Come Divine Will, Come Lord Jesus
I AM NOTHING, GOD IS ALL, come Divine Will.
Come Heavenly Father to beat in my heart and move in my Will;
Come Beloved Son to flow in my blood and think in my intellect;
Come Holy Spirit to breathe in my lungs and recall in my memory.
Ask for God the Father’s Attention
Papa God, I ask for Your attention in the present moment so You will help me in the present moment and send me extra angels to keep me alert and on track. (derived from “When you begin to pray…” God the Father, December 17, 2021)
I wish to employ the help of my guardian angel to stand guard over the present moment amidst the many distractions sent my way (derived from “When you have many distractions…” God the Father, January 11, 2022)
(Bless Self 5 times to honor five wounds (Flame of Love)
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
Flame of Love Blessing for Each of Five Wounds to Start the Day*
(Left Foot – forgiveness sins of commission and omission)
O Jesus, together with your Mama, I kiss your left foot, asking You to forgive me and all creatures, for all the times we have not walked toward God. In honor of Your Most Holy Wound of the left foot I bless myself. +
(In the Name of the Father, the Creator and of the Son, the Redeemer and of the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier)
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to heal the wounds of our souls.
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
(Right Foot – forgiveness of good done poorly)
I kiss your right foot: forgive me and all for all the times we have not followed the perfection You wanted from us. In honor of Your Most Holy Wound of the right foot I bless myself. +
(In the Name of the Father, Divine Truth and of the Son, Divine Mercy and of the Holy Spirit, Divine Love.)
My Jesus, pardon and mercy through the merits of Thy Holy Wounds.
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
(Left Hand – Purity of intention, thought, word and deed)
I kiss your left hand: communicate to us your purity. In honor of Your Most Holy Wound of the left hand I bless myself. +
(In the Name of the Father, Divine Will and of the Son, Divine Intellect and of the Holy Spirit, Divine Memory.)
Holy and Sacred Wounds of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary answer my prayer.
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
(Right Hand – ask for blessings to cover voluntary and involuntary)
I kiss your right hand: bless all of my (thoughts, words, deeds,) heartbeats, (breaths, undulations of blood,) thoughts, affections, (emotions,) so that, given value by your blessing, they all may be sanctified. And with me, bless all creatures, and seal the salvation of their souls with your blessing. In honor of Your Most Holy Wound of your right hand I bless myself. +
(In the Name of the Father, My Abba God and of the Son, My Sweet Brother Yeshua and of the Holy Spirit, My Holy Advocate, Fire Paraclete.)
Hide our faith in His Wounds and protect it from all evil.
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
(Heart – nourished continually)
O Jesus, I embrace You together with your Mama, and kissing your Heart, I pray You to place my heart between your two Hearts, that it may be nourished continuously by your love, by your sorrows, by your very affections and desires, and by your own Life. Amen. In honor of Your Most Holy Wound of the piercing through Your side and into Your Heart I bless myself. +
(In the Name of the Father, Righteous Eternal Father and of the Son, Lamb of God and of the Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth.)
I offer to the Eternal Father this outrage and the love of Thy Most Sacred Humanity that our souls may enter into and never depart from that most loving and Sacred Heart.
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
*Flame of Love practices requests that we bless ourselves 5 times to start the day and 5 times to end the day. This prayer was found in the First Hour of the Hours of the Passion by Luisa Piccarreta. The accompanying aspiration (veneration of the five wounds) is from HLM (Holy Love Ministries out of Ohio where we are told each time this prayer is recited (5 xs) a drop of the Precious Blood falls on a soul suffering the flames of purgatory)
Alternative Five Wounds Prayers
To the Wound of the Left Foot
Holy wound of the left foot of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee for the love whereby Thou laboured to overtake me on the way to ruin, and didst bleed amid the thorns and brambles of my sins. I offer to the Eternal Father the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity, in atonement for my sins, all of which I detest with sincere and bitter contrition.
(In the Name of the Father, Divine Truth and of the Son, Divine Mercy and of the Holy Spirit, Divine Love.)
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
To the Wound of the Right Foot
Holy wound of the right foot of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee for that love which pierced Thee with such torture and shedding of blood, in order to punish my wanderings and the guilty pleasures I have granted to my unbridled passions. I offer the Eternal Father all the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity, and I pray Thee for grace to weep over my sins with hot tears, and to enable me to persevere in the good which I have begun, without ever swerving again from my obedience to the divine commands.
(In the Name of the Father, the Creator and of the Son, the Redeemer and of the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier)
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
To the Wound of the Left Hand
Holy wound of the left hand of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee for having in Thy love spared me the scourges and eternal damnation which my sins have merited. I offer to the Eternal Father the pain and love of They most holy humanity: and I pray Thee to teach me how to turn to good account my span of life, and bring forth in it worthy fruits of penance, and to disarm the justice of God, which I have provoked.
(In the Name of the Father, Divine Will and of the Son, Divine Intellect and of the Holy Spirit, Divine Memory.)
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
To the Wound of the Right Hand
Holy wound of the right hand of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee for Thy graces lavished on me with such love, in spite of all my most perverse obstinacy. I offer to the Eternal Father all the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity; and I pray Thee to change my heart and its affections, and make me do all my actions in accordance with the will of God.
(In the Name of the Father, My Abba God and of the Son, My Sweet Brother Joshua and of the Holy Spirit, My Holy Advocate, Fire Paraclete.)
