- ask for the grace of seeing your sins more clearly and you will better be able to avoid these pitfalls.
- ask for the grace to accept each new cross
- Ask for the grace not to be afraid – not to live in the future, and I, your mother, will see that you have it.
- Do you need a mountain moved? Ask for the grace with a believing, fervent heart. Live your life dependent on grace
- Ask for the grace of deep humility, which will enhance the Holy Love in your heart. If you do not ask, you will not receive.”
- When you come before Me, let it always be as though it were the first time, the first moment of your understanding of My Real Presence. When you receive Me, let it be as My Most Holy Mother received Me at the Annunciation. Ask for the grace. It is given. Ask for the grace to allow Me to stay within the tabernacle of your heart after you receive Me – to linger there – to languish in your soul
- Your desire to please Me needs to be greater than your desire to please yourself.” “This is the path of martyrdom of love. Ask for the grace to recognize it and surrender to it.”
- “…when you are tested in any particular virtue, ask for the grace to love more, for every virtue begins and ends with love.”
- He only needs to accept the moment in the way My Father wills it. You may think this sounds too easy to be the key to your sanctity, but look closely and you will understand it is not easy, and not even possible without Heaven’s assistance. Ask for the grace, then, to realize the importance of this request – this Heavenly guideline. As you attempt to accept God’s Will you will quickly see your shortcomings and weakness in certain virtues.
- “Ask for the grace to look with honesty and integrity into your own heart. It will be granted.”
- ask for the grace to discover what is in your heart which is unloving, then ask for the grace to rid your heart of these faults. You will be granted it.”
- “End each day with a thorough examination of conscience. Ask for the grace of truthful insight into your own heart. It will be granted.”
- If you pray and ask for the grace to accept and surrender to your crosses, Heaven will assist you.”
- “I have come to help you understand the eternal depths of God’s Divine Will. Each time faith in God’s plan is tested, it is to bring you deeper into trust, not into panic and fear…Faith is belief in something that you cannot experience with your senses–that is, you cannot see it, touch it, hear it or smell it. Trust is the surrender to faith…. “God’s infinite plan for each soul–His Provision and Will–is not visible to the human eye, nor understood in the human intellect. Therefore, to understand God’s Will is simply to accept that God alone is the Master Weaver of the tapestry of each life. The threads that make up the tapestry are the moment to moment graces God gives that lead each soul to his salvation. …“This is a profound teaching–study and meditate upon it. Ask for the grace to understand it.”
- Each present moment is such an opportunity, offering each soul a unique blend of graces to lead him deeper into My Divine Heart.” …and you do not ask for specific graces that My Mother stands ready to give you. Ask for the grace always to come deeper into My Heart where I love you and where I desire to hold you.”
- In this Divine Love, there is no half-truth, no partial surrender–indeed, no holding back in any portion. As I desire this Kingdom in every heart, ask for the grace to move towards My goal for you.”
- In every present moment the soul is given the grace to be heroic in virtue. All that stops him is his free will…But the soul can only advance in perfection of the virtue when he practices the virtue amidst trials–for it is in the test that the virtue comes to perfection.”…Each soul needs to ask for the grace upon arising to be virtuous throughout the day.”
- spiritual journey into the Chambers of the United Hearts...is offered as a sure way to conversion, holiness, perfection and sanctification if you fastidiously follow it. Ask for the grace to remain on this path and it will be granted.”
- ask for the grace to go deeper into your understanding of the Chambers of Our United Hearts and it will be given you. Seek always the path of righteousness that these messages lay bare.
- love and trust are the portion I ask of each heart. Watch out for Satan’s snares and pay heed when your heart stands convicted of any error. Ask for the grace of My Most Holy Mother’s Heart as a protection and guide.”
- understand that every present moment leads you to eternal salvation if you choose according to Holy and Divine Love. The choices are always present to you–sometimes more obvious than others. Ask for the grace each morning to make the right choices.”
- “In your thoughts ask for the grace not to think of how everything affects you. It will be given. Ask, instead of thinking of self, to focus your thoughts on Me, on My Mother, on eternal life, on the lives of the saints and on the needs of others. This grace, too, shall be given.”
- There is no salvation outside of the Truth. Ask for the grace not to form opinions or make decisions based on emotion. Always presume the best in others.
- “God alone should make excuses for your faults. Learn to recognize Satan’s lies, and do not fall victim to them. You will be given the grace you need to improve–always.”
- Your station in life, your esteem, power or even your religious vocation, does not exempt you from falling into sin. You must ask for the grace to see clearly and truthfully into your own hearts.
- ask for the grace of desiring to be holy (part of a novena prayer for priests)
- “Do not wonder that I tell you the New Jerusalem, Holy Love and My Father’s Will are one. All of these comprise My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Reflect upon these truths. Ask for the grace of understanding
- “My Father’s Will is always that you live in and embrace Holy Love. This is Truth itself. If you ask for the grace not to deny this Truth, it will be given.”
- “To be an effective evangelizer, you must first and foremost have humble Holy Love in your heart. This precludes any air of sanctimony – self-righteousness. You should ask for the grace to recognize opportunities to evangelize.
- It is very easy to view everything as to how it affects self. It is difficult to view everything in the ways it affects others. Ask for the grace to forget self and to focus on God and others. I will assist you.
