Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to my aid!
Shorter Version of Confession Prior to Infusion in Divine Will
“Dear Jesus, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, show me my imperfections and help me to improve.”
(July 20, 2014, Jesus, Born Incarnate)
Heavenly Father, I ask You to grant me the precious gift of self-knowledge, for the grace of truthful insight into my own heart.
Aid me in making a daily examination of conscience.
Assist me in overcoming any disordered self-love, an obstacle to perfection, still remaining in any area of my being and to love Your Holy Divine Will for me more than my own will.
I ask for the grace of self-knowledge to see where I am failing in these virtues of humility, love and simplicity and grant me the courage to conquer disordered self-love which motivate my thoughts, words and deeds.
In Jesus Name I pray,
through the power and inspiration of the Spirit of Truth. Amen.
“End each day with a thorough examination of conscience. Ask for the grace of truthful insight into your own heart. It will be granted.” (Jesus, Born Incarnate, June 11, 2001)
“Self-knowledge is a precious grace which will be given if asked for.” (Our Lady of Grace, September 7, 1998)
“The obstacle to perfection is always a disordered self-love. This is to say, the soul loves his own will in some area of his being more than God’s Will for him.” (St Therese, October 1, 2001)
“To advance in these virtues of humility, love and simplicity, the soul must ask the Lord for the grace of self-knowledge to see where he is failing in these virtues. Without the courage to do this, he will never conquer his disordered self-love which will motivate his thoughts, words and deeds.” (St. Thomas Aquinas, March 23, 2002)
Dear Jesus, as I bless myself with this water,
open my heart to the grace Heaven desires I have.
Let me look into my soul with the eyes of truth.
Give me the courage and humility to do so.
Heal me according to the Will of Your Father.
(January 18, 2008, Jesus, Born Incarnate)
Dear Jesus, I know that the Victory of the United Hearts cannot come into the heart of the world unless it first comes into my own heart. Therefore, I ask that You give me the courage to look with the eyes of truth into my own heart to discover any area of inordinate self-love that I have not conquered. Take sovereignty over my heart. Jesus, Triumph and Reign! Amen.
“This prayer is an important step in becoming an instrument towards Jesus’ Victory instead of an obstacle.” (St. Martin de Porres November 28, 2007)

“Do not dwell on solutions to your problems. These are always and forever, in the grace of My Heart. Therefore, do not feel the solutions are within your comprehension.”
“I know before you speak what is in your heart. It is so in every instance. Every fault stems from pride which opposes Holy Love. This is why perfection in Holy Love takes much courage and introspection. Any fault can be overcome when it is met head-on, dressed in the grace of My Heart. In the same way, you can come to accept the faults of others. Satan tries to bring division by intolerance of other’s faults. But you cannot change others. You can change yourself and the way you respond to others. Think of it as a contest between you and Satan, for this is what it is. Satan points out to you the aggravating traits of others. You know you are commanded by God to love everyone, and your peace is destroyed. Do this: Cover yourself with the Precious Blood. Command the pride of perfectionism to leave in the Name of Jesus. Then look for the good in that person. Everyone has positive characteristics. When the malefactor sees you no longer harbor negative thoughts about others, he will gradually withdraw. Then there will be unity through love. Pray for the grace of patience with the path of perfection in Holy Love. It is a path I call you upon. Not all answer or have the courage to answer. I am with you, leading you.”
Be dressed in the Grace of Her Heart
Cover yourself with the Precious Blood.
Command the pride of perfectionism to leave in the Name of Jesus.
Then look for the good in that person.
(November 13, 1994, Public, Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Love Message From Our Lady)
Dear Jesus, Divine Love Incarnate, in this present moment I ask You to accept the surrender of all my faults. I consecrate every fault and weakness to Divine Love.
With this surrender I know You will show me more clearly what my faults are, why I give in to them, and You will give me strength to overcome them. Amen.