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)
To the Wound of the Sacred Side
Holy wound in the side of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the cruel insult Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee, my Jesus, for the love which suffered Thy side and Heart to be pierced, so that the last drops of blood and water might issue forth, making my redemption to overflow. I offer to the Eternal Father this outrage, and the love of Thy most holy humanity, that my soul may enter once for all into that most loving Heart, eager and ready to receive the greatest sinners, and never more depart.
(In the Name of the Father, Righteous Eternal Father and of the Son, Lamb of God and of the Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth.)
My Jesus, I love and venerate Your Sacred Wounds by whose merit I am redeemed. (Holy Love)

Reminder of Special Requests
- Present acts of day onto Our Lady’s lap
- give permission to Jesus to make rounds while I sleep
- bring back to Thee souls that offend Thee
- send Guardian Angel to visit Our Lord in the tabernacle of surrounding churches
- prevent at least one mortal sin from being committed somewhere
- offer Jesus in the tabernacle my lonely heart. May its every pulsation be a prayer of love to Him.
- prayer request to Padre Pio
- make my rounds for all the hearts of creatures
Now that the daylight dies away,
By all thy grace and love,
Thee, Maker of the world, we pray
To watch our bed above.
Let dreams depart and phantoms fly,
The offspring of the night,
Keep us, like shrines, beneath thine eye,
Pure in our foe’s despite.
This grace on thy redeemed confer,
Father, co-equal Son,
And Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
Eternal Three in One.
Prayer to the Holy Trinity
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O Holy God, Father, and Creator of all that is held in existence. Let the heavens and the earth glorify You; for You are worthy of praise.
I thank You for today, and all its blessings; for You have always being the source of my happiness, hope, and peace.
I beseech You dearest Father, to forgive me my wrongs and let me have Your mercy shown me; for You are compassionate, and merciful. And give me the help necessary to lead a good life.
Look upon me now Lord, as am commending my Soul unto thy holy hands; protect me through this night, and grant me your peace when rising to the new dawn. Amen.
I love You O God of Heaven. Blessed be Your Sacred name forever. For You are Lord with the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God forever, and ever. Amen.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Night Prayer
I adore You, my God, and I love You with all my heart. I thank you for having created me, for having made me a Christian, and for having preserved me this day. Pardon me for the evil I have done today. If I have done anything good, be pleased to accept it. Protect me while I take my rest and deliver me from all dangers. May your grace be always with me. Amen.
Prayer of Blessing to Holy Trinity
Blessed Trinity, Triune God, My Creator, My Redeemer, My Sanctifier, I place an I love you, I adore You, I bless You, I praise You, I Thank You, I cherish You, I honor You, I glorify You, I exult You on every creature created from the beginning of time until the end of time.
Prayer to the Eternal Father Requesting Forgiveness
Eternal Father, Creator of the universe, transform my heart in this present moment so that it beats in perfect harmony with Your Divine Will. Forgive me for all the present moments I have wasted and have not surrendered to Your Will. Help me always to cooperate with the grace You send me in every present moment. Amen.
Prayer for Daily Neglects
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all its Love, all its sufferings and all its merits.
First – To expiate all the sins I have committed this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!
Second – To purify the good I have done badly this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!
Third – To supply for the good I ought to have done and that I have neglected this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father…!
(A Poor Clare nun, who had just died, appeared to her abbess, who was praying for her, and said to her, “I went straight to heaven, for, by means of this prayer, recited every evening, I paid my debts.”)
St. John Chrysostom’s Deliverance Prayer
O Eternal God, You who have redeemed the race of men from the captivity of the Devil, deliver me, Your servant, from all the workings of unclean spirits. Command the evil and impure spirits and demons to depart from the soul and body of Your servant and not to remain nor hide in me.
Let them be banished from me, the creation of Your hands, in Your own holy name, and that of Your only-begotten Son, and of Your life-creating Spirit, so that, after being cleaned from all demonic influence, I may live godly, justly, and righteously and may be counted worthy to receive the Holy Mysteries of Your only-begotten Son and our God, with whom You are blessed and glorified, together with the all-holy and good and life-creating Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Way of Divine Love Night Offerings
(Hours that otherwise might seem to be wasted will acquire, through union with Him, full redemptive significance.)
Eternal Father,
- I desire to rest in Thy Heart this night.
- I make the intention of offering to Thee
every beat of my heart, - joining to them as many acts of love and desire.
- I pray that even while I am asleep,
- I will bring back to Thee souls that offend Thee.
- I ask forgiveness for the whole world,
especially for those who know Thee and yet sin. - I offer to Thee my every breath and heartbeat
as a prayer of reparation. Amen.
Thank You for Graces
O my God, at the end of this day I thank You most heartily for all the graces I have received from You. I am sorry that I have not made a better use of them. I am sorry for all the sins I have committed against You. Forgive me, O my God, and graciously protect me this night.
Prayer for Atheists as Requested by Our Lady of Medjugorje*
“In the Name of Jesus, Who said that anything we ask in His Name will be given to those who believe, I ask that those who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father will be blessed with the knowledge that they are loved by Him beyond all human reasoning and understanding.
Please grant them the gift to feel His love as it enfolds them to such an extent that they will be unable to resist or deny it. May the knowledge of the Heavenly Father’s infinite love stir within their hearts the desire to return that love to Him, and to reflect it to all others.
