This presentation of the Most Holy Rosary combines the Divine Will Rounds from the Writings of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, The Little Daughter of the Divine Will as compiled to be used with the rosary along with the Divine Will meditations for each mystery as given to the Holy Love Ministry (in addition to some aspirations) on a single page for ease of use that can be used for the Rosary of the Unborn. A small reference to the Flame of Love is included as well. This will continue to be updated over time as more relevant prayers and images are discovered.
Act of Contrition (traditional)
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and
I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pain of hell (of thy just punishments),
but most of all because I offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to confess my sin, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.
By this holy water and Thy most precious blood,
wash away all my sins O Lord.
Some Divine Will Fusing Prayers for Current/Actual Act to select from
1— I AM NOTHING, GOD IS ALL, come Divine Will. Come heavenly Father to beat in my heart and move in my Will; come beloved Son to flow in my blood and think in my intellect; come Holy Spirit to breathe in my lungs and recall in my memory.
2—I fuse myself in the Divine Will and place my I love
You, I adore You and I bless You God in the Fiat of Creation.
3—My Jesus, only as You will, when You will, and in the way You will. To You be all glory and thanksgiving, Who rules all things mightily and sweetly, and Who fills the earth with Your manifold mercies. Amen.
4—Come Divine Will, Come Lord Jesus
Preparatory Prayers
I cover myself with the Precious Blood.
I command the spirit of distraction to leave in the Name of Jesus.
I command the spirit of fatigue to leave in the Name of Jesus.
I ask the Spirit of Truth to fill any voids left behind.
Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to our aid.
St Joseph, Terror of Demons, pray for us.
St Michael, terror of evil spirits, send your angel warriors.
I ask my guardian angel to remind me of the present moment so that I may sanctify each moment through Holy Love.
When you pray this small prayer, ‘God’s Will be done’, the good angels align themselves against any evil that is affecting the present moment.” Jesus June 3, 2002 (UHPB, pg 109)
I pray this rosary with Jesus
for myself and for all,
as if all had prayed it.
To enhance the experience of the rosary a gentle suggestion
a lit candle, holy water, sacred music in the background (link below), twig of rosemary or drop of Samaritan Oil, a statue of the Blessed Mother and a livestream of the Blessed Sacrament (link below) might be of value. I even oiled down my Rosary of the Unborn with a single drop of Samaritan Oil which changed the tactile nature of it. This approach would then entail most of the senses (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory) while meditating on the scriptural mysteries.
(378) EWTN Polska | Adoracja z Niepokalanowa – YouTube
(259) Libera – Salve Regina – YouTube
List of Introductory or Requested Prayers before the Rosary Detailed below:
- Celestial Queen from Fr Gobbi
- Hail Mary Union Prayer
- Morsel Prayer (webmaster term)
- Unitive/Join Prayer
- St Michael the Archangel Prayer
- Come Holy Spirit
- Consecration of the Heart of the World
- World Crisis Prayer (webmaster term)
- Unborn Prayers
- Intentions requested by Holy Love Ministries for the Unborn Rosary
- intentions for each specific mystery is included as a preface to the decade
Celestial Queen, with this rosary, we bind all sinners and all nations to your Immaculate Heart.
We unite these prayers to every Hail Mary being recited in the present moment throughout the entire world
Unitive and Join Prayer
I unite my prayers to all the prayers being prayed around the world in this present moment and join them to every prayer that was ever prayed and every prayer that ever will be prayed so that the Father is greatly honored by every syllable.
On behalf of myself and all of humanity from the beginning of time to the end of time as if all had offered these prayers.
On behalf of the human race and especially on behalf of those who do not yet know that they can enter into the Kingdom of Thy Divine Will as if all creatures had requested to live in the Divine Will.
“for the quick and complete Triumph of the Divine Will on earth and Its quick and complete Triumph in me.”
Divine Will Morsel Prayer
“Heavenly Father, I give You my love. Take this prayer as a morsel of love from my heart and wrap it in Divine Love. Make this prayer an instrument of Your Divine Will. Amen.”
“The Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts”
“Most Compassionate United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, accept this, my prayer, on behalf of the heart of the world.
Awaken the heart of the world to the Truth of the difference between good and evil.
Inspire each soul to consecrate their hearts and their lives to the United Hearts; thereby strengthening the heart of the world in this resolve.
We beg You, dear United Hearts, pour the grace of Your Inspiration into the heart of the world, strengthening it in Truth and in Holy Love. In this Heavenly Inspiration, draw the heart of the world into union with the Will of God. Amen.”
St Michael Prayer
“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Come Holy Spirit.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
World Crisis Prayer Post 911
“Heavenly Father, during this time of world crisis, let all souls find their peace and security in Your Divine Will. Give each soul the grace to understand that Your Will is Holy Love in the present moment.”
“Benevolent Father, illuminate each conscience to see the ways that he is not living in Your Will. Grant the world the grace to change and the time in which to do it. Amen.”
Prayer(s) to Recite with the Rosary of the Unborn
“Divine Infant Jesus, as we pray this rosary, we ask you to remove from the heart of the world the desire to commit the sin of abortion.
Remove the veil of deceit Satan has placed over hearts which portrays promiscuity as a freedom, and reveal it for what it is– slavery to sin.”
“Place over the heart of the world a renewed respect for life at the moment of conception. Amen.”
(The next prayer is Not presently part of the Rosary of the Unborn, but may be an appropriate prayer to include here – from Maureen’s angel, Alanus)
“O Divine Infant Jesus, present in the womb of Mary at conception by the power of the Holy Spirit, present in the crib at Bethlehem in obedience to the Will of God, open the heart of mankind to see that true peace will only come when there is peace in the womb.”
“Awaken mankind and help each soul to surrender to the Will of his Divine Creator. Amen.”
Overall Prayer Intentions for the Rosary of the Unborn
- Protection of the Unborn
- End of abortion
- for those in whom we are shown evil in their heart, are given the gift of self-knowledge and conversion
- Overturn of Roe vs Wade
Additional Intentions Requested by USCCB
“In the midst of current tensions, we invite Catholics around the country to join us in fasting and praying the Rosary on Friday, May 13, the Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima. Let us offer our prayers and fasting for these intentions:
- For our nation, for the integrity of our judicial system, and that all branches of government be dedicated to seeking the common good and protecting the dignity and rights of the human person, from conception to natural death.
- For the overturning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in the Supreme Court’s final decision in Dobbs v. Jackson.
- For the conversion of the hearts and minds of those who advocate for abortion.
- For a new commitment to building an America where children are welcomed, cherished, and cared for; where mothers and fathers are encouraged and strengthened; and where marriage and the family are recognized and supported as the true foundations of a healthy and flourishing society.
- For Our Blessed Mother’s intercession and guidance as the Church continues to walk with mothers and families in need, and continues to promote alternatives to abortion, and seeks to create a culture of life.
Alternative Scriptural Rosary
Joyful Mysteries (Scripturally Based) – Rosary Center
Luminous Mysteries (Scripturally Based) – Rosary Center
Sorrowful Mysteries (Scripturally Based) – Rosary Center
Glorious Mysteries (Scripturally Based) – Rosary Center
I believe in God,
the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
He descended into hell;
on the third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.
for the welfare, protection and holy and good intentions of the Holy Father the Pope.
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Three HAIL MARYS, ( Flame of Love Version)
for the increase of faith, hope and charity
“Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit:
As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.
This section can be deleted after all the mysteries are updated
“In the First Mystery, you pray for My protection. This can be My Motherly protection over the unborn.”
“The Second Mystery invokes My guidance which would be inspiration for mothers not to abort their babies, government leaders to oppose abortion and religious leaders to act against it.”
“The Third Mystery is for the conversion of souls. No one can be converted or should believe in his conversion if he still supports abortion.”
“The Fourth Mystery is for all government leaders. It is paramount that legalized abortion is overturned. The future of the world depends upon it.”
“The Fifth Mystery is for all religious leaders to take a stand against abortion. Not to oppose it – is to support abortion.”
Optional End of the decade Aspirations
Blessed Be the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to our aid. (Holy Love)
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, pray for us (Holy Love)
By Thy Holy and Immaculate Conception O Mary, deliver us from the evil (of abortion). (Our Lady of America)
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
Intentions requested by Holy Love Ministries
- conversion of the heart of the world
- end to abortion
- intentions of good over evil
- global discernment of good over evil
- man’s recognition of God the Father’s dominion over mankind

