Monthly Message to the Remnant Faithful


September 5, 2002
Monthly Message to the Remnant Faithful

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to you to shepherd each and all into the Divine Will of My Father. For you, there is no other choice if you seek salvation. I tell you solemnly, the more the heart of the world moves counter to the Will of God–the more you will witness unnatural weather, hatred and violence–bizarre diseases and every type of economic crisis. The cities and empires that you build will not withstand that which the world rapidly moves towards.”

“Therefore, I tell you, it is each one’s duty to choose Holy Love in the present moment. Choose Holy Love for love’s sake, not out of fear. Perfect love begets trust in Divine Providence. Trust does not know fear.”

“Selfish love is the creation of pride. Selfish love creates a paganistic heart. Such a heart, in seeking its own advantage, abandons moral values in its quest for happiness. The result is every kind of convoluted thinking.”

“In every present moment remember that Satan is the father of lies. He can even draw the holiest person off the path of righteousness by making evil to appear good. It is the wise heart that does not trust his own discernment, but wisely evaluates each decision with the measure of Holy Love.”

“Once again I warn you that false gods–the gods of money, power, reputation and every form of sensuality–beget false virtue, false peace, and false security.”

“But more insidious than any of these is the division Satan causes within My remnant faithful. You must understand that spiritual pride is Satan’s weapon to divide and weaken My remnant. No grace is given to you to destroy another’s reputation. Therefore, do not judge in the name of discernment; nor should you flaunt any gift you may think you have. True gifts of the Spirit take root in the humble, loving heart.”

“Many of My remnant believe I am using them in certain instances when really they are being duped by Satan. The fruit their efforts bear is empty and false, just as the path they presume to follow is endless and without meaning.”

“But you will not be tricked if all your gifts, all your efforts and the path you pursue begins and ends in Holy Love. I seek out the little souls that desire to remain hidden–that do not prefer the spotlight. To these I confide the innermost thoughts of My Heart. These souls are the strongest fiber of My Remnant Faithful. These are My prayer warriors, My victims of love.”

“Please understand that it is adherence to Holy Love that allows each one to be part of My Remnant Faithful; for My Remnant is bound together with the living cord of Holy Love.”

“If you give in to spiritual pride or spiritual envy (which invokes a mimicking spirit) you will surely slip from the grip of Holy Love. These two–spiritual pride and spiritual envy–leave division in their wake and have undermined some of My greatest works. A sign that those may be present in the heart is the soul’s desire for self-importance–for recognition–for any gift he desires or presumes he has. This is the point at which the soul stops being My instrument and becomes Satan’s tool. It is spiritual pride and spiritual envy that cause the misuse of genuine gifts.”

“So you can see how the virtues of love and humility are important fibers, not only in every soul but in My Remnant Faithful as well.”

“My brothers and sisters, today I come to inform you that each soul is given a moment of grace in which he knows in the depths of his heart that Holy Love is the path to salvation. He may not know it by name, but he understands the meaning of Holy Love in his heart.”

“I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”


October 5, 2002
Monthly Message to the Remnant Faithful

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to address My remnant faithful, for I know My sheep and My sheep know Me. You are the ones who tenaciously cling to the tradition of faith handed down through the ages in the face of compromise and deceit.”

“Today, the future yawns before you. You must not be fooled by titles or positions of esteem in the eyes of the world, but always search out the truth. Satan, who was once waiting in the wings, is now on stage and accepting the accolades of many. He will rise to power in the name of peace, but his peace will be based on lies. Even many of My flock who have been faithful will be tricked into following him.”

“This is why you must be cautious in every present moment. Base your decisions on Holy Love, for herein lies the truth and your eternal security.”

“Some of My lambs will make decisions based on financial security. Whole nations will be led astray by this means. As My remnant, you must choose truth in the face of leaders who chase false promises. I tell you, the greatest threat today is Satan’s action within hearts, for it is under the guise of good that he hides and accomplishes evil in the world. Just as he appears to be winning, the United Hearts will come in triumph, and evil will be confounded once again as in ages past.”

“Satan thought himself victorious at My crucifixion, but was confounded when I rose from the dead. In this age he will be seated in power–but fall–when I return in glory and truth.”