May their lives be a pure reflection of His resplendent love. I ask this in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen”
*Holy Love Ministries Messages Per the Blessed Mother asks for prayers for the unbelievers, unforgiving and lukewarm.
Mercy Prayer (HL)
“Jesus God, I seek Your Mercy as I arise in the morning and when I retire at night, so grace will order my day, and You will bless me with Your Blessing of Divine Love as I sleep. “
Surrender Prayer (HL)
Jesus, I surrender everything to Your provision and to Your Mother’s protection during every difficulty of life. (arising and retiring)
Wash Me Clean (HL)
Dear Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me. I am sinful, I am proud, I am even jealous. I beg you Heart of Jesus, wash me clean of all my wrongdoing and make me whole again in Your eyes. Take me to rest in Your Sacred Heart that I may spend this NIGHT in peace and love. Protect me with Your Most Precious Blood from all evil. Amen.
Nightly Consecration to the Cross (foot of the cross) (HL)
Since I consecrated myself this day to Your Holy Cross. so to embrace the crosses in my life. I wish to end each day at the foot of Your Cross, together with our Most Blessed Mother and Saint John, our brother. My only pleasure will be to comfort You, my Sweet Savior Amen.
My Jesus, since I consecrated myself this day to Your Holy Cross. Just as You took upon Yourself that great Cross for the sake of all humanity, so I vow to embrace the crosses in my life. Everything I suffer I give back to You, my Sweet Jesus, to atone for my sins and those of all the world. I will begin and end each day at the foot of Your Cross, together with our Most Blessed Mother (Mother of all Virtues, standing beneath the cross in perfect virtue was most glorious event in all of history per exorcist, manifestation of excellence, per St Thomas Aquinas, aside from Christ) and Saint John (the Beloved), our brother. My only pleasure will be to comfort You, my Sweet Savior. Amen.
Accept the Work of This Day
Jesus Christ my God, I adore you and thank you for all the graces you have given me this day. Accept, we beg you, our prayer and work of this day, and grant us the rest we need that we may be ever more willing to serve you, who live and reign for ever and ever. I offer you my sleep and all the moments of this night, and I ask you to keep me from sin. I put myself within your sacred side and hidden shoulder wound and under the mantle of our Lady. Let your holy angels stand about me and keep me in peace. And let your blessing be upon me. Amen.
Night Offering to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
O Divine Jesus, alone tonight in so many tabernacles, without a visitor or worshipper, I offer You my lonely heart. May its every pulsation be a prayer of love to You.
You are ever watching under the sacramental veils; in Your love, You never sleep, and You are never weary of Your vigil for sinners.
O Sweet Jesus, O Holy Jesus! May my heart be a lamp, the light of which shall burn for You alone. (St Margaret Mary)
Eternal Victim Prayer
Eternal Victim, truly present in the tabernacles of the world, forgive us for not keeping you company, pray for us.
O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
Good Night to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Oh my Jesus, Celestial Prisoner,
the sun is now setting, the darkness invades the earth,
and you remain alone in the Tabernacle of love.
I seem to see You there in an air of sadness for the loneliness of the night,
because You don’t have around You the crown
of your sons and of your tender spouses,
who may at least keep You company in this voluntary imprisonment.
Oh, my Divine Prisoner,
I too feel my heart breaking for having to leave You,
and I am forced to say Good-bye;
but, what am I saying, oh Jesus – never again Good-bye.
I don’t have the courage to leave You alone.
I say Good-bye with my lips, but not with my heart;
rather, I will leave my heart with You in the Tabernacle.
I will count your heartbeats and I will correspond with my heartbeat of love;
I will number your panting whispers and, to give You comfort,
I will let You rest in my arms.
I will be your vigilant sentry;
I will be on guard to see if anything comes to trouble or sadden You,
not only not to ever leave You alone, but also to take part in all of your pains.
O Heart of my heart! O Love of my love!
Leave this air of sadness, be consoled.
It breaks my heart to see You troubled.
While I say good-bye with my lips, I leave with you my breaths,
my affections, my thoughts, my desires and my movements,
which will form a chain of continuous acts of love, united with Yours,
surrounding You as a crown, and loving You for all.
Aren’t You happy, O Jesus? You seem to say Yes, don’t You?
Good-bye, oh Loving Prisoner –
but, I haven’t finished yet. Before I go,
I also want to leave my body before You;
I intend to make of my flesh
and bones many tiny little pieces in order to form as many lamps
for as many Tabernacles which exist in the world;
and of my blood many little flames to light those lamps.
I intend to put in every Tabernacle my lamp which,
united with the lamp of the Tabernacle that gives You light at night,
will say, I love You, I adore You, I bless You,
I offer reparation and I thank You for me and for all.
Good-bye, oh Jesus – but, listen to one more thing:
let’s make a pact, and the pact will be that we will love each other more.
You will give me more love, enclose me in your love,
make me live of love and bury me in your love.
Let’s tighten more our bond of love.
I will be happy only if You give me your love to be able to really love You.
Good-bye, oh Jesus, bless me – bless all.
Squeeze me to Your Heart, imprison me in your love as I kiss your Heart.
Good-bye, good-bye….
