Messages About Physical Refuges

search criteria: provision, future refuge preparation, future events, future needs

August 10, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “I have come to prepare hearts for My Son’s return. If My children lay up every sort of provision and were to gain perfect knowledge of the future, how does that give praise and honor to Jesus? No, I have come to lead them to the impregnable ark, the Refuge of My Heart. To enter and remain in this ark, they must trust in Me. Trust proceeds from love and humility of heart.”

May 19, 2011
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“The sole purpose of Heaven’s Mission here is to guide souls into the Flame of Holy Love – the Flame of Conversion – the Flame of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. I do not come to you with preposterous plans for your survival during the tribulation. If you survive, but your hearts are not converted in and through Holy Love, you are still lost and face eternal death.”

“So, here I call you to the greatest of all plans – eternal salvation through Holy Love. It seems a simple path at first, but it is strewn with obstacles – self-love being one of them. So, do not be anxious or distracted about the future. I call you to a deeper understanding of trust in Me. Trust is the offspring of love and humility. How can you not trust your Savior Who died for you? Believe in My Love for you. Let this mutual love between us be your peace and security.”

April 9, 2011
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Please understand, one and all, that the purpose of this Mission is not to elaborate or promote imaginative preparations for the future; such as places to hide, packing lists, or what to warehouse away. The purpose of this Mission is to prepare hearts for what is to come. If hearts are well-prepared in Holy Love, then they will recognize the difference between good and evil. They will recognize My Provision and they will be prepared.”

“Once in a while, Heaven points out to you what is taking place around the world. But this is not to sensationalize; rather, it is to highlight the importance of living in Holy Love.”

April 17, 2011
Palm Sunday
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I have come to reinstate in your hearts confidence in the Refuge of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Her Heart is the certain stronghold of safety offered to the world during these most troubled times. My Mother’s Heart is impregnable to the dangers of the soul. It is spiritual well-being that must be sought after and maintained. For what would physical security gain you if your soul slipped to perdition?”

“Satan is in anxious fear over future events which you may never experience. Even if difficulties arise, you do not see now how the grace of My Provision will provide. While you are busy preparing for any possibility, the grace of the present moment is slipping away.”

“In Noah’s day, he prepared at God’s command. He constructed an ark amidst jeers and disbelief. Today the ‘ark’ is given to you – My Mother’s Heart. You can only enter herein through trustful surrender to Holy Love.”

“I have not abandoned you. I have prepared the way. I have spoken to you the Truth.”

May 18, 2011
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I invite you to realize that what Heaven offers here at this site is greater than any physical refuge. These days much time is given over to future needs. But here I offer to all a spiritual refuge – a lasting, eternal refuge – in the Refuge of My Mother’s Heart. Her Immaculate Heart is Holy Love. Therefore, the Messages of Holy Love, which guide the sinner into the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, are themselves part of this spiritual refuge.”

“Further, those who choose to live the Messages carry this spiritual refuge in their own hearts. Let this be your peace and security – indeed, your sanctification.”

September 15, 2011
Midnight Service in the United Hearts Field – Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
Blessed Virgin Mary

(This message was given in multiple parts.)

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Sorrows. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, I come to you once again seeking the conversion of all hearts, for it is that which hearts embrace which determines the course of human events. These days mankind has made a god of his own ingenuity. With his own human intelligence, he hopes to predict and to prepare for whatever the future may hold.”

“God has established this Mission here in the center of controversy and confusion so as to inspire souls to their conversion through the Truth of Holy Love. The only preparation that is necessary is Holy Love in your heart. Herein lies your passport to salvation. Holy Love in the heart is an imperative necessity. Other needs that may present themselves must be entrusted to God’s Provision.”

“Dear children, on the subject of obedience, you must obey God and His Commandments first and foremost. Do not pledge allegiance to anyone that proves himself disrespectful of God’s Laws. Calumny, rash judgment, transgression of the truth, theft in office – all of these still remain sin in God’s Eyes no matter the compromise man may reserve in his heart. Therefore, be careful that you do not place your confidence in a Judas spirit. Search out the Truth and support the Truth according to Holy Love.”

“Once again I tell you, I come for the welfare of every soul no matter his station or posture in the world. God’s Commandments are binding upon all nations and every people. So it is, I call each one back to Holy Love. Truth will never change because of public opinion. Truth remains the Truth. Holy Love remains God’s Law and Truth itself.”

“The impact of this Mission is meant to change hearts – to turn hearts towards their conversion through these Messages of Holy Love – and the many supernatural graces abundant and evidenced here. The Mission is here in this present time to effect conversion of whole generations, nations and ideologies. Holy Love must not know boundaries.”

“If you will listen, you will have no more wars or violence. You will not fear the future but begin to love God’s Holy and Divine Will. Then all of nature will once again reflect mankind’s coalition with the Eternal Now, and natural disasters will wane; but, dear children, you must listen. You do not have time to compromise. Be united in the Truth. There is no Truth in compromise.”

“During these times when every sort of spiritual challenge weighs upon the heart of the world, it is necessary that every heart become an ark of Holy Love. This is the way to ride out the storms of controversy which oppose this Mission and your own salvation. If your heart is not secure in this ark of love, your faith will surely be washed away and you will drown in Satan’s lies.”

“Most do not see or even consider the effects of the spiritual chastisement which God is allowing to take place today; but you, My children, have been given the remedy in Holy Love. You have been given the defense in My titles, Protectress of the Faith, Defender of All Virtue and Refuge of Holy Love. You understand the scope of Satan’s power – politically, economically, and most of all, spiritually. I am depending on you to give others the protection of My Immaculate Heart by sharing these Messages.”

“Dear children, many of you seek in your hearts information about future events. Realize that you can put much effort into what you perceive as future needs. Tonight I desire you realize that the spiritual chastisement is at hand. Long standing establishments of faith are now divided and compromised. The most intense part of this spiritual chastisement is yet ahead. You will not be ready to discern the Truth unless you make of your own heart a little refuge of Holy Love. This is how to prepare. Only then will you know the Truth and whom to trust. The faith in your heart should be your primary concern – not your physical well-being.”

“I am your Protectress, your Defense and your Refuge.”

“Dear children, do not allow My Tears tonight to fall in vain. I desire that every heart here be transformed through this Mission and through these Messages of Holy Love. Let your hearts be Holy Love. No longer fear what is to come, but in the present be Holy Love to all those around you.”

“I am taking all of your petitions with Me tonight to Heaven, and I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”

September 20, 2011
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I have come to help all to see that no one can enter eternal life outside of purification. Holy Love is the means of purification. This is why this Mission is so much a preparation for the New Jerusalem, both in Heaven and on earth.”

“These days people invest great efforts into preparing for what they think will be their physical needs in the future. Holy Love must be their spiritual portion now and in days to come. The signs are all around you of My Return. Do not let the enemy distract you from the only preparation that counts; that is, Holy Love in your heart.”

“Holy Love is the Rapture;* your flight away from all that is evil; your escape in difficulty; your refuge of safety. Do not fear but trust.”

* Rapture: 1. The state of being carried away with joy, love, etc.; ecstasy 2. An expression of great joy, pleasure, etc. 3. A carrying away or being carried away in body or spirit; now rare except in theological usage; [Now Rare] to enrapture; fill with ecstasy — SYN. Ecstasy; in some Christian theologies, the bodily ascent into heaven just before Armageddon of those who are saved.

(Webster’s New World Dictionary Third College Edition)