Holy Love Messages from 1993 – 1999 inclusive

March 21, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
“I am Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth–Queen of the Most Holy Rosary. All praise be to Jesus.” I answered, “Now and forever.” “My little child, the hour of great decision has come when those who seek to remain faithful to My Heart will need to prudently choose. Satan will divide My Son’s Church upon earth. He will come clothed in reason and goodness. And you must be careful to remain faithful to Church Tradition as it stands now under John Paul II. The ensuing confusion will bring bishop against bishop, parent against child, husband against wife. Some Masses will not be valid under Church law, and many will be deceived. You will need to be strong. Persevere in Tradition as I have taught you. My mantle is over you. My Immaculate Heart is the Refuge of all who are faithful to Church Tradition. Therefore, be at peace.”
Sunday Holy Hour
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came dressed in aqua and white. She said: “Praise be to Jesus.” Our Lady gave a private message, then said, “Help Me to pray now for unbelievers.” We prayed. Then Her rosary beads turned into drops of blood. The Blessed Mother then said to all those present here, “Dear children, today I invite you to realize the only thing of importance is God’s Will in your lives and how you respond to His Will. Do not be sidetracked by the allurements of the world, or by personal difficulties. This is all Satan’s confusion. I love you, My dear children, and I continue to pray for you. I am blessing you now in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Then She left.
March 28, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came dressed as Our Lady of Grace, and She said, “Praise be unto Him, Lord of lords, King of kings, Jesus the Christ.” I answered, “Now and forever.” Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, in My Heart is every grace you need towards holiness. Ask me, and I will give you prudence, patience, wisdom, discernment and understanding for every situation. If you do not come to me, Satan has his entry, and you do not act according to God’s Will. I am blessing you now in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Then She left.
April 25, 1993
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
After Communion, I saw in My heart a tabernacle with many roses coming out of it. Jesus said, “Know that all that is good originates with Me. It passes through My Mother’s Heart and comes to you as grace. Satan tries to divide you through words and ideas. But he can only succeed in this if you open your hearts to pride first.”
May 2, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came during the second decade of the Glorious Mysteries. She was dressed in white and She had a sword piercing Her Heart. There was also a light illuminating Her Heart. She gave a private message, then said, “Dear children, today the sword that pierces My Heart is Satan’s deceit in the world. Each of your prayers helps Me to uncover him where he has remained hidden. Therefore, My little children, pray, pray, pray.” Then Our Lady blessed us and left.
May 9, 1993
Mother’s Day
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Please read Ephesians 4:1-4, 14-16; 5:1-3”
Our Lady was dressed all in white and was wearing the crown that the statue downstairs has on (the crown used for May Crowning last week). She said: “Praise be to Jesus, Son of the living God.” I replied, “Now and forever.” Our Lady gave a private message, then asked us to pray for souls that do not love. We prayed an Our Father and Glory Be with her. Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, today I invite you most especially to have hearts of love. If you love, My dear children, you will respect everyone. It is only through Satan’s deceit and confusion that you do not respect and you do not love. All of this is an obstacle to grace.” Our Lady blessed us and left.
May 20, 1993
Feast of the Ascension
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Please read Luke 21:1-28”
Our Lady came in gray and gold in a material I had not seen before. She said: “Praise be to Jesus.” I answer, “Now and forever.” She said: “Littlest of My messengers, solemnly I inform you, Jesus sends Me to ask every heart to immerse themselves in response to My call. Satan is gripping the hearts of many and most in confusion and deceit. It is in this way, governments will be led into war and economies will collapse. Jesus desires souls to find their peace in My Immaculate Heart, soon the last Refuge of many.”
“Further, I inform you, all countries that have been graced by My presence in the form of an apparition will suffer more or less in the coming retribution in proportion to their response to My call to holiness. Every site of My apparitions upon earth will continue to be a blessed fountain of grace and of peace throughout much of the purification, as Jesus gives souls every chance to respond to conversion. In all of this, I will be with you.” (She seems to be talking more personally to me, now.) “My Heart will surround you, and you will know your Mother’s presence and guidance. Do not be afraid, but pray, pray, pray. You know well now the fruit of obedience is to disarm Satan.” She blessed me and left. Our Lady was very somber throughout this visit.
May 23, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Please read Ephesians 4:14-16”
Our Lady came dressed in white and gold and had a circle of stars over Her Head. She gave a personal message, then said, “Dear children, today I come especially to inform you the time fast approaches, indeed, the hour is here, when you must make a conscious choice to choose for the true dogma of faith. For Satan confuses many hearts to follow popular opinion rather than Church Tradition.” Then Our Lady asked me to pray with Her for all God’s children, that they not be deceived. Then She blessed us and left.
June 3, 1993
Message to Priests
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came dressed all in white with a dark gold band around Her mantle. She said: “Praise be to Jesus.” I answered, “Now and forever.” Then She said, “Pray with Me for all sinners.” We prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be. After we finished, Our Lady said: “I would like to address My priest sons.” Then She said, “Dear sons, I invite you tonight to renew your hearts in the true Faith, and in so doing, call your flock back to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Uncover Satan where he is hidden in the lives of the people Jesus has entrusted to you. The strength of your ministry is measured in the numbers of confessions.” Then Our Lady blessed us and left.
June 6, 1993
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady came as Our Lady of Guadalupe and She said, “Don’t be afraid, I come in the name of Jesus. All praise, honor and glory be unto Him.” I said, “Now and forever.” A private Message was given, and then Our Lady said: “Dear children, I’m inviting you once again to become apostles of prayer. It is your prayers, My dear children, that are My ammunition against Satan’s deceit. Therefore, little ones, pray, pray, pray.” Then Our Lady blessed us and left.
June 10, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came dressed all in gray and was holding a gray rosary. She gave a private message, then said, “Dear children, I come especially tonight to encourage you to pray for world peace. You do not realize how powerful your prayers are and how much I need them. Satan tries to conceal all this from you. You have the most powerful weapon on earth at your fingertips–the Rosary. But you must use it.” Then She blessed us and left.
June 17, 1993
Thursday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came dressed in a white gown and a cream-colored veil. On the veil there were red swatches. While She was talking to me, I noticed that these red marks were bloodstains that were in the shapes of countries. Our Lady gave a private message, then asked me to pray with Her for all souls to choose the path of light instead of the path of darkness. Then She said, “Dear children, tonight I come to remind you that you are called to a vocation of holiness. Some government leaders do not choose holiness, and the spirituality of these countries then becomes atheistic. To choose other than holiness is to choose Satan. Many countries have chosen this path to perdition. Therefore, My little children, you must pray that every heart recognizes My genuine motherly call to holiness.” Then Our Lady blessed us and left.
June 27, 1993
The Key to the Refuge of Our Lady’s Heart
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“Little daughter, Jesus desires all souls seek the refuge of My Immaculate Heart during this translation of apostasy that is sweeping through the Church. In My Heart, you will find defense of Church Tradition. Call on Me using these words:”
“Immaculate Mary,
shelter me in the refuge of Your Heart.
Protect me and give me peace.”
“With these words Satan will find no hospice in your soul, and I will afford you the refuge of My Immaculate Heart. Make it known.”
July 7, 1993
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
“Pray first for a heart of love, for to love is to be holy. Then pray for a heart of courage to show this love. Anything contrary to this is from Satan, and is a distraction. Those who reject you, reject me.”
July 9, 1993
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
Before and after Communion I was given the following vision. There was a narrow road which I understood was the narrow path of holiness that leads to Our Lady’s Heart. Branching off this road were many side roads. These side roads seemed to go up to Our Lady’s Heart at first, but then took a sharp turn downwards towards earth and away from Mary’s Heart.
Jesus said, “The side roads are the temptations of everyday life that each soul has. Satan’s angels try to lure the soul from the straight and narrow path to My Mother’s Heart. At first glance, the temptation looks good and the soul is deceived into thinking he is still on the good path. But as he is led farther and farther from holiness, he gets farther and farther from the Refuge of My Mother’s Heart.” [See diagram] He continued, “Pray to be shown the temptations in your life which are obstacles to holiness.”
August 1, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
I see Our Lady in black. She bows to the monstrance and turns to me. Her Heart is exposed and has several wounds in it that are bleeding. She says: “All praise, honor and glory to Jesus, risen and ever-present in the Eucharist.” I answered, “Now and forever.” She says, ‘This will be the month of decisions in the world, in the Church, and in hearts. Therefore, it is wise to pray for discernment and wisdom. Satan is spreading confusion everywhere. He is trying to destroy all good. But you will be at peace if you come as little children to My Immaculate Heart.”
August 30, 1993
Jesus Christ
From Jesus, after Communion
“The door to the soul is free will. It is through this door every grace and virtue flows from the Heart of My Holy Mother. When the intellect, which controls the will, decides to believe in Satan’s lies, the door of the soul closes.”
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
“The reason souls choose to believe Satan instead of My Truths is always pride.”
September 2, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“My daughter, I want to pour out on humanity the grace of My Heart. Most especially, it is important souls pray for the grace of perseverance in the true faith. All manner of deceit will come against the faith in the end. It is by means of the solemn refuge of My grace-filled Heart that My children will persevere. Please comprehend, My daughter, no one is immune from Satan’s attacks. Even the most holy will be severely put to the test. But I mean to defend those who call upon me.”
Message to Priests
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came dressed in gold and gray, and She said, “All praise be unto Him, Jesus, the Word Incarnate.” I answered, “Now and forever.” A private message was given, then Our Lady asked us to pray for all sinners. We prayed. Then She said, “I speak now to My priest sons and I ask that they come to realize that they must feed their flock spiritually and not intellectually, through administration of the Sacraments. They need to pray more and be examples of holy humility, Holy Love. Priests all over the world are failing in this, through Satan’s deceit.” She blessed us and left.
September 3, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came in gray and a gold color. She bowed before the Eucharist. She said: “Give praise, honor and glory to Jesus, ever-present in this Holy Sacrament of the Altar.” I answered, “Now and forever.” “My little messenger, what I most wish to convey to you is how much Jesus depends on souls who have sincerely consecrated themselves to the Cross. These souls are steeped in Holy Love and emulate the Heart of My Divine Son. Without Holy Love, souls reject the crosses in their lives, not seeing the beauty in the trials that are offered to them for the sake of others.”
“It is Satan who hides all of this from souls who are not child-like. For with sophistication is sown confusion and doubt. Jesus had one apostle who was sophisticated. He did not possess Holy Love, but rather love of self. Holy Love is simplistic, unselfish and unassuming. This is how Holy Love allows the soul to see through worldly goals and seek only heavenly acclaim. It is most important these days that souls see the great value of the Cross, through which salvation continually flows. Therefore, pray to be child-like in every virtue but most of all Holy Love. Let your daily bread be the joy of the Cross through Holy Love.”
September 5, 1993
Sunday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in gray, and She said, “All praise, honor and glory be to Jesus.” I replied, “Now and forever.” She asked us to pray for all souls in darkness, that do not choose holiness. We prayed. Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, tonight I invite you to the treasury of grace, that is My Heart. Herein weave for yourselves a vestment of humility and Holy Love. Then you will see that other graces and gifts come to adorn this garment. This is the way, My dear children, to choose holiness and avoid Satan’s deceit.” Our Lady blessed us and left.
September 12, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“Dear children, I come to ask that you make of your hearts burning vigils of faith, ever mindful of Satan’s attempts to undermine the true faith by means of his deceit. These days in the final struggle My adversary portrays black as white, and white as black. ‘Freedom’ has become slavery to sin. And My Beloved Son has been de-frocked of the dignity and awe due Him in His Real Presence on the altar. Only by the merit of your prayers and sacrifices can darkness come into the light. Therefore, My dear little children, pray, pray, pray.”
September 16, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“Remember, you are being called to be a witness to trust. The secret here is to live from moment to moment, never fearing the future, for that is from Satan, nor begrudging the past, for that too is from the adversary.”
September 22, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white with a gray gown. She bowed before the Eucharist, then turned to me and said, “Praise be to Jesus, Creator and King.” I answered, “Now and forever. Amen.” She said: “My daughter, pray with Me for Father’s special intention.” [mentioned earlier at Mass] We did.
Then She said, “To have Holy Love in your heart is to be selfless and to live only for God and for others. Make all your prayers for others, and God, who is all-knowing, will see to your needs. Remember, worry is only a distraction from Satan. God’s provision is always perfect. The path of peace is Holy Love. Holy Love is the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart. The means of attaining this is forgetting self.”
October 2, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
1:00 PM
Our Lady came in white. She said: “Together let us give praise, honor and glory to Jesus.” She turned to the monstrance and we praised Him. Then She turned back to me. She said: “Do not fear, My angel. But be aware that Satan is on the prowl. He tries to bring one against the other and comes in the guise of good. But you can uncover him in your inmost spirit. He is not peace and joy, but agitation and worry. Lay these battles at My feet. I am able to disarm the adversary through your Rosaries, and truth will spring forth. Every day include the remnant church in your works of mercy.” She blessed me and left.
October 4, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came in gray. She asked me to join Her in giving thanks and praise to Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. We did this. Then She said, “Dear little daughter, I wish to lead you along the path of holiness and still deeper into the refuge of My Immaculate Heart. Please try to consciously live every moment in Holy Love. This is how to unite your human will with the Divine Will. Everything My Son did on earth was motivated and performed in Holy Love: His Incarnation, His hidden life, His preaching, His healings, even His suffering. You can accomplish this if you live in the present moment. When Satan takes your will into the past, he conjures up grudges, which is always contrary to God’s Will and Holy Love. To willfully think of the future allows Satan to bring up worries. This, then, is not trusting in God’s Will. Come to comprehend, little daughter, God’s Will is Holy Love. The best way to pray is to ask Jesus to let your prayers be born from Holy Love. Then He will send the Holy Spirit to engulf your heart with this precious gift.” She blessed me and left.
October 7, 1993
Feast of the Holy Rosary – Message to Priests
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: “All praise, honor and glory be to Jesus.” Then She said, “Pray with Me now for all those souls who are spiritually apathetic.” We prayed. She says: “I desire very much that My priest sons universally accept the encyclical of My Pope, for it dispels darkness that has cast its shadow upon the Church.” She has three rosaries. One does not have any beads, one has just a few beads, and the third rosary has all its beads. Our Lady then stated, “The one [rosary] that does not have any beads represents the Rosaries that are never said. The one [rosary] that has just a few beads are Rosaries that are not prayed from the heart, and these two are the same as giving Satan power. But Rosaries that are prayed from the heart are a great, great weapon in My hands against all evil. Dear children, pray, pray, pray.” Our Lady blessed us and left.
October 14, 1993
Thursday Rosary Service
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: “All praise be to Jesus.” I answered, “Now and forever.” Then She says: “Pray with Me for all those who have been deceived by Satan and do not turn to prayer.” We prayed. A private Message was given. Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, I come tonight to ask you to continue to pray for all My intentions. My intentions today are the same as they were when I appeared at Fatima. The serpent is on all sides preparing for war, and you must pursue the path of holiness with both feet and with your whole being. For now is the time to pray, pray, pray.” She blessed us and left.
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Please read Amos 9”
Our Lady is here in blue and white. She is holding a rosary. She says: “Let us give thanks and praise to Jesus Incarnate, for all He has given us.” She raises Her hands and looks up to Heaven. Together we praised Jesus, and She is bathed in a light, as She always is when She prays. She lowers Her hands and looks at me. “You see, little daughter, Jesus has allowed the Maranatha Spring to be uncovered so that those who come will be strengthened in their faith. In this way, His Remnant will be stronger and of firmer conviction. It will be easier for the Remnant to attest to the true faith and withstand opposition. But not all that come will believe or even remain faithful to Church Tradition. The apostasy is Satan’s last attempt at destroying My Son’s Church. But the spring will dilute the adversary’s potent lies against the faith. Please be at peace.” She leaves.
October 23, 1993
Saturday Morning
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came in a radiant light in white. “All praise, honor and glory be to Jesus, Redeemer and King.” I answered, “Now and forever.” She says: “My child, I invite you to realize that Satan’s only entry into a soul is through any imperfection in Holy Love. Knowing this, I extend to you, and to humanity through you, this prayer:”
“Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, perfect me this day in Holy Love! Keep me mindful that every thought, word and action should come from and lead to Holy Love. Bring me along the path of holiness by means of this love, so that by loving God and my neighbor, I will attain holy perfection. I ask this in Your Name, Lord Jesus. Amen.”
October 25, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Holy Love. She says: “All praise to the crucified Jesus, Redeemer and King.” She raises Her hands to Heaven as She says this. Then She looks back to me. “My angel, it is important you comprehend the meaning of the ‘Consecration to the Cross.’ When you pray in this way, you are uniting all of your suffering, big and little, to Jesus on the cross. In this way you remove self from all your suffering. Then all your trials become holy suffering and have eternal value. Jesus has sent Me to tell you He wishes to make of you a particular sign to others of holy suffering. Therefore, learn to be a conduit between Heaven and earth of redeeming grace. And in all of this, the Remnant will be strengthened. This Remnant will flourish in hearts that persevere in the true dogma of faith. If you do not persevere in holy suffering, Satan will sow confusion amongst those in the ministry. It will be easier for him to foster lies, and resentments will abound. Already he has infiltrated hearts that do not know Holy Love – hearts whose every motive is self-seeking. If you are strong, you will readily uncover him. I give you now My Heavenly Blessing.”
November 6, 1993
Jesus Christ
From Jesus (locution)
“Messenger of She who bore Me, I come to appeal to the hearts of all humanity. It is through Divine Love that the little way of Holy Love is given. This little way of Holy Love is the path of holiness laid bare for these times. Once called upon, as all are, the soul should make himself little – God and his neighbor big.”
“This is the path that circumvents evil and the most intricate plans of Satan. This holy simplicity finds its way as a flaming arrow to My Divine Heart, burning in its wake all self-love. Then, in Divine Love, I can mold the soul into a true instrument of grace to bear witness in the world to the truth. How I love the souls that pursue this path! It is the ‘yes’ of this age that will bring about My Eucharistic Reign. It is the triumphant chorus of the Remnant. It is the path of victory of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Make this known!”
November 8, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here with Her Heart exposed. She says: “I am Mary, Ever-Virgin, Mother of Jesus the Prince of Peace. All praise be unto Him.” I answer, “Now and forever.” She says: “My angel, multiply by a trillion what you feel today for (blank) and you will know a fraction of the anguish I feel for souls who choose darkness. Do not let his failure be your failure. Come to know, there will always be opposition to every good until Satan is defeated. But half the battle is won when you recognize the adversary at work. The victory is won when you pray against the evil. God always has a plan to overcome evil. Sometimes, much can be accomplished just by offering up not knowing God’s plans in advance. This trust in God’s provision can save many souls. If I can console you further, it is to say that (blank’s) choices, have not been your choices for him. So do not let his failure be your failure. And this maxim holds true in all interpersonal relationships. Guilt is Satan at work. Prayer is grace at work. I encourage you to pray, pray, pray.”
November 9, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came dressed all in white and is holding a fifteen-decade rosary. She says: “All praise be to Jesus.” I replied, “Now and forever.” She spoke to me privately, then asked me to pray with Her for our countries’ leaders. We prayed. Then She said, “Dear children, tonight I invite you to understand the Rosary is your armor. You are letting your personal opinions and habits take over your lives, instead of your prayers. Remember, Christ is the Center of your lives. If He isn’t, then Satan is.” She blessed us and left.
November 14, 1993
Sunday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here dressed all in white, and was holding in Her extended arms a large gold key. Then She said, “All praise be to Jesus.” I replied, “Now and forever.” Our Lady gave a private message, then said, “Pray with Me now for the bishops.” We prayed. Then She said, “Dear children, your prayers are as a bridge of light which crosses the abyss between heaven and earth. You do not see their strength or know their power. You also do not see the great opposition Satan thrusts into your lives to destroy the peace in your souls, so that you cannot pray. Let your hearts be like flowers that open to the sun, so that God can fill them with peace and love and joy.” She blessed us and left.
November 16, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in gray. She says: “All praise be to Jesus.” I say, “Now and forever.” “Please understand, My daughter, Satan does not come into your life as himself, but in the guise of others’ needs, others’ judgments, others’ anger. Anything that attacks your peace is not from God, but from the adversary.” Here I was distracted and She left.
November 18, 1993
Thursday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white and says: “All Praise be to Jesus.” I answered, “Now and forever.” She says: “My angel, please join Me in prayer for all governments who are deceived by Satan.” We prayed. Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, I invite you once again to abandon sin and pursue the path of holiness. For it is only through holiness that salvation comes. I need your prayers, dear children, for they are My weapons against all evil, and all which takes you off the path of holiness.” She blessed us and left.
November 25, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white and pink at the end of a Holy Hour. She says: “To Jesus, the praise and the glory.” I say, “Now and forever.” “My daughter, it is important to realize that the world is being lulled to sleep by a false sense of peace. For what appears as secure is, in reality uneasy. Errors are multiplied by errors in the Church and in hearts. Prayer is more important today than yesterday, as any appeal to you is itself more urgent. This is a war only won by consecrated lives of faith. For this reason, Satan comes against faith on all sides and tries to chase Holy Love from hearts. You will need to be a bastion of faith, hope and love in the future, and so prepare now. Put all doubts to rest, realizing the course of My call. Bring Me souls through the strength of your prayers. I am bringing those to you for you to comfort. Remember, the key to the future is trust in the present moment.”
November 28, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Early Morning
“Do not lend heed to doubt or discouragement.” I turn over and see Our Lady. She says: “All praise be to Jesus.” I answer, “Now and forever.” She shows me a field of grain. The grain parts [separates] and there is a little weed growing in the midst of the grain. Our Lady says: “This is how Satan plants doubts. They begin small and grow bigger. His [Satan’s] plan being to choke out My work at the House of Prayer. Always the malefactor comes to twist and deceive and cause misunderstanding concerning My messages. But I am sending angels to pluck him from your midst, so that the harvest will ripen and flourish. In all you suffer, unite it to Jesus on the cross. Never forget your vocation to bring souls with you along the path of holiness, and so to the benevolent and merciful Heart of My Divine Son.”
December 2, 1993
Message to Priests
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Please read Luke 8:4-8 and 11-15”
Our Lady is here in white and Her mantle is lined in pink. She says: “All praise be to Jesus.” I reply, “Now and forever.” She says: “Please thank everyone for coming tonight to pray with me. Pray with Me now for souls who make gods of their own will, and so are not at peace.” We prayed. “To My dear priest sons: I ask that they always keep their eyes on My Son, for His Will for them is the true dogma of faith. If their foot slips from the path to the left, they find the weeds of apostasy; to the right, the thorns of disbelief and many rocks which represent popular opinion. But I am calling them to support the true dogma of faith as it stands under Church Tradition as handed down through John Paul II. Anything else is from Satan.”
“To those here tonight: Dear children, tonight I come once again to ask you to make your will the Will of God, by accepting the present moment in Holy Love, and I leave you with My Motherly Blessing.”
[Note: Our Lady’s Motherly Blessing is “a blessing of Holy Love which will enable you to live in this virtue.” (01/24/94)]
December 19, 1993
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
“I am calling the remnant to unite in the unadulterated Refuge of My Mother’s Heart. It is here they can cling to the true dogma of faith and stand away from Satan’s confusion.”
December 22, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Please write down what I have come to tell you. Let all the world give praise to Jesus.” Our Lady is here in gold and white. “Dear children, in order to uncover Satan in the world, it is necessary to uncover him first in your own lives. The adversary is everywhere. He is in all self-love. He is in every thought, word, or action that is contrary to Holy Love. He opposes your every effort in this regard, trying to obstruct your journey on the path of holiness. Therefore, little children, you must live in Holy Love in the present moment. This will require effort and a conscious choice, as your will becomes Holy Love.” She leaves.
December 31, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Second Message
Our Lady is here again in white. She’s radiant. She’s bending over me and says: “Let us give praise to Jesus. My little daughter, I have come once again to reveal to you the sure path of holiness. Holiness is love in the present moment, loving God above all else and neighbor as self. What hinders the soul from the path of holiness is pride. Pride is from Satan, pride is self-love. When the soul can surrender the past to love, and the future to love, and live in love, he is holy. Make it known.”
New Year’s Eve
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“Dear children, as you begin the new year adoring My Jesus lying in the manger, I have come to ask that you surrender completely to holiness, by abandoning everything that is prideful. Holy Love, which is holiness, is the opposite of self-love, which Satan makes so attractive. Think only good of each other. Love each other as you love yourselves. This is the path of conversion and peace. I have come to ask the world to recognize and to choose. This is the year when indecision is decision. My Heart will triumph through your ‘yes’ to Holy Love. If you choose holiness you are already defeating Satan, who wants every soul to fall into perdition. I am imparting to each one of you My Motherly Blessing and special grace to help you to choose each minute good over evil.” She motions towards Her Immaculate Heart with both hands, then leaves.
January 1, 1994
Saturday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came with many roses. She said: “The new year holds many opportunities for grace. Let us give praise to Jesus.” I said, “Now and forever.” She continues, “Dear children, today, on My feast, I invite you to understand that My words to you are a thread in the tapestry that is the Triumph of My Heart, just as your prayers are. Satan opposes the publication and dissemination of My messages leading souls to holiness. Therefore, it is My special intention that you pray that all obstacles in this regard are overcome. I am drawing all souls to the Refuge of My Heart, solemn sanctuary of Holy Love. Each of you has a special part to play in this Divine Plan. Make it known.”
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady was here in pink and said, “All praise be to Jesus. My little angel, I see your eagerness to pray much for the conversion of Russia and hearts around the world. Therefore, I reveal to you My Special Intention and I ask your prayers for it. I desire very much that My Messages to you, revealing the path of holiness, be made known around the world. Satan vehemently opposes this, as he opposes all spiritual growth. Therefore, My little daughter, pray often for this intention, that My Messages to you revealing the path of Light be made known around the world. Make it known.
January 14, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in blue and pink and white, and She has many rose petals falling from Her Immaculate Heart, which is exposed. She says: “I have many graces yet in store for those who pursue the path of Holy Love and so the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart. Let us pray now for all those who choose holiness, that they persevere.” We prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be. Then She said, “It is only when you rely on people, places and things of the world that you begin to fear. But when you trust in the grace of My Heart, you have everything. For nothing lies outside this grace, which changes all hearts to good and brings about God’s Will in all situations.” The rose petals falling from Her Heart have turned to droplets of blood. She continues, “It is through the error of abortion, which is termed ‘freedom’, that duplicity has seduced hearts of men. Today, freedom has been used to describe slavery to sin. It is in such cases that the grace of My Heart is rejected, and My Heart weeps tears of blood. You do not clearly see, nor understand, the grace I desire each of you to have. Only now I seek all your prayers to reveal that which Satan tries to cover.”
January 19, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Message to the Dayton Marian Prayer Group
“Please read Ephesians 6:10-20”
St. Michael is here. He says: “There is much more merit in placing all in the Mother’s Heart, there to gain grace for souls undeserving.”
