References to what comprises the heel that crushes the serpent’s head are below
These days I raise up an army of victim souls — the heel that will crush Satan’s head. April 7, 1994
The Heel that will crush the serpent’s head is Holy Love. May 8, 1995
this heel is Holy Love in hearts May 17, 1995
My heel is your Holy Love and your response to My call.” June 11, 1995
I once again invite you to see the GREAT URGENCY of My Holy Love Message, which will be, and is today, the trumpet of the angel [Book of Revelation] and the heel that will crush the serpent’s head. December 25, 1995
Please understand, My children, it is your conversion through Holy Love in the present moment which is the heel that crushes the head of the serpent. February 29, 1996
My heel is all the Remnant Faithful who come to be consecrated to Me – who live in Holy Love.” July 13, 1998
He knows the ones consecrated to Me are the ones who will crush him. These truly consecrated souls are My heel. July 18, 1998
“The heel that will crush the head of the serpent is comprised of My little ones – those consecrated to the Flame of Holy Love. ,, Many of these little ones are part of My army of victim souls. December 3, 1998
This heel is comprised of those consecrated to Holy and Divine Love. And it is this heel that will defeat Satan September 29, 1999
Indeed, the heel that will crush the head of the serpent is Holy Love. December 12, 2002
I tell you that Holy Love is the passkey to the Gate of Heaven and the Heel that will crush the head of the Serpent September 12, 2003
I am using the Holy Love in your hearts to crush the head of the serpent. This is My Heel of his defeat November 19, 2014
Compilation of what comprises the heel are identified below.
victim souls
Holy Love
Holy Love in hearts
Holy Love and your response to My call
Holy Love Message
your conversion through Holy Love in the present moment
Remnant Faithful who come to be consecrated to Me – who live in Holy Love
ones consecrated to Me
consecrated to the Flame of Holy
consecrated to Holy and Divine Love
Sources of the Holy Love Messages
April 7, 1994
Thursday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here and has many roses and crosses suspended in the air all around Her. She is dressed in a blue and gold brocade. She says: “Pray with Me now for those who do not love and do not pray.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I have come to invite you to realize that the Cross is Divine Love, and Holy Love is a cross. Each cross brings with it grace to bear it. These days I raise up an army of victim souls — the heel that will crush Satan’s head. Further, realize, the remnant which is now being formed in hearts is built on Holy Love. I extend to you My Motherly Blessing.” She fades away.
May 8, 1995
Our Lady of Grace
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Grace. Her arms are extended and Her hands are opened. There are rays of light, coming from Her hands, touching the ground. Then the rays of light turned into water. Our Lady then said: “Dear children, today I inform you that, the waters attendant to this property bring with it many graces towards – healing the infirm and reconciling souls to God. Further I inform you, The Heel that will crush the serpent’s head is Holy Love. Make it known.” Then I saw Our Lady’s left foot extend out from Her gown. Her Heel then stepped upon the serpent’s head.
May 17, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Grace. She says: ” I come in praise of the Risen One – Jesus Christ! Today, I invite you not to look at the serpent beneath Me, but at the heel which will bring victory to My Heart. Once again, know that this heel is Holy Love in hearts.” I asked: “Blessed Mother, can you describe what a spiritual refuge center is?” She responded: “It is a place on earth – first formed and nourished in My Heart of grace. Then, it is formed in the hearts of those I have chosen. Then, it is present in the world. It is a particular place of blessing and grace to those who will cling to the true faith and answer My call to conversion and holiness.”
June 11, 1995
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Praise be to Jesus,”
“My Messenger, My angel. And so it is, another month has passed in time, and hearts continue in their choice of evil over good. The Season of Tribulation progresses in time and severity. The thief is in the sanctuary clothed in compromise. Darkness is spreading, presenting itself as freedom and light. When God’s Purification comes there will not be time to choose. Hearts that could not decide for good will be judged in their indecision. For at that time every chance and grace will have been given for each one’s salvation. My Heart will have exhausted every effort, My Mantle will have been offered to all. So you see with what urgency I call today and how My arms hope to enfold the most distant soul. Some look towards My Son’s Coming as though the path lay clear for them, when all the while they surrender the present to evil. The Father’s Commandments are no longer considered measures of behavior.”