1. The Annunciation (Humility)
HL DW Meditation: “Through Mary’s complete and perfect union with the Father’s Eternal Divine Will, the Archangel Gabriel saw in Her a perfect dwelling place for the Incarnation of Divine Love. St. Gabriel recognized Mary as the one God had chosen to be the Mother of God. And so, he approached Her. Mary, who always acted in and through Divine Love, accepted God’s Will for Her.”
Intention: Blessed Mother’s Motherly protection over the unborn.
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

For the state of Alabama
1. Our Celestial Mother: “[I] felt ignited with
Love, and echoing the Love of My Creator, I wanted to form one single Sea of Love, so that the Word might descend upon earth
Through the disobedience of Adam sin enters the world. Rom. 5:12
For the state of Alaska*
2. … while I was praying in My little room, an angel came,… as messenger of the Great King.
The Father sends His Son to save the world. Jn. 3:17
For the state of Arizona
3. He came before Me, and bowing, he hailed Me:
“Hail, O Mary, our Queen; the Divine Fiat has filled You with Grace.
The Angel Gabriel is sent to a virgin named Mary. Lk. 1:26,27
For the state of Arkansas
4. … He wants to descend; … He wants Your Fiat to form the fulfillment of His Fiat.
The Angel tells Mary: “You are to have a Son and will name Him Jesus.” Lk. 1:31
For the state of California*
5. At such a great announcement, so much desired by Me –… I was stupefied and I hesitated one instant.
He is the Son of God. Lk. 1:32
For the state of Colorado*
6. But the angel … told me: “Do not fear, our Queen, for You have found Grace before God.
Mary consents: “Let it be done to me.” Lk. 1:38
For the state of Connecticut*
7. You have conquered Your Creator; therefore, to complete the Victory – pronounce Your Fiat.”
God the Son becomes Man, in obedience to His Father. Lk. 1:35
For the state of Delaware*
8. I pronounced My Fiat. The two Fiats fused together and the Divine Word descended into Me.
By His obedience many shall be saved. Rom. 5:19
For the state of Florida
9. My Fiat, receiving the same Value as the Divine Fiat, from the seed of My humanity, formed the tiny little Humanity which was to enclose the Word,
Mary becomes Mother of God. Lk. 1:35
For the state of Georgia
10. and so the great prodigy of the Incarnation was accomplished.”
Nothing is impossible with God. Lk. 1:37
(From The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day 19)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.