Our Lady is here with a white veil, a blue mantle and a white gown. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.” I answer, “Now and forever.” She says: “Pray with Me for peace in all hearts.” We say an Our Father and Glory Be. She says: “Dear children, tonight I come to inform you, there is no merit in any cross unless it is accepted by the soul. Struggles against any cross are inspired by the evil one. All conflicts, all wars, are against Holy Love and inspired by evil. Therefore, little children, pray to have Satan revealed in your lives so that you can be filled completely with Holy Love. Pray, pray, pray.”
January 27, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white and has a palm branch in Her hand. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. Dear children, the Triumph of My Heart is not only in your pursuit and your choice of holiness, but in your moment-to-moment decision to live in Holy Love. For when you are not living in Holy Love, you are living according to your own will, and it is then that it is difficult for Me to protect you in the Refuge of My Heart. Continue to pray for your families and your friends who are not close to the faith and who do not choose holiness. Satan conceals from you the strength of your prayers, most especially My Rosary.”
January 31, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “I come in Praise of Jesus.” I answer, “Now and forever.” Our Lady says: “My dear daughter, I am about to impart to you the reason Satan is opposing all I will accomplish through Holy Love. Please understand, Holy Love is the last hope of the sinner, for it is only through Holy Love that the heart opens to contrition. Therefore, please see that Holy Love is the last portal of salvation to the dying, for outside of Holy Love there is no salvation. Without a contrite heart, the soul is lost forever. Therefore, come to realize Holy Love is the hope of salvation and the last true thread I pass to humanity to cling to. Satan is anxious to undo all My plans, but it is through Holy Love My Heart will triumph. Make it known.”
February 5, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is dressed in gray and mauve. She has many roses all around Her. She says: “Do not be disturbed by what is happening around you. See, My daughter, this is only Satan who contradicts My every plan. He brings hopelessness where there is faith. But move continually forward with the certitude of the grace of My Heart.”
February 6, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here dressed in a cream-colored gown and a red brocade mantle. She says: “My daughter, I’m sending two angels with you to do your bidding, and to help in special circumstances that will arise on this journey. Do not presume what the future holds, and I caution all those in the ministry not to allow opinions to separate them from each other, for this is how Satan destroys My plans. Where God is, so too, are peace and unity.”
February 20, 1994
Jesus Christ
“Your vocation now is prayer. For without prayers, Satan is strengthened and I am weakened.”
February 22, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
“My flower of grace, look here.” Our Lady is here in gray with a white flower over Her Heart. “I invite you to understand the truth of My call, for it is Satan who tries to throw you off and cause bewilderment. My daughter, please know that My Son is the Alpha and the Omega. Every good, every grace, comes from Him and flows through My Heart. Therefore, no one advances in holiness unless they pass through Me to Him. Salvation is in Him. My call to you in Holy Love is to move towards Divine Love, that is My Son.”
March 5, 1994
Our Lady of Guadalupe
2:00 p.m.
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe and says: “Dear children, these days, as Satan’s time grows short, he is using the best of people to confuse and collapse My plans and to bring one ministry against the other. Therefore, I come to tell you, use Holy Love as your measure of God’s Will for you and he (Satan) will not be able to bring indecision in your midst. Dear children, pray, pray, pray.”
March 6, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in a white gown and a dark blue mantle with a gold band around it. She says: “Little children, join Me in prayer for all those who do not value spirituality.” We prayed. “Dear children, I come especially tonight to refresh your souls and renew them in Holy Love. Do not allow Satan to carry you into the past or project you into the future. Instead, find Jesus in the present moment, and you will be at peace.”
March 13, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in gray and purple. She spreads Her hands and says: “My angel, I come as Jesus sends Me to reveal further My call to Holy Love. Where the soul begins the journey of Holy Love, the state of his own soul is laid bare so that every flaw seems abhorrent to him. Here it is important to remember that there are three parts to Holy Love: The love of God, which is first and foremost; the love of neighbor; and the love of self. It is impossible to love your neighbor if you do not first love yourself. The soul needs to keep his feet firmly planted in the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart at this time as Satan tries to sweep him down the river of discouragement. Please tell My children, God loves each one more than they can comprehend in human terms. His love is constant and unchanging despite any sin; and you need to realize that this step on the path of holiness will take place at Maranatha Spring. It will be as though souls who open to Holy Love will see themselves before the eyes of My Jesus. What a merciful grace has come to earth! It pleases God that you will make this known.”
March 17, 1994
Third Thursday – Monthly Message for the World
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in pink and lavender and says: “Tonight I come to ask your prayers for My ministry of Holy Love. Pray with Me now, please.” We prayed. “Please understand, Satan is trying your patience and your courage, and you need to seek often the Refuge of My Heart. Dear children, tonight I come once again to invite you to let Holy Love shape your hearts and your lives for Holy Love is the containment of every virtue. Once again, I invite governments to legislate according to Holy Love, allowing peace to transform their lives and their countries.” She blessed us and left.
April 7, 1994
Thursday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here and has many roses and crosses suspended in the air all around Her. She is dressed in a blue and gold brocade. She says: “Pray with Me now for those who do not love and do not pray.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I have come to invite you to realize that the Cross is Divine Love, and Holy Love is a cross. Each cross brings with it grace to bear it. These days I raise up an army of victim souls — the heel that will crush Satan’s head. Further, realize, the remnant which is now being formed in hearts is built on Holy Love. I extend to you My Motherly Blessing.” She fades away.
April 10, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white with a crown of stars in a circle over Her head. She says: “I come especially today to draw you deeper into My Heart of Grace, few so penetrate. I advise you with Motherly Love, do not allow Satan to trouble you concerning decisions already made, or that will be made. This is his device he uses to keep you in conflict. My angel, today I am teaching you the fullness of God’s Love for all souls. Come to know the Divine Will, Divine Mercy, Divine Love and the Cross are all one. Holy Love is the means by which you attain these. The Holy Trinity embraces souls that so aspire. The grace of My Heart is the means of attaining Holy Love and is offered to each soul every moment. Those that accept Holy Love in thought, word and deed choose holiness. If you are loving, you will pray, pray, pray.”
May 18, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in a mist. She has many little hearts floating around Her that are light pink. She is in white. She says: “Take up your pen and paper. Let us begin. You see these hearts. These are the ones truly consecrated to Me, who not only listen to My Messages but bring them alive in their hearts. Such souls are lights in a world of darkness though, through Satan’s deceit, so the world does not accept them as such. No one can be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart without living in Holy Love, which is also God’s Divine Will. I pour every grace through such hearts and through them into a love-parched world. These are My instruments — My hands, My feet, My mouth. The grace of My Heart will reflect in their lives and influence their work, their prayers, their thoughts, and every virtue in their soul. Herein, you see why it is so much My request that souls allow themselves to become My Message of Holy Love. For it is in this way My Immaculate Heart is already beginning to triumph. Make it known.”
May 19, 1994
Thursday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in a blue gown and a white mantle. She says: “Pray with Me now for those who do not embrace Holy Love.” We prayed. “Dear children, you must understand that all nations have become tools in Satan’s hands. They slip to perdition through lack of Holy Love. My victory begins in hearts that embrace Holy Love. My victory is Holy Love.”
June 5, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes and drifts towards me. She is in white. Her Immaculate Heart is exposed. She says: “Today I wish to reveal to you the secret of Holy Love. It is taking the focus off yourself and placing it on God and others. You love yourself only in a detached way knowing God created you. All your thoughts and motives, however, are centered on God, His laws, and the well-being of your neighbor. Satan likes to attack the love in your hearts by tempting you to see how each situation affects you personally. This is a form of pride. If you try to love, My grace will be present in your hearts to assist you. But first, you need to choose to love. You need to be good to yourselves insofar as it will enable you to be good to others. I extend to you now My Motherly Blessing.”
June 9, 1994
Thursday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in pink and white and has gold crosses all over Her pink gown. She says: “Pray with Me now for those who know Jesus but do not love Him.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I come seeking peace in all hearts. The way to peace is to surrender your will to God’s Will. When you want things your own way, you are not at peace; and you allow Satan to cause turmoil in your hearts. Surrender always to God’s Holy and Divine Will which is Holy Love, and you will be at peace.” Our Lady blessed us and left.
June 13, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in a gray gown and a pink mantle. She says: “All praise be to Jesus. You see, when all is said and done, Satan has arranged for you to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. All of these trials are temporary, and your prayers disarm the enemy. (Regarding Our Lady’s above statement, the City of Seven Hills issued a court order against our praying at Maranatha Spring or any gathering on the property. A gracious priest across the street let us pray in church as a severe thunderstorm began.) Our Lady then said, “Please pray with Me now for the universal Roman Catholic Church.” We prayed. “Thank You. Dear children, tonight I come to warn you. The world is propelled towards the war of the century which will affect every nation and even nature itself. But the way out of this is Holy Love. Dear children, Holy Love is the final call to conversion and peace in all hearts. Pray, pray, pray. I impart to you My Special Blessing.” Our Lady then faded away.
June 16, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is standing in front of me with Her hands out and Her Heart exposed. She says: “My Heart weeps tears of blood for the rosaries left unsaid due to these complications. My angels, every path has obstacles. You need to unite and pray for the grace to overcome them. Satan knows you are discouraged. Every door I open for you, he will attempt to close through conflicts in ideals. This is why you need neutral grounds.”
I (Maureen) asked: “Are you the Mother of God?”
“I am She, Mother of the Word Incarnate, Jesus. You need to pray, for in prayer is every answer.”
June 29, 1994
Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary
After Communion Jesus showed me a shoe stepping on a little flower. He said the flower was the ministry, the shoe was Satan. Then I saw Our Lady’s hand come in and pick the flower. She said She was moving it to safer ground.
July 23, 1994
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
“These things are of one accord, My Father’s Will and the course laid bare in Holy Love. Anything – thought, action or otherwise – that separates you from this chosen path is from Satan. The hearts that follow this path do not follow singularly but united with all the ones who follow. Do not say: this one follows well and so he is chosen, for not all come along the path with equal ease. All that takes a soul from the path is his own will. Such a one becomes known through his own actions. Therefore, trust everyone until he proves himself untrustworthy, but love all – all whom are coming.”
Our Lady of Grace
There is a rosary of lights around the statue of Our Lady and She says: “My dear little children, see with what great compassion I pour the grace of My Heart onto this ministry.” [When She said this, a great light projected outward from the heart of the statue.] “Continue to follow the path I lead you upon in holy obedience and do not allow Satan to rupture the line of trust you have obtained through prayer, much prayer. It is he alone who disrupts every effort, but through grace you will find the path once again. Remember, today’s persecution is tomorrow’s grace. In all of these trials, give praise to Jesus.”
August 31, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white with gold reflections on Her mantle. She says: “My daughter, do not let your heart be troubled over opinions. Let the grace of My Heart resolve obstinate issues. If My messages to you are challenged, it is because My words to you are challenging hearts – even hearts who consider themselves in judgment over the Ministry. Do not allow Satan the victory of destroying your peace in the present moment. Today it is My special joy to reveal to you that there will be three apparition sites connected with My appearances to you. Just as we planned three faucets at Maranatha Spring for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now there will be three springs instead. My Son will not be outdone in generosity. So you will have a grace-filled spring in Seven Hills, the East Mill Apparition Site, and a third site as yet to be revealed, where Immaculate Heart Prayer Center will be built. The veil is being lifted now, and this is the hour to give praise to Jesus. Do not pay heed to confusion for in My Heart is the clarity for every situation. I am drawing sinners into the Flame of Holy Love – that vibrant Flame that is My Immaculate Heart. It is not without effort we must persevere in each trial remembering Satan only opposes that which is good. It is My loving joy to be with you.” She leaves and a light is in the air momentarily.
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“My daughter, ask My children to assemble at the East Mill Apparition Site, Sunday afternoon, to pray against Satan’s tactics in Cairo. Man is attempting to negotiate God’s Providence. My Heart draws all sinners into this Flame of Holy Love. It is an eternal flame and the means of salvation Heaven extends to humanity. Let it be all-consuming and all-encompassing. I desire by means of this Flame to lead souls to Divine Love, which is the Eucharistic Heart of My Beloved Son. There is no path to supersede this path. I impart to you now My Motherly Blessing.”
September 1, 1994
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
“Stay with Me. Abide in Me. In Me is every token of good. The property you are being drawn to is not out there. It is here in My Heart, burning ember of Divine Love. Others seek nostalgia, but you need nothing but Me. Place all fractured relationships in My Heart. I do not lay blame. That is Satan. If you are praying for them, you are seeking the fullness of My provision. I came into the world to give witness to the truth. It is the same truth My Mother bears to you. In the truth you will not perish. Therefore, let this anchor you. I am coming on the thirteenth with manifold grace and infinite wisdom. I am your peace and your confidence. The property you are seeking lays barren, awaiting the architect to plant the seed. There is no measure of human law laid claim against it. It is private but accommodating – fertile but forsaken.”
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in a pink gown and a gray mantle. She has many angels with Her and says: “Pray with Me now for unbelievers.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I desire more than ever to be united to you in Holy Love. Therefore, it is My pleasure to ignite in your hearts a Flame of Holy Love, which will help you along the path to the Divine Love that is the most Sacred Heart of My Son. It is by your efforts that I am able to thwart Satan’s plans in the world. Therefore, My little children, persevere.” She blessed us and left.
September 8, 1994
Our Lady of Grace
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Grace. “I ask you now to pray with Me for all those who are meeting at the Cairo Conference.” We prayed. “Dear little children, it is by your prayers My Heart will be victorious. Do not let Satan distract you by keeping you busy with many things and taking you away from prayer. By My efforts, evil will be turned back. Dear little children, once again I invoke you to pray, pray, pray.” Our Lady blessed us and left.
September 14, 1994
Our Lady of Sorrows (Sorrowful Mother)
Our Lady is here in two shades of blue and has a crown of stars above Her head. She parts Her hands that are folded, and a lighted cross is where Her Heart would be. She says: “Child, in the acceptance of every cross is the victory of Satan’s defeat. The cross is the light on the path of Holy Love. The more you embrace the cross, which is God’s Will, the deeper you are plunged in My Heart to be nourished and guarded. No cross comes to you against God’s Will.”
September 20, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Child, precious angel, please know your ‘yes’ to Holy Love is your martyrdom. For it is through Holy Love, which is God’s Will, you die to self. This is a martyrdom of the will. For your ‘yes’, just as My ‘yes’, leaves no room for self. The souls that completely surrender in this way are the army that I am using to come against Satan. Do not fear any petition, for to such a one I cannot refuse. Go in peace.”
September 24, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes with a crown on Her head, in a dark blue mantle with gold stars on it. She says: “These days, please realize nothing depends on you; everything depends on grace. Everything is a grace. Most especially, see the grace in every cross which passes to you by way of Divine Love. These two – Divine Love and Divine Mercy – are inseparable. Evil has easy access to hearts full of self. Such hearts fall easy victim to evil forces and their designs. But always pray for the grace to see Satan at once before his snares entangle you and take hold. His plans are so intricate, at times it is difficult to sort good from evil. It is then you need to use Holy Love as a maxim. Dear daughter, always remember, I am sending My Love to the world through you. Pray, pray, pray.”
October 13, 1994
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Dear children, pray with Me now for the Church in the Americas.” We prayed. “Dear children, My dear little children, tonight I invite you more than ever to have hearts filled with Holy Love. It is only through love, My dear children, that your faith will be strong; and I will be able to lead you into the New Jerusalem. These days Satan attacks on every side with compromise and change, and tries to lead you away from the Holy Father, but I am calling you back to the Eternal Love — My Son in the Eucharist. I invite you to make Him the center of your lives and your prayers. I extend to you My Motherly Blessing.”
Blessed Virgin Mary
5:30 a.m.
Our Lady comes in white with many lights around Her. She says: “Are you awake?” I nod. She continues: “Today, I am coming asking once again that the people love. For in love is faith, and Satan is attacking faith on all sides. He comes as good, clothed in progress and change. But he is prying the Roman Catholic Church from the people who seek change. If My children return to prayer through a deep love for Jesus in the Eucharist, they will begin to see how the adversary attacks the faith. This is why I come – for love.”
October 18, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in a mist — floating on a cloud. She is in white. She says: “My daughter, My angel, in this hour of decision that weighs upon the world, Holy Love must be the fruit that tips the scales in favor of conversion. For this reason, it is as though the Ministry will return from exile to grow and flourish in hearts. The property that you have negotiated on will be a hospice of spirituality if hearts are willing. You need to pray now that hearts open and unite toward this end. Remember, in the end all that remains is love; and love alone determines your eternity. Satan is intent on opposing this message.”
November 7, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white with many sparkling lights around Her. She says: “Today, I come to help you understand that in order to have Holy Love in your heart, you must first remove from your heart all that is not loving. This is any anger or bitterness which stems from the pride of unforgiveness. When you pray, ask Me, and I will help you to overcome these faults. I want to help you. I want you to let go of all that stands between us. Therefore, do not sulk about errors and wrongs done to you in the past. It only comes between us. Recognize unforgiveness as Satan’s tool. I desire our hearts beat as one. Please make this known, as I want to uncover Satan where he lies hidden in hearts.” She leaves.
November 9, 1994
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
“Write this down. It is a special favor of My Heart that extends this knowledge to you. Every heart is offered the Flame of Holy Love to burn within it. The more the soul perfects itself in Holy Love, the more intense and greater the flame that burns in the heart. Satan’s efforts are spent in extinguishing this flame in every heart that accepts Holy Love. If the flame is smothered, then the world around that soul is not lit up by love. Satan uses the person’s own faults to extinguish this Holy Flame. Therefore, see that the more the soul perfects himself in Holy Love, the more difficult it becomes for Satan to extinguish the love within the heart.”
November 13, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“Do not dwell on solutions to your problems. These are always and forever, in the grace of My Heart. Therefore, do not feel the solutions are within your comprehension.”
“I know before you speak what is in your heart. It is so in every instance. Every fault stems from pride which opposes Holy Love. This is why perfection in Holy Love takes much courage and introspection. Any fault can be overcome when it is met head-on, dressed in the grace of My Heart. In the same way, you can come to accept the faults of others. Satan tries to bring division by intolerance of other’s faults. But you cannot change others. You can change yourself and the way you respond to others. Think of it as a contest between you and Satan, for this is what it is. Satan points out to you the aggravating traits of others. You know you are commanded by God to love everyone, and your peace is destroyed. Do this: Cover yourself with the Precious Blood. Command the pride of perfectionism to leave in the Name of Jesus. Then look for the good in that person. Everyone has positive characteristics. When the malefactor sees you no longer harbor negative thoughts about others, he will gradually withdraw. Then there will be unity through love. Pray for the grace of patience with the path of perfection in Holy Love. It is a path I call you upon. Not all answer or have the courage to answer. I am with you, leading you.”
November 15, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white, bows before the monstrance and says: “Dearest child, listen well. Take this message to all of My children. The more you surrender to Holy Love, the deeper I draw you into the Refuge of My Heart. At last, when you have given everything over to love, our hearts will beat as one. Then the adversary holds no confusion or deceit over your heart. All is laid bare in love. Satan is the opposite of Holy Love and does not want you to surrender to Me. He tries to pull you away through your own pride. But I tell you, this is how you will recognize him. Discern through Holy Love. All that opposes Holy Love and tries to take you from Me is evil. Make it known.”
November 16, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in a light-blue gown and a white veil and says: “Please pray with Me now for those who are deceived to believe they are in grace and following the church doctrine when they are not.” We prayed. “These are many free thinkers, intellectuals, and theologians who have deceived themselves through pride; and some wear the collar. You must continue to pray for them. I tell you, Satan’s throne is composed of sins that have been unrepented, and of faults that have not been overcome. My Son’s throne is composed of perfection through Holy Love. Always work toward this end.”
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. “Those who will come on the Twelfth (of December) will be edified. Dear child, My angel, Satan is bringing confusion into the lives of all who are instrumental in propagating My messages. Most will endure through the grace of My Heart. A small number will submit to discouragement. My grace can always overcome evil. It is only when souls reject grace that they succumb. Take the power of the attacks as a sign of the power of My messages to you.”
November 17, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white, Her Immaculate Heart is exposed. “Dear children, pray with Me now that your own failings each of you have in your hearts against Holy Love be revealed to you.” We prayed. “Dear children, My dear little children, the door to My Heart is always open to you when you pray with hearts full of Holy Love. These days Satan’s cohorts are everywhere and often disguised as good. Therefore, I beseech you, offer many prayers that he be revealed in your life and in the lives of those around you. I am with you, My dear little children, always loving, always praying for your intentions.” Our Lady blessed us and left.
November 24, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Dear children, today I invite you not only to personal holiness in the present moment but to be crusaders for Holy Love. Do not give in to Satan’s discouragement and accusations. Let your weapons be your communions and your rosaries. I am with you in every test. My victory is in your response to My call.”
January 1, 1995
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady said: “Angel, take up your pen.” I wished Her a happy feast day. She nods and says: “In this let us give praise to Jesus, Born Incarnate. I desire that this be the year that hearts unite in Holy Love; in families, My ministry, the Church and the world. It can only be so if hearts open to love. The human heart is where every battle between good and evil is waged. Satan does not wish this to be made known. It is free will that determines the destiny of the world. I call you to love, just as I call you to holiness, so that evil will be overcome and My Son can return in glory.” I asked, “Are you happy with the new offices?” “Please understand, small daughter, My ministry is in hearts that love, not in any accommodation of the world. My message to you on Holy Love is the key that pries open stubborn hearts. This is why you need to concentrate every effort towards this end – living and propagating Holy Love. It is only in this way you will succeed. Your illness is a means of bringing grace to the Ministry, which is true of every cross of those who serve Me. Satan’s discouragement is not a cross but spiritual warfare. I will give to you now My first blessing of the new year.”
January 14, 1995
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. A great light comes from Her Heart. She says: “I come as always to bring souls to the salvation of Holy Love. Now, today, in this tribulation, I come to reveal to you that the greatest trial is already upon you. It is the confusion and compromise that is in hearts. This is how Satan destroys peace and love in hearts. Firmly plant yourselves in the true faith, for not even My Son’s Church is exempt from this trial. Seek the Refuge of My Heart which holds itself away from all error. Do not let anything disturb your peace. The seasons will reverse themselves. The days and nights will be one. But, dear children, even these trials are passing, and you are safe if you remain in My Heart. All of this is revealed to you with unbounded love.”
January 17, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Luke Chapter 9 Vs. 24
Our Lady is here in blue and white. There is a blue light around Her and coming from under Her mantle and from where Her Heart would be. She says, “Let us give praise to Jesus. I am Mary ever Virgin. It is important that you know this, as you will be approached by doubters and believers alike. Beware of those who bandy about times and dates of specific happenings. This is Satan’s confusion to discredit the genuine, and cloud reality. Further, I tell you, some claim specific knowledge as to ‘safe areas’. The safe refuge is My Immaculate Heart. This is not a dispute, but a fact. Remember, ‘Those who would save their lives will lose them’ (Luke, Chapter 9 Verse 24). Let your future be in heaven and do not cling to earth as though it was an end not a means.”
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Dear child, it is especially during this time of tribulation, I come to invite souls to take up the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart. In this Humble Refuge, find the same shelter Joseph and I found in the stable – a shelter of peace amidst trial. If you are living in Holy Love, you are already in the Refuge of My Heart. Holy Love is this Refuge. My Heart and Holy Love are one. In every trial avoid the trap Satan lays for you, which is the pride of self-pity. This is an obstacle to My Heart and to living in Holy Love. The more you submit to Holy Love, the easier it will become to avoid this obstacle. I am showing you the path to My Heart now, in easier times, so that when difficulties come, you will know the way. Pray, pray, pray that hearts accept this path.”
January 19, 1995
Thursday Night Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in gray and has a white veil. She says: “Dear children, do not suppose the path ahead can be made smooth by wishful thinking, for I tell you there are many ruts and obstacles in the road you must travel. But, I come to tell you that when you pray with love in your hearts, all is made easier and bearable. I am always with you . Do not imagine that Satan does not exist, for he scratches and claws to maintain his rule in many hearts. Dear children, when you pray you will recognize the enemy. I am with you always holding you under My Mantle of Protection. Dear little children, remember to pray, pray, pray.” She blessed us and left.
January 26, 1995
Thursday Night Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
First, St. John Bosco was here, and he blessed the crowd. His dog Grigio (the angel) was with him. Our Lady came dressed in gray and white, and had a pink sash around Her waist. She says: “Pray with Me now for unbelievers who have hearts of stone.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight, please open your hearts, and realize that the stairway to heaven is Holy Love; each step being a virtue. The grace of My Heart leads and draws you along this path – the stairway to eternity. Satan tries to block your ascent through selfishness, spiritual smugness, and lack of confidence in the grace of My Heart. Dear children, please realize these days My Son allows Me to give to earth every grace possible. Dear children, never tire of praying.”
February 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “I come not to frighten, but out of loving concern. I desire very much that we now pray for the conversion of all sinners.” We prayed. I asked Our Lady what does She want of all the people here today? Our Lady responded: “I desire very much their reparation to Our Loving Hearts, already most grievously wounded by the sins of mankind. I desire their acts of love in reparation to Our Hearts, their communions of reparation, their holy hours, and their prayers.”
“Dear children, Jesus sends Me as a loving Mother in order that the eyes of the conscience of your nation may have the scales removed from them. Dear children, the tempter is already in the sanctuary, concealed in hearts full of compromise, and you do not see the grievous errors. Dear children, seek always the certain Refuge of My Maternal Heart. Pray, pray, pray.” She blessed us and left.
She returned and said: “Dear child, today Satan takes dominion over many hearts clothed in goodness so as to confuse and confound the holy. Your country will suffer the grace of many misfortunes as a means of revealing and correcting her errors.”
February 20, 1995
Cape Coral, Florida
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white. She has many flowers and angels all around her. She says: “Pray with Me now if you would, for the propagation of the Holy Love message.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I urgently invite you to be Holy Love in action. Be the rays of light that lead to My Heart, and do not hide My call to you under a bushel. I tell you, My summons to you is one of great urgency. Therefore, see that Satan is the complacency that tries to take over your hearts in this regard. My children, I love you, I pray for all your intentions and intercede for you before the Throne of My Divine Son. Tonight, I impart to you My Motherly Blessing.”
March 1, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white. She says: “Let us give praise to Jesus.”
“Today, I reveal to you, not all will be converted by the enlightenment of conscience that is to come. Satan will convince many to discount what is given as grace, and to disregard My Sign and Miracle. These are the ones farthest from the Light and most especially in the world. This is why I come now, previous to these events. I come to inform and warn. Make it known.” She leaves.
March 4, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
When I entered the chapel, Our Lady was already waiting for me. She was dressed in two shades of blue. She said: “Let us begin by giving praise to Jesus. My daughter, these days it is necessary that I come to you with more and more urgent requests for prayer and sacrifices. As many souls are attracted to the Refuge of My Heart, so too, many are slipping to perdition. Satan would have it that most souls do not recognize the path of darkness they whole-heartedly pursue. This is because they allow their hearts to be anchored down in the world. My daughter, I desire that My call to holiness be as incense that fills the soul and lifts it up to heaven. Today, you do not see the urgency of My call to you. Tomorrow, you will.”