“You know all of this, My child. It has been necessary to bring you along the path of many, many, trials – both interior and exterior – so that I could strengthen and mold My Ministry as Jesus desires. And now, I tell you, We are preparing to move ahead. You must pray much for strong faith. For what lies ahead is a tidal wave of criticism, disbelief, and lies. My Mministry will not succumb. You will endure if you pray much and remain in My Heart. I tell you these things as a Mother forewarns Her child of tribulations that lie ahead. You will sorrow for those who turn against you – just as I do. But always you will have the support of a certain number who will be enlightened to see the source of these trials. Much good will be accomplished within a short time. Therefore, do not focus on the trials I prepare you for, but for the victorious Mission at hand. Render Me the favor of your submission to the cross and to the victory. My heel is your Holy Love and your response to My call.”
She leaves.
August 31, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in gray and white. She is floating on a pink cloud. She says: “My daughter, I have a message for the good people who will come tonight.”
“Dear children, last week I requested a united prayer effort in September for My Ministry. Be generous in your response as Heaven is ready to act. Jesus desires that you pray against the evil about to unfold in Beijing. This is the serpent striking against the heel of The Woman Clothed with the Sun. Only evil hearts could contrive such atrocities against love. Once again I emphasize; Satan has removed just reason from hearts and from the world, and replaced it with his evil. You, My dear, dear children, are My warriors of Holy Love. Your weapons are the Eucharist and My Rosary. The third weapon I give to you is the Truth. You must use it to reveal evil where it lies hidden. Satan’s greatest weapon is his deception of non-existence. Truth discloses evil. Where deception is revealed, it lies weakened and open to defeat. My words to you on Holy Love are Truth and scripturally based. There is no intellect who can truthfully dispute this. Use My Messages to unclothe evil in the world around you. My dear love warriors, I am with you tonight and always. I am holding you in My Heart.”
She leaves.
December 25, 1995
Christmas Day
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white. She says: “Happy Christmas! All praise and adoration be unto Jesus, for He is King — the Word born Incarnate. I come today to speak to all nations, all peoples.”
“Dear children, centuries ago the angels proclaimed, ‘Peace on earth to men of good will.’ Today, I solemnly tell you, few are of good will. This is true, for pride has turned good to evil. This is manifest in a multitude of ways. For instance, intellect is a gift from God. But when man takes pride in his intellect through his own will, it is no longer good, but evil. Some go so far as to take pride in their spirituality. This is how Satan convolutes virtue. All evil will be uncovered before My Son’s coming. He sends Me ahead of Him, just as the Baptizer preceded My Son. When Jesus Returns, and before He will Come, the mountains will be made into plains and the dry land into sea. Because His Coming will purge the earth of evil, a purification will manifest itself in hearts and in the world first. The greatest tribulation is yet at hand. Hearts are unprepared that do not love. It will be shown and understood by the spiritually wise, that man is solely dependent on God and that each one in the world needs to assist the other. False gods will be stripped away. Money, power, immorality, human intellect, will no longer have power but be impotent. I once again invite you to see the GREAT URGENCY of My Holy Love Message, which will be, and is today, the trumpet of the angel [Book of Revelation] and the heel that will crush the serpent’s head. I am blessing you.”
February 29, 1996
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Weekly Rosary Service
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. Her Heart is exposed. She is in a blue light. She says: “I desire tonight that you join Me in prayer for all the pilgrims who will come on the twelfth.” We prayed.
“Dear children, I come so that all hearts will be reconciled to God through Holy Love. Please understand, My children, it is your conversion through Holy Love in the present moment which is the heel that crushes the head of the serpent. I come to you as the Woman Clothed in the Sun, the Woman of Revelations. Soon, very soon, all I have confided in secret, to this seer and many other seers, will be made known in the world and will take place just as I have predicted. These are serious times and require your serious efforts. Dear children I am blessing you.”
May 1, 1997
Thursday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. My little children, I extend my invitation to be here tonight to all sinners and all nations. However, you are the ones who have responded to my call. Let us pray together now for those who do not come and do not pray.”
“Dear children, tonight I invite you to realize that you are present here on this property, for it is a spiritual refuge. It is here that I will instruct and show the way to eternal life. It is here you will be protected from the terror of the demons and from the one who strikes at the heel of the woman clothed with the sun. Tonight I am blessing you with my Blessing of Holy Love.”
June 20, 1997
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. “My daughter, I come to you as I have promised and foretold. I ask you to have confidence in me now, as I must bring you a special message.”
“I come as your Advocate and Mother. I ask you to make this known to all of my little children. The year ahead – this June to the next – will be a year of untold sorrow and joy. Many revelations [made by the Virgin Mary during this century] will be realized. Those who are weak will not understand, just as they fail to see today. The current tribulations and evils in the world are only a prelude of what is to come.”
