July 5, 2003
Monthly Message to The Remnant Faithful
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I am King of All Nations. My brothers and sisters, these are grace-filled times. But you must also realize that they are evil times, as well. Therefore, today I come seeking your consecration to Our United Hearts which are all grace, all mercy, all love and the truth itself. Be signs of this truth in the world.”
“I tell you solemnly that what brings nations to war against one another is all that opposes truth in hearts. Satan, Father of Lies, convinces people of false rights against their neighbors. He twists their thoughts and presents sin as a right. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. When He speaks to hearts, He promotes peace and reconciliation. Today, it is important that souls recognize what spirit they listen to and act upon. The adversary promotes false and erroneous goals. The Holy Spirit promotes love and peace. You cannot follow both paths or listen and act upon both promptings.”
“Please understand, My brothers and sisters, that over and over I have sent My Mother into the world as peacemaker. Her mission is always the same–to reconcile free will with the Divine Will of God. The enemy of your salvation makes every attempt to confuse and discredit these apparitions. He clouds the crystal-clear Messages I place on My Mother’s Lips with false discernment. In the end much of what has been revealed and disbelieved will be borne out in truth. The storm of controversy will pass.”
“The freakish weather patterns in all parts of the world are the result of man’s disunity with his Creator, for every sin bears its evil fruit. Turn your hearts over to love of prayer and sacrifice. Make reparation to My Wounded Heart for all the error that is in hearts. Evil is fermenting in hearts today, readying its forces. You must oppose this by your efforts and through My grace. Hold dear to you all that is righteous. Oppose evil.”
“We now bless you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
June 13, 2005
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Dear children, you have chosen to oppose My work here at Holy Love. You are confusing discernment with rash judgment. I have come here to reconcile souls with their God. I come to renew hearts in the two great Commandments of Love. Do not listen to Satan’s lies. Do not encourage a spiritual pride which breeds self-righteousness. The Holy Spirit is a Spirit of Truth. True discernment is a gift that God alone can place in the heart. You must not presume to have this gift when you do not.”
“You ask for credentials from My messenger here proving her worthiness. You set up your own criteria with which to judge her interior life. Humility does not defend itself. I have instructed My messenger, in humility, not to defend herself, but to remain silent.”
“If you continue to persecute her after My warnings, do not seek My defense when you most need it. There is never a just cause to slander another, calumnize, detract or rash judge (Jas. 3:6-18; 4:11-12). There is never a good and just reason to lie about another. Your position in church circles or the community does not change lies into the truth, or sin into virtue.”
“Do not oppose Heaven’s plans here. You will not win. I correct you always as a loving mother corrects her children. I await your loving response.”
January 30, 2006
Monday United Hearts Confraternity Service
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “My brothers and sisters, tonight I come to you encouraging you to persevere in your journey of holiness through Holy and Divine Love. When the Spirit of Truth descends upon your heart and reveals imperfections in Holy Love, do not deny them. Bring them to Me, and I will help you overcome even the smallest error.”
“Forgive yourselves. Do not carry the false burden of scruples. Do not believe you are guilty of more than what the Holy Spirit reveals. My brothers and sisters, this is the way to become perfected in Holy Love and enter into Divine Love.”
“Tonight We’re blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts.”
January 31, 2006
St. Thomas Aquinas says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I have come to further enlighten you. The Message of the Chambers of the United Hearts is for everyone as a means of forming their hearts in holiness–even sanctification. What is sad is the ones who come, or even work here, listen to the Messages, but do not absorb them into their hearts. Some are convinced they are holy, even though they expend much effort in finding fault with others, and regretfully have no insight into their own hearts. Others allow Satan to convince them the Messages are not real; therefore, alleviating them of any responsibility to change and to become Holy Love.”
“People such as these greatly wound Jesus’ Heart. Hearing the Message carries with it the responsibility of living the Message. Pride is blinding those who do not grasp this reality. When you stand before the judgment seat of God, you will not be allowed to offer excuses. You will not be asked about your neighbors’ faults, but you will be asked to give an accounting of your own weaknesses in Holy Love.”
“The time to act is now. Ask the Spirit of Truth to bring to light all your iniquity. Listen to Him with courage. Act on His advice.”