“Dear Jesus, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, show me my imperfections and help me to improve.” (PRAY MORNING AND NIGHT FOR TRUTHFUL CONVICTION OF HEART, July 20, 2014)
Evening Prayer to the Holy Spirit
O Holy Spirit, most merciful Comforter: You proceed from the Father in a manner beyond our understanding. Come, I beseech You, and take up your abode in my heart. Purify and cleanse me from all sin, and sanctify my soul. Cleanse it from every impurity, water its dryness, melt its coldness, and save it from its sinful ways. Make me truly humble and resigned, that I may be pleasing to You, and that You might abide with me forever.
Most Blessed Light, most Amiable Light, enlighten me. O Rapturous Joy of Paradise, Fount of Purest Delight, My God, give yourself to me and kindle in my innermost soul the fire of Your love. My Lord, instruct, direct, and defend me in all things. Give me strength against all immoderate fears and against despondency. Bestow upon me a true faith, a firm hope, and a sincere and a perfect love. Grant that I always do Thy Most Gracious Will. Amen. (By Saint Antiochus)
Holy Spirit, sleep is a reminder that I am totally and completely dependent upon You. I don’t have infinite strength. I cannot keep working indefinitely. I need sleep to refresh me. As I drift off to sleep, it’s a clear reminder that I am not in control. I need You to sustain me through the night, and I need You to sustain me through my life. Please give me the grace of sleep. Give me the grace of strength. Allow me to wake refreshed in the morning. I depend on You, my good and gracious Father. I trust You to sustain me and to wake me with fresh energy for a new day in the morning. Amen.
Healing Prayer At Bedtime
Lord Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, go back into my memory as I sleep.
Every hurt that has ever been done to me, heal that hurt.
Every hurt that I have ever caused another person, heal that hurt.
All the relationships that have been damaged in my whole life that I am not aware of, heal those relationships.
But, Lord, if there is anything that I need to do;
If I need to go to a person because he or she is still suffering from my hand…
Bring to my awareness that person, I choose to forgive and I ask to be forgiven.
Remove whatever bitterness may be in my heart, Lord, and fill the empty spaces with your love. Amen.

On my knees before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses I offer myself, soul and body to You, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Your purity the unerring keenness of Your justice and the might of Your love. You are the Strength and Light of my soul. In You I live and move and am.
I desire never to grieve You by unfaithfulness to grace and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against You. Mercifully guard my every thought and grant that I may always watch for Your light and listen to Your voice and follow Your gracious inspirations. I cling to You and give myself to You and ask You by Your compassion to watch over me in my weakness.
Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus and looking at His Five Wounds and trusting in His Precious Blood and adoring His opened Side and stricken Heart I implore You, Adorable Spirit, Helper of my infirmity, so to keep me in Your grace that I may never sin against You.
Give me grace O Holy Ghost, Spirit of the Father and the Son to say to You always and everywhere “Speak Lord for Your servant heareth.” Amen.
Kingdom of Divine Will Prayer
My Mother, I love You. Love me too and give me a sip of the Will of God for my soul. Give me your blessing also that I might do all my actions under Your maternal gaze.
I present all my acts of the day onto Our Lady’s lap.
Regina Caeli Prayer
Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia.
For he, whom you did merit to bear, alleluia.
Has risen as he said, alleluia.
Pray for us to God, alleluia.
V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.
R. For the Lord is truly risen, alleluia.
Let us pray: O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant we beseech thee, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, his Mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Preserve Me this Night
O Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of mercy,
pray for me that I may be preserved this night from all evil,
whether of body or soul.
Dear St. Joseph,
all the saints and angels,
and especially you,
my guardian angel and my chosen patron,
watch over me.
I commend myself to your protection now and always. Amen.
Sub tuum praesidium
The oldest known Marian prayer is found on an ancient Egyptian papyrus dating from around the year 250.
We fly to Thy protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin
O MARY, Immaculate Mother of Jesus, we beseech thee, offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, to prevent at least one mortal sin from being committed somewhere in the world today this night. Amen.
Prayer Taught to Monks by Angel
It is truly meet and right to bless thee,
Theotokos*, ever blessed and all pure Mother of our God.
More honorable than the Cherubim
And beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim.
Who without corruption gave birth to God the Word,
The true Theotokos we glorify.
*(Theotokos. Literally “birthgiver of God”)
Shepherd of Our Souls Watch While We Sleep
Beloved Shepherd of our souls and bodies, you never slumber nor sleep. Spread your holy protection over us and cover us with your mighty wings, that no terrors of the night may disturb us, and let your divine majesty watch over our minds while we sleep; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to My Guardian Angel
O most holy Angel of God, appointed by God to be my guardian, +
- I give you thanks for all the benefits which you have ever bestowed on me in body and in soul. +
- I praise and glorify you that you condescended to assist me with such patient fidelity, +
- and to defend me against all the assaults of my enemies. +
- Blessed be the hour in which you were assigned me for my guardian, my defender and my patron. +
- In acknowledgement and return for all your loving ministries to me, I offer you the infinitely precious and noble heart of Jesus, +
- and firmly purpose to obey you henceforward, and most faithfully to serve my God. Amen. + (St Gertrude)
Reminder for 7 Glory Be’s in Honor of My Guardian Angel
Please Guardian Angel if you are still able to protect me during the night, go visit Our Lord at any of the surrounding churches in the tabernacle where He waits for us in voluntary imprisonment as a Celestial prisoner of love.
From Psalm 91:11+
For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways.
