Compilation of passages relevant to the Red Dragon (from Book of Revelation) excerpted from “To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons Marian Movement of Priests

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Note about Translation Material
Unfortunately, it wasn’t until an inordinate amount of time was spent gathering the passages re the Red Dragon (more search topics to come) that it was discovered that the digital version of the MMP To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons Blue Book referenced was NOT an exact replica of the English version. So the wording is slightly different and awkward at parts. A search for another digital version that is a duplicate of the Blue Book will be conducted before continuing but will fall back on this version if it takes too long in order to continue the work.
Section/Chapter #’s Referenced
Section/”Chapter” Number Referenced: #28, #62, #83, #99, #175, #186, #201, #227, #232, #237, #254, #267, #269, #270, #274, #275, #289, #297, #314, #363, #365, #366, #373, #397, #403, #404, #405, #406, #407, #414, #431, #455, #495, #502, #581
Grouping Summary Below
First Grouping is the essential information culled as a short cut for a quick read and memory aid
Second Grouping contains all the actual passages that are excerpted from numbered sections/chapters that reference the “Red Dragon”
Third Grouping is the complete collection of numbered messages in their entirety containing the reference to the “Red Dragon”
First Grouping
Red Dragon spoken of in the Bible – atheism, Marxist atheism
He is indeed succeeding in seducing and casting down a third of the stars of heaven.
These stars, in the firmament of the Church, are the pastors: they are yourselves, my poor Priest-sons.
struggle between the Red Dragon and the Woman clothed in the sun
Red Dragon has set out first of all to persecute the Woman clothed in the sun. And the serpent has spewed out a torrent of water from his mouth at the Woman in order to submerge her and sweep her away.
This place, hidden and silent and made and by so many struggles and so many wounds, in which the Woman now finds a place for herself, is the soul and the heart of my beloved Sons
Because the struggle between your heavenly Mother-the Woman clothed in the sun-and her Adversary, the Red Dragon, has now entered into its conclusive phase.
The Red Dragon is atheistic Marxism, which has now conquered the whole world and has led humanity to construct for itself a new civilisation without God.
The pride of Satan will yet be conquered by the humility of little ones and the red Dragon will find himself finally humiliated and conquered, when I bind him, not using a great chain, but a very fragile cord: that of the Holy Rosary.
In 1917 at Fatima, I anticipated it, as in a prophetic announcement, at the moment in which the great struggle became clear between the Woman clothed with the sun and the red Dragon, which was to last throughout the whole century, as a proud challenge to God on the part of my Adversary, certain of succeeding in destroying the Church and bringing the whole human race to a universal rejection of God.
I am the Woman clothed with the sun, who is about to intervene in an extraordinary way to bind the Red Dragon, in order to cast him down in his reign of fire and of death.
the definitive defeat of the Red Dragon of theoretical and practical atheism
At last the moment has come when I, the Woman clothed with the sun, will conquer the Red Dragon; I will bind him with a chain and cast him into hell so that he will no longer be able to harm the earth.
Because these are the times of the reign of my Adversary, the Red Dragon, Satan, the old serpent whose head I shall crush.
The huge Red Dragon is atheistic communism which has spread everywhere the error of the denial and of the obstinate rejection of God. The huge Red Dragon is Marxist atheism, which appears with ten horns, namely with the power of its means of communication, in order to lead humanity to disobey the ten commandments of God, and with seven heads, upon each of which there is a crown, signs of authority and royalty. The crowned heads indicate the nations in which atheistic communism is established and rules with the force of its ideological, political and military power.
Second Grouping
28. The spirit of rebellion against God
December 1, 1973
The Demon of lust has contaminated everything: my poor children, how sick and stricken you are!
The Spirit of rebellion against God has seduced humanity; atheism has entered into so many souls and has completely extinguished the light of faith and Love.
This is the Red Dragon spoken of in the Bible. Read it, my sons, because the present times are those of its realization!
62. The sign which God gives
November 30, 1974
My victory has been foretold, over the Red Dragon and over atheism which is triumphing and apparently victorious today. This victory will be obtained through the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world, and I will achieve this victory through the Priests of my Movement.
83. Be joyous
October 18, 1975
What is in preparation is so extraordinary that its like has never happened since the creation of the world: that is why everything has already been predicted in the Bible.
The terrible struggle between Me, ‘the Woman clothed in the sun,’ and the Red Dragon, Satan, who has now succeeded in seducing many even with the error of Marxist atheism, has already been foretold to you. The struggle between the Angels together with my children and the followers of the dragon led by the rebellious angels has already been foretold to you. Above all, my complete victory has already been clearly foretold.
99. Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart
May 13, 1976
Now you are living in that period of time when the Red Dragon, that is to say Marxist atheism, is spreading throughout the whole world and is increasingly bringing about the ruin of souls.
He is indeed succeeding in seducing and casting down a third of the stars of heaven.
These stars, in the firmament of the Church, are the pastors: they are yourselves, my poor Priest-sons.
Has not perchance even the Vicar of my Son affirmed to you that it is the dearest friends, even the confreres of the same table, the Priests and the Religious, who are today betraying and setting themselves against the Church?
175. The Woman clothed in the sun
May 13, 1979
“I have come from heaven to reveal to you my plan in this struggle which involves everyone, marshalled together at the orders of two opposing leaders: the Woman clothed in the sun and the Red Dragon.
I have shown you the road you must take: that of prayer and penance. I have called you to the interior conversion of your life.
I have also prepared a refuge for you that you may be brought together, protected and strengthened during the present tempest which will become even more violent. The refuge is my Immaculate Heart.
186. The desert will blossom
November 28, 1979
A great wonder is about to be accomplished in your time, even though for the present it is happening in silence and mystery.
In the struggle between the Red Dragon and the Woman clothed in the sun, in which Heaven and earth are taking part, the heavenly powers and those of hell, your Mother and Queen is each day accomplishing an important step in the realisation of her victorious plan.
201. A torrent of water
I am the Woman clothed in the sun. I am in the heart of the Most Holy Trinity.
Until I am acknowledged there where the Most Holy Trinity
has willed me to be, I will not be able to exercise my power fully, in the maternal work of co-redemption and of the universal mediation of graces. For this reason, as the battle between Me and my Adversary enters its decisive phase, he has tried by every means to obscure the mission of your heavenly Mother.
In order to succeed in dominating the earth, the Red Dragon has set out first of all to persecute the Woman clothed in the sun. And the serpent has spewed out a torrent of water from his mouth at the Woman in order to submerge her and sweep her away.
What is this flood of water if not the ensemble of these new theological theories, by which an attempt is being made to bring your heavenly Mother down from that place where the Most Holy Trinity has put her? Thus it has been possible to obscure Me in the souls, in the life and in the piety of many of my children, even to the point of denying some of those privileges with which I have been adorned by my Lord.
To take flight from this great torrent of water, the ‘wings of a great eagle’ were given to the Woman and thus She was able to find a place for herself in the desert.
What is this desert if not a place which is hidden, without noise, set apart and arid?
This place, hidden and silent and made and by so many struggles and so many wounds, in which the Woman now finds a place for herself, is the soul and the heart of my beloved sons and of all who have consecrated themselves to my Immaculate Heart.
227. This is the hour of my Victory
San Marino-Valdragone, July 1, 1981
Because the struggle between your heavenly Mother-the Woman clothed in the sun-and her Adversary, the Red Dragon, has now entered into its conclusive phase.
232. Queen of the Angels
Montevideo (Uruguay), September 29, 1981
In the struggle between the Woman clothed in the sun and the Red Dragon, the Angels have the most important part to play. For this reason, you must let yourselves be guided docilely by them.
The Angels, the Archangels and all the heavenly cohorts are united with you in the terrible battle against the Dragon and his followers. They are defending you against the snares of Satan and the many Demons who have now been unleashed with furious and destructive frenzy upon every part of the world.
Therefore they are setting dangerous and fearful snares for you and you would not be able to escape them without the special help of your Guardian Angels. How many times each day they intervene to rescue you from all the treacherous manoeuvres which, with astuteness, my Adversary undertakes against you!
237. On the road of perfect love
New York (U.S.A.), December 8, 1981
I am today the Woman clothed in the sun, who is doing combat against the Red Dragon and his powerful army.
254. My plan
December 8, 1982
In the Apocalypse, it has been foretold how the Woman clothed in the sun will conduct the battle against the Red Dragon and all his followers. If you want to second my plan, you must do battle, my little ones, as children of a Mother who is a Leader in battle. Fight against sin and against compromise with the weapon of prayer and of suffering.
267. Why I wanted you here
June 29, 1983
Now the struggle between your heavenly Mother and her Adversary has entered its decisive phase,
The Woman clothed with the sun is fighting openly with her army, against the army under the orders of the Red Dragon, at whose service the black Beast come from the sea has placed itself.
The Red Dragon is atheistic Marxism, which has now conquered the whole world and has led humanity to construct for itself a new civilisation without God. Because of this, the world has become an and arid cold desert, immersed in the ice of hatred and in the darkness of sin and impurity.
The time has come to fight with courage, apostles of these last times, under the orders of your heavenly Leader, Through you, I wish to make answer to division by strengthening the communion and love which unite you, to the point of making you just one; to the spread of sin and evil, I make answer with your priestly immolation, and for this I help you to climb Calvary and I place you on the Cross on which each one must be immolated; to the attack of the Red Dragon and the black Beast, I make answer by calling you all to fight, so that God may be increasingly glorified and the Church may be healed, in its sons, from the wounds of unfaithfulness and apostasy.
269. In the light of paradise
August 15, 1983
In the fight of Paradise which awaits you, you will, above all, be able to accomplish perfectly the plan which I have for each one of you, in these times of the great struggle between the Woman clothed with the sun and her Adversary, the Red Dragon. In deep detachment from the world and creatures, you will truly become little, confident, humble and good.
You will travel along the road of contempt for the world and for yourselves. You will be capable of mortifying your senses and you will come back to offering the gift of your penance.
It is my desire that there should be a return to the practice of fasting, so recommended by Jesus in His Gospel. In this way you will become true disciples of Jesus and will spread His Light around you in this time which is shot through with darkness.
270. Mother of Purification
August 26, 1983
Bear in your lives the- sufferings of peoples, reduced to slavery by those who deny God and spread atheism by every means.
Poland, whose Queen I have been officially proclaimed to be, is a sign of this perennial and bloody persecution.
How many people in these nations are hindered in the profession of their faith; how many are put aside because of their faithfulness to Jesus and to the Church!
For so many years the Red Dragon has extended his rule over these peoples and he persecutes my children with the most subtle and refined means.
Feel in your hearts the deep wound which is caused to me by the millions of children slaughtered in the wombs of their mothers; by the sin which is spreading and seducing souls; by the immorality which is corrupting consciences like a terrible cancer; by the young people led astray as victims of vice, drugs and violence; by the breakdown of so many family circles.
Share too in the sufferings of the Church which is living through the time of its greatest abandonment.
How sick this beloved Daughter of mine is!
274. The function of the angels
Curacao (Archipelago of the West Indies)
September 29, 1983
This is their function; under my orders, they are fighting a terrible battle against Satan and all his evil spirits. It is a struggle which takes place, above all, at the level of spirits, with intelligence and perfect commitment to the plans of the two great and opposing leaders; the “Woman clothed with the Sun” and the red Dragon.
The task of Saint Gabriel is to clothe you with God’s own strength.
He fights against the most dangerous of Satan’s snares, that of weakening you, leading you to discouragement and weariness.
275. The Dragon will be bound
Fort Lauderdale (Florida, U.S.A.)
October 7, 1983
The pride of Satan will yet be conquered by the humility of little ones and the red Dragon will find himself finally humiliated and conquered, when I bind him, not using a great chain, but a very fragile cord: that of the Holy Rosary.
It is a prayer which you offer together with Me.
When you invite Me to pray for you, I listen to your request and unite my voice to yours, I unite my prayer to yours.
Co-operate with my invitation; multiply your Cenacles of prayer and brotherhood, consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, recite the Holy Rosary frequently! Then the powerful red Dragon will be completely bound by this chain, his margin of action will be increasingly reduced and, in the end, he can be rendered powerless and harmless.
289. Be converted!
May 13, 1984
“These are my times. While you remember today the first apparition of mine which took place in Fatima in 1917, you are living through the events which I then foretold.
You are living in that period in which the struggle between me, ‘the Woman clothed with the Sun’ and my Adversary, the red Dragon, is already moving towards its conclusion. For this reason, I am still appearing in a new and more extraordinary way, in order to give you confirmation that my presence is continuous.
297. My message
November 9, 1984
In 1917 at Fatima, I anticipated it, as in a prophetic announcement, at the moment in which the great struggle became clear between the Woman clothed with the sun and the red Dragon, which was to last throughout the whole century, as a proud challenge to God on the part of my Adversary, certain of succeeding in destroying the Church and bringing the whole human race to a universal rejection of God.
The Lord has granted him this space of time, because in the end the pride of the red Dragon will be broken and conquered by the humility, litheness and power of your Heavenly Mother, the Woman clothed with the sun, Who is now gathering all her little children into her army in battle array.
314. The two armies
October 13, 1985
“From here where I appeared as the Woman clothed with the sun, I call upon you all to gather around your Heavenly Leader.
These are the times of the great battle between Me and the powerful army at the orders of the red Dragon and the black beast.
Marxist atheism and Masonry are guiding this united army, to lead the whole of humanity to the denial of and rebellion against God.
At its head there is Lucifer himself, who is repeating his challenge today of ranging himself against God to make himself adored as God. With him there are fighting all the demons who, have been poured out upon the earth in these times from Hell, in order to lead the greatest possible number of souls to perdition.
With them there are united all the spirits of the damned and those who, in this life, walk in the rejection of God, whom they offend and blaspheme and walk along the road of egoism and hatred, evil and impurity.
They make their one and only aim the quest for pleasures, they satisfy all the passions, fight for the triumph of hatred, evil and impiety.
The army which I Myself lead is formed of all the Angels and Saints of Paradise, guided by St. Michael the Archangel, who is the head of the whole Heavenly army.
363. To all the peoples of the world
September 27, 1987
Round about this little land, which is a privileged portion of my heavenly garden, extends a boundless region where there holds sway the Red Dragon, my Adversary, who has built up his kingdom upon rebellion against God, constraining by force into atheism an immense number of my children, who are walking in the deepest of darkness. But from here my light and my victory will spread and will cover all the nations of this great continent of Asia.
I am the dawn which is rising in an ever stronger and more luminous way. I am the Virgin Mother who brings help and salvation to all the peoples of the world. I am the way opened to the glorious triumph of Christ. I am the Woman clothed with the sun, who is about to intervene in an extraordinary way to bind the Red Dragon, in order to cast him down in his reign of fire and of death. From what is taking place here, all the Church should now understand that the Mother’s presence is indispensable for its universal renewal.
365. The children most loved by me
October 9, 1987
Taipei (Taiwan)
“I am gazing today with eyes of mercy on this great nation of China, where my Adversary is reigning, the Red Dragon who has set up his kingdom here, enjoining all, by force, to repeat the satanic act of denial and of rebellion against God.
I see the innumerable and profound sufferings of these poor children of mine, who are walking in the deepest darkness. They are the children most loved by me. I am at their side, as a Mother who wants to console them, to help them and to encourage them.
And so, from this land, I want to give my motherly message to all my children who live in the regions where atheistic communism holds sway and where any external manifestation whatsoever of the worship due to the Lord our God is prohibited and punished.
– Finally I am preparing the day, by now close at hand, of your liberation, with the definitive defeat of the Red Dragon of theoretical and practical atheism, which has conquered the entire world. The time of your slavery is about to end. All you nations of the earth, come out from slavery and darkness and go to meet Christ who is coming to establish in your midst His glorious reign of love.
At last the moment has come when I, the Woman clothed with the sun, will conquer the Red Dragon; I will bind him with a chain and cast him into hell so that he will no longer be able to harm the earth. It will in fact be entirely transformed into a new terrestrial paradise for the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.”
366. I will put an end to your slavery
October 13, 1987
These are seventy years during which I have descended from heaven into your midst as the Woman clothed in the sun. These are seventy years during which my Adversary, Satan, has come up from the abyss into your midst, to manifest himself as the Red Dragon in all his terrible power. In fact, he has succeeded in extending his reign in many nations and in spreading his action of denial and of rebellion against God to every part of the earth. Thus, during the period of these seventy years, the Red Dragon has bound men with the chain of his slavery.
