“The ones who manipulated this most recent election in your nation* are not part of My Kingdom on earth. They chose to disregard My Divine Will which is always Truth in thought, word and deed. This really wasn’t an election at all, but a melodrama scripted by unseen forces. To uncover the Truth will be costly in time and effort, but courageous effort must be poured into uncovering the Truth.”
God the Father, Holy Love Messages, November 6, 2020

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Pastor Jim Domen of Church United joins LifeSite’s Lisa Stover to discuss what Christians should be doing in light of the confusion surrounding the 2020 election. “God was in control when humans were enslaved…The Church, despite God being in control, has to rise up, has to voice their voice,” Pastor Domen reminds listeners.You may ask, what can I do? “As a Christian, get on your knees and pray for our nation,” Pastor Domen says.“We need to rise up and realize we have the ability to do something,” Lisa Stover says. Pastor Domen also tells users that the major media “support the powers of darkness” and cannot be trusted. LifeSiteNews is a trusted source you can turn to for the truth.
The American elections of 2020 has been thrown into chaos by ‘statistically improbable’ mail-in ballot dumps, and accompanying allegations of voter fraud in a few key battleground states.
With investigations and recounts now looming, what we now need is a lot of prayer!
Please JOIN our urgent PLEDGE to PRAY for justice to prevail in these elections and for the truth to come out, one way or the other.
Everyone should desire and accept reasonable explanations for the apparent discrepancies in the way ballots have been handled and counted in some states.
To guarantee the validity of these elections, there should be no hint of impropriety.
Sign our Prayer Pledge here: https://lifepetitions.com/…/pray-for-justice-to…/…
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
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