2. The Visitation (Charity)
HL DW Meditation: “The Divine Word implanted deep within Her womb, Mary sets out in response to the Archangel’s message to visit Her cousin Elizabeth. Wherever Mary goes, whatever She says, thinks or does, She is in complete union with God’s Divine Will. Now, even more so, with the Divine Will alive within Her womb, She never questions even though She encounters many hardships along the way.”
Intention: We invoke Your guidance as inspiration for mothers not to abort their babies, government leaders to oppose abortion and religious leaders to act against it.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

1. Our Celestial Mother: “ … I departed from
Nazareth, accompanied by Saint Joseph, … to go visit Elisabeth in Judea,
Mary visits her elderly cousin Elizabeth. Lk. 1:40
2. … I burned with the desire to bring her Jesus.
Elizabeth is with child. His name is John. Lk. 1:13
3. The fullness of Grace, Love and Light … in Me, pushed Me to bring, to multiply – … the Life of My Son in creatures.
She greets Mary: “Blessed are you because you believed.” Lk. 1:45
4. … the Love of Mother … was so great that I felt the extreme need to give My dear Jesus to everyone ….
Mary herself is with Child, through the Holy Spirit. Mt. 1:18
5. The right of Mother … enriched Me with such Power as to multiply Jesus as many times as there are creatures who want to receive Him.
She answers: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.” Lk. 1:46
6. This was the greatest miracle I could perform: to have Jesus ready to give to whomever desired Him.
“His mercy reaches from age to age.” Lk. 1:50
7. … I wish that you too, [Luisa] … would always be the bearer of Jesus
Mary, the Mother of God, stays to help Elizabeth. Lk. 1:56
8. … the Divine Will does great and unheard-of things
wherever It Reigns.
After three months Mary returns to her home in Nazareth. Lk. 1:56
9. If I worked many Prodigies, it was because It had Its Royal Place in Me.
Do good to all. Gal. 6:10
10. If you [Luisa] let the Divine Will Reign in your soul, you too will become the bearer of Jesus to the creatures …”
Be at peace with everyone. Rom. 12:18
(From The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Meditation 1, Appendix)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.

3.The Birth of Jesus (Love of God)
HL DW Meditation: “Mary gives birth to the Incarnate Word–the Divine Will of God–in the humblest of surroundings–a stable. She and Joseph suffer rejection when trying to find more suitable dwelling. How often in today’s world the Divine Will is rejected by free will. The only adornments the Divine Will seeks in the world is a loving heart of every person. But how often the door of the human heart rejects God’s Will.”
Intention: For the conversion of souls. “No one can be converted or should believe in his conversion if he still supports abortion.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

For the state of Massachusetts*
1. Luisa: “ … I found myself in a cave, and I saw the Queen Mama giving birth to Little Baby Jesus.
In Bethlehem will be born He Who is to rule my people. Micah 5:2
For the state of Michigan*
2. … It seemed that both Mother and Son were transformed
into most pure Light.
Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth to register in Bethlehem. Lk. 2:4
For the state of Minnesota*
3. … in that Light one could see … the human nature of Jesus containing the Divinity within Itself
There, Mary gives birth to the Son of God. Lk. 2:7
For the state of Mississippi
4. … in tearing the veil of human nature, He was God, while covered by that veil, He was man.
Mary lays Him in a manger, because there is no room for Him in the inn. Lk. 2:7
For the state of Missouri
5. Here is the Prodigy of prodigies: God and Man, Man and God!
Angels announce to shepherds nearby: “The Savior is born.” Lk. 2:10,11
For the state of Montana*
6. Without leaving the Father and the Holy Spirit – … He comes to Live in our midst, taking on human flesh.
Angels sing: “Peace to men of good will.” Lk. 2:14
For the state of Nebraska
7. Mother and Son … remained as though spiritualized,
Wise men come from the East in search of Christ. Mt. 2:1,2
For the state of Nevada*
8. without the slightest difficulty Jesus came out of the Maternal Womb …
Entering the house in Bethlehem, they worship Him. Mt. 2:11
For the state of New Hampshire*
9. … Light Jesus came out of the Light of the Mother
All nations serve Him. Ps. 72:11
For the state of New Jersey*
10. … both One and the Other remained whole and intact, returning, then, to their natural state.”
Those who accept Christ become children of God. Jn. 1:12
(From Vol. 4; December 25, 1900)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.

