Compilation of sections relevant to Pentecost excerpted from “To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons Marian Movement of Priests
Blue Book can be obtained from Publications – Marian Movement of Priests (
Sections: #226, 246, 265, 310, 355, 383, 404, 426, 450, 496, 521, 546, 574, 595
226. Come, Holy Spirit
Tananarive (Madagascar), June 7, 1981 Feast of Pentecost
“I am the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
My powerful function as Mediatrix between you and my Son Jesus is exercised above all in obtaining for you in superabundance, from the Father and the Son, the Spirit of Love.
By this divine fire, the Church must be renewed and transformed. By this fire of Love, the whole world will be made new. At his powerful life-giving breath, new heavens and a new earth will at last be opened!
In the Cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, dispose yourselves to receive this divine Spirit.
The Father gives Him to you to associate you intimately in his very own life and that the image of the Son, in whom He has made to repose all his pleasure, may shine forth in you ever more perfectly.
Jesus gives Him to you as the most precious fruit of his redemption, as Witness of his Person and of his divine mission. Even in this distant land in which you find yourself today, brought here by Me, to hold Cenacles with so many of my children, you see the Gospel already spread, through the precious work of the missionaries.
Today the whole world must be brought to the fullness of the truth, to the Gospel of Jesus, to the one Church willed and founded by Christ, and this is achieved by the Holy Spirit.
The Church must be opened to his divine fire in such a way that, completely purified, it will be ready to receive the splendour of his new Pentecost, in preparation for the second, glorious coming of my Son Jesus.
Today I invite you all to enter into the Cenacle of my Immaculate Heart: in the expectation of receiving in fullness the Spirit of Love which is given to you as a gift by the Father and the Son.
My Immaculate Heart is the golden doorway through which this divine Spirit passes to reach you. And so I invite you to repeat often: ‘Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.'”
246. The hour of the Holy Spirit
Blumenfeld (Germany), May 30, 1982 Feast of Pentecost
“In the Cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, prepare yourselves to receive the fire of the love of the Holy Spirit, which will lead my Church to live the joyous moment of its Pentecost and which will renew the whole face of the earth.
This is its hour. It is the hour of the Holy Spirit who, from the Father and by means of the Son, is given to you ever more and more as a gift, as a sign of the merciful love of God who wants to save mankind.
By the fire of the Spirit of Love, the Work of the great purification will be quickly accomplished. The Church groans as it awaits his merciful work of purification.
Through interior sufferings and by means of trials which will bring it to relive the bloody hours of the Passion through which my Son Jesus lived, the Church will be led to its divine splendour.
It will be healed of the wounds of error, which have spread like a hidden cancer and which threaten the deposit of faith. It will be cured of the leprosy of sin, which obscures its sanctity. It will be purified of all those human elements, which separate it from the spirit of the Gospel.
It will be deprived of its earthly goods and purified of many of its means of power, that once again it may become poor, humble, simple and chaste. In its Pastors and its flock, it will again be crucified, that it may give perfect witness to the Gospel of Jesus.
Through the power of fire and of blood, the whole world will also be renewed. Humanity will return once again to the glorification of the Father, through Jesus, who will at last have established his Reign in your midst.
This is, then, the hour of the Holy Spirit. He will come to you in all his fullness, by means of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, his most beloved Spouse.”
265. New heavens and new earth
May 22, 1983
The Feast of Pentecost
“Everything is soon to be accomplished, beloved sons whom I have called for so long to enter into my Refuge, to cooperate in my plan of salvation and mercy.
For this I gather you together in the Cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, to form you with Me for the life of prayer, mutual love, self-giving and holiness.
In this new Cenacle, let us together invoke the gift of the Holy Spirit Who, proceeding from the Father and the Son through my motherly intercession, wishes to be poured out again today in His fullness upon the suffering Church, and upon the whole of humanity which is wrapped round by a great darkness.
Under the influence of His powerful action of love, the desert of this world can be completely renewed by an immense dew of grace and thus transformed into that garden of life and beauty in which God can again create His own reflection with joy.
O Spirit of love, give us new Heavens and a new Earth in which the most Holy Trinity may be loved and glorified; in which men may live together as in just one great family; in which the wounds of egoism and hatred, impurity and injustice, may be totally healed.