March 14, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in white. She says: “I give thanks and praise to Jesus for allowing Me to visit with you. Make My Heart known, not only as a Refuge and a Gateway, but also as a Fountain of Grace that transforms hearts, so that they may pass into the New Jerusalem. It is in My Heart souls are perfected in Holy Love so that I can present them to My Son. Do not be discouraged if you see your own flaws, My daughter. This is a grace and a way of perfection. When you see all others as more holy than yourself, you are progressing in humility and moving along the path of holiness I call you upon. You should never be satisfied with where you are spiritually. This is Satan’s deception. Always ask Jesus to help you to be more holy. Such a prayer offered with a sincere heart will not go unanswered.” I asked Her a question about property for the ministry. “Be certain Heaven is of one mind with you. Do not act of your own volition. Wait rather, and I will send you a sign. Alone, nothing is possible. Through grace, anything is possible. Pray for hearts to open to My call.” She leaves.
March 16, 1995
Thursday Night Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe, Her Heart is exposed and She is floating on a pink cloud. She says: “Pray with Me now, that more hearts choose Holy Love.” We prayed. “Dear children, please understand that the battle between good and evil is waged in hearts, not in governments. The victory is won in hearts that love, the defeat is in hearts that do not choose to love. Satan is trying to keep you from praying, because he knows the most powerful weapon is the Rosary, when it is prayed with love in your hearts. Do not let him discourage you, or distract you. I am calling you to prayer, My dear children, so that we can be victorious over every evil. Tonight, I am imparting to you My Blessing of Holy Love, which will enable you to live in this virtue. It is a special blessing that you may share with all whom you meet.”
March 23, 1995
Thursday Night Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in blue with a white veil. She says: “My dear little children, Jesus allows Me once again, this gift of visiting with you. Let us give praise and thanks to Jesus.” She says: “Pray with Me now for all those who I call here on the Twelfth.” We prayed. “Dear children, once again I call you to this Sovereignty, this Spiritual Refuge, that is My Immaculate Heart. Do not be fooled by Satan into thinking there is safe refuge in the world. He is interested in your soul and wants to see your demise. But My dear children, I call you with a Mother’s Love to the path of Salvation, which is Holy Love. My little children, continue to pray, pray, pray.” Our Lady blessed us and left.
April 1, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in blue and white. There are many lights around Her which I take to be angels. These lights are even on Her mantle. She says: “Praise, honor and victory to Jesus. Dear child, I come once again to remind you, My victory is in hearts that love. There is no sin unless it is in hearts first, for God sees and judges only hearts. All that is on the surface, superficial words and actions, count as nothing before My Son. These are like chaff that blow away in the wind and do not last. See that Holy Love in hearts is all eternal and the only goal of merit. It is when souls lose site of this, that Satan is winning out in their hearts, and they need to take stock of the path they pursue. Make this known.”
April 5, 1995
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Fatima. She is bending over me and Her Heart is exposed. She says: “My daughter, let us give praise and thanks to Jesus. Today, I come to remind you once again to have every confidence in the grace of My Immaculate Heart. It is Satan who tries to make you lose focus and makes everything seem most desperate. My Victory is coming and with it the glorious reign of My Son’s Eucharistic Heart on Earth. It is then ideologies will be harmonious, faith will be pure and unadulterated once again, and people will be united in truth and peace. These days preceding the hideous reign of the Antichrist – both in hearts and in the world – Satan uses division as a tactic to bring down the good and uphold evil. This is why I continue to call you to reconcile yourselves in the safe Refuge of My Heart. There is no other attainable goal of merit, for no good lives outside My Heart.”
May 5, 1995
First Anniversary of the Feast of Holy Love
Blessed Virgin Mary
The Statue of Our Blessed Mother was crowned by the children present. They also laid bouquets of flowers at Her feet and in front of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The congregation stood and sang ON THIS DAY, O BEAUTIFUL MOTHER. A reading from scripture was followed by the placing of Hearts at the feet of Our Crowned Blessed Mother. This symbolized the giving of our hearts to the Blessed Mother. In the background a tape player was playing GIVE ME YOUR LOVE. It was a very moving occasion followed by the recitation of the Rosary.
Our Lady is here in a white gown with a blue mantle, She is like Our Lady of Grace. She says: “I am your Everlasting and Eternal Mother.”
“I give thanks to God for you and for His allowing Me to come to you this night and always. Pray with Me now for all those who are coming on the Twelfth.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I request of you, as your gift to Me during this month of May, that each day you consecrate yourselves to The Flame of Holy Love. Begin this month, and continue on, for in this way you are clothed in the dignity of the Grace of My Heart. Satan sees this as a sign of your predestination. I do not promise you will not be attacked or tested, but I promise, you will not be defeated. I am always with you and I am blessing you.” She blessed us and left.
May 25, 1995
Our Lady of Grace
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Grace. First, She is in a bright light and then a dim light, as though the sun is over Her, passing in and out of clouds. “Praise be to Jesus, littlest of My messengers. As you witness the light that first embraces Me and then leaves, you see how quickly souls leave the path of holiness who fail in love.” Now She is in a bright light. “Today, I tell you once again, that people have made gods of compromise and error. Many ‘freedoms’ are slavery to sin through Satan’s deception. The end of an era is close at hand and will impact your nation and the world. My visits to you on the Twelfth of each month will begin to loosen Satan’s grip on the world. You have not seen as yet, the grace God wills to give. I am blessing you.”
June 6, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is in the corner of the chapel in a silvery light. She says: “My daughter, greater things are at stake than financial issues. I speak of souls. Souls who are erring in their opinions and proud in their hearts. There is no justification for what they hold in their hearts. They are self-serving and do not fear God. Even their communions are lukewarm. You need to pray very much for such souls who do not even recognize the state of their own hearts due to Satan’s deceit. You need to trust in My call. Pray very much and I will be with you, interceding on your behalf, and on behalf of My Ministry. I leave you now to return later.”
June 8, 1995
Thursday Night Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Pray with Me now for the unbelievers and all those who will come on the Twelfth.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I invite you to surrender completely to My call. Do not allow Satan to enter with his discouragement. For discouragement drives out hope. Know that when you hold the rosary, you are holding My hand and we are united in purpose and cause. Dear children, I cannot make you holy by My coming to you. It is necessary that you chose the path of Holy Love yourselves. I am blessing you.”
June 25, 1995
Our Lady of Fatima
“As I am calling each one to holiness, I am also calling families to holiness. This family who mourns will be comforted. If they have a will to do so, I invite them to form a Refuge prayer cell. If you help them, My daughter, I will come. Some will oblige Me, others will not. But I still invite. I remain their Refuge.” I asked Our Lady: “Why are you dressed as Our Lady of Fatima instead of Queen of Peace today ?” She replied: “In Fatima, I invited My children to pray and sacrifice for the conversion of Russia and of all sinners. My petition was not heeded. Instead it was ignored and hidden in scrutiny. Here today, I call for love, prayer, sacrifice, and conversion. Once again, My message is not being permitted to be freely circulated. Ones in positions of importance are opposing Me instead of co-operating. This is because their hearts are not as loving as heaven desires. Errors in hearts spread quickly into the world. So today, I invite you to see that the great graces given in Fatima were diminished, because Satan incited hearts to caution and smothered belief. Continue to pray for My Son’s Church.” She leaves.
June 26, 1995
Our Lady of Fatima
1:00 AM
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: “Praise and glory to Jesus. My daughter, please understand, it is not for the sake of a few or many I come to you, but for all people. Everyone is called to holiness through Holy Love. The grace and love of My Heart is never depleted, only time is depleted for those who do not listen and will not love. To the family I continue My call to be united in Holy Love. Jesus desires family values be substantiated in hearts according to Holy Love. Families that fail to unite in My Heart disintegrate, for this is how Satan attacks sound reason. The evil one opposes family unity, but through My grace you will remain united. I am returning to you soon on this My chosen ‘Feast of Queen of Peace’. Spread My peace amongst you by loving as I so very much love you.” She leaves.
July 5, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Locution from Our Lady
“Dear children, your Rosaries form the link in the chain that will bind Satan in the abyss of fire forever. Your Rosaries are the golden thread that bind you to My Immaculate Heart. Your rosaries form the path of Holy Love that leads to salvation. In this give praise to Jesus.”
July 10, 1995
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “I come to give praise and honor to Jesus, My Son.”
“My daughter, it is not My intention that one of My ministries or apparition sites oppose another. They, each one, complements and confirms the other. It is Satan who tries to undo My plan of unity through spiritual pride. I come to reconcile and unite all people and to show you the way to Heaven. When My Son returns all will live as one. If you presume to have all the answers, you are being deceived. It is in humility I lead you. It is the adversary who tries to set one against the other. Many of My apparitions and messages go unheeded and uninvestigated due to misunderstandings and confusion brought on by Satan who comes clothed in righteousness. Instead of believing until an authentic and accurate investigation uncovers error, My children have fallen into the mistake of not believing until all is proven to their satisfaction. I come to bring peace, unity, joy. Recognize Me when I come. I want to bless you.” She leaves.
July 13, 1995
Thursday Night Rosary Service
Mary, Rosa Mystica
Our Lady is here as Rosa Mystica (Feast Day of Rosa Mystica). She says: “Pray with Me now for those who are led astray through erroneous opinions.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I invite you to pray all the more, for fervent faith. Uphold the Tradition of Faith in your hearts My dear children, for this is the way to strengthen My Son’s Church on earth. Do not be led astray through wrongful reasoning, for these days Satan attacks reason. Dear children, when you have strong faith in your hearts you are strengthening My Son’s Church on earth. I am blessing you.”
July 28, 1995
Our Lady of Grace
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Grace. She is smiling, Her arms outstretched. She says: “My angel, I desire My children realize the course of Satan’s attack. He seeks to destroy belief in the means by which good will triumph. This is why, in the world today, you find diminished respect for My Son’s Real Presence. He attacks the hearts of My Son’s Priests, making it difficult for them to keep the Eucharist the center of their lives. The adversary deplores devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Rosary. He uses every means to discourage such prayer. He comes against ministries and apostolates that promote these truths. Evil knows in advance the war is lost, but he is trying to snatch as many souls from My Heart as he can before the appointed hour of his defeat. Therefore My little daughter, pray for strong faith and ask My children to seek My protection in every attack. Where Satan is revealed, he is weakened. Then I ask you to make this known. Give praise to Jesus.”
August 12, 1995
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Please copy this so to give honor and praise to Jesus. Today, I tell you, thus far, many prayers have steered the course of hurricanes from your country’s coast lines, for My Son is attentive to hearts full of Holy Love. I want you to understand and know in your hearts, My dear children, that prayer can change much of what is to come but, you must love. These days, your country, and all nations, have succumbed to a malignancy more virulent than any plague. This disease is complacency in hearts. You must understand, My coming to you is real. You are not safe outside the confines of My Heart. My Heart is Holy Love. The groundwork is already being laid, through Satan’s deception, that will discredit your government. This is concealed in proud hearts. It is with sorrow I tell you, My Son’s Church is not exempt from such error. Therefore, you must continue to pray with strong faith. See that God alone directs the course of the heavens and the earth. You are dependent upon the Eternal Father for every provision. Alone you are nothing and can claim no accomplishment. But, through God’s grace all things are possible. My Triumph is in your response to My call.”
August 24, 1995
Thursday Night Rosary Service
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She has a rosary of lights in Her right hand. She says: “Praise be to Jesus, My little children. Pray with Me now for My ministry and for the unconverted.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight, I invite you to understand deep in your hearts, that the Rosary is the weapon that will lead you out and away from every tribulation. Tonight, I am inviting you especially, to organize on the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross, a twenty-four hour Rosary-perpetual, from midnight on September Thirteenth, to midnight on September Fourteenth. Offer these rosaries for My Ministry. These days, Satan is attacking each apostolate, each prayer group, each consecrated heart, in an insidious way, and he has taken just reason from the world replacing it with his own evil. Therefore, My little children, you must be strong and realize that the weapon I extend to you (Our Lady is now holding out Her Rosary) can overcome any evil. I am blessing you now.”
August 31, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in gray and white. She is floating on a pink cloud. She says: “My daughter, I have a message for the good people who will come tonight. Dear children, last week I requested a united prayer effort in September for My ministry. Be generous in your response as Heaven is ready to act. Jesus desires that you pray against the evil about to unfold in Beijing. This is the serpent striking against the heel of The Woman Clothed with the Sun. Only evil hearts could contrive such atrocities against love. Once again I emphasize; Satan has removed just reason from hearts and from the world, and replaced it with his evil. You, My dear, dear children, are My warriors of Holy Love. Your weapons are the Eucharist and My Rosary. The third weapon I give to you is the Truth. You must use it to reveal evil where it lies hidden. Satan’s greatest weapon is his deception of non-existence. Truth discloses evil. Where deception is revealed, it lies weakened and open to defeat. My words to you on Holy Love are truth and scripturally based. There is no intellect who can truthfully dispute this. Use My messages to unclothe evil in the world around you. My dear love warriors, I am with you tonight and always. I am holding you in My Heart.” She leaves.
September 5, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady came in gray and white by My bed as I was praying. She let the rosary beads float through Her fingers. They were a dark color until She held them, then between Her fingers they lit up like lights. After She held them they were brilliant pink pearls but not as bright as when they were between Her Fingers. She said: “Pick up your pen. I must speak to you. I want to speak to you about the gift of giving love. My daughter, the world today is so full of hate. It is full of hate because My children do not recognize what a wonderful grace it is to give love to another. Love is being Christ-like to those around you. It is never out of place or wrong. It needs to be at the center of every relationship; parent-child; husband-wife; brother-sister. Every human relationship should be an exchange or giving of love.”
“Each opportunity to love is a grace. It is a chance to draw close to God. God is part of every act of Holy Love. When you perfect yourselves in Holy Love, you become more loving and Christ-like to those around you. Your love for one another becomes more steadfast and unchanging as God’s love is unchanging and unconditional.”
“Satan tries to destroy love in hearts because he is disunity. He does not want you to be happy. He wants you to oppose one another. I come to tell you that hidden in the gift of giving love away, are a myriad of graces. You will never find the grace as long as you refuse to unwrap the package it is in, that is the love God gives you to give to another.”
“My daughter, love is not like a fish in a net which is taken off and consumed by the fisherman. No, rather it is like a ray of God’s sun which transforms and brightens everything it touches. Instead of being consumed, it is like the harvest master who consumes the harvest. This holy crop of love, however, multiplies wherever it is distributed.”
“Little daughter, loving hearts truly are a miracle from God and a cooperation between God’s Will and free will. Just as My Beloved Son multiplied the loaves and fishes when He walked the earth, He desires that you allow the love in your heart grow by virtue of it pouring out.”
September 12, 1995
Feast of The Holy Name of Mary
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady is here. First She was Our Lady of Fatima, Her clothes are changing to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel; now to Our Lady of Sorrows. Now She is Our Lady of Guadalupe. There are many angels with Her and they say: “Blessed be the Holy Name of Mary.” Our Lady is asking the people here to hold up their objects to be kissed. Jesus is now here blessing the crowd. He extends His Hands out over the people like He is praying over them. Our Lady continues: “Dear children, most especially, I bless your hearts so that you will be Missionaries of Holy Love. Pray with Me now.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I ask you to understand that My message to you on Holy Love is the fulfillment of the Gospel message – most especially, in the present moment. I invite you to form a Lay Apostolate – ‘The Missionary Servants of Holy Love’, and enable Me to propagate My Words to you, around the world. I need your prayers and your sacrifices, through which My Victory will come.”
“Sadly, I tell you My Son’s Church on earth is like a ship tossed about in a stormy sea. The ship’s captain, My Holy Pope, is doing his best to guide it into the safe harbor of tradition, but all around him is a tidal wave of compromise. He is greatly in need of your prayers. While there are many good and holy priests in the world today, there are far more lukewarm priests who are leading many astray by virtue of their position in the Church. Still more threatening are those in the hierarchy who plot against My Pope. It is necessary that I come to you once again to ask you to unite in prayer, so that good can overcome evil. Let My Rosary be the golden chain that binds Satan in Hell forever.”
“I have asked for the formation of Prayer Cells. Unite in response to My call. Then you will truly be Servants of Holy Love.”
“I come to help you understand, that God’s Hand of Justice shall not be removed from the world until hearts understand their place and dependence upon The Almighty for all things. It is the unbelievers who cause division in families and in governments. They depart from God’s Law and employ their own evil rules. I do not come to judge, but to warn. It is My Son Who shall judge all peoples. I come to call My children back to God through Holy Love. The deeper you immerse your heart in the Flame of Holy Love, the closer I will take you to Divine Love, which is The Heart of My Son. It is here All Goodness and Mercy abound. Graciously, I tell you, it is not My coming to you that means your salvation, but your response to My call.”
“These days, many in this nation, and in the world, concern themselves for the integrity of financial systems. But I tell you, it is the spiritual bankruptcy of the world that must be a priority. Souls are the only commodity of eternal value. Holy Love is the deposit of faith I seek to protect in My Maternal Heart. Make it known.”
September 24, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“I have chosen this title – ‘Missionary Servants of Holy Love’ – as a description of your mission in the world. For to those who hear and answer My call, will come the task of promulgating My Holy Love message to the world. A good servant is dedicated to his master. In this mission there is one Master, Jesus, My Son, who calls you to serve Him through Holy Love, for it is Him who sends Me to you with this message. I do not ask of you special attire to identify you as My missionary servants. Rather, put on Holy Love as your vestment so that all will recognize your call. My daughter, long has My Heart withheld the news of this lay apostolate; an army of strength in Church tradition, and a sign to Satan of My imminent victory. Take hold of My mantle and cling fast. There are those dressed as good who will come against us, while their hearts weigh heavy with evil. They think they hold all the answers, but they deal in compromise and ambiguity. Do not be dumbfounded when My words to you are fulfilled. Hold fast to the Tradition of Faith. I am blessing you.”
October 7, 1995
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima. “Child, I come to you today as the New Eve, and the one who holds reign over Heaven and earth. I am forming the Missionary Servants of Holy Love – first in My Heart, then in the world – as a stronghold of faith against hypocrisy that holds sway over many hearts. There are those who bow low but in their hearts seek positions of importance. I come to you not so you will fear, but so that you will understand. The church will not succumb but is threatened on all sides. Confusion is sown by those who lack humility. Follow My Pope, John Paul II. In him there is no compromise. Unite under his banner. Your Rosaries will defeat Satan. Before My Son returns, you will see the unfolding of many events heretofore foretold. The weak, who are those who do not pray and do not love, will succumb to discouragement, doubts, and confusion. The strong, the ones who faithfully attempt to pray and who are in the Refuge of My Heart, will not be misled or fear. These are the ones many will turn to in the last days. Further, I warn you, do not allow the opinions of others to bear weight in your heart. I am your Protectress in all things. In all things God is your Provision. You must be strong so that those around you are strong. Continue to pray, pray, pray.”
October 14, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady was already waiting for me in the chapel when I came in. She is all in white. She says: “Jesus sends Me today to tell you that His Kingdom is in hearts that love. Holy Love is the embrace of faith and the perseverance of hope. Do not trip over doubts or cast your lot upon unforgiveness. These are obstacles Satan casts upon your path. My Son’s provision is perfect in its coming for every obstacle will be circumvented through grace. Praise be to Jesus.”
October 19, 1995
Thursday Night Rosary Service
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “I come to you, as always, to bring souls to My Son. Pray with Me now for the unbelievers.” We prayed. “Dear children, I have stood with you, and went with you to the foot of The Cross and soon I will rejoice with you. Satan, the adversary of Faith, Hope, and Love, has opposed My Every plan. But he will not be victorious.. My Grace will endure and be Victorious. Dear children, I am calling you once again to be Apostles of Holy Love, through the Missionary Servants of Holy Love. I am giving to you tonight My Motherly Blessing.”
November 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations – Indian Hollow Park, Lorain County, Ohio
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Praise be to Jesus, My little children. I am here. I am loving you. I greet you with a heart that beats with great hope because of your faithfulness. Dear children, pray with Me now for those who are led astray from the true faith, through compromise and doubt.” We prayed. “Today I call to you to surrender to Me your faith so that I may protect it from compromise and hypocrisy. You cannot persevere in your faith without My grace. Alone you are easy prey to the malefactor. But all things you surrender to the grace of My Heart, I will protect, proliferate, and make whole. I come to you for your salvation. Do not concern yourself with the temporal. These things pass by as quickly as a leaf in the wind. Pray, so that you will guard against spiritual bankruptcy. It is by your efforts and My grace you are saved.”
“I desire that these things come to light so that souls understand more deeply the profound nature of My call. These days My Son’s Church lies divided and faces the challenge of compromise and rebellion against the true dogma of faith. Just as there were the devout, the doubters, and even a traitor amongst the first apostles, so it is in the Church hierarchy today. But the Church will not succumb and will prevail. It is necessary that She pass through a period of purification to bring about wholeness. This trial is upon you. Satan who was unable to defile Jesus in My Womb — the first tabernacle — now seeks to compromise My Son’s Real Presence in the tabernacles of the world through doubt and error. In a similar way the adversary challenges all life in the womb. In order to accomplish these atrocities, he takes hearts away from sound spirituality and pulls them into the false reasoning of the world. Often this is accomplished through the door of the pride of intelligencia. Real wisdom comes from God and does not challenge the sound doctrine of Church tradition. Real wisdom leads to Holy Love.”
“Dear children, these days you must realize that wars are not waged between nations, but in hearts. Satan’s weapons are compromise, doubt, and confusion. But your weapon, dear children, is your strong faith, with which you give Me your Rosaries. This weapon is stronger than anything that Satan can conjure up.”
“Dear children, I want you to let Me protect your faith. I come to you today as your Mother and your Protectress. Do not hesitate to call upon Me. It is through your prayers, I am converting millions.”
Now there are many angels here; and, as Our Lady blesses us, they move about the people here. She leaves.
November 25, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white. She says: “Today, I come as always, for the greater glory of Jesus and to reconcile man to God. I reveal to you that the strength of the remnant church will be Holy Love. It is the lack of love in hearts that has brought confusion and compromise into hearts and the Church. Please understand, I do not come to threaten you, but to warn. A famine and a plague worse than any that has come in the past is visiting earth. It is a famine of faith and a plague of lack of love in hearts. My Son is sending Me all over the world with this same Message of Holy Love, which is the remedy and the solution of earth’s woes. Do not suppose that because I come the problem is solved. Hearts need to change so that lives change, and then the problem will disappear. I hold the Church in My Heart. Evil shall not prevail. But the faith of many is compromised by Satan’s confusion and conflict. Through Holy Love, I am gathering the Remnant Faithful into My Heart. This Remnant of Holy Love is the legacy I will bequeath to generations to come. It is the true and everlasting path of perfection. Holy Love is My legacy of victory and triumph over evil. Please make it known.”
December 5, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“Dear child, it is when you are at the foot of the Cross that your prayers are most efficacious, for it is at the foot of the Cross I am closest to you. Here I invite you to renew your Consecration to My Immaculate Heart. Here, on Calvary, I am joining together My humble and powerful army of little victim souls. This army of My littlest and least will defeat Satan and usher in the Reign of My Immaculate Heart. My army of victims is a contradiction to the worldly wise, who seek proof and glory in their own right. See that it is in contradicting Satan that My Victory will come. And so, by your smallest efforts, make My Joy and My Victory complete. At the Foot of the Cross, I choose by God’s Will, to place the courage of conviction in the hearts of My victim warriors, My victim apostles. It is beneath My Son’s Gaze I place My Motherly Blessing in each heart that loves. At the foot of the Cross, I invite you to be victims of love, just as Jesus was for you. Understand, that My Son is the Eternal Victim of Love in every tabernacle where He is worshipped and adored; in every tabernacle where there is faith; in every tabernacle of the world. I am uniting My prayers to your own. I am loving you into eternity.”
December 6, 1995
Blessed Virgin Mary
From Our Lady
“Come to realize, My children, that it is not for your physical well-being I come. But I come to capture and to vanquish your hearts and souls with My Holy Love. It is only through Holy Love, hearts and nations will be reconciled to God. Today, Satan engages Me in battle, most especially, over those souls who are consecrated to Me, and who have mounted to a high degree of perfection. He knows, when he conquers one soul who influences many, he wins a great victory. You must pray very much for those who represent and defend the deposit of faith. Some of these hearts have been laid waste by compromise and error, and misrepresent the faith. Do not be fooled by exterior appearances but look at words and actions. My coming to you on the Twelfth of each month, to commemorate My Image of Guadalupe, must be a sign to My children of My maternal concern, My call to conversion, and a return to the faith. When I came to Juan Diego, I came to stop pagan rituals and convert the unchurched. Today, it is sadly no different, only, the unchurched are those who have apostasized. This is no longer hidden but flagrantly open and accepted!”
December 10, 1995
Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Grace. She says: “I give praise to Jesus. My angel, I want you to understand, I do not come seeking approval from those in high places, but to reconcile souls to God. Therefore, see and understand, the spring you will unearth this week is to bear fruit in hearts and in the world, lending witness to the authenticity of My visits to you. These days, many would lose their faith if it were not for My protection. The wellspring of grace about to come forth will serve as a particular deterrent to Satan, as it will carry with it My Presence wherever it is taken. I am blessing you. I am blessing you tonight and strengthening you temporarily for our journey ahead.”
December 25, 1995
Christmas Day
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white. She says: “Happy Christmas! All praise and adoration be unto Jesus, for He is King — the Word born Incarnate. I come today to speak to all nations, all peoples.”
“Dear children, centuries ago the angels proclaimed, ‘Peace on earth to men of good will.’ Today, I solemnly tell you, few are of good will. This is true, for pride has turned good to evil. This is manifest in a multitude of ways. For instance, intellect is a gift from God. But when man takes pride in his intellect through his own will, it is no longer good, but evil. Some go so far as to take pride in their spirituality. This is how Satan convolutes virtue. All evil will be uncovered before My Son’s coming. He sends Me ahead of Him, just as the Baptizer preceded My Son. When Jesus returns, and before He will come, the mountains will be made into plains and the dry land into sea. Because His coming will purge the earth of evil, a purification will manifest itself in hearts and in the world first. The greatest tribulation is yet at hand. Hearts are unprepared that do not love. It will be shown and understood by the spiritually wise, that man is solely dependent on God and that each one in the world needs to assist the other. False gods will be stripped away. Money, power, immorality, human intellect, will no longer have power but be impotent. I once again invite you to see the GREAT URGENCY of My Holy Love message, which will be, and is today, the trumpet of the angel [Book of Revelation] and the heel that will crush the serpent’s head. I am blessing you.”