- “No one, no matter how much he prays or fasts, can increase in holiness without self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the rock that perfection is based upon. The soul must ask for the grace to realize his flaws and shortcomings in order to overcome them.”
- If mankind would only realize how intensely these sins are distancing himself from Me, he would quickly ask for the grace to recognize good from evil.
- “Today, I bring you many graces. It is grace which brings clarity and purpose to every situation. It is grace which exposes evil and encourages good. Ask for the graces you need to move forward with confidence and certainty. Ask daily for the grace to recognize the Truth; for without this grace souls are easily led astray.”“Ask for the grace to overcome discouragement and to look for small signs of hope. I am always with you in your every need.”
- “When every thought, word and action is embraced by Holy Love, the soul mounts to perfection quickly. The obstacles on the spiritual journey are any flaws in Holy Love. This is why it is necessary to examine the conscience frequently, and to ask for the grace to see weaknesses in Holy Love. The soul can only be as holy as he is perfected in Holy Love.”
- “You must not allow popular opinion to dictate approval of entertainment, dress codes, moral values, government policies and every type of behavior. Thousands, millions may accept sin, but it is still sin. When the soul stands before Me in judgment, it will not matter how many others committed the same sin. You must begin to make moral judgments based upon Holy Love. Ask for the grace to love Me more than yourselves.”
- Ask for the grace to recognize attacks against your faith. All of the ones who support this Ministry** should do so as well.”
- Ask for the grace to remove the shackles on your heart which bind you to the allurements of the world. These shackles are – physical appearance, power, money and authority – indeed anything which enhances the soul’s comforts or status in the world.
- “Each morning, ask for the grace of personal holiness. This is what will carry you through the day in Heavenly protection, guidance and wisdom. This is the way to stay close to Me, to My Son, and to the Holy Mother.*
- As long as there is life within you, ask for the grace to love Me more than anything in the world. This is your key to salvation.”
- When you arise in the morning, always ask for the grace to live in My Truth. Then, I will show you the difference between good and evil throughout the day.
Fourth Step to Holiness
From Our Lady
“My daughter, I am the Mother of Mercy and of Holy Love. All praise be to Jesus.” I answer, “Now and forever.” “This, My little child, is the final step in holiness. When the soul is able to surrender his will to the Will of God, he is on the path of holiness. Then the soul makes his will one with God’s Will. He accepts everything in the present moment as the Will of the Eternal Father. He views the past and the future only in terms of Holy Love, trusting in Divine Providence which is perfect in God’s Will. Every sin opposes Holy Love and God’s Will, and distracts the soul from the path of holiness. Therefore, ask for the grace of seeing your sins more clearly and you will better be able to avoid these pitfalls. Make this known.”
Our Lady is here in a white gown with a periwinkle veil. She said: “Pray with Me now for souls who waste suffering on self-pity.” We prayed. “My child, those that accept the Cross, accept God’s Will. They are one and the same. Remember, nothing escapes the grace of My Heart. Therefore, ask for the grace to accept each new cross.”
Our Lady is here dressed all in gray, while the lining of Her mantle is navy blue. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Then She said, “Pray with Me now for all those who have fallen from the path of light.” We prayed. “It is good that you are here. Dear children, I am calling you as a mother. As lambs come into the sheepfold, come through the sheepgate of My Heart. Always be willing to be messengers of Holy Love wherever you go. Ask for the grace not to be afraid – not to live in the future, and I, your mother, will see that you have it.”
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Grace.
She says: “Praise be to Jesus, My angel. I come to you today to describe to you the power of grace in the world around you and in each soul. There are many books and sources that define for you grace in the deposit of faith. While I know you are unfamiliar with this, I have come to help you understand how grace works.”
“Grace is God in action. Grace comes disguised as the present moment. It is grace that influences the free will to choose good over evil. Grace is the mother of every conversion. Through grace, many negative situations result in good. Grace is the vehicle of every virtue and the driving force behind the call to holiness. You see grace as a sometimes thing. I tell you it is all around you and always present. Grace can heal hearts and bodies. Grace can stop wars and inspire peace. Do you need a mountain moved? Ask for the grace with a believing, fervent heart. Live your life dependent on grace. This is the doorway to trust. I am blessing you.”
Maureen saw Our Lady’s face. She says: “Praised be Jesus.”
” My daughter, I invite all My children to understand that there is peace within My call to Holy Love. Peace comes to you by moving deeper into humility. Therefore, see that when your peace is challenged, it is your own pride that brings unrest to your heart. Do you feel your rights are transgressed? My Son never gave an answer when He was falsely accused. Do you see others’ transgressions in Holy Love? Look into your own imperfect heart. Do you seek more affirmation? Everything is a grace, and not by your own hand. Ask for the grace of deep humility, which will enhance the Holy Love in your heart. If you do not ask, you will not receive.”
“I pray for you to be open to humility. I am blessing you.”
“Daughter, allow Me to give understanding to your thoughts and to the rapture of your heart, for I am Jesus, born Incarnate. When you come before Me, let it always be as though it were the first time, the first moment of your understanding of My Real Presence. When you receive Me, let it be as My Most Holy Mother received Me at the Annunciation. Ask for the grace. It is given. Ask for the grace to allow Me to stay within the tabernacle of your heart after you receive Me – to linger there – to languish in your soul. I delight in those that desire My Presence. Oh, how I do take delight in them! Believe and have faith that I choose it for each soul.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. How important it is for you to know that it is the combined effort between the soul and God that allows the soul to progress through the chambers of My Heart. The soul cannot be inspired to a deeper surrender of his own will to the Divine Will, save through the grace of inspiration. The soul must cooperate with this inspiration – this grace – in order to journey deeper into holiness – deeper into My Heart.”