Give us, O Spirit of Love, a Church renewed by the irresistible power of Your divine action which straightens what is twisted, bends what is rigid, heals what is wounded, waters what is dry and opens what is closed.
O Spirit of Love, give us a Church faithful to the Gospel, which announces truth and is resplendent with great holiness.
O Spirit of Love, give us a humble, evangelical, poor, chaste and merciful Church.
With Your divine power, burn away what is imperfect in her-, strip her of so many human means of power; free her from compromise with the world in which she lives and which she has to save; let her come out of her purification completely renewed, increasingly beautiful, without spot or stain, in imitation of Mary her Immaculate Mother and Your beloved spouse.
Only in the triumph of my Immaculate Heart will the task that I have entrusted to My Movement of Priests be completely achieved.”
310. Come, Spirit of Love
May 26, 1985 Cagliari (Sardinia) Pentecost
“Beloved sons, who have entered into the Cenacle of my Immaculate Heart to let yourselves be formed by Me for the great task which the Lord has entrusted to you, pass this day in an unceasing prayer, addressed to the Father and to the Son, so that They may grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit.
For this reason alone, I have invited you to enter into the Cenacle of my motherly Heart.
For this reason alone, I today invite the whole of the Church to gather together in the Cenacle of my Immaculate Heart in a continuous prayer made with Me and through Me.
For this reason alone, I recommend you to gather often in your Cenacles, in order to give Me a great force of prayer, with which I may be able to intervene with My Son Jesus, for Him to swiftly obtain for you from the Father the gift of a new and second Pentecost for the Church and for the whole of humanity.
Come, O Spirit of Love, and renew the face of the earth; make it completely return to being a new garden ofgrace and holiness, of justice and love, of communion and peace, so that the Holy Trinity can once again be reflected as pleased and glorified.
Come, O Spirit of Love, and renew the whole of the Church; bring it to the perfection of charity, unity andholiness, so that it may become today the very great light which shines to all men in the great darkness which has spread everywhere.
Come, O Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding and open the way to hearts for the understanding of the wholeof the Truth. With the burning power of Your divine fire, uproot every error, sweep away every heresy, so that the light of the Truth which Jesus has revealed may shine to all men in its integrity.
Come, O Spirit of Counsel and Fortitude, and make us courageous witnesses of the Gospel which we havereceived.
Sustain the persecuted; encourage the rejected; give strength to those who are imprisoned; grant perseverance to those who are trodden down and tortured; obtain the palm of victory for those who, even today, are led to martyrdom.
Come, O Spirit of Knowledge, Piety and Fear of God, and renew, with the sap of Your divine Love, the livesof all those who have been consecrated in Baptism, signed with Your seal in confirmation, of those who have offered themselves to the service of God, of the Bishops, the Priests, the Deacons, so that they may all correspond to Your Design which is being realised in these times, of the second Pentecost implored and awaited for so long.
Only then will the task which I Myself have entrusted to My Marian Movement of Priests be achieved.
Only then will there have come the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, at the beginning of a time in which the new Heavens and the new earth will be able to be seen at last by everyone.
355. Come, Lord Jesus
June 7, 1987
Detroit (State of Illinois, U.S.A.)
Pentecost – Solemn Opening of the Marian Year
“My beloved ones and sons consecrated to Me, today come, all of you, into the sure refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
This is the Cenacle which the Mother, in these times, has prepared for the Church, Her beloved daughter.
Into the Cenacle of my Immaculate Heart the whole Church must now enter: all the Bishops, the Priests, the Religious and the Faithful must all enter.
In the Cenacle of Jerusalem, upon the Apostles united in prayer with Me, there came down the Holy Spirit and the miracle of the first Pentecost was accomplished.
In this way, only in the Cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, when the whole Church has entered into it, there will come about the great wonder of the second Pentecost.
It will be a divine fire of purification and sanctification, which will renew the whole face of the earth.
My times have arrived. For this reason, the Pope, My first son of predilection, is today opening an extraordinary Marian Year in My honour.
I am asking that the whole Church should become recollected in prayer with Me, Mother of intercession and reparation.