373. The Lord is Sending Me to You
Manaus-Amazonas (Brazil), February 11, 1988
Why am I, in these times, making myself present to you in a new, continuous and extraordinary way? Because these are the times of the reign of my Adversary, the Red Dragon, Satan, the old serpent whose head I shall crush. Under the weight of his reign, there is an increase for you of trials and sufferings, of wounds and of falls and thus the danger of being lost is much greater for all.
397. Come, Lord Jesus
Dong (Como), January 1, 1989
At the beginning of this new year, which will be marked by a succession of grave and significant events, you are looking in a special way to me as to the Mother of hope and Queen of peace.
In the time of the great tribulation, through which you are living, my motherly presence will become continually stronger and more extraordinary. The greater and more universal the reign of my Adversary, the Red Dragon, will become, the greater and more universal the victorious presence of the Woman clothed in the sun will likewise become.
403. The Two Wings of the Great Eagle
Sant’Omero (Teramo), May 6, 1989
Thus I am able to exercise, in these times of yours, the great power which has been given to me by the Most Holy Trinity, to render harmless the attack which my Adversary, the Red Dragon, has unleashed against me, vomiting from his mouth a river of water to submerge me. The river of water is made up of the collection of all the new theological doctrines, which have sought to obscure the image of your heavenly Mother, to deny her privileges, to restructure devotion to her, and to cast ridicule upon all those who are devoted to her. Because of these attacks of the Dragon, in these years, piety toward me has steadily diminished among many of the faithful and, in some places, has even disappeared.
404. The Huge Red Dragon
The Shrine of Tindari (Sicily), May 14, 1989
Only the Spirit of the Lord can overcome the power and the victorious force of the huge Red Dragon, which, in this century of yours, has broken loose everywhere, in a formidable way, to seduce and ensnare all humanity.
The huge Red Dragon is atheistic communism which has spread everywhere the error of the denial and of the obstinate rejection of God. The huge Red Dragon is Marxist atheism, which appears with ten horns, namely with the power of its means of communication, in order to lead humanity to disobey the ten commandments of God, and with seven heads, upon each of which there is a crown, signs of authority and royalty. The crowned heads indicate the nations in which atheistic communism is established and rules with the force of its ideological, political and military power.
The hugeness of the Dragon clearly manifests the vastness of the territory occupied by the uncontested reign of atheistic communism. Its color is red because it uses wars and blood as instruments of its numerous conquests.
The huge Red Dragon has succeeded during these years in conquering humanity with the error of theoretical and practical atheism, which has now seduced all the nations of the earth. It has thus succeeded in building up for itself a new civilization without God, materialistic, egoistic, hedonistic, arid and cold, which carries within itself the seeds of corruption and of death.
The huge Red Dragon has the diabolical task of taking all humanity away from the Dominion of God, from the glorification of the Most Holy Trinity, from the full actualization of the plan of the Father who, by means of the Son, has created it for his glory.
The Lord has reclothed me with his light and the Holy Spirit with his divine power, and thus I appear as a great sign in heaven, a Woman clothed in the sun, because I have the task of taking humanity away from the dominion of the huge Red Dragon and of bringing it all back to the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.
For this I have formed for myself the army of my littlest children, in every part of the world, and I am asking of them that they consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart. Thus I am leading them to live only for the glory of God, by means of faith and charity, and I myself am jealously cultivating them in my heavenly garden.
405. The Beast Like a Leopard
Milan, June 3, 1989
The time has come when my Immaculate Heart must be glorified by the Church and by all humanity because, in these times of the apostasy, of the purification and of the great tribulation, my Immaculate Heart is the only refuge and the way which leads you to the God of salvation and of peace. Above all, my Immaculate Heart becomes today the sign of my sure victory, in the great struggle which is being fought out between the followers of the huge Red Dragon and the followers of the Woman clothed in the sun.
In this terrible struggle, there comes up from the sea, to the aid of the Dragon, a beast like a leopard.
If the Red Dragon is Marxist atheism, the black beast is Freemasonry. The Dragon manifests himself in the force of his power; the black beast on the other hand acts in the shadow, keeps out of sight and hides himself in such a way as to enter in everywhere. He has the claws of a bear and the mouth 4 a lion, because he works everywhere with cunning and with the means of social communication, that is to say, through propaganda. The seven heads indicate the various Masonic lodges, which act everywhere in a subtle and dangerous way.
In fact if the Red Dragon works to bring all humanity to do without God, to the denial of God, and therefore spreads the error of atheism, the aim of Masonry is not to deny God, but to blaspheme Him. The beast opens his mouth to utter blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his dwelling place, and against all those who dwell in heaven. The greatest blasphemy is that of denying the worship due to God alone by giving it to creatures and to Satan himself.
This is why in these times, behind the perverse action of Freemasonry, there are being spread everywhere black masses and the satanic cult. Moreover Masonry acts, by every means, to prevent souls from being saved and thus it endeavours to bring to nothing the redemption accomplished by Christ.
406. The Beast Like a Lamb
Dong (Como), June 13, 1989
“Beloved sons, today you are calling to mind my second apparition, which took place in the humble Cova da Iria in Fatima, on June 13, 1917. Even as of then I foretold to you that which you are living through in these times. I announced to you the great struggle between me, the Woman clothed in the sun’ and the huge Red Dragon, which has brought humanity to live without God.
407. The Number of the Beast: 666
Milan, June 17, 1989
A Saturday
“Beloved sons, you now understand the plan of your heavenly Mother, the Woman clothed in the sun, who, with her army, is engaged in the great struggle against all the forces of evil, in order to attain her great victory in the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.
Join me in battle, little children, against the Dragon, who seeks to lead all humanity against God.
Join me in battle, little children, against the black beast, Masonry, which seeks to lead souls to perdition.
Join me in battle, little children, against the beast like a lamb, Masonry infiltrated into the interior of ecclesial life in order to destroy Christ and his Church. To attain this end, it seeks to build a new idol, namely a false christ an a false church.
Lucifer, the ancient serpent, the devil or Satan, the Red Dragon, becomes, in these last times, the Antichrist. The Apostle John already affirmed that whoever denies that Jesus Christ is God, that person is the Antichrist. The statue or idol, built in honor of the beast to be adored by all men, is the Antichrist.
414. A Crown of Twelve Stars
Rubbio (Vicenza), December 8, 1989
At the beginning, I am announced as the enemy of Satan; she who will obtain the complete victory over him. ‘I will put enmity between you and the Woman, between your offspring and hers; she will crush your head, as you will attempt to bite her heel.’
At the end, I am seen as the Woman clothed in the sun, who has the task of fighting against the Red Dragon and his powerful army, to conquer him, to bind him and to drive him away into his kingdom of death, that Christ alone may reign over the world.
431. The Task which I have Entrusted to You
Milan, September 8, 1990
– I am terrible as an army drawn up in battle array, because the task which has been entrusted to me by the Lord is that of conquering Satan; of crushing the head of the ancient serpent-, of enchaining the huge red dragon and of casting him into his abyss of fire; of struggling with and of defeating the one who opposes himself to Christ, namely the Antichrist, in order to prepare the second coming of Jesus, who will restore his glorious reign among you.
455. The Crown of the Slavic Peoples
Velehrad (Bohemia), September 8, 1991
– I have always been close to you, in the long years of your harsh and bloody slavery. The Red Dragon had been exerting all his power over you, setting everywhere, in blood and in tears, the seal of his cruel reign. But I have obtained from the Lord the great grace of your liberation.
– I have always been close to you, in the decisive moments when communism was forever defeated by you, and I have personally intervened in order that this changeover take place without fratricidal struggles, without the shedding of blood and without further acts of destruction.
495. The Bloody Years of the Battle
Shrine of Caravaggio, May 13, 1993
You are still in the period described by me in my apparition. Above all, you are in the heart of my message. The struggle between the Woman clothed in the sun and the red dragon has, during these years, reached its highest peak. Satan has set up his kingdom in the world. He is now ruling over you as a sure victor.
The powers which are directing and arranging human events, according to their perverse plans, are the dark and diabolic powers of evil. They have succeeded in bringing all humanity to live without God. They have spread everywhere the error of theoretical and practical atheism. They have built the new idols before which humanity is bowing down in adoration: pleasure, money, pride, impurity, mastery over others, and impiety.
502. The Task of the Guardian Angels
Milan, October 2, 1993
– And lastly, the guardian angels have the task of waging together with you one and the same battle to obtain the same victory. In the great trial which has now arrived, the fierce struggle between the Woman clothed in the sun and the red dragon, between the forces of good and evil, between Christ and the antichrist, is becoming still stronger and more bloody.
581 A Great Sign
Tokyo (Japan), October 13, 1996
– A great sign in the terrible struggle against all the forces of evil, which have joined together against God and against his Christ. And so, close to the great sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun, there appears also that of the Red Dragon, of the ancient serpent, of Satan, who is now manifesting himself in all his extraordinary power. It appears that the great Dragon has won his victory, because he has led humanity to build a civilization without God; he has spread everywhere the cult of money and pleasure; he has seduced minds with pride and with errors; he has violated souls with sin and evil; he has hardened hearts with egoism and hatred; he has corrupted all the nations of the earth with the cup of lust and impurity. Satan has succeeded in bringing his wicked kingdom upon the entire world.
But in the furious struggle of these last times, this struggle between heaven and earth, between the heavenly spirits and the demons, between the Woman and the dragon, I appear as a great sign of my greatest victory.
Third Grouping
Red Dragon, that is to say Marxist atheism,
The black Beast is also Masonry, which has infiltrated the Church and attacks, wounds and seeks to destroy it with its subtle tactics.
28. The spirit of rebellion against God
December 1, 1973
First Saturday of the Month
“Begin this new liturgical year with much prayer.
In my Heart you will find the safe refuge from the many troubles of the life of today.
Troubles, anguish and tribulation are bound to increase from day to day, because humanity, redeemed by my Son, is withdrawing ever more and more from God, and transgressing his laws.
The Demon of lust has contaminated everything: my poor children, how sick and stricken you are!
The Spirit of rebellion against God has seduced humanity; atheism has entered into so many souls and has completely extinguished the light of faith and Love.
This is the Red Dragon spoken of in the Bible. Read it, my sons, because the present times are those of its realization! How many of my children are already victims of this error of Satan!
Even among my Priests how many there are who no longer believe; and yet they still remain in my Church, true wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they are bringing to ruin a countless number of souls!
Nothing can now hold back the hand of God’s justice, which will soon be roused against Satan and his followers, as a result of the love, the prayer and the suffering of the elect.
Times of great indescribable tribulation are in preparation: if men only knew, perhaps they would repent!
But who has listened to my messages, who has understood the meaning of my tears, of my motherly requests? Almost no one, but a few unknown souls thanks to whom the chastisement has again been put off.
But this year will not end before a great sign is accomplished.
Pray, pray, pray, O you souls chosen by Me and prepared so maternally by Me.
Above all, you, my Priests: forsake vain and superfluous things. These are times of emergency: you must live only with Me, in Me, for Me.
Be vigilant, be ready: soon I will have need of you, because the time of my triumph has arrived.”
62. The sign which God gives
November 30, 1974
Last day of the liturgical year
“My beloved sons, do not let your hearts be troubled. Why do you doubt? Why do you look with uncertainty at the present and the future in search of the sign of which I have foretold you,,
There is only one sign which God gives to the world and to the Church of this day: I myself.
I alone am announced as a great sign in the heavens: this Woman, clothed in the sun, with the moon as a carpet under her feet and twelve stars as a luminous crown about her head.
My victory has been foretold, over the Red Dragon and over atheism which is triumphing and apparently victorious today. This victory will be obtained through the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world, and I will achieve this victory through the Priests of my Movement.
For the present, do not look for any other prodigies in the heavens: this will be the only prodigy’ (…)”
83. Be joyous
October 18, 1975
Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist
“I have chosen you, my son, for this simple reason: because you are the poorest, the smallest and the most limited. Humanly speaking, you are the most destitute.
I have chosen you because in your past life my Adversary had almost succeeded in claiming a victory. In your life, I have had you live, as if by anticipation, the experience of what I myself will do at the moment of my great triumph.
My Adversary will one day think that he is celebrating a complete victory: over the world, over the Church, over souls.
It will be only then that I will intervene-terrible and victorious-that his defeat may be all the greater when he is certain in his conviction that he has conquered once for all.
What is in preparation is so extraordinary that its like has never happened since the creation of the world: that is why everything has already been predicted in the Bible.
The terrible struggle between Me, ‘the Woman clothed in the sun,’ and the Red Dragon, Satan, who has now succeeded in seducing many even with the error of Marxist atheism, has already been foretold to you. The struggle between the Angels together with my children and the followers of the dragon led by the rebellious angels has already been foretold to you. Above all, my complete victory has already been clearly foretold.
You, my sons, have been called to live through these events.
It is now the time for you to know this, that you may be consciously prepared for the battle. This is now the time for Me to begin disclosing part of my plan.
First of all, it is necessary that my Enemy have the impression of having conquered everything, of having everything now in his hands. This is why he will be permitted to penetrate even into the interior of my Church and he will succeed in plunging the Sanctuary of God into darkness. He will reap the greatest number of victims from among the Ministers of the Sanctuary.
This will in fact be a time of great falls on the part of my beloved sons, my Priests.
Satan will seduce some of them by pride, others by love of the flesh, others by doubts, others by unbelief, and still others by discouragement and loneliness.
How many will have doubts about my Son and about Me and will believe that this is the end of my Church!
It is not the end!
Priests consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, my beloved sons whom I am gathering together for this great battle: the first weapon that you must make use of is trust in Me, it is your complete abandonment to Me.
Conquer the temptation of fear, of discouragement, of sadness. Distrust paralyzes your activity and greatly benefits my Adversary.
Be serene, be joyful!
This is not the end of my Church; what is in preparation is the beginning of its total and marvellous renewal!
The Vicar of my Son, in virtue of a gift I grant to him, is already able to foresee this and, though living in the present moment of sadness, he invites you to be joyous.
‘To be joyous?’ you ask Me, all surprised.
Yes, my sons, in the joy of my Immaculate Heart where I enfold you all. My Mother’s Heart will be for you the place of your peace, while outside the most violent storm is raging.
Even if you have been wounded, even if you have fallen many times, even if you have doubted, even if at certain times you have been unfaithful, do not become discouraged, because I love you!
The more my Adversary will have sought to rage about you, the greater will be my love for you.
I am a Mother and I love you all the more, my sons, for your having been snatched away from Me.
And my joy is to make each one of you, Priests beloved of my Immaculate Heart, sons so purified and strengthened that from now on no one will ever again succeed in snatching you from the love of my Son Jesus.
I will make of you living copies of my Son Jesus.
And so be content, be confident and be totally abandoned to Me. Remain always in prayer with Me.
The weapons that I will use to fight and win this battle will be your prayer and your suffering.
And so then, yes, you too will be on the Cross with Me and with my Son Jesus, close to his Mother and yours. (…)”
99. Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart
May 13, 1976
Anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima
“Today, my beloved sons, recall my coming down upon this earth, in the poor Cova da Iria in Fatima, I came from Heaven to ask you for the consecration to my Immaculate Heart.
Through you, Priests of my Movement, what I had then asked is now being realized. You are consecrating yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and leading souls entrusted to you to this consecration which I desire.
Since that day how much time has passed! It is now fifty-nine years.
The second world war, foretold by Me as a punishment allowed by God for a humanity which alas did not repent, has also taken place,
Now you are living in that period of time when the Red Dragon, that is to say Marxist atheism, is spreading throughout the whole world and is increasingly bringing about the ruin of souls.
He is indeed succeeding in seducing and casting down a third of the stars of heaven.
These stars, in the firmament of the Church, are the pastors: they are yourselves, my poor Priest-sons.
Has not perchance even the Vicar of my Son affirmed to you that it is the dearest friends, even the confreres of the same table, the Priests and the Religious, who are today betraying and setting themselves against the Church?
This is then the hour to have recourse to the great remedy that the Father offers you to resist the seductions of the Evil one and to oppose the real apostasy which is spreading more and more among my poor children. Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart.
To everyone who consecrates himself to Me I in return promise salvation: safety from error in this world and eternal salvation.
