August 22, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady was dressed all in white with Her Immaculate Heart exposed. She also has a crown over Her head. A private message was given. Then Our Lady said: “Let us pray now as I have directed you for all souls having spiritual apathy.” We prayed. Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, continue to pray from the heart, most especially for the lukewarm, for this is the greatest percent of the world’s population and the greatest sword that pierces My Immaculate Heart.” She blessed us and left.
June 14, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white and says: “My children, pray with Me now for all city officials.” We prayed. “My children, dear children, do not allow human issues to cloud God’s Divine Will. For here I am telling you what city officials desire, and what God desires, are two different things; and you must decide who you serve. You are in My Heart when you pray from the heart. It does not matter where you are on earth. Now you are fleeing from Herod, but soon you will find within My Heart a safe dwelling.” She blessed us and left.
June 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“I come to you this evening to ask My children to be compatible with the Church’s teaching on the Holy Father’s infallibility; My Son’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist; and My Own role in the Church. These are the areas the enemy favors to attack. Do not be deceived into thinking you can pick and choose which doctrine you believe.”
“Jesus asks that you offer all your communions during the month of the Precious Blood, the month of July, for lukewarm priests. That they will return to belief in the Real Presence of My Son in the Sacrament of the Altar.” Our Lady now says: “Ask people to extend towards Heaven the objects they wish Me to kiss.” She says: “Thank you, My dear little children, for coming in faith, hope and love. Today, I extend to you once again, My Motherly Blessing. And I desire that you use these objects, which I have personally kissed through the angels, to bring souls to Holy Love.”
“Dear children, this Ministry will undergo further persecution in the future, but you will endure through the grace of My Heart. Jesus in His Majesty and Mercy will extend yet another grace to bring souls into Holy Love. For when the great illumination of consciences comes in the future, souls will also see that Holy Love is the path, salvation and refuge. It is at that time, many will come to My apparition site. Dear children, continue to pray from the heart, that My messages of Holy Love are propagated throughout the world, and I am blessing you.”
February 7, 2002
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My sister, when you pray from the heart, your prayers rise as Veronica’s veil to wipe the tears from My Face as I cast My gaze upon this generation. Comfort Me then, and do not fear. Practice every virtue to perfection for it is then I will lead you deeper into My Divine Heart. It is only in an ever-deepening surrender to perfection in love I am able to lead you to conformity to the Divine Will of My Father.”
March 5, 2002
Monthly Message to All Nations
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come once again as a voice crying in the desert to tell you that the source of all evil is the lack of Holy Love in hearts. The travail that earth finds herself in is not confined by geographical boundary, but will soon prove to be a worldwide epidemic of hate.”
“This mission here of Holy and Divine Love holds the key to world peace, but first many events will occur. When it seems the heart of the world has become immune to righteousness, the victory is at hand. The victory will be Mine, and it will come through Holy and Divine Love. Each one who follows these messages must live them–not just know them. It is a responsibility you will be held accountable for at your judgment. Ask through prayer for the grace to be an apostle of love.”
“Today there continues to be much controversy and misunderstandings about this message of interior formation. It is Satan who promotes this, for the messages attack his kingdom in the world. It is important that each one prays for discernment and avoids idle talk about any apparition, for this may lead to rash judgment. If your discernment comes from Heaven, you will accept and begin to live these messages of Holy and Divine Love at once.”
“I invite each one to see that this same spirit of confusion that thwarts true discernment of these messages here has infiltrated the hearts of those who kill–supposedly in the name of God. There is only one God, and He is a God of Love. He commands that you shall not kill, but love thy neighbor.”
“Remember that Satan always clothes himself as good. He confuses the proud-hearted to believe in his good, and not to see his hidden agenda of evil. This is how he has infiltrated the Church–convincing officials to hide evil so that what appeared to be a solution was only an open door to more confusion and controversy. Remember, God is a God of Truth.”