“The more the soul hangs on to old habits, his own judgments and opinions, the more shallow his entry into the chambers of My Heart. So you see, My confidante, it is the soul’s own unwillingness to love God above all else that obstructs the way.”
“My will is one with the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. Therefore, if you are in love with the Divine Will of God the Father, you are also in love with My Will. Your desire to please Me needs to be greater than your desire to please yourself.”
“This is the path of martyrdom of love. Ask for the grace to recognize it and surrender to it.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My sister, when you are tested in any particular virtue, ask for the grace to love more, for every virtue begins and ends with love.”
“The Divine Will is like this. It is like the tide of the ocean which comes in and goes out at appointed times. To the unwise it seems governed by nature; but to the wise it is seen as God’s Holy and Divine Permitting Will. God’s Will is all around you. It is always present. It brings good from every situation. Everything is a grace and all grace is God’s Will.”
“Let Me tell you a story. Recall the fairy tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Jack did not obey his mother, but sold what he had for some beans. Yet in the story much good came from it (the goose that laid the golden eggs). This is how God is able to use unlikely situations in the world to bring about His good. You may not see it at first glance, but in retrospect you discover the quiet, unassuming Hand of God’s Provision. Trust then. I am always blessing you.”
“I am your Jesus born Incarnate. I have come to share with you the secret for hasty and certain advancement through the Chambers of My Heart. It is humble acceptance of all things as from the Hand of God. Thus, it is surrender to God’s Divine Will. In this surrender, every virtue comes into play. In this surrender, self will is annihilated. The soul does not need to take account of which Chamber he is in. He only needs to accept the moment in the way My Father wills it. You may think this sounds too easy to be the key to your sanctity, but look closely and you will understand it is not easy, and not even possible without Heaven’s assistance. Ask for the grace, then, to realize the importance of this request – this Heavenly guideline. As you attempt to accept God’s Will you will quickly see your shortcomings and weakness in certain virtues. I will help you. Ask Me.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to speak to you once again about the false conscience. This is a conscience that is not formed in truth. Such a one does not recognize sin for what it is. Perhaps he has replaced truth with human reasoning. In this way, the soul may believe he is justified in picking what commandments, Church law, or dogma he will follow and accept. But when the soul comes to Me for judgment, I do not follow this erroneous thinking. I ask, ‘Did you love Me enough to keep all the Commandments, and if Catholic did you obey the Church Law and not challenge Doctrine and Tradition?’ “
“A false conscience is like this. There are two canoes leaving shore. A little way out from shore each canoe develops a leak. The man in the first canoe, on seeing the leak, repairs it and arrives safely to the opposite shore. The man in the second canoe, on seeing the leak, decides to ignore it. He even denies that it is there. His canoe soon sinks beneath the water – the man along with it.”
“The conscience is much like this canoe. If the soul denies he is guilty of error, in My eyes his sin is still not pardoned. The law is the law. Individual consciences cannot change it. No one can debate with Me at their last judgment and convince Me that wrong is right. For I know the Truth and all humanity has been given the Truth. I will not be swayed by catch-all phrases such as, ‘right to choose’, ‘feminism’, or ‘alternative life style’. These terms are inspired by the adversary.”
“Ask for the grace to look with honesty and integrity into your own heart. It will be granted.”
Fourth Sunday Service to Pray for Unbelievers
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, God’s Will for you is Holy Love in the present moment. You cannot advance through the Chambers of My Heart unless you are living the Holy Love message. Therefore, ask for the grace to discover what is in your heart which is unloving, then ask for the grace to rid your heart of these faults. You will be granted it.”
“I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Conversion of a heart is like a soul passing from darkness to light. Just as the sun passes from behind a cloud, the soul who is being converted is given the light to see what stands between himself and God. If he accepts this knowledge with humility, he is willing to make the effort to overcome these sins or flaws.”
“It is the proud heart that is not open to self-knowledge, but believes himself perfect enough. This is spiritual pride. Such a one may envy the spiritual gifts of others which in itself is a sin to be overcome. Conversion of a heart is from moment to moment for everyone. No one can say in reality, ‘I am converted – I am saved’, for in the next moment he may fall into grave sin.”
“End each day with a thorough examination of conscience. Ask for the grace of truthful insight into your own heart. It will be granted.”
Monday United Hearts Confraternity Service
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, in order for the cross to be meritorious, it needs to be surrendered to, and given back to Me as a gift. Then the soul will receive an eternal reward greater than if he had not submitted to his cross.”
“In order for the soul to surrender to a cross, many virtues must be present in his heart first–love, humility, patience, and meekness, to name a few. If you pray and ask for the grace to accept and surrender to your crosses, Heaven will assist you.”
“We’re extending to you tonight the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
St. Thomas Aquinas comes, bows to the Holy Eucharist, turns and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I have come to help you understand the eternal depths of God’s Divine Will. Each time faith in God’s plan is tested, it is to bring you deeper into trust, not into panic and fear. The one who trusts does not fear. Satan is in fear. Remember, Scripture has it, ‘Fear is useless; what is needed is trust’.”