You will obtain this through a special motherly intervention on my part. Thus I will prevent you from falling into the enticements of Satan. You will be protected and defended by Me personally; you will be consoled and strengthened by Me.
Now is the time when my call must be answered by all Priests who want to remain faithful.
Each one must consecrate himself to my Immaculate Heart, and through you Priests many of my children will make this Consecration.
This is like a vaccine which, like a good Mother, I give you to preserve you from the epidemic of atheism, which is contaminating so many of my children and leading them to the death of the spirit.
These are the times that I myself foretold; this is the hour of the purification. (…)”
175. The Woman clothed in the sun
May 13, 1979
Anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima
“I have come from heaven to reveal to you my plan in this struggle which involves everyone, marshalled together at the orders of two opposing leaders: the Woman clothed in the sun and the Red Dragon.
I have shown you the road you must take: that of prayer and penance. I have called you to the interior conversion of your life.
I have also prepared a refuge for you that you may be brought together, protected and strengthened during the present tempest which will become even more violent. The refuge is my Immaculate Heart.
I am now announcing to you that this is the time of the decisive battle. During these years, I myself am intervening, as the Woman clothed in the sun, in order to bring to fulfilment the triumph of my Immaculate Heart which I have already begun through you, my beloved sons.
Sufferings will be asked of you but, in my Immaculate Heart, You will be called to taste as well the intimate joy of my motherly Love.
The darkness will grow deeper, but the ray of light which comes from my Heart to show you the way will become even stronger. Sin will cover everything, but you will be helped by Me to clothe yourselves in divine grace which must become ever more resplendent within you that you may give a witness of holiness to all.
Listen to my voice with humility and docility. (…)”
186. The desert will blossom
November 28, 1979
“You are on the eve of your departure for Africa, for this great continent which I love with such a special love, because so many of my children live in great want and therefore have need of my motherly tenderness.
Go, and give to all the light which comes from my Immaculate Heart. Go forth with Me in prayer, in love and in trust.
Each day, your Mother will cause torrents of grace and mercy to gush forth from the Heart of her Son, torrents which will water the earth and purify souls.
Beloved sons, you have been called by Me to be, today, the workers of this divine wonder.
I want to act through you.
I want to manifest myself to the world through you. By means of you I want to give my light to souls.
And so I have called you from all sides to consecrate yourselves to my immaculate Heart, that I may give you the grace to live habitually in Me, and thus fill your little hearts with the plenitude of my Love.
Love all your brothers with my Heart, especially those who have lost their way today, and are in great danger of being eternally lost.
Love above all those who are furthest away, the sinners, the atheists and those who are rejected by everyone, love even the persecutors and the executioners. Say with love, ‘Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.’
For those who hate, those who kill, those who work violence, those who do evil, those who blaspheme, those who give scandal, bear only love and say, ‘Father, forgive!’
How many of these brothers of yours you will one day find in Paradise, drawn on the way of salvation by the irresistible force of your Love!
For this, I have called you to prayer.
Your priestly prayer, offered with Me and joined to your suffering, has incalculable power. Indeed, it has the capacity to bring about a far-reaching chain reaction for good, in which the good effects spread and multiply everywhere in souls.
Through it, you will always be able to re-establish equilibrium and to equalise the balance of the scale of God’s justice.
Your precious life of prayer: the Liturgy of the Hours, meditation, the Holy Rosary, but above all the lived-out celebration of Mass which truly renews the Sacrifice of the Cross.
Oh, what weight Holy Mass has to compensate for, and to destroy, the evil which is daily brought about by so many sins and by such a widespread rejection of God!
And so I have called you to trust.
Now that darkness covers everything and the forces of Evil are being unleashed with horrible fury, you must above all grow in trust.
God alone ever has been, and still is, in every circumstance. the Victor. God conquers especially when He appears defeated.
Therefore you must today imitate your heavenly Mother in exulting in God and in singing his immense mercy.
You must, believe that the Light will always shine, even in those times when the darkness will become deeper still. And the Light is Christ, and He must shine through you, his faithful disciples, prepared and moulded in my motherly Heart.
A great wonder is about to be accomplished in your time, even though for the present it is happening in silence and mystery.
In the struggle between the Red Dragon and the Woman clothed in the sun, in which Heaven and earth are taking part, the heavenly powers and those of hell, your Mother and Queen is each day accomplishing an important step in the realisation of her victorious plan.
Therefore I say to you: soon the desert will blossom and all creation will become that marvellous garden, created for man to reflect in a perfect manner the greatest glory of God.”
201. A torrent of water
Feast of the Immaculate Heart o Mary
“Beloved sons, today is your feast because it is the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother, to whom you have consecrated yourselves.
Spend it in recollection, in prayer, in silence, in trust.
I have now imprinted my sign on the forehead of each one of you. My Adversary is no longer able to do anything against those who have been signed by their heavenly Mother.
The star of the Abyss will persecute my sons, and therefore they will be called to ever greater sufferings; many will have to offer even their own life. It is with their sacrifice of love and of pain that I will be able to achieve my greatest victory.
I am the Woman clothed in the sun. I am in the heart of the Most Holy Trinity.
Until I am acknowledged there where the Most Holy Trinity
has willed me to be, I will not be able to exercise my power fully, in the maternal work of co-redemption and of the universal mediation of graces. For this reason, as the battle between Me and my Adversary enters its decisive phase, he has tried by every means to obscure the mission of your heavenly Mother.
In order to succeed in dominating the earth, the Red Dragon has set out first of all to persecute the Woman clothed in the sun. And the serpent has spewed out a torrent of water from his mouth at the Woman in order to submerge her and sweep her away.
What is this flood of water if not the ensemble of these new theological theories, by which an attempt is being made to bring your heavenly Mother down from that place where the Most Holy Trinity has put her? Thus it has been possible to obscure Me in the souls, in the life and in the piety of many of my children, even to the point of denying some of those privileges with which I have been adorned by my Lord.
To take flight from this great torrent of water, the ‘wings of a great eagle’ were given to the Woman and thus She was able to find a place for herself in the desert.
What is this desert if not a place which is hidden, without noise, set apart and arid?
This place, hidden and silent and made and by so many struggles and so many wounds, in which the Woman now finds a place for herself, is the soul and the heart of my beloved sons and of all who have consecrated themselves to my Immaculate Heart.
I am accomplishing the greatest prodigies in the desert in which I find myself. I carry them out in silence and hiddenness to transform the souls and the lives of these sons of mine who have entrusted themselves completely to Me.
Thus each day I make their desert blossom within my garden, where I can still carry out my Work fully and where the Most Holy Trinity can receive perfect glory.
Sons, let yourselves be transformed by my powerful action as Mother, Mediatrix of graces and Co-Redemptrix. Do not fear, because in the desert of your heart I have taken refuge and have set up my permanent dwelling place.
Live in joy and confidence, because you have been marked with a seal by Me and have come to form part of my property.
Today I gather your little hearts into the immense, Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of your heavenly Mother who watches over you with delight and blesses you together with the Pope, the first of my beloved sons, who sheds such great light upon all the Church.”
227. This is the hour of my Victory
San Marino-Valdragone, July 1, 1981
“Beloved sons, you are here in my house which I have prepared for you, and you are spending these days in a continuous Cenacle of prayer and of brotherly sharing, together with your heavenly Mother.
I am always with you. I join in your prayer and I present it to the Father through my Son Jesus; I help you to know and love each other, and I lead you to the perfection of love. I pour balm on your wounds and I give you strength in your weakness. My wounded Heart is consoled and my sorrow is transformed into joy by you, my little children.
But why have I wanted you here again this year? Because the struggle between your heavenly Mother-the Woman clothed in the sun-and her Adversary, the Red Dragon, has now entered into its conclusive phase.
What has taken place in these recent months has a profound significance, following on what has already been predicted in respect to this time of purification in which you are now living.
In the Spirit of Wisdom, know then how to read the signs of the times in which you are now living. For this reason I have called you and brought you up here, and given you strength because my great plan must now be accomplished.
But I can accomplish it only through you.
And so I await from you a complete response to my will. No more doubts, no more hesitation, no more uncertainty. How many of you my Adversary has paralyzed with these subtle and dangerous weapons of his!
Do not look to those about you, pay no attention to the criticisms you hear, to the scepticism which often surrounds this Work of mine. Not to all is it given to understand my plan.
To you, my little ones, this has been granted by the Father through Jesus who, in his Spirit of Love, has placed you in the cradle of my Immaculate Heart.
Only in my Immaculate Heart is the source of your security.
Here you are prepared by Me for the great struggle which awaits you.
Here you are trained by Me in prayer, because this is the weapon with which you must fight. Pray more; pray always; every action of yours must truly be a prayer. Live your Mass, which immolates you each day with Jesus; pray well the Liturgy
of the Hours, which consecrates to God the rhythm of your day; recite the Holy Rosary with love and joy. Meditate on my words, which I have communicated to you these past years. They will bring you to understand the Gospel, which must today be lived by you and announced to all.
You cannot come down from this mountain without being transformed by Me into living victims, offered by the Holy Spirit to the Father, for the salvation of the world and for the imminent coming of the glorious Reign of Jesus.
Here you are being helped by Me to suffer. And now, the cradle of my Immaculate Heart becomes an Altar, upon which I immolate you each day, in order to appease Divine Justice and that the mercy of God may descend, like a rain, to renew the world.
For this, you are called to great suffering, following the first of my beloved sons, the Pope, who now, bathed in his own blood, is following the path that leads to Calvary along which, together with him, your heavenly Mother is leading you.
Here, you are, above all, being formed by Me to the perfection of love. AII your brothers in the Movement are spiritually close to you and, during these days, extraordinary graces are being poured into the hearts of my beloved sons scattered throughout all parts of the earth.
The time has come when I wish to live in you and to manifest myself to all through you.
I want to love with your heart, to gaze with your eyes, to console and encourage with your lips, to assist with your hands, to walk with your feet, to follow your bloodied footprints and to suffer with your crucified body.
This is the hour of the final battle; it is therefore also the hour of my victory. And so I have called you once again and you have responded, and have come to this Cenacle, where we are praying together, loving and invoking the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will give you in superabundance through the Son, that you may soon see new heavens and a new earth.”
232. Queen of the Angels
Montevideo (Uruguay), September 29, 1981
Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
“In the struggle to which I am calling you, beloved sons, you are being especially helped and defended by the Angels of Light.
I am the Queen of the Angels. At my orders, they are bringing together, from every part of the world, those whom I am calling into my great victorious cohort. In the struggle between the Woman clothed in the sun and the Red Dragon, the Angels have the most important part to play. For this reason, you must let yourselves be guided docilely by them.
The Angels, the Archangels and all the heavenly cohorts are united with you in the terrible battle against the Dragon and his followers. They are defending you against the snares of Satan and the many Demons who have now been unleashed with furious and destructive frenzy upon every part of the world.
This is the hour of Satan and of the power of the Spirit of Darkness. It is their hour, which coincides with the moment of their apparent victorious action. It is their hour, but the time which they have at their disposal is brief, and the days of their triumph are counted.
Therefore they are setting dangerous and fearful snares for you and you would not be able to escape them without the special help of your Guardian Angels. How many times each day they intervene to rescue you from all the treacherous manoeuvres which, with astuteness, my Adversary undertakes against you!
This is why I call upon you to entrust yourselves more and more to the Angels of the Lord. Have an affectionate intimacy with them, because they are closer to you than your friends and dear ones.
Walk in the light of their invisible, but certain and precious, presence. They pray for you, walk at your side, sustain you in your weariness, console you in your sorrow, keep guard over your repose, take you by the hand and lead you gently along the road I have pointed out for you.
Pray to your Guardian Angels and live out with trust and serenity the painful hours of purification.
Indeed, in these moments, Heaven and earth are united in an extraordinary communion of prayer, of love and of action, at the orders of your heavenly Leader.”
237. On the road of perfect love
New York (U.S.A.), December 8, 1981
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
“You are here today, on the Feast of my Immaculate Conception, to conclude by a great Cenacle this long and extraordinary journey, which has been strewn with true miracles of grace from my Immaculate Heart.
I am the Immaculate Conception.
I am your all-beautiful Mother.
I am the Woman clothed in the sun.
Being without the least shadow of sin, even of original sin, from which I was preserved by a singular privilege, I could reflect completely the plan which the Father had in the creation of the universe. Thus, in a perfect way, I could give the greatest glory to the Lord.
Because I was all-beautiful and full of grace, the Word of the Father chose Me as his dwelling place and, stooping to my extreme littleness, through a divine prodigy of love, descended into my virginal womb; He assumed his human nature and became my Son. Thus I became truly the Mother of Jesus and your true Mother.
Because I am truly your Mother, Jesus has entrusted to Me the mission of begetting you constantly into his likeness, by leading you along the road of love, of divine grace, of prayer, of penance, of your interior conversion.
In this daily struggle against Satan and against sin, my place is that of victorious Leader.
I am today the Woman clothed in the sun, who is doing combat against the Red Dragon and his powerful army. The Holy Spirit gives strength and vigour to the great cohort of my little sons.
Jesus is awaiting the moment to establish, through you, his Reign of love, to carry out the Will of the Father in a perfect way. He will thus lead back all creation to its pristine glorification of God. (…)
Go forward with the very greatest confidence. Follow the Light of your Immaculate Mother.
I am covering you with my very own splendour, I am clothing you with my virtues, I am signing you with my seal, I am revealing to you the secrets of divine Wisdom, I am leading you each day along the road of Perfect love. From your mouths, little ones, may the Most Holy Trinity receive today praise and glory. You are the greatest joy of my Immaculate Heart: you are already part of my victory. Today I am casting my light upon you all, I am protecting you, I am consoling and blessing you.
254. My plan
December 8, 1982
Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
“I am your Immaculate Mother: allow yourselves to be led by Me, beloved sons, for the perfect fulfilment of my motherly plan.
It is a plan of enmity.
‘I will put enmity between you and the Woman, between your offspring and hers.’ Thus did the Lord speak of Me, addressing Himself to the serpent when, by means of him, sin entered in at the beginning of the history of the human race. Enmity between Me and Satan; between the Woman and the serpent; between my cohort and his; between good and evil; between Grace and sin.
To walk along my way, there can be no descending to compromise with evil, because this road winds its way only over [the terrain] of enmity between these two opposed realities. My Son Jesus became the sign of this contradiction and has been given to you by the Father for the salvation and the ruin of many.
You are now living in obscure times, because in all kinds of ways an attempt is being made to reach a compromise between God and Satan; between good and evil; between’ the spirit of Jesus and the spirit of the world. Many are running the danger of becoming victims of this general confusion, and even in my Church a false spirit, which is not that of Jesus the Son of God, is seeking to spread itself about. Like a cloud of invisible poison gas, a spirit which jumbles the things of God with those of the world is expanding and succeeding in depriving the Word of God of its vigour and in despoiling the announcement of the Gospel of its force!
It is a plan of struggle.
Assisted by Me and following along the road which Jesus has traced out for you, you must fight against the Evil One, against sin, against error and infidelity.
If, by divine privilege, I have been exempt from all sin, even original sin, it is because I have been appointed by the Most Holy Trinity as Leader of this terrible battle, which involves heaven and earth, heavenly and earthly spirits. It is a great and continuous struggle, often invisible, and at this time it has become general.
In the Apocalypse, it has been foretold how the Woman clothed in the sun will conduct the battle against the Red Dragon and all his followers. If you want to second my plan, you must do battle, my little ones, as children of a Mother who is a Leader in battle. Fight against sin and against compromise with the weapon of prayer and of suffering. In hiddenness and confidence, in the humble fulfilment of your daily duties, in the perfect imitation of Jesus and in poverty and contempt for the world and for your own selves, join Me in waging this battle each day.
It is a plan of victory.
After the present triumph of evil, which has succeeded in subduing the world, in the end the victory will be solely that of my Son Jesus. He alone is the Victor. The outcome of the great struggle, through which we are living, will be his glorious Reign of peace and of goodness, of justice and of holiness, which will be established in the world and will shine forth resplendently in the hearts of all. Thus will be brought to completion the plan of enmity, of struggle and of victory in the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.”
267. Why I wanted you here
June 29, 1983
Valdragone di San Marino
Retreat-Cenacle with the Responsibles of MMP
“I have called you again this year and you have come from all over Europe to spend these days in a continuous Cenacle with me.