4. The Presentation and Consecration of Jesus in the Temple (Obedience)
HL DW Meditation: “It was God’s Divine Will that Simeon and Anna, present in the temple that day, recognized the Infant Jesus as the long-awaited Savior. Open to God’s Providing Will, they welcomed Him as such, and Simeon prophesied as he held the Eternal Word in his arms.”
Intention: For all government leaders. “It is paramount that legalized abortion is overturned. The future of the world depends upon it.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

For the state of New Mexico*
1. Our Celestial Mother: “ … the Divine Fiat calls us to the temple in order to fulfill the Law of the Presentation of My Son.
When the Child Jesus is eight days old, He is circumcised. Lk. 2:21
For the state of New York*
2. I was going to offer Him as Victim for the salvation of all!
And his parents name Him Jesus. Lk. 2:21
For the state of North Carolina*
3. … The priest was Simeon, … he recognized that He was the Divine Word and exulted with immense joy;
The name of Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved. Acts 4:12
For the state of North Dakota
4. … after the offering … he prophesied all My Sorrows …
“Ask the Father anything in My Name. He will give it to you.” Jn. 16:23
For the state of Ohio
5. But that which pierced Me the most were the words …:
‘This dear Baby will be the salvation and ruin of many, and … the target of contradictions.’
Lord, You are good and forgiving to all who call upon Your Name. Ps. 86:5
For the state of Oklahoma
6. … in addition to the Right of Mother … I acquired the Right of Mother and Queen of all Sorrows.
Joseph and Mary take Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him to God. Lk. 2:22
For the state of Oregon*
7. … with My Sorrows, I acquired the little coin to pay the debts of My children … even those of the ungrateful children
Simeon, a holy man, foretells: “This Child is destined for the fall and rise of many.” Lk. 2:34
For the state of Pennsylvania
8. … in your sufferings, in the painful encounters …never lose heart … let the Divine Will assume Its Royal Place in your pains,
“Your own soul a sword shall pierce.” Lk. 2:35
For the state of Rhode Island*
9. so that It may convert them into little coins … with which you will be able to pay the debts of your brothers –
Joseph and Mary take Jesus to their hometown of Nazareth. Lk. 2:39
For the state of South Carolina
10. to ransom them from the slavery of the human will and make them enter … into the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”
Whatever you do, do all in the Name of Jesus. Col. 3:17
(From The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day 23)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.

5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple (Joy)
HL DW Meditation: “God’s Will is sometimes a cross–sometimes a victory. Mary and Joseph suffered the cross of losing Jesus for three days. They were not angry, but surrendered to the cross by accepting it. They patiently waited on God’s Will to be shown to them in its entirety. The victory came when they found Jesus in the temple.”
Intention: “For all religious leaders to take a stand against abortion. Not to oppose it – is to support abortion.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