“In the future, My little lambs, you will need to cling to the truth of the tenets of your faith with courage–tenacious courage. Do not be discouraged by apostasy and heresy which will abound all about you. Realize that this is part of the cross that My remnant is asked to carry. Prayer and sacrifice are the means by which you will find courage to accept your crosses. The cross is My Victory.”

“When you cooperate with the cross, you are part of My Victory. It is only through the cross that true victory comes.”

“My brothers and sisters, it is true that you are living in the world during uncertain times. You do not know what God will require of you in the next present moment. But be assured of My Mother’s assistance, for Her Immaculate Heart is the Refuge of the remnant faithful. Do not become fearful, then, but live in Faith, Hope and Love, and always trust. Seek your refuge in My Mother’s Heart which is Holy Love.”

“We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

November 5, 2002
Monthly Message to the Remnant Faithful

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” (Blessed Mother gave a personal message to Fr. Kenney.)

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come once again to address My Remnant Faithful. Today, the woes of the world can be summed up in one word–greed. This greed is founded on selfishness–an inordinate self-love. I have come into the world at this site as Divine Love–My Mother as Holy Love. This Love is juxtaposed to greed which brings hatred and unforgiveness into the heart.”

“The more the human heart is centered on self, the less he can surrender to Divine Love. The first step in surrender is to give up and give to Me all your wants. The second step is to give Me all your needs. The last step is to trust Me and My plans for you.”

“But when you look at the problems of the world today, you can see that, for the most part, people and nations trust only in themselves and their human efforts. This is why there is an escalated arms race, an unequal distribution of resources, abortion and embryonic experimentation, and every possible sin against human decency.”

“The world has not learned from its own history–that it cannot exist apart from God–that it cannot thrive outside of love. Indeed, earth is separating itself from the Divine, seemingly unaware of its dependence on the Divine Will.”

Today, I am lifting up My Remnant Faithful as an army of love. You are My prayer warriors and My brigade of victim souls. It is only by merit of your efforts that the Arm of Justice is withheld.”

“The sacred journey of the Chambers of Our United Hearts has been reserved for this hour of tribulation; for this journey is the way out of violence, war and sin. This journey is the road to salvation, holiness, perfection and sanctity. I caution you, no one can make the journey without looking into his own heart. This is what holds many back.”

“It is only by Divine Love and Divine Mercy that the world has not seen even greater chastisement than it has. It is the foolhardy that do not see that. Earth must hasten to her conversion through Holy Love. My Mother weeps bitter tears for lives that will be cut short because of hatred in hearts.”

“In days to come the arrogant nation will be brought to its knees. What is hidden in darkness will be brought into the light. The just will cry out and be shown My Mercy. Indeed, the sun is setting on this age of hypocrisy, and rising on the age of truth.”

“My dear Remnant Faithful, in you is My hope. In you rests the security and the peace of the world at large. I am depending upon, and relying upon your relentless prayers and sacrifices; for it is by this means I can extend grace–extraordinary grace–to souls and to the world–graces that can change history forever.”

“I am asking you, My little lambs, to go amongst the wolves and propagate the Chambers of Our United Hearts. Do not fear the ways in which it is received. Some will accept it for what it is–the way of salvation, holiness and sanctity; others will doubt. Still others will reject what you offer completely. Do not lose heart. Persevere!”

“We extend to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

December 5, 2002
Monthly Message to the Remnant Faithful

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come once again to strengthen and unite My Faithful Remnant. My Remnant will be as strong as the Holy Love in each one’s heart. Holy Love is the winnowing fan in the hand of the harvesting angel which separates the wheat from the chaff. Do not concern yourselves with timetables of events. The Father alone knows the unfolding and realization of My return. Rather, in each present moment be My Faithful Remnant–living and spreading Holy and Divine Love.”

“The closest any soul can come to Me is in the reception of the Holy Eucharist. Let every Mass be an advent then, in anticipation of My coming. Your perseverance in prayer and sacrifice has the power to defeat Satan and draw the human will back into harmony with the Divine. Never before in history has Heaven needed this cooperation between human effort and Heavenly grace as it does today. It is you–My Remnant–that holds back the Arm of Justice.”

“My Remnant, all around you is fear and uncertainty. But to those who strive towards living in the present moment in Holy Love, God grants peace. Peace does not come to you through a person, but from God who bestows peace to the loving heart.”