“As I come seeking your reconciliation with God, Satan is at my heel seeking your destruction. The apostasy and heresy, that is in hearts now, will be externalized as never before. But I do not predict to you destruction of the Church. Many will succumb but not all.”
“Those who seek the bridge of reconciliation with God – the bridge which is my Heart and Holy Love – will be safe. I speak of spiritual safety, for my Heart is your Spiritual Refuge. Those who pursue their own will shall be easily misled.”
“My daughter, you need not defend this way of love and reconciliation. You need only point it out. This is how Jesus taught.”
“The lives of many will be altered in this year of grave decision. This year continues under the reign of Jesus, King of Mercy and Love. But coming swiftly is my Son’s reign as Just Judge.”
“I do not come to frighten but to awaken sleeping consciences. I do not come to satisfy the curious but to change hearts. The privilege of my coming to you is for all nations and all people. All of these can traverse the bridge of Holy Love. They must choose.”
“The reign of the United Hearts will bring an end to division. It is time to unite in this victory. It is time to believe.”
July 13, 1998
Feast of Rosa Mystica
Mary, Rosa Mystica
Our Lady comes as Rosa Mystica. She says: “All praise be Jesus in the tabernacles of the world.”
“My angel, thank you for coming. I need your prayers. When you pray, a blissful fragrance ascends to Me. God allows that I should come to you during these times as Protectress of the Remnant faithful. More and more the prayer site will become a fortress of faith in the true tradition of faith. Battle lines have been drawn. There is no longer room for compromise. Those consecrated to Me have already been signed by Me and are ready to take up their shields and go into battle.”
“Do not be afraid now to make known the position you are given to uphold – one of staunch tradition in support of this Holy Father. Others may waiver and pretend not to decide. Once again, I tell you, not to decide is to decide.”
“While My Mission here remains ecumenical, those who respond as Catholics must be true to their faith – unwavering in their position. The faith is not a political football. When you take a stand to please God, you must not compromise it to please those in the world. What has been decided by this Holy Father is the decision you must abide by, or you cannot say you are Catholic.”
“Please Me; soothe My Heart by realizing all that My simple Message of Holy Love entails. You cannot give a qualified ‘yes’ to Holy Love, just as you cannot qualify the Catholic faith, only believing part of Church teachings and tradition.”
“We must pray together for many with great influence who live lives of compromise. Satan does exist. He strikes at the heel of the Woman who crushes his head. My heel is all the Remnant Faithful who come to be consecrated to Me – who live in Holy Love.”
“I am always with you, blessing you.”
July 18, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. My daughter, understand the significance of My coming to you under this title and during these times. I come to announce the coming of an Era of Peace – long-lasting peace. You are living in a time of great conflict when Satan fights his last battle with the One Who will crush his head. He knows the ones consecrated to Me are the ones who will crush him. These truly consecrated souls are My heel. Holy Love is the true consecration. It is the way to be faithfully consecrated to Me – the way to live moment by moment your consecrated life. The Missionary Servants of My Heart will expand and embrace many people and nations, for My call of Holy Love is to all people – all nations. Begin to see the immensity of this invitation.”
December 3, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
Maureen was complaining to Blessed Mother that her day had been full of interruptions that seemed to be keeping Her away. She came and bent over me with Her Heart exposed. She said: “That is because your heart is full of options, projects, and opinions. Center yourself here.” She points to the Flame over Her Heart.
“I come in praise of Jesus. Today, My daughter, I am removing the last bit of unforgiveness you hold in your heart [unforgiveness of self]. Understand God’s Mercy is complete and perfect. In Him, there is no half measure of forgiveness.”
“Now, I am ready to use you even more, and with more intense signal grace occurring around you. My Messages to you after the 12th will be personal or concerning the ministry. You will see Me interiorly and, as God permits from time to time, exteriorly. Only some of the messages from Me will be published in the Journal of Personal Holiness. My Jesus is preparing an important Mission for you through His words to you and in what He will ask of you as time progresses.”
“The heel that will crush the head of the serpent is comprised of My little ones – those consecrated to the Flame of Holy Love. Satan is confounded by their humility and simplicity. Many of these little ones are part of My army of victim souls. They are drawing souls to Me. They are drawing Mercy from the Heart of My Son. Because of these, the hour of tribulation, the hour preceding God’s Justice, has been lengthened. Do not mistakenly presume God’s Justice is not coming. But understand, God’s love for you and His Mercy upon you.”