I want all those who belong to My Movement to grow in the personal commitment of consecration, because in you My Immaculate Heart must be increasingly glorified.
For this reason, I ask you to multiply everywhere your Cenacles of prayer and fraternity, and to lead the greatest number possible of my children to consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
In this year, some of the events which I have foretold to you, as signs of my approaching triumph, will already have begun.
Prepare yourselves in a spirit of humility, of trust and of great hope. Open the doors of your hearts to receive the great Gift which the Father and the Son will cause to come down upon you.
The Spirit of the Lord will fill the earth and change the World.
The Spirit of the Lord will renew, with His divine Fire, the whole of the Church, and will lead it to the perfection of holiness and of its splendour.
The Spirit of the Lord will transform the hearts and souls of men and will make them courageous witnesses of His divine Love.
The Spirit of the Lord will prepare humanity to welcome the glorious reign of Christ, so that the Father can be loved and glorified by everyone.
For this, I invite you today to begin, with love and in prayer this extraordinary year dedicated to your Heavenly Mother.
I am obtaining for you the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I am leading you along the road of piety and love.
I am gathering you in the Cenacle of my Heart, in an act of unceasing prayer.
I invite you from every part of the earth, because the hour of my triumph has arrived.
The hour which I have foretold to you for years has arrived.
For this, My action will become, from now on, more powerful, more extraordinary and more recognised by everyone.
Recollect yourselves in My Immaculate Heart, so that your voices may be united to mine in a continual prayer.
I am the dawn which is rising to announce the arrival of the luminous sun of Christ.
Welcome My announcement with joy and, in this Marian Year, all of you unite yourselves to your Heavenly Mother in repeating Her perennial invocation, which She is always offering together with her divine Spouse: “Come, Lord Jesus”.
383. Holy Spirit Will Come
Heede (Germany), May 22, 1988 Feast of Pentecost
“Beloved sons, gather together from every part of the earth to live this day in the cenacle of my Immaculate Heart. This is the day which recalls the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, gathered together in prayer with me in the Cenacle of Jerusalem. On this day of Pentecost of the Marian Year, consecrated to me, I am calling upon you to unite your prayer to that of your heavenly Mother, to obtain the great gift of the Second Pentecost. The time of the Second Pentecost has come.
The Holy Spirit will come, as a heavenly dew of grace and of fire, which will renew all the world. Under Hisirresistible action of love, the Church will open itself to live the new era of its greatest holiness and will shine resplendently with so strong a light that it will attract to itself all the nations of the earth.
The Holy Spirit will come3 that the will of the Heavenly Father be accomplished and the created universeonce again reflect His great glory.
The Holy Spirit will come, to establish the glorious reign of Christ and it will be a reign of grace, of holiness,of love, of justice and of peace. With His divine love, He will open the doors of hearts and illuminate all consciences. Every person will see themself in the burning fire of divine Truth. It will be like a judgment in miniature. And then Jesus Christ will bring His glorious reign in the world.
The Holy Spirit will come, by means of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. For this, I am calling upon you all today to enter into the cenacle of my Heart. Thus you will be prepared to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit which will transform you and make you the instruments with which Jesus will establish His reign.”
404. The Huge Red Dragon
The Shrine of Tindari (Sicily), May 14, 1989
Feast of Pentecost
“Beloved sons, today you adore and call upon the Holy Spirit, descended at Pentecost upon the apostles and the disciples, gathered together with me in the Cenacle of Jerusalem. You are calling upon Him again in these times of yours, with confidence and perseverance, gathered together with me in cenacles of prayer, which are now spread in every part of the earth.
With my Marian Movement of Priests, I am today inviting all the children of the Church to gather together in a continuous cenacle of prayer with me, your heavenly Mother. I am inviting all the bishops, the priests, the religious and the faithful.
My Immaculate Heart is the place of this new, spiritual and universal cenacle. You must enter into it through your act of consecration, which commits you to me forever, so that I may unite my voice to yours in calling down upon the Church and upon all humanity the Gift of a second Pentecost.