June 5, 2006
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “I desire that you record these words to be dispersed amongst all people and all nations. I come to you bearing words from the Spirit of Truth–the Holy Spirit–in an effort to bring souls back into the one fold of Holy and Divine Love. You, yourselves, have chosen division–making more of your opinions than of God the Father’s Divine Will for you.”
“It is God’s Will that all people be united in Holy Love–that you do not seek different paths through the pride of Satan’s lies. I choose for you the path of righteousness. The ones who love God and neighbor, follow Me. But many, in error, choose separate paths. I come to unite. Satan urges you to divide. When you follow Satan, believing in his lies, your opinions are like earthquakes which cause the very foundation you stand on to shift, divide and buckle. Or, your opinions become like a great volcano, building in pressure, and finally exploding and devouring everything in its path.”
“My brothers and sisters, I come to build you up, not to tear you down and pull you apart. I come here at this site to unite all people in truth. This is a sanctuary of My Truth. Look no further–it is here. Through this Message of Holy and Divine Love, world peace can be accomplished.”
Read Philippians 2: 1-3
“I come to you today to help you understand that your peace is in your unity. It is Satan who sows division in your midst. Disunity is the adversary’s hallmark and bears the fruit of conflict and distrust. Holy Love and Holy Humility work together to sow unity and peace. Where there is peace, the Spirit of Truth makes His Home. I have come to prepare hearts in the peace of truth so that you will bear witness to the truth by your unity and love for one another. Thus fortified, you will be able to vanquish the Prince of Lies.”
“Do not look towards earthly approval, but seek only to appeal to Me. I will strengthen your efforts and weaken the enemy in his attempts to divide and conquer. It is in this way and through your efforts of cooperating with grace that the United Hearts will be victorious.”
“My brothers and sisters, I come to you so that all mankind may be reconciled with his Creator. Do not oppose Me, but allow these Messages to come to life in your hearts. Let Holy and Divine Love be a constant in your life. Then I will bless you, and you will feel the anointing of Our United Hearts.”
They extend to us the Blessing of the United Hearts.
July 5, 2006
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.” Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “Dear brothers and sisters, your freedom is not the same thing as rebelliousness to God’s authority. True freedom comes in submission to God’s law. When you oppose righteousness, you become a slave of Satan, following evil inspirations rather than inspirations of the Spirit of Truth.”
“These days you must become apostles of truth–never fearing to stand against Satan’s lies–no matter the cost. Do not allow evil to take root in your heart. When you allow Satan’s lies to take root, you are helping Satan to remove truth and nurture evil in the garden of your soul. The deeper the root, the more difficult the eradication of the weed.”
“I have come today to encourage those who try to perfect themselves in Holy Love in the present moment. You desire to place Me at the center of your hearts in thought, word and deed. You are My joy.”
“At the same time, I am here to admonish those who are motivated only out of self-love. These are the ones who seek to satisfy themselves in every present moment. They concern themselves with reputation, sensual pleasures, appearances, their own health and comforts, power and every degree of avarice. Most countries have at their heart this type of government.”
“The more the soul worships self-satisfaction and temptation, the more I withdraw and watch painfully as error pulls them away from Me.”
“By your moment to moment choices, you choose your salvation or your perdition. Do not think you are not held responsible for what you do under cover of darkness, for I see all things. I hear what you say which opposes Holy Love. I see what you do which opposes My Father’s commandments against stealing and cheating–even against life itself. You are not thinking with a righteous conscience, but with a heart of pride that listens to Satan’s lies. You are only cheating yourself of salvation.”
“The tongue that lies reflects the untruths that have ensnared the heart. How unfortunate, for lies lead many astray. The tongue is a powerful instrument. It can be used to build up My Kingdom of Truth and Love in the world, or it can be used to twist the truth and destroy the Kingdom of Love I have come to establish in these last days. (James 3:6-18). How quickly lies can affect a multitude.”
“My brothers and sisters, please comprehend that the present moment can never be retrieved; once it is gone, it is gone forever. It will not come back to you so that you can surrender to Me. It will not come back to you so that you can offer it to Me in prayer or adoration; nor will it return so that I can make you victorious over temptations. Once again I tell you, My brothers and sisters, be mindful of what governs your heart in each and every present moment.”