For the state of South Dakota
1. Our Celestial Mother: “After three days … I saw My Son in the midst of the doctors of the law!
Jesus is twelve years old, and goes to Jerusalem with Mary and Joseph. Lk. 2:42
For the state of Tennessee
2. … those who were listening remain enraptured and amazed.
Jesus remains in Jerusalem. His parents do not realize it. Lk. 2:43
For the state of Texas
3. … soon I understood the secret reason of His being lost.
Mary and Joseph return looking for Him. Lk. 2:45
For the state of Utah
4. … In this mystery, My Son … sacrificed to the Divine Will His own Mama … in order to show Me how I … was to sacrifice His own Life to the Divine Will.
They find Jesus in the temple. Lk. 2:46
For the state of Vermont*
5. In this … pain, [Luisa] … I kept it at your disposal, so that you too, … might have the strength to sacrifice everything to the Divine Will.
Jesus was fulfilling the will of His Father. Lk. 2:49
For the state of Virginia*
6. When I lost My Jesus … a second one added to this – that of losing you [Luisa]
The Holy Family returns to Nazareth. Lk. 2:51
For the state of Washington*
7 …when you are in the act of doing your own will …you are about to lose Jesus and Me,
Jesus, the Son of God, obeys His parents. Lk. 2:51
For the state of West Virginia
8. and fall into the kingdom of miseries and vices.
God tells us: Honor your father and your mother. Mt. 15:4
For the state of Wisconsin
9. Keep then, the promise you made Me – to remain indissolubly united to Me –
If you love Me, obey My commandments. Jn. 14:15
For the state of Wyoming*
10. and I will grant you the Grace of never again letting you be dominated by your will, but only by the Divine.”
Let us love in thought, in word, and in action. 1 Jn. 3:18
(From The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Meditation 5, Appendix)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
1. The Baptism of Jesus Intention: My Motherly protection over the unborn.
(Rebirth in the Holy Spirit)
HL DW Meditation: “Jesus submitted with humility to being baptized by John. John’s mission was to call the people to repentance so as to prepare the way for Jesus’ coming. Today it is God’s Will that people repent once again and make reparation for all the evil in the world. God offers the world, through this mission, a covenant of Divine Love, which opens the way to Divine Mercy and prepares the way for the Lord’s second coming.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Jesus: “… the baptism … by water … has the virtue of purifying, but not of removing tendencies and passions.
2. … the baptism of victim is baptism by fire …
3. … it has not only the virtue of purifying, but of consuming any passion and evil tendency.
4. … I Myself baptize the soul … My Thought baptizes the thought of the soul; My Heartbeat … her heartbeat; My Desire her desire, and so on.
5. … this baptism is carried out …, according to whether she gives herself to Me without ever taking back what she has given Me. *
6. … you [Luisa] were asking in My Will for the baptism of all newborn babies … for Its Life to reign in them.
7. My Will did not hesitate … and formed as many Lives of Itself for as many newborn babies
8. … baptizing them, as you [Luisa] wanted ….
9. These Divine Lives … keep her [Luisa] hidden within Themselves to let her love as They Love, and let her do what They do.
10. Nor do They put the newborn babies aside … They watch them … defend them, so as to be able to Reign in their
souls.” **
* (From “Volume 11,” March 13, 1912) 1 through 5
** (From “Volume 36,” April 12, 1938) 6 through 10
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
2. The Miracle at the Wedding of Cana (Mary’s Intercession) Intention: We invoke Your guidance as inspiration for mothers not to abort their babies, government leaders to oppose abortion and religious leaders to act against it.”
HL DW Meditation: “At the request of His Mother, Jesus performed His first miracle by changing the water into wine. Holy Mary is so perfectly united with God’s Divine Will, She knows what to ask of Her Beloved Son and how to ask for it.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Our Celestial Queen: “My Son took the place of
Father and King in the families ….
2. We renewed the Sanctity, the Beauty, the Order of the marriage formed by God in the Garden of Eden ….
3. Marriage … can be called the trunk ….
4. The priests, the religious, are the branches ….
5. … by withdrawing from the Divine Will, Adam and Eve
caused the family to lose its Sanctity, Beauty and Order.
6. And I … the New Innocent Eve, together with My Son, went to reorder that which God did in Eden ….
7. I … impetrated the Grace that the Divine Fiat might Reign in them … holding the place of Queen in their midst
8. … ‘Do what My Son
tells you, and you will have what you want ….
9. Do not move from what He tells you, and you will have His Likeness, His Sanctity.
10. Do you want all evils to cease? … Do you want any Grace? …. Do whatever He tells you and wants.”
(From The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Appendix 6)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Thy Kingdom Come on Earth)
HL DW Meditation: “God’s Will accompanies these messages of Holy and Divine Love wherever they are taken. These messages are the essence of the gospel message–to love God above all else and neighbor as self. These messages are God’s Will for all mankind.”
Intention: For the conversion of souls. “No one can be converted or should believe in his conversion if he still supports abortion.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Jesus: “… I came to manifest My Celestial
Doctrine … in a word, the Gospel.
2. I said … very little about My Will …
making them understand that the thing which I cared the most about was the Will of My Father.
3. I said almost nothing about Its Qualities … Height …Greatness …
4. because the creature was too much of an infant in Celestial Things, and would have understood nothing.
5. I just taught her to pray: ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua, sicut in coelo et in terra,’ [‘Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.’]
6. so that she might dispose herself to know this Will of Mine … to Love It, to do It ….
7. Being more important than anything, it contains more Knowledges, more Light, more Greatness, more Prodigies
8.… the more I make known, the more I expand the Boundaries of My Kingdom to be given to the children who will possess It.
9. … everything I manifest about My Will is a New Creation which I make in My Kingdom, to be enjoyed and possessed….
10. And so, great attention is required on your part [Luisa] in manifesting them.”
(From “Volume 20, September 17, 1926)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
4. The Transfiguration
(Glory of Jesus) Intention: For all government leaders. “It is paramount that legalized abortion is overturned. The future of the world depends upon it.”
HL DW Meditation: “God, in His Infinite Wisdom, allowed the miracle of the Transfiguration so as to secure the faith of the apostles there present–in difficult times ahead–and their faith was sorely tested. Today God has given the doubting world Mary, Refuge of Holy Love and Protectress of the Faith as a Refuge and Shelter during profoundly evil times.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Jesus: “My Love wants to … make known the Excesses which My Divinity operated in My Humanity ….
2. This is … why I often speak to you [Luisa] about Living in My Will, which I have not manifested to anyone until now.
3. Now, the first link which connected the true Living in My Will was My Humanity.
4. My Humanity, identified with My Divinity, swam in the
Eternal Volition,
5. and kept tracing all the acts of creatures in order to make them Its Own,
6. to give to the Father a Divine Glory on the part of creatures,
7. and to bring the Value, the Love … of the Eternal Volition to all the acts of creatures.
8. these acts … are all suspended in My Will, and I await the creatures to come to Live in My Volition,
9. and repeat in My Will that which I did.
10. … from your [Luisa] link of connection with Me, … other souls will be connected, and I will have a cohort of souls who … will redo all the acts of the creatures.”
(From “Volume 12,” Jan 29, 1919)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
5. The Institution of the Eucharist (Love of God)
HL DW Meditation: “More than any truth, the world needs to accept the Truth of Jesus alive in the Holy Eucharist. For herein lies God’s Divine Will, which is all Truth.”
Intention: “For all religious leaders to take a stand against abortion. Not to oppose it – is to support abortion.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Luisa: “… He [Jesus] let me see … the moment in which… [He] in instituting the Most Holy Sacrament, communicated Himself.
2. “… I want to make known to you the reason … I[received] Myself when I instituted the Most Holy Sacrament.
3. … My Eternal Will, united to My human will, made present to Me all … Hosts which were to receive … Sacramental Consecration until the end of centuries.
4. … I looked at them, one by one; I consumed them, and I saw My Sacramental Life palpitating in each Host yearning to give Itself to
5. In the name of the whole human family, My Humanity took on the commitment for all, and provided a dwelling within Itself to each Host;
6. and My Divinity … surrounded each Sacramental Host with Divine Honors, Praises and Blessings, to give worthy Decorum to My Majesty.
7. … it was only because of this that I tolerated sacrileges, coldness, irreverances, ingratitudes,
8. since, in receiving Myself, I secured My own Decorum, the Honors and the Dwelling which befitted My very Person.
9. Had I not received Myself, I could not have descended into creatures,
10. and they would have lacked the way, the door, the means to receive Me.”
(From “Vol. 15,” June 18, 1923)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.

