Prayer in the Divine Will for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
From the writings of Luisa Picarreta
(translated from the original Italian by Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt)
In the entry of March 14, 1919 in Volume 12 of the writings of Luisa Picarreta, she wrote:“Being in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself and I saw my deceased confessor. A thought came to me, ‘ask if you are obliged or not to tell, and therefore to write that which you have not told your confessor.’ I asked him telling him what the matter was and he said, ‘Yes, you are obligated.’
And he added, ‘Once you offered a beautiful suffrage for me. If you knew how much good it did to me, the refreshment and consolation that I felt and the years (in purgatory)it shortened!’
I said, ‘I don’t remember. Tell me what it was and I will repeat it.’
He said, ‘You entered in the Divine Will and took the power, the immensity of His love, the great merit of the sufferings of the Son of God and of all the Divine Qualities…then you came and poured everything over me and I was bathed in the Love that contains the divine power, a bath of beauty, a bath of the Precious Blood and of all the divine qualities. Who can tell the great good that you did to me? They were all baths that contained power and divine greatness. Repeat it for me. Repeat it for me…’”
The following prayer was inspired by the above writings of Luisa Picarreta and may be said for nine days as a novena:
Eternal Father, I immerse myself in Your Divine Will, I take and make mine all His power, the immensity of His love; I make mine the great merit of the sufferings of Your Son Jesus Christ, all His Passion, His every wound, His every thorn, every drop of His Blood, and I make mine all of His most holy humanity, His every act, all of His merits, His Holiness and His Divinity;
I take all the acts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, all of her holiness, her merits and her sufferings, and making this infinite capital all mine, I pour it over the souls in Purgatory (especially over the soul of ……..), so that immersed in this bath of power and divine immensity, their sufferings may be shortened and they may be admitted sooner into Your Presence in order to Praise You in the Celestial Homeland. Amen.