How my Heart is consoled by you, in these so troubled times, and how very much is your heavenly Mother glorified! I reflect my Light into your hearts and pour the fulness of Grace into your souls.
I am always beside you; I unite Myself to your prayer; I increase your love; I make the bonds which unite you stronger; I rejoice at seeing you so little and docile, ready to understand one another, to help one another, to walk together on the difficult road of the consecration you have made to Me.
Why did I want you here this year?
To lead you to understand that now you must walk together, united in love, to the point of becoming truly just one thing. In these days, in the Cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, I wish to make you all into just one heart and just one soul.
The tactics of my Adversary are those of hatred and divisio1w where he enters with his subtle and malicious actions, he succeeds in bringing about breaches, misunderstanding, antagonism. In the Church too, he is always at work to tear it in its interior unity. And so I bring you together from every place, to help you to love one another, to become united, to grow in the perfection of love.
I have called you up here once again to lead you to understand that your public mission is about to be fulfilled in your personal and precious immolation.
This is the Holy Year of the Redemption achieved by my Son Jesus on the Cross.
For you too, now my Immaculate Heart, which was your cradle, has become an altar on which I have to place each one of you on the Cross which the Father has prepared for you for the salvation of the world.
For this, my beloved sons, prepare to live with trust and abandonment through the blood-stained hours which now await you’ while I make you more conformed to Jesus crucified every day-
The errors which are spreading in the Church and darkening it in the faith, are the crown of thorns; the sins which are committed and for which atonement is no longer made are the painful scourges; the impurity which is spreading reduces your priestly body to just one wound; the hatred of the world, the lack of understanding, and even the rejection of which you are surrounded are the nails which pierce you; you are called to climb Calvary with Me, there to be immolated for the salvation of the world.
I have called you here again to obtain for you the Holy Spirit, Who is given to you in superabundance by the Father and the Son, through your unceasing prayer united to my motherly intercession. He will transform you into blazing flames of zeal for the glory of God and into courageous witnesses of Jesus, in these times which have become so evil.
Now the struggle between your heavenly Mother and her Adversary has entered its decisive phase,
The Woman clothed with the sun is fighting openly with her army, against the army under the orders of the Red Dragon, at whose service the black Beast come from the sea has placed itself.
The Red Dragon is atheistic Marxism, which has now conquered the whole world and has led humanity to construct for itself a new civilisation without God. Because of this, the world has become an and arid cold desert, immersed in the ice of hatred and in the darkness of sin and impurity.
The black Beast is also Masonry, which has infiltrated the Church and attacks, wounds and seeks to destroy it with its subtle tactics. Its spirit is spreading everywhere like a poisonous cloud and leads to the paralysis of faith, extinguishes apostolic ardour, and drives men ever further from Jesus and from His Gospel.
The time has come to fight with courage, apostles of these last times, under the orders of your heavenly Leader, Through you, I wish to make answer to division by strengthening the communion and love which unite you, to the point of making you just one; to the spread of sin and evil, I make answer with your priestly immolation, and for this I help you to climb Calvary and I place you on the Cross on which each one must be immolated; to the attack of the Red Dragon and the black Beast, I make answer by calling you all to fight, so that God may be increasingly glorified and the Church may be healed, in its sons, from the wounds of unfaithfulness and apostasy.
Pray, love, do penance! Walk along the road of humility, littleness, contempt for the world and for yourselves, following Jesus Who loves you and leads you.
Soon victory will shine forth everywhere. Through the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, there will come to you the glorious Reign of Jesus Who, in His Spirit, will lead the whole of creation to the glorification of the Father; finally the face of the earth will be renewed.
For this reason, before you go down from this mountain, I look upon each one of you with motherly tenderness, I fill your hearts with graces which you will understand later on, and I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
269. In the light of paradise
August 15, 1983
Mary assumed into Heaven
“Today, beloved sons, I want you to be spiritually here in Paradise, so that you may be filled with trust and hope, looking at your Heavenly Mother, assumed into the glory of Heaven with her body too.
With your hearts and souls Look at the Paradise which is awaiting you. Paradise is your true goal. You are not made for earthly life, which yet so absorbs you, tires you out and consumes you.
Life on this earth is like a long and painful wait which you have to go through, in order to enter the kingdom which has been prepared for you by the heavenly Father.
In this kingdom, my Son Jesus has already prepared a place for each one of you; the Angels are joyfully awaiting your arrival and all the Saints are burning with love as they wait for each place to be occupied by you and for always.
Today you must look more closely at the Paradise which awaits you, if -you wish to walk in serenity, hope and trust.
In the light of Paradise you will better understand too the time through which you live. It is a time of suffering. It is the time described by the Apocalypse, in which Satan has established his reign of hatred and death in the world.
The poorest, the weakest, the most defenceless, my little ones are so often overwhelmed with sufferings, which become greater every day. 0, the Lord will shorten the time of trial, as He looks at your faithfulness and your sorrow! But, in order to be consoled, today you have to look at the Paradise prepared for you.
In the light of the Paradise which awaits you, you will be able better to read the signs of your time.
The days through which you are living are evil, because the hearts of men have become dried up and cold, closed by so much egoism, being no longer capable of Love. The human race is travelling along the road of rebellion against God and of its obstinate perversion. Thus the fruits which you are gathering today are becoming evil; they are those of hatred and violence, of corruption and impiety, impurity and idolatry. Your bodies have been raised to the level of idols and pleasure is sought as the greatest of values.
How many signs the Lord is sending you, to invite you to repentance and reform; sickness, misfortune, incurable evils spreading, wars growing more frequent, threats of evil hanging over you! In order not – to despair in these times, and to travel the road of unshakeable and certain faith, it becomes urgent to live with your eyes on Paradise where, with Jesus, your heavenly Mother loves you and follows you, even with her glorious body.
In the fight of Paradise which awaits you, you will, above all, be able to accomplish perfectly the plan which I have for each one of you, in these times of the great struggle between the Woman clothed with the sun and her Adversary, the Red Dragon. In deep detachment from the world and creatures, you will truly become little, confident, humble and good.
You will travel along the road of contempt for the world and for yourselves. You will be capable of mortifying your senses and you will come back to offering the gift of your penance.
It is my desire that there should be a return to the practice of fasting, so recommended by Jesus in His Gospel. In this way you will become true disciples of Jesus and will spread His Light around you in this time which is shot through with darkness.
For this, I invite you today to look at Paradise, which rejoices in the mystery of the bodily Assumption of your heavenly Mother, Who encourages and blesses you all.”
270. Mother of Purification
August 26, 1983
Toronto (Canada)
Our Lady of Czestochowa
“Beloved sons, look at the evils which are afflicting humanity and the Church today with my merciful eyes, and you too will shed tears of sorrow and of profound compassion.
Love all your brothers with my Heart, and you will feel as your own the immense sufferings of my poor children.
I am the Queen of-all the nations and mine is a royalty of love, which wishes to bear the hearts of all men to the greatest union of life with Jesus, in such a way that the Father will be glorified, in the triumph of His Spirit of love.
Bear in your lives the- sufferings of peoples, reduced to slavery by those who deny God and spread atheism by every means.
Poland, whose Queen I have been officially proclaimed to be, is a sign of this perennial and bloody persecution.
How many people in these nations are hindered in the profession of their faith; how many are put aside because of their faithfulness to Jesus and to the Church!
For so many years the Red Dragon has extended his rule over these peoples and he persecutes my children with the most subtle and refined means.
Feel in your hearts the deep wound which is caused to me by the millions of children slaughtered in the wombs of their mothers; by the sin which is spreading and seducing souls; by the immorality which is corrupting consciences like a terrible cancer; by the young people led astray as victims of vice, drugs and violence; by the breakdown of so many family circles.
Share too in the sufferings of the Church which is living through the time of its greatest abandonment.
How sick this beloved Daughter of mine is!
Bear in your hearts Jesus’s sufferings and mine for the state of agony in which the Church is now plunged in every part of the world. Error is being taught and it is being spread in ambiguous formulae of new cultural interpretations of truth; a welcome is given to the spirit of the world, which is spreading with its evil influence and causing many souls to choose, justify and live in sin; the lack of faith is spreading and in many places of worship the images of the Saints and even those of your Heavenly Mother are being put outside.
Apostasy has already spread in every part of the Church, which is betrayed even by some of its Bishops, abandoned by many of its Priests, deserted by many of its children and violated by my Adversary.
You, my little child, are going to every part of the world and announcing my message powerfully to everyone.
These are the terrible and sorrowful times of your purification. As never before, you must look to me to be consoled, defended and saved. I am’ the Mother for these times of yours. I am the Mother for you in the hour of your present Purification.”
274. The function of the angels
Curacao (Archipelago of the West Indies)
September 29, 1983
The Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
“Today the Church is celebrating the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
It is your feast too, beloved sons, because the Angels of the Lord have a most important part to play in my victorious plan.
This is their function; under my orders, they are fighting a terrible battle against Satan and all his evil spirits. It is a struggle which takes place, above all, at the level of spirits, with intelligence and perfect commitment to the plans of the two great and opposing leaders; the “Woman clothed with the Sun” and the red Dragon.
The task of Saint Gabriel is to clothe you with God’s own strength.
He fights against the most dangerous of Satan’s snares, that of weakening you, leading you to discouragement and weariness. So many of you have halted along the road of the consecration which you made to Me, because of this human weakness of yours! It is weakness which leads you to doubt, to uncertainty, to fear, to disturbance. This is the temptation of my Adversary, with the aim of rendering you harmless, closed within yourselves, brought to a halt by your problems, incapable of real apostolic zeal.
The Archangel Gabriel has the task of helping you to grow in confidence, clothing you with the strength of God. And in this way he leads you every day along the road of courage, steadiness, heroic and pure faith.
The task of Saint Raphael is that of pouring ointment on your wounds.
How many times does Satan succeed in wounding you with sin, in striking you with his wily seductions! He leads you to feel the weight of your misery, of your powerlessness and weakness and brings you to a halt along the road of your perfect gift, of yourselves.
Then it is Saint Raphael’s task to accompany you along the road which I have traced out for you, giving you that medicine which heals you of all your spiritual illnesses. Every day, He makes your steps more sure, your resolutions less uncertain, your acts of love and of apostolate more courageous, your responses to my wishes more decisive, your minds more attentive to my motherly plan, and you fight your battle, strengthened by his heavenly balm.
Saint Michael’s task is that of defending you against the terrible attacks of Satan against you.
In these times, my beloved ones, who have welcomed my invitation and have consecrated themselves to my Immaculate Heart, and all my children who have entered and become part of my victorious army, are the targets aimed at with particular fury and ferocity by my Adversary and yours.
Satan is attacking you in the spiritual field, with every kind of temptations and suggestions, in order to lead you to evil, to confusion, doubt and loss of confidence. He frequently makes use of his favourite weapon, which is that of diabolic suggestion and impure temptation.
He attacks you with terrible snares and frequently tries to drive you into danger; he even makes attempts on your life and on your safety physically.
It is the Archangel Michael, Patron of the universal Church, who intervenes with his great power, and goes into battle to deliver you from the Evil One and from his dangerous snares. For this reason I invite you to invoke his protection with the daily recitation of the short, but very effective, prayer of exorcism composed by Pope Leo the 13th.
That is why the Angels of the Lord have an important role in the plan of the battle which is being fought out; you must always live in their company.
They have a precious and irreplaceable task; they are at your side, fighting the same battle; they give you strength and courage, they heal you of your numerous wounds, defend you from evil and, with you, from the strongest part of the victorious army under the orders of the heavenly Commander.”
275. The Dragon will be bound
Fort Lauderdale (Florida, U.S.A.)
October 7, 1983
The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
“Beloved sons, in the battle in which you are engaged every day against Satan and his insidious and dangerous seductions, against the powerful army of Evil, as well as the special assistance which the Angels of the Lord give you, you need to use a sure and invincible weapon: this weapon is your prayer.
With prayer you can always tear away from the enemy the ground which has been conquered; you can cause seedlings of good to sprout in the desert of evil and of sin; above all, you are able to liberate an immense number of souls whom Satan has managed to take prisoner. Prayer has great power and gives rise to chain reactions for good which are more powerful than atomic reactions.
The prayer which I love best is the Holy Rosary.
Because of this, in my many apparitions, I am always issuing the invitation to recite it, I unite Myself to those who say it, I ask it, with motherly concern and anxiety, of all.
Why is the Holy Rosary so effective?
Because it is a simple humble prayer and forms you spiritually to littleness, gentleness, and simplicity of heart.
Today Satan is succeeding in conquering everything with the spirit of pride and rebellion against God, and goes in terror of those who follow your heavenly Mother along the road of littleness and humility. While this prayer is despised by the great and the proud, it is recited, with great love and great joy, by my little ones; by the poor, the children, the humble, the suffering, by the very many faithful who have welcomed my Invitation.
The pride of Satan will yet be conquered by the humility of little ones and the red Dragon will find himself finally humiliated and conquered, when I bind him, not using a great chain, but a very fragile cord: that of the Holy Rosary.
It is a prayer which you offer together with Me.
When you invite Me to pray for you, I listen to your request and unite my voice to yours, I unite my prayer to yours.
It therefore always becomes efficacious, because your heavenly Mother is omnipotence at prayer. When I ask I always obtain, because Jesus cannot ever say no to anything His Mother asks Him. It is a prayer which unites the voices of the Church and the human race, because it is uttered in the name of all and never just in the name of a single person.
As you contemplate His mysteries, you come to an understanding of the plan of Jesus which is traced throughout His life, from the Incarnation to the fulfilment of His glorious Passover, and thus you penetrate increasingly into the mystery of the Redemption. And you enter into an understanding of this mystery of life, through your heavenly Mother, passing along the way of Her Heart, arriving at the possession of the immense treasure of the divine and blazing charity of the Heart of Christ.
In it, you are formed for the perfect glory of the Father, through the frequent repetition of the prayer which Jesus taught you: “Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come”. You are also formed for the perpetual adoration of the most Holy Trinity, with the recitation of the ‘Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit’. Your heavenly Mother asks you today to use the Holy Rosary as the most effective weapon for fighting the great battle under the orders of the ‘Woman clothed with the sun.
Co-operate with my invitation; multiply your Cenacles of prayer and brotherhood, consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, recite the Holy Rosary frequently! Then the powerful red Dragon will be completely bound by this chain, his margin of action will be increasingly reduced and, in the end, he can be rendered powerless and harmless.
The miracle of my Immaculate Heart will appear to everyone.
289. Be converted!
May 13, 1984
The Anniversary of the first Apparition at Fatima
“These are my times. While you remember today the first apparition of mine which took place in Fatima in 1917, you are living through the events which I then foretold.
You are living in that period in which the struggle between me, ‘the Woman clothed with the Sun’ and my Adversary, the red Dragon, is already moving towards its conclusion. For this reason, I am still appearing in a new and more extraordinary way, in order to give you confirmation that my presence is continuous.
To every one of you I communicate my Motherly will, with a message which has become urgent and painful today:
-be converted and repent of your sins;
-be converted and turn back to God Who saves you;
-be converted and walk along the road of goodness, love and holiness.
For you, this is still a precious time for conversion. Grasp my invitation which, in so many ways, I stiII wish to address to my children who are under such threats.
Pray more, pray with the Holy Rosary, pray in Cenacles among you, pray above all in the family.
I want Christian families to come back to praying with me and through me, so that they may be saved from the great evils which threaten them.
Mortify yourselves with penance and corporal fasting.
The fasting which I prefer is that which is from evil and sin; the renunciation of smoking, alcohol, the cinema and television. Do not look at television shows which corrupt you in your interior chastity and lead to such dissipation of your souls, sowing the seeds of evil in your hearts.
I also ask you for corporal fasting, at least sometimes, as was asked for by my Son Jesus in the GospeI when He said: “Some kinds of devils can be cast out only with prayer and fasting”.
Consecrate yourselves continually to my Immaculate Heart and live in daily communion of life and love with Me.
I am the Mother of Faith, I am the faithful Virgin, and in order to remain in the true Faith, you must ask Me for help. For this reason, I invite you to listen to and follow the Pope, who has the promise of infallibility from Jesus, and to frequently recite the Credo as a renewed profession of your Faith.