Ask Guardian Angel to Stand Guard
Guardian Angel, since Trust is my protection against evil, I ask you to stand guard over this vessel of trust that was placed in my heart at conception so that Satan does not come as a thief attempting to steal my trust in Jesus away.
Ask Guardian Angel to Not Let Me Fall into Self-Righteousness
“The one that is full of self-interest, the one that seeks recognition in the world, the one who safeguards his reputation is the soul who must look into his own heart, and ask Me to help him eradicate the inordinate self-love in his heart. .
As I discover inordinances within my heart, full of self-interest, knowing I cannot overcome these faults on my own without the help of grace, I ask my guardian angel not to let me fall into self-righteousness. I ask this especially as I begin to conquer my areas of pride to avoid the trap leading to pharisaical pride.
Prayer to Sleep in God’s Will
(First paragraph taken from the Divine Will Prayer Book)
My Jesus, I sleep/rest with You to give the glory to the Father that You gave Him for those that do not rest in You;
and, while I sleep/rest together with You, I call all souls to rest in your Heart.
I intend in my sleep to make my rounds for all the hearts of creatures to put sin to flight and give your true rest to everyone.
And You, oh My Jesus, do not permit that my poor soul may find any other rest, if not in your Heart and in your Will. Amen.
Mother Mary, I also want to sleep/rest in your Immaculate Heart
to call all souls into that safe refuge.
And to give You the contentment that would be yours if all did enter that safe refuge and live their consecration in littleness, trust and abandonment,
preparing them to receive from You the inheritance of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
Protect me, Lord During My Sleep
Protect me, Lord, from all dangerous dreams while I sleep. Make me forget all dreams and everything else when I awake, so I can remember only to love You, My Jesus.
My Mother, cover me with your mantle of Purity.
My Guardian Angel, cover me with your protecting wing. Amen.
Permission for Jesus to Perform Rounds
Jesus, I give You permission to have you make Rounds during my sleep…
(Divine Will Prayer Book pg 157)
From the Night Office
Save us, Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep; that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with him in peace.
The Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen
Upon Awakening
Please assist me Lord upon my awakening in the morning so that my first thought is of You and my first words are spoken loving You, praising You, thanking You and blessing You and I am able to tame my intellect and take every thought captive in obedience to Christ. (2Cor 10:5) Please then gift me with the recollection to request entering the Divine Will.
Almighty God, through the merits of the Immaculate Conception, conceived without sin in anticipation of Her living in the Divine Will, I pray for the gift of true contrition, true recognition of how I offend, betray, assault, even wound You and the gift of pure intentions when making my confession and/or act of contrition.
I ask especially for the gift of total recall through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Her well beloved spouse, of each and all sins and offenses committed in order to make a complete and authentic confession and repair for all wounds created by my thought, word or actions.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
Traditional Form
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell;
but most of all because they (/I) offend Thee, my God,
Who are all good and deserving of all my love.
(Knowing in the same instant I was offending You, You were loving me with a love no soul could ever imagine.)
I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace,
to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life
by avoiding the near occasion of sin
and rejecting Satan and all his works and all his empty promises.
I AM NOTHING, GOD IS ALL, come Divine Will.
Come Heavenly Father to beat in my heart and move in my Will;
Come Beloved Son to flow in my blood and think in my intellect;
Come Holy Spirit to breathe in my lungs and recall in my memory.
Liturgy of the Hours Night Prayers
For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we wake or sleep we might live with Him. (1 Thes 5:10)
Surrender Prayer (HL)
Jesus, I surrender everything to Your provision and to Your Mother’s protection during every difficulty of life. (arising and retiring)
Prayer to God the Father for Forgiveness of Sins
O eternal God and Ruler of all creation,
You have allowed me to reach this hour.
Forgive the sins I have committed this day by thought, word, or deed.
Purify me, O Lord,
from every spiritual and physical stain.
Grant that I may rise from this sleep to glorify You
by my deeds throughout my entire lifetime,
and that I be victorious over every spiritual
and physical enemy.
Deliver me, O Lord,
from all vain thoughts and from evil desires,
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and forever.
Prayer to the Eternal Father Requesting Forgiveness
Eternal Father, Creator of the universe, transform my heart in this present moment so that it beats in perfect harmony with Your Divine Will. Forgive me for all the present moments I have wasted and have not surrendered to Your Will. Help me always to cooperate with the grace You send me in every present moment. Amen.
Thanking for Our Fathers (DW)
Almighty Father, you have taught us that you are the Father of us all, and that all fatherhood takes its origin from you. You protect us from evil, and provide our daily bread. You are strength and integrity, blessing and the font of life.
We thank you, then, for our fathers. Though human, they are also a reflection of you, Lord God. They are your gift to us. We pray for all fathers today. May they realize the greatness of their vocation and have the strength to live it without fear. Forgive their sins, and keep their eyes raised up to you.
To those who still make this earthy journey with us, give us the grace to love them as we should; and to those whom you have called from this life, give a special place of honor in the heavenly kingdom with you, the Father of all. Our Father (1) Hail Mary (1) Glory be (1)
Wash Me Clean (HL)
Dear Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me. I am sinful, I am proud, I am even jealous. I beg you Heart of Jesus, wash me clean of all my wrongdoing and make me whole again in Your eyes. Take me to rest in Your Sacred Heart that I may spend this NIGHT in peace and love. Protect me with Your Most Precious Blood from all evil. Amen
Prayer for Daily Neglects
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all its Love, all its sufferings and all its merits.
