You shall loathe yourselves for your iniquities” (Eze 36.31).)
I confess to almighty God, [and to you my brothers and sisters] that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts, and in my word, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,
through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault [strike breast three times].
Therefore, I beseech blessed Mary ever Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, [Holy Souls] [and you my brothers and sisters], to pray for me to the Lord our God. Amen.
+++ I confess my sins to the Triune God +++
General Confession
With my spiritual goal by the grace of God to tame my intellect and “take every thought captive in obedience to Christ” (2Cor 10:5), to “be transformed by the renewal of my mind” (derived Rom 12:2), to “stand guard over my heart and mind in Lord Jesus” (Phil 4:7) and with the Grace of God to live in the present moment in Holy Love (love of God above all and love of neighbor as self, Matt 22:37-40) with the Most Blessed Trinity, Blessed Mother and the Blessed in Heaven
[“…This is why standing guard over your thoughts is so important. For what forms in your thoughts easily takes over the whole heart.”, Holy Love Ministries]
(for to live in Holy Love in every present moment requires [the Grace of] heroic self-discipline and surrender to God’s Divine Will through Holy Love)
I confess my ever-pervasive (24/7), excessive inordinate self-love, strong self will, pride of perfectionism, excessive self-absorption, lack of sacrificial love and cost counting [of any sacrifices].
I confess any residue resentments, bitterness, offense, unforgiveness that has formed a wall around my heart and has created an obstacle between us.
I confess the arrows encircling my heart aiming to pierce it that I have allowed, my sins caused by Pride, all stemming from Pride: Compromise of Truth, Wounded Ego, Voluntary Attachments, Unforgiveness, Anger, Self-Love thrown by Satan to destroy my personal holiness.
My failures in my soul to be gentle, patient, forgiving, understanding, easily corrected, joyful, and, last but not least, wise.
I confess my perennial concern with and attachment to “credit, consolation and comfort”. (Fr Gerry Ferguson teaching)
I confess daily battles with habitual faults and sins that keep me from salvation, holiness, perfection in virtues as well as conformity, union and immersion with the Triune God such as my neglect, my distractions, my distractibility, my forgetfulness, my indifference, my continual return to coping mechanisms, my escapisms, my fantasticisms, my internal scenarios, my poor time management skills, my lack of discipline, my worldly attachments, my sins of presumption, my sins of detraction, my failure to practice Trust and Surrender, my neglect in seeking God’s voice for His Will, my impoverished thanksgiving after Holy Communion, my spiritual pride, my pride of perfectionism,
choosing secular priorities over spiritual, choosing lesser good over greater good, etc. for neglecting to call the Divine Will into the current act and due to inordinate self-love for neglecting to live in Holy Love (by the two greatest commandments) in every Present Moment. For failing to live in trustful surrender to the Divine Will of God in every present moment. (Sum of Sanctification)
For failing to recognize and seek healing through God for wounds that keep me from a relationship with and a sacred intimacy with God, my Righteous and Eternal Father, My Celestial Lamb of God and My Spirit of Truth.
Per God the Father, I confess (in order to cleanse my attitudes/approach/desires/motives/leanings/micro feelings/opinions) my neglect for failing to perform daily duties, respect the commandments and practice a virtuous life with the right pure intentions out of love for God and love of fellow man as self.
For living a life of self-gratification instead of out of love and Glory of God. For clinging to worldly attachments instead of the salvation of my soul. For neglect of my relationship with God.
Specific Confession
identification of sins and faults since last confession and act of contrition

Oh, my Jesus, I crown my head with Your Thorns,
I bead my eyes with Your Tears,
I impregnate my tongue with Your Bitterness,
I adorn my soul with Your Blood,
I dress my body with Your Wounds,
I nail my hands and feet with Your Nails,
I pierce my heart with Your Lance,
[I clothe myself with garments of derision,
I veil my face with the spittle, beard pulling, piercings, eye pounding, bone crushings, tongue piercing,
I immerse my emotions with Your feelings of abandonment, Your spiritual and emotional torture, Your Passion within the Passion, accusations of blasphemy, being struck in friendship and loyalty,
I cover my ears with Your slaps and the resounding of insults, mockings, affronts and outrages, (to Jesus and Blessed Mother), criticisms, false accusations, curses, and disgust of demonic whisperings,
I draw in the stench of lukewarmness, weakness, inconstancy, ingratitude, denials, rebellion and betrayals,
I burden myself with the crimes of others]
And, as another Christ, I present myself
before Your most supreme Majesty and ask
that through this Plea for Forgiveness You may grant the Greatest of Graces,
that Your Kingdom Come, that Your Will be done
on earth as It is done in Heaven, by all souls, most especially by mine!