Only the Spirit of the Lord can bring back humanity to the perfect glorification of God. Only the Spirit of the Lord can renew the Church with the splendor of its unity and its sanctity. Only the Spirit of the Lord can overcome the power and the victorious force of the huge Red Dragon, which, in this century of yours, has broken loose everywhere, in a formidable way, to seduce and ensnare all humanity.
The huge Red Dragon is atheistic communism which has spread everywhere the error of the denial and ofthe obstinate rejection of God. The huge Red Dragon is Marxist atheism, which appears with ten horns, namely with the power of its means of communication, in order to lead humanity to disobey the ten commandments of God, and with seven heads, upon each of which there is a crown, signs of authority and royalty. The crowned heads indicate the nations in which atheistic communism is established and rules with the force of its ideological, political and military power.
The hugeness of the Dragon clearly manifests the vastness of the territory occupied by the uncontested reign of atheistic communism. Its color is red because it uses wars and blood as instruments of its numerous conquests.
The huge Red Dragon has succeeded during these years in conquering humanity with the error of theoreticaland practical atheism, which has now seduced all the nations of the earth. It has thus succeeded in building up for itself a new civilization without God, materialistic, egoistic, hedonistic, arid and cold, which carries within itself the seeds of corruption and of death.
The huge Red Dragon has the diabolical task of taking all humanity away from the Dominion of God, fromthe glorification of the Most Holy Trinity, from the full actualization of the plan of the Father who, by means of the Son, has created it for his glory.
The Lord has reclothed me with his light and the Holy Spirit with his divine power, and thus I appear as a great sign in heaven, a Woman clothed in the sun, because I have the task of taking humanity away from the dominion of the huge Red Dragon and of bringing it all back to the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.
For this I have formed for myself the army of my littlest children, in every part of the world, and I am asking of them that they consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart. Thus I am leading them to live only for the glory of God, by means of faith and charity, and I myself am jealously cultivating them in my heavenly garden.
Then each day I present myself before the throne of my Lord in an act of profound adoration, I open the golden door of my Immaculate Heart and I offer in my arms all these little children of mine, as I say: ‘Most holy and divine Trinity, at the moment when You are being universally denied, I present to you the homage of my motherly reparation, by means of all these little ones of mine whom I am forming each day to your greater glorification.’
Thus again today, from the mouths of infants and sucklings, the Lord receives his perfect praise.”
426. The Time of the Holy Spirit
Vacallo (Switzerland), June 3, 1990 Feast of Pentecost
“In the cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, beloved children, invoke today, together with your heavenly Mother, the Gift of the Holy Spirit.-‘Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.’ -Repeat this invocation frequently. Let it become your habitual prayer during these years which still separate you from the great jubilee of the year two thousand, as you live through the concluding times of this second advent.
You are drawing close to the moment when the great prodigy of the Second Pentecost will come to pass.
Only the Spirit of Love can renew the whole world. Only the Spirit of Love can form the new heavens and the new earth. Only the Spirit of Love can prepare hearts, souls, the Church and all humanity to receive Jesus who will return to you in glory.
For this, you are entering into times when the divine action of the Holy Spirit will become stronger and stronger.
In these times, the Holy Spirit has the task of bringing you to the realization of the plan of the Heavenly Father, in the perfect and universal glorification of his Son, Jesus Christ. Thus the Holy Spirit is fulfilling his divine mission of giving full witness to the Son and will lead you to the understanding of the truth, whole and entire.
The Holy Spirit has the task of making you today courageous witnesses of the Truth and of bringing you tothe heroic witness of faith in Jesus.
The Holy Spirit has the task of enlightening your souls with the light of divine grace and of leading youalong the way of holiness. For this, He is pouring out upon you his seven holy gifts, thus giving strength and an increase in the
theological and moral virtues which transform your life into that blossoming garden where the Most Holy Trinity makes its dwelling place.
The Holy Spirit has the task of forming your hearts to the perfection of love and thus burns away., withinyou, every form of egoism and purifies you in the crucible of innumerable sufferings.
The Holy Spirit has the task of bringing the Church to its greatest splendor, that it may thus become allbeautiful, without stain or wrinkle, in imitation of your heavenly Mother, and be able to spread the light of Christ to all the nations of the earth.
