Come Divine Will, let us pray together with Jesus (fusing)
I AM NOTHING, GOD IS ALL, come Divine Will.
Come Heavenly Father to beat in my heart and move in my Will;
Come Beloved Son to flow in my blood and think in my intellect;
Come Holy Spirit to breathe in my lungs and recall in my memory.
Father, in Your Will, Illuminate Us
Son, in Your Will, Transform Us
Holy Spirit, in Your Will, Sanctify Us
Divine Will, Luminous Beacon of the Father. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, Redemptive Beacon of the Son. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, Sanctifying Beacon of the Holy Spirit. Your Kingdom come.
Creating FIAT, support of creation. Your Kingdom come.
Redeeming FIAT, in Jesus our salvation. Your Kingdom come.
Sanctifying FIAT, mold us in the Sanctity of the Trinity. Your Kingdom come.
Supreme FIAT, that transforms the human into Divine. Your Kingdom come.
Conquering FIAT, that captivates the human will. Your Kingdom come.
Divine FIAT, that reunites the Divinity with humanity. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, transformer of hearts. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, depository of the Divine Will in souls. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, invincible strength. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, Light of humanity. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, operating part in the Trinity. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, star that reflects the Divinity. Your Kingdom come.
FIAT, Divine order of creation. Your Kingdom come.
FIAT, reigning in peaceful souls. Your Kingdom come.
FIAT, redemptive with the descent of the Word. Your Kingdom come.
FIAT, triumphant in the Virgin Mary. Your Kingdom come.
FIAT, speaking in all creation. Your Kingdom come.
FIAT, operating in the silence of hearts. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, star of the Divinity. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, model of the Supreme Being. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, dispenser of the Divine Attributes. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, Divine echo of all creation. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, tabernacle of Mary Most Holy. Your Kingdom come.
Divine Will, mirror of Divine Sanctity. Your Kingdom come.
Most Holy Trinity, font of unity. Your Kingdom come.
Most Holy Trinity, essence of sanctity. Your Kingdom come.
Most Holy Trinity, perfect unity of will. Your Kingdom come.
Pray for us, Queen of the Divine Volition, so that the Divine Will can reign on earth as It does in Heaven.
For the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff we pray:
Our Father…..Hail Mary…..Glory Be
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