April 10, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white with a crown of stars in a circle over Her head. She says: “I come especially today to draw you deeper into My Heart of Grace, few so penetrate. I advise you with Motherly Love, do not allow Satan to trouble you concerning decisions already made, or that will be made. This is his device he uses to keep you in conflict. My angel, today I am teaching you the fullness of God’s Love for all souls. Come to know the Divine Will, Divine Mercy, Divine Love and the Cross are all one. Holy Love is the means by which you attain these. The Holy Trinity embraces souls that so aspire. The grace of My Heart is the means of attaining Holy Love and is offered to each soul every moment. Those that accept Holy Love in thought, word and deed choose holiness. If you are loving, you will pray, pray, pray.”
December 31, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white. She has a white light around Her head. “I come in praise of Jesus, My Son. I desire that you pray with Me now that mankind will be reconciled with God.” We prayed.
“Dear children, remember to let the ‘Gloria’ (All Glory Be…) be important, for to give praise and honor to the TRINITY through every miracle that takes place on our new property is most pleasing to Me. I desire, dear children, that you do celebrate, for we are beginning what will be a great, great mission and, I will celebrate with you. Come tomorrow to our chapel, our meeting place. I will be there. I desire to speak to those who will come to the property. My little one, allow Me to use you. I am blessing you.”
February 9, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“The hour of My Predilection is at hand and will be shown through God’s Will and Grace at the site of Maranatha Spring — all for the greater honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity. What is to come and what will bear witness to the truth of Holy Love will defy natural law and suspend the forces of nature.”
“You yourself will be made the object of pursuit by those who cannot within their own hearts separate the message, the signs given, and the messenger. But I am giving to you My peace, so that, in all things, and in every way, you will know I am in the midst of your heart and this mission.”
“Pride will preclude some from accepting even My most revealing signs. This is through their own error and not your own. Some will try to make it seem as though My miracles are fraudulent. They only pursue this path from lack of love. If they do not accept something, they discredit the authenticity. This is how the Holy Father is being attacked as well.”
“I have more to confide and to speak to you. Continue to make yourself available to Me as you have been. I am blessing you.”
May 16, 1996
Spiritual Baptism of the Unborn
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother says, “Praise be to Jesus.”
“This is not a replacement for the Sacrament of Baptism, but a special blessing from the Holy Trinity. It is protection and a sign of predestination.”
“Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Your Power and Grace transcends all time and space. Cast now Your Compassionate Glance upon all life in the womb from the moment of conception until the moment of birth. Caress these innocent souls in Your Merciful Love. Protect this life from any marauder. Bestow upon each soul You create a spiritual baptism, in Your Name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”
February 7, 1998
First Saturday – First United Hearts Meditation
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “My daughter, with fondness I greet you, giving praise to Jesus.”
“I have come as promised.”
“Today, I invite My children to realize the profound depth and perfection that comprises My Beloved Son’s Heart. Allow yourselves to be drawn into this Vessel of perfect Love, Mercy, and Truth. Let the Flame of His Heart consume you and bring you to the heights of union with the Holy Trinity. To Him all honor and glory!”
“Jesus, bestow on My children a hunger for salvation through devotion to Your Most Sacred Heart.”
“My angel, have the people assemble on the night of February 11th. Come around 9:00 PM. Pray the Glorious Mysteries. I will come.”
June 4, 1998
Thursday Rosary Service
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus, Creator and King. Pray with Me now for all people and all nations, that they be reconciled with God.”
There are now four angels with Blessed Mother. She says: “Dear children, I invite you to understand that it is through My grace you are able to accept the cross and be reconciled to the cross. Without My grace you cannot be one with one another and united to the Trinity. Dear children, I am calling you to be reconciled through Holy Love.” Our Lady blessed us.
August 25, 1998
Jesus Christ
I see Jesus’ wounded foot, then His whole figure.
“Here I am, your Lord and Savior. I have come to you so that you will remind My people they have not been created for themselves, but to give honor and praise to the Trinity, then to serve each other. My little one, each one exists for this alone. Any accumulation of earthly provisions, then, should be accomplished not for self, but to share with each other. Remember, Scripture has it he who would save his life will lose it, while if you abandon yourself to Me, you will find life. Each one is created for eternity. You cannot prolong this earthly exile by any human measure or preparation. Put the thrust of your effort into salvation, holiness, sanctity. Let there be no fear in your hearts. My Mother’s heart offers every opportunity towards peace, deep holiness, and even your sanctity, if you surrender.”
He blesses me and leaves.
November 23, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
“My daughter, I invite you to understand today that all creation sings the praise of God, of Jesus, and of the Most Holy Spirit. It is by the Hand of the Triune God all was made. The moon and the stars were created to give light in darkness; so, too, the sun to enlighten and nourish the earth. All the elements have their place and function. In nature is the remedy for every illness.”
“Every person was, is, and will be created to give honor and praise to the Trinity, and to love and serve God in a unique way. But, through free will, mankind has interfered with the eternal plan, placing self ahead of the Divine Will, and disrupting the harmony of nature.”
“Thus, you are experiencing the hour of tribulation unprecedented in history. Lives have been sacrificed who would have delivered the world from the brink of disaster. Great leaders and rulers have been aborted.”
“I invite you to see that prayer and sacrifice are your only hope now. The Rosary must be used and prayed with devotion. Many, many Rosaries could have been said which have never been offered. My children carry their rosaries many places, but often neglect to use this powerful weapon and remedy.”
“My tears today are copious. My consecrated children are My only joy. If you study this Holy Love Message, you will understand that this is the way to live a consecrated life. I have not much longer with you. All I have given you needs to be studied and brought to life in hearts.”
“I have chosen the weak and the lowly to be My confidantes. I will make them strong to proclaim My truths. You will please make this known.”
March 11, 1999
Jesus Christ
“Beloved, by My Precious Blood I have redeemed you. Through this message of Holy Love I will save you. To live in Holy Love is to live the Two Great Commandments – love God above all else and neighbor as self. But I offer you even more than that: to be perfected in Holy Love is to be purified in God’s Will. Thus you are drawn into Divine Love and union with the Trinity. This is Heaven on earth, the Kingdom to come, the New Jerusalem.”
“This message of Holy Love is itself a refuge in troubled times, for Holy Love is the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. I am Jesus, born Incarnate. I ask you to please make this known.”
June 10, 2001
Trinity Sunday;
Second Sunday Service to Pray against Abortion
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, this revelation of Our United Hearts was conceived in the Heart of the Eternal Father before time began. It was passed down to you through My Heart, through the Heart of the Holy Spirit, through the Heart of My Blessed Mother.”
“Do not receive this message with apathy, but have the heart of a missionary – desiring, endeavoring to spread it far and wide. I will bless your efforts even now.”