First – To expiate all the sins I have committed this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!
Second – To purify the good I have done badly this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!
Third – To supply for the good I ought to have done and that I have neglected this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father…!
(A Poor Clare nun, who had just died, appeared to her abbess, who was praying for her, and said to her, “I went straight to heaven, for, by means of this prayer, recited every evening, I paid my debts.”)
St. John Chrysostom’s Deliverance Prayer
O Eternal God, You who have redeemed the race of men from the captivity of the Devil, deliver me, Your servant, from all the workings of unclean spirits. Command the evil and impure spirits and demons to depart from the soul and body of Your servant and not to remain nor hide in me. Let them be banished from me, the creation of Your hands, in Your own holy name, and that of Your only-begotten Son, and of Your life-creating Spirit, so that, after being cleaned from all demonic influence, I may live godly, justly, and righteously and may be counted worthy to receive the Holy Mysteries of Your only-begotten Son and our God, with whom You are blessed and glorified, together with the all-holy and good and life-creating Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Mercy Prayer (HL)
“Jesus God, I seek Your Mercy as I arise in the morning and when I retire at night, so grace will order my day, and You will bless me with Your Blessing of Divine Love as I sleep. “
Thank You for Graces
O my God, at the end of this day I thank You most heartily for all the graces I have received from You. I am sorry that I have not made a better use of them. I am sorry for all the sins I have committed against You. Forgive me, O my God, and graciously protect me this night.
O MARY, Immaculate Mother of Jesus, we beseech thee, offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, to prevent at least one mortal sin from being committed somewhere in the world today this night. Amen.
Way of Divine Love Night Offerings
(Hours that otherwise might seem to be wasted will acquire, through union with Him, full redemptive significance.)
Eternal Father,
- I desire to rest in Thy Heart this night.
- I make the intention of offering to Thee
every beat of my heart, - joining to them as many acts of love and desire.
- I pray that even while I am asleep,
- I will bring back to Thee souls that offend Thee.
- I ask forgiveness for the whole
especially for those who know Thee and yet sin. - I offer to Thee my every breath
and heartbeat
as a prayer of reparation. Amen.
The Way of Divine Love
“Lord, I am going to sleep, but my soul will keep Thee company. Its activity alone will rest tonight, but all my powers will still belong to Thee and my heart keep for Thee its tenderest and most constant affection.”
I obligate my soul to render worship of my love to Jesus. I set the tenderest affections of my heart free, that through the slumber of my senses, they may not cease to remain in the presence of the only object of my love.
Nightly Consecration to the Cross (foot of the cross) (HL)
Since I consecrated myself this day to Your Holy Cross. so to embrace the crosses in my life. I wish to end each day at the foot of Your Cross, together with our Most Blessed Mother and Saint John, our brother. My only pleasure will be to comfort You, my Sweet Savior Amen.
Accept the Work of This Day
Jesus Christ my God, I adore you and thank you for all the graces you have given me this day. Accept, we beg you, our prayer and work of this day, and grant us the rest we need that we may be ever more willing to serve you, who live and reign for ever and ever. I offer you my sleep and all the moments of this night, and I ask you to keep me from sin. I put myself within your sacred side and hidden shoulder wound and under the mantle of our Lady. Let your holy angels stand about me and keep me in peace. And let your blessing be upon me. Amen.
Night Offering to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
St Margaret Mary
O Divine Jesus, alone tonight in so many tabernacles, without a visitor or worshipper, I offer You my lonely heart. May its every pulsation be a prayer of love to You.
You are ever watching under the sacramental veils; in Your love, You never sleep, and You are never weary of Your vigil for sinners.
O Sweet Jesus, O Holy Jesus! May my heart be a lamp, the light of which shall burn for You alone.
Eternal Victim Prayer
Eternal Victim, truly present in the tabernacles of the world, forgive us for not keeping you company, pray for us.
O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
Volume 11
Good-bye in the Evening to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Good Morning to Jesus
O my Jesus, sweet Prisoner of love, here I am before You again. I left You saying good-bye, and now I come back saying good morning. I was anxiously burning to see You again in this prison of love, to give You my yearning regards, my affectionate heartbeats, my ardent desires and all myself in order to transfuse all of myself in You, and to abandon myself in You in perpetual memory and pledge of my love toward You.
Oh my always adorable Sacramental Love, do you know? While I came to give You all of myself, I came also to receive from You all of Yourself. I cannot live without a life, therefore I want yours. All is given to the one who gives all, isn’t it true, O Jesus? Therefore, today I will love with your heartbeat of a passionate lover; I will breathe with your panting breath in search for souls; I will desire your Glory and the good of souls with your immeasurable desires. All the heartbeats of creatures will flow within your divine heartbeat; we will grasp them all and will save them. We won’t let anybody escape, at the cost of any sacrifice, even if I should bear all the pain. If You should push me away I will fling myself more inside You, I will cry out louder in order to plead together with You for the salvation of your children and my brothers.
Oh my Jesus, my Life and my All, how many things does your voluntary imprisonment tell me! But the emblem with which I see You all sealed is the emblem of the souls, while the chains which bind You completely – very strongly – are love. It seems that the words souls and love make You smile, debilitate You and force You to surrender in everything; and I, pondering well these excesses of your love, will be always before You and together with You, with my usual refrains: souls and love.
