Holy Love Version

November 13, 1994, Public, Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Love Message From Our Lady
“Do not dwell on solutions to your problems. These are always and forever, in the grace of My Heart. Therefore, do not feel the solutions are within your comprehension.”
“I know before you speak what is in your heart. It is so in every instance. Every fault stems from pride which opposes Holy Love. This is why perfection in Holy Love takes much courage and introspection. Any fault can be overcome when it is met head-on, dressed in the grace of My Heart. In the same way, you can come to accept the faults of others. Satan tries to bring division by intolerance of other’s faults. But you cannot change others. You can change yourself and the way you respond to others. Think of it as a contest between you and Satan, for this is what it is. Satan points out to you the aggravating traits of others. You know you are commanded by God to love everyone, and your peace is destroyed. Do this: Cover yourself with the Precious Blood. Command the pride of perfectionism to leave in the Name of Jesus. Then look for the good in that person. Everyone has positive characteristics. When the malefactor sees you no longer harbor negative thoughts about others, he will gradually withdraw. Then there will be unity through love. Pray for the grace of patience with the path of perfection in Holy Love. It is a path I call you upon. Not all answer or have the courage to answer. I am with you, leading you.”
Cover yourself with the Precious Blood.
Command the pride of perfectionism to leave in the Name of Jesus.
Then look for the good in that person.
Jesus, I trust in You. I know that You love me. I desire every obstacle between us be removed. Take from my heart any morsel of unforgiveness so that I can be completely Yours. Help me to forgive those who have hurt me, have lied about me, have gossiped about me, were jealous of me, have stolen from me or have abused me in any way. Then plunge me deep into Your Most Sacred Heart. Cover Me with Your Most Precious Blood. Do not allow me to resist Your Love again through unforgiveness of another. Amen.
“The Lord of Hosts says whole nations could benefit from this prayer.” Alanus (One of Maureen’s Angels) March 6, 2008
Dear Jesus, Divine Love Incarnate, in this present moment I ask You to accept the surrender of all my faults. I consecrate every fault and weakness to Divine Love.
With this surrender I know You will show me more clearly what my faults are, why I give in to them, and You will give me strength to overcome them. Amen.
Fr James Blount
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