“Now, there is a distinct difference between faith and trust. Faith is belief in something that you cannot experience with your senses–that is, you cannot see it, touch it, hear it or smell it. Trust is the surrender to faith. Trust itself is invisible, but you know you are deep into trust when you are at peace.”
“God’s infinite plan for each soul–His Provision and Will–is not visible to the human eye, nor understood in the human intellect. Therefore, to understand God’s Will is simply to accept that God alone is the Master Weaver of the tapestry of each life. The threads that make up the tapestry are the moment to moment graces God gives that lead each soul to his salvation. No one is called outside of God’s Will or to oppose God’s plan. It is Satan who inspires every sin, but free will that acts upon evil inspiration. However, free will is part of God’s plan, and He continually gives fresh graces to overcome the effects of sin.”
“This is a profound teaching–study and meditate upon it. Ask for the grace to understand it.”
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come to speak to you about grace-filled opportunities. Each present moment is such an opportunity, offering each soul a unique blend of graces to lead him deeper into My Divine Heart.”
“But you do not look for these graces so often, My brothers and sisters, and you do not ask for specific graces that My Mother stands ready to give you. Ask for the grace always to come deeper into My Heart where I love you and where I desire to hold you.”
“I’m extending to you tonight My Blessing of Divine Love.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I desire you know that My Kingdom to come is Divine Love according to the Will of My Father. In this Divine Love, there is no half-truth, no partial surrender–indeed, no holding back in any portion. As I desire this Kingdom in every heart, ask for the grace to move towards My goal for you.”
“Make it known.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. In every present moment the soul is given the grace to be heroic in virtue. All that stops him is his free will. He hesitates–considering the cost to himself. In the instant that he hesitates, Satan is present urging him to act contrary to virtue. If the soul is being tested in patience and meekness, Satan tempts him with thoughts of anger. If the test is in humility, the devil invokes thoughts of self-love and pride. But the soul can only advance in perfection of the virtue when he practices the virtue amidst trials–for it is in the test that the virtue comes to perfection.”
“The soul must never consider himself perfect in any virtue. He should never think: ‘I was patient yesterday so now I have perfected the virtue of patience’–for the next test may be even greater than the last. Each soul needs to ask for the grace upon arising to be virtuous throughout the day.”
“Say upon arising:”
“Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, open my heart to the grace I need to be perfected in virtue today in every present moment.”
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, please understand that the spiritual journey into the Chambers of the United Hearts is not given as a quick and easy way to sanctification; but it is offered as a sure way to conversion, holiness, perfection and sanctification if you fastidiously follow it. Ask for the grace to remain on this path and it will be granted.”
“I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
Monday United Hearts Confraternity Service
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” (She then nods toward Fr. Kenney, greeting him.)
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.” (He then looks toward Fr. Kenney, greeting him.)
“My brothers and sisters, ask for the grace to go deeper into your understanding of the Chambers of Our United Hearts and it will be given you. Seek always the path of righteousness that these messages lay bare. Believe always that My words to you will resound in hearts from this generation to the next and beyond.”
“We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come once again to speak to you about obstacles on the journey through the Chambers of Our Hearts.”
“Unforgiveness is the greatest obstacle for it spawns bitterness and hatred. Another more subtle and insidious snare is that of jealousy. Jealousy springs from insecurity. An insecure heart loves Me imperfectly. An insecure heart does not trust Me and does not see the perfection of God’s Will in his life. The jealous heart broods over My Provision in another’s life and does not see the graces he himself has been given. Jealousy leads to a vicious tongue. Gossip and the sin of detraction are a form of jealousy for this sin attempts to belittle another while building himself up.”
“Once again I tell you, love and trust are the portion I ask of each heart. Watch out for Satan’s snares and pay heed when your heart stands convicted of any error. Ask for the grace of My Most Holy Mother’s Heart as a protection and guide.”
“Make this known.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to instruct your heart and the heart of all those who will listen. It is according to each one’s free will what he absorbs from these Messages.”
“Every present moment is filled both with the cross and with grace. I am in both. No cross is given without ample grace to carry it. No grace is given independent of the cross. It is surrender to both of these that accomplishes the Divine Will of My Heavenly Father. My Father’s Will has been for all time and extends beyond time. Yet, He sees the need of each heart in every present moment and fulfills it perfectly. Therefore, understand that every present moment leads you to eternal salvation if you choose according to Holy and Divine Love. The choices are always present to you–sometimes more obvious than others. Ask for the grace each morning to make the right choices.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My sister, I have come to help you to understand that it is so much self-love which comprises the abyss between Heaven and earth. This self-love is inordinate, uncompromised and the root of every sin. This is so, for the sinner is attracted to the sin through some form of disordered self-love. Notice I say ‘disordered self-love’. I desire each one love and respect himself as God’s creation. Self-love is inordinate when it is first, and God and neighbor are second.”
“Here are some forms this unmitigated self-love may take. Self-pity is one doorway Satan uses. In this type of self-love, the soul is taken into the past losing site of the present moment. He has a ‘poor me’ attitude–‘look what happened to me’. He loses sight of the redemptive value of the Cross. He places himself at the center of his thoughts.”
“Another form of self-centeredness is too much concern for one’s appearance, health and/or comforts. Much time may be spent on outer appearances with little regard for what is in the heart. Or the person may be consumed with concern for reputation. This, too, is passing. It will not matter at your judgment how you appeared to others–only to Me!”