“We are blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
February 19, 2002
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Child, I have come to describe to you the Kingdom of Divine Love as it exists for all eternity. In this Kingdom there is no more free will. All the choices have been made for or against eternal salvation. The souls in My Kingdom of Divine Love have been purified in the Flame of Holy Love, either on earth by choosing so, or after death in purgatory. So in Heaven there is only perfect love. The souls in My Kingdom love the Divine Will of My Father. They are in perfect union with His Will.”
“There is no more illness or death. There is no longer the element of time or space. There is no threat of evil. There is only eternal joy–joy in praising the Trinity. Everything–everything reflects the beauty of God. The soul is secure in Love. Every heart in Heaven becomes a little flame of Holy and Divine Love.”
“It is now in this earthly existence you must choose the Kingdom of Divine Love. Choose it with fervor. Choose it with trust and all of Heaven will assist you.”
“Make it known.”
February 20, 2002
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows towards the Blessed Sacrament, turns to me and says, “Praise be to Jesus. I have come to elaborate on the Kingdom of Divine Love–Heaven itself–which the Lord has started to speak to you about.”
“In this Kingdom all the senses that the body had in the world are attendant to the soul in Heaven. But in the Kingdom of Divine Love, the senses are purified just as the soul is purified. There is no more pain–no more impairment of any kind. The soul sees color in its purest form–colors he never knew existed. He hears and sees and speaks to the Holy Trinity, the angels and the saints. He can hold more than one conversation at a time for there are no constrictions of time or space.”
“The soul can bi-locate, even be in multiple places in Heaven at one time. All knowledge is given each soul and is perfect. All truth is known and accepted. What was held fragile and vulnerable on earth is strong in Heaven. The best part of Heaven, however, is that love is perfect. Nothing interferes with your love of the Blessed Trinity. Each soul praises and adores God forever.”
“Then of course, the soul has unlimited access to the Holy Mother of God. Do you desire Her tender embrace? It is given. Do you wish to speak privately to Her? Choose your time. Would you like Her to pray with you in intercession? She will never refuse you, just as She never refuses anyone now. In Heaven She will accompany you to the throne of Her Son and place your petitions at His Feet.”
“This is what perfect love is about. This is how beautiful perfection is. This is the paradise each one is called to and created for.”
August 15, 2002
Venerable Mary of Agreda
Mary of Agreda comes. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.” I throw holy water on her. She smiles and vision brightens.
“I have come to speak to you about Mary’s Glorious Assumption. Our Lady chose to undergo death although Her Son did not ask it of Her. As Her immaculate soul took leave of Her body, a bright light shone around the little house where She had been living. Many angels escorted Her soul into Heaven. Many more angels returned some time later with the sacred mission of escorting Her body to Heaven.”
“As they moved through the heavens with Her pure and virginal body which lay resting in their arms, the firmaments parted. The Gates of Heaven opened. The spirit of St. Joseph called the angels through the Gates, and there in the presence of the Holy Trinity and all the Heavenly Court, Mary’s body and soul were reunited.”
“All of the angels fell prostrate in front of the Holy Trinity, and Mary, our Heavenly Mother, was seated on a throne in their midst. Her song of praise rose above all the rest–and to this day, still does.”
August 22, 2002
Venerable Mary of Agreda
“I am Mary of Agreda. Praise be to Jesus. I have come to describe to you the Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth.”
“Our Lady was invited upon Her arrival in Heaven–Body and Soul–to be seated upon a magnificent Throne. She accepted only as She knew it pleased Her Beloved Son. Immediately, myriads of angels fell prostrate at Her Feet. The Most Blessed Holy Trinity placed themselves behind Her, though They were elevated a little higher than Mary. Mary was given this honor because the Love in Her Heart was always Holy and Perfect–She being immaculately conceived.”
“She obeyed the Father as an obedient daughter. She cared for Her Son as only a loving Mother could. She was the humble, willing spouse of the Most Holy Spirit. Now and always, a bright Heavenly Light forms a Crown over Mary’s Head. The Crown is the reward given to Mary as Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate.”
April 17, 2003
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Once again, I come to you to speak only the Truth. Solemnly I tell you, those who do not embrace the Truth are convicted by the Truth. Those who do not live in Holy Love are convicted by Holy Love.”
“To those who consider themselves Catholic, the Truth is the Tradition of Faith as handed down through the ages and through John Paul II. Catholics need to be familiar with Catholic tradition so that they do not fall victim to compromise. The faith is all-embracing and must not be compromised by gender identification crisis.”
“For Catholics, the Truth is served by frequent reception of the sacraments with hearts of faith and love. The Truth is your faith which is given over to the protection of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart.”
“These days many attempt to compose their own truth. I tell you, where faith is concerned, you cannot replace the Holy Trinity with false gods. Do not make false gods of your opinions, but turn your hearts to Heaven and come to Me.”
“Your peace is always temporary unless you have trustfully surrendered everything to Me.”
“Love Me as I love you.”
January 18, 2007
God The Father
As I (Maureen) was praying in my prayer room, a large Flame appeared. Then I heard a voice that said:
“All praise be the Blessed Trinity. I am God the Father.”
“You see My Heart before you as a massive Flame. It is the Flame of My Eternal, Divine Will which burns before you. It is this Flame that is the embodiment of Perfect Love and My Divine Will. My Heart is a Flame which engulfs the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary–of Holy and Divine Love–melting Them into Divine Union with My Will, never to be separated.”
“So you see, I present to you a new Image–the complete Image of Love–the Union of Holy and Divine Love completely immersed in the Flame of My Fatherly Heart, which is the Divine Will. Remembering that My Will is made up of Divine Love and Divine Mercy, you must see My Heart as the Will of Mercy and Love. It is the perfection I invite all people and all nations to step into, beginning with the Heart of Mary. It is Eternally My Will in you.”
January 21, 2007
God The Father
As I (Maureen) was praying in my prayer room, a large Flame appeared. Then I heard a voice that said:
“I am God the Father. All praise be the Most Holy Trinity.”
“See that I am the God of All Truth. It is only through truth a soul can reach eternal salvation. Understand, My messenger, that the war between good and evil is really a war of truth against Satan’s lies.”
“You can understand this most clearly by looking at church and world politics. In these two arenas, Satan portrays truth as the freedom to choose sin according to the dictates of your conscience. But the decision of a conscience cannot stand against the Deposit of Faith. Man-made civil laws cannot justify the breaking of My Commandments. Your only justification for any action is the Law of Love which I set before you in these Messages.”
“Once again I tell you, I have come to unite My children in the truth. It is mankind who separates and divides when he opposes the truth. This is the subtle wedge.”
