This page is a compilation of information found that may prove helpful before engaging in praying for deliverance for oneself or a family member. Additional links are provided below after the imprecatory/deprecatory discussion.

Explanation of Imprecatory vs Deprecatory
Found on Msgr. Stephen Rossetti’s Website, Catholic Exorcism
Guidelines for Deliverance Prayers for the Laity
All individuals have authority over their own selves and bodies and thus they are free to use both imprecatory prayers (directly commanding demons to leave) and deprecatory prayers (prayers directed to God to cast out the demons).
In the case of praying these prayers for others who are not under their direct authority,
we recommend the faithful adjust the prayers so that they are directed to God, thus making it a deprecatory prayer.
For their own pastoral protection, we recommend that faithful not use imprecatory prayers, ie., directly commanding demons to leave, over others whom they do not have authority.
In accordance with natural law,
the laity have authority over their own selves, their spouses and their children.
In these cases, they have the authority to use imprecatory prayers.

Explanation of Authority
Before praying Deliverance Prayers one needs to understand certain aspects of it. What authority we do or do not have, what prayers and what types of prayers can be used licitly and without retaliation.
In his Introduction to his booklet, Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity. Fr Ripperger touches on these topics and more.
Fr Ripperger explains that deliverance prayers (not referring to exorcism prayers) can be said for oneself. One can also pray them for those we have authority over (i.e. father over his children). Further discussion can be found here.
Deliverance prayers are specific, formulaic prayers written by Catholic exorcists and approved by bishops for requesting divine assistance in removing demonic influence from a person’s life. Some deliverance prayers are reserved for use by priests while performing solemn exorcisms under a bishop’s direction. Some, however, are approved for use by the laity.
Father Chad Ripperger has compiled these prayers for the laity into a small book, Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity. These deliverance prayers have common themes. Among them:
- Prayers to blind demons.
- Prayers to isolate demons.
- Prayers to cut off demonic communication with each other.
Once the demons cannot communicate and coordinate, they become much easier to control, bind, and cast out by prayer and fasting.
Therefore, deliverance prayers ask God to blind demons from seeing what we humans are doing and thinking, and from communicating with each about our activities and thoughts. As long as demons are free to communicate, plan, and coordinate, man is at their mercy.
source: The booklet, Deliverance Prayers, compiled by Fr Ripperger can be purchased here: Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity: Ripperger PhD, Fr. Chad A: 9781541056718: Books
Summary of Authority as Reminder
According to Fr. Ripperger in his introduction most exorcists concede that there is an ability to command the demons to depart under certain conditions in relation to one’s own immediate family where one will experience little to no retaliation as a general rule .
Once the material from the introduction in the “Deliverance Prayers” booklet has been reviewed and understood that the laity needs to 1) remain within the confines of the authority that God has given by natural law while 2) observing the prescription given by the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith regarding not doing it publicly and in NOT trying to obtain the name of the demon, etc. and 3) insure one’s spiritual life is in order (attained life of habitual sanctifying grace), this lists acts as a reminder (with additional considerations/stipulations):
husband has authority over spouse and head of the family and by virtue of the marital contract and can command
wife has authority over spouse and by virtue of the marital contract and can command
lack of retaliation has been noted for children over parents and children for their siblings for binding prayers
NOT the case for Godparents or grandparents (not have the same obligations under the fourth commandment)
Modification of petitions to drive demons out when one does NOT have the authority to command. In place of “In the Name of Jesus, I command the spirit of N” use instead “Jesus, I ask Thee to bind the spirit of N”
Petition Our Lady under the title of “Our Lady of Sorrows” for two reasons. First, so She may reveal hidden things by an ordinary actual grace relating to the spiritual life especially in spiritual combat. Specifically if we pray to Our Lady of Sorrows she will reveal to us the nature of the demon we are dealing with for a more precise target to combat. Secondly by Her promise to St Bridget of Sweden “I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.
Excerpts from this article for Phase One appear below for convenience:
Phase One
The first phase is 30 days of prayer, specific to each individual. “This is where they must buy in,” Father Theophilus explained. “The liberation comes through cooperating with God’s grace. Otherwise, it’s not going to leave or it’s going to come back because we have not addressed the roots of this issue. Most people are not praying daily. “
If a person does not complete a day, they must start over. “It may take them 90 days or eight months,” he said, “but during that time, the person learns discipline and matures in their faith, coming to know and love God and to see their need for him.”
Here is an example of a prayer prescription:
- Angelus at 6 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m. “Regardless of a person’s denomination,” Father Theophilus said, “we are delivered because Jesus Christ incarnated himself through the Blessed Virgin Mary—the word became flesh and dwelt among us. We need to get into the incarnation realities which help to understand how we are to be delivered,”
- Auxilium Christianorum, daily spiritual warfare prayers three times a day. This is a group for priests and lay people involved in the deliverance ministry which suggests a list of daily prayers.
- The Confiteor, which is said at the beginning of every Mass, and Our Lady Help of Christians, which implores the perpetual help of Our Blessed Mother.
“It’s amazing how much protection and consolation comes when they start praying daily,” Father Theophilus said. “Grace works in a very specific way. Some people think we just anoint someone with oil, and it will take care of it. No it won’t.” That is why, he explained, that the first part of anointing of the sick is reconciliation to remove sin.
“Satan has told me himself in numerous sessions with different people, ‘I have no power over them unless they sin,’” Father Theophilus said. “Sin is the only thing that gives the enemy authority over us. He can tempt, he can mock, he can scratch, he can bite, but he has no power over us unless we sin. Trying to address deliverance with people in a very dysfunctional life, we need to first get them into prayer.”
Perfection is not expected, Father Theophilus explained, but humility and discipline accomplishes incredible things. “Right prayer is acknowledging, ‘I’m a sinner in need of grace; I can’t save myself,’” he said. “It’s amazing how much protection and consolation comes when praying regularly.”
Often, people just want the priest to take care of things with no expectations on them. “As one of my mentors explained, ‘You behaved yourself into this, you will have to behave yourself out of it,’” Father Theophilus said. “Some are victims, but they still have behaviors and responses that need to be addressed. This is about helping people mature in their relationship with Christ’s Church.”
Part of this first phase includes making sure a person is connected to a parish or church for right order, because Father Theophilus said he cannot usurp their relationship with their pastor.
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