If you do what I ask of you, you will walk with Me every day towards your conversion.
Live well through this period of time, which the merciful Love of Jesus is still giving to you. Live with confidence and joy the time, which -is close, of the triumph for my Immaculate Heart.”
297. My message
November 9, 1984
(Udine) The Sanctuary of Castlemonte
During the celebration, immediately after the Gospel
“Beloved sons, you have come up here once again, into My Sanctuary, before My Image which is so venerated, because it
You have come here to invoke My protection on the Church, on the world, on the whole of the Marian Movement of Priests, scattered everywhere.
How I welcome the Holy Mass which you celebrate in My honour! With you, I wish there to be spiritually present the beloved sons of my Movement of all the five continents,
In these years, as your Mother, I have formed you through My messages. They are so many words of Wisdom, which I have caused to come down from My Immaculate Heart to form you for My plan.
My messages, first and foremost, trace out a simple, light-filled road, which I have shown and which you have to travel, every day, in order to live the consecration which you have made to Me, to grow in My love and in life with Me, in order to be ever more mature and ready to carry out the task which I have shown you. If any of you, after consecrating yourselves to Me, have come to a halt, it is because they have no longer listened to Me, and meditated on and lived My messages.
Oh, after My triumph, they will be a light for the whole Church; then it will be understood just what I have done for you in these years!
Meditate My messages, live them.
If you live what I have shown you and travel the road which I have traced out for you, you will walk securely along the way of the consecration which you have made to Me and you will bring to fulfilment the great plan of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Otherwise you will be halted by doubts, discouragement, difficulties and the opposition which You will come across. You will come to a halt and you will not be ready to carry out what I have disposed for you and which is so necessary today for the salvation of the world and the renewal of the Church, whose Mother I am.
In these messages I also reveal to you My plan in its silent preparation, in its painful working-out and its victorious fulfilment.
You are already about to reach the most sorrowful and bloody conclusion of the purification, which will come about in these years, before the great triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the coming of the glorious Reign of Jesus to you.
It is a plan which embraces this century.
In 1917 at Fatima, I anticipated it, as in a prophetic announcement, at the moment in which the great struggle became clear between the Woman clothed with the sun and the red Dragon, which was to last throughout the whole century, as a proud challenge to God on the part of my Adversary, certain of succeeding in destroying the Church and bringing the whole human race to a universal rejection of God.
The Lord has granted him this space of time, because in the end the pride of the red Dragon will be broken and conquered by the humility, litheness and power of your Heavenly Mother, the Woman clothed with the sun, Who is now gathering all her little children into her army in battle array.
Now that you are coming to the most painful and bloody years of this great struggle, I have personally intervened to form My army for Myself through the Marian Movement of Priests, which is My Work. For this I have chosen, as My instrument, a son from amongst the weakest of men, humanly speaking the least endowed, and have carried him to every part of the world, to show everyone that what is coming about is only doing so through a personal and extraordinary intervention on My part.
But do not be afraid, son, of the difficulties you meet when it seems to you that some instrument chosen by Me, ensnared by Satan, no longer wishes to answer My plan.
Have faith in Me: I alone am the leader of my army; I alone am the Mother and Queen of my Movement.
I use the instruments who answer Me; I choose others, when those chosen by Me no longer answer Me.
I myself am leading this Work forward every day for the great battle which we are fighting…”
314. The two armies
October 13, 1985
The Anniversary of the final Apparition
“From here where I appeared as the Woman clothed with the sun, I call upon you all to gather around your Heavenly Leader.
These are the times of the great battle between Me and the powerful army at the orders of the red Dragon and the black beast.
Marxist atheism and Masonry are guiding this united army, to lead the whole of humanity to the denial of and rebellion against God.
At its head there is Lucifer himself, who is repeating his challenge today of ranging himself against God to make himself adored as God. With him there are fighting all the demons who have been poured out upon the earth in these times from Hell, in order to lead the greatest possible number of souls to perdition.
With them there are united all the spirits of the damned and those who, in this life, walk in the rejection of God, whom they offend and blaspheme and walk along the road of egoism and hatred, evil and impurity.
They make their one and only aim the quest for pleasures, they satisfy all the passions, fight for the triumph of hatred, evil and impiety.
The army which I Myself lead is formed of all the Angels and Saints of Paradise, guided by St. Michael the Archangel, who is the head of the whole Heavenly army.
This is a great battle, which is fought above all at the level of spirits.
On this earth, My army is formed of all those who live for love and glory of God, according to the grace which they received in their holy Baptism, and who are walking along the sure road of perfect observance of the Commandments of the Lord.
They are humble, docile, little charitable; they flee from the snares of the devil and from the easy seductions of pleasure, walking the road of love, purity and holiness.
This army of mine is formed from all My little children who are answering ‘yes’ to Me today in every part of the world, and are following Me along the way which I have traced out for you in these years.
It is with My army that, in these times, I -am bringing on My victory.
It is with My army that I am each day building up the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
It is with My army that I am preparing the way on which the glorious Reign of Jesus will come to you and will be a Reign of love and of Grace, holiness, justice and peace.
From this place, where I appeared, I repeat to you today My motherly appeal, all of you, unite as quickly as possible in this My army!
The hour of the-great battle has already arrived.
Fight with the weapon of the Holy Rosary and walk along the road of the love of Jesus, contempt for the world and for yourselves, humility, charity, simplicity, purity.
Then you will be ready to bear the great trials which will soon begin for the Church and for humanity.
From this blessed place, with My Pope, with My dearly beloved and the children consecrated to Me, I bless you all in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
363. To all the peoples of the world
September 27, 1987
Seoul (Korea)
“I am much loved and venerated in this land. My children have recourse to me with a love which is born of simple, poor and humble hearts and all are taking refuge under the mantle of my motherly protection. Here, my presence gives vigor and strength to the Church, which is growing and expanding upon the terrain made fertile by the blood of many martyrs.
Round about this little land, which is a privileged portion of my heavenly garden, extends a boundless region where there holds sway the Red Dragon, my Adversary, who has built up his kingdom upon rebellion against God, constraining by force into atheism an immense number of my children, who are walking in the deepest of darkness. But from here my light and my victory will spread and will cover all the nations of this great continent of Asia.
I am the dawn which is rising in an ever stronger and more luminous way. I am the Virgin Mother who brings help and salvation to all the peoples of the world. I am the way opened to the glorious triumph of Christ. I am the Woman clothed with the sun, who is about to intervene in an extraordinary way to bind the Red Dragon, in order to cast him down in his reign of fire and of death. From what is taking place here, all the Church should now understand that the Mother’s presence is indispensable for its universal renewal.
This is the year consecrated to me. I bid you all to second my victorious plan. Pray, suffer and offer with me.
Through you, my littlest and poorest son, chosen by me that I may be glorified before the Church and the world, I want to bless Korea, land beloved of my Immaculate Heart, and all the nations of this continent of Asia and of the entire world.
365. The children most loved by me
October 9, 1987
Taipei (Taiwan)
“I am gazing today with eyes of mercy on this great nation of China, where my Adversary is reigning, the Red Dragon who has set up his kingdom here, enjoining all, by force, to repeat the satanic act of denial and of rebellion against God.
I see the innumerable and profound sufferings of these poor children of mine, who are walking in the deepest darkness. They are the children most loved by me. I am at their side, as a Mother who wants to console them, to help them and to encourage them.
And so,, from this land, I want to give my motherly message to all my children who live in the regions where atheistic communism holds sway and where any external manifestation whatsoever of the worship due to the Lord our God is prohibited and punished.
– Above all, I am giving you the certitude that I am always with you, as a true Mother, who is closer in moments of trial and suffering. I am attentive to your needs. I comfort you in pain and I take all your sufferings into my Immaculate Heart.
I place in souls seeds of love and of goodness, so that you may be able to walk along the road of good, observing the commandments carved by the Lord in your hearts, by means of His law which is engraved in the very depths of human nature.
– Then, with my motherly action, I open your hearts to receive the life of God, which acts within you in a special way, so that there be given Him in secret the adoration and the love which you are prohibited from giving Him with public and external worship. It is in this way that, in silence and in hiddenness, the true religion is again spreading in your midst and sending down roots in the life of many of my children.
– Finally I am preparing the day, by now close at hand, of your liberation, with the definitive defeat of the Red Dragon of theoretical and practical atheism, which has conquered the entire world. The time of your slavery is about to end. All you nations of the earth, come out from slavery and darkness and go to meet Christ who is coming to establish in your midst His glorious reign of love.
At last the moment has come when I, the Woman clothed with the sun, will conquer the Red Dragon; I will bind him with a chain and cast him into hell so that he will no longer be able to harm the earth. It will in fact be entirely transformed into a new terrestrial paradise for the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.”
366. I will put an end to your slavery
October 13, 1987
Hong Kong
Seventieth anniversary of the last apparition of Fatima
“On this day, beloved sons, you are observing the seventieth anniversary of the last of my apparitions which took place at Fatima and which was confirmed by the miracle of the sun. Today, my little son, you find yourself here to conclude a wonderful journey in these nations of the Far East where, with particular intensity, my Immaculate Heart has been everywhere loved, implored, consoled and glorified.
These are seventy years during which I have descended from heaven into your midst as the Woman clothed in the sun. These are seventy years during which my Adversary, Satan, has come up from the abyss into your midst, to manifest himself as the Red Dragon in all his terrible power. In fact, he has succeeded in extending his reign in many nations and in spreading his action of denial and of rebellion against God to every part of the earth. Thus, during the period of these seventy years, the Red Dragon has bound men with the chain of his slavery.
– He has made you slaves of pride and of haughtiness, with the deceptive illusion of bringing you to getting along without God, of putting your own selves in the place of God, so that in you he may be able to renew his act of rebellion and of defiance against the Lord. Thus he has spread everywhere the error of atheism and has driven humanity to build a new civilisation without God.
– He has made you slaves of pleasure and of impurity, to replace the true God with new idols, followed and adored today by many: sex, amusement, money, comfort. Thus sin has stretched out its tenebrous veil of coldness and of death over the world.
– He has made you slaves of egoism and of avarice, by leading you on in the consuming quest for your own affirmation, for superiority over others and you have become insensible to the great needs of the poor, the little ones, the sick, the needy. Thus the world has become a real desert for lack of love and, in this immense desert, how many of my children there are who, each day, become swept away, stricken down and defeated.
You have lived seventy years as slaves of my Adversary, who has succeeded in transforming the world into the city of Babylon, perverse and sinful, which, with the cup of pleasure and of luxury, has seduced all the nations of the earth. But now the period of this babylonian slavery is about to end. I will put an end to your slavery. In this Marian Year, the heavenly Mother is opening the door upon the new era of your liberation.
For this, you will see very soon the extraordinary signs which I will give, in order that you may prepare yourselves for the very great miracle which is at this time about to be accomplished. The miracle of the sun, which took place during my last apparition, was only a prophetic sign to indicate to you that you should all look at the Book which is still sealed. Today I am being sent by God to open this Book, in order that the secrets may be revealed to you.
Thus everyone will at last be able to understand to what incomparable depth and universality of renewal the victory of the merciful love of Jesus will bring you, a victory which will be brought about by means of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.”
373. The Lord is Sending Me to You
Manaus-Amazonas (Brazil), February 11, 1988
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
“Today you are calling to mind my apparition, in the poor grotto of Massabielle, to my little daughter Bernadette. Since then I have multiplied the times and the places of my extraordinary apparitions. This century has been marked by my strong presence in your midst and, in order to make it perceptible to all, I have everywhere multiplied my miraculous manifestations.
Why am I, in these times, making myself present to you in a new, continuous and extraordinary way? Because these are the times of the reign of my Adversary, the Red Dragon, Satan, the old serpent whose head I shall crush. Under the weight of his reign, there is an increase for you of trials and sufferings, of wounds and of falls and thus the danger of being lost is much greater for all.
And so I am manifesting myself to you in an extraordinary way to urge you to confidence, to trust, to take refuge in me through your act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart. As of now, my presence is becoming all the stronger, as my victory draws nearer in the definitive defeat of Satan.
For this I urge you all to look to me with confidence and with great hope.
The Lord is sending me to you to bring you His salvation. Thank Him for this gift and accept it with humility and gratitude. I am coming as an announcement of His victory. I am being sent to prepare the way for the glorious return of Jesus.
Walk in my light and become the apostles of your heavenly Mother in these last times. Spread everywhere the perfume of my presence and of my motherly tenderness. With joy I bless you all.”
397. Come, Lord Jesus
Dong (Como), January 1, 1989
Feast of Mary, the Most Holy Mother of God
“I am your Immaculate Mother, who am leading you to Jesus and bringing you to peace. Today the whole Church rejoices, as it contemplates the ineffable mystery of my divine and universal motherhood.
At the beginning of this new year, which will be marked by a succession of grave and significant events, you are looking in a special way to me as to the Mother of hope and Queen of peace.
In the time of the great tribulation, through which you are living, my motherly presence will become continually stronger and more extraordinary. The greater and more universal the reign of my Adversary, the Red Dragon, will become, the greater and more universal the victorious presence of the Woman clothed in the sun will likewise become.
For this reason you have, as of now, entered into a period of time marked by a strong presence of mine in your midst, and this will become manifest to all by means of extraordinary events.
I am your tender Mother who has the duty of leading you to Jesus, your Lord and your Savior. In these years, which still separate you from the end of this century, I will take action in all manner of ways in order that the Reign of Jesus be restored among you and that the Lord Jesus may be loved and glorified by all.
Come, Lord Jesus, in the life of each one, by means of divine grace, of love and of sanctity. I will act in a very powerful way to bring all of you, who have consecrated yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, to a great sanctity, so that Jesus may live, work and shine forth more and more in your life.
Come, Lord Jesus, in families, to help them to rediscover the life of communion, of mutual and reciprocal love, of perfect unity and of a complete availability to the gift of life.
Come, Lord Jesus, in nations, which have need of becoming once again communities open to the spiritual and material needs of all, especially of the little, the needy, the sick, the poor and the marginalized.
There is in preparation for you the coming of the Reign of Jesus, which will bring you into a new era of great brotherhood and of peace. For this reason, at the beginning of a period of time which is very important – because during it a plan prepared and completed by myself will be carried out, – I am today urging you all to band together in the prayer which your heavenly Mother, united with the Holy Spirit her divine Spouse, directs each day to the Father: ‘Come, Lord Jesus!’
Only when Jesus will have brought his Reign into your midst will all humanity at last be able to enjoy the great gift of peace. “
403. The Two Wings of the Great Eagle
Sant’Omero (Teramo), May 6, 1989
First Saturday of the Month
“My beloved sons, today you are venerating me in a special way, on the first Saturday of this month of May, which is specially dedicated to me by you. You are gathered in cenacles of brotherly sharing and of prayer with your heavenly Mother.
How much comfort you give to my deep sorrow; how much joy you bring to my Immaculate Heart! Because, by means of you who have responded to me, devotion to me is now flourishing again in all the Church.
Thus I am able to exercise, in these times of yours, the great power which has been given to me by the Most Holy Trinity, to render harmless the attack which my Adversary, the Red Dragon, has unleashed against me, vomiting from his mouth a river of water to submerge me. The river of water is made up of the collection of all the new theological doctrines, which have sought to obscure the image of your heavenly Mother, to deny her privileges, to restructure devotion to her, and to cast ridicule upon all those who are devoted to her. Because of these attacks of the Dragon, in these years, piety toward me has steadily diminished among many of the faithful and, in some places, has even disappeared.
But to the help of your heavenly Mother there have come the two wings of the great eagle. The great eagle is the word of God, above all the word contained in the Gospel of my Son Jesus.
Of the four Gospels, the eagle indicates that of Saint John, because he flies higher than all, enters into the very heart of the Most Holy Trinity, affirming with forcefulness the divinity, the eternity and the consubstantiality of the Word and the divinity of Jesus Christ.
The two wings of the eagle are the word of God, received, loved and kept with faith and the word of God lived with grace and charity. The two wings of faith and of charity -that is to say, of the word of God received and lived by me – permitted me to fly above the river of water of all the attacks made upon me, because they have manifested to the world my true greatness.