“Understand that the enemy knows no boundaries according to position or title, but attacks all people and all nations. This is why I exert an ecumenical effort here to attract all people and all nations to the truth of Holy and Divine Love.”
“Make this known!”
January 21, 2007
God The Father
As I (Maureen) was praying in my prayer room, a large Flame appeared. Then I heard a voice that said:
“I am your Father in Heaven. All glory to the Holy Trinity.”
“The graces I pour through the Heart of the Immaculata into the heart of humanity lie unprecedented during these times. Also unprecedented are the ways in which Satan challenges My best efforts.”
“As I speak to you through the vision of this Flame of Eternal Love, I speak to the world through the apparitions of the Immaculata, Her Son and many Saints. How readily, what I allow by way of these graces, the Messages are summarily dismissed by those in whom I have entrusted authority. How easy it is for Satan to short-circuit My plans, My guidance, in the guise of discernment. Even here, where the spiritual journey leads the soul into My Divine Will, Satan has encouraged a cloud of controversy and suspicion to hide the reality of Heaven’s intervention. You have offered up your reputation for the welfare of many.”
“Now I am asking you to lead souls into the Flame of Eternal Love with renewed vehemence, for time as you know it, is short. Trust that I, your Eternal Father, am more powerful than the enemy. I desire that the Remnant come to Me–to this Flame. I will protect them.”
“Pray for courage and I will give you peace.”
January 25, 2007
God The Father
God the Father appears as a large Flame. He says: “I am God the Father. All praise be the Holy Trinity. I am the Eternal Good from Whom all good emanates.”
“During these times in which there is a crisis of conscience, you must make known these Messages of Our United Hearts. For this reason, the United Hearts Revelation has been made known during these latter days–that all hearts be united in love to Our United Hearts.”
“I will send all the grace–all the angels you need–when you make the effort. I will give you courage and perseverance. I will give you circumstances and time in which to evangelize, for I am All Good. I Am Who Am.”
March 5, 2007
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus Christ
First I saw a pulsating light that was like a beating heart; then, Jesus and Blessed Mother stepped out of it. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “I welcome each of you here. It is by My invitation you have come.”
“Today I come to you as Savior, hoping to open the eyes of the world to truth. In reality, understand, Satan has a grip upon the heart of the world. People use the present moment to satisfy self-gain and pleasure. Most have lost sight of the truth, that this world is passing. Time was created by a loving God to be used as a means of earning salvation. Each present moment is given with love to be spent building up the Kingdom of the Divine Will by living in Holy Love. Satan has successfully convoluted this truth with his lies and turned humanity off course, encouraging souls to live only for this world which belongs to him.”
“Each soul who is motivated by Satan’s lies not only condemns himself, but widens the abyss between Heaven and earth. This is what will pull down My Hand of Justice.”
“Let Me describe to you what life would be like if everyone were living in the New Jerusalem–the Divine Will, which is Holy Love. First, there would be worldwide peace, for peace would be in all hearts. There would be no more inequality. All people would be respected by one another; therefore, hunger for food, as well as hunger for the truth would be satisfied. Disease would cease. There would be no need for it as people would no longer offend God. All opinions, all thought, word and deed would be based on Holy Love. No one would believe in Satan’s lies any longer. Hatred would only be hatred for sin.”
“In such an atmosphere people would live only to please Me and each other. Is this not a sufficient reward for righteousness?”
“Today I am saddened by the choices mankind makes with his free will–decisions to destroy rather than build up–to hate rather than to love. Satan desires your total destruction, and along with it the destruction of the planet itself. Remember, I do not call you to fear but to trust. Therefore, understand, dear brothers and sisters, it is evil that plants fear in your hearts and destroys your peace so that you are vulnerable to his suggestions against Holy Love. Fear is one of the tools Satan uses to influence the choices you make with your free will. The only fear that strengthens you and the welfare of the entire planet is fear of sin.”
“As apostles of Holy Love, you must proceed with Holy Boldness in propagating these Messages. If you hesitate out of fear of what others might think, you are placing love of human respect above love of God and neighbor. If these Messages were unnecessary, I would not come to you with them. My Mother would stay in Heaven adoring the Trinity; and the angels and saints would not be sent to you, either.”
“As it is, these times are desperate. The fate of many depends upon the propagation and acceptance of these Messages. Show mercy, then, on those you encounter by introducing them to Heaven’s call to Holy and Divine Love; for this is the way that straightens the path between the human heart and the Divine.”
“I invite you to have every faith in My Father’s Will for you. His Provision is complete in every present moment. His Will is unending and never fails; therefore, have hope for the future.”
“Today We’re blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts.”
May 5, 2007
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation; 10th Anniversary – Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Blessed Mother is Mary, Refuge of Holy Love; Their Hearts are exposed and there are angels around Them. There is an hourglass with sand passing through it–passing in front of Them. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “You must realize that the Eternal Father created time for the specific reason of each soul’s salvation. Therefore, understanding this, realize your existence in this life is the opportunity for each soul to work out his salvation–his eyes fixed on Heaven.”
“I sent My Mother to your midst as ‘Refuge of Holy Love’ so that She could lovingly purge you of your greatest faults and lead you to Me. I come to you as Divine Love to lead you to the Heart of My Father and His Divine Will. Understand that you are now existing in an extended period of grace and mercy, which will have to expire before Justice prevails and My Victory arrives.”
“Do not waste these precious moments of time that My Father has allotted you. See that your own personal holiness in the present moment must be your priority. No wealth or power or reputation will follow you into eternity. Leave the love of these things behind, and embrace the truth of Holy and Divine Love.”
“Do not be mistaken in believing a lofty title, a big bank account or influential friends will earn you Heaven. Love of these things will only earn you a long stay in Purgatory, at best. Whether or not you believe in Purgatory or Hell does not determine its reality. Your exposure to truth–the truths of the Faith, of Holy and Divine Love and your acceptance or rejection of these truths–will bear witness to your judgment. It is not I who will condemn the liberal or save the one who lives in truth, but the soul himself who decides against good or evil.”
“It is always the same vice that leads you away from living in the truth–that of inordinate self-love. That same self-love comes clothed in many forms–ambition, intellectual pride, sensuousness, vanity, power and many more; but it is under these guises Satan appeals to disordered self-love.”
“I come once again today to call you back to the truth and to the reality of your existence in time–not to make the most of this life, but to make the most of the next, earning for yourself the highest of Heavens–immersion in My Father’s Divine Will–the Sixth Chamber. This is the reality–the truth–you must focus on. All else is passing.”