(August 31, 2005, St Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus Mercy, in this act of consecration help me to realize the root cause of my faults, which is the portal Satan uses to lead me astray; the nature of my faults; and the solution to overcoming each fault in order for Divine Love to become victorious in my heart. (Derived)
“Today I have come to help you realize the benefit of consecrating all your faults to Divine Love. In this act of consecration you will realize the root cause of your faults, which is the portal Satan uses to lead you astray; the nature of your faults; and the solution to overcoming each fault. This is the step each soul must take in order for Divine Love to become victorious in his heart.”
St Thomas Aquinas, August 31, 2005
Jesus, I trust in You. I know that You love me. I desire every obstacle between us be removed. Take from my heart any morsel of unforgiveness so that I can be completely Yours. Help me to forgive those who have hurt me, have lied about me, have gossiped about me, were jealous of me, have stolen from me or have abused me in any way. Then plunge me deep into Your Most Sacred Heart. Cover Me with Your Most Precious Blood. Do not allow me to resist Your Love again through unforgiveness of another. Amen.
“The Lord of Hosts says whole nations could benefit from this prayer.” Alanus (One of Maureen’s Angels) March 6, 2008
Grace of Self-Knowledge
“Dear Jesus, grant me the grace of self-knowledge so that by looking into my own heart with humility, I will discover my weaknesses in Holy Love. Then give me the grace of courage to try to overcome my faults so that I will not have to be purified of them in Purgatory. Amen.”
(October 27, 2010, Rachel [Former Poor Soul of Purgatory])

The following is a derived prayer (not a provided prayer) culled from all the messages about self-knowledge and examination of conscience provided over the course of twenty years. See note below to understand why the image of the United Hearts is displayed with this compiled prayer.*
Jesus, born Incarnate,
I ask for the precious gift of Self-knowledge,
a vital grace to my conversion
knowing that obstacles on the path to holiness
are always rooted in self-love.
Help me to pray with a sincere heart.
Help me to be in touch with the motives in my own heart
in thought, word and deed in every present moment.
(Vestibule of the United Hearts – Invitation to Conversion, Opening of Heart, Vestibule of St Joseph’s Heart)
Help me to answer Your call back into the Vestibule of Grace
to make a self-examination of conscience
so I will be able to see what is holding me back
from a deeper journey through the Chambers and
can pass once again through the Doorway of Your Mercy.
I ask for (the gift of) humility to lead me closer to You, My Jesus,
to have a true conviction of heart
by self-examination of conscience
as a way so to lead me to deeper holiness.
To discover my faults so I can overcome them.
Help me to end each day with a thorough examination of conscience.
Help me to progress in this battle
which is often waged in silence and within the heart.
Help me to recognize that any small error in Holy Love
prevents the whole attitude of Holy Love from taking root.
I ask for the grace of truthful insight into my own heart.
Help me to strip away all pretense and reveal the truth.
Give me true self-knowledge.
I beg for the gift of humility.
(1st Chamber – Salvation, Holy Love, Immaculate Heart)
Help me on the first step
to enter the Flame of Holy Love in Your Mother’s Heart so that
much can be revealed to my soul–
and I can see the flaws I must overcome.
Help me, My Beloved, to be open to the Spirit of Truth.
I ask the Holy Spirit to show me
the faults and failings of my heart in relation to Holy Love.
I glorify you that self-knowledge is Your Merciful Love in action.
(2nd Chamber – Holiness, Divine Love, Sacred Heart)
Help me to open my heart
to improving my faults and failings in Holy Love,
so You can bring me deeper into Your Own Sacred Heart.
Sweet Jesus, I pray for the humility to do so.
Help me to always pray to discover the Truth
about my own spiritual journey –
what weakens me and leads me into sin.
This is vital to a deeper journey
into the Chambers of the United Hearts.
I ask St John Vianney to assist me
in this self-examination on a daily basis.
Help me to tame my intellect,
just as a wild beast is tamed.
Help me bring it
under the rule of a humble, loving and simplistic heart.
It is only in this way the soul which God created
can be united to its Creator.
(3rd Chamber – Perfection, Virtues)
Jesus, God, I ask for assistance for my soul
to be willing to look into my own heart
and in overcoming my faults
in order to mount quickly to perfection.