And then I sought a refuge for myself in the desert. The desert, in which I have made-my habitual dwelling place, is made up of the hearts and the souls of all those children who receive me, who listen to me, who entrust themselves completely to me, who consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart. In the desert in which I find myself, I am working today my greatest prodigies. I am working them in the heart and in the soul, that is to say, in the life of all my littlest children. Thus I am leading them to follow me along the road of faith and of charity, bringing them to receive, to love and to keep the word of God and helping them to live each day with consistency and courage.
In silence and in hiddenness, that is to say, in the desert in which I find myself, I am working forcefully that my children consecrated to me believe today in the Gospel, let themselves be guided only by the wisdom of the Gospel, be ever the Gospel lived out.
This is the task which I have prepared for the army which I have formed for myself in every part of the world, with my Marian Movement of Priests: to let themselves be carried with me on the two wings of the great eagle, namely of faith and of charity, receiving with love and living solely, in these times of yours, the word of God.
The great prodigies which I am accomplishing today, in the desert in which I find myself, are those of transforming completely the life of my little children, that they may become courageous witnesses of faith and luminous examples of holiness.
In this way, in silence and in hiddenness, each day I am preparing my great victory over the Dragon, in the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.”
404. The Huge Red Dragon
The Shrine of Tindari (Sicily), May 14, 1989
Feast of Pentecost
“Beloved sons, today you adore and call upon the Holy Spirit, descended at Pentecost upon the apostles and the disciples, gathered together with me in the Cenacle of Jerusalem. You are calling upon Him again in these times of yours, with confidence and perseverance, gathered together with me in cenacles of prayer, which are now spread in every part of the earth.
With my Marian Movement of Priests, I am today inviting all the children of the Church to gather together in a continuous cenacle of prayer with me, your heavenly Mother. I am inviting all the bishops, the priests, the religious and the faithful.
My Immaculate Heart is the place of this new, spiritual and universal cenacle. You must enter into it through your act of consecration, which commits you to me forever, so that I may unite my voice to yours in calling down upon the Church and upon all humanity the Gift of a second Pentecost.
Only the Spirit of the Lord can bring back humanity to the perfect glorification of God. Only the Spirit of the Lord can renew the Church with the splendor of its unity and its sanctity. Only the Spirit of the Lord can overcome the power and the victorious force of the huge Red Dragon, which, in this century of yours, has broken loose everywhere, in a formidable way, to seduce and ensnare all humanity.
The huge Red Dragon is atheistic communism which has spread everywhere the error of the denial and of the obstinate rejection of God. The huge Red Dragon is Marxist atheism, which appears with ten horns, namely with the power of its means of communication, in order to lead humanity to disobey the ten commandments of God, and with seven heads, upon each of which there is a crown, signs of authority and royalty. The crowned heads indicate the nations in which atheistic communism is established and rules with the force of its ideological, political and military power.
The hugeness of the Dragon clearly manifests the vastness of the territory occupied by the uncontested reign of atheistic communism. Its color is red because it uses wars and blood as instruments of its numerous conquests.
The huge Red Dragon has succeeded during these years in conquering humanity with the error of theoretical and practical atheism, which has now seduced all the nations of the earth. It has thus succeeded in building up for itself a new civilization without God, materialistic, egoistic, hedonistic, arid and cold, which carries within itself the seeds of corruption and of death.
The huge Red Dragon has the diabolical task of taking all humanity away from the Dominion of God, from the glorification of the Most Holy Trinity, from the full actualization of the plan of the Father who, by means of the Son, has created it for his glory.
The Lord has reclothed me with his light and the Holy Spirit with his divine power, and thus I appear as a great sign in heaven, a Woman clothed in the sun, because I have the task of taking humanity away from the dominion of the huge Red Dragon and of bringing it all back to the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.
For this I have formed for myself the army of my littlest children, in every part of the world, and I am asking of them that they consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart. Thus I am leading them to live only for the glory of God, by means of faith and charity, and I myself am jealously cultivating them in my heavenly garden.
Then each day I present myself before the throne of my Lord in an act of profound adoration, I open the golden door of my Immaculate Heart and I offer in my arms all these little children of mine, as I say: ‘Most holy and divine Trinity, at the moment when You are being universally denied, I present to you the homage of my motherly reparation, by means of all these little ones of mine whom I am forming each day to your greater glorification.’
Thus again today, from the mouths of infants and sucklings, the Lord receives his perfect praise.”
405. The Beast Like a Leopard
Milan, June 3, 1989
First Saturday of the Month and Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
“Beloved sons, today you are gathered in cenacles of prayer to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother. From every part of the world I have called you to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, and you have responded with filial love and generosity. I have now formed for myself my army, with those children who have accepted my request and have listened to my voice.
The time has come when my Immaculate Heart must be glorified by the Church and by all humanity because, in these times of the apostasy, of the purification and of the great tribulation, my Immaculate Heart is the only refuge and the way which leads you to the God of salvation and of peace. Above all, my Immaculate Heart becomes today the sign of my sure victory, in the great struggle which is being fought out between the followers of the huge Red Dragon and the followers of the Woman clothed in the sun.
In this terrible struggle, there comes up from the sea, to the aid of the Dragon, a beast like a leopard.
If the Red Dragon is Marxist atheism, the black beast is Freemasonry. The Dragon manifests himself in the force of his power; the black beast on the other hand acts in the shadow, keeps out of sight and hides himself in such a way as to enter in everywhere. He has the claws of a bear and the mouth 4 a lion, because he works everywhere with cunning and with the means of social communication, that is to say, through propaganda. The seven heads indicate the various Masonic lodges, which act everywhere in a subtle and dangerous way.
This black beast has ten horns and, on the horns, ten crowns, which are signs of dominion and royalty. Masonry rules and governs throughout the whole world by means of the ten horns. The horn, in the biblical world, has always been an instrument of amplification, a way of making one’s voice better heard, a strong means of communication.
For this reason, God communicated his will to his people by means of ten horns which made his law known: the ten commandments. The one who accepts them and observes them walks in life along the road of the divine will, of joy and of peace. The one who does the will of the Father accepts the word of his Son and shares in the redemption accomplished by Him. Jesus gives to souls the very divine life, through grace, that He won for us through his sacrifice carried out on Calvary.
The grace of the redemption is communicated by means of the seven sacraments. With grace there becomes implanted in the soul the seeds of supernatural life which are the virtues. Among these, the most important are the three theological and the four cardinal virtues: faith, hope, charity, prudence, fortitude, justice and temperance. In the divine sun of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, these virtues germinate, grow, become more and more developed and thus lead the soul along the luminous way of love and of sanctity.
The task of the black beast, namely of Masonry, is that of fighting, in a subtle way, but tenaciously, to obstruct souls from travelling along this way, pointed out by the Father and the Son and lighted up by the gifts of the Spirit.
In fact if the Red Dragon works to bring all humanity to do without God, to the denial of God, and therefore spreads the error of atheism, the aim of Masonry is not to deny God, but to blaspheme Him. The beast opens his mouth to utter blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his dwelling place, and against all those who dwell in heaven. The greatest blasphemy is that of denying the worship due to God alone by giving it to creatures and to Satan himself.
This is why in these times, behind the perverse action of Freemasonry, there are being spread everywhere black masses and the satanic cult. Moreover Masonry acts, by every means, to prevent souls from being saved and thus it endeavours to bring to nothing the redemption accomplished by Christ.
If the Lord has communicated his law with the ten commandments, Freemasonry spreads everywhere, through the power of its ten horns, a law which is completely opposed to that of God.
To the commandment of the Lord: ‘You shall not have any other God but me,’ it builds other false idols, before which many today prostrate themselves in adoration.
To the commandment: ‘You shall not take the name of God in vain,’ it sets itself up in opposition by blaspheming God and his Christ, in many subtle and diabolical ways, even to reducing his Name indecorously to the level of a brand-name of an object of sale and of producing sacrilegious films concerning his life and his divine Person.
To the commandment: ‘Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Days,’ it transforms the Sunday into a weekend, into a day of sports, of competitions and of entertainments.
To the commandment: ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ it opposes a new model of family based on cohabitation, even between homosexuals.
To the commandment: ‘You shall not commit impure acts,’ it justifies, exalts and propagates every form of impurity, even to the justification of acts against nature.
To the commandment: ‘You shall not kill,’ it has succeeded in making abortion legal everywhere, in making euthanasia acceptable, and in causing respect due to the value of human life all but disappear.
To the commandment: ‘You shall not steal,’ it works to the end that theft, violence, kidnapping and robbery spread more and more.
To the commandment: ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ it acts in such a way that the law of deceit, lying and duplicity becomes more and more propagated.
To the commandment: ‘You shall not covet the goods and the wife of another.’ it works to corrupt in the depths of the conscience, betraying the mind and the heart of man.
406. The Beast Like a Lamb
Dong (Como), June 13, 1989
Anniversary of the Second Apparition of Fatima
“Beloved sons, today you are calling to mind my second apparition, which took place in the humble Cova da Iria in Fatima, on June 13, 1917. Even as of then I foretold to you that which you are living through in these times. I announced to you the great struggle between me, the Woman clothed in the sun’ and the huge Red Dragon, which has brought humanity to live without God.
I also foretold to you the subtle and dark work, carried out by Freemasonry with the purpose of separating you from the observance of the law of God and thus making you victims of sins and of vices.
Above all, as a Mother, I have wanted to warn you of the grave dangers which threaten the Church today, because of the many and diabolical attacks which are being carried out against Her to destroy Her.
To attain this end, there comes out of the earth, by way of aid to the black beast which arises out of the sea, a beast which has two horns like those of a lamb.
The lamb, in holy scripture, has always been a symbol of sacrifice. On the night of the exodus, the lamb is sacrificed and, with its blood, the doorposts of the houses of the Hebrews are sprinkled, in order to remove them from the punishment which on the contrary strikes all the Egyptians. The Hebrew Pasch recalls this fact each year, through the immolation of a lamb, which is sacrificed and consumed. On Calvary, Jesus Christ sacrifices Himself for the redemption of humanity; He himself becomes our Pasch and becomes the true Lamb of God who takes away all the sins of the world.
The beast has on its head two horns like those of a lamb. To the symbol of the sacrifice there is intimately connected that of the priesthood: the two horns. The high priest of the Old Testament wore a headpiece with two horns. The bishops of the Church wear the mitre – with two horns -to indicate the fullness of their priesthood.
The black beast like a leopard indicates Freemasonry; the beast with the two horns like a lamb indicates Freemasonry infiltrated into the interior of the Church, that is to say, ecclesiastical Masonry, which has spread especially among the members of the hierarchy. This-Masonic infiltration, in the interior of the Church, was already foretold to you by me at Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would enter in even to the summit of the Church. If the task of Masonry is to lead souls to perdition, bringing them to the worship of false divinities, the task of ecclesiastical Masonry on the other hand is that of destroying Christ and his Church, building a new idol, namely a false christ and a false church.
Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, He is the Word incarnate, He is true God and true Man because He unites in his divine Person human nature and divine nature. Jesus, in the Gospel, has given his most complete definition of Himself, saying that He is the Truth, the Way and the Life.
Jesus is the Truth, because He reveals the Father to us, speaks his definitive word to us, and brings all divine revelation to its perfect fulfilment.
Jesus is the Life, because He gives us divine life itself, with the grace merited by Him through redemption, and He institutes the sacraments as efficacious means which communicate grace.
Jesus is the Way which leads to the Father, by means of the Gospel which He has given us, as the way to follow to attain salvation.
Jesus is the Truth because it is He – the living Word -who is the font and seal of all divine revelation. And so ecclesiastical Masonry works to obscure his divine word, by means of natural and rational interpretations and, in the attempt to make it more understandable and acceptable, empties it of all its supernatural content. Thus errors are spread in every part of the Catholic Church itself. Because of the spread of these errors, many are moving away today from the true faith, bringing to fulfilment the prophecy which was given to you by me at Fatima: ‘The times will come when many will lose the true faith.’ The loss of the faith is apostasy. Ecclesiastical Masonry works, in a subtle and diabolical way, to lead all into apostasy.
Jesus is the Life because He gives grace. The aim of ecclesiastical Masonry is that of justifying sin, of presenting it no longer as an evil but as something good and of value. Thus one is advised to do this as a way of satisfying the exigencies of one’s own nature, destroying the root from which repentance could be born, and is told that it is no longer necessary to confess it. The pernicious fruit of this accursed cancer, which has spread throughout the whole Church, is the disappearance everywhere of individual confession. Souls are led to live in sin, rejecting the gift of life which Jesus has offered us.
Jesus is the Way which leads to the Father, by means of the Gospel. Ecclesiastical Masonry favors those forms of exegesis which give it a rationalistic and natural interpretation, by means of the application of the various literary genres, in such a way that it becomes torn to pieces in all its parts. In the end, one arrives at denying the historical reality of miracles and of the resurrection and places in doubt the very divinity of Jesus and his salvific mission.
After having destroyed the historical Christ, the beast with the two horns like a lamb seeks to destroy the mystical Christ which is the Church. The Church instituted by Christ is one, and one alone: it is the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, founded on Peter. As is Jesus, so too is the Church founded by Him which forms his mystical body, truth, life and way.
The Church is truth, because Jesus has entrusted to it alone the task of guarding, in its integrity, all the deposit of faith. He has entrusted it to the hierarchical Church, that is to say, to the Pope and to the bishops united with him. Ecclesiastical Masonry seeks to destroy this reality through false ecumenism, which leads to the acceptance of all christian Churches, asserting that each one of them has some part of the truth. It develops the plan of founding a universal ecumenical Church, formed by the fusion of all the christian confessions, among which, the Catholic Church.
The Church is life because it gives grace and it alone possesses the efficacious means of grace, which are the seven sacraments. Especially it is life because to it alone is given the power to beget the Eucharist, by means of the hierarchical and ministerial priesthood. In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ is truly present with his glorified Body and his divinity. And so ecclesiastical Masonry, in many and subtle ways, seeks to attack the ecclesial devotion towards the sacrament of the Eucharist. It gives value only to the meal aspect, tends to minimize its sacrificial value, seeks to deny the real and personal presence of Jesus in the consecrated Host. In this way there are gradually suppressed all the external signs which are indicative of faith in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, such as genuflections, hours of public adoration and the holy custom of surrounding the tabernacle with lights and flowers.
The Church is ‘ the way because it leads to the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit, along the way of perfect unity. As the Father and the Son are one, so too must you be one among yourselves. Jesus has willed that his Church be a sign and an instrument of the unity of the whole human race. The Church succeeds in being united because it has been founded on the corner stone of its unity: Peter, and the Pope who succeeds to the charism of Peter. And so ecclesiastical Masonry seeks to destroy the foundation of the unity of the Church, through a subtle and insidious attack on the Pope. It weaves plots of dissension and of contestation against the Pope; it supports and rewards those who vilify and disobey him; it disseminates the criticisms and the contentions of bishops and theologians. In this way the very foundation of its unity is demolished and thus the Church becomes more and more torn and divided.
Beloved children, I have urged you to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and to enter into this, my motherly refuge, above all in order to be preserved and defended against this terrible snare. In this way, through the act of consecration of my Movement, I have urged you to renounce every aspiration of building up a career. Thus you will be able to remove yourselves from the strongest and most dangerous snare, made use of by Masonry in order to associate in its secret sects so many of my beloved children. I bring you to a great love for Jesus-Truth, making you courageous witnesses of the faith; to Jesus-Life, leading you to great holiness; to Jesus-Way, asking you to be in life the Gospel alone, lived out and proclaimed to the letter.
Then I lead you to the greatest love for the Church.
I bring you to love the Church-truth, making of you strong proclaimers of all the truths of the Catholic faith, as you set yourself in opposition, with strength and courage, to all errors.
I make of you ministers of the Church-life, helping you to be faithful and holy priests. Be always available for the needs of souls, lend yourselves, with generous abnegation, to the ministry of reconciliation and be burning flames of love and of zeal for Jesus present in the Eucharist. In your churches may you once again hold frequent hours of public adoration and reparation to the most holy Sacrament of the altar.
I transform you into witnesses of the Church-way, and I make of you precious instruments of its unity. For this reason, I have given you, as a second pledge of my Movement, a special unity with the Pope. By means of your love and of your fidelity, the divine plan of perfect unity in the Church will once again shine forth in all its splendor.
Thus to the dark force which ecclesiastical Masonry is today exercising to destroy Christ and his Church, I am opposing the powerful splendor of my priestly and faithful army, so that Christ may be loved, listened to and followed by all, and that his Church may be more and more loved, defended and sanctified.