1. The Agony in the Garden (True Repentance)
HL DW Meditation: “Even the Son of God surrendered completely – perfectly – to His Father’s Divine Will. In the Garden at Gethsemane, Jesus surrendered His Will to the Eternal Divine Will, not begrudgingly, but with Divine Love. He was not above asking the Father to suspend the fateful suffering that lie ahead. But in the end, Jesus accepted His Father’s Will. God’s Will, though it may seem bitter at times, is never without consolation. In the Garden after Jesus accepted His Father’s Will, an angel came to comfort Him.”
Intention: Blessed Mother’s Motherly protection over the unborn.
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

1. Jesus: “… My first Passion was of Love, because the first step … in sinning, … is the lack of Love; … since Love is missing, he falls into sin.
2. In order to be repaid through Me for the lack of Love… Love made Me suffer more than anyone …
3. It gave Me as many deaths for as many creatures receiving life.
4. The second step [in sinning] is defrauding God of His Glory.
5. … in order to be repaid for the Glory taken away … the Father made Me suffer the Passion of sin,
6. such that each sin gave Me a special Passion.
7. … I suffered for sin as many Passions as there would be sins committed until the end of the world.
8. The third effect produced by sin is the weakness in man. … I wanted to suffer from the hands of the Jews … to restore in man his lost strength.
9. Therefore, with the Passion of Love, Love was restored and placed at the right level; with the Passion of sin, the Glory of the Father was restored and placed at Its level; with the Passion of the Jews, the strength of the creatures was placed at its level and restored.
10. … the pain was so much … that I really would have died if the Will of the Father for My Death had arrived.”
(From Vol. 11; January 22, 1913)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.

2. The Scourging at the Pillar (Purity)
HL DW Meditation: “Once Jesus accepted His Father’s Will in the Garden, he did not look back with regret. He accepted the biting blows of the scourging, knowing many souls depended on His surrender to God’s Will in the name of Divine Love.”
Intention: We invoke Your guidance as inspiration for mothers not to abort their babies, government leaders to oppose abortion and religious leaders to act against it.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

1. Jesus: “… one who meditates continuously on My Passion and feels sorrow for it and compassion for Me, pleases Me so much
2. … I feel … comforted for all that I suffered in the course of My Passion; and
3. by always meditating on it, the soul arrives at preparing a continuous food.
4. In this food there are many different spices and flavors, which form different effects.
5. … if in the course of My Passion they gave Me ropes and chains to tie Me, the soul releases Me and gives Me freedom.
6. … They crowned Me with thorns, mocking Me as King, embittered My Mouth with bile, and crucified Me; … the soul … crowns Me with Glory and honors Me as her King,
7. fills My mouth with sweetness, giving Me the most delicious food, which is the memory of My own Works;
8. and unnailing Me from the Cross, she makes Me rise again in her heart.
9. … every time she does so, I give her a New Life of Grace as recompense.
10. She is My food, and I become her continuous Food.”
(From Vol. 7; November 9, 1906)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
3. The Crowning with Thorns (Moral Courage)
HL DW Meditation: “Humiliation such as Jesus endured as He was crowned with thorns can only be endured without complaint through deep humility. In this Mystery, humility and love are most evident together, as Jesus could have stopped this persecution at any time. His love for His Father’s Will would not permit Him to do so.”
Intention: For the conversion of souls. “No one can be converted or should believe in his conversion if he still supports abortion.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

1. Jesus: “… the pains which I suffered were incomprehensible to the created mind.
2. … My mind was pierced by all the evil thoughts of creatures, in such a way that none of these thoughts could escape Me …
3. Not only did I feel the pricks of the thorns, but also the disgust of the sins which those thorns represented.”
4. Luisa: … I looked at my lovable Jesus and I could see His Most Holy Head being surrounded by spokes of thorns which came through from behind.
5. All the thoughts of the creatures were in Jesus … remaining almost linked together –
6. the evil thoughts of the creatures with the most Holy Thoughts of Jesus ….
7. Jesus: “… only the souls who Live in My Will can give Me true reparations and soothe Me from thorns so sharp.
8. … since they Live in My Will … they find themselves in Me and in everyone;
9. they descend into the creatures and rise up to Me; they bring Me all the reparations; they soothe Me.
10. And in the sick minds they turn darkness into Light.”
(From Vol. 11; April 24, 1915)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
4. The Carrying of the Cross (Patience)
HL DW Meditation: “Jesus knew every fall, every pain was used by His Father in Heaven for the good of souls. Under the weight of the Cross, Jesus became an instrument of His Father’s Divine Will. Every step was a step into deeper Divine Love.”
Intention: For all government leaders. “It is paramount that legalized abortion is overturned. The future of the world depends upon it.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