[But especially the forgiveness of my flaws, faults, weakness, attitudes, motives, selfish desires, compulsivities, habitual sins, betrayals, wickedness, unforgiveness, neglect of my spiritual life, sins of the heart, inability to enter or progress through the Chamber of the United Hearts, to conform, unite or immerse myself in the heart of the Father, for the sins of the heart, sins and guilt now confessed…]
*(Our Lady told Luisa Piccarreta of Divine Will teachings -“Book of Heaven” – that Our Lord can not resist anyone that approaches Him dressed in His Wounds.) [phrases bookended by brackets are added ant not part of the original prayer]
I ask for the grace of a truly contrite heart. I ask to borrow the heart of St. Peter, St Paul and St Mary Magdalene to feel a spark of their contrition. And for my heart to be equally contrite, molded and transformed into a fiery sacrificial love of God. I ask to borrow the heart of the Theotakis to grow in love as She carried the Son of God.
Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to my aid!
Traditional Form
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell;
but most of all because they (/I) offend Thee, my God,
Who are all good and deserving of all my love.
(Knowing in the same instant I was offending You, You were loving me with a love no soul could ever imagine.)
I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace,
to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
(by avoiding the near occasion of sin and rejecting, renouncing, and rebuking Satan in every aspect of my life and all his works and all his empty promises.)
Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to my aid!
Eternal Father,
turn away Your angry gaze from our guilty people
whose face has become unsightly in Your eyes.
Look instead upon the Face of Your Beloved Son,
for this is the Face of Him
in Whom You are well pleased.
We now offer You this Holy Face,
covered with shame and disfigured by bloody bruises
in reparation for the crimes of our age
[in reparation for our flaws, faults, errant beliefs, improper attitudes, weaknesses, compulsivities, betrayals, wickedness, sins and guilt]
in order to appease Your anger,
justly provoked against us.
Because Your Divine Son, our Redeemer,
has taken upon His Head all the sins of His members,
that they might be spared,
we now beg of You, Eternal Father,
to grant us mercy.
Eternal Father, turn away Your angry gaze from our guilty people whose face has become unsightly in Your eyes. Look instead upon the Face of Your Beloved Son; for this is the Face of Him in whom You are well pleased. We now offer You His Holy Face covered with blood, sweat, dust, spittle and shame, in reparation for the worst crimes of our age, which are atheism, blasphemy, and the desecration of Your holy days. We thus hope to appease Your anger justly provoked against us. The All-Merciful Advocate opens His mouth to plead our cause; listen to His cries, behold His tears, O God, and through the merits of His Holy Face hearken to Him when He intercedes for us poor miserable sinners. Amen.
Asking for Forgiveness
(Proclamation of the Kingdom)
O Sweet Jesus, I trust in Your Love and Mercy. I ask for Your forgiveness.
“My Mercy and My Love are one; they are Divine, Perfect and Eternal. They never fail. The soul that trusts in My Love and Mercy is the one I am able to forgive. The kingdom begins in every heart that begins to believe in My Love and Mercy. This is how a conversion of heart takes place. This is My Victory.”
Dictated by Jesus 11/2/02
Almighty God, I beg, plead, implore Your forgiveness
But rely on Your bountiful and unfathomable mercy
Kyrie eleison Christi eleison Kyrie eleison
Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us and on the whole world
With this holy water and Your Precious Blood,
wash away all my sins, O Lord
Thank You, Triune God, for Your assistance
with my examination of conscience,
Your gift of acceptance (of my confession),
gift of forgiveness and absolution,
and gift of mercy.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
I AM NOTHING, GOD IS ALL, come Divine Will.
Come Heavenly Father to beat in my heart and move in my Will;
Come Beloved Son to flow in my blood and think in my intellect;
Come Holy Spirit to breathe in my lungs and recall in my memory.
My Loving Father, forgive me. Infused in Your Most Holy Will, and as Your little child, allow me to confess my sorrow for offending You with all my sins, weaknesses, defects, and miseries. I know that in the same instant I was offending You, You were loving me with a love no soul could ever imagine. Your Will will be my strength and my hope to never offend You again.
Heavenly Mother, my Mother, I offer you this holy intention and ask you to please, through Your Immaculate Heart, give me the immense graces I will need to never again offend my Heavenly Father! Amen.
You are my only God, my only Hope, my only Love, You are my God unrivaled, ever so tender and delicate with the weak and the wretched, let not the Chalice of Your Justice brim over us; allow the captives to be set free before Your Day, my Lord, our faults in Your eyes have been many and our rebellion and apathy even greater in number, but Your Heart is throbbing with Love and Compassion, give us, O Father, most Gracious, a powerful Breath of Your Spirit to revive us all for Your Glory. Let Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be done.