“Thank you for coming here, My little lambs, to be led according to My words to you. Today I come to you as you are exiled in this existence of time and space. You see the sand running through the hourglass, which represents minutes, hours and days. Time is passing quickly as you know it now. So I invite you urgently to pray that the love you have in your heart for the Holy Trinity be increased by the power of the Holy Spirit, for it is the Holy Spirit who inspires every virtue and leads you deeper into the unity of Our United Hearts.”
“Today, My brothers and sisters, We’re blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts.”
June 2, 2007
God The Father
I see the Heart of the Father as a huge Flame. He says: “I am the Eternal Now.”
“I have come to enlighten the heart of the world as to the significance of the new Image of the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity and Immaculate Mary.”
“In the world, there is one Marian dogma yet to be proclaimed; that of, Mary, Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate. In this new Image, this dogma is readily evident, for Mary’s Heart is immersed in the Heart of Her Son and surrounded by Her Spouse, the Holy Spirit. Further, the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary are both immersed in the Flame of the Eternal Now–My Paternal Heart.”
“The Immaculate Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem–the portal to the Divine Will–through which the Holy Trinity pours all grace into the world. United to the Sacred Heart of Her Son, Mary suffered in Her own Heart, every wound and insult of the Passion with greater intensity than any human. She is closer to the Holy Trinity than any mortal ever was or will be. Therefore, She is a most powerful Advocate.”
“Present the doctrine of this new Image to the world.”
June 5, 2007
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “I have come to help the world understand these times in which you live. The advent of the Image of the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity and Immaculate Mary marks an importance you do not readily realize. The introduction of this Image into the world opens the Book of Revelation as regards to events in the world at large. Watch and listen as the pages turn, for I tell you, the Image presented to you is apocalyptic in its entirety.”
“During this age of advanced technologies, people of all nations are rubbing shoulders through communications and faster travel. It is an age when, as never before, the boundaries of countries and ideologies are challenged. I come to you hoping to spread love amongst all people and all nations. Others, influenced by Satan, promote hatred. This is the battle between good and evil that the Adversary has engaged you in. While it used to be confined to certain areas or specific people in the world, or hidden in hearts, now it has spread to every nation. Satan uses modern technology to fan the flames of his war of deceit.”
“I do not use symbols to speak to you now. I tell you in straightforward language these truths. The righteous who slip from the path of good will bring more to bear upon this generation than the ones who never knew Me. Those who call Me their Lord and Master through pretense, but are devoted to self alone, will be visited by justice. Those who say they love Me, but do not trust Me, have fallen victim to Satan’s lies and will have their trust continually tested. Love and trust go hand in hand.”
“What lies in the future calls you to remain close to Me, for I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. Security by any other means is false.”
“I do not come to you seeking approvals. I come seeking souls. As children of the light, I invoke you, pray that your numbers increase. In this way, the Remnant Faithful will be strengthened. Each one of you is called to apostleship to be a disciple of Holy and Divine Love. The Woman clothed with the sun is waiting to call all people and all nations into the purification of the United Hearts. Do not resist Her.”
“I know all the petitions in hearts here today. Some will receive what they desire; others will receive God’s Will for them, but will not be satisfied.”
“Today I ask you, My brothers and sisters, to allow My Victory to come into your hearts. Allow Me to build up the Kingdom of the Divine Will within your hearts in this present moment. To do so is to live always in the truth that is Holy and Divine Love.”
“My brothers and sisters, We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
September 18, 2007
God The Father
I (Maureen) see a great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father, and then I hear:
“I am the Eternal Father,the Eternal Now.”
“Before time began, before I created time and space, I knew you. I knew what you would be doing in this present moment. I knew the sins you fell into. I know your weaknesses now. I love you.”
“The Message given on the Feast of Sorrows proceeds from a troubled Heart of your Father. It is given as a last alternative to Divine Justice in the face of the multitude of sin and error throughout the world.”
“If all nations will listen, if Church leaders throughout the world will adhere to My wishes, the heart of the world will turn white with innocence once again. World leaders will be shown their mistakes and convicted of their errors. I even give you, O man, the leniency, that this consecration does not need to be coordinated into a specific time frame. Rather, when you hear My Voice through this Message, accomplish My request. This is My Divine Will. I speak to all churches, all governments, all ecclesiastics. Speak up thus for righteousness:” [God the Father then gives church leaders the following consecration prayer:]
“Heavenly Father, in this present moment, which You have
created and willed, I, ____________, (name ) do hereby
consecrate the heart of this country, ____________ (name)
to the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity in union with the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
“If enough accomplish this and answer My request, you will gradually see governments change their policies, and finally, the heart of the world will return to innocence.”
(Note: Please refer to Jesus’ message of September 15 – the 3:00 p.m. Service – regarding the worldwide consecration to the United Hearts.)
October 16, 2007
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, and the 8-year anniversary of Jesus’ Revelation of the Chambers of His Most Sacred Heart, and of the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque says: “My little daughter of the Sacred and United Hearts – welcome! Praise be to Jesus.” [Maureen had returned to the Adoration Chapel in which Jesus initially began revealing to her the Chambers of His Most Sacred Heart.]
“I have come to help you understand with what ardor Jesus calls all souls to become part of the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Become part of these Sacred Hearts by being united in spirit and in love. This is a solidarity which Satan dreads and opposes vehemently. It is not a political solidarity, but rather a spiritual solidarity.”
“Understand that the Wound of Our Lord’s Heart was suffered for the assaults against truth. Then understand, as well, that all sin opposes truth. Therefore, Jesus has sent me to you today to announce to the world this call to solidarity with the United Hearts in an attempt to bring reparation to the wounded Heart of Jesus, and truth to the heart of the world.”
“As love binds all virtue together, truth opposes all sin. Therefore, tell the people they must be united in this spirituality of love and truth.”
March 5, 2008
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus Christ
(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “My brothers and sisters, just as this Mission will usher in the Triumph of Our United Hearts, I invite you to understand that the crosses you bear during these difficult times will also usher in My Victory. The way into Holy Love is through trustful surrender; therefore, by way of the cross. Every cross, every trial is only as meritorious as the soul’s surrender to it. In your acceptance of the cross for love of Me is your surrender. This is the way to peace and harmony with the Divine Will.”
“Of the pilgrims who come here, there are as many motives for pilgrimage as there are hearts. Some are doubting Thomases who, with arrogance, demand proof of authenticity of the Heavenly events here. Some come to please someone else, but not Me. There are pharisees and Judases who come seeking to find fault or planning to report back anything and everything to the established authority. Then there are the genuine devotees who come out of pure love for Me, for the United Hearts, and for the Divine Will. In every case, I desire that the soul opens with love to the graces Heaven consigns here.”
