Prayer for the Confessor
Holy Spirit, Source of all Light, fill my confessor, (Fr. _______) with Your light and grace so that he can act in Your Will and direct me and help me to confess my sins with clarity, completeness and ease and true humility. Give him all the graces he needs today, including supernatural wisdom to lead me to eternal salvation and to living in Your Will. Amen.
(For those who pray in the Divine Will as followers of Luisa Piccarreta Book of Heaven, follow with the command prayer.)
Ask God to give us the strength to always make a good confession.
Come, Holy Spirit, into my soul. Enlighten my mind that I may know the sins I ought to confess, and grant me the grace to confess them fully, humbly, and with a contrite heart. Help me to firmly resolve not to commit them again.
O Blessed Virgin, Mother of my Redeemer, mirror of innocence and sanctity and refuge of penitent sinners, intercede for me that I may obtain the grace to make a good confession.
All you blessed Angels and Saints of God, pray for me, a sinner, that I may repent from my sinful ways and that I may be forever united with you. Amen.
Prayer for a Sincere Confession
O Holy Spirit. Source of all light, Spirit of wisdom, of understanding, and of knowledge, come to my assistance and enable me to make a good confession. Enlighten me, and help me now to know my sins as one day I shall be forced to recognize them before Thy judgment seat. Bring to my mind the evil which I have done and the good which I have neglected. Permit me not to be blinded by self-love. Grant me, moreover, heartfelt sorrow for my transgressions, and the grace of a sincere confession, so that I may be forgiven and admitted into Thy friendship.
Prayer for True Contrition
O my God, help me to make a good confession. Mary, my dearest Mother, pray to Jesus for me. Help me to examine my conscience, enable me to obtain true sorrow for my sins, and beg for me the grace rather to die than to offend God again. Lord Jesus, light of our souls, who enlightens every man coming into this world, enlighten my conscience and my heart by Thy Holy Spirit, so that I may perceive all that is displeasing to Thy divine majesty and may expiate it by humble confession, true contrition, and sincere repentance. Amen.
Prayer for a Good Confession
O my God, by my grievous sins I have crucified again Thy Divine Son and made Him a mockery. For this I deserved Thy wrath and made myself fit for the fires of hell. How ungrateful have I been to Thee as well, my heavenly Father, Who created me out of nothing, redeemed me by the precious Blood of Thy Son and sanctified me by Thy holy sacraments and by the Holy Ghost. But Thou hast spared me by Thy mercy, to make this confession. Receive me back as Thy prodigal son and grant me to confess well, that I may begin anew to love Thee with my whole heart and soul, and henceforth to keep Thy commandments and suffer patiently whatever temporal punishment may remain. I hope by Thy goodness and power to obtain everlasting life in Paradise. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Prayer After Confession

November 5, 2006
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. They nod Their Heads, greeting everyone here in the room. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “Today, as always, I come to speak to My Remnant Faithful. The heart of the world is in turmoil, spurned and fed by aggressive self-love. I need My army of victim souls–those who choose Divine Victimhood with loving hearts–to appease My Most Wounded Heart in this hour of distress, which weighs the world down in sin and error.”
“So, today, the Father wills I come to you with this important revelation. While it is true that once past, the present moment is gone forever; it is also true that all humanity lives in the Eternal Now, for there is no time or space in eternity. Therefore, living in the present in the Eternal Now, you can give to Me all that you suffered in the past as redemptive grace for souls who travel the road to perdition. There are just two conditions. You must have been in a state of grace when you suffered the particular cross you now desire to give Me, and you must have suffered it with love.”
“This means every insult, every illness–even as an infant, if you were baptized at the time–every inconvenience, every embarrassment can now be given to Me as a gift! This increases and strengthens the arsenal of weapons I will use against evil in the world. All you need do is say, ‘Jesus, I give to You with love, all my past crosses.’ Then I will take even the smallest crosses, even the ones you do not remember, and use them to save souls. It is a great victory in the war against evil that I am able to tell you this today.”
“There are certain conditions which weaken your offering to Me of past crosses. One would be if the soul is not in a state of grace at the moment he offers to Me all past suffering. Another would be if he is assailed with doubts about the Message itself. But even these conditions which weaken the offering will not negate completely the total act of consecrating past crosses to Me. Instead, I will inspire the soul to be properly disposed, and to offer these past crosses to Me again.”
“You must understand what a great grace this is that I give to the world today. (He has a quiver of arrows over His Shoulder, and it seems the tips are flames.) With this arsenal I can reach the hearts of errant leaders and weaken their aggressive nature. You who offer Me these past crosses are helping Me to close the abyss between Heaven and earth, and to restore harmony between the Eternal Divine Will of My Father and man’s free will.”
“The only thing you lose forever in the present moment is that which is not loving. The only thing which you save in the Eternal Now is all that you think, say and do in Holy Love. Holy and Divine Love are eternal.”
“As more and more souls relinquish to Me all their past crosses–great and small–I am opening wide the First Chamber of Our United Hearts, the Heart of My Mother, which is Holy Love.”
“As more and more souls turn to Me by merit of the powerful force of this offering of past crosses, Satan’s attacks upon this Mission of Our United Hearts will be more easily discerned and readily thwarted. Therefore, understand that the more who offer to Me their past crosses in this way, the weaker Satan becomes. It is necessary that you comprehend this and with dispatch, propagate this Message. Many souls, many vocations, many marriages will be saved in this way.”
“The power of these sacrifices of past crosses from souls around the world will allow Me to stop wars, reveal evil that is nurtured under the cover of darkness, strengthen the Remnant and the Tradition of Faith, and calm erratic forces of nature. Perhaps, then, you see the significance of My words to you today.”
“My brothers and sisters, please understand that when you atone to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, you also appease the Heart of the Divine Father. Thus, by offering Me the crosses in your past life, the circle is complete; the Hour of Mercy extends, and My Justice is delayed by the Will of God.”
Jesus extends His Hands out over the people and says: “Today We’re extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
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