Therefore, today I want all of You; always together with me in the prayer, in the work, in the pleasures and displeasures, in the food, in the steps, in the sleep – in everything. I am certain that, being unable to obtain anything by myself, with You I will obtain everything; and everything we will do will serve to soothe each one of your pains, to sweeten every bitterness, to give You reparation for any offense, to compensate You for everything, and to plead for any conversion, no matter how difficult and desperate. We will go begging a little love from every heart, to make You more content and happy – isn’t it good this way, O Jesus?
Oh dear Prisoner of love, bind me with your chains, seal me with your love. Please, show me your beautiful face. Oh Jesus, how beautiful You are! Your blond hair braids and sanctifies all my thoughts; your calm forehead, even in the midst of many insults, gives me peace and puts me in perfect calm, even among the greatest storms, my privations of You, and your fusses, which cost me my life. Ah, You know it, but I move on; my heart will tell You this, for it knows how to say it better than I. Oh Love, your azure eyes, sparkling with divine light, sweep me to Heaven and make me forget the earth but, alas, with my greatest pain, my exile continues yet. Hurry, hurry, oh Jesus. Yes, You are beautiful, O Jesus; I seem to see You in that Tabernacle of love. The beauty and the majesty of your face enamors me and makes me see Heaven; your gracious mouth lightly places its ardent kisses every instant. Your gentle voice calls me and invites me to love every moment; your knees sustain me; your arms clasp me with an indissoluble bond, and I will impress my burning kisses, thousands upon thousands, on your adorable face.
Jesus, Jesus, may our will be one, one our love, one our happiness. Never leave me alone, because I am a nothing, and the nothing cannot be without the all. Will You promise me, oh Jesus? It seems that You say Yes. And now, bless me, bless all; and together with the angels, the saints, the sweet Mama and all the creatures, I will say to You: “Good morning, O Jesus, good morning.”
Evening Prayer
Good-bye in the Evening to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Volume 11
Oh my Jesus, Celestial Prisoner, the sun is now setting, the darkness invades the earth, and you remain alone in the Tabernacle of love. I seem to see You there in an air of sadness for the loneliness of the night, because You don’t have around You the crown of your sons and of your tender spouses, who may at least keep You company in this voluntary imprisonment.
Oh, my Divine Prisoner, I too feel my heart breaking for having to leave You, and I am forced to say Good-bye; but, what am I saying, oh Jesus – never again Good-bye. I don’t have the courage to leave You alone. I say Good-bye with my lips, but not with my heart; rather, I will leave my heart with You in the Tabernacle. I will count your heartbeats and I will correspond with my heartbeat of love; I will number your panting whispers and, to give You comfort, I will let You rest in my arms. I will be your vigilant sentry; I will be on guard to see if anything comes to trouble or sadden You, not only not to ever leave You alone, but also to take part in all of your pains.
O Heart of my heart! O Love of my love! Leave this air of sadness, be consoled. It breaks my heart to see You troubled. While I say good-bye with my lips, I leave with you my breaths, my affections, my thoughts, my desires and my movements, which will form a chain of continuous acts of love, united with Yours, surrounding You as a crown, and loving You for all. Aren’t You happy, O Jesus? You seem to say Yes, don’t You?
Good-bye, oh Loving Prisoner – but, I haven’t finished yet. Before I go, I also want to leave my body before You; I intend to make of my flesh and bones many tiny little pieces in order to form as many lamps for as many Tabernacles which exist in the world; and of my blood many little flames to light those lamps. I intend to put in every Tabernacle my lamp which, united with the lamp of the Tabernacle that gives You light at night, will say, I love You, I adore You, I bless You, I offer reparation and I thank You for me and for all.
Good-bye, oh Jesus – but, listen to one more thing: let’s make a pact, and the pact will be that we will love each other more. You will give me more love, enclose me in your love, make me live of love and bury me in your love. Let’s tighten more our bond of love. I will be happy only if You give me your love to be able to really love You.
Good-bye, oh Jesus, bless me – bless all. Squeeze me to Your Heart, imprison me in your love as I kiss your Heart. Good-bye, good-bye….
… Now, after I wrote these prayers, written here under the influence of Jesus, as the night was approaching, Jesus showed me that He was keeping this “good-bye” and “good morning” inside His Heart, and He told me: “My daughter, they really came out of my Heart. Whoever will recite them with the intention of being with Me as it is expressed in these prayers, I will keep her with Me and in Me, to do anything I do. Not only will I warm her with my love, but I will increase my love towards that soul every time, admitting her to the union with the Divine Life and with my own desires to save all souls.”
I desire Jesus in my mind, Jesus in my lips, Jesus in my heart; I want to look only at Jesus, feel only Jesus, squeeze myself only to Jesus. I want to do everything together with Jesus; play with Jesus, cry with Jesus, write with Jesus; without Jesus I don’t even want to breathe. I will stay here like a fussy little child and do nothing, so that Jesus may come to do everything with me, content to be his toy, abandoning myself to his love, to his chastisements, to his concerns and to his loving jokes, provided that I do everything with Jesus.
See, O my Jesus? This is my will, and You won‟t move me, did You hear? So now come and write with me.
Prayer to My Guardian Angel
O most holy Angel of God, appointed by God to be my guardian,
- I give you thanks for all the benefits which you have ever bestowed on me in body and in soul.