“Many favors have been granted at this site (Maranatha Spring and Shrine), and this will continue until My return. But today especially, clarity is being given to hearts that have been obscured by confusion, and solutions will be given to problems that have been rendered to prayer.”

“Therefore, My brothers and sisters, today I invite you to see that your peace and reconciliation with God is through the living of the Holy Love messages in every present moment. For this is your surrender to Me in thought, word and deed, and your surrender to the Divine Will of My Eternal Father. Lose sight of yourselves and live to be HOLY.”

“We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

January 5, 2003
Monthly Message to The Remnant Faithful

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here in white with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I come to you during these times and for all eternity as Divine Love. I desire that you understand that as I have opened My Heart to you, I await My Triumph of Love when all hearts will open to Me.”

“My Mother’s pleas and appeals–here and in other parts of the world–seem to fall on deaf ears. All that She forewarned concerning Satan’s presence within the Church has now been undeniably revealed. Events in the world at large which My Mother predicted have also occurred. Some are yet to come if the wrath of My Father is not turned away through your prayers and sacrifices.”

“Today I am inviting this generation to recognize the precarious position that the world is in. Every nation, every government–indeed every soul–is only as secure as he is before God. No one can be secure before God outside of My Father’s Will which is Holy Love. Understand, then, that Holy Love is the solution of every problem, the footpath to righteousness and the reconciliation between creature and Creator.”

“All of the fears, all of the insecurities you face in the world today, do not exist when you abandon yourself to Me through the gateway of Holy Love. I invite you to live in the Light of Truth where there is no compromise. I have come to you in truth to reveal to you not what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. So long as you have legalized abortion in the world, you will have war and many reasons for insecurity amongst nations.”

“Countries will never be at peace until they choose God first and neighbor second. When you begin to live in Holy Love, you will begin to see into Satan’s compromises which lead to every kind of sin, including abortion. But if you allow your hearts to compromise Holy Love, your lives will be compromised, as well, and you will embrace untruths.”

“Satan’s lies have led you to believe that abortion is freedom when it IS really slavery to sin. Humanity must first free himself of captivity to sin in order to bring peace into the world.”

“It is you, My Remnant Faithful, that must pull together in order that the pathway to Our United Hearts may be made known. Make amends to Our United Hearts for those who are apathetic and unremorseful. Make sacrifices, do penance and pray for the unrepentant.”

“It is you, My Faithful Remnant, that hold back the Arm of Justice in this hour of darkness which has fallen upon the world and the Church itself. You are the ones, if you choose it, who can suspend natural laws and change the course of human history.”

“My brothers and sisters, when you return to your points of origin, I desire that you imitate the Immaculate Heart of My Most Holy Mother which is Holy Love. It is through you I will strengthen and increase the Faithful Remnant. You must be the little lights in the world that lead to the pure Light of Divine Love.”

“We bless you now with Our Blessing of the United Hearts.”

February 5, 2003
Monthly Message to The Remnant Faithful – Illumination of Conscience

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I have come to speak to all peoples and every nation. My brothers and sisters, come to realize that it is what is in the human heart from moment to moment that determines the course of human events. If the heart is full of love, the soul will be embraced by the Divine Will and will accomplish the Divine Will in the world around him.”

“Every departure from Holy Love in the heart breeches the covenant of love between man and God. It is then small problems escalate into war. Understand then, that war is the result of sins against love.”

“The time is coming when all souls will be embraced by My Mother’s Immaculate Heart which is the essence of Holy Love. In the light of that most perfect love, each one will be made to see where he fails in the commandments of love. Within that enlightenment, he will choose either for love or for evil. The choice will come through free will and mark an even greater contrast between good and evil in the world.”

“My Remnant will be under the protection of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. They will choose Holy Love and remain faithful to Me. The souls who do not repent will choose an errant path and try to seat evil in power in the world.”

“Today, dangers have grown in proportion to the evil that is in hearts. Evil has infiltrated governments, technology and even nature itself. Satan desires that your hearts remain gripped in fear. In this way My Sacred Heart is wounded by your lack of trust in Me. When you live in fear of the future, you cannot surrender the present moment to Me. My Mother needs your prayers, your sacrifices, your penance. It is by this means She is able to soothe the Heart of Her Son and bring souls to My Mercy.”

“Part of My Divine Justice is the coming embrace of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart which will reveal to all people their transgressions against the Divine Laws of Love. When this universal sign takes place, the wheat will be separated from the chaff. Then you will be able to know Me as never before in the Sacred Species of the Holy Eucharist if you choose love over evil.”