Help my soul
to first acknowledge my shortcomings
in the virtues to increase in virtue,
and then assist me to overcome these faults.
Reminder: “You are no more than you are in My eyes” (Jesus, March 3, 2003)
Note 1: Just a personal note: With these phrases being gleaned from messages extending over 20 years, I was amazed at the subtlety and progressiveness of what was being expressed. They actually reminded me of how the psalms are written where a core idea is repeated and then used as a foundation for a more elaborate thought in a subsequent line. What a sublimely awesome God we have that would put this much effort and thought into conveying some nuances to us. May God be praised and exalted above all forever.
Note 2: *Update Feast of the Protectress of Faith, 2021: I just recognized the progression of this derived prayer which is extracted from messages regarding self–knowledge and examination of conscience conveyed over the course of a two decades or so. I was faithful to the sequence as I culled the messages. It travels from the Vestibule through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chamber of the United Hearts. Who but heaven over the course of 20 years could produce messages that when studied shows a natural progression?
Self-Knowledge – Holy Love Ministry Messages by Topic (protectressofthefaith.org)
Examination of Conscience – Holy Love Ministry Messages by Topic (protectressofthefaith.org)
Divine Heart of Jesus, in this present moment help me to live more deeply in Holy Love and Holy Humility. Give me the grace and the courage to look deep into my heart to see where I am failing in these virtues. I know it is only in overcoming these faults I can come deeper into the Chambers of Your Divine Heart. I beg Your strength in perfecting these virtues. Amen.
(August 3, 2002, Jesus, Born Incarnate)
“Eternal Father, Creator of the universe, transform my heart in this present moment so that it beats in perfect harmony with your Divine Will. Forgive me for all the present moments I have wasted and have not surrendered to Your Will. Help me always to cooperate with the grace You send me in every present moment. Amen.”
(July 8, 2000, Jesus, Born Incarnate)
“Dear Jesus, immerse my heart in the Flame of Holy Love.
Cleanse me of all my faults and failings. Amen.”
(“throughout the day”, May 21, 2011, Jesus, born Incarnate)
“Dear Jesus, through the power of Your Holy Spirit,
show me my imperfections and help me to improve.”
(“Pray morning and night for a truthful conviction of heart, for this is the path of perfection.”, July 20, 2014, Jesus, Born Incarnate)
“Dear Jesus, I petition the Heart of Your Eternal Father to wash my poor heart in the cleansing water of His Divine Will. Show me anything in my heart which opposes Holy Truth, and help me to cast it out forever.”
“I understand that all truth is based on Holy Love. Only through love and humility can I live in Holy Truth. Through this Truth, which I hope to abide in now, help me to accept any illumination of conscience You choose to send me. Amen.”
(January 20, 2009, Jesus, Born Incarnate)
Examination of Conscience Lists Collection
“The sum total of all your days upon earth will be judged upon the depth of love in your heart as you lived out each day I have given you.
Have you performed your daily duties with love for Me and your fellow man?
Have you respected My Commandments out of love for Me and your neighbor?
Have you practiced a virtuous life – an exemplary life – not to impress others, but out of love for Me?
These are the questions each soul should ask himself in any examination of conscience. This is the groundwork of a soul intent on reaching Heaven. This is the foundation of living in My Divine Will.”
(God the Father, March 30, 2022)

First Commandment
“Let us begin with the First Commandment today, remembering always that Holy Love is the embodiment of all the Commandments. The First Commandment dictates that you must recognize Me as Lord of all Creation and have no other false gods before Me. This must raise the question of what is a false god? People place many things ahead of love of Me. These are in the form of the false gods of personal comforts and appearance, wealth, sensual desires, reputation, entertainment and more. Anything such as person, place or thing that the soul does not honor as a grace from Me is taking the place of a false god in his spirit. Man must not subconsciously or with intent credit all good as from human effort. This places human achievement over and above his Creator. Therefore, he makes human the Omnipotence of his Creator. All human efforts, any achievement proceed from My Paternal Heart. Every human effort is a fruit of My Paternal Care for mankind.”