The Holy Spirit has the task of transforming all humanity and of renewing the face of the earth, that it maybecome a new terrestrial paradise in which God may be possessed, loved and glorified by all.
The Holy Spirit opens and closes the doors of the Second Advent. This is why the entire period of theSecond Advent, in which you are living, is the time of the Holy Spirit. You are living in his time.
I urge you to multiply everywhere cenacles of prayer with me. The whole Church must enter into the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart and recollect itself in incessant prayer with your heavenly Mother, because my Immaculate Heart is the golden door through which the Holy Spirit passes to come to you and to bring you to the Second Pentecost. “
450. The Understanding of the Whole and Entire Truth
Berlin (Germany), May 19, 1991
Feast of Pentecost
“Today you are here to observe the liturgical solemnity of Pentecost, in a continual cenacle of brotherhood and of prayer, carried out with me and by means of me. Thus there is renewed the very same reality which took place in the Cenacle of Jerusalem when, under the form of tongues of fire, the Holy Spirit came down upon the apostles, gathered together in prayer with your heavenly Mother. That was the first Pentecost. That was the beginning of the earthly journey of the Church in the history of humanity.
With the extraordinary abundance of his charisms, the Spirit of the Lord has completely transformed the apostles, from being timid and fearful to being courageous witnesses of Jesus and of his Gospel. With the powerful force of his divine action, He has brought them to the understanding of the whole and entire truth, and He has made them into perfect witnesses of Jesus, even to the shedding of blood.
You have now entered into the times of the Second Pentecost. For this reason, it is necessary that these cenacles be multiplied in every part of the world. I ask that all the Church be gathered together in the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart. Then the Holy Spirit will bring you to the understanding of the whole and entire truth.
He will bring you into the secret of the Word of God and will give you the light of wisdom to understand all the Gospel and whatever is described in it concerning the times through which you are living. The Holy Spirit will make you understand the signs of your time. They are the times foretold by Holy Scripture as those of the great apostasy and of the coming of the Antichrist. They are times of great tribulation and of innumerable sufferings for all, which will bring you to live through these final events in preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus in glory.
The Holy Spirit gives his perfect witness to Jesus and proclaims Him as the Only-begotten Son, coeternal and consubstantial with the Father, He through whom all things have been made, the Incarnate Word, the King of all the universe, who must come again in glory to restore his reign in the world,
The Holy Spirit prepares hearts and souls for the Second Coming of Jesus. For this reason, He is today pouring out his charisms, in a manner which is even stronger and more extraordinary than at the time of the beginning of the Church. Because you have now entered into the last times, which will lead you to the new era.
The task of the Spirit is to prepare humanity for its complete change, to renew the face of creation, to form the new heavens and the new earth. For this reason, I ask
you to persevere with fidelity in the cenacles which I have requested of you.
And allow the Holy Spirit to mold you with his sweet and powerful action of love. Only thus can you be ready for the great plan which awaits you.”
496. Comfort Amidst Mourning
Notre Dame de Laus (Gap, France), May 30, 1993
Feast of Pentecost
“You are bringing to completion today, in this venerated shrine, the journey which you have undertaken all through France. In fifteen days, you have held a good twenty cenacles, in which bishops, priests and a great number of the faithful of my Movement have taken part.
Everywhere you have gathered together in prayer with me before the Eucharistic Jesus solemnly exposed on the altar, and you have renewed your consecration to my Immaculate Heart. Everywhere you have contemplated the marvels of love, of grace and of mercy of your heavenly Mother.
You are completing this extraordinary journey today, on the solemn feast of Pentecost. This is a sign which I am giving you, to make you understand that, in the garden of my Immaculate Heart, the new Church and the new humanity, purified, sanctified and completely renewed by the Holy Spirit, are even now ready to come to birth.
This decisive time of the purification and the great tribulation is the time of the Holy Spirit. And so I renew again today my invitation to multiply the cenacles of prayer, which I have asked for, with such motherly insistence.
Let these cenacles be spread among the priests, my beloved sons. Surrender to me your concerns and your many occupations. Do not give in to the easy seductions of the world. Return to the spirit of simplicity, of humility, of littleness. Recollect yourselves in prayer in the cenacle
of my Immaculate Heart, and then you will be able to see, with your own eyes, the wonder of the Second Pentecost.
