July 17, 2013
“Please make known this prayer:”
“Mournful Heart of Jesus, help each soul to recognize the need to work out his salvation during each present moment. Show each soul the ways he separates himself from You, and how he grieves Your Heart. Bring each soul into the Light of Truth where he will no longer grieve Your Mournful Heart. Amen.”
Chaplet to the Mournful Heart of Jesus
Please pray on any rosary beads: One Our Father and three Hail Marys for the following intentions:”
1. “That mankind discovers the Truth of the difference between good and evil.”
2. “That the Truths of the Faith which are dogma are not compromised to please mankind, but upheld.”
3. “That all leaders, secular and religious, recognize sin as sin, and in no way lend support by way of pandering to or accommodating ‘special interest’ groups.”
4. “That no leadership takes away religious freedom.”
5. “That all leaders, religious and secular, lead as good shepherds towards the welfare of their flock – not with an eye towards any self-gain, power or disordered authority.”
“Then pray:”
“Dear Jesus, please accept these prayers in atonement for the grievances of Your Most Mournful Heart. Through this Chaplet, please mitigate Your Justice. Amen.”
August 4, 2013
“Immaculate Heart of Mary, look upon my devotion to the Most Mournful Heart of Your Son, and grant me this favor: ________.”
September 9, 2013
“Most Mournful Heart of Jesus, have compassion upon the leaders of all nations. Help them to live in the Truth and not to abuse their authority. Inspire them to govern towards the welfare of their people. Do not let the war that is in hearts spill out into the world.”
“Accept my prayers and sacrifices for the Victory of Peace in all hearts. Amen.”
August 1, 2013
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Today, I have come to impart to the world these promises that I will fulfill to anyone devoted to My Mournful Heart.”
1.”Those devoted to My Mournful Heart will be given courage to stand up for the Truth, no matter the opposition.”
2.”Those devoted to My Mournful Heart, if persecuted by the abuse of authority, will be given the grace of perseverance in righteousness.”
3.”Those devoted to My Mournful Heart will be granted remarkable favors through the intercession of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart, for She is most thankful to those who seek to console Her Son.”
“Devotion to My Mournful Heart can be the prayer to My Mournful Heart, the Consecration to My Mournful Heart or the simple ejaculation throughout the day:”
“Mournful Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me.”
July 17, 2013
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I entrust to you yet another devotion to be made known in the world. This is the Devotion to the Mournful Heart of Jesus. My Title – Refuge of Holy Love – is Jesus’ consolation during these times. The Devotion to Our United Hearts is the spiritual remedy against evil, and the journey through the Sacred Chambers is the path into the Divine Will.”
“Devotion to the Mournful Heart of Jesus mends the wounds inflicted upon His Precious Heart by souls who do not take seriously their own salvation, and those who embrace error over Truth. Jesus desires to mitigate His coming Justice, but He needs your help. Profound Devotion to His Mournful Heart will help stay the Arm of Justice and weaken its impending blows.”
“Please make known this prayer:”
“Mournful Heart of Jesus, help each soul to recognize the need to work out his salvation during each present moment. Show each soul the ways he separates himself from You, and how he grieves Your Heart. Bring each soul into the Light of Truth where he will no longer grieve Your Mournful Heart. Amen.”
February 3, 2014
Chaplet to the Mournful Heart of Jesus
Our Lady comes, once again, holding the Mournful Heart in Her Hand. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Dear children, it is the sins which wound My Son’s Heart – the compromise of Truth and the abuse of authority – which rapidly widen the abyss between Heaven and earth. Please pray on any rosary beads: One Our Father and three Hail Marys for the following intentions:”
1. “That mankind discovers the Truth of the difference between good and evil.”
2. “That the Truths of the Faith which are dogma are not compromised to please mankind, but upheld.”
3. “That all leaders, secular and religious, recognize sin as sin, and in no way lend support by way of pandering to or accommodating ‘special interest’ groups.”
4. “That no leadership takes away religious freedom.”
5. “That all leaders, religious and secular, lead as good shepherds towards the welfare of their flock – not with an eye towards any self-gain, power or disordered authority.”
“Then pray:”
“Dear Jesus, please accept these prayers in atonement for the grievances of Your Most Mournful Heart. Through this Chaplet, please mitigate Your Justice. Amen.”
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