“We’re blessing you with Our Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
February 21, 2007
St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today I have come to invite you even deeper into Divine Love which is the Spirit of Truth; in so doing, have a heart which is governed by Holy Love. Such a heart does not examine others’ motives for their actions. The loving heart tries to avoid laying blame, for this leads to a ‘tit for tat’ spirit. The heart which advances in Holy Love understands that humility is the stepping stone to all virtue.”
“Pray for a love of humility. Then you will advance quickly in the virtuous life.”
May 27, 2007
Ecumenical Prayer for Unity Amongst All People; Feast of Pentecost
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. There is a white Dove hovering over them. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “Today, My brothers and sisters, I am asking My Eternal Father and your Eternal Father to send the Spirit of Truth – The Holy Spirit – out upon every nation and all people, inspiring them to live in Holy and Divine Love. Pray, My brothers and sisters, that hearts follow this inspiration, for it is the way to true peace.”
“Today I am strengthening souls to bear their burdens. Some crosses will be lightened; others will be made more burdensome.”
“We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
April 24, 2008
St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I wish to describe to you the proper disposition of heart for those who come to this apparition site, especially for the first time. Jesus desires that the heart of each pilgrim be open, that the heart be a blank page for Him to write upon. The less the pilgrim knows of others’ opinions, the better. There are, as with every apparition site, many false rumors and false discernment attacking this place of Heaven’s predilection.”
“Jesus does not like people to come with preconceived ideas of what may take place here. Therefore, do not anticipate any certain grace. Each one’s pilgrimage is individual. Some may receive a profound illumination of conscience,others not.”
“Do not look for proof of all that takes place here as being from Heaven. Do not come here to find fault. That is not discernment.”
“Let your hearts be open to the individual experience that God has in store for you, knowing full well that Immaculate Mary invited you here to deepen your relationship with Her Son and God the Father. Allow the Spirit of Truth to carry you deeper into an intimate relationship with the Holy Trinity.”
“Do not compare your experience here with anyone else’s, for no two are alike. God knows best how to reach each heart. When you share your experiences, do so giving God the glory, for all grace comes from His Mercy and His Love. Never present yourself as being chosen or special or all-knowing in any way. Remember, humility is the first step on the stairway to holiness. There is a proper way to evangelize just as there is a proper way to do anything.”
“Do not allow your heart to be filled with judgment against Heaven’s efforts here. You do not gain merit in God’s Eyes by opposing Him. You only invoke His Judgment. Such a one cooperates with evil.”
“Make a sincere heartfelt Act of Contrition before you come onto the property. Grace will then fill your heart.”
July 5, 2008
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “Today I come to help you comprehend that your nation is being challenged in its position of world leadership. God the Father is permitting this, as your nation has chosen to make the legalization of sins a political issue. Specifically I speak of abortion and same sex marriages,both an abomination in My Eyes.”
“The enemy of your souls is weakening your country by undermining the financial system through natural disasters and dividing hearts against just leadership. You cannot seek to please the convoluted hearts of man first and then turn to God. God must be first in your hearts.”
“My brothers and sisters, earth’s woes are all due to the misuse of free will. The spirituality offered here offers mankind the guidance to redirect his free will to be aligned with the Divine Will of God. Waste no longer the valuable present moments you are given to bear good fruit in the world through these Messages.”
“Satan knows the importance of this Mission even if you, yourselves, do not. He is vigorously attacking My work here through lies and controversy spawned by the very ones who should be supporting this ecumenical effort. Do not join evil in these attacks by lending credence to his attacks out of esteem for title. Recognize the need for this Mission now during these latter days, not centuries from now when approvals will vindicate all Heaven has said here.”
“Here, at this Site, is the threshold of the New Jerusalem. This is why you experience spiritual peace when you come here. Let this peace permeate your hearts as My gift to you. No longer search for peace or any solutions in the world. Be stouthearted. This means to be full of love of God and neighbor. I listen attentively to prayers offered from such a heart.”