In this there shines forth above all the victory of the Woman clothed in the sun and my Immaculate Heart attains its most luminous triumph.”
407. The Number of the Beast: 666
Milan, June 17, 1989
A Saturday
“Beloved sons, you now understand the plan of your heavenly Mother, the Woman clothed in the sun, who, with her army, is engaged in the great struggle against all the forces of evil, in order to attain her great victory in the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.
Join me in battle, little children, against the Dragon, who seeks to lead all humanity against God.
Join me in battle, little children, against the black beast, Masonry, which seeks to lead souls to perdition.
Join me in battle, little children, against the beast like a lamb, Masonry infiltrated into the interior of ecclesial life in order to destroy Christ and his Church. To attain this end, it seeks to build a new idol, namely a false christ an a false church.
Ecclesiastical Masonry receives orders and power from the various Masonic lodges and works to lead everyone secretly to become part of these secret sects. Thus it stimulates the ambitious with the prospect of easy careers; it heaps up with goods those who are starved for money; it assists its members to exceed others and to occupy the most important positions while it sets aside, in a subtle but decisive way, all those who refuse to take part in its designs. Indeed the beast like a lamb exercises all its power from the first beast, in its presence, and it forces the earth and all its inhabitants to adore the first beast.
Ecclesiastical Masonry goes as far as even building a statue in honor of the beast and forces all to adore this statue.
– But, according to the first commandment of the holy law of the Lord, only God is to be adored and to Him alone must every form of worship be rendered. And so they substitute for God a strong, powerful and dominating idol. An idol so powerful that it puts to death all who do not adore the statue of the beast. An idol so strong and dominating as to cause all, small and great, rich and poor, freemen and slaves, to receive a mark on the right hand and on the forehead, and that no one can buy or sell without having this mark, that is to say, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This great idol, built to be served and adored by all, as I have already revealed to you in the preceding message, is a false christ and a false church.
But what is its name?
– In the thirteenth chapter of the Apocalypse it is written, ‘This calls for wisdom. Let Him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast: it represents a human name. And the number in question is 666 (six hundred and sixty-six).’ With intelligence, illumined by the light of divine Wisdom, one can succeed in deciphering from the number, 666, the name of a man and this name, indicated by such a number, is that of the Antichrist.
Lucifer, the ancient serpent, the devil or Satan, the Red Dragon, becomes, in these last times, the Antichrist. The Apostle John already affirmed that whoever denies that Jesus Christ is God, that person is the Antichrist. The statue or idol, built in honor of the beast to be adored by all men, is the Antichrist.
Calculate now its number, 666, to understand how it indicates the name of a man. The number, 333, indicates the divinity. Lucifer rebels against God through pride, because he wants to put himself above God. 333 is the number which indicates the mystery of God. He who wants to put himself above God bears the sign, 666, and consequently this number indicates the name of-Lucifer, Satan, that is to say, of him who sets himself against Christ, of the Antichrist.
333 indicated once, that is to say, for the first time, expresses the mystery of the unity of God. 333 indicated twice, that is to say, for the second time, indicates the two natures, that of the divine and the human, united in the divine Person of Jesus Christ. 333 indicated thrice, that is to say, for the third time, indicates the mystery of the Three Divine Persons, that is to say, it expresses the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Thus the number, 333, expressed one, two and three times, expresses the principal mysteries of the Catholic faith, which are: (1) the Unity and the Trinity of God, (2) the incarnation, the passion and death, and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
If 333 is the number which indicates the divinity, he who wants to put himself above God himself is referred to by the number 666.
666 indicated once, that is to say, for the first time, expresses the year 666, six hundred and sixty-six. In this period of history, the Antichrist is manifested through the phenomenon of Islam, which directly denies the mystery of the divine Trinity and the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Islamism, with its military force, breaks loose everywhere, destroying all the ancient christian communities, and invades Europe and it is only through my extraordinary motherly intervention, begged for powerfully by the Holy Father, that it does not succeed in destroying Christianity completely.
666 indicated twice, that is to say, for the second time, expresses the year 1332, thirteen hundred and thirty-two. In this period of history, the Antichrist is manifested through a radical attack on the faith in the word (Parola) of God. Through the philosophers who begin to give exclusive value to science and then to reason, there is a gradual tendency to constitute human intelligence alone as the sole criterion of truth. There come to birth the great philosophical errors which continue through the centuries down to your days. The exaggerated importance given to reason, as an exclusive criterion of truth, necessarily leads to the destruction of the faith in the word (Parola) of God. Indeed, with the Protestant Reformation, tradition is rejected as a source of divine revelation, and only sacred scripture is accepted. But even this must be interpreted by means of the reason, and the authentic Magisterium of the hierarchical Church, to which Christ has entrusted the guardianship of the deposit of faith, is obstinately rejected. Each one is free to read and to understand sacred scripture according to one’s personal interpretation. In this way, faith in the word (Parola) of God is destroyed. The work of the Antichrist, in this period of history, is the division of the Church and the consequent formation of new and numerous christian confessions which gradually become driven to a more and more extensive loss of the true faith in the word (Parola) of God.
666 indicated thrice, that is to say, for the third time, expresses the year 1998, nineteen-hundred and ninety-eight. In this period of history, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and of his Church. A false christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, of the great tribulation and of the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalised because almost all will follow the false christ and the false church. Then the door will be open for the appearance of the man or of the very person of the Antichrist!
This is why, beloved children, I have wanted to enlighten you concerning the pages of the Apocalypse which refer to the times you are living through. This is to prepare you with me, for the most painful and decisive part of the great struggle which is on the point of being fought out between your heavenly Mother and all the forces of evil which have been let loose.
Take courage! Be strong, my little children. To you befalls the duty, in these difficult years, of remaining faithful to Christ and to his Church, putting up with hostility, struggle and persecution. But you are a precious part of the little flock, which has the task of fighting against, and in the end of conquering, the powerful force of the Antichrist.
I am forming you all, defending you and blessing you.”
408. Bear Within Yourselves the Witness of Jesus
Valdragone di San Marino, June 28, 1989
Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle with the Priests of the M.M.P. from America and Europe
“Beloved sons, with what love I look at you and how my sorrowful heart is consoled by the continuous cenacle of yours, which renews here the reality of that of Jerusalem! You are gathering together in prayer which is continuous, intense and made with me. How pleasing to me is the prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, the entire rosary which you recite, the eucharistic adoration and the solemn concelebration of Mass, which forms the heart of the entire cenacle!
You are united as brothers who love each other and who help each other to carry together the burden of the difficulties which you encounter. You renew each day your act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart in diverse languages, and thus you truly unite yourselves to all your brothers of my Movement who are spread throughout every part of the world. You are part of my army. You are a precious portion of my maternal heritage.
You bear within yourselves the witness of Jesus and you observe the commandments of God.
Satan unleashes himself against you, because you form my heel, that is, the weakest and most fragile part of me, and because you are my offspring. Thus today he lies in ambush for you in a powerful manner and he unleashes himself against you with every sort of temptation and persecution. Remain serene. Have confidence in me. These are the times of the battle and you must fight for my victory. Because of this I invite you all to bear within yourselves the witness of Jesus.
Bear within yourselves the witness of Jesus in these times of the purification in order to walk along the road of fidelity to Christ and to his Church, and of an ever greater holiness. Thus you will remain in security and peace, in trust and in filial abandonment to me.
Bear within yourselves the witness of Jesus in these times of the apostasy in order to be strong and courageous witnesses of faith. For this, I invite you to be ever more united to the Pope, to sustain him with your prayer and with your love, to accept and spread his teaching: in this way you will indicate to souls the secure way to follow in order to remain in the true faith.
Maintain the witness of Jesus in these times of the great tribulation. The days foretold by the Gospel and the Apocalypse have arrived. The forces of evil, united by the power of the one who opposes himself to Christ, will perform great prodigies in heaven and on the earth in order to thus seduce a great part of humanity. You must remain solid in your heroic witness to Jesus and fight with me against the powerful force of him who manifests himself as the enemy of Christ. In the end you will be able to contemplate with joy my great victory in the glorious triumph of Christ.
I bless you all with your dear ones, the souls confided to your care, your priestly ministry, and I gather in my hands all the good intentions you carry in your heart.”
409. Here Must Appear the Constancy of the Saints
Rubbio (Vicenza), August 15, 1989
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
“Today, look to me, your heavenly Mother, in the splendor of my glorified body assumed, with my soul, into the glory of paradise. I am the Woman clothed in the sun. I am your heavenly Leader. I am the Queen of all the Saints.
Look to me as a sign of sure hope and of consolation, in these times of the purification, of the apostasy and of the great tribulation. The times of the struggle and the greatest conquest on the part of the Dragon, of the beast which comes up from the earth and of the beast which comes up from the sea have come.
These are therefore the times when a civilization without God is being constructed and all humanity is being led to live without Him.
These are the times when Satan and the diabolic forces are making themselves adored by an ever increasing number of men and thus the spread of the satanic cult, of the sects and of the black masses is becoming vaster.
These are the times when an idol is being built to be put in the place of the true God and of the true Church, and this idol is a false christ and a false church.
These are the times when all those who will follow this idol will be signed with its mark on the forehead and on the hand.
These are the times when the faithful followers of the Lamb will be subjected to marginalization, to persecutions, to prison and to death.
These are therefore the times of your constancy.
Here must appear the constancy of the saints.
Here must appear the constancy of those who belong to the Lord, who put into practice the commandments of God and who remain faithful to Jesus.
Here must appear the constancy of those who will be persecuted and led to martyrdom, because blessed are they who die in the Lord, who find rest from their labors and the good that they have done accompanies them.
Here must appear the constancy of those who do not adore the beast and who will not allow themselves to be signed with his diabolical mark. Those on the other hand who will adore the beast and its statue and will receive its mark on the forehead and on the hand, will drink the wine of the wrath of God, poured out from the chalice of his terrible chastisement and will be tortured, in the presence of the Lamb and of the holy angels, with fire and sulphur.
Here must appear the constancy of those who bear, written upon their foreheads, the name of the Lamb and the name of his Father, because they have not betrayed their God, there has never been a lie in their speech and they follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
Here must appear the constancy of all my little children, whom I am calling to consecrate themselves to my immaculate Heart, to live out with me the conclusive moments of the battle and of the fall of Babylon, when the vintage of the earth will be harvested and the grapes will be cast into the winepress, which represents the great chastisement of God.
For this reason I invite you all today to look to me, your heavenly Mother, in the splendor of my glorified body, that my light may illumine you, my Immaculate Heart enfold you, and my motherly love support you to be, in these times, courageous witnesses of constancy before the Church and before all humanity.”
410. The Mark on the Forehead and on the Hand
Dong (Como), September 8, 1989
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
“Today is the Feast of the Birth of your heavenly Mother, my dear beloved ones and children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. Live it in joy and in peace, in silence and in prayer, in confidence and in filial abandonment.
You are the little infants of your Infant Mother. You are part of my progeny and a strong point of my victorious plan. You form a precious crown of purity, of love and of humility about the cradle in which I am placed.
Allow yourselves to be nourished and formed by me; allow, yourselves to be led by me with docility; allow yourselves to be signed by me with my motherly seal.
These are the times when the followers of him who opposes himself to Christ are being signed with his mark on the forehead and on the hand.
The mark on the forehead and on the hand is an expression of a total dependency on the part of those who are designated by this sign. The sign indicates him who is an enemy of Christ, that is to say, the sign of the Antichrist. And his mark, which is stamped, signifies the complete belonging of the person thus marked to the army of him who is opposed to Christ and who fights against his divine and royal dominion.
The mark is imprinted on the forehand and on the hand.
The forehead indicates the intellect, because the mind is the seat of the human reason.
The hand expresses human activity, because it is with his hands that man acts and works.
Nevertheless it is the person who is marked with the mark of the Antichrist in his intellect and in his will.
He who allows himself to be signed with the mark on his forehead is led to accept the doctrine of the denial of God, of the rejection of his law, and of atheism which, in these times, is more and more diffused and advertised. And thus he is driven to follow the ideologies in mode today and to make of himself a propagator of all the errors.
He who allows himself to be signed with the mark on his hand is obliged to act in an autonomous manner and independently of God, ordering his own activities to the quest of a purely material and terrestrial good. Thus he withdraws his action from the design of the Father, who wants to illumine it and sustain it by his divine Providence; from the love of the Son who makes human toil a precious means for one’s own redemption and sanctification; from the power of the Spirit who acts everywhere to interiorly renew every creature.
He who is signed with the mark on his hand works for himself alone, to accumulate material goods, to make money his god and he becomes a victim of materialism.
He who is signed with the mark on his hand works solely for the gratification of his own senses, for the quest of well-being and pleasure, for the granting of full satisfaction to all his passions, especially that of impurity, and he becomes a victim of hedonism.
He who is signed with the mark on his hand makes of his own self the center of all his actions, looks upon others as objects to be used and to be exploited for his own advantage and he becomes a victim of unbridled egoism and of lovelessness.
If my Adversary is signing, with his mark, all his followers, the time has come when I also, your heavenly Leader, am signing, with my motherly seal, all those who have consecrated themselves to my Immaculate Heart and have formed part of my army.
I am imprinting my seal on your foreheads with the most holy sign of the Cross of my Son Jesus. Thus I am opening the human intellect to receive his divine word (Parola), to love it, and to live it. I am leading you to entrust yourselves completely to Jesus who has revealed it to you. And I am making of you today courageous witnesses of faith. Against those signed on the forehead with the blasphemous mark, I am opposing my children signed with the Cross of Jesus Christ.
And then I am directing all your activity to the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity. For this, I am imprinting upon your hands my seal which is the sign of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. With the sign of the Father, your human activity becomes directed towards a perfect co-operation with the plans of his divine Providence, which still today arrange all things for your good. With the sign of the Son, all your actions become profoundly inserted into the mystery of his divine redemption. With the sign of the Holy Spirit, everything you do becomes open to his powerful force for sanctification, which breathes everywhere like a powerful fire, to renew from its foundations the whole world.
My beloved children, allow yourselves all to be signed on the forehead and on the hand with my motherly seal, on this day when, gathered with love about my cradle, you celebrate the feast of the earthly birth of your heavenly Mother.”
414. A Crown of Twelve Stars
Rubbio (Vicenza), December 8, 1989
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
“Beloved sons, today you are gazing upon the immaculate splendor of your heavenly Mother. I am the Immaculate Conception. I am the only creature free from every stain of sin, even the original one. I am ‘all beautiful’ – tota pulchra.
Let yourselves be enfolded by my mantle of beauty, that you too may be illumined by my heavenly splendor, by my immaculate light. I am all beautiful, because I am called to be the Mother of the Son of God and to form the virginal shoot, from which the divine Flower shall blossom. For this reason, my purpose is included in the very mystery of your salvation.
At the beginning, I am announced as the enemy of Satan; she who will obtain the complete victory over him. ‘I will put enmity between you and the Woman, between your offspring and hers; she will crush your head, as you will attempt to bite her heel.’
At the end, I am seen as the Woman clothed in the sun, who has the task of fighting against the Red Dragon and his powerful army, to conquer him, to bind him and to drive him away into his kingdom of death, that Christ alone may reign over the world.
Behold me, then, presented by Sacred Scripture in the splendor of my maternal royalty: ‘And another sign appeared in the heavens: a Woman clothed in the, sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.’
About my head there is therefore a crown of twelve stars. The crown is the sign of royalty. It is composed of twelve stars because it becomes the symbol of my maternal and royal presence in the very heart of the people of God.
The twelve stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel, which compose the chosen people, selected and called by the Lord to prepare for the coming into the world of the Son of God, the Redeemer. Because I am called to become the Mother of the Messiah, my purpose is that of being the fulfillment of the promises, the virginal shoot, the honour and the glory of all the people of Israel. In fact, the Church exalts me with these words: ‘You are the glory of Jerusalem; you are the joy of Israel; you are the honour of our people.’ For this, the tribes of Israel form twelve precious gems of the crown which surrounds my head, to indicate the function of my maternal royalty.