December 31, 1995
New Years Eve
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white, standing below Her picture in My bedroom. She says: “My daughter, I come in praise of Jesus, born Incarnate. I have prepared this day for you, just as, according to Divine Will, I am preparing the year in time that opens before you. I do not come to proffer predictions, but to open My Heart to you and to the world. The year ahead will see the mission I have given you prosper, both in the world, and more importantly, in hearts. This will pose a threat to some and they will set about trying to oppose us, but their attempts will prove futile. Once again, My grace will triumph. In the world the abyss between God and man will continue to widen. (Blessed Mother is crying now.) I encourage you to pray for the godless. Never assume you have prayed enough. God will honor your feeblest attempts. Choices will be made against tradition which will further compromise the faith of many in certain and specific areas. Well-guarded will be the faith of those close to Me. Tumult and peace will vie for hearts and for a place in the world. Every heart will be challenged. My grace will continue to pour from My Immaculate Heart onto earth. Many signs and wonders will result — challenging unbelievers and convicting hearts. The Rosary will overcome certain sin. This is why ones devoted to the Rosary will be persecuted. All of this is a good sign. Persecution shows Satan’s hand of fear. I am with you and, as always, I direct you to My Son’s Eucharistic Heart. Let Him take up reign in your hearts as Prince of Peace in the present moment, and so, in the year to come. With joy I am blessing you with My Motherly Blessing.”
January 30, 1996
Weekly Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Grace. She says: “Praise be to Jesus, My little children. I come tonight, most especially to ask for your prayers for the many who will come on the Twelfth.” We prayed.
“Dear children, tonight I come to you assured of your great love for Me by your presence here. I ask you to pray for holy boldness, so that My messages to you will be more widely disseminated. You are letting Satan discourage you from evangelizing to unbelievers. And My books are collecting dust. Dear children, I do not speak to you because Jesus sends Me with a lighthearted mission. These are serious times. The hour is growing desperate. You have at your disposal a great arsenal of weapons in the rosary and My messages. Dear children, please take this seriously. My coming to you is a grace. I am blessing you.”
February 10, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in gray with a crown on Her head. She says: “My daughter, it is time to make it known, that the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary are the New Kingdom, the New Jerusalem, Holy and Divine Love. I come to you to bring souls into this kingdom. Everything that lies outside of Our Hearts is passing and temporary. Holy Love is the key by which you gain entrance and through which you are newly created. Holy Love is the path. Divine Love is the destination.”
“Our Hearts cannot be separated. They beat as one. The devotion to Our United Hearts must be the oil in your lamps as you await My Son’s return. Then you will be prepared and Satan will not be able to pull you away from Me.”
“The time is fast approaching, when that which is outside of the United Hearts will be laid waste. Satan is conspiring in certain hearts to destroy peace. Cling fast to the present day Manna of the Eucharist. Do not be swayed by free thinking, for today, the guise of Satan is free conscience — free choice.”
“Just as I am united to My Son, so I desire that My children be united to our Sacred Hearts. I desire souls seek their perfection through Our Hearts, in the mission I have come to give you. In praise of Jesus, souls need to be consecrated to the United Hearts. I will return with such a prayer in the near future.”
March 14, 1996
Weekly Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here with many angels. She says: “My children let us pray now for all the unbelievers.” We prayed.
“Dear children, I desire that you lead consecrated lives in the present moment so that I can take your prayers on the wings of angels to heaven and use them to bring souls to My Son. Sometimes you are letting Satan toss you about like a leaf on the wind. Keep your hearts centered on Holy Love. I am with you and I am blessing you.”
March 15, 1996
Jesus Christ
Jesus appeared in front of me with His Heart exposed. Inside His Heart was Mary’s Immaculate Heart. He said: “I desire the devotion to the United Hearts be propagated. Satan opposes this Image, for he sees in it a power he cannot vanquish. My provision is upon those who venerate this Image, contemplating its meaning. In the United Hearts is the embodiment of the meaning Co-Redemptrix.”
March 23, 1996
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
“I welcome you once again. I have been waiting for you. I desire to inform everyone about this blessing. Instruct My missionaries to have an information leaflet printed with what I will give you concerning it. I will bestow this blessing liberally, but it cannot be passed from person to person as can My Mother’s Special Blessing. My Mother will not give this blessing alone but only with Me by Her side.
The blessing carries with it special graces of healing both spiritual and physical. The blessing comes directly from Me in spiritual union with My Mother.
It will be a deterrent to Satan and bring with it disclosure of evil in hearts and in the world. It will draw everyone who receives it to a devotion of Our United Hearts.”
“I tell you these things not in confidence but to be made known. As with any grace, it is a cooperation between man and God.”
March 24, 1996
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
“I am speaking to you concerning Our United Hearts for the sake of My Mother’s humility which precludes Her from addressing so great an honor. The representation of the United Hearts in graphic form is a symbol of Our spiritual unity. It represents the depth of Our union while on earth and in heaven. It is the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary that will come to reign victoriously over the New Jerusalem. The victory is already in Our Hearts and in all hearts that love. The victory will be in the world when all hearts are purified and transformed in Holy Love. No heart is so perfect in Holy Love as My Mother’s Heart is perfect. Therefore, see that it is sin that stands in the way of your loving more perfectly for My Blessed Mother is free from sin.”
“So too, any situation which destroys your peace, takes you away from Holy Love. Then see that Satan wants to destroy your peace. It is his goal. Do not let him succeed, but see him for what he is.”
“How I long to embrace the most errant soul. All they need do is but turn to Me. I stand ready to forgive and to love.”
April 11, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady come in white. She says: “Today I invite you to turn to the Lord who is Steadfast Love and Whose Kingdom shall reign forever. Submit to the rule of His Majesty . Nations shall rise and fall under the auspices of His Reign. Hearts will choose for or against salvation. But His Love is everlasting and His Provision upon those who fear Him.”
“I have not yet begun to show you My greatest miracles. Nor have you received My sternest warning or witnessed the most profound chastisement. Have faith in the path you have chosen. Gird yourself against Satan’s cohorts through prayer and sacrifice. Equal is the time between the present moment, My greatest sign to you, and the New Jerusalem. You will make it known.”
May 5, 1996
Feast of Holy Love
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here in white, the lining of Her mantle is gold, and She has a pink sash around Her waist. Our Lady says: “All praise be to Jesus.”
“Dear children, please pray with Me now for all those who do not have love in their hearts.” We prayed.
“It is important that you know, My children, that when My Son returns, the world will be judged according to what is in hearts. Therefore, know and understand, that hearts which are not clothed in Holy Love call down God’s justice upon themselves and the entire world. You do not know when you will face My Son. Therefore, you must see, much depends on your choice for Holy Love in the present moment.”
“See that Satan gains his foothold in any part of you not surrendered to Holy Love.”
“Every moment you do not love is lost forever, while the moments given over to Holy Love follow you into eternity. Those souls who surrender completely to Holy Love in this life will be seated at the foot of My throne in eternity.”
“Sadly, I tell you today, that the world has lost its innocence. Earth is filling up with the blood of the unborn. Satan has woven a web of complacency and compromise which has ensnared many. But My coming to you is the key and the way out of Satan’s snare. I plead that the world corrects its conscience through Holy Love, for this is the way back to God. Love God and love your neighbor enough to choose good over evil in every circumstance of life.”
“Greater than the miracle of My coming to you is the miracle of My Son’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. Adore Him. Worship Him. Do not let His Presence amongst you go unattended.”
“Further, I come to ask all those who oppose the Holy Father to humble themselves and return to the flock He shepherds. My children, be united in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary through love – Holy Love.
“Dear children, I come to you today because you believe. This morning you had the sun. Now you have clouds. In your soul you have light on the path of holiness when you love. When you sin, you are taken off the path of light and led into darkness. I desire, My dear children, that you make My Message of Holy Love known to the nation and the world.”
Now Jesus is standing next to Blessed Mother. They both bless all here with Their Blessing of the United Hearts.
May 10, 1996
Jesus Christ
Jesus says: “I am your Jesus born Incarnate.”
“The fruits of the Holy Spirit are the same as the fruits of Holy Love – gentleness, kindness, peace, love, joy, patience, and humility. All of these need to shine through each of you as you work on earth for Heaven. You must not abandon the spirit of the Message during this hour of favor.”
“Satan wants to divide you so that he can be in charge. Make My Message known to My chosen instruments.”
May 12, 1996
Monthly Message to All Nations
Blessed Virgin Mary
The following message was given in two parts due to its length:
Our Lady is already in the chapel when I (Maureen) get(s) there. She is dressed in a gold mantle, white gown, and has a sparkling crown over Her head. She says: “I am Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Comfortress of the Afflicted. All praise be to Jesus. My child, understand and make it known that My Spring is not given for those who thirst physically, but for those who thirst spiritually. It is not given because of physical properties, but because it is endowed with supernatural grace. For those in the world, this is difficult to comprehend.”
“My coming to you is not to enrich the world with beauty and make it physically secure, but to change hearts and lead souls into the New Jerusalem through the Gateway of My Heart. Your liberation is not in any physical attribute, but in your conversion through Holy Love. My Son did not lead great armies when He was in the world, but He freed people from the captivity of sin.”
“Today, He sends Me to show the way of salvation through Holy Love. The Holy Love army is in hearts. Every heart that chooses Holy Love changes the world and brings earth closer to heaven.”
“Today, the world is choosing death over life. I speak not only of abortion and euthanasia, but more poignantly of perdition over salvation.”
“You must pray for those who will die sudden and unprovided deaths. So many are unprepared to meet My Son–so many.” She is crying now. “Pray for those who oppose Me in the world. I come most especially for them. These are the ones who do not grasp the urgency of the hour. They have been caught up in Satan’s lies.”
“Always trust in My grace to precede and surround all situations in this mission. This is the hour that all nations will gather at Maranatha Spring. I am blessing you.”
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Am I not here, I who am your Mother. Pray with Me now for all those who come here without love in their hearts. Dear children, I call you today into the compassion of My Heart. The fullness of My Grace is present amongst you. Tell man of earth he need not search for anything in the water of Maranatha Spring save My grace. Here I am ready to heal, to convert, and to reconcile. My children must be reconciled with God. You must mend your lives, dear children, and return to the ways of Holy Love. I desire to present you to My Son with hearts that are full of love.” Jesus and Mary now extend the blessing of the United Hearts to all present.
May 18, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white with Her Immaculate Heart exposed. She says: “Pray with Me now for all those who do not believe.”
“My daughter, you do not mind all the probing of the media?”
“I do mind, but I do it for you and to get the message out.”
“More are on their way. If they put the question to you, ‘why the miracles,’ tell them it is the same as in Jesus’ day. Why did He perform miracles? To draw unbelievers to the truth. Still, some believed in Him and others believed only for awhile. It is no different today and in these times. The signs and miracles will not stop for the sake of those who scrutinize them. No, child, they are increasing, for I am really there. Indeed, My compassion shows forth on those who come. The faith of those who already believe will intensify. The media will see signs and specific happenings themselves if they persevere. Do not fear for what is ahead. My grace is already attending to these matters.”
“My greatest grace is yet to come both on our property and in hearts. No impediment nor will of man will forestall it and you will be witness to what is to come. The choice for Holy Love is not an invitation, but a dictate commanded by My Son in His ministry on earth. I only come as He allows to remain and to expand this greatest of all commandments. Encapsulated in the greatness of the commandment is the greatness of your mission. So too, is the expanse of My call to you. Come to realize, I am not in your midst only as one in a number of apparitions, but as a salvific call to all humanity which treads upon the brink of calamity. It is man himself who is teasing God’s patience and coaxing His justice. I come to set myself against the eternal adversary and to release humanity from his evil grip. Therefore, do not be surprised that you are opposed for you are My representative. Persevere. Satan cannot penetrate the fortress of My Heart.”
“Dear apostle, I am blessing you.”
May 20, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white. There is a gold cross at the top of Her mantle, and there are many gold crosses in the background behind Her. She says: “I tell you, My angel, it is not by happenstance I come to you. I come because of your inadequacies. Jesus allowed Me to choose you and your lack of knowledge concerning church doctrine and spiritual matters at this particular time in history. Since your background does not reflect previous knowledge of the Holy Love Message, it is most obvious that the Message comes from an outside source — mainly Heaven.”
“Tell the people that I have come to stop wars in Hearts.” (Now I see there is a gold cross at Her throat as well, and as She says this, it seems to pulsate and move towards me.)
“Presently, hearts are agitated and lack peace because they do not love. This is a very real sign of Satan’s presence in the world. War that is conceived in hearts soon becomes manifest in the world. If people do not pray and hearts do not change, the world will find itself plunged into a deadly war. This war would be like no other. It would upset certain checks and balances in nature itself. My children do not like to be faced with such stark reality. Tell them I come as My Heart bleeds with love for each soul. I desire that My children avert these tragedies. I am giving you the way out through prayer, sacrifice, and Holy Love. Therefore, see that I bring to you a message not of gloom and doom, but one of hope.”
She leaves. All the crosses are left in the air momentarily.
June 8, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in blue and a cream color. She says: “Oh, My daughter, I come to you sorrowing and yet joyful. I am thankful for the pro-life bill your governor saw to completion. For here it is in law. There is life – it is a child from the moment of conception. Yet I sorrow for those who continue to support abortion. What hypocrisy! What a lie! How can it be life in one instance and unwanted tissue in the next? Mankind must cease worshiping his free will. That is My prayer.”
“I need to strengthen My army of consecrated souls. These are the ones who surrender to Me their past, present, and future. Promote the consecration to the Flame of My Heart by printing it on a prayer card. The core of this mission is comprised of My generals. I ask that you promote this! Promote this! Promote this!”
“I am with you even in the darkest moment. Satan will not succeed in his attacks. I am blessing you.”
June 15, 1996
Feast of the Immaculate Heart
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady appears in blue with Her Heart exposed. She is standing in and enveloped by the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She says: “I desire that the world surrender to and conform to the dictates of Holy Love so that Our Hearts may be victorious in the world. Little daughter, I come to give praise to Jesus. Yesterday, the news carried the story of a new surgery procedure, wherein, part of the heart was removed making it more functional. Today, I tell you, all hearts need to surrender to Holy Love, holding back no fraction or portion for themselves. This is the only way in which grave tragedy can be avoided. Those who cannot accept the Holy Father’s infallibility on all matters of faith are living in the delusion of self-love which leads to perdition. Those in authority mislead others when they cast shadows of doubt upon the Holy Father. It is important to know that faith is under attack. But I COME TO PROTECT YOUR FAITH.”
“My Heart is the Refuge of all sinners. My Heart is the Gateway and the path that takes you to the Heart of My Son. It is impossible for you to remain in a state of peace without My protections. My Son has entrusted to My Heart the peace of the world. My Heart is Holy Love. Therefore, see and understand that the peace the world seeks and needs is encapsulated in My Holy Love message. It is for this reason Satan comes against you in unique ways. It is for this reason the adversary will not succeed. You must not fear any attack. You are already in My heart and I am in yours.”
June 16, 1996
Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth
Our Lady comes in blue and white and with a crown on Her head. She says: “I am Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Heaven and earth. My reign has begun in hearts that embrace Holy Love. Therefore see, My daughter, that My victory has begun in you.”
“Do not fear the tide of controversy that surrounds these apparitions. It is necessary that hearts be challenged so that they will change. Each time I come to you, more hearts are converted. God has not abandoned the errant nation of people who choose evil. No, rather, He mercifully ministers to their needs at Maranatha Spring. It is true, the choicest favors are yet to come, but the power of grace manifest on the property grows each minute.”
“I am calling together a Holy Nation — a Holy People. One that will challenge Satan’s kingdom in hearts and oppose evil in the world.”
“The crowds will continue to grow on the Twelfth of the month. Surrender this day to Me and petition My support towards your physical stamina. Pray very much for those who will come. Let us pray now.” We prayed. “Do not fear, but pray, pray, pray.”
She leaves.
June 23, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in blue and white and has a great light over Her, around Her and some even shines down on me. She says: “All praise be to Jesus, My angel. Today, I tell you, God’s Will, His Mercy, and His Love are one and come to you and to the world through the corridor of Holy Love that is My Heart. I do not come to you for My merit but to take all souls back to God. His reign and kingship will be in all hearts in the New Jerusalem. It is then Our United Hearts will be triumphant and Satan’s confusion defeated.”
“It is difficult to bring souls into Holy Love that have their hearts implanted in the world. These are the ones that are self-seeking either after money, power, carnality, or intellectual prowess. Some of this, understand, My daughter, is necessary towards God’s good end. But, the hearts I speak of have made gods of these things. It is necessary that God will shake humanity loose from these false gods through His loving Justice. He loves with such depth that He sends Me as precursor to reconcile souls to Himself through Holy Love. I cannot affect the choices in hearts without your efforts. Continue to pray and sacrifice much. What I have come to tell you will come to pass soon. Be at peace.” She leaves.
July 11, 1996
Weekly Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Grace. She has 30 – 40 angels with Her. She says: “All praise be to Jesus, My little ones. Pray with Me now, oh dear children, for those who oppose life.” We prayed.
“Dear children, I desire much more than your fasts from food that you enjoy. I desire that you fast from any sin. In this way you will make recompense to the sorrowing and grieving Heart of My Beloved Son.”
“Dear children, intensify and be extravagant in every sacrifice. I need your efforts so that Satan’s works will be revealed in the world. Much evil is clothed in goodness. Tonight, I am imparting to you My Blessing of Holy Love.”
July 12, 1996
Monthly Message to All Nations
Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary
The following message was given in two parts due to its length. The two parts are interspersed. Jesus and Blessed Mother are both here. Their hearts are exposed.
Our Lady says: “Praise be to Jesus. Please pray with Us for those who oppose life.” We prayed.
I (Maureen) told Blessed Mother that there are many people here who would like to be healed and that they have many needs — physical, spiritual, and emotional.
She says: “Some will need to wait; others will find grace in this present moment. Still others are members of My army of victim souls. Let us pray together for all of these.” We prayed.
“Dear child, please take down My words in praise of Jesus. I come to speak to all nations — all people. Today, in your country, a horrendous sin, that of partial birth abortion, is being considered as a viable law. Not only is this worse than Herod’s slaughter of the innocents, it is a precedent for other nations to follow suit.”
“My army of consecrated souls must be the voice crying in the desert. As children of Mary, you must make your voices heard above the din of complacent consciences. Satan could not have attempted such a blatant, godless law 10 years ago. But today, because righteousness lies dormant in hearts, his actions go almost unnoticed. ”
“Dear children, it is up to you to be My voice in the world. Bring the Ten Commandments alive again. They have not changed. Speak up for My Holy Love message. You must be My message in the world. We are outnumbered, and so you must pray for strength. My grace is your strength. My Heart will achieve victory in and through you. When you pursue My goals, My blessing is upon you.”
Jesus says: “I desire that families venerate the picture of Our United Hearts, for in this is the grace to remain united and to become holy. Marriages that are thus consecrated to Our United Hearts will not dissolve. I am giving the grace today that souls will be moved in this direction. We will now give the people here The Blessing of Our United Hearts.” They bless us and leave.
July 24, 1996
Dayton, Ohio
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes with a light coming from Her Heart. She has on a white mantle and a pink gown. She says: “Dear children, pray with Me now for the success of My mission in the world through Holy Love.” We prayed.
“Dear children, tonight, sadly I tell you that the darkness in many hearts is spilling out into the world, for Satan is trying to extinguish My Flame of Holy Love, which is the light on the path of salvation. I ask that you pray for My mission and that you strengthen it through your prayers and sacrifices and by spreading My message of Holy Love to others.”
“Dear children, when you live My message, it becomes part of your heart, and your hearts are sanctified in the present moment. Tonight I extend to you My Blessing Of Holy Love.”
August 7, 1996
Weekly Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady’s here in white. She is standing on a globe of the world. She says: “Pray with Me now, dear children, for all those who will make pilgrimage here on the 12th.”
“Dear children, when you pray, you are giving Me strength to defeat Satan and all his works. When you sacrifice, you are distinguishing yourselves as My children. When you love, you are making the way clear for others to love. I encourage you in every aspect of your personal holiness.”
“Dear children, tonight I extend to you My Blessing of Holy Love.”
August 12, 1996
Monthly Message to All Nations
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. Her Heart is exposed. She says: “Dear children, pray with Me now for the conversion of all those present here today.” After we prayed, Jesus appeared next to Blessed Mother. His Heart is also exposed.
“I have come to speak to all nations — to all people. Dear children, My coming to you is a grace. I do not come to make you holy. You yourselves must choose to be holy. I do not come to bring you peace. You yourselves must choose it. All you need to choose is Holy Love and all else will be added, for when you choose this love, you choose everything.”
“I desire very much that apostolates and apparition sites do not oppose one another but, in Holy Love, assist each other in propagating My messages to the world. I do not come to different sites to bring rivalry or friction but, everywhere and each time, to draw My children into My Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love. It is Satan who wants to divide and bring conflict to your midst. Then you are confused and do not see the oneness of My call to you. Dear, dear children, it is not for you to take pride in My coming to this site or any other. Each site that My Son sends Me to is continually and always a site of grace for all people. I never leave any of the sites I visit, but am always present there. Therefore, do not believe one apparition is greater than another or that more grace is attendant to one than another.”
“I come to you to bring reconciliation to the midst of your hearts, so that you will be reconciled to God and to each other. This — Holy Love — is the last hope of mankind.”
“There is an unhealthy bond forming in the world that opposes My victory. God is not in the formation of this consolidation of powers. I am asking you to be aware and to come against this by your prayers and sacrifices. Comprehend that there is no order outside of Holy Love. There is no truth outside of Holy Love.”
“Dear children, I come once again for your good. There is a time in the future when I will no longer come to you, and you will need to live according to My messages. When you pray, pray with hearts full of Holy Love; then My Son will be most attentive to your prayers.”
“Countries need not hold summit meetings without Holy Love in their hearts, for they will not accomplish peace in arguments over borders and natural resources but only through reconciliation with God, their Creator. Then they will have peace in their hearts, peace in their countries, and peace in the world.”
“Today, We (Jesus and Mary) are blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts.” When Jesus and Mary left, Their United Hearts were momentarily suspended in the air as sparkling lights.”
August 20, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in shimmering white. She says: “My daughter, as I always come, I come to give praise to Jesus. I desire that those souls truly consecrated to the Flame of My Heart live as witnesses to My victory in their hearts. These are the ones that must draw others into this Purifying Flame, and so, into the Refuge of My Heart.”
“Here are the steps to entering this Refuge.”
1. “First, as with any conversion, the soul must choose to enter My Heart.”
2. “Next, the soul must die to self, putting others and God ahead of himself. In so doing, the soul is living the Holy Love message.”
3. “The soul needs to recognize that choosing and living this way makes him a target of attack. Satan places such souls under siege. Knowing this, the soul needs to persevere through much prayer and sacrifice. This is the 3rd step.”
4. “All of My children, who choose, live, and persevere in being purified in the Flame of Holy Love that is the Refuge of My Heart, must practice living in the present moment. The fourth step is to trust in this solemn refuge in the present moment which embraces your salvation.”
5. “The fifth step is all-encompassing of the other four steps. My dear children must pray for the grace to love God’s Will. This is your choice, your living the Holy Love message, your perseverance, and your trust. God wants all of these things for you — in the present moment. God’s Will is My Heart. God wills that you come into and abide in this Immaculate Refuge, a Refuge He has created for you.”
“I desire all of My children know and understand this.”
September 12, 1996
Monthly Message to All Nations
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. Her Heart is exposed. She says: “I come in praise of Jesus, My only begotten Son. Pray with Me now for all the petitions that are in hearts here today.” We prayed.
Jesus is now here with Blessed Mother. His Heart is also exposed.
“I come to address all nations, all people in this hour of decision which weighs heavy in hearts, and so the world. Today, Satan’s veil of confusion has fallen over hearts in this nation and many nations. My children — all of whom are called to salvation — are confusing freedom of choice with sin. I do not come to take away man’s free will, but to beg your choice of good over evil. You will succeed in this if you choose to live in Holy Love. Through Holy Love you must see that the human embryo from the time of conception is a life that you are commanded to love. Consciences have fallen asleep under much misconception, and the toll on God’s patience is great. You cannot hope to turn away God’s wrath and break His commandments at the same time. My coming to you is to help you to choose. I have begged from My Son this grace. He awaits the change I come to seek in hearts.”
“Too many are choosing not only to ignore Me, but to ignore the prophets of old who have foretold these times. [Blessed Mother suggested reading Daniel Chapter 12]. Do not forsake this last call, for I tell you when justice comes, many will pass from this world to the next in one moment. Then your choices will end — for eternity. Begin to love now.”
“Dear children, when I appeared to the children at LaSalette, I was weeping for the sin that was committed in the world, the profanity of the Sabbath, and the profanity of My Son’s name. But today, I come to you MUCH MORE YOUR SORROWING MOTHER and at the foot of the Cross. I ask you to consecrate your hearts and your lives to Holy Love. This Flame of Eternal Love that is My Immaculate Heart will lead you along the path of holiness. Your conversion is the beginning of the conversion of all mankind. Today We extend to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
October 7, 1996
Feast of the Holy Rosary; At the prayer vigil early evening
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. “Dear children, tonight I come to you once again, imploring your prayers that man be reconciled with God. Satan wants to destroy every soul, church , and even the planet on which you live. But you can change this through your Rosaries, your Eucharists, your Holy Hours of Reparation. I am counting on you My children to be Holy Love in the world and to make My words to you known. I extend to you My Motherly Blessing.”
October 24, 1996
Weekly Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here in a gold color. She says: “All praise be to Jesus, My little children. I come to you tonight seeking your prayers for all those who oppose Me in the world.”
“My little children, let Holy Love stand guard over the integrity of your hearts. Let Holy Love be the doorway to your salvation. I come today seeking your faith, your hope, and your love, that I may return to My Son and afford Him great ammunition against evil. It is the love in your hearts that allows Me to oppose Satan in such a way. Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”
November 2, 1996
Jesus Christ
From Jesus
“I am giving you this consecration of marriages to Our United Hearts because of these times. These last days before My triumphant return see Satan attacking all vocations — but in particular the priesthood and marriages. Marriages consecrated to Our United Hearts will find the way made easier. Pray this prayer daily for Our Protection and Provision.”
Marriage Consecration
Holy and Sacred United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we consecrate our marriage to You today in this present moment. Through this consecration, we will dedicate our hearts to Your victory. United in You we seek Your protection and provision. Increase our love for You and for each other with every breath we take. Regally clothe our hearts in the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. Help us to increase in holiness in and through Your United Hearts. Amen.
“Propagate this consecration. It carries with it many graces. It will strengthen the soul of marriages gone stale. It will increase fervor in hearts. It will convert the unconverted who consents to pray it.”
He leaves with a smile. The United Hearts are in the air.
November 30, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in pale gray and white. She says: “My child, I come to you because you have come to Me. I invite you to understand that the coming liturgical year will bring many changes both in hearts and in the world. Evil will preside over many hearts and events — even more so than today. The greatest errors and tribulations will begin to unfold.”
“So that you will recognize these evils which are now formulating in hearts, I will reveal to you now the foretaste of their coming. Satan is attempting to take over the airways and every form of modern communications. His power will be felt in consumerism, shallow economies, and false teachings. Once again, he will masquerade as good. He has many subversive schemes to weaken faith and counter My plans on earth. He seeks the demise of every soul and the destruction of your peace.”
“Recall these, my words to you as this liturgical year unfolds. Rely on My grace and pray much. I seek your assistance in destroying My adversary — the red dragon. If you pray, you will not be fooled by his disguises. I am blessing you.”