“Many have given Me a half-hearted response to My efforts through this Mission. Still others have manufactured reasons not to respond at all. The father of lies is ahead of all of such as these. Satan knows that Truth is spoken here, and he opposes it with all his might. Can you give Me your whole heart in support of Holy Love,not allowing Satan any evil over you? Give Me your undivided heart in favor of Holy Love so that Truth can be victorious.”
“Do not waste time with your lukewarm response to Me. Be as aggressive in your ‘yes’ to Me as Satan is in his opposition.”
“Today I invite you to be a part of My Victory. Understand that true freedom consists in the paradox of complete surrender,surrender to the Divine Will. In this way, the soul is able to break the fetters of sin and embrace victory in its entirety.”
“My brothers and sisters, please realize that good does not oppose good. It is evil that opposes all the prayers and sacrifices that are encouraged here, and the spirituality of the Chambers of the United Hearts. Drink in the peace that is offered here,the peace that nourishes your souls; for this comes from the Spirit of Truth,the Holy Spirit Himself.”
“We’re blessing you with the Complete Blessing of the United Hearts.”
July 14, 2008
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“In this age of moral confusion, it has come to pass that obedience has become synonymous with control. Some are bullied into falling under control when it is not necessary, and even a pitfall. ”
“In this ecumenical Mission, Heaven is reaching out to all people and all nations to pursue personal holiness through Holy and Divine Love. Ecumenism should be encouraged. This Holy Father knows this and does so. Canon law permits it. It is by My Directive that this Mission is controlled only by the Spirit of Truth. In this way, we are free to reach out to everyone.”
August 26, 2008
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I desire you understand with your whole heart My reasons for dispelling misinformation and controversies surrounding this Mission. I love every soul whether he be Christian, Muslim, Jew, even atheist. I love everyone. What I offer here is a way into the Divine Love of My Heart. It is for every soul. When I expose the enemy’s tactics, I bring light to the path I call you upon. I do not come looking for approvals, but for the welfare of each soul.”
“For this reason, I desire souls not be led astray in the midst of the great battle for each one’s salvation. Through the Spirit of Truth, I stand for the truth that souls will be enlightened to follow the path of righteousness. It is because I love each soul, and desire to spend eternity with each soul, that I am prompted to reveal the obstacles Satan has tried to use against this Mission.”
“Let the Light of Truth be victorious.”
September 3, 2008
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Today I have come to help you realize that self-knowledge is the key to spiritual advancement. It is only the Truth that can open this door to self-knowledge. Be open to the Spirit of Truth and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the faults and failings of your heart in relation to Holy Love. Believe that self-knowledge is My Merciful Love in action.”
“When you open your heart to improving your faults and failings in Holy Love, I bring you deeper into My Own Sacred Heart. Pray for the humility to do so.”
November 7, 2008
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, trust always in the Spirit of Truth to come to your defense. The Spirit of Truth, who is the Holy Spirit Himself, is always with you to defend you and to support you in every instance. Never depart from Him. Rely on Him in every situation.”
“Tonight I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
August 13, 2009
St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Child, listen carefully. Those who oppose the Mission have not based their opinions upon the truth found in these Messages, but on worldly wisdom. This is a wisdom inspired by greed, love of power, ambition and jealousy. None of these are from God.”
“Sanctifying wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit–the Spirit of Truth. It does not seek its own advantage, for it does not proceed from disordered self-love. Therefore, such wisdom is clothed in Holy Love, not self-love.”
“Once again, you must realize that Satan and his minions mimic every gift of the Holy Spirit. People must pray for discernment which is based upon right reason. Right reason is always Holy Love.”
“Here, then, is a prayer:”
Prayer for Wisdom
“Most Holy Spirit, flood my heart with only right reason which
is based upon Holy Love. In this way, lead me in true wisdom–
wisdom which has no selfish motive. Such wisdom flows from
and fulfills the Divine Will of God. Use me through such a grace.
August 17, 2009
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Those who oppose this Mission must realize that in doing so, they are opposing the conversion of hearts and, so too, the conversion of the world; for this is the mission itself–the conversion of all people and all nations. Such an ecumenical effort cannot be reined in and controlled by any one group; to presume so is devilish.”