- I praise and glorify you that you condescended to assist me with such patient fidelity, and to defend me against all the assaults of my enemies.
- Blessed be the hour in which you were assigned me for my guardian, my defender and my patron.
- In acknowledgement and return for all your loving ministries to me, I offer you the infinitely precious and noble heart of Jesus, and firmly purpose to obey you henceforward, and most faithfully to serve my God. Amen. (St Gertrude)
- Reminder for 7 Glory Be’s
All Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
As ist was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.
Please Guardian Angel if you are still able to protect me during the night, go visit Our Lord at any of the surrounding churches in the tabernacle where He waits for us in the tabernacle.
Read Psalm 91:11+
For he will give his angels charge of you to
guard you in all your ways.
Prayer to Padre Pio
Send guardian angel to Padre Pio’s angel and ask them
to go see Padre at the Gates of Heaven and convey theses requests
St Pio, please intercede for me before the Throne of the Holy Trinity to forgive all my sins and in thanksgiving for all the blessings in my life. Please, Dear Padre Pio, ask Jesus to grant me all the graces I need to fulfill His Holy Will. Ask the Blessed Trinity to help me invoke the Divine Will as often as possible and animate all thought, word and deed in every precious moment through and by Holy Love. Also that I will gain self-knowledge and perform daily examination of conscience. Assist me in praying the rosaries as deemed needed especially the rosary of the unborn. And help me to have a deep and abiding and ardent and passionate love for the Blessed Trinity.
Father, I abandon myself into your hands;
Father, I abandon myself into
your hands;
do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you:
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me,
and in all Your creatures –
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul;
I offer it to you with all the love of my heart,
for I love you Lord,
and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into your hands,
without reserve,
and with boundless confidence,
For you are my Father.
(Charles de Foucauld)
Kingdom of Divine Will Prayer
My Mother, I love You. Love me too and give me a sip of the Will of God for my soul. Give me your blessing also that I might do all my actions under Your maternal gaze.
I present all my acts of the day onto Our Lady’s lap.
The Acts of Gratitude
“Gratitude is the key that opens the divine treasures”
(Vol. 5: June 6, 1903).
Come Divine Will!
Triune God, I give You thanks and praise for all, as well as for the desire and ability to do it. I give You thanks and praise for the gift of the Divine Will for for every act of creation, redemption and sanctification. I do this in the Divine Will in order to make them for all those who fail to thank Him from the beginning of time to the end of time. And, in Your Will, I run to every soul, in all times and places, and call them to give thanks to the Lord.
- call to mind all the good you received, corporal & spiritual
joys as well as crosses. - any good you may have accomplished.
Preparation for Holy Communion for the Morrow
The Lord is with Thee, O most Holy Virgin.
By your ardent longing
You drew Him down from
Heaven into your Heart.
Instill also in my heart your ardent longing
and an insatiable hunger for Jesus, so that I can truly say to Him,
“Come, O my Jesus, I long for You
with the Heart of Mary,
Your Mother and mine.”
Inflame Our Hearts
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, on fire with love for us,
inflame our hearts with love for You
(Prayer taught by Our Lord to Blessed Dina Bélanger).
Prayer to Sleep in God’s Will
(First paragraph taken from the Divine Will Prayer Book)
My Jesus, I sleep/rest with You to give the glory to the Father that You gave Him for those that do not rest in You; and, while I sleep/rest together with You, I call all souls to rest in your Heart. I intend in my sleep to make my rounds for all the hearts of creatures to put sin to flight and give your true rest to everyone. And You, oh My Jesus, do not permit that my poor soul may find any other rest, if not in your Heart and in your Will. Amen.
Mother Mary, I also want to sleep/rest in your Immaculate Heart
to call all souls into that safe refuge. And to give You the
contentment that would be yours if all did enter that safe refuge and live their consecration in littleness, trust and abandonment, preparing them to receive from You the inheritance of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
Protect me, Lord, from all dangerous dreams while I sleep. Make me forget all dreams and everything else when I awake, so I can remember only to love You, My Jesus. My Mother, cover me with your mantle of Purity. My Guardian Angel, cover me with your protecting wing. Amen.
Permission for Jesus to Perform Rounds
Before closing your eyes, give Jesus permission to have you make Rounds during your sleep…(Divine Will Prayer Book pg 157)
From the Night Office
Save us, Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep; that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with him in peace.
The Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen
Upon Awakening
Please assist me Lord when awakening in the alpha state that my intellect is tamed and my first thought is of You and my first words are spoken loving You, praising You and blessing You.
Cleanse Me
“Dear Jesus, immerse my heart in the Flame of Holy Love. Cleanse me of all my faults and failings. Amen.” (May 21, 2011)
Traditional Form
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell;
but most of all because they (/I) offend Thee, my God,
Who are all good and deserving of all my love.
( Knowing in the same instant I was offending You, You were loving me with a love no soul could ever imagine. )
I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace,
to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
My Loving Father, forgive me. Infused in Your Most Holy Will, and as Your little child, allow me to confess my sorrow for offending You with all my sins, weaknesses, defects, and miseries. I know that in the same instant I was offending You, You were loving me with a love no soul could ever imagine. Your Will will be my strength and my hope to never offend You again.
Heavenly Mother, my Mother, I offer you this holy intention and ask you to please, through Your Immaculate Heart, give me the immense graces I will need to never again offend my Heavenly Father! Amen.
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