Second Commandment
“…My Most Holy Name and the Name of My Son have become common everyday slang words universally. The Second Commandment states you shalt not use My Name in vain. Yet, the common practice today is to profane this Law as a means of expressing surprise, alarm or anger. The motive in the heart when My Name or My Son’s Name is used, needs to be one of reverence, homage and respect. During these evil times, there is very little respect or reverence in hearts for Me.”
Third Commandment
“Remember that ‘Thou keep holy the Sabbath Day’. This is My Third Commandment. This Law dictates the soul should not engage in any unnecessary work or activity on Sunday. Unnecessary describes work that can wait to be accomplished until another day. The soul must not engage in any activity that invites others to work on the Sabbath. It must be observed as a day of rest in imitation of My day of rest on the seventh day, as I engaged in the creation of the world.”
“Activity which is necessary would be caring for the sick or disabled, supplying food for the needy, rescuing those in dire need, or providing care for those in need mentally, physically or emotionally. The Sabbath needs to be surrendered to the spirituality nurtured in the heart which loves and gives praise to Me.”
Fourth Commandment
“The Fourth Commandment is to ‘Honor thy father and thy mother’. This honor must arise from a deep appreciation of the role I have placed your parents in. You, as their child, are charged with respecting their parental authority as a youngster. As your parents age, you are charged with their physical and emotional well-being. To shirk these responsibilities is to profane the Fourth Commandment.”
“When your parents reach old age, you need to assume the role of their caregiver. Not all parents fit the role of good parents. Nonetheless, I chose them to be your parents and you need to accept their role as such. When you honor and respect your parents, you honor and respect Me.”
Fifth Commandment
“…God the Father…says: “The Fifth Commandment is ‘Thou shalt not kill’. These days, this Commandment is flagrantly violated. Any taking of life is profaning the Fifth Commandment. A whole industry – abortion – has been built around violation of this Commandment. This also includes the harvesting and use of stem cells. Beyond that, there is the acceptance of euthanasia and suicide. I am the Lord and Giver of Life. Only I must be the One Who calls life unto Myself.”
“Disregard for this Commandment has drawn morals to a new low. Degeneration of morals threatens the general well-being of every nation. This is why there are unprecedented atmospheric events. The basic right to life is non-debatable. Human life must be respected from conception to natural death. Violation of this Commandment is man’s useless attempt to control his own destiny. Basic acceptance of My Will precludes such an attitude. My Will is the basis and foundation of all the Commandments.”
Sixth Commandment
“God the Father…says: “As with every Commandment and every sin, consent to violate righteousness needs to be accepted in the heart first. The Sixth Commandment – ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery’ – is no exception to this rule. This sin, however, usually takes the consent of two people but can be committed strictly in the heart and not acted upon physically.”
“I created sex for the purpose of procreation. Within this context, any act or thought which violates purity of heart is sinful, if consented to outside of marriage. Today’s world has relegated sexual excitement to a free choice that all can participate in regardless of marital status. This sexual enjoyment has become the tool of entertainment, advertising and clothing design to name a few. This is true because man places his own enjoyment ahead of obedience to My Commandments and pleasing Me.”
“Make pleasing Me your focus in life out of love for Me. Then all sin will not get a grip on your spirituality or your eternal destination.”
Seventh Commandment
“…God the Father…says: “The Seventh Commandment – ‘Thou shalt not steal’ – like the others is transgressed through a disordered self-love. In profaning this Commandment, the soul places self first ahead of My Will. The soul loses respect for the boundaries of what is rightfully his and what rightfully belongs to another. In short, he takes what is not his to have. This does not only apply to material things, but also to another’s reputation which he takes when he speaks poorly of someone else.”
“The soul is also guilty of violating this Commandment when he misrepresents the faith to others in word or action. In so doing, he is stealing the faith from another’s heart.”
“Stealing small things encourages the heart to steal bigger and greater things. It is, of course, Satan who inspires any theft.”