1. Jesus: “Adored Cross, finally I embrace you. You were the longing of My Heart, the Martyrdom of My Love ….
2. … you were the Goal of My Desires, the Purpose of My existence down here.
3. … in You I place all My children, and You will be their Life, their Light, Defense, Custody and Strength ….
4. … You alone will teach true Sanctity; You … will form the heroes, the athletes, the martyrs, the Saints.
5. … You are My Throne, and since I have to leave the earth, You will remain in My place.
6. To You I give all souls as dowry – keep them, save them; I entrust them to You!” *
7. Hurry, O Cross, fulfill the burning desire that consumes Me, to give Life to souls.
8. Delay no more; I anxiously yearn to lay Myself upon You in order to open the Heavens to all My children.
9. … it is true that You are My Martyrdom, but in a little while You will also be My Victory …
10. through You I will give abundant Inheritances, Victories, Triumphs and Crowns to My children.” **
* (From The Hours of the Passion; 18th Hour) #1 through 6.
** (From The Hours of the Passion; 19th Hour) #7 through 10
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
5. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus on the Cross (Final Perseverance)
HL DW Meditation: “It was not the nails that held Jesus to the Cross, but His love for His Father’s Will in the present moment. He could have come down from the Cross at any time. But He held in His Heart a depth of love for the Eternal Divine Will beyond all telling.”
Intention: “For all religious leaders to take a stand against abortion. Not to oppose it – is to support abortion.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…

1. Jesus: “Holy Father, here I am, loaded down with all the sins of the world.
2. … no longer unload the scourges of Your Divine Justice upon man, but upon Me, Your Son.
3. … allow Me … to plead forgiveness for them with the Voices of My Blood and of My Wounds.
4. … concede true conversion, Peace, forgiveness and Sanctity to all.
5. … They are blind, and know not what they are doing.
6. … look at Me, from Head to Foot; there is not one part of Me which is left whole, …
7. I do not know where else to let them open more wounds and to procure more sufferings …
8. If You do not appease Yourself at this sight of Love and Suffering, who will ever be able to appease You?
9. O creatures, if you do not surrender to so much Love, what hope remains for you to convert?
10. These Wounds and Blood of Mine will be Voices that constantly call from Heaven to earth, Graces of repentance, forgiveness and compassion for you!”
(From The Hours of the Passion; 19th Hour)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
1. The Resurrection (Faith)
HL DW Meditation: “The Lord’s triumphant rising from the dead was His visible victory over sin and death. He opened the Gates of Heaven at that moment to all people–all nations. He could have appeared in His Resurrected Glory to all those who opposed Him in His public ministry. But it was the Father’s Divine Will that He show Himself to the ones who loved Him. The Divine Will always honors and is present in the hearts of those who love Jesus.”
Intention: My Motherly protection over the unborn.
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Jesus: “ … in My Resurrection, the right was given to creatures to rise again in Me to New Life.
2. It was the Confirmation, the Seal of My whole Life, My Works and My Words.
3. But do you want to know where is the real resurrection of the creature?
4. Not in the end of her days, but while she is still living on earth. One who Lives in My Will rises again to Light and says: ‘my night is over.’
5. She rises again in the Love of her Creator, … she rises again to Sanctity, which puts to rushed flight all weaknesses, miseries and passions;
6. she rises again to all that is Heaven, … if she looks at the earth, Heaven and Sun, she does it to find the Works of her Creator –
7. to … narrate to Him His Glory and His long Love Story.
8. Therefore, one who Lives in My Will can say, … ‘My Will is not with me any longer – it is risen again in the Fiat.’
9. … if the circumstances of life, opportunities and sufferings surround the creature, … she can answer: ‘My will is risen again, it is not in my power anymore.
10. I possess … the Divine Will, and I want to cover with Its Light all things around me – circumstances and sufferings, to make them like many Divine Conquests.’”
(From Vol. 36; April 20, 1938)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
2. The Ascension (Hope)
HL DW Meditation: “The Lord’s Ascension was His glorious return to Heaven in victory. This victory was in and through the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. The Eternal Now embraced His Son in a pure love such as no man has known or ever will know. The cycle of Divine Love was completed–the humble birth, the obstacles to the gospel message, the Passion and Death, the Resurrection and finally Jesus’ triumphant return to Heaven. Every moment was God’s Divine Will.”
Intention: We invoke Your guidance as inspiration for mothers not to abort their babies, government leaders to oppose abortion and religious leaders to act against it.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Jesus: “ … as your Jesus said, in descending from Heaven to earth: ‘I leave and I stay’; when He ascended into Heaven He said: ‘I stay and I leave.’
2. My Word repeats upon descending as Sacrament in the creatures: ‘I leave and I remain in the Tabernacles.’
3. In the same way, the creature who Lives in My Will can repeat My Word in all her acts.
4. As soon as she begins her act, her Jesus is formed in that act.
5. My Life has the virtue of multiplying Itself to infinity as many times as I want.
6. Therefore, in all truth, she can say: ‘I leave and I stay.
7. I leave for Heaven to beautify It, to reach my home …
8. … and to make known to everyone my dear Jesus, Whom I enclosed in my act so that all may enjoy Him and Love Him.
9. I stay on earth, as my life, support and defense for all my brothers and sisters.’
10. How beautiful one act in My Will!”
(From Vol. 35; January 24, 1935)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles (Zeal)
HL DW Meditation: “Suddenly the early Church was strengthened through the Divine Will by the power of the Holy Spirit. Fear left the hearts of the apostles, and they were not afraid to proclaim the good news. The Divine Will is reaching out now through these messages to a world drowning in self-love. Yet many reject the outstretched hand asking for others to first approve it.”
Intention: For the conversion of souls. “No one can be converted or should believe in his conversion if he still supports abortion.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Our Celestial Mother: “ … the time came for