Let children come together in cenacles, because their innocent prayer, united to mine, has today a great power of intercession and reparation. From how many evils you have already been spared, because of the prayer of these little children of mine!
I want to gather young people together in cenacles, so that they may experience my motherly presence, the presence of a Mother who loves them, protects them from the great dangers to which they are exposed, and who Ieads them with gentle firmness, along the road of goodness, of love, of purity and of holiness.
The cenacles which I have asked of families are a precious gift to them so that in them they may experience the joy of my presence, the comfort of my assistance, and the help offered against the grave evils which threaten their very existence. In these cenacles, the Holy Spirit will come down to lead you to the Second Pentecost.
It is necessary, above all in these last times, that the Church and all humanity be transformed into a continuous cenacle of prayer, made with me and through me. Then the Holy Spirit will come down as a comfort upon the mourning of your days, in which the great trial has already come.
Amidst the mourning of a humanity without God, there will come down the comfort of the Holy Spirit, whowill Iead the whole world to the perfect glorification of the Heavenly Father, bringing about a new marriage of love between a renewed humanity and its Lord who has created, redeemed and saved it.
Amidst the mourning of a divided, darkened and wounded Church, there will be felt the comfort of the HolySpirit, who will clothe it with fortitude and wisdom, with grace and holiness, and with love and light, in such a way that it may give its full witness to Jesus, living in it until the end of the world.
Amidst the mourning of souls, made slaves of Satan, immersed in the shadow of sin and death, there willalight the comfort of the Holy Spirit, who will give the light of the presence of God, the life of divine grace, and the fire of love, so that in them the Most Holy and Divine Trinity will be able to take up its permanent dwelling.
Amidst the mourning of the great trial, there will come down the comfort of the divine presence of the Spiritof the Lord, who will lead you to live – with confidence, courage, hope, serenity and love – through the events, which are awaiting you.
Then, in the midst of fire, you will feel his refreshment; in the cold, his heat; in the darkness, his light; in mourning, his comfort; in fear, his courage; in weakness, his strength; in great suffering, his divine solace.
And so today I invite you to unite your prayer to mine, so that the Spirit of the Lord may come down upon you, with all his gifts.
Come, O Holy Spirit.
Come and change the face of the earth.
Come quickly.
Come, in these last times.
Come, now that the great trial has arrived.
Come and bring us your Second Pentecost, so that our eyes may see your greatest miracle, that of the new heavens and new earth.”
521. Come, Holy Spirit
Berlin (Germany) May 22, 1994 Feast of Pentecost
“Today you find yourselves gathered together here, in a continuous cenacle of prayer with your heavenly Mother, in the liturgical celebration of the Solemnity of Pentecost.
And you are repeating, with the intensity of love, the prayer which I myself have taught you: ‘Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.’
Come, Holy Spirit.
A new and universal effusion of the Holy Spirit is necessary to arrive at the new times, so longed for. It is necessary that the Second Pentecost come quickly. It can come to pass only in the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart. For this reason, I renew today the invitation to all the Church to enter into the cenacle which the heavenly Mother has prepared for you for the final times. You are able to enter through the act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart.
I request that this consecration, asked by me with such anxious insistence, be made by the bishops, the priests, the religious and the faithful. And let it be made by all in order to shorten the time of the great trial which has now arrived.
The Holy Spirit will then bring you to an understanding of the whole and entire truth.
The Holy Spin t will cause you to understand the times through which you are living.
The Holy Spirit will be light upon your way and will make you courageous witnesses of the Gospel in the dreadful hour of the great apostasy.
The Holy Spirit will bring you to grasp that which I will make manifest to you concerning what is contained in the still sealed Book.
The Holy Spirit will give his perfect witness to the Son, by preparing hearts and souls to receive Jesus who will return to you in glory.
Come, Holy Spirit.
Come by means of the powerful intercession of my Immaculate Heart. My hour is the hour of the Holy Spirit. The triumph of my Immaculate Heart will coincide with the great prodigy of the Second Pentecost.