Eighth Commandment
God the Father. He says: “Today, we will address the Eighth Commandment – ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor’. The sins of calumny and detraction profane this Commandment. The soul who is not consecrated to the Truth transgresses this Eighth Commandment, for his heart is uncharitable and his speech follows suit. Many a soul, community and nation have been destroyed by untruthful tongues.”
“Holy Love must stand guard over the heart. In this way, Truth in speech is preserved. The soul who thinks charitably will not be tempted to speak uncharitably. The soul who succumbs to transgression of the Eighth Commandment must be convicted in the Truth in order to repent.”
Ninth Commandment
“…God the Father…says: “The heart is like the ‘rudder’ of the soul. Where it goes, so goes the soul. This next Commandment – ‘Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife’ – is a Law, like all the others, which must be obeyed in the heart first. The soul must with prudence avoid any envy of another’s wife, always respecting the marriage vows taken by any couple. In today’s society, marriage is not an important institution. Many couples do not even marry before living as one. Those who do marry, do not see it as a guideline towards future desires. To such as these, marriage is not an obstacle to any envious desire.”
“People who transgress this Commandment, have no scruples as to what is good and what is evil. This is encouraged by entertainment, clothing and literature, not to mention modern-day forms of communication. The heart has to desire to stand firm on the path of salvation by obeying this Commandment. He has to let the Commandment stand guard over his heart.”
Tenth Commandment
The Tenth Commandment dictates ‘Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods’. Adherence to this Commandment hinges on obedience to Commandments Six and Seven, as well. Once again, this obedience must be in the heart, as envy starts in the heart first before it is acted upon in the world. I permit the soul to admire another’s goods, but not to crave another’s possessions.”
“My Provision is perfect and complete according to My Will for each soul. It is up to every soul to hold his desires in check according to My Divine Will for him. Those who have much in the world are called to share with those who have little. This is My way of providing for the poor.”
“My Commandments are not just guidelines to salvation. They are Laws which I carved in stone* – not to be negotiated at judgment, but to be accounted for. These Laws strictly hold each soul accountable and obedience to My Commandments needs to arise from a loving heart. In My Omnipotence, I watch each soul’s response to My Laws.”
Daniel 9:3-5,9-10+
Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking Him by prayer and supplications with fasting and sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession, saying, “O Lord, the great and terrible God, Who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love Him and keep His Commandments, we have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from Thy Commandments and Ordinances;
To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness; because we have rebelled against Him, and have not obeyed the Voice of the Lord our God by following His Laws, which He set before us by His servants the prophets.
+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)
Psalm 19:7-14+
The law of the Lord is perfect,
reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
making wise the simple;
the precepts of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes;
the fear of the Lord is clean,
enduring for ever;
the ordinances of the Lord are true,
and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold,
even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey
and drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
But who can discern his errors?
Clear thou me from hidden faults.
Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins;
let them not have dominion over me!
Then I shall be blameless,
and innocent of great transgression.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in thy sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)
Psalm 91:9-16+
Because you have made the Lord your refuge,
the Most High your habitation,
no evil shall befall you,
no scourge come near your tent.
For he will give his angels charge of you
to guard you in all your ways.
On their hands they will bear you up,
lest you dash your foot against a stone.
You will tread on the lion and the adder,
the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.
Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him;
I will protect him, because he knows my name.
When he calls to me, I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will rescue him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him,
and show him my salvation.
+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)
seven psalms (6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143) which express penitence.
Psalm 6
For the leader; with stringed instruments, “upon the eighth.”*
A psalm of David.
2Do not reprove me in your anger, LORD,
nor punish me in your wrath.a
3Have pity on me, LORD, for I am weak;
heal me, LORD, for my bones are shuddering.b
4My soul too is shuddering greatly—
5Turn back, LORD, rescue my soul;
save me because of your mercy.
6For in death there is no remembrance of you.
7I am wearied with sighing;
all night long I drench my bed with tears;
I soak my couch with weeping.
8My eyes are dimmed with sorrow,
worn out because of all my foes.e
9Away from me, all who do evil!f
The LORD has heard the sound of my weeping.