“My brothers and sisters, truly I tell you, you must guard against allowing your hearts to be breeding grounds of jealousy, rivalries, bitterness and fear in every present moment. Be Holy Love in the world so that My Victory can come to fulfillment in your Heart and in the world, as well.”

“Today, I am blessing you with the Blessing of Divine Love.”

March 5, 2003
Monthly Message to The Remnant Faithful

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I come to all people and every nation today to help you to decide. These are the times of which My Mother came into the world to warn you about. Free will must choose between war or peace–between the Tradition of Faith or a spurious imitation. The choices are not clearly defined, as evil masquerades as good, and good is convoluted to appear as evil.”

“Today your safety and peace is not in false promises–treaties that are not honored or in man-made forms of worship and false gods. You must seek out the Ark of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love itself. Deep within the shelter of this magnificent Flame of Pure Love you will find your answers–your choices–your peace.”

“When free will tries to form peace around his own ideas and outside the formula of Holy Love, the efforts fail–history tells you so. You have had war after war over the last century.”

“Please understand that mankind’s efforts towards peace that fail, often lead to justifiable war. This is so when one country bullies another, or chooses subterfuge and deceit over truth, or disregards human rights.”

“I only remind you that Holy Love must be the inspiration and the core of your peace efforts. Holy Love calls the soul to simplicity of heart–humility of heart, and truth itself.”

“Today, you see Bishop opposing Bishop and Cardinal against Cardinal–just as My Mother predicted. My Church will overcome these difficulties, but not without the loss of many souls. Today, you must pray for priests and the Church hierarchy, as well. Some make choices which lead to their perdition, for each one is judged according to his own choices–for or against Holy Love. Be certain that My Mother’s call to Holy Love supports Church Tradition.”

“I am calling you under the banner of Holy Love to pray for love to consume hearts. It is only then you will be at peace. Spread devotion to the Rosary of the Unborn like the enemy would spread germ warfare. Let this devotion permeate cities, nations and the heart of the world. When you pray this special prayer, you combat war in the womb and war in the world.”

“In each present moment surrender your heart to Me in Holy Love. This is the greatest sacrifice you can offer in this penitential season. In this surrender you are giving Me your free will–in this surrender your prayers and works become more meritorious–in this surrender lies My Victory.”

“I invite you to comprehend that it is not any dictator or liberal group that threatens world peace or undermines Church authority–it is Satan himself. Therefore, during these days of heightened spiritual warfare, hasten to the spiritual refuge of My Mother’s Heart.”

“My brothers and sisters, when you cooperate with the crosses in your life in each present moment, you will receive grace enough to bear it quietly and humbly. Then graces will pour into your hearts and into your lives and into the world around you. It is in this way you comfort the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary and give Us solace.”

“And so today once again, We impart to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

April 5, 2003
Monthly Message to The Remnant Faithful

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today your nation stands in the shadow of the Cross. My Mother’s tears fall all around you. But I am ever your Good Shepherd. I will lead you if you follow Me.”

“Some in the world choose darkness over Holy Love and perpetrate errors which serve to separate Heaven and earth. The United Hearts call every heart into union – union between Heaven and earth through Holy and Divine Love. I invite you to arm yourselves with this truth and to be a soldier of love.”

“There are many battlefronts in the world today – crimes against innocence, poverty, disease; but the most threatening is the invisible and unnoticed battle of spiritual warfare. Satan has placed a veil of lies over all his works so that they appear as good, and even righteous.”

“I have come to lift that veil with the Hand of Divine Love. This must be the century of truth and victory in and through Holy and Divine Love. This must be the age of triumph of Our United Hearts. All of earth – the seas, the mountains, the valleys cry out to Me for this victory.”

“Today in this area of the world, the signs of spring are all around you, and yet the air is chilled as though spring will never come. It is so in the spiritual world, as well. I am offering a springtime of new growth through the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary – a season of Love. Yet, all around you are signs – indifference, lack of love, even rejection. Still, I come to raise up a mighty army of apostles – apostles of Love. This army of Holy Love must transform the world. Some are soldiers of active duty – evangelization. Others are victims offering their sufferings much as a supply line. We must relieve the spiritually deprived and feed the spiritually hungry. Everything will be given that is needed if you but believe in Me, as I believe in you.”

