Luke 1:28 “Hail, Full of grace, the Lord is with you”
Lk 1:28 – “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.” The Greek
word for “full of grace” is kecharitomene, denoting a plenitude
of grace. Wherever grace is full, sin is absent.
Lk 1:42-48 – “blessed are you among women.”, “Blessed is the fruit of Thy womb”
Jn 2:1-5 – Mary’s intercession
Lk 1:43 – Mary is “Mother of God”
Jn 2:1-5 – Mary’s intercession
Immaculate Conception of Mary
The Immaculate Conception is the doctrine that Mary was
conceived without original sin by the “pre-applied” grace of
Christ’s death on the cross
Gen 3:15 with Rev 12:1-17 Mary is the New Eve and enemy of
the Serpent
Mary Ever-Virgin
John 19:26-27 – Jesus gives care of Mary to John, not one of his
2 Sam 6:23; Gen 8:7, Dt 34:6 – passages demonstrating that
“until” (Mt 1:25) does not denote consummation
Rev 11:19-12:3 – Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant and it
would be unfitting for her sacred womb to be violated
The so-called “Brothers” of Jesus
In Jewish antiquity, “brother” does not mean “blood
brother” but simply “kinsman”
Gen 14:14 – Lot, Abraham’s nephew (Gen 11:26-28), described
as Abraham’s brother (KJV)
Gen 29:15 – Laban, Jacob’s uncle, calls Jacob his “brother”
The “brothers” of Jesus number are actually the children of
Mary the wife of Cleophas
Mary wife of Cleophas and “sister” of the Virgin Mary (Jn
19:25) is the mother of James and Joseph (Mk 15:47; Mt
27:56) who are called the “brothers of Jesus” (Mk 6:3).
The number of the “brothers” of Jesus equals about 95
Acts 1:12-15 says that there were 120 at Pentecost consisting of
apostles (12 people), Mary (1 person), “some women” (about
12 people) and Jesus’ “brothers”—this means that the “brothers
of Jesus numbered at about 95 people!!! Obviously “brothers”
does not mean blood brothers.
Assumption & Coronation of Mary
Gen 5:24; Heb 11:5; 2 Kings 2:1-13 – Enoch and Elijah were
assumed bodily into heaven
2 Tim 4:

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