A new fire will come down from heaven and will purify all humanity, which has again become pagan. It will be like a judgment in miniature and each one will see himself in the light of the very Truth of God.
Thus sinners will come back to grace and holiness; the straying, to the road of righteousness; those far away, to the house of the Father; the sick, to complete healing; and
the proud, the impure, the wicked collaborators with Satan will be defeated and condemned for ever.
Then my Heart-of-a-Mother will have its triumph over all humanity, which will return to a new marriage of love and of life with its Heavenly Father.
Come, Holy Spirit.
Come at the voice of your well-beloved Spouse who calls You. I am the heavenly Spouse of the Holy Spirit. As, through a singular design of the Father, I have become true Mother of the Son, so also have I become true Spouse of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has given Himself to my soul by an interior and true spousal union, and of this has been born the divine fruit of the virginal conception of the Word in my most pure womb.
The Spirit cannot resist the voice of the Spouse who calls to Him. And so unite yourselves, each and all, to me, my little children, in invoking today the gift of the Holy Spirit. Let your supplication become the prayer of these last times. Let your prayer be habitual, repeated frequently by you, because it has been taught to you and is being passionately demanded of you by your heavenly Mother: ‘Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.’
And open your hearts to hope, because there is about to come upon you the greatest prodigy of the Second Pentecost.”
546. Tongues of Fire
Vacallo (Switzerland), June 4, 1995
Feast of Pentecost
“Gathered together in an extraordinary cenacle of prayer made with me, beloved children, you are celebrating today the Solemnity of Pentecost.
I found myself gathered together with the apostles and disciples, in the Cenacle of Jerusalem, when the miracle of the descent of the Holy Spin* t took place, under the form of tongues of fire. And I saw with joy the miracle of their complete transformation. Timid and fearful as they had been, they came forth from the Cenacle courageous and intrepid witnesses of Jesus and of his Gospel.
In the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, the miraculous event of the Second Pentecost must now be accomplished, implored and expected by you. Again there will descend upon the Church and upon all humanity miraculous tongues of fire.
Tongues of divine fire will bring heat and life to a humanity which has now become cold from egotism and hatred, from violence and wars. Thus the parched earth will be opened to the breath of the Spirit of God, which will transform it into a new and wondrous garden in which the Most Holy Trinity will make its permanent dwelling place among you.
Tongues off ire will come down to enlighten and sanctify the Church, which is living through the dark hour of Calvary and being stricken in her pastors, wounded in the flock, abandoned and betrayed by her own, exposed to the impetuous wind of errors, pervaded with the loss of faith and with apostasy.
The divine fire of the Holy Spirit will heal Her of every malady, will purify Her of every stain and every infidelity, will clothe Her again in new beauty, will cover Her with his splendor,
in such a way that She may be able to find again all her unity and holiness, and will thus give to the world her full, universal and perfect witness to Jesus.
Tongues of fire will come down upon you all, my poor children, so ensnared and seduced by Satan and by all the evil spirits who, during these years, have attained their greatest triumph. And thus you will be illuminated by this divine light, and you will see your own selves in the mirror of the truth and the holiness of God. It will be like a judgment in miniature, which will open the door of your heart to receive the great gift of Divine Mercy.
And then the Holy Spirit will work the new miracle of universal transformation in the heart and the life of all: sinners will be converted; the weak will find support; the sick will receive healing; those far away will return to the house of the Father; those separated and divided will attain full unity.
In this way, the miracle of the Second Pentecost will take place. It will come with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.
Only then will you see how the tongues of fire of the Spirit of Love will renew the whole world, which will become completely transformed by the greatest manifestation of Divine Mercy.
And so I invite you to spend this day in the Cenacle, gathered together in prayer with me, Mother of Mercy, in the hope and the trembling expectation of the Second Pentecost, now close at hand.”
574. The Second Pentecost
Shrine of Latas (Santander, Spain), May 26, 1996
Solemnity of Pentecost
“With an extraordinary cenacle of prayer and fraternity, you celebrate today the Solemnity of Pentecost. You recall the prodigious event of the descent of the Holy Spirit, under the form of tongues of fire, upon the Cenacle of Jerusalem, where the apostles were gathered in prayer, with me, your heavenly Mother.