“I tell you solemnly, each soul that comes hither is called by Me. The thrust of this Mission is the conversion, personal holiness and sanctification of every soul. It is through the Messages given here that I reach out to souls and call them to repentance. It is through the healing waters found on this property that My call to repentance intensifies. The water should accompany the propagation of the Messages whenever possible. Some will receive an illumination of conscience by this means.”
“But I tell you, a season of great repentance approaches, a season which will bring many souls to turn to Me. Some will seek to return to the priesthood; others will realize their vocations in religious life for the first time. Many who opposed Me will reform. Do not wait for that terrible and miraculous day. Allow your hearts to be convicted by the rays of humility that flow freely from My Own Sacred Heart.”
“Everything in the world today, all decisions of mankind, are a battle between good and evil; the good is Holy Love, the evil is disordered self-love. This is reflected in Church and world politics. Every political issue is a battle between good and evil. The covert extremes taken by authorities to protect reputation and power, both in the secular world and in the Church itself, reflect choices that are evil. Abortion is not the only form of murder. Innocent reputations are being willfully annihilated, as well.”
“If you love Me, you will turn to Me and seek My Mercy. My Heart holds only Love and Mercy for even the most hardened sinner. Your repentance could bring an end to war and violence, for if enough turn to Me, I will act with a merciful Heart, and not with My Hand of Justice.”
“I desire to fill the world with My Merciful Love. This alone is the reason I speak here. Once again I ask for the consecration of the world to the United Hearts of the Most Blessed Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Then I will triumph and reign!”
“My brothers and sisters, if you accept the crosses that I send you, then you are cooperating with the grace that My Mother gives you through Her Immaculate Heart. This is the way into Our United Hearts.”
“We are listening to your petitions.”
“We’re extending to you the Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
April 13, 2008
God The Father
I see a great Flame that I know to be the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I am the Eternal Now, the Alpha and the Omega.”
“It is I Who will draw the Remnant Faithful out of the arms of error into My Heart, which is Truth Itself. In truth, the Tradition of Faith will be preserved. This holy Remnant will be set apart and founded upon Divine Love, Divine Mercy and My Divine Provision.”
“Do not waste time wondering how or where or when. I have created this present moment for you to use to its fullest by loving Me, My Son and the Holy Spirit. In this Holy Love for the Trinity is the fulfillment of all the commandments, the illumination of sin and error in your hearts and in the world, your peace and salvation. Those who listen to Me will choose the Tradition of Faith and will be unflinching in their choice.”
April 24, 2008
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I wish to describe to you the proper disposition of heart for those who come to this apparition site, especially for the first time. Jesus desires that the heart of each pilgrim be open, that the heart be a blank page for Him to write upon. The less the pilgrim knows of others’ opinions, the better. There are, as with every apparition site, many false rumors and false discernment attacking this place of Heaven’s predilection.”
“Jesus does not like people to come with preconceived ideas of what may take place here. Therefore, do not anticipate any certain grace. Each one’s pilgrimage is individual. Some may receive a profound illumination of conscience, others not.”
“Do not look for proof of all that takes place here as being from Heaven. Do not come here to find fault. That is not discernment.”
“Let your hearts be open to the individual experience that God has in store for you, knowing full well that Immaculate Mary invited you here to deepen your relationship with Her Son and God the Father. Allow the Spirit of Truth to carry you deeper into an intimate relationship with the Holy Trinity.”
“Do not compare your experience here with anyone else’s, for no two are alike. God knows best how to reach each heart. When you share your experiences, do so giving God the glory, for all grace comes from His Mercy and His Love. Never present yourself as being chosen or special or all-knowing in any way. Remember, humility is the first step on the stairway to holiness. There is a proper way to evangelize just as there is a proper way to do anything.”
“Do not allow your heart to be filled with judgment against Heaven’s efforts here. You do not gain merit in God’s Eyes by opposing Him. You only invoke His Judgment. Such a one cooperates with evil.”
“Make a sincere heartfelt Act of Contrition before you come onto the property. Grace will then fill your heart.”
June 1, 2008
Feast of the United Hearts – Midnight
Jesus Christ
(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I come to draw all people and every nation into the Flame of Divine Love which is My Heart. As long as you worry, are unforgiving or hold anything in your heart above love of Me, you have not surrendered completely to My call to you. Accept everything as from the Divine Will. In your acceptance is your surrender and your trust.”
“These days the world is full of compromise. Sin is now a political issue to the point where people are even asked to vote on sin. Consciences are apathetic to the point of not recognizing how convoluted this generation has become. Here at this Site, sound moral theology is offered and yet, even those who say they love Me, challenge what is freely given here.”
“Once again I caution you, do not follow blindly this leader or that, but study carefully his beliefs and his actions. Weigh everything on the scale of Holy Love. Challenge the compromised conscience. Hang on to Holy and Divine Love with valor.”
“Further I tell you, do not hold anything in your heart which is against My work here in this Mission. Be obedient to the truth of Holy Love. I have always called people to begin to live in Holy Love and then to see that they are converting. There can be no conversion, no salvation outside of Holy Love. Holy Love is My Father’s Will. Who can enter the Kingdom who sets himself up in opposition to My Father’s Will?”
“If you oppose this Mission in any way, recognize that you are Satan’s cohort. I call you to love one another and to live in peace and unity.”
“In this present moment, I remind you that each one is answerable to Me for the decisions he makes, and is liable to My judgment under the laws of Holy Love. I hold as responsible those souls who have been given the truth but reject it, always out of pride.”
“Through disordered free will, laws are now being passed which support every sort of debauchery. Such morally degenerate laws will not be upheld by the highest court, which is the Just Judge that speaks to you now. Therefore, do not think that because it is legal on earth, it is not sinful in My Eyes. Compromise does not change truth, it only disguises Satan’s lies. Man’s law never supersedes God’s law.”
“When I was in the world, I gave you the commandments of Holy Love. I told you to live in Holy Love, love of God above all else and neighbor as self. This is truth itself. Why, then, when My Mother and I return to you at this Site, do you argue and challenge what I say? You can never argue away the truth of My commandments of love. You must accept them if you choose salvation.”
“My brothers and sisters, tonight I call you to be united most especially in prayer. This country faces many challenges in the near future. Between this feast of Our United Hearts and the feast of My Mother’s Sorrows, make a united effort that truth rises to the surface and Satan’s lies are revealed.”
“Satan presents sin as a right to choose,a right to choose abortion, a right to choose same sex marriages. These evils have penetrated the political policies of this country and others around the world. Free will has always been part of your human condition as a gift from God. My brothers and sisters, use your free will to choose love of God and love of neighbor. Be obedient to the truth of Holy Love. Do not embrace sin.”
“This country teeters on the threshold of embracing grave moral degeneration or of choosing righteousness. Past civilizations that have become degenerate have always fallen to ruin. Take heed.”