December 31, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here in white. There is a gold border around Her mantle and Her Immaculate Heart is exposed. She says: “Praise be Jesus, My little children.”
Our Lady gave a personal message, then said: “Dear children, as this year unfolds, I invoke your prayers for all those who are teetering upon apostasy in their hearts during this coming year, which is most serious and not to be welcomed with revelry but with prayer.”
“I invite you to understand that Satan is about to destroy the faith of many. Therefore, you must pray to Me for My protection, as I come to protect the faith in all hearts.”
“Some have made gods of their own opinions and will not be swayed from them. For these, continue to pray. For their opinions are not equal to God’s commandments or to Church doctrine. Some of these are bound to happen before My Son returns. When He comes, it will be as Just Judge. Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”
January 30, 1997
Weekly Rosary Service
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Lourdes, and Jesus is with Her. “All praise be Jesus, My little ones. Pray with Me now for those who do not pursue the path of holiness which is Holy Love.”
“Dear children, I come to bring you My peace and to call you once again to reconciliation with God. Do not let Satan take you into the past thinking of what could have been, but appreciate the grace of the present moment and what is. I am calling you into Our United Hearts as a refuge, a fortress against the evil of these days, an evil which prevails upon many hearts and confuses the unconverted. Be at peace, and know that I am always with you but most especially when you pray. Tonight We extend to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
February 7, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is waiting for me when I arrive in the chapel. She is in blue. Over Her Heart is a mirror. She says: “Let this mirror be a sign to you that you are to be a reflection of My Heart, which is Holy Love in the world. This is why I have come and why I am sent. My mission of Holy Love is a mission of hearts. It is a mission of hearts in the United Hearts. It is a mission of hearts in each soul, as each one is called to be perfected in and through Holy Love.”
“Holy Love is the arch foe of Satan for it opposes all the points of entry into hearts. These are the faults that stem from pride, including: anger; jealousy; unforgiveness; self-righteousness; fear, which is lack of trust; and self-aggrandizement. These faults oppose My mission and My victory both in hearts and in the world. Each one needs to stand guard over his heart and extricate these errors from their souls.”
“Now in this present moment, I am blessing you.”
March 13, 1997
Thursday Rosary Service
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes in light blue and white. She says, “Peace be with you. I come to make clear my message of the 12th. Do not fear this or any message. I do not come to you to tear down but to build up.”
“I liken this refuge — My Prayer site — to the wilderness where I took refuge from Satan, for this is a spiritual refuge as was the refuge I fled to. That wilderness centuries ago was neither in Heaven nor on earth. This refuge is on earth, but so too is in My Heart and the hearts of those who come and believe. You will please make this known.”
March 17, 1997
St. Patrick’s Day
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Peace be with you. Praise be Jesus, King of Heaven and Earth.” Now she has St. Patrick with her. She says: “This saint sacrificed much and placed himself in much peril in order to convert Ireland. But you, my daughter, must resolve yourself to an even greater mission for your mission field is every soul. I do not place boundaries on the Holy Love message. Indeed, it spans the abyss between Heaven and earth. This saint, who stands here with me, had unwavering faith. He knew God’s miracles would be granted in support of his mission. You too, my angel, will be sent amongst unbelievers, doubters, and those who will revile. But you must remain strong. Do not doubt. Every grace will be your support and stalwart allegiance. Expect the miraculous. You will endure and persevere.”
“I ask all of my children, and most especially those who have made themselves a part of the Bread of Holy Love Movement, to pray with me now for the important and unprecedented times ahead. There are too many who never pray and who do not know God. They lead pagan lives behind Satan’s lead. We must pray that such as these come in contact with the Holy Love message. I want to send you to many lowly places, to my poor, to prisons, and to the spiritually-impoverished rich. You need only my grace to succeed. Pray with me that my plan comes to fruition.”
“I am leaving you. My blessing is upon you.”
March 21, 1997
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Peace be with you. Praise be Jesus. Pray with me now for all those who do not believe.”
“Child, I know much has been asked of you. You have been asked to believe when most did not believe. You have been asked to witness at great personal loss to yourself. But now, in these times, it is necessary that I ask more of you. Let this not be a burden, but see it only as a grace.”
“My title, Refuge of Holy Love is eternally significant and a covenant with humanity. Because God chose that I be immaculately conceived, Holy Love comes to perfection in my Heart. Being perfected in Holy Love, I have the strongest desire to protect my children. While I am concerned for every aspect of your well being, my greatest concern is for your faith. These are times of weak and lukewarm faith, for Satan seeks especially those who try to come close to me. Therefore, my Son sends me with this prayer — the embodiment of both titles, Protectress of the Faith and Refuge of Holy Love. Now I will state it.”
“Mary, Protectress of the Faith, shelter my faith in Your Immaculate Heart — Refuge of Holy Love. In the Refuge of Your Heart and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Son, protect my faith from all evil. Amen.”
“You will need to propagate this prayer with the image I have assisted you with. Opposition will not hold sway over it.”
“Now I am blessing you.”
March 27, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in green. She says: “Put your beads (rosary) down for a moment, My angel, and listen to Me. Let us give praise to Jesus, Who is King and Redeemer. I come to give meaning to the Scripture passage, ‘to the rich more will be added, but to the poor, the little they have will be taken away.’ Jesus does not allude to worldly wealth here. He is speaking of those rich in faith. The times have come when those with weak faith will be unable to hold onto what little they have. Satan’s compromise has infiltrated and deceived even the most unlikely. It is necessary that you pray for all hearts to choose holiness. Some of the most unloving hearts will come in fear to the Spring. They will have faith only if they begin to love. They will love only when they humble themselves before God.”
April 3, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes under the title ‘Refuge of Holy Love’. She says: “Praise be Jesus. I am coming to you under this title of Holy Love because these are such decisive times. I want to help you, my dear children, to choose good over evil. Do not allow Satan to make every decision look trivial or the same as another. Every decision is for or against love, and so leads you closer or farther away from God. The evil one does not want you to understand this. His ultimate goal in every heart is to make damnation look like salvation. This is what compromise leads to.”
“Let us discuss compromise. The heart of the church is the Eucharist. My Son is either truly present in the Eucharist or He is not. There is no in between. Jesus says He is present.”
Thursday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Our Lady is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She has the reliquary in front of her and the Cure’ de Ars is standing next to her. She says: “Praise be Jesus. These little ones (relics in reliquary) are the ones that saved your apartment today. You must listen to the good Cure’ when he says: “Do not let Satan ruffle your feathers or gain entry to your peace. Let us pray now for all unbelievers.”
“Dear children, I come once again to help you choose holiness, to choose good over evil, heaven over earth. Do not be dismayed when Satan tries to enter your soul through lack of peace, but come to this refuge of Holy Love that is my Heart. I am with you, my dear children. I am with you always and eternally. I am blessing you.”
April 6, 1997
Divine Mercy Sunday
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus, Alleluia! Dear children, pray with me now that God’s Mercy will overcome all evil in the world.”
“Dear children, I come to you today so that you will love and have compassion for your fellow man. It is God’s Mercy and God’s Love that sends me to you once again. I want you to know, dear children, that Satan flees before the image, Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.”
“Make sure, my daughter, to tell the people that this image in your apartment vanquished the fire in the apartment complex.”
“Dear children, pray always for the lukewarm, for they are a particular sword in the Heart of My Son. Today I am blessing you with my Blessing of Holy Love.”
April 12, 1997
Monthly Message to All Nations; This message was given in two parts
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. A lighted cross was in the sky before Our Lady came. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Pray with me now for the needs of all here present today, especially the unbelievers.”
“Your mission is now beginning, the unfolding of which is yet to come. I mean to reveal to you the meaning of this Refuge of Holy Love, for herein Jesus confides the peace of the world. Nation shall rise against nation, and nature itself will take revenge against humanity. But in every need, trust that the solution is through my grace and within this solemn Refuge.”
“You, my daughter, have experienced Satan’s wrath personally. But in his ignorance of all that lies humble before God, he could not comprehend My intercession. Therefore, I say to you, have no misgivings concerning future events. For the future belongs to My grace. I give praise to Jesus in all of this. Remember, your lives and all your possessions are mine and untouchable by evil.” (Reference to St. Louis de Montfort “Total Consecration.”)
“Now I am speaking once again publicly and to all nations.”
“Dear Children, the war of all wars is already being waged. I invite you to realize this. The battle I speak of is being fought in every heart. It is the war between good and evil. Because most do not even recognize the enemy, my Son sends me to you with the Holy Love Message so that you may see where the foe lays hidden.”
“Today, too many are choosing the path of perdition. Thus, My Mantle of Protection has been removed from your country and all nations who legislate against the Ten Commandments God has set forth. This means great tribulation just ahead. Know that I remain a Refuge and Protection of the righteous.”
Blessed Mother is now here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, and Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. Dear Children, just as the rain has washed the earth clean, today I help you to realize that Holy Love will wash your hearts of all iniquity. My Son has removed most every nation from under My Mantle of Protection, for they do not follow the Divine Will of God in all His Commandments. But I am protecting those who seek the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart with sincerity. And even now I speak to you in the midst of a group of faithful. Such spiritual refuge centers are the balm that soothe My Sorrowing Heart.”
“Jesus and I extend to you the Blessing of the United Hearts.”
April 24, 1997
Thursday Rosary Service
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. I come as your Mother and Refuge. Pray with me now for those who do not love — and do not believe.”
“Dear children, tonight I invite you to realize that when the battle is the fiercest, victory is at hand. So it is today in hearts and in the world. Satan’s power is dwindling and in anger his attacks are most ferocious. But I am with you in Holy Love. My Heart is continually your Refuge and Fortress. Depend on Me and not on your own capabilities.”
“Dear children, do not fear any portion of the future, for I am with you. In your weakness, I am your strength. I am blessing you.”
May 12, 1997
Monthly Message to All Nations; The following message was given in two parts.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady come as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I have come into the world to reveal the compromise that has weakened the faith in the hearts of many. Many have made decisions that would bring them laud in the world. Jesus sends Me to you to help you choose that which will bring you salvation.”
“Today, for the first time, I invite you to understand that lack of Holy Love in hearts has destroyed right reason. Right reason is all reason based on Holy Love. When the heart is not steeped in Holy Love, compromise replaces right reason. This is why you have abortion, pornography, all sorts of vice, homosexuality, corrupt governments, compromised faith and morals, and more. It is Satan who takes right reason out of hearts. It is Satan who promotes compromise in hearts.”
“Your hearts, my dear children, are what Satan pursues. For it is your heart that determines damnation or salvation. When my Son returns, as He will, you will be judged on your own merit — not on what everyone else thinks or does.”
“In the world, many and most nations have been led astray through the disintegration of right reason in hearts. As hearts go, so go whole nations; and as nations go, so goes the world.”
“There are great numbers of martyrs of the faith in the world these days. Many, many are living in this country. I call them martyrs for these holy and consecrated ones are martyrs of the heart. These are the priests who are unafraid to show devotion to me and hold fast to my place in church tradition. These are the lay people who dedicated their lives to my cause amidst great price. I will not abandon these dear children of mine, but will present them myself to my Son at the hour of His telling.”
“Dear children, I am in your midst as the Sorrowful Woman Clothed with the Sun, the Comfortress of the Afflicted and the Mediatrix of All Grace. I invite you to pray with me now for all those who do not believe.”
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. They both have their Hearts exposed. “Dear children, I come to you in sorrow, inviting you to understand that certain persuasions have been accepted, allowing the Antichrist to come to power. You my dear children are my army against all evil. Because of your faith, your perseverance, I come to you still, pouring my grace upon the world, converting souls, and showing the way to salvation. Today We extend to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
May 15, 1997
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Mary comes as Refuge of Holy Love. My daughter, I come to you today as your Confidante, Refuge, and Mother. I come to give praise and great honor to Jesus.”
“My coming to you should preclude any fear or misgiving you may harbor in your heart. Please understand that there are many who offer their judgments concerning my appearances to you, but they are of undefined faith and lukewarm conviction. This is why I need to come to you and through you to deliver My Grace and My Message around the earth. If hearts were convicted in Holy Love, they would not question and find fault. When, my Son returns, as He will, the scrutiny will stop and the rejoicing will begin. Until then, you must persevere in patience towards the awkward unbelievers. Some want very much to believe but fear ridicule.”
“But today, I come with a more important message than to calm your troubled heart. You have been questioning my telling you that My Image, Refuge of Holy Love, is miraculous. You ask in what way is it miraculous. My sweet daughter, it is miraculous first of all because I held and guided your hand in its execution . Next, I tell you that Satan will flee before the invocation ‘Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, pray for us.’ This title is in itself a Spiritual Refuge. The more you will persevere speaking this little ejaculatory prayer, the deeper I will take you into my Heart. Let it be forever on your lips. I will convict souls in the areas of their lives most vulnerable to lack of love. I have come to you to save souls, not to dazzle the sightseers; but as my image brings spiritual healing , it will also bring with it peace.”
“You will please note the cross on My Hand which signifies an as yet unproclaimed dogma. It is a sign of My Suffering with My Beloved Son at the Hour of His Passion and Death.”
” I have come to give you much. Your ‘yes’ is my comfort and joy. I am blessing you.”
June 1, 1997
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Dear daughter, you are in the depths of My Heart. Tell My children that for the sinner there is but one path – the Flame of Holy Love. To pass through this Flame takes courage and introspect. But, as you submerge yourself in Holy Love, I am with you and supporting you.”
“Today, there are many, many who turn their backs and run from this Flame as though it would devour them. It is their own self that destroys their soul. It is their fear of saying ‘yes’ that makes them run.”
“I have come to bring you now to my triumph, for it is within this Flame of Love that Satan will be consumed and devoured. Do not think he is unaware of this. In the end he will be rendered harmless. Today, he is frantic.”
“But My Image (Refuge of Holy Love) leaves him in terror. Use it. Carry it with you . Have it near you. Hold it prominent in your homes. He has no weapon to match this Holy Image.”
“I am with you. I will defeat Satan thorough your prayers. I am blessing you.”
June 7, 1997
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in blue and white. She has Her Heart exposed. She says: “All praise be Jesus. My angel, it is today as it was in the time of Jesus. Sometimes my messages fall upon infertile soil, that is the message falls by the wayside and succumbs to the allurements and the opinions of the world. I desire all people seek the Refuge of Holy love that is my Heart. I desire to describe this solemn Refuge to you today.”
“A refuge is a place of safety, a port in the storm, and a shelter of provision. My Immaculate Heart is all of these things. I call you into my Heart that I may protect you from the evil around you in the world today. Satan rarely comes as himself but in every form of disguise. He uses the snare of television to invade your leisure. He writes in newspapers, magazines, and books. He is proficient in every form of art and music. He uses modern communications such as the Internet and e-mail. He transposes himself on good to create evil.”
“It is in the Refuge of my Heart I will help you to discover Satan in your life and in the world. In the shelter of my Heart I will protect your faith. Today the Church has been infiltrated with confusion. Through Holy Love I can help you uncover his snares.”
“It is through the grace of my Heart all good comes. I dispense the graces I am given by my Son. During these times you are certain prey for Satan without the intervention of my grace.”
“This Heart, this Refuge is a shelter that leads to the Kingdom of God and the New Jerusalem. My Heart will take you into the era of peace. It is the vessel of sanctification, the Harbor leading to God’s Ocean of Mercy and Compassion.”
“To enter, you need more than my invitation. With your will, you need to turn your hearts over to me. You need to live in Holy Love. Thus clothed, I will open wide the door of my Heart.”
“My angel, I need for you to make all of this known.”
June 8, 1997
2nd Sunday of the Month – To Pray Against Abortion
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Pray with me now dear children for those who participate in the sin of abortion.”
“Dear children, the sin of abortion is a silent holocaust destroying lives of national leaders, Church leaders, and world renowned scientists. (*) Because it is such a gruesome sin, it allows Satan to invade many lives and to influence the future of every nation and even the planet on which you live. For justice will have its way in the end. It is important that you continue to remember this very special intention of mine, that consciences awaken as to the true nature of abortion and to Satan’s lies. Pray, pray, pray. Today I am blessing you with My Blessing of Motherly Love.” (*) Four years ago Blessed Mother had advised the visionary, Maureen, that the future scientist who was to discover the cure for cancer and the future scientist who was to discover the cure for aids were both aborted.
June 12, 1997
Monthly Message to All Nations
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
The following message was given in multiple parts. The parts are interspersed. Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Thank you for responding to my call to be here today. Pray with me now for those who hear but do not believe.”
“Once again I come seeking your reconciliation with God. God remains constant in His steadfast love. It is you that have distanced yourselves from Him.”
“Those who make gods of their free conscience, which is free will, are on the path to perdition. You cannot be saved outside of God’s Holy and Divine Will, which is Holy Love.”
“I come bringing you love and seeking your love in return.” (Now she is showing me a human heart in front of her. It has many holes in it and something seems to be pouring out of the holes.) Our Lady says: “This is the heart of many in the world. All my grace escapes them. Perhaps they believe and follow the righteous path briefly. But Satan gains easy access through flaws in Holy Love. These holes you see are the flaws.”
“Such a heart is compromised. This is how Satan has manipulated laws to his liking. Pray and sacrifice that hearts be made one with their Creator. I come to you so that Heaven and earth will be united in every human heart.”
“My children, it is the hour of apocalypse spoken of by the prophet Daniel. Do not think that because evil thrives in hearts that God will not intervene. In His compassionate Mercy, He gives mankind every opportunity to convert and reverse all evil.”
“I have come to show you the way to conversion. Open your hearts as roses in the sun. I have brought you here today for my purpose and your welfare, so that you will believe and help others to believe. I invite you into my Heart. You never know which chance may be your last. You do not know the hour of Jesus’ return.”
“Dear children, today you pray amidst my tears [it was raining]. I am sorrowful today for what is to come to the world, for the world as you know it teeters on the brink of disaster. It is by merit of your prayers and sacrifices that I am thus able to withhold the hand of justice. My dear children, see what is to come.” Maureen now sees a globe of fire coming toward her that passes by. Then another globe appeared that was in total darkness.”
“But it is within the Refuge of my Immaculate Heart that I will shelter you. Just as today you find shelter under your umbrellas, so my Heart will be your Refuge in the great trials that lie ahead, as also it will be your consolation.”
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. They extend to us the Blessing of the United Hearts.
June 20, 1997
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. “My daughter, I come to you as I have promised and foretold. I ask you to have confidence in me now, as I must bring you a special message.”
“I come as your Advocate and Mother. I ask you to make this known to all of my little children. The year ahead – this June to the next – will be a year of untold sorrow and joy. Many revelations [made by the Virgin Mary during this century] will be realized. Those who are weak will not understand, just as they fail to see today. The current tribulations and evils in the world are only a prelude of what is to come.”
“As I come seeking your reconciliation with God, Satan is at my heel seeking your destruction. The apostasy and heresy, that is in hearts now, will be externalized as never before. But I do not predict to you destruction of the Church. Many will succumb but not all.”
“Those who seek the bridge of reconciliation with God – the bridge which is my Heart and Holy Love – will be safe. I speak of spiritual safety, for my Heart is your Spiritual Refuge. Those who pursue their own will shall be easily misled.”
“My daughter, you need not defend this way of love and reconciliation. You need only point it out. This is how Jesus taught.”
“The lives of many will be altered in this year of grave decision. This year continues under the reign of Jesus, King of Mercy and Love. But coming swiftly is my Son’s reign as Just Judge.”
“I do not come to frighten but to awaken sleeping consciences. I do not come to satisfy the curious but to change hearts. The privilege of my coming to you is for all nations and all people. All of these can traverse the bridge of Holy Love. They must choose.”
“The reign of the United Hearts will bring an end to division. It is time to unite in this victory. It is time to believe.”
June 25, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “It is important that I speak to you now as a mother concerned for her children.”
“When your country was founded, hearts were well-centered in Christ. Your country even adopted as its by-word. “In God We Trust!” But today, God has been forced out of hearts. Consciences have fallen asleep. The word ‘freedom’ has been convoluted and now stands for every sort of abomination and debauchery against God’s law. Because your nation leads and holds much influence over other nations, great, great are the consequences of ungodly decisions. The Church itself stands compromised by opinions instead of loyalty to the Holy Father.”
“I am calling the laity to unite in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Pray for the courage to battle, in the present moment, every type of hypocrisy and lie Satan is spreading. I am with you. I want to protect you. The future depends on your prayers.”
July 4, 1997
Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary
“My daughter, I come to you today as Queen of the Universe and Mother of Jesus Born Incarnate. Will you respond to Me?”” I look up and see Our Lady in a luminous light, in pink, gold, and white. She has a crown on Her head and is holding Jesus.
She says: “Do not despise rejection. It is a sign to you I am real. It is a sign My message to you is challenging Satan’s power in the world.” (Someone I knew refused to say hello to me earlier.)
“I am coming to you as Queen and Protectress of the Universe to show you that my Message of Holy Love is a force drawing the world and all balances of nature back to God. The beginning and the end are about to unfold. The beginning of a New Era is coming on the heels of Satan’s defeat.”
“Win for Me hearts – one at a time. For when a soul chooses conversion, he chooses Holy Love. With Holy Love in his heart, Heaven and earth are united and victorious in him. Each heart strengthens the Kingdom. Each heart hastens My reign.”
“This Message is the key to unlocking the door to the New Jerusalem. My Heart is the message of Holy Love. From the moment that God deigned I be Immaculately conceived, it has been so. You are here now proclaiming truth. Truth will win out in the end.”
“It is true some do not see the Scale of Justice I hold in My hand – this scale being Holy Love. But in the future it will be shown to them all too clearly. At that time, my Son will be holding it and weighing all thoughts, words, and actions according to Holy Love.”
“Continue. I am with you. I know all your needs.”
She leaves.
July 10, 1997
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. “Praise be Jesus. My angel, what is to come will change and alter lives forever. But it is necessary to bring about the reign of Our United Hearts.
I asked Her the meaning of the dream I had last night.
“Satan will come to power and gain strength by this means.” (Modern technology? Saw flames on a computer screen.)
“Go now and I will be with you.”
July 12, 1997
Monthly Message to All Nations
Our Lady of Guadalupe
“My daughter, let us continue in praise of Jesus.”
“The fruits of love are: peace, joy, reconciliation, unity, and compassion. You cannot have the fruits of love if you do not love God and your neighbor first.”
“Satan wants you to believe the contrary. Satan does not want you to love God but to love sin; to love self first and foremost; to love money. Satan lies to you by letting you believe these things bring you peace, joy, and all the good fruits of love.”
“I come to you asking you to look at your lives. Look into your hearts. See where Satan has fooled you. Then look at your country. See what values your leaders have chosen.”
“Realize then, how wide the abyss has come between man and God. Help Me to construct the bridge of Holy Love to span this abyss.”
“My daughter, I come to speak to all nations. Centuries ago, when I appeared to Juan Diego under this title, people were worshipping false gods. Today it is also true that the abyss between God and man is the false god of money. Money is viewed as strength. It is fought over and is the root of much evil. You would not have abortion in the world today if it did not line the coffers of those involved. This is also true of child exploitation and many other sins that are an abomination in the eyes of God.”
“People see this world as an end in itself, when it is only a beginning. All of these false gods are temporary and serve as obstacles to salvation.”
“Further, the world as you know it is passing away. How foolish to cast your lot, then, with what is not eternal. My call to you is to see Satan in all that is temporary. Only with God is there eternal life.”
“If your country would resolve the abortion issue and once again rule it illegal, some of what I have predicted would be averted. I cannot resolve this issue for you, only pray that hearts open to the truth.”
“I come as the Woman Clothed with the Sun. Praise be Jesus. Pray with Me now dear children for all petitions in hearts here today.”
“Dear children, come to realize that God’s Divine Will and My Grace are one. Through your prayers, I dispense My grace, that I may hasten the Reign of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary.”
“When My Son returns and Our Hearts are victorious, you will be living in a new Heaven and a new earth. Heaven and earth will be united in every heart; then love will reign as uncontested ruler of hearts, nations, and the world.”
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother and they extend to us the Blessing of the United Hearts.
August 6, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “I come in praise of Jesus, My Son. My daughter, you will please make this known to all of My little children.”
“When the triumph of the United Hearts occurs you will be living in the New Jerusalem. Every measure of grace will be expanded, and hearts will be transfixed in Divine and Holy Will, which is Divine and Holy Love. Righteousness will be restored in all hearts and even nature itself. Satan will no longer contend with holiness, and Christ will resume His place at the center of the universe. You do not have to understand theology to know that this is a wonderful plan and reward for all who persevere.”
“As I speak to you, the good angel prepares to lift his trumpet, sounding the return of My Beloved Son. You, My children, are so much a part of this. By preparing your hearts for these times you are preparing part of the world as well.”
“I am blessing you.”
August 12, 1997
Jesus Christ
“Just let the people know there is little time left to reverse certain events. The severity of what will come depends SOLELY on the Holy Love in hearts. No one can turn to God or undergo conversion who does not love.”
“Satan’s job is to take as many souls with him as possible. This alone makes him the arch enemy of Holy Love. Since the triumph of Our Hearts is through Holy Love, he will not succeed.”
“There are those who will suffer needlessly because they reject love.”
September 6, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in pink and gray. She says: “Praise be Jesus. My angel, today I come to help you understand that My Son judges all actions, words, and thought patterns according to their motive in the heart. If the motive is Holy Love, then much merit is gained. If, however, the motive is self love, even though the exterior seems good, God will judge otherwise.”
“Today there is a movement in hearts towards unity – one religion, a common monetary system, and the like. But the motive is not a worthy motive. The inspiration comes from a need to control. The only unity that comes from God is based on love – Holy Love.”
“I cannot impress upon you too strongly the need to use Holy Love as your check and balance. It is by this rule countries should be governed and lives should be led.”
“Apathy does not come from God but from Satan. I am not calling you to be a social activist but to live My message and to spread it. Your surrender takes you deeper into My Heart. The Flame of Holy Love must consume the world lest the fire of justice does so.”
“I will be giving you all the grace you need to accomplish this. I am blessing you.”
September 10, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother: “Allow Me to continue. I have come to you attempting to show the way to personal holiness in the present moment through Holy Love. Some excuse themselves every fault by saying, ‘It’s my personality’ or, ‘We’re human.’ Yet, no attempt is made to correct these faults or to recognize Satan’s hand in their midst. They allow themselves to be ruled by their emotions, rather than trying to conquer them through Holy Love. I do not come to excuse but to convict.”
“I give you new and sufficient grace in each new present moment to overcome your faults and to come deeper into My Heart. You cannot hide from Me. You are always under My maternal gaze. Yet, if you believed I was with you always, you would not give in to anger and pride. You do not accept Me at My words.”
“Surrender to Me. Do not give in to every emotion Satan throws at you. You should be progressing beyond infancy and into adulthood in your spiritual journey by now. You must learn to call on Me in time of need.”
“At My shrine and around the world, I weep copious tears for the unrepentant. Do not be among them. Once again, I bless you.”