You too, gathered today in prayer in the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, prepare yourselves to receive the prodigious gift of the Second Pentecost.
The Second Pentecost will come to bring this humanity – which has again become pagan and which is living under the powerful influence of the Evil One – back to its full communion of life with its Lord who has created, redeemed and saved it.
Miraculous and spiritual tongues of fire will purify the hearts and the souls of all, who will see themselves in the light of God and will be pierced by the keen sword of his divine truth.
The Second Pentecost will come to lead all the Church to the summit of her greatest splendor. The Spirit of wisdom will lead her to perfect fidelity to the Gospel; the Spirit of counsel will assist her and comfort her in all her tribulations; the Spirit of fortitude will bring her to a daily and heroic witness to Jesus. Above all, the Holy Spirit will communicate to the Church the precious gift of her full unity and of her greatest holiness. Only then will Jesus bring into her his reign of glory.
The Second Pentecost will descend into hearts to transform them and make them sensitive and open to love, humble and merciful, free of all egoism and of all wickedness. And thus it will be that the Spirit of the Lord will transform the hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.
The Second Pentecost will bum away, with the fire of his divine love, the sins which obscure the beauty of your souls. And thus they will return to the full communion of life with God; they will be a privileged garden of his presence; and in this resplendent garden there will blossom all the virtues, cultivated with special care by me, your heavenly gardener. Thus the Holy Spirit will pour out upon the earth the gift of his divine holiness.
The Second Pentecost will descend upon all the nations which are so divided by egoism and particular interests, by antagonisms which often set them one against the other. And thus are spread everywhere the wars and fratricidal struggles which have caused so much blood to be spilt on your streets. Then, the nations will form part of one single great family, gathered together and blessed by the presence of the Lord among you.
Today I invite you to enter into the cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, to recollect yourselves in prayer with me, your heavenly Mother. And thus together let us implore the gift of the Holy Spirit and together let us await the descent of the Second Pentecost, which will renew the world and change the face of the earth.”
595. In the Light of His Truth
Marseille (France); May 18, 1997
Solemnity of Pentecost
“My little son, continue this wearying Journey throughout all of France, in order to hold everywhere wonderful cenacles with the priests and the faithful of my Movement. This is my hour. This is the hour when I want to gather you all into the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart. Here, the prodigy of the second Pentecost for the Church and for all humanity will soon take place.
The Holy Spirit will give his perfect testimony.
It is the testimony of the Holy Spirit which will convince the world of sin.
In the light of his truth, all humanity will understand the abyss into which it has allowed itself to be led by Satan who, in it [humanity] and by means of it, he has wanted to repeat the proud gesture of his rejection of God and of his Law.
Thus humanity has arrived at building a civilization without God, has given itself a morality contrary to his Law, has justified every form of evil and of sin, and has allowed itself to be seduced by materialism, hatred, violence and impurity.
By the divine fire of the Holy Spirit, humanity will be completely purified, that it may again become that new garden where the Most Holy Trinity will receive its greatest glory.
It is the testimony of the Holy Spirit which will profoundly renew the Church.
In the light of his truth, the Church will see itself in all its human weakness and win be healed of its crisis of faith; it will be set free from the snares of errors, which have spread the deep wound of apostasy and infidelity within it.
Renewed by the divine fire of the Holy Spirit, the entire Church will reflect the glory of its Lord and will again become a faithful and chaste spouse, all beautiful, without spot or wrinkle, in imitation of its heavenly Mother.
It is the testimony of the Holy Spirit which will bring you to an understanding of the whole and entire truth.
In the light of his truth, there will become apparent to all the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus, which will spread his divine splendor everywhere. And thus Jesus will be listened to in his word, followed on the way traced out by Him, imitated in his life, and glorified in his Person.
The hour has come when my Son Jesus must be glorified by all. With the prodigy of the second Pentecost, humanity will acknowledge Jesus Christ as its Redeemer and as its only Savior.
Then the Holy Spirit will open hearts and souls to welcome Christ, who will return to you in the splendor of his divine glory.
Thus my Immaculate Heart will finally attain its great triumph.”