“Realize that Satan plans to control all people and all nations. He is using every vile scheme to weaken and destroy this nation. This is so, for the evil one cannot so easily control a democracy as he can one leader deciding for an entire nation. He is making the One World Order as attractive as he can while, at the same time, promoting death in the womb, defiling the youth, weakening the financial system and the health care systems, and much more.”
“Satan has an army of support in the Masons, the Illuminati and others, most who do not realize they are instruments of evil.”
“This is why My Mother calls for an army of Victims of Love. This is why She has given you the Rosary of the Unborn. This is why Heaven has asked for many prayers and sacrifices between now and the feast of Her Sorrows. Many graces will be given, if you listen.”
“My brothers and sisters, you must be My strength in the world today. Be My strength by propagating the Messages. Be My strength by offering prayer and sacrifice, which moves Heaven to act. Be My strength by personifying the Divine Will. My Mother can no longer bear the outlook of the consequences of the sins today. Therefore, I ask you to console Her by means of your efforts towards personal holiness.”
“My brothers and sisters, when I return to Heaven tonight, I will take many souls with Me from Purgatory, and many more will be relieved of their intense suffering and move to a more comfortable level in Purgatory. And so, it is a time for rejoicing, for as Heaven opens for many Poor Souls, the Holy Trinity has opened Its Heart here at this Site to all who will follow this spirituality. My brothers and sisters, nothing is left unsaid. I hear all your prayers and I am attentive to them.”
“Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
June 11, 2008
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
l0:30 a.m.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“There are many things Jesus has sent me to relay to you today. He desires that people know that many, many souls suffer in Purgatory for sins of omission. These sins have very much to do with the present moment. Every time the Holy Spirit inspires a soul to do some good, something in Holy Love, and the soul chooses not to do it, he commits a sin of omission. Suppose the soul does not work on his own personal holiness. Every moment that he chooses his own will over God’s Will is a further grievance against the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
“Let this message not be fuel for scrupulosity; however, for to sin in omission, the soul must willingly and consciously choose to avoid good in thought, word or deed. The Lord understands that many present moments slip by without conscious decisions for or against Holy Love. Jesus asks me to tell you that He desires people become more aware of the present moment. Think of all the souls who come here, or in some way receive these Messages and never act on them. This is certainly a sin of omission.”
“Today, as well, Jesus has sent me to tell you that His Mother will arrive at the field of the United Hearts shortly after midnight between September 14th and 15th. Much will be accomplished. Continue to pray for your country, which is in a decisive battle between good and evil.”
“That night, Our Heavenly Mother will deliver many who suffer their own purgatory on earth, as well as souls who did not choose Holy Love in their lifetime, a sin of omission. Make it known.”
11:00 a.m.
St. Margaret Mary returns. She has over her heart the United Hearts Image.
She says: “You are familiar with the Sacred Heart badges. Jesus desires such a badge be made of this image with the words surrounding it: ‘United Hearts of the Blessed Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, protect us.’ On the reverse side should be an image of your country.”
May 19, 2009
St. John Vianney, Cure d’Ars and Patron of Priests
St. John Vianney says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“My little daughter–child of God–I have been sent to dictate to you this novena for all priests. It is given to me at the command of the Eternal Now to be prayed for the strengthening of the Church from within through the intercession of the United Hearts. It will return many priests who are compromising their vocations to the path of righteousness–the path of Holy Love.”
“Each day the following prayer should be recited:
Prayer for each day:
“I beseech You–Blessed United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity, together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary–help me in all of my weaknesses and imperfections. Remind me always that my vocation is a gift from you. Assist me in being an image of Divine Love to all those I minister to. Give to me the gift of touching even the most hardened souls. Amen.”
Day 1
“Through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the infinite power and grace of the United Hearts, I ask for the grace of desiring to be holy. Strengthen this desire in every present moment so that I can inspire deep personal holiness in those I minister to. Increase my love for you, dear United Hearts. Amen.”
Day 2
“Most Holy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me to inspire those entrusted to my care with this desire towards personal holiness. Give me Holy Boldness to fill the hearts of my flock with this desire. Help me to inspire them by my own example. Amen.”
Day 3
“Most Worthy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, never allow me to forget, that as a priest, it is my duty to make the sacraments available to my flock, for it is the sacraments [especially the Eucharist and Confession] that protect and encourage personal holiness, and which strengthen whole parishes. Knowing this, I must encourage frequent confession, as well as Eucharistic Adoration. I must never limit their availability out of selfish use of my own time. Help me, dear United Hearts, to place others’ spiritual welfare ahead of my own ease. Amen.”
Day 4
“Most Holy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as a priest, help me to help my flock to grow in virtue, for the virtues are the building blocks of personal holiness. Help me, dear United Hearts, to educate my flock as to the importance of Holy Love in the present moment, for all virtue is based on Holy Love. Amen.”
(On 5/20/09 St. John Vianney gave the following message and prayer for Day 5:)
St. John Vianney says: “Praise be to Jesus. Through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity, priests must pray to please God and live in harmony with the Will of God. This is the dictate of Holy Love–Holy Humility. These two virtues are companions; one cannot exist in the soul without the other. The depth of either is dependent upon the depth of the other. Each day priests are tested in these two virtues.”
“Let this be the priests’ prayer:”
Day 5
“Through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, * Most Holy United Hearts, let me not fail in any test of Holy Love or Holy Humility. I must realize that the test is the opportunity God gives me to practice every virtue. I pray to accept the graces I am given to succeed in every test. I pray to be able to teach others to do so. Amen.”
* Recite the prayer given to priests by Blessed Mother on
Aug. 18, 2007.
Day 6
“Most Holy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, today I pray that any disordered desire to be popular with people be taken from my heart. I will not place love of money ahead of shepherding my flock. I will
trust in God’s Divine Provision. I pray for courage and Holy Boldness to speak out against all sin, even the sins that have been carried by Satan into the political arena, such as abortion, same sex marriage, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research. Lord, give to me a righteous tongue. Amen.”
Day 7
“Most Worthy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as a priest, help me always to realize the value of self-effacement and poverty of spirit. Help me never to place myself first–my own needs or my own feelings. My personal holiness depends upon my efforts to place God and others first. Assist me, dear United Hearts, in detaching from the false gods of reputation, material gain and intellectual pride, for these are all doorways that liberalism uses to destroy vocations. I petition you, United Hearts, protect me from these traps. Amen.”
Day 8
“Most Holy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me always to speak and to teach through the Spirit of Truth. In this age of compromise, I need your assistance in combating all heresy against the Tradition of Faith. Help me to stand firm in all that the Catechism teaches, and never to alter my views to please others. Amen.”