“The soul may open the door to self-centeredness by trying to please himself first, then others. Seeking to satisfy his own every comfort and then serving others is not Holy Love.”
“In your thoughts ask for the grace not to think of how everything affects you. It will be given. Ask, instead of thinking of self, to focus your thoughts on Me, on My Mother, on eternal life, on the lives of the saints and on the needs of others. This grace, too, shall be given.”
“Follow this path, for it is the bridge of Holy Love which spans the abyss of disordered self-love–the bridge which separates man from God.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My daughter, always stand for the Truth. There is no salvation outside of the Truth. Ask for the grace not to form opinions or make decisions based on emotion. Always presume the best in others. If you are right, you will have affirmed them in righteousness. If you are wrong, it is their own guilt that will convict them.”
“False accusations bear disunity. Righteous accusations should be kept between the parties involved, for Holy Love dictates this. Be a harbinger of peace. Bring joy to others. Forgive one another.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I am sending this Bishop (former Bishop of Cleveland 100 years ago–Ignatius Horstmann) back to you, as you were instrumental in his release from Purgatory. He will have much to say to you about the nature of Purgatory itself. Before those who read or hear this message bombard you with questions about deceased relatives and friends, let Me say that it is Heaven who chooses what poor souls visit you, and what knowledge you are given.”
The Bishop comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Jesus has allowed me to return to you to help the general public understand more about Purgatory itself. Purgatory is a cleansing grace. It is like the Flame of our Mother’s Heart–Holy Love. Though it is painful, it cleanses the soul of all that is holding it back from a purer love. These are all venial sins. Or perhaps as in some cases, the soul has led a seriously sinful life, but at the last moment repents, and turning to God’s mercy, is saved. Still, all that he has done needs to be atoned for. So then, Purgatory appeases the Heart of Divine Love for all the wounds afflicted upon it in this world.”
“Even the one who sincerely attempts to lead a righteous life may have attitudes that he needs to atone for. Perhaps he is judgmental or unforgiving. He may adopt a negative attitude which does not account for God’s grace. He may have deep-seated anger, which lays blame on others for his own faults. What I am saying is that no soul should consider himself exempt from working to overcome his own shortcomings. If you do not work on them here, you will have to work on them in Purgatory. Everyone should look into their own hearts then, and ask for the grace to see their faults as God sees them. This is humility.”
“God alone should make excuses for your faults. Learn to recognize Satan’s lies, and do not fall victim to them. You will be given the grace you need to improve–always.”
Midnight Service in the United Hearts Field – Feast of the Sorrowful Mother
Midnight Service in the United Hearts Field – Feast of the Sorrowful Mother
(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Blessed Mother is here as the Sorrowful Mother. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“My dear children, please understand that the purpose of My coming here – the purpose of My apparitions all over the world – is to vanquish the enemy within hearts. Only then will My call to conversion seem undaunting, and personal holiness become a desire in all hearts. Miracles, which abound around the world, are not an end in themselves, but a sign to you that you must hasten to your conversion.”
“I have come once again to ask My children to be reconciled in Holy Love – reconciled with God and with one another. These days mankind does not base his decisions on fulfilling the commandments of love. Rather, far-reaching decisions are made from hearts that abide in secular humanism. God has lost His place in the heart of the world as mankind is placing himself in the role of Creator.”
“Dear children, I desire that you see more clearly the foolishness of denying God’s omnipotence and His authority over you. When you choose to make yourselves gods, you are living outside of God’s Divine Will and choosing against your own salvation.”
“Mankind tries to create life outside of the womb using components only God can create. At the same time, man destroys life in the womb that God created. In the name of liberty, God is removed from schools and all public places. This is also a paradox, as the freedom to display anything religious is removed – only Satan could convolute freedoms in such a way.”
“Secular humanism has greatly widened the abyss between Heaven and earth – the abyss which exists between God’s Divine Will and man’s free will.”
“Dear children, you cannot recognize the works of Satan in your own hearts if you do not believe that you are vulnerable to his attacks. Your station in life, your esteem, power or even your religious vocation, does not exempt you from falling into sin. You must ask for the grace to see clearly and truthfully into your own hearts. Satan’s most powerful disguise is anonymity. Secular humanism denies the very existence of Satan and, therefore, the possibility of sin. You, My children, are being called to live in the truth. Do not be afraid to unmask evil.”
“For several days and months My Mission here has suffered the pestilence of erroneous opinions, lies and calumnies. My dear little children, Satan is trying to cover the path of your salvation and your personal holiness with his smoke. The enemy knows many souls are being saved by means of this spiritual journey of Holy and Divine Love. He desires your destruction and the destruction of devotion to Our United Hearts. But do not fear, My children, your Sorrowful Mother stands at the foot of the Cross with you. I promise you victory through the Cross. I promise you the light of victory, which will overcome the darkness.”
“My dear little children, tonight I come once again pleading that you surrender your free will to My Immaculate Heart, which is Holy Love. For it is in this way that you dry My Tears and you console the Heart of My Most Beloved Son. Realize that the surrender of your free will to Holy Love will bring peace to the world. Oh, My children, realize the greatness of this call and do not fail Me in any present moment. Tonight I know the petitions that are in hearts, and I place them within My Immaculate Heart and carry them to Heaven with Me.”