10The LORD has heard my plea;
the LORD will receive my prayer.
11My foes will all be disgraced and will shudder greatly;
they will turn back in sudden disgrace.g
Psalm 32
1aOf David. A maskil.
Blessed is the one whose fault is removed,
whose sin is forgiven.
2Blessed is the man to whom the LORD imputes no guilt,
in whose spirit is no deceit.
3Because I kept silent,* my bones wasted away;
I groaned all day long.b
4For day and night your hand was heavy upon me;
my strength withered as in dry summer heat.
5Then I declared my sin to you;
my guilt I did not hide.c
I said, “I confess my transgression to the LORD,”
and you took away the guilt of my sin.
6Therefore every loyal person should pray to you
in time of distress.
Though flood waters* threaten,
they will never reach him.d
7You are my shelter; you guard me from distress;
with joyful shouts of deliverance you surround me.
8I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk,
give you counsel with my eye upon you.
9Do not be like a horse or mule, without understanding;
with bit and bridle their temper is curbed,
else they will not come to you.
10Many are the sorrows of the wicked one,
but mercy surrounds the one who trusts in the LORD.
11Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you righteous;
exult, all you upright of heart.e
Psalm 38
1A psalm of David. For remembrance.
2LORD, do not punish me in your anger;
in your wrath do not chastise me!a
3Your arrows have sunk deep in me;b
your hand has come down upon me.
4There is no wholesomeness in my flesh because of your anger;
there is no health in my bones because of my sin.c
5My iniquities overwhelm me,
a burden too heavy for me.d
6Foul and festering are my sores
because of my folly.
7I am stooped and deeply bowed;e
every day I go about mourning.
8My loins burn with fever;
there is no wholesomeness in my flesh.
9I am numb and utterly crushed;
I wail with anguish of heart.f
10My Lord, my deepest yearning is before you;
my groaning is not hidden from you.
11My heart shudders, my strength forsakes me;
the very light of my eyes has failed.g
12Friends and companions shun my disease;
my neighbors stand far off.
13Those who seek my life lay snares for me;
they seek my misfortune, they speak of ruin;
they plot treachery every day.
14But I am like the deaf, hearing nothing,
like the mute, I do not open my mouth,
15I am even like someone who does not hear,
who has no answer ready.
16LORD, it is for you that I wait;
O Lord, my God, you respond.h
17For I have said that they would gloat over me,
exult over me if I stumble.
18I am very near to falling;
my wounds are with me always.
19I acknowledge my guilt
and grieve over my sin.i
20My enemies live and grow strong,
those who hate me grow numerous fraudulently,
21Repaying me evil for good,
accusing me for pursuing good.j
22Do not forsake me, O LORD;
my God, be not far from me!k
23Come quickly to help me,l
my Lord and my salvation!
Psalm 51 Miserare
For the leader. A psalm of David, 2when Nathan the prophet came to him after he had gone in to Bathsheba.a
3 Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love;
in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions.
4 Thoroughly wash away my guilt;
and from my sin cleanse me.
5 For I know my transgressions;
my sin is always before me.b
6 Against you, you alone have I sinned;
I have done what is evil in your eyes
So that you are just in your word,
and without reproach in your judgment.c
7 Behold, I was born in guilt,
in sin my mother conceived me.*d
8 Behold, you desire true sincerity;
and secretly you teach me wisdom.
9 Cleanse me with hyssop,* that I may be pure;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.e
10 You will let me hear gladness and joy;
the bones you have crushed will rejoice.
11 Turn away your face from my sins;
blot out all my iniquities.
12 A clean heart create for me, God;
renew within me a steadfast spirit.f
13 Do not drive me from before your face,
nor take from me your holy spirit.g
14 Restore to me the gladness of your salvation;
uphold me with a willing spirit.
15 I will teach the wicked your ways,
that sinners may return to you.
16 Rescue me from violent bloodshed, God, my saving God,
and my tongue will sing joyfully of your justice.h
17 Lord, you will open my lips;
and my mouth will proclaim your praise.