Day 9
“All Worthy, All Loving United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I, your faithful priest, beg your assistance in preparing my flock for the triumphant return of Jesus. I understand that Jesus’ Victory will be a Victory of Holy and Divine Love. Assist me in any effort of propagating these messages of Holy and Divine Love, for I see they are scripturally sound and based on truth. I must encourage others to live in Holy Love, for this is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem, and the path of salvation. Safeguard my heart against discouragement. Fill me with Holy Boldness. Amen.”
For handout of Novena to be prayed by Priests:
For Novena for Lay Faithful to pray for Priests:
http://www.holylove.org/files/med_1204217077.pdfMay 24, 2009
Ecumenical Prayer Service for Unity Amongst All People
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, do not be remiss in flying to the patronage of these–Our United Hearts.”
Maureen: [Jesus has the new Complete Image of the UNITED HEARTS of the BLESSED TRINITY and IMMACULATE MARY in front of Him.]
Jesus: “For it is through Our United Hearts all graces come, and you will be most ready to accept God’s Divine Will for you in every present moment.”
“Today I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
September 1, 2009
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today I invite all to understand that there are evil forces trying to influence your decisions in politics, religious circles and in moral situations. Satan makes evil appear good–even righteous–with the use of labels and inuendos.”
“This is precisely why God the Father has sent this Mission of Holy Love into the world. Holy Love must be the basis for all your decisions. Is your decision in any of these areas for the common good and towards your own salvation and the salvation of others? If this is so, then do not be persuaded otherwise. Holy Love always supports the truth–never any compromise of the truth. Holy Love always embraces the Ten Commandments.”
“You must let Holy Love embrace and surround your hearts as a protection against evil influences. Where Holy Love is, there is the Most Holy Trinity.”
May 30, 2010
Feast of The Holy Trinity
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“The reason that mankind can only accept the Holy Trinity through faith is that human understanding relates to the elements of time and space. In Heaven and with God, there is no time or space.”
July 15, 2010
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I desire that the Confraternity of the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary be easily accessible to all. Therefore, with this one prayer and a movement of the free will, the soul can consider himself a member of the Confraternity. This must be the impetus to live a life consecrated to personal holiness through Holy Love.”
“There are other devotional practices that the soul can follow in pursuit of this personal holiness which are outlined in previous instructions.”
“This is the prayer:”
“Most Holy Trinity, in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I consecrate my heart and my life towards the goal of personal holiness through devotion to You. I commit every thought, word and deed to the practice of Holy Love in every present moment. Amen.”
November 2, 2011
Rachel (Former Poor Soul of Purgatory)
Rachel says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“You know me as Rachel. When I was in Purgatory, I was greatly helped by your prayers and the prayers of those you informed about me. I have been allowed to return to you today to plead the cause of so many millions still in the bowels of Purgatory that no one prays for.”
“You can never offer too many prayers for the poor souls. Purgatory is densely populated. The greatest suffering of these souls is to be separated from the Trinity Whom they now realize to be the One Most Worthy of their affection and ardor. It is much like being in prison, longing to go home, but unable to do so.”
“The poor souls, whose release you acquire, are ever grateful and pray for your intentions without ceasing. So, you see, we are good friends, both in life and in death. Though the benefits of your generosity towards the poor souls is most often unrecognizable, I tell you, these fruits are all around you. Learn to call upon the suffering souls and souls you assisted in being delivered from Purgatory, as you would your guardian angel.”
“These souls can help expedite situations ensnared by Satan’s confusion. They can bring the light of truth into darkness. They can encourage in righteousness those tempted to sin. In short, such souls are strong intercessors between Heaven and earth.”
“Once again, I come to thank all who prayed for me. Please know I am your Rachel – your intercessor before the Throne of God.”
May 10, 2012
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“This is My Mother’s Day gift to the world:”
“The Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts”
“Most Compassionate United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, accept this, my prayer, on behalf of the heart of the world. Awaken the heart of the world to the Truth of the difference between good and evil.
Inspire each soul to consecrate their hearts and their lives to the United Hearts; thereby strengthening the heart of the world in this resolve.
We beg You, dear United Hearts, pour the grace of Your Inspiration into the heart of the world, strengthening it in Truth and in Holy Love. In this Heavenly Inspiration, draw the heart of the world into union with the Will of God. Amen.”June 17, 2012
Feast of the United Hearts – 3:00 P.M. Service at the United Hearts Field
Jesus Christ
(This Message was given in multiple parts.)
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. They are seated on thrones. Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.” Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “Today I invite all people and all nations to realize the great grace of the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts. For all eternity, these Chambers are a reality; always have been and always will be. Who believes or disbelieves cannot change this Truth. Some come here [to Maranatha Spring & Shrine] and the grace is all around them; but the Message only reaches their ears and not their hearts.”
“My Mother’s Heart, which is the First Chamber, opens to all who come here. This is the Chamber which purifies the soul and convicts the heart. Some will not accept this. Some even deny the reality of the experience that Heaven offers. These are the ones who never make it into the subsequent Chambers of My Heart. It is as though they are standing in front of a well-stocked pantry but refuse to open the door and to partake of the contents. Inside the ‘Pantry of My Heart’ is every grace you need to be perfected in holiness.”
“Today I come to invite each one of you under the umbrella of Heaven’s Authority through devotion to Our United Hearts. This is My Father’s Will for you. Opposition will never change the Father’s Divine Will.”
“The Image of Our United Hearts is a pictorial of the Most Holy Trinity united to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is a pictorial of the Fifth Marian Dogma as yet to be proclaimed. It is a road map to personal holiness through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. This Image depicts the Gateway to the New Jerusalem through My Mother’s Heart, and the New Jerusalem, Itself, in all the subsequent Chambers.”
“My dear brothers and sisters, thank you for praying here today. Once again, I extend to you My invitation to be united with Our United Hearts, for in so doing, you will be united with the Divine Will of My Father.”
“Today We are extending the Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
September 5, 2012
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I would like to compare today two unlikely conditions which affect the well-being of some of My children. The first is allergies to inhalants such as ragweed. To some people – whether they inhale these things intentionally or not – their ability to breathe is diminished. To others, there are no ill effects.”
“I wish to compare this phenomena to the spiritual world. If a soul accepts an untruth – again, knowingly or unknowingly – concerning spiritual matters or that which could affect him spiritually, his relationship with God is weakened.”
“The whole journey through Our United Hearts is the means by which the soul can be cognizant of his relationship with the Holy Trinity through My Immaculate Heart. This journey helps the soul to keep his focus on the Truth. Whatever assails the Truth will not affect the soul’s climb to holiness unless the soul does nothing to combat the ill effects.”
“Like an asthmatic who needs extra medication during an attack, the soul under attack needs to take measures to correct the situation once he realizes what is happening. Should he not do so, he is distanced from God and the Truth – possibly forever.”