September 29, 1997
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Lourdes. St. Michael is in front of Her. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Dear child, these are the times of great conflict between your heavenly Mother and the red dragon. Hearts are confused and besieged by every sort of heresy and apostasy. But I come to you as the Path and Refuge. Through prayers you can find the solution to every problem. My message of Holy Love should dispel confusion and help you to pray and decide always for righteousness.”
“The true battle is on the cross of every trial. Here you must surrender so that I can act as your Mother and give the grace you need to be victorious. Just as My beloved Jesus surrendered and suffered for all people, you must surrender. Our victory will come when things are most desperate. Satan was disarmed by My Son’s Resurrection. So too shall he be defeated and disarmed by every victory of Your Mother in hearts and in the world.”
“Place yourself in the wilderness with Me and pray with Me for the day of My adversary’s defeat. While he comes clothed in goodness outwardly, his true worth will show through to the humble heart. I have come to gather My army of little ones around Me. It is the humble who shall triumph with Me.”
October 4, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in black (like a picture we were given as a gift). She says: “I am the Mother of God. Praise be Jesus.”
“My angel, I have come to help you understand in depth My mission here. While your country has flourished physically and has been made a leader among nations, it has failed spiritually to embrace the sound doctrine of Holy Love. The soul of your country has become easy prey for Satan’s lies and compromise. And so… you have abortion.” She looks down sadly.
“Most people, it seems, look only to their own interests and do not care for, or love, their neighbor. And so… the innocence of many is scandalized for personal gain.”
“God has been taken out of schools in an effort not to impose upon consciences. And so… you have a lack of conscience in the general populace.”
“People view modern technology as their own doing and not a gift from God. And so… certain technology has become a tool of Satan.”
“All of these things have spoiled this nation and others from the inside out. Most do not realize it. This is why I have been sent here – to awaken hearts as to the spiritual apathy all around you. I come to draw you into the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart which is the way of your salvation. I come to lead you through this ‘way’, which is Holy Love, to the Heart of My Son.”
“People must open their eyes and their hearts to the choices they are making. I have come so that you can behold the Woman clothed with the sun – the Woman of Revelations. Recognize the apocalypse is upon you. Then hasten to your conversion.”
“My daughter, My angel, proclaim it. I will help you. I will lead the way.”
October 7, 1997
Feast of the Holy Rosary
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white. In front of Her and suspended in the air is an unusual rosary. The Our Fathers’ are crosses of drops of blood. The Hail Marys’ are tear drops with unborn babies inside of them. The cross is gleaming gold. Our Lady says: “I come in praise of Jesus, My Son. I come as Prophetess of these times.”
“The rosary you see is heaven’s way of describing to you the weapon that will overcome this evil of abortion. Heaven weeps for the cost of this great sin. The history and the future of all nations has been changed because of this atrocity against God’s gift of life.”
“Today, sadly, much responsibility must be placed on the laity who are consecrated to Me. I cannot depend on Church leadership to unite in an effort to vanquish the enemy through the Rosary. Even My apparitions have caused division by Satan’s efforts to thwart My plans.”
“So today, on My feast day, I am calling all My children to unite in My Heart. Do not allow pride to divide you according to which apparition you will follow. Become part of the Flame of My Heart. Be united in love and in the prayer weapon of My Rosary. The evil of abortion can be conquered by your efforts and through My grace.”
“Propagate the image I have shown you today.”
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. Her face and Her heart are glowing. She says: “My angel, it will come to pass and God will permit it, that the public financial system will come under complete control of Satan. People will be fooled by the convenience of computerized consumerism and they will come under the scrutiny of Satan by cooperating in his plans.”
“My revealing this to you opposes Satan’s plan. Please make it known.”
November 6, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in blue and white with Her Heart exposed. She says: “Praise be Jesus. My daughter, I have come to help you understand the fragile state of humanity – a humanity that does not understand their position before God.”
“Each day and every minute the relationship between God and man deteriorates more. The more man trusts in himself and his own skills, the less he trusts in his Creator. All human technology is under God’s domain and thus dependent upon God alone for its state of being. Nothing – be it creature or matter – exists outside God’s Holy and Divine Will. But, today due to Satan’s compromise and deceit, mankind has lost sight of this. In his pride he has chosen to tamper with creation itself and placed himself in the role of Creator, deciding who should live and who should die.”
“Now you have a separate church – a church of dissenters – who dare to challenge the authority of this worthy Holy Father. This is leading many astray and will cost many souls.”
“I have come to help you see that earth is suspended by a thread. If the thread breaks, God will invoke His Justice. The fiber of this thread is Holy Love. Only through Holy Love can God and man be reconciled. No one reaches salvation without loving God and neighbor. I speak to you only from truth. You must make this known.”
November 24, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in blue and white as soon as Maureen came to the chapel. She smiles and says: “Praise be Jesus. Satan has laid many obstacles in your path this morning.” (Maureen had lost her mittens.) “I am glad you have come.”
“Unite and surrender your heart to Me now. Give to Me all issues and decisions. I will assist you. The adversary likes to keep you in a state of turmoil and indecision.”
“I have come to help you understand that My coming to you is a firm anchor amidst the confusion of the world. This has been a century of misinformation, miscommunication, and indecision. These are all hallmarks of My adversary. This is how he sets good people against My plans here. When he succeeds in getting the good to oppose the good, he is able to confuse others even more.”
“In the end, My daughter, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. Clarity and righteousness will be brought to light in every issue, both in hearts and in the world. The Holy Love message is much a part of this. This is why it is opposed today. Hearts will be made one with their Creator through Holy Love.”
“Today many live with suppressed fear in their hearts. I have come to vanquish fear. Surrender to Holy Love, and do not be afraid. Begin to trust, so that My victory may begin in you. Tell this to My children. I have come to help them find their place before the Eternal Father. I am blessing you.”
December 4, 1997
Thursday Prayer Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. When She appeared, She seemed to push aside a curtain that contained many small crosses.
Our Lady says: “Praise be Jesus. Dear children, tonight I invite you to especially understand that you must give praise to Jesus, not only in good times but also in times of adversity. For it is during the most adverse conditions that Satan tries to pull you off course, to distract you and encourage you to give in to impatience and discouragement. It is only My grace that keeps you on the path of Holy Love during every present moment. In this please give praise to Jesus, My Son, Who longs for your love and your affection. I am blessing you.”
December 25, 1997
Christmas Day
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in a white mantle with a gold lining and a white gown. She is in a bright light and is holding the Infant Jesus. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Christmas blessings to you and your husband. I come to you tonight as Queen of the Universe, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I come to address all nations and all peoples.”
“It is the hour of telling, the hour of decision. I invite all of My children to comprehend what is at hand. You will not achieve peace in the world until you accept and live in love. My Son was born Prince of Peace not to impose His Will but to show you how to love. He came to fill the valleys of your deficiencies and indecision with love. He came to lay level the mountains of your pride and self love with Holy Love.”
“Today the world is in the valley of indecision on the brink of the abyss of God’s purification. Surrender your will, and you will have the peace you seek through selfless desire. If you cannot and will not, you must expect the unfolding of the fruits of disunity. Do not look for the natural order of events but the disordered chain of events born of Satan’s confusion.”
“Love. Love God and your neighbor. My Son is returning, and you disregard the signs. Believe, and My grace will be yours. I will bless you through My grace, just as I bless you today through Holy Love.”
December 31, 1997
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus, Born Incarnate. My daughter, each time I come to you, it is as Protectress and Refuge. You know Me and trust Me as this. I desire all My children believe in Me in this way. I come to protect their faith and provide for each one spiritual refuge in My Immaculate Heart.”
“But today the pride of compromise has alienated many from the truth. Many walk the path of perdition believing they are on the path of righteousness, for they have not searched for truth with humility and Holy Love. Satan presents error as truth so cunningly and with such authority causing too many to be led astray. The adversary most often clothes his suggestions in good. Unless you come to Me and seek My protection and this Refuge of Holy Love, you can be easily tricked. Do not think yourself above it.”
“As the new year unfolds, you will see many changes. Many events will disarm you. Others will edify. Everything is a grace. Every present moment is given towards your salvation.”
“Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the morning, and consecrate your day to Him. Let your hearts be open to His voice and murmurs. He will help you find the Path of Light. Surrender to Him as He calls you.”
“I will bless your ‘yes’ to My Heavenly Spouse. I will bless you.”
January 22, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Tonight I invite all of My children to pray with Me for the Holy Father, John Paul II.” (John Paul II was in Cuba at the time.)
“Dear children, tonight, I invite you to realize that all nations that have legalized abortion have no future. This law, which has come to pass through Satan’s inspiration, is claiming lives and souls on the right and on the left. I am asking you to be certain of the rudiments of your faith. Do not become confused or disheveled when those in authority over you have betrayed the magisterium of the Church. Tonight I am asking your continued prayers for My Holy Father and the Church. And I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”
March 12, 1998
Monthly Message to All Nations
Our Lady of Fatima
Due to its length, this message was received in several parts. Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: “Praise be Jesus. My dear children, pray with Me now for the unconverted. Today, I come to you under this title, and in these times, as I invite the world to see that My Holy Love message is a completion of My apparitions in Fatima. It was in Fatima I asked for devotion and recognition of My Immaculate Heart in the world. It is through Holy Love the world can attain entrance in this Refuge and become united to the Heart of My Son. Holy Love helps the world to fully understand My Heart as Refuge, Gateway, and purification which leads to personal sanctity.”
“Dear children, I have come, once again, to help you to see the times in which you live. My Son has raised His Arm of Justice. All around you are the signs in the cosmos, on earth, and under the earth. [Luke Chapter 21] Let the Holy Spirit open your eyes and your hearts, lest you be unprepared. Begin to take seriously My call to you to be holy. If you have not understood the signs around you, begin to understand the call to love that I place on your heart. Before My Son returns, this call to Holy Love will intensify and increase in every heart as God ordains.”
“Dear children, today, once again, I implore you to amend your lives and drive Satan away by your efforts and through My grace.”
“Dear children, when you say ‘yes’ to Holy Love, your consecration to My Immaculate Heart is intensified and I place a shield of grace around you that Satan cannot enter. Therefore come to Me. Surrender to Me; and I will be with you, blessing you.”
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother, and they extend their United Hearts Blessing.
March 19, 1998
Thursday Prayer Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Pray with Me now, dear children, for all unbelievers.”
“Dear children, today you must realize that the true deposit of faith is threatened on all sides by controversy and compromise. Dear children, cling to the tenets of your faith; and do not allow Satan to confuse you. You represent, My dear children, the Remnant Faithful; and you must stand firm with Me at the foot of the Cross, just as St. John did when My Son was being crucified. Do not be afraid to be numbered among the believers. Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”
April 22, 1998
Jesus Christ
Jesus says: “I am Your Jesus, Born Incarnate.
“Thank you for coming, believing, and trusting. I invite you to see that any area of fear in your life is a point of entry that Satan is using. Replace the fear with trustful surrender through your own will. Do not give in to thoughts that destroy your peace, arouse anger, or perpetuate fear. Think of My Heart. Think how it is encircled by thorns. These thorns are all the ones who call Me Friend, but who do not trust and love Me. When I return, there can be no ‘ifs’ or ‘maybes’ – only ‘Yes, I love’, or ‘No, I choose not to love’. Thus, the soul, himself, chooses salvation or damnation. Think how important Holy Love is. It is My call, through My Mother, to salvation.”
April 25, 1998
Saturday Song of Praise Prayer Service
Our Lady of Grace
Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Grace. A personal message was given first. Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, when you pray, there is less sin in the world. When you do not pray, Satan is made more powerful. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray. I am blessing you.”
May 2, 1998
Saturday Song of Praise Prayer Service
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says:
“Praise be Jesus. Dear children, pray with Me now that Truth will be uncovered in every heart.”
“Satan is not finished with his attacks on the Ministry. The more work you do, the more involved you get, the more he will try to be a part of it. That is why you must keep your focus on Holy Love, for it is the Mission that is important.”
“Dear children, tonight once again I invite you to be part of My victory. My victory is one of Holy Love. The effects of this Mission in the world are a telling sign that My Son’s return is imminent. Therefore, prepare yourselves with much prayer and with hearts of love. Tonight, I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”
May 12, 1998
Monthly Message to All Nations
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “My daughter, I am with you, once again, to give praise to Jesus. I come without guile but with a simplistic heart. Pray with Me today for those who have lost their faith.”
“I wish to reveal to you that there is much evil in hearts that opposes the true deposit of faith. Underlying currents exist, which are not inspired by God but by My adversary. Many souls are threatened and at stake. Further, Satan has made himself an enemy of all who love My Immaculate Heart. Therefore, understand he has set himself against this Mission of Holy Love.”
“You will endure all things through prayer and sacrifice. You will endure, as I am with you. I invite you to understand, however, that the enemy takes on one heart at a time, attempting to destroy the ‘yes’ to Holy Love. Protect your heart by placing it in the Refuge of your Mother’s Heart. Satan shrinks when you invoke ‘Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.’”
“I appeal to you today to form a holy Remnant of Faith within the confines of My Immaculate Heart. Jesus has set Me as Protectress and Guardian of the Faith, and as a fortress against apostasy, heresy, and schism. My Heart is a holy Refuge of Grace within which I will protect you and nurture you as your loving Mother. I will refuse no one who comes clothed in sincerity. The ones who have accepted compromise will not be admitted until they repent.”
“You must know God and love Him above all else. You must love your neighbor as yourself and as My Jesus loved you. Thus, you must keep the Commandments in thought, word, and deed . You must believe and obey Church dogma and law. This includes Mass on Sunday. This includes no artificial birth control. This includes fidelity to this Holy Father. Know your faith so that you do not accept compromise. Then, as your Mother, I will welcome you into the Immaculate Heart, Refuge of the Remnant Faithful.”
Now, Jesus is with Blessed Mother.
Our Lady is now extending a gold key. She says: “I have given you the key to the Refuge of My Heart. The invocation ‘Mary, Protectress of Our Faith and Refuge of Holy Love, pray for us.’”
Jesus is speaking now. “Understand that the grace-filled Refuge of My Mother’s Heart will restore and maintain the Tradition of Faith in hearts. So you can feel confident in praying to My dear Mother for those who have lost the faith, and She will answer you.”
The United Hearts Blessing is now being given.
May 28, 1998
Thursday Prayer Service
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. “Tonight I desire to pray over the people, who are here, for their petitions.”
“Dear children, tonight, I invite you to understand the need I have for your Rosaries. These Rosaries, My dear children, are the weapon that will defeat Satan . I am calling you to prayer, and you must not give in to Satan’s ploys and tactics that take you away from Me and away from prayer. The evil one tries to distract you, and discourage you, and keep you from praying. When you surrender to this, your hearts are not open to My grace; and I cannot lead you. Therefore, My dear children, you must remember that, with your Rosaries, I will defeat Satan. I am blessing you.”
June 17, 1998
Jesus Christ
Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, Born Incarnate.”
“If Satan cannot destroy your peace, he will be defeated in his efforts. Do not cooperate with him. Discover, My beloved, that trust and peace go hand in hand. Humility is the foundation of trust. Love is the ground [which] the foundation of humility rests upon. Love lays the groundwork for every virtue. Humility is the foundation of every virtue. So then as I call you always along the path of confidence in Me, see that first you need to love Me unconditionally and with humility.”
“What a lesson for all people and every nation, if they would but open their hearts to Me and listen!”
June 24, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: I come in praise of Jesus. As My time with the public shortens at this site, I desire that they know My presence is always and continually here. Many and profound graces are yet to come.”
“Had My title as Protectress of the Faith been recognized here, it would have had a great effect, not only here, but in the country as a whole. Now you see the deposit of faith challenged on every level. Those who try to follow true Church tradition are ridiculed. Confusion and compromise reign over many consciences on matters of grave sin.”
“It is My greatest desire to protect you against Satan’s attacks on the faith.”
“As your Mother and Refuge, I come not to placate. Nor do I come under any pretense that all is well. I come with love to call you back to the commandments, which have not changed. I come to help you understand that if you are Catholic you must know and obey Church law. All of these come under Holy Love. If you love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself, you will desire to please God in all ways.”
“Do not prostitute your faith by adhering to what is popular in the world or by trying to please everyone. Stand up for the truth, which is Jesus Himself. He has created you to know Him and to love Him. Do not try to please everyone in the world around you. Satan would have you think this is the path of peace, the path of popularity. It is the path to perdition.”
“As you are washed in the Blood of the Lamb, take a stand fearlessly for what is right. Do not renounce My position in the Church. I cannot protect you if you will not come to Me. Do not be afraid of criticism. This is a pride. Criticism means two things: a lack of understanding; a lack of willingness to believe.”
“My coming to you is a challenge to choose salvation. Pick up the gauntlet and come to Me.”
July 4, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in pale colors. Her Heart is exposed with thorns around it. She looks sad. She says: “All praise be to Jesus.”
“My angel, today, I invite you deeper into My Heart to understand the pain I feel as your country celebrates the birth of its freedom.”
“Your country is entering a new century, far distant from the God it proclaims to trust. Instead of freedom your government has chosen slavery to sin. The Christian principles it was founded upon have been distorted, twisted, and compromised so that the citizens of most value and esteem are the rich, the young, and the powerful. This is not of God.”
“The Ten Commandments are no longer valued. Those that do abide by them face mockery. The lowest of the low, the poorest of the poor, the weakest of the weak – such as the unborn – are the ones of most importance to God. It is the treatment of such as these that will determine the future of your country and of the world. Bring these to Me in your prayers daily.”
Now the thorns around Her Heart open, and a stream of light comes out of Her Heart. “Please understand, My daughter, that My merciful love is upon this Mission and upon you, yourself. Great graces are forthcoming. Many and great doors are opening. As you proceed along this path, I invite you to come closer to Me. This is possible through your own efforts in holiness.”
“Understand, Satan is always busily trying to unravel My plans. Be watchful.”
I asked for the needs of all on the prayer line and those who came to the healing service. She nodded.
“I have confided to you My greatest need, which is Holy Love in each heart.”
Now I see many little hearts coming out of Her Heart. “These are My apostles of love – My missionaries, whom I am sending into the world. Pray for them.”
“I am blessing you.”
July 12, 1998
Monthly Message to All Nations
Blessed Virgin Mary
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their Hearts are exposed. Our Lady says: “Praise be Jesus. Pray with Me now for all petitions in hearts here today.”
Child, today I come, once again, to prescribe Holy Love for the ills of every heart, all nations, and all people. I cannot, even as Mother of God, fill a closed heart. Therefore, let your prayers be for Holy and Divine Love to move the free will of all people to choose this path of salvation. Those, who cannot understand My Messages, cannot understand the New Testament. Those, who do not recognize My voice, do not listen with the ears of the Holy Spirit.”
“Abide in Me, and you will abide in the Heart of My Son. Reject Me, and you reject My Son. I do not come or speak of My own accord but by My Jesus’ authority. It is Jesus Who sends Me to you. Those, who accept Me with hearts of faith and trust, are victorious over evil, for it is Satan who wants to take you off course.”
“Please understand that it was prayer that controlled the fires in Florida. It was lack of prayer that caused them. As each new and unprecedented national disaster arises, remember this. You have a way out, a way around more disasters. It is your own prayers – most especially the Rosary. God will not honor apathy and compromise. He will honor your prayers. Turn to Him in humility and love.”
“Dear children, I have come from Heaven to offer you a choice. The decision you make will affect the future of your country and the future of the world. The choice is this: the Flame of My Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love and your salvation, or the flames of Justice. You must choose for yourselves and for the future of this country and earth itself. My dear children, I am praying with you; and I am helping you to find the way to My Heart.” The United Hearts Blessing is given.
July 13, 1998
Feast of Rosa Mystica
Mary, Rosa Mystica
Our Lady comes as Rosa Mystica. She says: “All praise be Jesus in the tabernacles of the world.”
“My angel, thank you for coming. I need your prayers. When you pray, a blissful fragrance ascends to Me. God allows that I should come to you during these times as Protectress of the Remnant faithful. More and more the prayer site will become a fortress of faith in the true tradition of faith. Battle lines have been drawn. There is no longer room for compromise. Those consecrated to Me have already been signed by Me and are ready to take up their shields and go into battle.”
“Do not be afraid now to make known the position you are given to uphold – one of staunch tradition in support of this Holy Father. Others may waiver and pretend not to decide. Once again, I tell you, not to decide is to decide.”
“While My Mission here remains ecumenical, those who respond as Catholics must be true to their faith – unwavering in their position. The faith is not a political football. When you take a stand to please God, you must not compromise it to please those in the world. What has been decided by this Holy Father is the decision you must abide by, or you cannot say you are Catholic.”
“Please Me; soothe My Heart by realizing all that My simple Message of Holy Love entails. You cannot give a qualified ‘yes’ to Holy Love, just as you cannot qualify the Catholic faith, only believing part of Church teachings and tradition.”
“We must pray together for many with great influence who live lives of compromise. Satan does exist. He strikes at the heel of the Woman who crushes his head. My heel is all the Remnant Faithful who come to be consecrated to Me – who live in Holy Love.”
“I am always with you, blessing you.”
July 18, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. My daughter, understand the significance of My coming to you under this title and during these times. I come to announce the coming of an Era of Peace – long-lasting peace. You are living in a time of great conflict when Satan fights his last battle with the One Who will crush his head. He knows the ones consecrated to Me are the ones who will crush him. These truly consecrated souls are My heel. Holy Love is the true consecration. It is the way to be faithfully consecrated to Me – the way to live moment by moment your consecrated life. The Missionary Servants of My Heart will expand and embrace many people and nations, for My call of Holy Love is to all people – all nations. Begin to see the immensity of this invitation.”
July 30, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white and pink. She says: “I come in praise of Jesus, My Lord and My God. My dear messenger, understand the full meaning of My message of Holy Love. I have come to you as I am sent, to prepare hearts for My Son’s return. I have come to call you to holiness and to support you during this time of tribulation and purification. Dear children, detach yourselves from so much dependence on the natural world. Have full recourse to the grace of My Heart. Herein find shelter from the storm, respite from the world, and solutions to every problem you may encounter. Fear is the handiwork of Satan, who is the enemy of the peace in your heart. Dear children, I invite you to be at peace as you await My Son’s triumphant return. Pray this little prayer daily. I will pray it with you and send My grace into your hearts.”
“Heavenly Father, Creator of all that is good, take dominion over my heart. I surrender to you every burden and cross, all grace, and every virtue I may have. Perfect my heart through your Divine Will. Bestow upon me peaceful submission to your will in all things. Amen.”
“You will make this known.” She leaves.
August 1, 1998
Saturday Song of Praise Service
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Let us pray tonight, dear children, for the conversion of all sinners.”
“Dear children, have nothing but kindness in your hearts for one another, correcting error when it benefits the most good. Be on the lookout for Satan, who always comes dressed in good. The fruits of any effort inspired by Satan are confusion, miscommunication, and error. Therefore, do not act hastily in any instance, but have recourse to your Mother’s Heart. My mantle of protection is over you. And tonight, I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”
August 10, 1998
Jesus Christ
When I got to adoration, I told Jesus: “They have all these candles lit around you today.”
He said: “Yes, they do. I call you deep into Holy Love so that your heart will be illuminated and become a reflection of the Flame of My Mother’s Heart.”
A private message was given.
“The focus of the Holy Love message is to instruct My people how to live in the present moment as they await My return – not in fear, but to live in Holy Love. This is the foretaste of the New Jerusalem and of heaven itself. Worry is from Satan, who wants to destroy your peace and keep you in turmoil. I am peace. I have sent My Mother to you to give you peace. You cannot lengthen your life by worry or by any preparation. The time of your judgment is already written. But you can save your soul and increase your joy in heaven by living in Holy Love.”
“Do not waste time seeking to know the future. Stay in the present. Here is your salvation. I have given you the key to heaven through My Mother. It is up to you to use it now. Then you will be prepared for whatever comes.”
August 12, 1998
Monthly Message to All Nations
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be Jesus. The needs here are many and varied today, but I invite you to pray with Me for those who oppose the Mission of Holy Love in their hearts.”
“My dear children, as the millennium draws near, many seek answers and many think they know about future events. But, I invite you to realize that Scripture has it, no one prophesizes perfectly.* Further, I invite you to discover the truth of Holy Love in the present moment. While you worry for the future, you have missed the grace of the present.”
“This much I reveal to you. A great shadow of suffering has, and will, pass over this country. But it shall not rest upon it. This is because of your prayers and sacrifices, and in reward for the benevolent nature of your nation towards other countries less fortunate. But, I tell you, formulas and schemes have been shared during this decade with nations that do not understand their potential. Trust has been placed in those who are untrustworthy. Therefore, I call you once again to a renewed spirit of prayer and sacrifice. There are many scheming hearts in your world who have not been reconciled to God.”
“Dear children, I have come to you so that you will understand how important your free will is. You can follow Satan into the world, or you can choose to be united to Me through the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart. Satan calls you along the road of deceit and confusion. The path I call you upon is joy, peace, and love. To choose one, you must give up the other. You cannot live in Holy Love and live in sin at the same time. Each one knows best what he must abandon in order to follow Me into the Heart of My Son.”
“Dear children, it is not necessary that you believe My presence is here in order to be saved; but I caution you, you must live in Holy Love in order to reach salvation. Holy Love, which is to love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself, is gospel, irrefutable, and not subject to your discernment. Therefore, I come to invite you along the path of holiness through Holy Love. But I do not pull or push you. I wait for you to decide. When you come to Me with your heart open, I will embrace you. Dear children, I am always loving you.”
The United Hearts Blessing is given.
*I Corinthians 13, 9-10
For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away.
September 9, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. My daughter, today many are deceived in thinking I come to frighten people into a conversion. Let it be made known: I come to unite all people and all nations in Holy Love. It is only in this way, the world can be reconciled with its Creator. Each heart affects the whole world. Each heart needs to choose in every present moment between good or evil. With God there is no half measure. If you choose holiness with a sincere heart you will not be denied it.”
“These days recognize that Satan means to carry you away with many concerns, confusion, and complacency. The more you choose to live in Holy Love, the more holy you will become. The greatest portion will not be denied you. Your prayers and sacrifices are as powerful as the love that is in your heart as you offer them.”
“My formula for world peace at first glance seems simple. In practice, it is difficult, for it carries you away from the conflict of worldly values and makes certain your choice in each present moment. Today, as always, I bless you with a Mother’s love.”
She returns as Refuge of Holy Love.
“Praise be to Jesus. My daughter, I hold no secret plan in My heart for your physical well-being in difficult times ahead. I have shared all with you. The formula is Holy Love in the present moment. If you have this, you have all. Then, times and dates of specific events are no longer important to you, for you are prepared. I am blessing you.”
September 12, 1998
Monthly Message to All Nations
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love.
She says: “Praise be to Jesus, King and Creator. Thank you for answering My call to be here today, My dear children. Pray with Me now for all the unborn. Once again I am with you to prepare hearts for My Son’s return. If each heart is prepared, then all people and all nations will be prepared. I am preparing you in and through Holy Love. It is Satan who would have you primed in fear and confusion. There is no place to hide from God. But, if you are living in Holy Love in the present moment, you are ready. It is in this way that you are living in the light of the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. This is the sum total of the preparation you need.”
