Protection and Provision of Country and Citizens
St. Michael the Archangel says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Please transcribe the following prayer for the protection of your country and all its citizens:”
Petition for God’s Protection over the United States and its Citizens
“Heavenly Father, please take dominion over this nation once again. Place your Hand of Protection over all its citizens wherever they may be. Protect this country’s borders, its natural resources and all freedoms. Reconcile the soul of this nation with your Divine Will. Inspire each citizen to pursue peace.”
“Father, please preserve this nation in all Truth, and free it from any abuse of authority. Amen.”
Novena of United States of America*
Novena of United States Daily Prayers
From Novena for the United States
“Dear Jesus, allow the Truth of Holy Love to flood the heart of this nation. Place Truth in the center of every heart. Return this nation to its rightful place under the Dominion of God. Amen.”
From Novena to God the Father
“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You. Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love. With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”
“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil. No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose Your Eternal Divine Will.”
Prayer to the Sorrowing Sacred Heart of Jesus
Dear Sorrowing, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Humbly we ask an infusion of grace upon the heart of the world. Sacred Chamber of Divine Love, redirect free will to choose Holy Love over hate. Listen to the plight of all mankind and help us to avoid war, terrorism, and crimes against life. Make us Your emissaries of Divine Love. Amen.
Dictated by Jesus, March 7, 2003
Prayer to the Mournful Heart of Jesus
Most Mournful Heart of Jesus, have compassion upon the leaders of all nations. Help them to live in the Truth and not to abuse their authority. Inspire them to govern towards the welfare of their people. Do not let the war that is in hearts spill out into the world.
Accept my prayers and sacrifices for the Victory of Peace in all hearts. Amen.
Prayer to Angel of U.S.A. – Zechariah
(Dictated by Alanus, Maureen’s angel)
He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Prayer to Angel of U.S.A. – Zechariah
“Holy Angel, Zechariah, to you God has entrusted the protection and the guidance of this country. Send the Spirit of Truth into the heart of this nation. Let no legislation become law, or remain as law, which transgresses the Ten Commandments.”
“Carry the Light of Truth to all corners of this country and expose Satan’s deceit, his lies and his plans for what they are. Help us to maintain our God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Amen
Supreme Court, Congress, Bodies of Government

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Please accept this prayer as an aid to discovering the Truth between good and evil.”
“Dear Jesus, send Your Spirit of Truth upon us and help us to look beyond title, status, and influence in secular and religious leaders. Give us the wisdom to recognize disordered ambition which does not serve Truth but self. Help us to be ambitious only in serving You, Jesus, and in living in God’s Will. Amen.”
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Dear children, many do not realize the grave importance of this election as to the future of your nation and the world. What hangs in the balance is democracy itself which is threatened by choices made to replace your Supreme Court Justices in the near future. Learn from the mistakes already made in the approval of abortion and same-sex marriage. The checks and balances the forefathers set in place are crumbling. Constitutional rights are being challenged. The next president will either pull this country together in righteousness or further scatter to the winds unity in Truth.”
“I am assigning a special angel to stand guard over the Supreme Court Justices. His name is Obadiah. He will make every effort to influence unity in righteousness and Truth amongst the body of the government. Please pray that your next president makes conservative choices when it is time to do so.”
(The following prayer is derived from the two messages listed above, not composed by Holy Love Ministry)
Zechariah, Angel of America, Obadiah, angel of the Supreme Court, Micah, angel that guides the Supreme Court, Constant, angel that guides Congress, angels of politicians and whole bodies of government, angels of the voting booths and all the guardian angels we call upon you and ask for your assistance knowing you work silently and in significant ways in the background to bring about positive effects. We pray that your influence is effective, the (next) president makes conservative choices when it is time to do so and for global discernment (and the election) of good over evil.
Pre-Rosary Prayers for the Nation
(Morsel, Consecration, World Crisis)
“Heavenly Father, I give You my love. Take this prayer as a morsel of love from my heart and wrap it in Divine Love. Make this prayer an instrument of Your Divine Will. Amen.”
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“This is My Mother’s Day gift to the world:”
“The Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts”
“Most Compassionate United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, accept this, my prayer, on behalf of the heart of the world. Awaken the heart of the world to the Truth of the difference between good and evil.
Inspire each soul to consecrate their hearts and their lives to the United Hearts; thereby strengthening the heart of the world in this resolve.
We beg You, dear United Hearts, pour the grace of Your Inspiration into the heart of the world, strengthening it in Truth and in Holy Love. In this Heavenly Inspiration, draw the heart of the world into union with the Will of God. Amen.”
Prayer to Be Said Before the Rosary
“Ask your country to pray this prayer. Begin with My Missionary Servants of Holy Love.”
“Heavenly Father, during this time of world crisis, let all souls find their peace and security in Your Divine Will. Give each soul the grace to understand that Your Will is Holy Love in the present moment.”
“Benevolent Father, illuminate each conscience to see the ways that he is not living in Your Will. Grant the world the grace to change and the time in which to do it. Amen.”
Countries Satan is Ruling
“Eternal Father, listen to Your children as they seek justice during these trying times. Bring light to the way of darkness that has closed in around them. Help the honest to be victorious over the dishonest. Give them the grace to know they cannot negotiate with the countries Satan is ruling. Give them wisdom. Amen.”
Prayers for the North Korea Situation

Prayer for National Security through Truth
“St. Michael, place your Shield of Truth over the heart of this nation. By the power of God, design circumstances which will reveal the evil in every heart. Make our nation secure once again through sound leadership and justified enforcement of law. Amen.” (September 12, 2015)
“St. Michael, valiant warrior against errors, place your Shield of Truth over all nations of the world. Illuminate the hearts of every government leader to see the ways that Satan is separating mankind from the Will of God.”
“With your Sword of Truth, give all people the light to understand that all human life is the precious creation of God and must never be destroyed. Let no law be legislated that supports and protects sin.”
“With your sword and your Shield of Truth, place God in the center of all hearts and as the leader of all nations. Amen.” (April 6, 2009)
St. Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love.”
“Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen.” (March 14, 2006)
Petition for the Conversion of the Heart of the World
“Heavenly Father, Creator of the Universe,
- place over the heart of the world St. Michael’s Shield of Truth.
- In so doing, convict the hearts of those far from You, dear Father,
- to pursue personal holiness by living in Holy Love.
- Help every soul to live in the Truth of Holy Love. Amen.”
“While the Baptism of Truth is effective in immediate change, the heart of the world needs, in every present moment, the protection of my Shield of Truth.”
“Dear Jesus,
- place the Shield of Truth over all hearts,
- emboldening every effort to stand for the Truth.
- In this powerful effort, precipitate change towards righteousness
- in every government action, and in every legal decision.
- Amen.”
Universal Conviction of Hearts in the Truth Prayer
February 9th, 2016
“When I was on earth, I did not try to accommodate egos. Rather, I came to speak the Truth. It is no different today. I will not be silenced in obedience to man. I pray for a universal conviction of hearts in the Truth. Pray with Me for this intention, which only the Father can grant.”
“Heavenly Father, flood the heart of the world with a sincere conviction of Truth. Help each soul to accept with humility the state of his soul before You. Grant each soul the desire to convert to Holy Love. Amen.”
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