The twelve stars also signify the twelve Apostles, who are the foundation upon which Christ has founded his Church. I was often with them, to encourage them to follow and to believe in Jesus, during the three years of his public mission. In their place, together with John, I stood beneath the Cross at the moment of the crucifixion, of the agony and of the death of my Son Jesus. With them, I took part in the joy of his resurrection. At their side, recollected in prayer, I assisted at the glorious moment of Pentecost. During my earthly life, I remained at their side, with my prayer and my motherly presence, to help them, to form them, to encourage them and to urge them on to drink the chalice which had been prepared for them by the Heavenly Father. I am thus Mother and Queen of the Apostles who, about my head, form twelve luminous stars of my maternal royalty.
I am Mother and Queen of all the Church.
The twelve stars also signify a new reality. Indeed the Apocalypse sees me as a great sign in heaven: the Woman clothed in the sun who does battle with the Dragon and his powerful army of evil. And so the stars about my head indicate those who consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart; who form part of my victorious army; and who allow themselves to be guided by me in order to fight this battle and to attain in the end our greatest victory. Thus all my beloved ones and children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, called to be today the Apostles of the last times, are the most luminous stars of my royal crown.
The twelve stars, which form the luminous crown of my maternal royalty, are made up of the tribes of Israel, of the Apostles and of the apostles of these last times of yours.
And so, on the feast of my Immaculate Conception, I am calling you all to form a precious part of my crown and to become the brilliant stars which spread the light, the grace, the holiness, the beauty and the glory of your heavenly Mother throughout every part of the world.”
431. The Task which I have Entrusted to You
Milan, September 8, 1990
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
“Beloved children, you are sharing today in the joy of the whole celestial and terrestrial Church, which is contemplating your heavenly Mother at the moment of her birth. I am the dawn which is arising to announce the birth of the eternal sun of my Son Jesus, our redeemer and savior. For this, the Lord has made me immaculate from the moment of my human conception. He has wanted me all beautiful, full of grace and clothed in holiness.
Thus today, on the feast of my birth, you are contemplating me as the rising dawn, beautiful as the moon, brilliant as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array.
– I am the dawn which announces the stupendous event of your salvation, and which prepares you all for the coming of the great day of the Lord.
– I am beautiful as the moon, which shines with the reflected light of the sun, because mine is the very beauty of the Most Holy Trinity which enfolds me; mine the fullness of the grace of God which transforms me; mine his divine holiness which covers me.
– I am brilliant as the sun, because I am called to become the Mother of Jesus Christ, who is the eternal splendor of the Father.
– I am terrible as an army drawn up in battle array, because the task which has been entrusted to me by the Lord is that of conquering Satan; of crushing the head of the ancient serpent-, of enchaining the huge red dragon and of casting him into his abyss of fire; of struggling with and of defeating the one who opposes himself to Christ, namely the Antichrist, in order to prepare the second coming of Jesus, who will restore his glorious reign among you.
This is my plan.
The stronger my presence becomes among you, the more will the darkness of evil, of sin, of hatred and of impurity withdraw themselves from you, because Satan is becoming more and more imprisoned and destroyed.
In these last times of yours, the task of your heavenly Mother, beautiful as the moon, brilliant as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array, is to announce that the great day of the Lord is in the very act of coming upon you.
On this day of my Nativity, little son so loved by me, you are on the vigil of a long and tiring journey, which I am again asking you to undertake for me, to many countries of another continent. This is the task which I have entrusted to you: to bring my motherly announcement to every part of the world, and to call all my children to enter, through their act of consecration, into the bright and safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart, because the trial which is about to come upon you is very great and you are all being called to suffer with me.
But yours is like the suffering of a mother who must bring her child to the light. In fact, the immense pain of these last times prepares the birth of a new era, the new times, when Jesus will come in the splendor of his glory and will restore his reign in the world.
Then all creation, set free from the slavery of sin and of death, will know the splendor of a second terrestrial paradise, in which God will dwell with you, will wipe away every tear, and there will no longer be day or night, because the former things have passed away and your light will be that of the Lamb and of the new Jerusalem come down from heaven upon the earth, ready as a bride for her Spouse.”
455. The Crown of the Slavic Peoples
Velehrad (Bohemia), September 8, 1991
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
“Today I have wanted you here to celebrate the day of my Nativity, with a cenacle which you are holding in this important shrine, where I am venerated, along with the memory of the two great Slavic apostles, Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius. You are meeting many priests and faithful, who have also come from afar, to spend this day in continuous prayer with the heavenly Mother and to renew together your consecration to my Immaculate Heart.
Bring to me, as a filial gift, about the crib where I am placed on the day of my birth, the crown of the Slavic peoples. With it, adorn and make fragrant, with love and with trust, this day of my birth. From this, my venerated shrine, I bless you today, O Slavic peoples, who are particularly loved and protected by me, especially in these times, during which I have been close to you.
– I have always been close to you, in the long years of your harsh and bloody slavery. The Red Dragon had been exerting all his power over you, setting everywhere, in blood and in tears, the seal of his cruel reign. But I have obtained from the Lord the great grace of your liberation.
– I have always been close to you, in the decisive moments when communism was forever defeated by you, and I have personally intervened in order that this changeover take place without fratricidal struggles, without the shedding of blood and without further acts of destruction.
– I am now particularly close to you, to help you walk along the road of true liberty, in the faithful fulfillment of your baptismal promises. and in a daily commitment to follow Jesus along the way of the grace of God, of love, of purity, of communion and of brotherhood.
Let the wounds of the past be closed forever and open yourselves upon the new times which await you. All Europe must become one great single family, faithful to Christ and to his Church, in one effort of conversion and of return to the Lord, so that the most dangerous enemy of practical atheism, of hedonism, of impurity and of impiety be defeated by you. As your great teachers and patrons, Cyril and Methodius, have brought you the first evangelization, so also all of you, my beloved ones and children consecrated to me, are now being called to be the apostles of this second evangelization.
Be in peace and in joy; live in confidence and in great hope. I am always with you.
From this place, together with Saints Cyril and Methodius, I bless today all the Slavic peoples and this new Europe, completely renewed, which I am forming each day in the heavenly garden of my Immaculate Heart. –
495. The Bloody Years of the Battle
Shrine of Caravaggio, May 13, 1993
Anniversary of the First Apparition of Fatima
“By a day-long cenacle at this venerated shrine, you,
the priests and faithful of my Movement in the region of Lombardy, are today observing the anniversary of my first apparition which took place at Fatima, in the poor Cova da Iria.
You are still in the period described by me in my apparition. Above all, you are in the heart of my message. The struggle between the Woman clothed in the sun and the red dragon has, during these years, reached its highest peak. Satan has set up his kingdom in the world. He is now ruling over you as a sure victor.
The powers which are directing and arranging human events, according to their perverse plans, are the dark and diabolic powers of evil. They have succeeded in bringing all humanity to live without God. They have spread everywhere the error of theoretical and practical atheism. They have built the new idols before which humanity is bowing down in adoration: pleasure, money, pride, impurity, mastery over others, and impiety.
Thus, in these years Of yours, violence is spreading more and more. Egoism has made the hearts of men hard and insensitive. Hatred has blazed up like a scorching fire. Wars have multiplied in every part of the world, and you are now living in the danger of a new terrible world war which will bring destruction to peoples and nations, a war from which no one will emerge victorious.
Satan has succeeded in entering into the Church, the new Israel of God. He has entered there with the smoke of error and sin, of the loss of faith and apostasy, of compromise with the world and the search for pleasure. During these years, he has succeeded in leading astray bishops and priests, religious and faithful.
The forces of Masonry have entered into the Church, in a subtle and hidden way, and have set up their stronghold in the very place where the Vicar of my Son Jesus lives and works.
You are living the bloody years of the battle, because the great trial has now arrived for all.
There is now taking place that which is contained in the third part of my message, which has not yet been revealed to you, but which has now become evident from the events themselves through which you are now living.
To prepare you for them, I have caused my Marian Movement of Priests to spring up in every part of the world. And thus I have chosen this littlest and poorest child of mine, and have brought him everywhere, as an instrument of my motherly plan of salvation and mercy.
By means of him, I have called you from all sides to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart; to enter, each and all, into the safe refuge which your heavenly Mother has prepared for you; to multiply the cenacles of prayer as lightning rods which protect you from the fire of the chastisement. How many of you have responded to my call with filial love and with great generosity!
My plan is now on the point of being realized, and the task which I have entrusted to this little son of mine is about to be completed. And so today I am looking upon you with the special satisfaction of a Mother who is being consoled and exalted by you.
I urge you to live without fear, but rather with great confidence and trust, these bloody years of the battle. From the chalice of sufferings never experienced until now, there will come forth the divine sun of a new era, of a humanity heretofore unknown, of grace and holiness, of love and justice, of joy and peace.”
502. The Task of the Guardian Angels
Milan, October 2, 1993
First Saturday of the Month
Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
“Beloved children, on this first Saturday of the month, you are gathering together in cenacles to renew your consecration to my Immaculate Heart and to observe the liturgical memorial of your guardian angels. In the times of the great trial, I invite you to strengthen the bond which unites you to your guardian angels. They have a special and important task to carry out with regard to you, especially in these last times.
– The guardian angels have above all the task of being a light upon your path. The days in which you are living are marked with a great darkness which is becoming ever more profound and widespread. It is the darkness of errors which encompasses the minds of men and which makes them victims of the great apostasy. It is the darkness of sins which obscure the beauty and holiness of the soul. It is the darkness of impurity which degrades the splendor of your body, called to reflect the glory of the living God. Thus, how many of my poor children are today living like shadows, submerged in the darkness of error, of sin and of impurity!
To your guardian angels has been entrusted the task of protecting you from the great darknesses; which surround you, to make you walk always in the light of truth, of holiness, of purity, of humility, of trust and of love.
– And secondly, the guardian angels have the task of being a defence for your life. How numerous and subtle are the snares which the wicked spirits set each day for you: these demons who have now been poured out over the world and who are working everywhere to lead souls to eternal damnation! Their activity has now become powerful, because it has become associated with the powers who have control of the mass media, such as the press and television. With subtle refinement, evil has been spread under the guise of good; sin, as an exercise of one’s own freedom; and transgression of the law of God, as a new conquest on the part of this poor and perverted humanity.
How strong and continuous are the attacks of the wicked spirits, in striking you even in your physical life, by accidents, misfortunes, assaults, sicknesses, calamities, explosions of violence, wars and revolutions! To the guardian angels has been entrusted the task of protecting you against all these evils, of defending you against these snares, and of making you walk through life under their secure and powerful protection.
– And lastly, the guardian angels have the task of waging together with you one and the same battle to obtain the same victory. In the great trial which has now arrived, the fierce struggle between the Woman clothed in the sun and the red dragon, between the forces of good and evil, between Christ and the antichrist, is becoming still stronger and more bloody.
It is a battle which is being waged above all at the level of the spirits: the good spirits against the wicked spirits; the angels against the demons; Saint Michael the Archangel against Lucifer.
You are involved in this great struggle, which is immensely above and beyond you. And so you must be particularly close to those who are close to you in the great encounter. who have great power in this struggle, who assist you in fighting, and who lead you to certain victory.
Littlest of my children, entrust to the particular protection of your guardian angels the long and wearisome journey which you must undertake in a few days, to Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, the Fiji Islands and New Zealand, in order to hold cenacles everywhere, with the priests and faithful of my Movement.
I urge you all today to be more assiduous in prayer, stronger in your bond of unity and deeper in your affection in respect to these angels of light, who are being given to you by the Lord as your guardians and protectors.
Together with them all, I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
581 A Great Sign
Tokyo (Japan), October 13, 1996
Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle with the Priests of the M.M.P. of Japan
“With great joy I gaze upon you, priests of my Marian Movement of Priests of Japan, who have come here to live with me these days, in a continuous cenacle of prayer and brotherhood. You are bringing your cenacle to an end today, on which you are observing the anniversary of my last apparition which took place at Fatima and which was confirmed by the miracle of the sun.
There appeared in the sky a great sign: signum magnum.
I am the great sign which appeared in the sky: I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun, with the moon beneath my feet, and with a crown of twelve stars upon my head.
– A great sign in the terrible struggle against all the forces of evil, which have joined together against God and against his Christ. And so, close to the great sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun, there appears also that of the Red Dragon, of the ancient serpent, of Satan, who is now manifesting himself in all his extraordinary power. It appears that the great Dragon has won his victory, because he has led humanity to build a civilization without God; he has spread everywhere the cult of money and pleasure; he has seduced minds with pride and with errors; he has violated souls with sin and evil; he has hardened hearts with egoism and hatred; he has corrupted all the nations of the earth with the cup of lust and impurity. Satan has succeeded in bringing his wicked kingdom upon the entire world.
But in the furious struggle of these last times, this struggle between heaven and earth, between the heavenly spirits and the demons, between the Woman and the dragon, I appear as a great sign of my greatest victory.
– A great sign of the victory of God over every form of atheism, theoretical and practical; of good over every form of evil and sin; of love over every form of violence and hatred; of truth over every form of error and falsehood.
For this great victory, I have formed for myself the cohort of all my little children who, from every part of the world, have responded to me with a yes. With my Marian Movement of Priests, I have brought my invitation to the farthest confines of the earth, and I have formed for myself my victorious army.
Even in this great country, almost completely pagan, My little children have responded to me with joy and great generosity. My Mother’s Heart trembles with love and tenderness for them. I open up for them, also, the way of salvation and, with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, they will enter into the one sheepfold of which my Son Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
– A great sign of light in these times of dense darkness. For this, I invite you to walk along the road of Prayer and penance, of confidence and of your very great abandonment.
Once again, I have sent you this little son of mine, to bring you the gift of my motherly tenderness. By means of him, I offer to your Church and to your Fatherland a sure sign of my assistance and of my motherly protection.
With those dear to you, with those entrusted to your ministry, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
The hour of the great apostasy has come. What has been foretold In Holy Scripture, in the Second Letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians, is now on the point of coming to pass.
To attain to these new heavens and this new earth, it is necessary to pass through the painful and bloody trial of the purification, of the great tribulation and of the chastisement.
These signs are clearly indicated in the Gospels, in the letters of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and they are becoming a reality during these years.
– The first sign is the spread of errors, which lead to the loss of faith and to apostasy.
These errors are being propagated by false teachers, by renowned theologians who are no longer teaching the truths of the Gospel, but pernicious heresies based on errors and on human reasonings. It is because of the teaching of these errors that the true faith is being lost and that the great apostasy is spreading everywhere.
‘See that no one deceives you. For many will attempt to deceive many people. False prophets will come and will deceive very many.’ (Mt 24, 4-5)
‘The day of the Lord will not come unless the great apostasy comes first.’ (2 Thes 2,3)
‘There will be false teachers among you. These will seek to introduce disastrous heresies and will even set themselves against the Master who ransomed them. Many will listen to them and will follow their licentious ways. Through their offense, the Christian faith will be reviled. In their greed, they will exploit you with fabrications.’ (2 Pt 2, 1-3)
-The second sign is the outbreak of wars and fratricidal struggles, which lead to the prevalence of violence and hatred and a general slackening off of charity, while natural catastrophes, such as epidemics, famines, floods and earthquakes, become more and more frequent.
‘When you hear of reports of wars, close at hand or far away, see that you are not alarmed; for these things must happen. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many places. All this will be only the beginning of greater sufferings to come. Evildoing will be so widespread that the love of many will grown cold. But God will save those who persevere until the end.’ (Mt 24, 68.12-13)
– The third sign is the bloody persecution of those who remain faithful to Jesus and to his Gospel and who stand fast in the true faith. Throughout this all, the Gospel will be preached in every part of the world.
– The fourth sign is the horrible sacrilege, perpetrated by him who sets himself against Christ, that is, the Antichrist. He will enter into the holy temple of God and will sit on his throne, and have himself adored as God.
‘This one will oppose and exalt himself against everything that men adore and call God. The lawless one will come by the power of Satan, with all the force of false miracles and pretended wonders. He will make use of every kind of wicked deception, in order to work harm.’ (2 Thes 2, 4.9)
‘One day, you will see in the holy place he who commits the horrible sacrilege. The prophet Daniel spoke of this. Let the reader seek to understand.’ (Mt 24, 15)
Beloved children, in order to understand in what this horrible sacrilege consists, read what has been predicted by the prophet Daniel: ‘Go, Daniel; these words are to remain secret and sealed until the end time. Many will be cleansed, made white and upright, but the wicked will
Scripture 487
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