“Key to the future of your country and all nations is the treatment of the unborn. God has stepped back and is watching in merciful love. The Rosary is the weapon against this and every evil. Please employ it. When you pray against abortion, have love in your hearts for these precious little lives that are being snuffed out.”
“Praying, sacrificing, and living in Holy Love are all you can and need to do now. Fear, worldly preparations, and panic are from Satan. If I choose you to store food for others, you will know. But no one is being asked to store up worldly goods for self alone. Holy Love assists all others first and foremost, leaving self to last.”
“Focus on the truth and not the imaginary. The truth is Scripture and the deposit of faith in My Son’s Church. Use the sacraments to gird yourselves with strength. Believe in the grace of the present moment. Discover this grace by living in Holy Love.”
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Dear children, this is the moment that you must realize your conversion through Holy Love. It is in this way that I can lead you to My Son, and through the Divine Will you will live in the New Jerusalem in the present moment.”
The United Hearts Blessing is given.
September 15, 1998
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Sorrows. She has a pink light around Her.
She says: “Praise be Jesus.” A private message is given.
Then She says: “Ask the people to pray every day against abortion, for it is the sin that most grieves the Heart of My Divine Son.” Our Lady blesses us.
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Sorrows. “Please understand, My daughter, that the reason hearts are divided today is because people no longer know the difference between good and evil. The line that was once clear has become clouded by compromise. Consciences have not been well-formed in the truth, but have chosen their own way. I have come to you to help people see that any transgression against Holy Love is a sin. Yes, sin is very much alive today, though Satan would have you think otherwise. Holy Love is the way to reform your consciences and start over on the right path. All in praise of Jesus.”
September 24, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Refuge of Holy Love.
“I have come to you today in praise of Jesus. Once again I invite you to draw upon deep trust. The hour has already settled upon you, when one hand must help the other, when resources must be shared for the common good. But, it has always been so, as the unfortunate are always in your midst. Remember, the poorest of the poor are those who reject Holy Love. The world values possessions and power. God values only the Holy Love in your heart. This is why Heaven’s last call to humanity is Holy Love, for Holy Love is the last choice you must make for salvation. Therefore, My children, strip yourselves of the unnecessary, so that Holy Love can shine through and evil cannot penetrate it. My daughter, make the diagram I gave you in the dream.”
[The diagram has a heart in the middle, filled with Holy Love and Holy Humility. There are arrows encircling the heart and aiming to pierce it. The arrows are: Compromise of Truth caused by Pride; Wounded Ego caused by Pride; Voluntary Attachments caused by Pride; Unforgiveness caused by Pride; Anger caused by Pride; Self Love caused by Pride.]
“My children, see that the arrows are thrown by Satan to destroy personal holiness. They all stem from pride.”
“I wish to describe to you the soul deep in holiness through Holy Love. The hallmark of such a soul is peace. This is true, for the soul has overcome Satan’s arrows of pride. Therefore, the soul is found to be gentle, patient, forgiving, understanding, easily corrected, joyful, and, last but not least, wise. The more these traits are recognizable, the holier the soul. I will deeply bless each soul’s efforts to attain holiness. I will bless you.”
September 28, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in bluish gray and white. She is holding a big mixing bowl.
She says: “Praise, honor, and glory to Jesus. My daughter, perhaps this is a bit simplistic, but I wish to compare prayer to the baking of a cake – a task I have watched you perform often.”
“The bowl is Holy Love, for without the bowl nothing comes together to form the final product (the cake). The batter is the words of the prayer. It has many ingredients (many words that make up the whole). The batter is placed in a pan. The pan represents prayer intentions such as, petition, thanksgiving, praise, etc. The cake is baked in an oven, which represents the action of the Holy Spirit in the heart as you pray. The final product, the cake, is the prayer the angels take into Heaven for you. While this process of prayer is going on, there are many, many ways the universe is affected. Satan sends his cohorts to attack the person at prayer. (He wants to make the cake fall, the prayer less effective.) The good angels are waging war with the evil spirits trying to allow the prayer to rise to Heaven. Meanwhile, in Heaven, the frosting, or grace, is being prepared for every prayer being offered. Even a cupcake is frosted. Therefore, see even the smallest ejaculatory prayer merits grace.”
“I am always with you when you pray. I measure your breath, watch your lips as they pronounce each word, and call you into the presence of God. It is so with each soul. If you forget an ingredient, I add it. I love to flavor your prayers with My love. Therefore, see that you cannot fail in this endeavor, for I am blessing you, I am baking the cake with you.”
She smiles and leaves.
October 6, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Thank you for believing in Me, My children, as I believe in you.”
Blessed Mother now kisses Bill’s St. Benedict crucifix. Our Lady now kisses my St. Benedict crucifix and places Her hand upon the two medals I have in my hand. Our Lady now kisses Don’s St. Benedict crucifix, and She makes the Sign of the Cross on his forehead.
“Dear children, you may use these items, upon which I have placed My Blessing, towards healing and extending My grace into the world.”
“Dear children, tonight I have come to remind you that I am the Perpetual, Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God. In the present moment is all the grace you need. Do not let Satan distract you by the enormity of your problems or the abundance of problems, for each present moment holds new grace. I am with you always in the present moment, and eternally in the message of Holy Love. Tonight, I extend to you My Blessing of Holy Love.”
October 7, 1998
Feast of the Holy Rosary
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima. She spreads Her arms and says: “Praise be to Jesus. My angel, take down these words. I wish to speak to you about prayer in general, and the Rosary in particular.”
“Prayer, at its best, is the language of love between God and the soul. The most effective prayer rises from a humble, loving heart. When the soul recognizes its own littleness before God, and at the same time recalls how much he loves God, you can be certain God listens.”
“This is why the Rosary is so powerful, and carries with it so many graces. With the Rosary, whole nations can be reconciled to their Creator. With the golden chain of My Rosary, Satan will be bound and gagged. He will be totally defeated and cast into the depths of hell. Therefore, understand it is always Satan who tries to discourage your recitation of the Rosary. It is through the Rosary Holy Love takes root in hearts and ignites personal holiness. When you pray the Rosary, meditating upon its mysteries, I am with you. The angels surround you, the heavenly court defends and assists you.”
“My Rosary will defeat Satan and bring peace to hearts and so to the world. I hold special favor in My Heart for those devoted to the Rosary. I encourage the downtrodden, protect the vulnerable, convert the unbeliever -all through My Rosary. My little one, you will please make this known.”
October 8, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. My angel, I have come to help you understand Satan’s influence and attacks on this mission. The evil one uses the natural world, and the people devoted to the world, to come against the profound spirituality of the Holy Love message. He uses people in high places to level false accusations against My mission. He spreads negative rumors concerning you as My messenger. He manipulates hearts to oppose Me. He discourages financial support to weaken the mission in this way.”
“Through all of this, understand that My grace is stronger than his best effort. We will not fail, but will succeed in mustering strength from the least to the greatest. The property is not all Mine, but I share it with My children. We have been fortunate in the progression of events which came together to make this possible. When you say ‘yes’ to Me, I do not forget, and in your weakest moment I am with you.”
“I call upon every heart to assist Me in this great worldwide mission. Be My Heart, My hands, My feet in this world. Most certainly, I will bless you.”
October 12, 1998
Monthly Message to All Nations
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. I invite you to see that the Eternal Father holds a plan in his Heart for the world and all humanity. It is not ours to see how every piece fits in the puzzle, or the amount of time it takes to come together; but, we know the final outcome will be the conformity of man’s will to the Will of God.”
“Many events must take place first. It is necessary in order for the pieces to fit. Some events will carry with them an awakening as to the power of God, and the uselessness of money, power, and status in the world. All will take place to show mankind the necessity of relying upon God’s grace and strength, and upon each other. And so, people will be brought to the footpath of Holy Love. Those who rely on their own efforts will be lost.”
“Do not live in fear, as Satan would have it. Live in Holy Love, as though My Son, Jesus had already returned. Then you will be given grace to see the path and the way.”
“It is during these days of trial that are to come, each one’s strengths and weaknesses will be brought to light. And so, My children, I am asking you to prepare interiorly, through My message of Holy Love.”
“Dear children, today I remind you that I come to you so that all nations and all people will be reconciled to their Creator. Realize, My dear children, that annihilation by a nuclear power is not a deterrent to war for some leaders in the world. This is why, dear children, I call you to realize this simple and humble message of Holy Love can bring lasting peace into the world.”
Maureen asks Blessed Mother if She will heal some of the people here today. She says: “My daughter, some will be healed; more will be healed on December 12th; and others will conform their will to the Will of God through the cross.”
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. The United Hearts Blessing is given.
November 12, 1998
Monthly Message to All Nations
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praised be Jesus. Pray with Me today, dear children, for all hearts to be reconciled to God.”
“Today, dear children, comprehend that evil does exist and there is war in some hearts. Much depends on prayer and your individual efforts in prayer and sacrifice. The choices you seize upon in the present moment are long-lasting – everlasting.”
“Once again, My children, I emphasize the simple, humble path. This is always a good choice. Prayer is always a good solution. Sophisticated efforts are often temporary solutions. But here, I give you the long-lasting choice. Do not think because it is simple that it does not work. It will work if you choose it.”
“Often you do not see the yield your prayer merits. Every prayer is worthy and brings good into the world. When you continue to pray, despite Satan’s discouragement, you, My children, are the cause of My joy.”
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. “Dear children, I invite you to understand that I have come to prepare you for My Son’s Second Coming. When My Son returns there will be one Church, one shepherd, one flock. Until this time, do not be fooled by false unifications, which man attempts on his own without God. Do not follow false leaders who proclaim one world government, one monetary system, even one religion. Live simply, My dear children. Pray and I will be with you in every difficulty and in every triumph. Today, we extend the United Hearts Blessing.”
November 27, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white. She says: “Praised be Jesus, born Incarnate. My darling, look at Me. Regard the love I have for you. Understand that it is not necessary to know all that will happen. Even when you are in the desert, I am leading you. Remember, the events in My own life were not given to Me in advance. Rather, I depended on God to lead us in whatever way He would, knowing and believing in His love. It is when you begin to think Heaven’s plan depends on you that Satan leads you into worry.”
“What you need, I will give in a timely manner. Go in peace.”
December 3, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
Maureen was complaining to Blessed Mother that her day had been full of interruptions that seemed to be keeping Her away. She came and bent over me with Her Heart exposed. She said: “That is because your heart is full of options, projects, and opinions. Center yourself here.” She points to the Flame over Her Heart.
“I come in praise of Jesus. Today, My daughter, I am removing the last bit of unforgiveness you hold in your heart [unforgiveness of self]. Understand God’s Mercy is complete and perfect. In Him, there is no half measure of forgiveness.”
“Now, I am ready to use you even more, and with more intense signal grace occurring around you. My Messages to you after the 12th will be personal or concerning the ministry. You will see Me interiorly and, as God permits from time to time, exteriorly. Only some of the messages from Me will be published in the Journal of Personal Holiness. My Jesus is preparing an important Mission for you through His words to you and in what He will ask of you as time progresses.”
“The heel that will crush the head of the serpent is comprised of My little ones – those consecrated to the Flame of Holy Love. Satan is confounded by their humility and simplicity. Many of these little ones are part of My army of victim souls. They are drawing souls to Me. They are drawing Mercy from the Heart of My Son. Because of these, the hour of tribulation, the hour preceding God’s Justice, has been lengthened. Do not mistakenly presume God’s Justice is not coming. But understand, God’s love for you and His Mercy upon you.”
“Once again, I urge your readiness through Holy Love. I bid you, do not be frightened, but alert to the times. I am praying with you. I am blessing you.”
December 4, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white. She says: “Be in My presence, My angel, as I am in yours. Praised be Jesus.”
“My little heart, as I have come to you over many years and during many precarious circumstances, I wish to thank you and each one who has persevered in making known My words to the public. The enemy has worked feverishly against us, fearing the summit we have reached today. As Holy Love represents My victory over evil, the adversary has, over the years, sent legions of demons against the establishment of this Mission in hearts and in the world. He won some battles, but he has not won the war.”
“Now, My daughter, your beloved husband, whom I chose for you, and all close to the workings of the Mission, receive My profound gratitude, benediction, and esteem.”
“At the same time, know that Satan still plots in ways unforeseen by human intellect. But, I am your fortress, your Refuge and protection. I will give you unusual grace, which will circumvent his best efforts. Your Mother claims no power, save that given by Heaven. The power of My grace reaches beyond any temptation or weakness.”
“I am calling each of you to remain centered in and through My Flame of Holy Love; indeed, I bless you.”
December 9, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
December 9, 1998
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She is seated on a throne and in a pink light. She says: “Praised be Jesus.”
“My angel, today I come to you once again seeking reconciliation between all people, all nations, and God. As I have revealed to you, judging each other is the first step to unforgiveness. Now please understand, the last step in unforgiveness, that is the most unmerciful outward sign against another, is persecution. The unborn are persecuted in the womb for who they are and what they will become. Races and nationalities are persecuted in much the same way. The Church and other religions face an ongoing battle against persecutors. I, Myself, am persecuted by those whom I love. Persecution is unloving, unforgiving, unaccepting, misunderstanding, and uncompassionate all taken together as one.”
“It should not surprise you, then, that My missionaries and seers are also considered fair game for Satan’s persecution. Much evil is accomplished in the name of discernment. Discernment needs to be accomplished through prayer and openness to the truth. Some take pride in opposing the ones I use. This is persecution as well.”
“All wars and insurrections begin in judging, then unforgiveness, and finally, persecution.”
“See, then, what an unkind act unforgiveness is. See what it leads to. It leads to hate – opposite of Holy Love.”
“Please search your hearts today, My children, for any area of unforgiveness, of judging, or persecution. I am blessing you.”
December 12, 1998
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praised be Jesus. Dear children, pray with Me now for
Christ’s pilgrim Church on earth.” Jesus is with Blessed Mother.
“My dear children, this is the way I desire it to be always and everywhere, that we should be united in a common language of prayer. ** Come to Me under this title [Mary, Refuge of Holy Love] and receive the fullness of My grace.”
“My dear children, today I am delivering from Purgatory the relatives of those who are here today. Pray with Me, My dear children, that faith will be strengthened in hearts here today; that you will always remember My coming to you as the Refuge of Holy Love; that you will spread this devotion around the world. Just as I come to you in simplicity and without guile, I desire that you make this message known around the world – as it is the light on the path that leads to salvation.”
“Today, once again, I invite all people, all nations, into the recesses of My Immaculate Heart. Apart from the grace of My Heart, you are unable to withstand the wiles and onslaught of Satan. The peace of the world has been entrusted to My Immaculate Heart by My Beloved Son. Therefore, understand wars and unrest will continue in the world until I am victorious in all hearts. Because My Heart is Holy Love, understand that My Victory is coming through Holy Love.”
At this time Maureen asked Our Lady if the Eternal Father would allow Her to return to speak to the world again. “Yes! It is My privilege to do so next year on your birthday and My feast day [December 12th], and also on May 5th [Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love].”
“Every year?” Maureen asked. Blessed Mother smiles and nods yes.
“I have come to you as the Woman clothed with the sun, a sign of the Apocalypse. I invite My children to understand that today Satan has convoluted the truth and righteousness. Much of the population believes more in the dictates of their own consciences than in the laws of God Himself. Thus, in convincing individuals to follow the whims of a free will unformed in truth, Satan has accomplished the demise of many souls and the destruction of order and harmony in God’s world.”
“But I come to you to help you rediscover the truth. God is truth. His law is righteousness. God dictates Holy Love. Satan dictates love of self beyond logical reason. Surrender to Holy Love in the present moment. It is your salvation. It is the reason I have come to you all these years.”
“My angel, today I tell you My love for each of My children is everlasting. Though each one is distinct and individual, I love you most easily when your hearts are steeped in Holy Love. It is then I am able to let flow the fullness of My grace into your hearts.”
“My love for you is not distinguished by the absence of any cross, but rather, the grace to bear each burden in Holy Love.”
“My visits to you should have transformed your life and the world around you. Your ‘yes’ to Me needs to ignite the Holy Love in hearts all over the world. Thus, shall it be.” The United Hearts Blessing is given.
** [Blessed Mother is referring to the Rosary being recited, during which the Our Fathers were each being spoken by representatives of different nationalities in their native tongue.]
December 21, 1998
Jesus Christ
Jesus comes. He says: “I am here – your Jesus, Redeemer and King.”
” Little sister, many do not understand My Heart or Divine Love. As My Mother’s Heart is the Refuge of sinners, My Heart is the dwelling of Divine Intimacy. To know My Heart is to know Divine Love. My Divine Love is unconditional. All I ask of you is that you love Me. Then you will feel My Divine Love in return. My Love and My Mercy are one; each builds on the other.”
“Make the little prayer known that I gave you – the prayer that draws you into the present moment. That prayer in itself is a refuge from Satan. Make it known. I desire it.”
The following is the prayer, given to Maureen 12/19/98, which Jesus referred to:
“Jesus, be King of this present moment. Take my heart, my soul, and my will and make them Your own.”
December 22, 1998
Mission Prayer Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus is here. His Heart is exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
”My brothers and sisters, do not be discouraged in any present moment, but offer each moment to Me. When you give Me every moment, you are rendering Satan powerless over you, and over the events that he tries to create around you and in your lives. Be brave, My children. Give to Me the great and the small sacrifices. I will give to you the Victory of the United Hearts.” Jesus blesses us.
January 5, 1999
Message to All People – All Nations
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother appear out of a bright light. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be Jesus.”
Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I tell you that My Sacred Heart throbs with sorrow for the choices mankind is making. Every present moment takes you either closer to Me or farther away from Me, according to the decisions you make. I tell you in all truth, the conscience of the world has been molded by Satan – convoluted and twisted – to make right appear wrong and evil seem good. This is the reason it has become common and lawful to murder the unborn that I created. It is why moral standards have become lower and hearts and consciences have chosen money and power as their gods.”
“Ease the pain of My Heart through your prayers and sacrifices. Do not look to the world for solutions, but to Me.”
“When you feel the cold air outside [-3 degrees Fahrenheit] think of the coldness people have towards Me in the Eucharist. Cease your disbelief and believe. Have confidence in Me.”
“My brothers and sisters, just as I desire that you are prepared to receive Me in the Blessed Sacrament, I am also asking that you be prepared for My Second Coming. The time and the date are unknown to you and known only to the Father in Heaven. Each one is responsible for his own state of preparedness, but I have come to ask you to make your hearts ready through the message of Holy Love. It is My further request that you come deeply into the message of Divine Love that I will be giving you.”
Jesus asks that the people hold up their articles and He will bless them. Jesus then blessed all the articles and prayed over the people.
“Make your hearts ready, My children, for I am returning.”
The United Hearts Blessing is given.
January 11, 1999
Jesus Christ
Jesus appears with a little lamb in His arms. He says: “I am Jesus, born of the Flesh. I have come to let all people know the depth of My Divine Love. I pour out My Love on all people – all nations. Some hearts, please understand, reject Me. Remember the ice that lay over the snow up north? You walked on it, but did not sink through it to the snow. Do you recall, little heart?”
“Such is a heart that will not surrender to love. I cannot reach it, as it is encased in its own will. Let Me explain the merits of surrendering to Love, for I am Love.”
“Through surrender, you give all to My Mother – interior and exterior. She, in turn, gives it to Me. Then, I am able to come into your heart. This is called Holy possession. You give to My Mother everything:”
“You surrender your reputation. Then Satan cannot attack you through people’s opinions. (Hmmm…. People’s opinions. Some act as though it’s their most prized possession. They can’t take it with them.)”
“You surrender the Mission and its course, which stands protected and provided for through Divine Grace.”
“You surrender your appearance. I look at your heart.”
“You surrender your health and well-being. I will give you what you need.”
“You surrender all your spiritual gifts and worldly possessions, making them Mine.”
“Now, as St. Paul says, over all these things put on love. Holy and Divine Love will fill – and fill to overflowing – anything you empty yourself of. You will not need to seek happiness anywhere in the world. You will be happy.”
“This is how Divine Love comes into the soul and works, little heart. It takes dying to self and loving Me, as My Mother has been teaching you.”
“I am leaving you now so that you can assimilate all I have said, and make it known.”
January 13, 1999
Jesus Christ
Jesus comes. Many lights (angels) precede Him. “I have come to give glory to the Father. I am your Jesus born Incarnate. Child, are you ready for today’s lesson?”
“Today I will teach you about Holy Humility, as humility and love go hand in hand. A soul cannot progress along the path to the Kingdom of Divine Love outside of either of these two. The humble soul has died to his self-will. He has surrendered all to Me, and I to the Father. The humble one is like a little child who takes direction easily, and entrusts all aspects of his well-being to his parents.”
“It is the humble one who progress rapidly in the spiritual life, bringing many souls to Me. He succeeds in this by performing unpleasant tasks without complaint and in hiddenness. The truly humble is repelled by compliments, positions of importance, or power. Insults are of no consequence to the humble. Reputation has been surrendered to Me. The humble one does not take pride in his opinion, spirituality, or any attribute God has granted him.”
“How does one achieve humility? Guard against the enemy of humility, which is pride. It was pride that told Satan to say, ‘I will not serve.’ Practice humility of heart in pride’s place. I will help you, if you ask.”
“It is I who call you into the Kingdom of My Heart.”
January 16, 1999
Jesus Christ
Jesus comes, His Heart exposed. He says: “I am Jesus, the Word Incarnate. I have come to help you realize the importance of a virtuous life. It is through the virtues you come into Holy Love – the Immaculate Heart. It is through a deepening of the virtues you come into My Heart – Divine Love.”
“Understanding the virtues helps you to see where you are failing in them. The virtuous soul is at peace. If Satan tries to attack such a one, peace is regained quickly. The virtuous soul knows himself. He knows his weaknesses and he tries sincerely to overcome them. Virtue and holiness go hand in hand. The one truly advancing in holiness does not present himself as one who must be accommodated and placated. Rather, he is the loving servant of all. He never flaunts his spirituality nor aspires for recognition, but is content to remain in the background. Thus hidden, he does not set himself up as judge of others, but works on the virtues in his own life.”
“I help those who call upon Me. I am inviting each one into My Divine Love. Come to Me.”
February 5, 1999
Monthly Message to All People – All Nations; (This message was given to Maureen in two parts.)
Jesus Christ
Part 1: I (Maureen) made the sign of the cross and four lights appeared in the air. Our Lady then appeared behind the lights. The lights were then on Her head, breast and hands. She said: “Praise be Jesus. I am bringing you My Son.” Jesus appears, His Heart exposed. He says: “My confidante, today I invite each one to see that dates and times of certain events are of no importance. What is of concern is your own salvation. You must realize, each of you, that Satan actively opposes your salvation. The closer you come to Me the greater and more bold his attacks. Satan is seated in high places in governments, in financial circles, and even the Church itself. This is why you need to choose according to Holy Love. It must be the law by which you live. It is your salvation. No one enters the narrow gate who does not love God above all else and neighbor as self.”
“If you do not believe in Satan and his presence in the world, you have fallen into his clutches.”
“Draw upon the promises made on your behalf at Baptism – to renounce Satan and all his pomps. Gird yourselves with the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist if you are Catholic. I have given you these as a fortress against evil.”
“Pray. Pray for the conversion of the world.”
Part 2: Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Our Lady says: “Praise be Jesus. Jesus is inviting the people to extend the items they would like blessed.” Jesus blessed the articles and as He did so, Blessed Mother said: “All praise to you Jesus.”
Jesus: “My dear brothers and sisters, as I bless you today, understand that self-knowledge will be revealed to you subsequent to your visit upon this property. It may begin the hour of your visit and continue many days, weeks and months after your visit on this property.”
“Today I am inviting each of you to come deep into trust. In the coming hours, weeks and months I will reveal to you a new devotion to Divine and Holy Trust, which will prepare you for the New Jerusalem that is to come.”
“My brothers and sisters, We are extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
February 12, 1999
Second Friday of the Month Prayer Service
St. John Vianney, Cure d’Ars and Patron of Priests
I (Maureen) saw Our Lady’s hands in the air. Then St. John Vianney appeared in front of them.
He says, “Praise be Jesus. My brothers and sisters, you must pray for priests for they are so under attack, today more than ever. Satan’s confusion has attacked every heart consecrated to the priesthood. It is only through much prayer and sacrifice that the truth can be found and made known. My brothers and sisters, apostasy and schism have reached the very heart of the Church in this day and age. Those in error do not leave, but remain within the Church itself, and obscure the truth. This is why I tell you, pray for the priests.” St. John Vianney blessed us.
February 18, 1999
Jesus Christ
“The abundance of My grace and provision falls unrestrained upon the trusting soul. I am Jesus, born of the Flesh. I desire you make it known that the opposite of trust is doubt and fear. These are Satan’s tactics, which bear the fruit of confusion and lack of faith. But I come to you to bear you up in trust. As surely as you exist, My cloak is around you. Without Me you can accomplish no good end. Therefore, I bid you, abide in Me.”
‘I have chosen a remnant faithful to bear witness to the faith and to these times amidst a desperate hour. The remnant will abide in the Refuge of Holy Love and the great and mighty Will of My Father.”
“I am offering to you soon a prayer – a devotion – to trust.”
“I bless you.”
February 27, 1999
Honolulu Conference
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be Jesus.”
Jesus says: “My brothers and sisters, I have called you together to be My apostles of Holy Love. Do not let Satan dissuade you from this cause, for Holy Love is the key to your soul and salvation.” The United Hearts Blessing is given.
March 5, 1999
JESUS; Due to its length, this message was given in two parts.
Jesus Christ
Part 1 Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. They have their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be Jesus. The people may hold up their articles and Jesus will bless them.”
Jesus: “Understand, My brothers and sisters, I desire your ‘yes’ to Holy Love. Oh, how I need your ‘yes’. But do not think all will go well with you if you surrender to Me. For to live in the Father’s Divine Will, you must surrender your own ways, your own will, and live as one with the United Hearts. This is the way to union, to peace, to love and joy amidst adversity. I am with you always.”
Part 2 “I have come. I am Jesus, born Incarnate. Understand these truths as I recite them to you. Holy Love is the length and breadth of sanctity. It is with the weapon of love that Satan will be defeated. I am drawing together an army led by Divine Love. Behind this bastion of power the world will be renewed and transformed.”
“I do not come to accommodate compromise, but to lead you in truth. My army of little ones will traverse the globe. Remember My telling you this.”
A private message was given.
“The battle lines between good and evil have been drawn. Evil is diametrically opposed to the victory of the United Hearts. Thus Satan challenges Holy and Divine Love in every heart. But you are winning battles every time you turn your heart over to prayer – every time you decide for Holy Love in the present moment. I have not come to you to share defeat – but victory.”
“You can delay and mitigate the flames of Justice by your efforts. Areas where My people gather in faith to pray will, for the most part, be spared. These areas have already struck an agreement with the Eternal Father by their witness to prayer. Reprieve will be theirs.”
The United Hearts Blessing is given.