“As evil is revealed in hearts and in the world, come to realize the power Satan has to deceive. Then surrender to the truth which is Holy and Divine Love.”

“Yes, My brothers and sisters, I come to you to summon together My army of Remnant Faithful. For it is through Holy and Divine Love and Our United Hearts that evil will be overcome, and the head of the serpent crushed. It is through this victory that souls will be made whole and the heart of the world and the Church will be healed.”

“And so, We extend to you today the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

May 5, 2003
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation; 6th Anniversary – Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I come to greet the world and to invite every heart into My Mother’s Immaculate Heart – Refuge of Holy Love. This is My Father’s Divine Will.”

“It is by God’s Divine Will this Holy and Immaculate Heart was conceived. It is by God’s Divine Will, He has prescribed the title ‘Refuge of Holy Love.’ It is by My Father’s Will, each soul is called into this Refuge to live in Holy Love. Oh! that the heart of every nation would surrender to this call and abide in Holy Love – the two great commandments of love.”

“The time fast approaches when My Remnant Faithful will be exposed in the world as supporters of the true faith. This will be not by their own action, but by the outward action of dissenters of the faith. These are the modernists – the liberalists – who choose to live according to their own law and rebuke Church tradition. As they make themselves known, it will be apparent who the Remnant Faithful is.”

“My Mother’s Holy and Immaculate Heart is the Refuge of all sinners. Once the sinner accepts the invitation to step into this Immaculate Refuge, he is offered the grace with which to live in Holy Love. This is the most important step on the journey through the spiritual Chambers of Our United Hearts. In passing from the world into this Refuge of Holy Love, the soul passes from a life of sin and regrets into a life of victory through love.”

“For this reason the title ‘Refuge of Holy Love’ most perfectly defines the Heart of My Mother.”

“My brothers and sisters, within the purest vessel of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart lies your salvation which is Holy Love in each present moment. Yes, therein in that pure Immaculate Heart of My Most Beloved Mother is your salvation – My Triumph and yours. As apostles of Holy Love, you must make this known.”

“Today We’re extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

June 5, 2003
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. They greet the priests in the apparition room by nodding and motioning to Their Hearts. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help all nations towards victory. The victory I speak of is the victory of righteousness in hearts. Each heart that turns towards Me is a victory, and becomes part of My Crown of Victory which will reign over Our United Hearts when I return. This Crown of Victory is comprised of the army of victim souls that My Mother continues to call together. Within this Crown of Victory are all who live in Holy Love.”

“Today, so much of the human race embraces defeat. Defeat is all that opposes Holy Love. Defeat is wrapped in self-absorption with little regard to consequence to neighbor. Every cataclysmic event, whether it be nature itself or man-made, such as abortion, crimes against innocents, terrorism or the like, are the result of mankind’s turning away from love of God and neighbor.”

“Realize the power of My Name – indeed, the power of calling on your Jesus in times of temptation and trial. When you say My Name, all of Heaven comes to attention. The power of My Precious Blood covers you and evil is made to vanish. When you say even more – ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us’ – evil will be revealed, for Satan cannot remain hidden when I am thus invoked. When you pray – ‘United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, guide and protect us’ – Satan not only flees but the path you must follow in righteousness is laid bare.”

“I endeavor to point out that these little ejaculatory prayers are just that – prayers. These are not magic words, but prayers which when prayed from the heart bring results according to the Father’s Holy and Divine Will. A prayer from the heart rises from a heart steeped in Holy Love.”

“You wonder why I am speaking about small little prayers from the heart on a day when I should be addressing all people and every nation. If people learn how to pray – how to invoke Heavenly aid in time of need – they will begin to depend on prayer as a way out of every crisis, not only on a personal scale but also events on a world scale.”

“What I am saying to you today is let Me be Lord of each present moment. When world events and natural events are surrendered to Me, I carry out the Father’s Divine Will. It is important that each soul surrenders. When souls hold back and do not trust Me, My efforts are weakened both in their lives and in the world.”

“You do not see what lies ahead. My Mother sheds many tears for what She sees and knows. I remain still your Merciful Jesus. Turn to Me in trustful surrender.”

