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Ascension Press Bible In A Year (BIAY) Reading Program
Method Used To Read the Bible in a Year
Created by Jeff Cavins for reading of 14 Narrative Books with Supplementary Books Blended in over the course of a year
By reading the narrative books chronologically we can get a sense of the storyline from Adam to the formation of the Church. This way we read the core narrative books numbering 14 in total which spans over 12 time periods instead of 73 books (?) of mixed genre sequentially. For the most part, the supplementary books (Psalms, Wisdom, Proverbs, Leviticus, etc) are associated with the appropriate narrative book in the reading chart provided (see link below).
Announcing the Bible in a Year
Ascension Press Summary of Bible In A Year (BIAY) Program

Bible Reading Plan Link for 365 Days
There is a three month bible reading plan in the Great Adventure Bible and another available one that spans 6 months (link will be provided when found) but this plan is for 365 days. This is the updated version as of January 21, 2021
365 Day BIY Reading Plan (
To Request a Bible Reading Plan Yourself
Use this link where a popup allows you to submit an email address for the current DIY Bible Reading Plan if you wish
All Bible in a Year Episodes – Ascension Press Media
365 Day Bible Reading Plan PDF
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Bible In A Year (Reading of Bible) Podcasts
Fr. Mike Schmitz created podcasts reading the bible every day starting January 1st 2021

The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) on Apple Podcasts
He actually just takes about 1-2 chapters a night and reads them (rather quickly which can be reduced to .75 speed) and then spends a few minutes discussing the chapters in general, usually a total of 15-20 minutes. It is a plan to read the bible in a year.
Choice of Podcasts for the Daily Readings and Reflections by Fr Mike Schmitz
Click the names of the platforms below to listen there:
Cheat Links for Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for First Section of Narrative Books (Genesis)
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz): Day 1: In the Beginning (
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz): Day 2: The Fall of Adam and Eve (
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz): Day 3: Noah’s Ark (
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz): Day 4: The Flood (
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz): Day 5: Tower of Babel (
Bible in A Year Bible Study Notes by Bobby Semendy
Facebook Page
(20+) Ascension Catholic Bible Studies | Facebook

Introduction to the Narrative Books by Jeff Cavins
Early World
Patriarchs in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz): Introduction to the Patriarchs (with Jeff Cavins) (
Various Introductory Videos
(269) How to Love The Bible w/ Fr Mike Schmitz – YouTube
(265) How Do You Pray with the Bible? – YouTube
(265) Living Life Through the Lens of Scripture (and Podcast Announcement!) – YouTube
5 Tips for Reading the Bible
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz): BONUS: 5 Tips for Reading the Bible (
Intro to the Early World
Catholics and the Bible by Jeff Cavins
(265) When You Don’t Understand the Bible – YouTube
(265) “Bringing the Bible Back to Catholics” | Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavins – YouTube
Shop for Bible in a Year Resources
Associated Bible Tools

Volume I of The Bible in a Year Companion covers Days 1–120 of The Bible in a Year podcast.
Volume II of The Bible in a Year Companion covers Days 121–243 of The Bible in a Year podcast.
Volume III of The Bible in a Year Companion covers Days 244–365 of The Bible in a Year podcast. (not available yet)
Bible In a Year Notebook

Bible in A Year Retreat
Ascension Bible Study Course by Jeff Cavins
Method Used: Reading and Bible Study of 14 Narrative Books with Supplementary Books Blended in over the course of 6 months
“This study (about 20 years ago) by former EWTN host Jeff Cavins highlights the 14 narrative books of the Bible and walks Catholics through them in the order they actually happened. This allows participants to see the whole story of salvation. Once participants understand the story, it’s easier to see how everything else fits together and how God is speaking directly to them.” Jeff Cavins actually created this chart…
(pricey option, no remuneration, just for your information)

The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation Starter Pack – Ascension (
For more affordable options
The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation Bible Study Program – Ascension (
Free Online Supplementary Bible Study Program

Grace Lily Productions Bible Study with Fr Kirby General Introduction
For a more in depth study, there are several programs available on youtube. A list will be provided at the bottom of this page as discovered. The series offered by Fr Kirby include a general introduction at a college level starting with the 4 types of oral traditions. Only Genesis has been completed to date (2/11)
Source: Grace Lily Productions
Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD gives a bible study on the book of Genesis at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Indian Land, SC. Here is a list of the initial videos to get you started.
General Introduction
(311) Bible Study – Genesis – Week 1 – YouTube
Specific Introduction to Genesis
(311) Bible Study – Genesis – Week 2 – YouTube
(311) Bible Study – Genesis – Week 3 – YouTube
(311) Bible Study – Genesis – Week 4 – YouTube
(311) Bible Study – Genesis – Week 5 – YouTube
(311) Bible Study – Genesis – Week 6 – YouTube
Bible Study – Genesis – Week 7 – YouTube
(311) Bible Study – Genesis – Week 8 – YouTube
Bible Study – Genesis – Week 9 – Parts 1 & 2 – YouTube
Bible Study – Genesis – Week 10 – YouTube
Bible Study – Genesis – Week 11 – YouTube
(311) Bible Study – Genesis – Week 12 – YouTube
(311) Bible Study – Genesis – Week 13 – YouTube
Bible Study – Genesis – Week 14 – YouTube
Continue to check back as more online courses are discovered!
Links Sourced from
- Ascension – website
- Facebook Group: Ascension Catholic Bible Studies
- Ascension – The Bible in a Year Reading Plan
- Ascension Podcast – The Bible in a Year by Fr Mike Schmitz
- Ascension Fireside Podcast– Fireside FM
- Ascension Podcast (en español) – Captivate
- Ascension – The Bible in a Year YouTube Playlist
- Facebook Group: Fr Jim’s Bible in a Year study/support group…
- Reddit Group: Catholic Bible Study
- Google Sheet: The Bible in a Year daily tracker (Help Page) – (updated 12/30/2021)
- Excel Document: The Bible in a Year daily tracker – (updated 12/30/2021)
- Website: BibleGateway – searchable online Bible
- Website: BibleMaps – maps for different Biblical areas and times
- Website: Bible Concordance – English to Greek and Hebrew interlinear (shown together)
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