“I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”
St. John Vianney says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“My little daughter–child of God–I have been sent to dictate to you this novena for all priests. It is given to me at the command of the Eternal Now to be prayed for the strengthening of the Church from within through the intercession of the United Hearts. It will return many priests who are compromising their vocations to the path of righteousness–the path of Holy Love.”
“Each day the following prayer should be recited:
Prayer for each day:
“I beseech You–Blessed United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity, together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary–help me in all of my weaknesses and imperfections. Remind me always that my vocation is a gift from you. Assist me in being an image of Divine Love to all those I minister to. Give to me the gift of touching even the most hardened souls. Amen.”
Day 1
“Through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the infinite power and grace of the United Hearts, I ask for the grace of desiring to be holy. Strengthen this desire in every present moment so that I can inspire deep personal holiness in those I minister to. Increase my love for you, dear United Hearts. Amen.”
Day 2
“Most Holy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me to inspire those entrusted to my care with this desire towards personal holiness. Give me Holy Boldness to fill the hearts of my flock with this desire. Help me to inspire them by my own example. Amen.”
Day 3
“Most Worthy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, never allow me to forget, that as a priest, it is my duty to make the sacraments available to my flock, for it is the sacraments [especially the Eucharist and Confession] that protect and encourage personal holiness, and which strengthen whole parishes. Knowing this, I must encourage frequent confession, as well as Eucharistic Adoration. I must never limit their availability out of selfish use of my own time. Help me, dear United Hearts, to place others’ spiritual welfare ahead of my own ease. Amen.”
Day 4
“Most Holy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as a priest, help me to help my flock to grow in virtue, for the virtues are the building blocks of personal holiness. Help me, dear United Hearts, to educate my flock as to the importance of Holy Love in the present moment, for all virtue is based on Holy Love. Amen.”
(On 5/20/09 St. John Vianney gave the following message and prayer for Day 5:)
St. John Vianney says: “Praise be to Jesus. Through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity, priests must pray to please God and live in harmony with the Will of God. This is the dictate of Holy Love–Holy Humility. These two virtues are companions; one cannot exist in the soul without the other. The depth of either is dependent upon the depth of the other. Each day priests are tested in these two virtues.”
“Let this be the priests’ prayer:”
Day 5
“Through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, * Most Holy United Hearts, let me not fail in any test of Holy Love or Holy Humility. I must realize that the test is the opportunity God gives me to practice every virtue. I pray to accept the graces I am given to succeed in every test. I pray to be able to teach others to do so. Amen.”
* Recite the prayer given to priests by Blessed Mother on
Aug. 18, 2007.
Day 6
“Most Holy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, today I pray that any disordered desire to be popular with people be taken from my heart. I will not place love of money ahead of shepherding my flock. I will
trust in God’s Divine Provision. I pray for courage and Holy Boldness to speak out against all sin, even the sins that have been carried by Satan into the political arena, such as abortion, same sex marriage, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research. Lord, give to me a righteous tongue. Amen.”
Day 7
“Most Worthy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as a priest, help me always to realize the value of self-effacement and poverty of spirit. Help me never to place myself first–my own needs or my own feelings. My personal holiness depends upon my efforts to place God and others first. Assist me, dear United Hearts, in detaching from the false gods of reputation, material gain and intellectual pride, for these are all doorways that liberalism uses to destroy vocations. I petition you, United Hearts, protect me from these traps. Amen.”
Day 8
“Most Holy United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me always to speak and to teach through the Spirit of Truth. In this age of compromise, I need your assistance in combating all heresy against the Tradition of Faith. Help me to stand firm in all that the Catechism teaches, and never to alter my views to please others. Amen.”
Day 9
“All Worthy, All Loving United Hearts, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I, your faithful priest, beg your assistance in preparing my flock for the triumphant return of Jesus. I understand that Jesus’ Victory will be a Victory of Holy and Divine Love. Assist me in any effort of propagating these messages of Holy and Divine Love, for I see they are scripturally sound and based on truth. I must encourage others to live in Holy Love, for this is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem, and the path of salvation. Safeguard my heart against discouragement. Fill me with Holy Boldness. Amen.”
For handout of Novena to be prayed by Priests:
For Novena for Lay Faithful to pray for Priests:
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I have come to establish in the world the Kingdom of My Divine Love, which will be the sum total of the New Jerusalem. First I am sending sanctifying grace into each heart. This grace is the necessary foundation of all good – without this grace, good is not possible.”
“You must pray that hearts open and accept the grace I desire they have; for without it, hearts are easy prey to evil.”
“Do not wonder that I tell you the New Jerusalem, Holy Love and My Father’s Will are one. All of these comprise My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Reflect upon these truths. Ask for the grace of understanding. Do not be tripped up by who believes or who does not believe. Let Me help you to believe.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I invite you to understand that every soul in Purgatory and every soul that has slipped to his perdition did not search out and embrace the Truth. In some way and in some area of their life on earth, the Truth was compromised, virtue weakened or betrayed, and Satan’s lies accepted.”
“Untruth is never acceptable in My Eyes. There is never a justifiable reason to live in untruth or to encourage others to do so.”
“Today souls do not make an effort to be in touch with their inner spirit – to be united with the Will of My Father – and to embrace personal holiness. The trappings of the world get in the way. When this occurs, it is easy for the Truth to be denied.”