“Therefore, understand that the journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts is the medicine for souls during these harrowing times. It is your protection against untruths and all compromise. Pursue it.”
May 16, 2013
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“This generation has, for the most part, lost sight of what really matters, and that is their own salvation. Consciences have been dulled by disordered ambitions. The Fire of the Holy Spirit has been doused by the pride of greed.”
“God does not come here to this site, nor does He send His angels and His saints here, so that all of His Efforts can be discounted as so much rubbish. The Heavenly Father is feeding His flock with these Messages of Holy Love. Each Message is like a tongue of fire ablaze with the call to personal holiness.”
“It is a sadness in the Heart of the Holy Trinity that these Messages, and all the graces offered here are not embraced and even maligned out of jealousy and false discernment.”
“Do not be a detractor. Be a believer. Do not persist in skepticism, which is encouraged by the enemy of your salvation. Believe!”
May 26, 2013
Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“The depiction of the United Hearts Revelation portrays the Holy Trinity in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Perfection in holiness is most easily accomplished through the spiritual journey of the Chambers of Our United Hearts. These Chambers are like a roadmap to union with the Will of My Father which is Perfection Itself.”
“Every home should have the Complete Image of Our United Hearts on display as a reminder of this spiritual journey. The Image which bespeaks unity, brings unity to families who earnestly pursue this spiritual journey.”
March 16, 2014
St. Patrick
St. Patrick is here. He has sequins all over his vestments. He is holding a shamrock. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“In my day, I taught about the Holy Trinity with this simple shamrock. Today, we have this new Revelation of the United Hearts to live in union with the Holy Trinity.”
“People need to look with open hearts at what they have been given so quietly and without fanfare in this private revelation. Progression through the Chambers of the United Hearts is progression towards a deeper relationship with the Holy Trinity.”
March 17, 2014
Feast of St. Patrick
St. Patrick
St. Patrick says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today, on my Feast Day, I have come to help all to understand that as Our Lady’s Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem, Her Immaculate Heart also lends access to a deeper relationship with the Blessed Trinity. It is through the Heart of Mary – the First Chamber of the United Hearts – that the soul is purified and admitted to his spiritual journey through the subsequent Chambers of the Holy Trinity. ”
“My Mission in the world was to convert pagans to Christianity, that is, those who never knew God. But today, the mission of believers is to convert unbelievers – those who know God but do not keep His Commandments.”
June 8, 2014
Pentecost Sunday
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Today, we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit into the world. He is the most misunderstood of all the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the nourishment of the soul lending inspiration, wisdom and strengthening the virtues. His actions within the soul cannot be dictated or controlled by man. The Holy Spirit freely chooses who, when and where He will go and spread His Power.”
“No one can say in Truth there is nothing supernatural happening at this apparition site or any other. The Holy Spirit is everywhere. His inspiration shines through each of these Messages as a Light of Truth piercing the darkness of disbelief.”
“Many leaders show, with propensity, the lack of their cooperation with the Holy Spirit. The result is the empowerment of evil. You are experiencing this on many levels during these times. Weak leadership or leadership which demands more and more power is the flagrant abuse of authority. Such leaders are uninspired by the Holy Spirit.”
“Pray today, that the Spirit of Wisdom and Truth wins over the hearts of such leaders.”
June 15, 2014
Feast of the Holy Trinity
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I have come today to speak about Divine Love. The fullness of Divine Love is the love of the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is the expression of the Will of God in Love upon all mankind.”
“Divine Love is Eternal. It has no beginning or end – just like the Eternal Now. It transcends all natural law. Divine Love is deepened in mankind’s faith, for the more you believe in this Love, the more you receive it.”
“My coming to you is the Holy Trinity’s expression of Divine Love. The beginning and the end of every present moment is Divine Love in the world. The world would not, and could not exist, apart from, and except for, Divine Love. Therefore, understand that your very existence is part of Divine Love and depends on Divine Love, for nothing exists apart from God’s Will.”
Read 1 John 3:1-3
See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. Beloved, we are God’s children now; it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He appears we shall be like him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who thus hopes in Him purifies himself as He is pure.
May 31, 2015
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Continue to pursue the grace of My Mercy. Just as the storms you had here yesterday washed away the heat and humidity, My Mercy washes away anything that separates the soul from Me. I long to be united with every heart. I long for every heart to desire this union.”
“The world around you is full of every type of distraction – most of which you do not recognize as distractions. This is what makes Satan’s job easier, as he takes over the media, entertainment, the clothing industry and many forms of telecommunication. You must learn to recognize when you’re being distracted and what type of influence is affecting you – good or evil.”
“Anything, even the simplest thought – if it brings lack of peace to your heart – is not of Me but of the evil one who always seeks to destroy your peace. You cannot change anything through worry, but everything through prayer. Therefore, through prayer seek the Mercy of My Heart. I am listening.”
May 22, 2016
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today, I come once again to speak to the Remnant Faithful. It is you, dear children, who must remain faithful to the Truth of the Ten Commandments and to Holy Love – the embodiment of the Commandments. Do not support politicians who do not themselves support the Commandments. Their policies bode more moral degeneration than you already have in this nation. Laws should not be designed to support sin and to make the sinner comfortable with his sinful lifestyle. You do not comprehend how this wounds the Mournful Heart of My Son. You must encourage sound reason by the choices you make.”
“Disordered authority has confused the moral choices of so many. That is why you must discern properly who you follow and what you are obeying. If you have sound moral standards, it is society who withdraws from you, leaving you as a Remnant Faithful who cling to the Truth. I am standing with you offering to you the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart.”
May 27, 2018
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
God The Father
Once again, I (Maureen) see the Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “This Mission* is a sign in the world of trustful surrender to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It has been a venue for Me, My Son and the Holy Mother** to speak to the heart of the world. We speak to direct and to protect mankind. The Trinity*** is alive and well here.**** Our efforts must not fall upon deaf ears. Pay attention to the urgency that inspires the Messages.***** Imitate Noah – who upon being warned of impending catastrophe prepared a safe dwelling place for himself and his family. The safe dwelling you must seek today is the Holy Mother’s Heart, which is the Refuge of Holy Love. If you are living in Holy Love, you are in the Light of Salvation. Otherwise, you are in darkness.”
“I am not asking you to gather animals, two by two, to enter this ark of Holy Love. I am asking you to make this ‘ark’ known so that more will be saved. Have recourse to the Holy Trinity. We will help you.”
* The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** Blessed Virgin Mary.
*** The one God – the almighty Father, his only Son and the Holy Spirit: the Most Holy Trinity.
**** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
***** The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
Read Genesis 7:1+
Then the Lord said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.”
+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)
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