18 For you do not desire sacrifice* or I would give it;
a burnt offering you would not accept.i
19 My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
a contrite, humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn.
20* Treat Zion kindly according to your good will;
build up the walls of Jerusalem.j
21 Then you will desire the sacrifices of the just,
burnt offering and whole offerings;
then they will offer up young bulls on your altar.
Psalm 102
1The prayer of one afflicted and wasting away whose anguish is poured out before the LORD.
2LORD, hear my prayer;
let my cry come to you.
3Do not hide your face from me
in the day of my distress.a
Turn your ear to me;
when I call, answer me quickly.
4For my days vanish like smoke;b
my bones burn away as in a furnace.
5My heart is withered, dried up like grass,
too wasted to eat my food.
6From my loud groaning
I become just skin and bones.
7I am like a desert owl,
like an owl among the ruins.
8I lie awake and moan,
like a lone sparrow on the roof.
9All day long my enemies taunt me;
in their rage, they make my name a curse.*
10I eat ashes like bread,
mingle my drink with tears.c
11Because of your furious wrath,
you lifted me up just to cast me down.
12dMy days are like a lengthening shadow;e
I wither like the grass.
13But you, LORD, are enthroned forever;
your renown is for all generations.f
14You will again show mercy to Zion;
now is the time for pity;
the appointed time has come.
15Its stones are dear to your servants;
its dust moves them to pity.
16The nations shall fear your name, LORD,
all the kings of the earth, your glory,g
17Once the LORD has rebuilt Zion
and appeared in glory,
18Heeding the plea of the lowly,
not scorning their prayer.
19Let this be written for the next generation,
for a people not yet born,
that they may praise the LORD:h
20*“The LORD looked down from the holy heights,
viewed the earth from heaven,i
21To attend to the groaning of the prisoners,
to release those doomed to die.”j
22Then the LORD’s name will be declared on Zion,
his praise in Jerusalem,
23When peoples and kingdoms gather
to serve the LORD.k
24He has shattered my strength in mid-course,
has cut short my days.
25I plead, O my God,
do not take me in the midst of my days.*l
Your years last through all generations.
26Of old you laid the earth’s foundations;m
the heavens are the work of your hands.
27They perish, but you remain;
they all wear out like a garment;
Like clothing you change them and they are changed,
28but you are the same, your years have no end.
29May the children of your servants live on;
may their descendants live in your presence.n
Psalm 130
1A song of ascents.
Out of the depths* I call to you, LORD;
2Lord, hear my cry!
May your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.a
3If you, LORD, keep account of sins,
Lord, who can stand?b
4But with you is forgiveness
and so you are revered.*
5I wait for the LORD,
my soul waits
and I hope for his word.c
6My soul looks for the Lord
more than sentinels for daybreak.d
More than sentinels for daybreak,
7let Israel hope in the LORD,
For with the LORD is mercy,
with him is plenteous redemption,e
8And he will redeem Israel
from all its sins.f
Psalm 143
1A psalm of David.
LORD, hear my prayer;
in your faithfulness listen to my pleading;
answer me in your righteousness.
2Do not enter into judgment with your servant;
before you no one can be just.a
3The enemy has pursued my soul;
he has crushed my life to the ground.b
He has made me dwell in darkness
like those long dead.c
4My spirit is faint within me;
my heart despairs.d
5I remember the days of old;
I ponder all your deeds;
the works of your hands I recall.e
6I stretch out my hands toward you,
my soul to you like a parched land.f
7Hasten to answer me, LORD;
for my spirit fails me.
Do not hide your face from me,
lest I become like those descending to the pit.g
8In the morning let me hear of your mercy,
for in you I trust.
Show me the path I should walk,
for I entrust my life to you.h
9Rescue me, LORD, from my foes,
for I seek refuge in you.
10Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
May your kind spirit guide me
on ground that is level.
11For your name’s sake, LORD, give me life;
in your righteousness lead my soul out of distress.
12In your mercy put an end to my foes;
all those who are oppressing my soul,
for I am your servant.i
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