the descent of the Holy Spirit, promised by My Son in the cenacle. 2 … A
New Life flowed within them, which rendered them brave and courageous …
3. … they scattered throughout the whole world … to give their lives for their Master.
4. … I still continue My Magisterium in the Church. There is nothing which does not descend from Me.
5. Now, during these times, I want to display an even more special Love by making known how My whole Life was formed in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
6. So I call you onto My knees, into My Maternal arms, so that, forming your ship, you may be sure to Live in the Sea of the Divine Will.
7. Greater Grace I could not give you!
8. … when you see that your will wants to have an act of life, come and take refuge in the safe Boat of My arms,
9. saying to me: ‘My Mama, my will wants to betray me, and I deliver it to You, that You may put the Divine Will in its place.’
10. … And I will make the Holy Spirit descend into your soul, that He may burn away from you all that is human … and by His refreshing Breath, He may rule over you and confirm you in the Divine Will.”
(From The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day 30)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven (Grace of a Happy Death)
HL DW Meditation: “Mary, who lived most completely and perfectly Divine Love, was allowed by the Will of the Eternal Father to be assumed into Heaven body and soul. She was already so intimately united with the Father’s Will, that Paternal Love could no longer bear to be separated from Her by time or space.”
Intention: For all government leaders. “It is paramount that legalized abortion is overturned. The future of the world depends upon it.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Jesus: “ … the true name of this Feast [of the Assumption] should be ‘Feast of the Divine Will’.
2. It was the human will that closed Heaven, broke the bonds with its Creator … and put an end to the Feast that the creature was to enjoy in Heaven.
3. Now, this Creature, Queen of all, by doing the Will of the Eternal One, always and in everything –
4. even more, it can be said that Her Life was Divine Will alone – opened the Heavens, bound Herself to the Eternal One …
5. and restored in Heaven the Feasts with the creature.
6. Therefore, the true cause of this Feast is the Eternal Will operating and fulfilled in My Celestial Mama.
7. It operated such prodigies in Her as to … chain the Eternal One with indissoluble Bonds of Love, and enrapture the Word, even from Her Womb.
8. The very Angels … repeated among themselves:
“From where comes so much Glory … Honor … Greatness and Prodigies never seen before – in this excelling Creature?
9. Yet, She is coming from the exile!” Astonished, they recognized the Will of their Creator as Life operating in Her;
10. and, trembling, they said: “Holy, Holy, Holy! Honor and Glory to the Will of Our Sovereign Lord! And Glory to Mary, thrice Holy, She who let this Supreme Will operate!”
(From Vol. 18; August 15, 1925)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.
5. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Our Mother, as Queen of Heaven and Earth and Queen of the Divine Will (God’s Generosity)
HL DW Meditation: “In Heaven Mary mounts the throne–Her rightful inheritance as Queen of Heaven and earth. Her crown is the Father’s Eternal Divine Will–Her throne the union of Her Immaculate Heart with the Heart of All Love–the Heart of God the Father.”
Intention: “For all religious leaders to take a stand against abortion. Not to oppose it – is to support abortion.”
Our Father,…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
1. Our Celestial Mother: “…As I gave My last breath of pure Love in the … the Divine Will, My Son received Me in His Arms and took Me to Heaven,
2. in the midst of the angelic choirs …. All celebrated, and in looking at Me,
remained enraptured
3. and said in chorus: ‘Who is She, who comes from the exile, all cleaving to Her Lord?
4. All Beautiful, all Holy, with the Scepter of Queen? Her Greatness is such that the heavens have lowered themselves to receive Her.
5. No other creature has entered the Celestial Regions so adorned and so striking – so powerful as to hold Supremacy over all.’
6. … do you want to know who She is – for Whom the whole of Heaven sings and remains enraptured?
7. It is I – She who never did Her own will.
8. The Divine Will abounded so much with Me … I could give Light … Love and Sanctity to all, and enclose everything and everyone within My Heaven.
9. It was the Work of the Divine Will operating in Me to accomplish such a great Prodigy;
10. I was the only creature entering Heaven, to have formed Its Kingdom in My soul.”
(From The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day 31)
End of Decade Prayers:
All Glory Be
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of Your mercy. (Fatima Prayer)
Jesus, protect and save the unborn (unborn Ejaculation)
Other Favorite end of decade prayers…
Come, Divine Will,
come enclose me in the Fiat;
thank You for myself and for all.
Jesus, I love You let Your Kingdom come.

(349) Salve Regina: Hail Holy Queen – YouTube
Hail Holy Queen
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears! Turn, then, O most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promised of Christ.
O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that while meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain, and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord, Amen’
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
Prayers for the Holy Father to Gain Indulgences
For the intentions in alignment with the Divine Will, for the protection and welfare of the Holy Father. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Holy Love Ministry Prayers
(To be recited at the end of the Rosary)
We offer this Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph, for the restoration of the priesthood to the Tradition of Faith and for all the unconverted. Make us Your humble instruments of Holy Love.
Mary, protect our faith
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, pray for us
Infant of Prague, St Michael, St Joseph, St Therese, St John Vianney, St Padre Pio and Archbishop Gabriel Ganaka, pray for us
Let us pray the Prayer of Mary Refuge of Holy Love
“Mary, Protectress of the Faith, shelter my faith in Your Immaculate Heart — Refuge of Holy Love. In the Refuge of Your Heart and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Son, protect my faith from all evil. Amen.”

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