“The soul sets goals for himself which are not in line with My Father’s Will but are worldly in nature. This, in itself, is an embrace of untruth.”
“My Father’s Will is always that you live in and embrace Holy Love. This is Truth itself. If you ask for the grace not to deny this Truth, it will be given.”
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“To be an effective evangelizer, you must first and foremost have humble Holy Love in your heart. This precludes any air of sanctimony – self-righteousness. You should ask for the grace to recognize opportunities to evangelize. You need, then, to be ready to seize the moment that grace offers. You should always have literature with you, ready to propagate.”
“If you are a sign of humble love in the world, people will be drawn to you. Always affirm the good in people and let your demeanor preach Holy Love for you. In this example of Holy Love, people can be convicted in their hearts of their errors, rather than you preaching to them. Always defend the Truth, however, even in the face of opposition.”
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Contemplate for a moment the heart of holiness. In nature, the heart is the organ which pumps life through the body. In regards to personal holiness, the heart of such [holiness] gives life to every virtue. This spiritual heart is of course Holy Love – but is reflected in selflessness.”
“The more the soul forgets himself and lives to please God and others, the holier he is. This sounds simplistic and easy. In reality, it is a difficult moment to moment task. It is very easy to view everything as to how it affects self. It is difficult to view everything in the ways it affects others. Ask for the grace to forget self and to focus on God and others. I will assist you. This is the mentality I had throughout My Life. I gave up any physical well-being, reputation and even the presence of My Mother, for the sake of humanity in God’s Eyes.”
St. Francis de Sales says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“No one, no matter how much he prays or fasts, can increase in holiness without self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the rock that perfection is based upon. The soul must ask for the grace to realize his flaws and shortcomings in order to overcome them.”
“Self-knowledge challenges pride. It is pride that blinds the soul to his own imperfections. It is pride which prevents the soul from graciously accepting criticism – criticism which most often is a Spiritual Work of Mercy.”
“No one can correct something that he does not realize stands to be corrected. You cannot fix anything that is broken unless you first realize it is broken. The lack of self-knowledge is a stumbling block to a deeper journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts. Self-knowledge is basic to personal holiness. Self-knowledge is a grace.”
Read Ephesians 2:4-5
But God, Who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Mankind’s inability to distinguish good from evil is hastening My Justice. What’s worse is governments have taken on the role of moral leadership. This leadership is surrendered readily by religious leaders who remain silent in the face of legalized abortion and sodomy.”
“Legalization of sin by political leaders does not make the sin acceptable in My Eyes. If mankind would only realize how intensely these sins are distancing himself from Me, he would quickly ask for the grace to recognize good from evil. As it is, humanity remains compromised in Truth and challenges God’s Laws to suit his own self-interest. Sin should never be a political issue seeking the popularity of followers. Sin must remain a moral issue and recognized as evil if you wish to appease My Justice.”
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:3+
Synopsis: Warning to religious leaders and encouragement for religious leaders to abstain from immoral behavior by setting themselves as models of holiness.
For this is the Will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from immorality.
Read 1 Timothy 4:1-2+
Synopsis: Warning to religious leaders and encouragement for religious leaders to abstain from immoral behavior by setting themselves as models of holiness.
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, through the pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared.
+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Jesus.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of Scripture provided by spiritual advisor.
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today, I bring you many graces. It is grace which brings clarity and purpose to every situation. It is grace which exposes evil and encourages good. Ask for the graces you need to move forward with confidence and certainty. Ask daily for the grace to recognize the Truth; for without this grace souls are easily led astray.”
“Ask for the grace to overcome discouragement and to look for small signs of hope. I am always with you in your every need.”
St. Francis de Sales says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“When every thought, word and action is embraced by Holy Love, the soul mounts to perfection quickly. The obstacles on the spiritual journey are any flaws in Holy Love. This is why it is necessary to examine the conscience frequently, and to ask for the grace to see weaknesses in Holy Love. The soul can only be as holy as he is perfected in Holy Love.”
“Perfection in Holy Love reveals evils in the world which those devoted to the world cannot see. This is because Holy Love is Truth and sheds the Light of Truth wherever it goes. The soul who carries Holy Love in his heart becomes a source of light to others.”
“No one can claim to live in the Father’s Will who is not perfected in Holy Love. The Father’s Will is the sanctification of every soul in Holy Love. Holy Love is the Divine Will.”
Read 1 John 2:9-10+
Synopsis: Living in or being Holy Love.
He who says he is in the Light and hates his brother is in the darkness still. He who loves his brother abides in the Light, and in it there is no cause for stumbling.
+-Scripture verses asked to be read by St. Francis de Sales.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of scripture provided by Spiritual Advisor.
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“The reason people are confused as to the difference between good and evil is they allow popular opinion to define good – not God’s Laws. These days, people do not love God more than their own will. It is, therefore, not as important to please God as it is to please themselves. As the world in general approves of these illicit values, it appears acceptable to embrace evil with an erroneous heart rather than stand for the Truth. These are the times which demand courage in the Truth.”
“You must not allow popular opinion to dictate approval of entertainment, dress codes, moral values, government policies and every type of behavior. Thousands, millions may accept sin, but it is still sin. When the soul stands before Me in judgment, it will not matter how many others committed the same sin. You must begin to make moral judgments based upon Holy Love. Ask for the grace to love Me more than yourselves.”
Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5+
Synopsis: These are the tribulations of the last days the heart of the world has entered as men have become lovers of self, worshipping the gods of money, power and the status of pride, arrogance, abuse, disobedience, profanity, ingratitude, slander, licentiousness, violence, and hating good. They have become treacherous, pompous, lovers of pleasures (of the flesh) rather than of God as they make a pretense of being religious, but abuse it’s power and authority. As the Remnant Faithful, do not listen to them, but stay clear of their influence.
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding the form of religion but denying the power of it. Avoid such people.
+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Jesus.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of Scripture provided by Spiritual Advisor.
32nd Anniversary of Mary, Protectress of the Faith
Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I am the Eternal Now, Creator of time and space. In Me is All Truth – every solution. This is the day designated as the Feast of Mary, Protectress of the Faith. With lack of gratitude man received this grace,* even though the graces attendant to this title are miraculous. This title was given at a time when the Tradition of Faith was at great risk and today, it continues and imperils the Truth. Just calling upon the Protectress sends Satan retreating. His attacks are weakened and his evil revealed.”
“I suffered greatly during My Son’s Passion so that this title could be revealed to mankind. Imagine My chagrin when it was not supported by the very ones who needed it the most – My Church.”
“These days, Faith is regarded as a take or leave choice – something like life in the womb. The precious treasure of all ages – the Tradition of Faith – is not viewed as something that needs or is worthy of special protection. Those who do not treasure their Faith are already in Satan’s grasp. You can readily see this stands for a great portion of the heart of the world.”
“Today, I ask clergy and religious to rely upon the Protectress of the Faith to safeguard the treasure of their vocations which are so greatly under attack. Ask for the grace to recognize attacks against your faith. All of the ones who support this Ministry** should do so as well.”
* In March 1988, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland through its “expert theologian”, summarily dismissed Our Lady’s request in 1987 for the title ‘Mary, Protectress of the Faith’ stating that ‘she already had too many titles’.
** The ecumenical Ministry of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
Read Ephesians 6:10-20+
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; above all taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that utterance may be given me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.
+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)
Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “The key to the doorway of sanctity and deeper personal holiness is selflessness. The more charity within the heart, the greater the strides in holiness. Ask for the grace to remove the shackles on your heart which bind you to the allurements of the world. These shackles are – physical appearance, power, money and authority – indeed anything which enhances the soul’s comforts or status in the world. The world as you know it is passing away. It will be replaced by the New Jerusalem which is My Kingdom to come and the victory of My Divine Will.”
“Pray for the enlightenment as to what form of disordered self-love is holding you back. Once you are purified of these chains on your heart, happiness and peace will be yours. These Truths I give you out of My profound love for each soul.”
Read 2 Timothy 2:21-22+
If any one purifies himself from what is ignoble, then he will be a vessel for noble use, consecrated and useful to the master of the house, ready for any good work. So shun youthful passions and aim at righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart.
+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)
Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Each morning, ask for the grace of personal holiness. This is what will carry you through the day in Heavenly protection, guidance and wisdom. This is the way to stay close to Me, to My Son, and to the Holy Mother.* In this way, you will readily recognize distractions and ask for My Help in avoiding them. Many distractions are designed by Satan to destroy your peace and your prayers. Recognizing Satan’s handiwork is the first step in unraveling Satan’s plans. This takes spiritual wisdom.”
“Always depend upon the grace of the present moment, which so often comes to the rescue at the last moment. Do not presume you are on your own in any present moment, for I am always with you. Time and space are not barriers to Me. Knowing this, be at peace. Trust in My Intercession.”
Read Psalm 4:3+
But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him.
+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)
* Blessed Virgin Mary.
Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “There are people in the world who take great pains in watching their diet. They even pride themselves on eating organic foods and only the best supplements to maintain a healthy existence. This is commendable but must not be their only goal towards a better life. Each soul’s spiritual life is the proving ground for where they spend their eternity. The ‘vitamins’ of a healthy spirituality are prayer and sacrifice. These are the ways spirituality is strengthened.”
“Without prayer and sacrifice, the soul withers away in the environment of worldly concerns. He is not fed spiritually and, moreover, is not concerned about the relationship he has or doesn’t have with Me. This course takes him into many temptations detrimental to his reward after his life in the world.”
“I speak to you as a loving Father who is concerned for the welfare of each of His children. As long as there is life within you, ask for the grace to love Me more than anything in the world. This is your key to salvation.”
Read Colossians 3:5-10+
Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you once walked, when you lived in them. But now put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and foul talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his practices and have put on the new man, who is being renewed in knowledge after the image of his creator.
+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)
Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Your safeguard on the path of your salvation is strict obedience to My Commandments.* So long as you are keeping faithful to My Commandments you will not slip to your perdition. Do not allow Satan to talk you into any compromise (i.e., you can take such and such unlawfully. No one will know and it is little anyway.) Satan’s job is to make sin feel comfortable and reasonable. That is why he is called the Prince of Lies. When you arise in the morning, always ask for the grace to live in My Truth. Then, I will show you the difference between good and evil throughout the day.”
“Make every decision based upon this Truth.”
Read 1 Timothy 4:1-5+
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, through the pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving; for then it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)
* To LISTEN or READ the nuances & depth of the Ten Commandments given by God the Father from June 24 – July 3, 2021, please click here: https://www.holylove.org/ten/