March 13, 1999
Saturday MSHL Prayer Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Our Lady says: “Praise be Jesus.” Jesus continues: “My brothers and sisters, I have come once again to help you to understand that the greatest issue of My provision is extended to those who trust most deeply in Me. Therefore, turn your hearts over to trust, for fear is useless and always from Satan. Tonight, I ask you to extend your hearts further along the path of Holy Love – for I so long to draw you into Divine Love that is My Most Sacred Heart. Do not pass up the opportunity to tell Me how much you love Me, how much you trust in Me.” The United Hearts Blessing is given.
March 30, 1999
Jesus Christ
Jesus comes in white with much light around Him and around His Heart. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. How can I describe to you the confines of My Heart? The soul that lives in My Divine Love understands that I have always loved him and always will love him. He understands that every cross is a victory if it is surrendered to Me. In that surrender is the merit for every soul. The deeper the surrender, the greater the merit. The soul in union with Me in Divine Love knows that nothing holds value except holiness and salvation. Anything in the way, any obstacle that the soul stops at, is either through his free will or a temptation from Satan.”
“The depths of My Heart are complete peace. It is in the quiet of your soul you have felt this – in the far distant train whistle during the night – in the song bird as you awaken on a spring morning – in the crickets hymn as night falls in the spring. All of these are glimpses of the New Jerusalem and union with My Divine Love.”
“My Mother comes to you on the sweet breeze of Heaven – the fragrance of roses. She wants you to understand that it is Her grace and your efforts that will lead you deeper into virtue, just as the fragrance of a rose draws you closer to the flower.”
“Self love accomplishes the opposite. It pulls you away from Me. It is what you want towards esteem in the world or comfort and consolation. Attempts at holiness are always rendered fruitful through grace when they are sincere. This is once again a ‘simple’ call, but difficult in the eyes of the world.”
April 3, 1999
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praised be Jesus.” Our Lady is showing Maureen the Lake of the Angels in front of Her. Her Hands are outstretched.
“My dear children, I have come to confirm to you that around the Lake of Angels, Jesus has ordained that one from each choir of angels will stand in attendance. Many graces will be given. Faith will be protected and Satan’s snares will be revealed to souls. I am particularly happy and fond of this plan. I, Myself, will reign over this lake and many graces will be forthcoming. Tonight I’m blessing you.”
April 5, 1999
Monthly Message to All Nations
Jesus Christ
Part 1 “I am here, your Jesus, born Incarnate. Alleluia! Today, once again, I come seeking peace in all hearts. I remind you, peace only comes to you through love – Holy Love. You have war in the world because love was replaced in hearts by evil. Do not be concerned only for how the war might affect you or if it will affect you. With compassion pray for those left homeless. Pray for those who have accepted ethnic cleansing as righteousness. Pray that Satan retreats and loses his grasp on hearts.”
“Let My Resurrection be a sign to you now – today – in this present moment – that I will be triumphant in the New Jerusalem. I am victorious in every heart that loves, today and always. This message of Holy and Divine Love draws you out of compromise and into the reality of holiness. It takes you away from the artificial values of the world. The message itself uncovers for you everything in your hearts that lies in conflict with your salvation.”
“Today, as you contemplate the great value of My Resurrection, understand that without the Cross, there would be no Resurrection. Then, understand that you too are given crosses that will bring victory.”
Part 2 Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Our Lady says: “Praise be Jesus.”
Jesus: “My brothers and sisters, offer the Glorious Mysteries today for all those who have no peace in their hearts. Once again I tell you, genuine peace is based on Holy Love and you will not gain true peace by any other means.”
“My brothers and sisters, send your guardian angels tonight to all those who are in conflict in Kosovo and ask their guardian angels to intercede and bring peace into the hearts of those involved. My brothers and sisters, you do not see the severity of the situation at hand, but I am telling you that what is on the surface only reflects what is in the heart.” The United Hearts Blessing is given.
April 24, 1999
Jesus Christ
“I have come to you today as your Jesus, born Incarnate. I wish today to teach you about prayer. Prayer is a refuge or weapon and a means of unification – creature to Creator. The more the soul surrenders his own will to the Will of God, the deeper his union through prayer.”
“Surrender then your plans, your choices, your desires. No good comes to you except through God. In this surrender you are engaging all the virtues – faith, hope, love, humility, simplicity, meekness, trust.”
“Prayer is communication with God, either in the heart, on the lips, or through any action that is surrendered to the Divine Will.”
“My Mother prays with you when you pray the Rosary. Her Heart is a channel through which your prayers ascend to Heaven and grace passes back down to you. Her Heart is a connection then to God and God’s grace, just as you would connect an electric light to currents.”
“God receives the sacrifice of prayer and uses it as a sword against evil. He changes the prayer into grace that overcomes evil in hearts. Then see, it is Satan that tries to keep you from praying. It is Satan who embattles your heart and tries to keep you from surrendering your will so that you can pray.”
“No matter your course of action in any event, everything depends on God. Trust this. The soul that trusts only in himself is lost.”
“Think of prayer as a sunbeam. Its ray stretches down from Heaven. It nourishes the lilies and flowers. It royally clothes them in light. Thus arrayed, they bloom and their beauty gives glory to God. The soul that surrenders to prayer much, also becomes beautiful in God’s eyes and gives glory to God.”
“I have told you, My confidante, that prayer is a surrender and a sacrifice. But the soul must also accept the way prayers are answered. The little flower receives what it needs to be nourished and grow. The soul, through prayer, receives what it needs for salvation. In humility, he must accept God’s Will. If the Father knows what the little flower needs, does he not know your needs as well? Accept what He sends you in humility and gratefulness, like the little flower dancing in the sunlight.”
“I am pleased with any prayer. Most of all I am pleased with sincere prayer from the heart. This kind of prayer changes people and events. I, your Jesus, love the prayer of the Mass the most. Then I love the Rosary.”
“Follow Me in prayer. I will lead you.”
April 27, 1999
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Come into My Divine Love. Today, I have come to help you understand the virtue of prayer. Just as the sunbeam shines down from Heaven and invites the flower to open and bloom, so every inspiration to pray is an invitation – a call – from My Divine Love to prayer. So often My invitations go unanswered, for Satan opposes prayer more than any other good. Look at the world around you. Everywhere that prayer has been discouraged, evil has taken over. In families the adversary has been able to divide, for few families pray together. In schools where prayer was banned, you now have drugs and violence. In government bodies instead of prayer you have legalized abortion. Even here in this mission where prayer is the mainstay, you are feared by some and others look askance at you. The ones who come often and support the prayer effort should be commended for their perseverance and fortitude.”
“Every prayer makes a difference in the world and in the balance between good and evil. The prayer that rises out of a heart full of Holy Love is most worthy. This type of prayer unites, converts, changes people and events, sanctifies and makes whole.”
“A life of prayer is indeed itself a mission. It is a call from Divine Love.”
May 1, 1999
Jesus Christ
“It is I, Jesus, the Word born Incarnate. Child, I have come to help you understand the mutual love I call you to. The law of Holy Love is to love the Lord thy God with your whole heart, soul, and mind, and your neighbor as yourself. This is the way to union with the Divine Will, the way to holiness, sanctity. Anything, person or place, that obstructs the way, represents an attachment.”
“So today, I would like to teach you about attachments. It is Satan who tries to carry your heart away. He suggests you should be worried about your appearance, your reputation, where you live, or what you are to eat. He keeps your heart in turmoil through unforgiveness. He suggests you must not give up your own opinion, which is the trap of self-righteousness. Within this same attachment to opinion lies another snare, that of judging. All of these fill your heart with thoughts contrary to love of God and neighbor.”
“When you come before Me to pray, anything that your mind clings to in the natural is some sort of attachment. If you love Me with your whole heart it is easy to surrender everything to Me. It is easy to trust Me. But you do not trust Me if you cannot see My grace at work in every aspect of your life through My Love for you.”
“Attachments are Satan’s tool, his way of pulling you away from Me. If you ask Me I will help you overcome every barrier, but you must want it. Come to Me completely. Free yourselves of all that stands between us. I will bless you.”
May 5, 1999
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation; 2nd Anniversary – Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Blessed Virgin Mary
(** Maureen was told that reading Revelation 13 will help to understand this message):
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be Jesus. She bows in recognition towards the priests who were present. “My dear children, once again I have come to mend the way between Heaven and earth.”
“Know with certainty, My children, that My coming to you at this time marks the onset of the last struggle between Satan and the Woman clothed with the sun. This is a battle the adversary knows he will not win, as it is written in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
“As the victory draws near, you will witness diametrically opposed signs. There will be a scattering of the flock in the confusion of hearts, but a drawing together of the remnant faithful who remain consecrated to Me. You will see heroic sanctity and unrivaled evil. Many of My chosen ones will be relieved of certain burdens and protected from devastation. Those devoted to the world will find their fortunes turn to dust.”
“Those who have not surrendered to trust during these times will find their hearts mastered by the spirit of fear. It will be increasingly necessary to recognize Satan in his disguise. Whatever opposes the law of Holy Love, My children, is evil. Realize this. The battle between good and evil is really the battle between Holy Love and evil. Choose Holy Love in every present moment.”
“There will be signs of wonder and amazement that nature cannot explain away. Certain portents will be seen in the sky. Those who do not understand these times will not recognize them for what they are. This is why the Eternal Father has allowed Me to come to you, to place you under My mantle and into My Heart. I am here as your Mother to help you to realize the urgency of mankind’s return to holiness.”
“Your prayers, My dear, dear children, are opening the gateway to My victory, both in hearts and in the world. Satan knows how much I am depending on you and makes every effort to interfere when you want to pray. It is then you must be strong and understand I am with you. Make your lives simple. Let your hearts center on your relationship with God. Then all you need will be given. Your faith must be your anchor as you ride out the seas of these tumultuous times. My Immaculate Heart is your life boat.”
“You must realize, My little ones, that the heart of evil is sensuality, wealth and power. Therefore you must not love these things, but replace them in your heart with love of God and love of neighbor. Satan gains control through money and power, and I am calling you to lead simple lives and avoid these pitfalls.”
“Once again, My dear children, I will visit Purgatory to deliver into Heaven all the relatives of those here present today. Receive My Motherly Blessing and the Blessing of our United Hearts.”
May 20, 1999
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, Divine Love, born Incarnate. The Kingdom of My Mercy is in every heart that loves Me. The Kingdom of the Divine Will is upon those who surrender to Me. I am Divine Love. Therefore, surrender to love. Victory will come when hearts surrender to Me.”
“Now all of earth is engaged in a battle – good against evil. The good – which is Holy Love – will vanquish the enemy as a series of events unfold. Holy Love is the battalion of truth that I am sending into war. It is a weapon that Satan cannot understand and will not conquer. Make it known.”
May 27, 1999
Jesus Christ
When I [Maureen] arrived at the chapel, Jesus was there with His Heart exposed. He motioned for me to sit down. He said: “Today, I will speak to you. I am Jesus, born Incarnate. My Sovereignty is over every heart. Now the world realizes how Satan has been working in hearts to gain his end. There is no more arms race. All are equal. For while people did not realize prayer was the answer and the rosary was the weapon of choice, Satan stealthily gained control of countries unwilling to accept Christian standards. Every place you go, everywhere you speak, you must stress the power of prayer. Encourage My people to pray even if only a little.”
“The way to peace is through the Heart of My Mother. Her Immaculate Heart is Holy Love. People may think they are coming directly to Me in prayer, and think they have the advantage over less ‘enlightened’ souls. I tell you the truth: just as no one comes to the Father except through Me, no one comes to Me except through the Heart of My Mother. The grace of Her Heart invites people to prayer. Because My Mother’s Heart is Holy Love and Holy Love is the Will of God, there is no passage to Me around the Immaculate Heart. Everyone that prays to Me does so by My Mother’s invitation. No one prays who does not love to some degree.”
“For these reasons, My call to humanity is Holy Love, Holy Love, Holy Love. It is this call that will defeat Satan who seeks to destroy the world and gain every soul for himself. Do not allow him to achieve this. Pray, pray, pray.”
May 29, 1999
Jesus Christ
Jesus comes with His Heart exposed. He says, “I am Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come once again today to help you understand the importance of self-surrender. Consider the little seed. It is placed in the ground in the hope that it will grow and become a flower. Is this so?” (He smiles because He knows I’m waiting for my flowers to come up.)
“If the environment is favorable the seed will undergo change. It will become a seedling. It will push through the soil and bloom. The seed has no free will to get in the way.”
“Now consider the soul. Its environment is important. But more important are the choices the soul makes through its free will. It takes a movement of that free will to surrender those choices to Me – to allow Me to choose what I desire for the soul which is always its sanctity and salvation.”
“This is why each soul is created – to be united to Me in Holy and Divine Love. This is why My Mother has been coming to you. She desires all souls, all people, indeed all nations know this.”
“I do not promise this path will be trouble-free. Satan, the flesh, and the world oppose it. It is not popular to those who desire immediate gratification. But surrender is sweet and palatable to those who love Me. To these it is love itself, peace and joy. Such souls bloom to their fullest capacity.”
“Make this known.”
June 25, 1999
Jesus Christ
“Let us begin with this dictation. I am your Jesus, born of the flesh. Just as Holy Love sanctifies the mundane moment and makes it worthy in the eyes of God, come to see that the deeper you go into the Flame of Holy Love in the present moment, the more grace I will pour through My Mother’s Heart into all your future moments. The more you practice the virtues in the present, the easier the virtues will come to you in the future.”
“Therefore, understand that Satan wants to discourage every effort in Holy Love in the present moment. The devil knows all too well that each present moment affects the future. This is why you must pray and recommend your hearts to My Love and Mercy in the present. Satan fears any effort in Holy Love. He knows that Holy Love is his archenemy, as it is the Heart of My Mother.”
“If you desire great grace and many favors in your lives, turn your hearts over to Me now in the present. Abundant is My Provision upon those who trust Me in such a way.”
“Make it known that I may bless you.”
July 5, 1999
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Ask the people to hold up the items they wished blessed by Me.”
“I come to you through the power of Divine Love – Divine Mercy. Through the fire of this Love, I have come to convert the heart of the world. The only path of conversion is through Holy Love. The Eternal Father, Who is at the center of the universe, cannot change a heart against its human will. Therefore, I have come to urge all hearts to surrender to My Mother’s Immaculate Heart which is Her call to Holy Love.”
“If hearts respond, the Heavenly Father will restore peace and harmony to all of nature, the air, the water, the earth, all things that take dominion beneath His Power. As it is, much has been relinquished to Satan, as mankind has rejected the path of Love.”
“My children do not consider Divine Providence, but move through life as though all things depended on themselves. Understand I give and I take away; I support and I tear down. Come to Me. When I return I will look for those who live according to the Two Great Commandments of Holy Love.”
“Today, I am making a new covenant with My people. It is a covenant of Love. When you live in Holy Love in the present moment, you are fulfilling your needs towards salvation, for Holy Love is the fulfillment of the law, the embrace of all the Commandments, and the embodiment of all Church dogma. Today We are extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
July 9, 1999
Jesus Christ
“Understand as I speak to you that I am Jesus, the Word born Incarnate. My Eucharistic Heart is the center of the universe. But this Heart cannot save a single soul unless the soul surrenders to Holy Love. The degree of surrender determines the degree of sanctity. Indeed, self-abandonment is the key to salvation.”
“Souls cannot love Me or trust Me or even know Me who allow their hearts to be full of themselves. Self love is always the door Satan walks through. Self love is inordinate love of power, money, ambition, reputation, sensuality, greed – all these that are from Satan.”
“But when the soul surrenders to Holy Love, he is willing to give up everything, all his own ‘wants’, for Me.”
“Such a soul has no need for recognition. Such a one despises the limelight and has no concern for reputation. He does not promote himself or his own agenda, but waits in the background to quietly do My bidding. If he accomplishes something on My behalf, He does not look for credit, but gives thanks to God. These humble souls that surrender to Holy Love are the instruments I delight to use. These are the ones that allow Holy Love to take over their hearts. They place all My needs ahead of their own.”
“These are the ones I call My own.”
July 23, 1999
Friday Prayer Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Peace be with you. Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “My brothers and sisters, do not allow fear to be a part of your heart, for fear comes from Satan. Fear is a sign that you do not trust completely, that you have not surrendered completely, and that you do not love Me completely. My brothers and sisters, I am calling you to faith, hope, and love. Abandon your hearts to Me. We are blessing you.”
July 25, 1999
4th Sunday Service to Pray for Unbelievers
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praised be Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, wear the scapular of the United Hearts always, for it is a sign to Satan that you belong to My Mother and to Me. It is a sign that you are already a part of Our Victory and Triumph. Make it known. We extend to you today the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
August 21, 1999
Atlanta, Georgia
Jesus Christ
“My dearest child, I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to enlighten you and advise you. This is what the United Hearts represents.”
“The United Hearts are:
The embodiment of the Divine Will
The embodiment of every Marian Dogma
The embodiment of every commandment, especially the law of love
The doorway to the New Jerusalem and your salvation
The terror of Satan and his defeat.”
“You will please make this known.”
September 18, 1999
“I have come to speak to you about prayer, and in particular the prayer of the Rosary. I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. So many surrender to prayer without the sentiment of love in their hearts. This weakens the prayer, making it less worthy. Instead, bolster your prayers by recalling the love you have in your heart for Me and My Mother. This allows Me to pour the choicest graces upon you and into your life.”
“Prayer has a cumulative effect. I know ahead of time how many prayers will be offered for each petition. Therefore, you never know what just one more Hail Mary will bring. One Hail Mary said with a loving heart has the power to stop wars, bring nature into harmony with God’s plan, convert an unbeliever, save a vocation, deliver a soul from purgatory, and change the future forever. Think, then, of the power of a whole Rosary said with love.”
“Satan knows that the Rosary is the weapon which will bring about his defeat. This is why he is desperate to discourage its use. Every time you recite a Hail Mary from the heart, the devil is weakened forever in some area and in some soul.”
“You must never be discouraged, then, in praying the Rosary. When your heart is most filled with distraction, understand the adversary is frightened of your prayers.”
“The Heart of My Mother is consoled by your efforts in prayer. She is most indebted to the ones who persevered in a regimen of prayer despite opposition. Make it known.”
September 29, 1999
Feast of St. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael; Dedication of St. Michael Statue Prayer Service
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael is here. He says, “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Often in the world, my brothers and sisters, you see me portrayed with a sword, defeating Satan and driving him out of Heaven. But I tell you, more powerful than my sword is the heel of our Most Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary. This heel is comprised of those consecrated to Holy and Divine Love. And it is this heel that will defeat Satan.” He leaves.
October 2, 1999
Jesus Christ
“I am Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come today to invite you into the Kingdom of My Divine Love. This Kingdom can only be entered by the portal of Holy Love.”
“My Kingdom of Divine Love is like the first moment when you realize that someone you love very much, also loves you. Or the Kingdom of Sacred and Divine Love is like stepping from a busy street into a forest aflame with autumn color. Still again, My Kingdom of Divine Love is like suddenly being escorted onto a path of life when you had been slipping to your death.”
“In the Kingdom of Divine Love is your peace, your solace, your guide, and victory. When you choose to enter, your every motive of thoughts, words and actions is to please Me and then your neighbor. All your joy is in this. Everything else is passing, as it does not bring everlasting joy. The peace and joy that arises from this Flame of Divine Love is the New Jerusalem, the victory the eternal path of righteousness in the soul.”
“Divine Love longs to hold the soul captive. All that challenges Divine Love is from evil. In this, recognize that self love is promoted by Satan himself. When I speak of self love, I do not speak of self respect, which I desire you to have. No, I speak of inordinate desires of the heart that carry you away from Me. I speak of inordinate concern for comforts, the state of your health, or your appearance. Inordinate means excessive.”
“I encourage every heart to detach from these things and fill their hearts with Me, as I desire to be the center of every heart. Such a step at times may require heroics. But My Mother will come with Her grace to help you. I have created each heart for such an existence. Divine Love is the ultimate goal, the Divine Will for each one. And, you will make this known.”
October 8, 1999
Second Friday Service to Pray for Priests
St. John Vianney, Cure d’Ars and Patron of Priests
St. John Vianney is here. He says, “Praise be to Jesus.” A personal message was given.
“Tonight, my brothers and sisters, I remind you that all priests can judge the strength of their ministry by the numbers of confessions that they hear in one week. For the priests’ job is to uncover evil, to heal the brokenhearted, and to oppose Satan where he lays hidden in hearts. Today I’m asking you to pray that all vocations are strengthened in these areas. And I’m extending to you my priestly blessing.”
October 16, 1999
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My sister, there are many chambers in My Heart of Hearts, which is Divine Love. The door to each chamber is unlocked through self will, self surrender. Each doorway leads you deeper into Divine Love – deeper into My Heart… until the soul reaches the deepest, most intimate chamber of Divine Union, and compliance with the Divine Will of God. In this most intimate chamber the soul knows Me as never before. He has no wants save to love Me more. His happiness is My happiness. He is willing to sacrifice anything to console Me. Few reach this chamber.”
“The first door the soul must open is perhaps the most difficult. Through the Flame of My Mother’s Heart the soul recognizes its faults and failings. By a movement of free will, he decides to overcome his weaknesses – to let them be burned away through the Flame of Holy Love. Yes, the first doorway to Divine Love is Holy Love. It is the purgative stage. The soul may open this door, quite committed to the path he sees before him, but because he gives in to Satan’s temptations, finds himself outside the first door again. Over and over he may have to re-commit to Holy Love.”
“Finally, he will be less tempted to old weaknesses. He will recognize them and avert them. Now he can approach the first door to Divine Love. Once through this doorway, a great peace comes upon the soul. He is able to go deeper into prayer. He is more aware of the grace of the present moment. Indeed, he is able to recline in My Heart and find a respite herein. He does not take joy in so-called worldly pleasures anymore. His joy is in Me. The soul drifts along in this sea of calm, recognizing more frequently the difference between his wants and his needs. In this chamber the soul has few wants.”
“Sister, meditate on the consecration until it becomes a part of you. Study all I have said thus far concerning the consecration to Divine Love.”
“I am blessing you.”
October 17, 1999
“I am your Jesus – Divine Love – born Incarnate. Sister, I have been waiting for you. I have come to help you understand. There are degrees of submission and compliance to the Divine Will. This is what the ‘Doors’ to the Chambers of My Heart represent. So you see, each Door is the Divine Will, but entrance to Each Chamber requires greater surrender and commitment.”
“Now the First Door – Holy Love – reveals your glaring faults. The Second Chamber of My Heart asks your more perfect surrender. In this Chamber, little flaws in love come to light. After the soul drifts on the sea of calm when he is first admitted to the Second Chamber, he is able to see certain habits or attachments that hinder him from going deeper into Divine Love – My Heart. Waves of emotion toss him to and fro. At one moment the soul experiences dryness. The next moment he receives consolation. If he perseveres in overcoming his small attachments and inordinate habits, he will be ready to move into the Third Chamber of My Heart. In this Chamber the virtues bloom and the fruits of the Spirit ripen. The soul may think his progress is unremarkable. But, in fact, few souls enter this Chamber and try to be perfected in love to such a degree. This is the Chamber from which I choose My saints, My martyrs of love. But it is also the Chamber where souls are most severely tested by Satan. The soul needs to use heroic virtue in this Chamber lest he slip into discouragement. My sister, you will make all of this known.”
October 18, 1999
“I am Your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today, I have come to help you see that you should not allow Satan to distract you as to what chamber you are in within My Heart. If you are climbing a ladder, you do not stop to take account of what rung you are on. You just keep climbing up and up until you reach the top.”
“So it is in the spiritual life. You mount to perfection – to Divine Love – by simply plucking one fault or attachment after another from your heart, like weeds from a beautiful flower garden. In place of the weed, a flower springs up. In place of the fault, a virtue blossoms. Do not look back, or be discouraged by the climb ahead. Just keep going on the ladder of Love.”
“Make it known.”
October 20, 1999
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My sister, do you understand the deepest, most intimate Chamber of My Heart? Most cannot comprehend such unity with their Creator. This is the Chamber in which all is conformed to the Divine Will. The souls, and few there are, whom I select from the Third Chamber as My saints and martyrs of love come into the Fourth and most intimate Chamber. They have been perfected in Holy Love. They have purged themselves of the smallest fault or attachment which has been an obstacle between their heart and Mine. They have successfully defeated Satan in his discouragements.”
“These are the souls that are able to accept all things as from the Hand of God – that is, God’s Will for them. These souls always trust in Divine Providence. The virtues have been honed and fine-tuned in their lives. They no longer live for themselves, but I live through them. It is such as these, that upon their death, I lay at My Mother’s feet as sweet flowers to console Her, as many of Her children slip to perdition. These souls reach the highest Heaven, their sanctity secure in Me.”
“It is to this perfection each soul is called, created, and chosen. I do not place any obstacle between any soul and his sanctification. It is the soul himself who chooses obstacles, or chooses only God’s Will in the present moment. What I am telling you is that every soul is capable of reaching the pinnacle of sanctity if he desires it. You will please make this known.”
November 4, 1999
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come today to help you to understand the wound of My Heart. Today, just as when I hung on the Cross, this wound is inflicted upon My Heart by those who know Me, but do not love Me. Such as these fill their hearts and their lives with worldly concerns. Satan has tricked them into believing there is always time to turn their hearts over to Me. These souls have not come to appreciate the value of the present moment.”
“Every soul that comes into the chamber of My Heart is obliged by the law of love to pray for these souls who live in apathy. Those who strive to come into the deepest, most intimate chamber of My Heart must make many sacrifices for such as these. It is in this way they pour soothing balm on the woundedness of Our United Hearts. You see, it is impossible to be part of Our Hearts and not to share in the woundedness.”
“I will bless your efforts.”
November 25, 1999
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Child, I wish to describe to you today the soul who is deepest in My Heart. Such a soul is consumed with love for Me. He can refuse Me nothing because of this love. The eagerness of each soul to surrender all things to Me is a measure of his love. If he gives Me much but begrudgingly, this is a sign that his love is not fully developed. Such a soul cannot be at peace.”
“But the soul that dwells deep within Me is at peace and sees the Father’s Will in all things. Such a one cannot be buffeted about by Satan’s deceptions and tactics. At the same time, he does not hold himself above those less advanced in love than he is. He lovingly prays for their enlightenment. False accusations and insults do not affect him. These too he surrenders to Me. My gentle caress rests upon these souls. They are My own. You will please make this known.”
December 3, 1999
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My sister, each soul receives the grace of the chambers of My Heart according to his desire and conformity to the Will of God. Both of these – desire and conformity to God’s Will – require detachment from self and surrender to Me. When I see the soul’s efforts in this regard, I take them and lay them at the Feet of the Father – the Father of all generations. He receives these efforts, according to their worthiness, as burnt offerings. He then directs Me as to what chamber of My Heart the soul should gain admittance.”
“This is why I have said the soul gains entrance to each chamber according to his free will.”
“In the world freedom has become a convoluted term in many instances, and has become a misnomer for sin.”
“But man was given free will by God to choose or reject salvation – that is, to choose or reject the chambers of the United Hearts. For herein is the battle line between good and evil.”
“Do not be surprised then, when Satan opposes your choices. Be a sign in the world of your choice to enter Our United Hearts and advance through the chambers.”
“I will bless you.”