“Certain events will occur universally that will be compelling towards surrender to Divine Providence. Hearts which do not know how to surrender – hearts which do not trust in Me – will fall into despair. Manifest will My grace be in the hearts and lives of those who trust. You cannot compare the small tests you have had in trustful surrender with what lies ahead if more hearts do not hasten to their conversion.”

“My brothers and sisters, here in this Mission, I offer you and open to you the innermost Chambers of My Sacred Heart. Every grace that you need to enter and proceed into these Chambers is offered through the Heart of My Mother. But I will never impede man’s free will.”

“Choose according to Holy Love and I will bless your journey even now, as We bless you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

July 5, 2003
Monthly Message to The Remnant Faithful

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I am King of All Nations. My brothers and sisters, these are grace-filled times. But you must also realize that they are evil times, as well. Therefore, today I come seeking your consecration to Our United Hearts which are all grace, all mercy, all love and the truth itself. Be signs of this truth in the world.”

“I tell you solemnly that what brings nations to war against one another is all that opposes truth in hearts. Satan, Father of Lies, convinces people of false rights against their neighbors. He twists their thoughts and presents sin as a right. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. When He speaks to hearts, He promotes peace and reconciliation. Today, it is important that souls recognize what spirit they listen to and act upon. The adversary promotes false and erroneous goals. The Holy Spirit promotes love and peace. You cannot follow both paths or listen and act upon both promptings.”

“Please understand, My brothers and sisters, that over and over I have sent My Mother into the world as peacemaker. Her mission is always the same–to reconcile free will with the Divine Will of God. The enemy of your salvation makes every attempt to confuse and discredit these apparitions. He clouds the crystal-clear Messages I place on My Mother’s Lips with false discernment. In the end much of what has been revealed and disbelieved will be borne out in truth. The storm of controversy will pass.”

“The freakish weather patterns in all parts of the world are the result of man’s disunity with his Creator, for every sin bears its evil fruit. Turn your hearts over to love of prayer and sacrifice. Make reparation to My Wounded Heart for all the error that is in hearts. Evil is fermenting in hearts today, readying its forces. You must oppose this by your efforts and through My grace. Hold dear to you all that is righteous. Oppose evil.”

“We now bless you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

August 5, 2003
Monthly Message to The Remnant Faithful

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Our Lady is all in white. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.” (Blessed Mother then gave a private message.)

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help you understand, dear people, that those who follow the law of Holy Love – to love God above all else and neighbor as self – form a bond of reciprocating love with their Creator. It is this reciprocating love that holds the sun, the moon and the stars in their place, and the world upon its axis. If love can bring harmony to the universe, think of the power one heart can have that chooses to love.”

“Please understand that to love with a reciprocal love means giving your heart wholly to Me – your Redeemer – and setting yourself apart from the world. It is this type of surrender that completes My sacrifice and soothes My Wounded Heart. It is the depth of this complete love that offsets the disunity between the Shepherd and His wandering flock.”

“Comprehending this, know for certain it is the souls who are consecrated to Our United Hearts that bring true peace into the world around them. Those consecrated to the Heart of My Mother have begun the journey, as all grace passes through Her Hands. Those who desire to dress the Wounds of My Heart with a deepening love are consecrated to Our United Hearts.”

“This is the age of repentance, but repentance must be built on humility and love. Without these two virtues your sacrifices are empty – pharisaical. Do not try to make your own path through an intellectual journey. You will travel in a circle that will always lead back to yourself. Instead, come into Our United Hearts and travel the road of self-abandonment. Then you will discover the Kingdom of the Divine Will within.”

“This is a journey clothed in truth. Today, darkness covers many a heart, much activity, and governs many nations. To weaken Satan’s kingdom you must stand in the light clothed in the truth. This journey into the Sacred Chambers of Our United Hearts is the journey Heaven gives you to follow during these latter days.”

“The world is embattled – for hearts are embattled. Each soul must make peace with his Creator for lasting and true peace to pass from hearts into the world.”

“Understanding that Holy Love in hearts balances the scale of good and evil, further comprehend how important Holy Love is in each heart. Each new conversion to this spiritual journey could bring peace to chaos and thwart Satan’s plans to control and lead to destruction of the world.”

“Today once again, I come to you hoping to transform every heart through the mystery of Holy and Divine Love. For it is in this Flame I seek your love and ask you to seek My Love. Do not live in fear of one another, but in love.”

“Today We are blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”