“Once again, I urge your readiness through Holy Love. I bid you, do not be frightened, but alert to the times. I am praying with you. I am blessing you.”
September 29, 1999
Feast of St. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael; Dedication of St. Michael Statue Prayer Service
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael is here. He says, “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Often in the world, my brothers and sisters, you see me portrayed with a sword, defeating Satan and driving him out of Heaven. But I tell you, more powerful than my sword is the heel of our Most Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary. This heel is comprised of those consecrated to Holy and Divine Love. And it is this heel that will defeat Satan.” He leaves.
December 12, 2002
Midnight Rosary Service at the United Hearts Shrine; Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Our Lady wishes Maureen a Happy Birthday–then says:
“My Son permits Me to bend towards earth once again–not to impose, but to invite. My Maternal Heart aches for the apathetic nature of mankind’s relationship with his God. Today, money, power and technology have won the affection of hearts. Understand that all these things come from God, but the ways in which they are used is determined by what value is held in the human heart.”
“In this country technology is far advanced, but spirituality has not grown with it. The result is paganistic goals and use of science in ways that are not pleasing to My Son. I weep for the souls that slip to their perdition as they congratulate themselves on their cleverness.”
“I would be remiss as your Heavenly Mother if I did not address the woeful situation within the Church itself. There are many in positions of prominence who should step aside. This is Satan’s smoke that has risen to great heights within the hierarchy. My children, do not be confused. Keep your hearts centered on the Eucharistic Jesus–still ever present in the tabernacles of the world. He is not altered or changed by any scandal that rocks the human element of the Church. His Love and His Mercy reach from age to age. My Son has promised–the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church. Therefore, have hope–have patience. Most of all, have love.”
“I come to you to reconcile Muslim and Jew–Muslim and Christian–God and man. Beliefs based on hatred are from My adversary. The final battle–Armageddon–will be waged between hatred and Holy Love. But the victory will be won by Holy Love. My Son will triumph through Holy Love. Indeed, the heel that will crush the head of the serpent is Holy Love.”
“Today, dear little children, you live in troubled times. Fallen angels are all around you, in all walks of life and according to God’s Divine Plan. You do not see trials as liberation, just as you do not see freedom in the Cross. I have come so that you may be strong in acceptance of the Cross.”
“Certain events will unfold in time which will usher in a new age of Holy and Divine Love. My dear children, you do not face this desperate hour alone, but safe in My Immaculate Heart–Refuge of Holy Love. It is here I shelter you, reveal certain dangers to you and console you.”
“I have come to tell you that My VICTORY and My REMNANT will be bound with the same cord which is the CONFRATERNITY OF OUR UNITED HEARTS. The Eternal Father so deems that His lowly handmaid should share the VICTORY with Jesus King and Redeemer.”
“Pray your rosaries often and with much love for this is the path that Satan cannot follow you upon. This is the path of love–the pursuit of salvation. My children, while there are many obstacles and perils around you, I have come to protect you in My Immaculate Heart, and to offer you hope and the Light of VICTORY.”
“I am taking your petitions to Heaven with Me tonight, and I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”
September 12, 2003
Second Friday Rosary Service to Pray for Priests
St. John Vianney, Cure d’Ars and Patron of Priests
St. John Vianney is here. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“My brothers and sisters, tonight I tell you that every priest has a vocation within a vocation which is to lead his flock in the two great commandments of love – love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. This is Holy Love. I tell you that Holy Love is the passkey to the Gate of Heaven and the Heel that will crush the head of the Serpent. How important then that this be made known!”
“I’m extending to you my Priestly Blessing.”
November 19, 2014
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Dear children, when you pray, let your prayers arise from a heart filled with Holy Love. It is what you hold dear in your hearts which counts in My Son’s Eyes. If you hold valuable the goods of this world, others opinions or how everything affects yourself without regard for others, your prayers are empty and passing like all the temporary things you hold in esteem. When you pray with love in your hearts, your prayers are eternal in value and affect souls, world conditions and the propensity of God’s Mercy.”
“The love in your heart when you pray, lights up the world with the Spirit of Truth, making all things new. Never allow Satan to discourage you from praying with Holy Love in your hearts. The enemy fears such prayers. I am using the Holy Love in your hearts to crush the head of the serpent. This is My Heel of his defeat.”
Read Philippians 4:4-7 *
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand. Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
* -Scripture verses asked to be read by Blessed Mother.
-Scripture taken from the Revised Standard Version 2nd Catholic Edition (RSVCE) Bible.