“Today I have come to remind you that five years ago I sent My Mother to you with a profound warning of a pending disaster–a calamity unlike any other this country has known. Because of the faithful prayers of a few, the disaster was postponed and even mitigated. I tell you today, greater evils than this lurk in the hearts of men. Learn from history. The shadow of evil obscured in the radical hearts of a few can be thwarted by a sincere effort in prayer. Every present moment is a prayer opportunity. Grasp it!”
“My brothers and sisters, today I’m praying for the complete conversion of everyone present, and that once converted they carry this message of Holy and Divine Love to all that they meet. This is the greatest healing–the conversion of heart.”
“Please understand that every prayer said from the heart, every Communion received and Mass attended reverently results in a weakening of Satan’s kingdom forever. Each heart that is converted brings My Victory closer. Continue to pray from the heart.”
“Today We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
November 2, 2002
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Little sister, hear and understand that the substance of what is in the spirit of the heart is always Holy and or Divine Love; or it is all that opposes it. What opposes love of God and neighbor always is rooted in excessive love of self. The person gives into temptations because he sees it will benefit him in some way. Therefore, he loves the sin more than God and neighbor, and he places himself first ahead of Holy Love.”
“So, when you are asked to pray from the heart, you must pray with Holy Love in your heart.”
“Make it known.”
March 17, 2003
Monday United Hearts Confraternity Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, pray from the heart to overcome misdirected free will, for Heaven will be attentive to such a prayer. Then you will travel deeper into the Chambers of Our United Hearts.”
“We’re blessing you with Our Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
October 8, 2007
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I tell you truly, My Heavenly Father has His Finger on the pulse of the world. The heart of the world will not beat in harmony with His Eternal Heart until all life is respected as His Creation from conception to natural death.”
“Today people do not recognize when life begins and when it ends. Self-love and modern technology have clouded these issues. But Holy Love calls the world back to reality and righteousness. You cannot live outside of My Father’s Will and prosper.”
“The Rosary of the Unborn is Heaven’s weapon of choice to break down the barriers of Satan’s lies, and reveal the truth to all people and all nations, one heart at a time. In order for a weapon to be effective, it must be used and knowledge of it must be spread. It is no different with this heavenly weapon Heaven has given you. Satan does not want you to realize the power of this Rosary when you pray from the heart. I am telling you, that the Rosary of the Unborn saves lives!”
June 4, 2011
Pro-Life Rosary Intentions – Requested by Our Lady June 4, 2011
Blessed Virgin Mary
Pro-Life Rosary Intentions
Requested by Our Lady June 4, 2011 – A.M.
Our Lady appears holding a rosary made of all red roses. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you see that many parts make up the whole. When all these roses or Hail Marys are put together, they can equal one prayer and one prayer intention.”
Then Blessed Mother shows me a picture which outlines Her requested intentions for the rosary.

“I invite you to see that each of these intentions is pro-life:”
“No.1 You seek My protection over the unborn.”
“No. 2 You pray for guidance for all involved in the abortion
industry and mothers considering abortion.”
“No. 3 You pray for the conversion of anyone who supports
“No. 4 You pray for government leaders who support abortion.”
“No. 5 You pray for any religious leader who does not speak out
against abortion.”
“So you see how all the parts make up a pro-life rosary.”
June 4, 2011 – P.M.
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“My Son graciously allows His Most Sacred Heart to be touched by those who pray the Rosary of the Unborn from the heart. For this reason, and because He has much compassion on the human condition these days, He allowed Me to visit you earlier today with the meditations or intentions I gave you.”
“In the First Mystery, you pray for My protection. This can be My Motherly protection over the unborn.”
“The Second Mystery invokes My guidance which would be inspiration for mothers not to abort their babies, government leaders to oppose abortion and religious leaders to act against it.”
“The Third Mystery is for the conversion of souls. No one can be converted or should believe in his conversion if he still supports abortion.”
“The Fourth Mystery is for all government leaders. It is paramount that legalized abortion is overturned. The future of the world depends upon it.”
“The Fifth Mystery is for all religious leaders to take a stand against abortion. Not to oppose it – is to support abortion.”
“My Motherly Heart is intercessor for these needs, My children, when you pray from the heart. I am ever ready to assist you. Pray this way often.”