“Twisting words and speaking falsely against Heaven’s efforts here is not of the Holy Spirit–the Spirit of Truth.”
“I cannot speak more plainly to those who unlawfully oppose Heaven’s Mission here.”
August 22, 2009
St. Thomas Aquinas says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I come to speak to you about truth. Truth lives in hearts. It is acted upon in thought, word and deed. It cannot be altered in any way. If it is changed through free will, it is no longer the truth but Satan’s lie.”
“People profane truth to gain their own advantage over others or over situations. When you shade the truth, you are still cooperating with the father of lies. This is accomplished when you portray people or events in a negative light, which may be only your negative opinion.”
“Anything that you try to hide under the cloak of darkness is clothed in untruth. All will be revealed in the light. Deception is not of God; guile is untruth personified.”
“Each soul is called to be a child of the Light–the Light of Truth. The Spirit of Truth–the Holy Spirit–calls each soul who makes his way to this prayer site to be illuminated by the Light of Truth. Allow this Light of Truth to illuminate your inner being. To cooperate with Truth is to cooperate with God’s Divine Will, for these two are one.”
August 27, 2009
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I invite all people and all nations to realize that Satan is actively opposing this Mission. He has misrepresented the Mission, the Messages and the messenger to many influential people in the world, and even in the Vatican itself. His goal is to destroy truth with untruth.”
“In this nation your government has become a cover for subterfuge. The same spirit of lies is at work in this political arena as is coming against this Mission and these Messages. It is this lying spirit that seeks to control hearts, but knows full well he cannot do so in the Light of Truth.”
“Do not be tricked by the false accusations of those of title or by their demands of obedience. You must always live in the truth and proclaim the truth. Those who seek to control, seek to limit your choices–limit the information you receive–thereby controlling your free will decisions.”
“In this Mission no Message has been released which is against faith or morals. Therefore, they are rightfully, freely propagated. In this country efforts are being put forth to limit freedom of speech in the media; thus only one side of current events would be made available to the public. This is not democracy!”
“To try to control or to stop Heaven’s work here is not of the Holy Spirit Who is the Spirit of Truth itself.”
September 6, 2009
St. Thomas Aquinas says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I have come to further expound upon the Revelation of the United Hearts. The entire Sacred Image is surrounded by the Flame of Eternal Truth–the Flame of the Eternal Now which is the Flame of all life–the Flame of the Heart of God the Father. From this Flame the Spirit of Truth illuminates and surrounds the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary.”
“The Heart of the Most Holy Mother always leads to the Divine Heart of Her Beloved Son, Jesus–so it is in this Sacred Image. Our Lady experienced the Passion interiorly. She felt Her Son’s anguish in the Garden at Gethsemane. Since Her Heart was surrounded by the Light of Truth, She knew that Her Son would surrender to God’s Divine Will.”
“She felt the lashes at the pillar in Her own Body and so, too, the cruelty of the crowning of the thorns.”
“She moved along the Way of the Cross feeling the weight of this Cross on Her own Shoulders.”
“When Jesus’ Flesh was pierced by the nails, She felt these blows interiorly in Her own Flesh.”
“The Blessed Mother felt as though She, too, hung on the Cross with Her Son.”
“Our Lady calls all people and all nations today to enter into the Chambers of Her Son’s Most Sacred Heart. The Revelation of these Chambers remains today a fruit of His Passion and Death.”
“Let no one surreptitiously take this away from you through untruths.”
September 15, 2009
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field- Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
(This message was given in multiple parts.)
Blessed Mother is here as The Sorrowful Mother. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“My dearest little children, I am in your midst once again at the hour Heaven has chosen, and at the site of Heavenly predilection. You have not abandoned Me, nor shall I abandon you. It is God’s Holy and Divine Will that Heaven continues to guide and protect you in these troubled times and through these Messages.”
“Here I will embrace with a Mother’s tender caress all who have been falsely accused, and all whose faith is jeopardized for lack of understanding and compassion. Turn to Me.”
“Remember, My children, it is man who separates with his opinions and beliefs. It is God who seeks to unite in love and in truth. Therefore, put on the armor of truth and bind it about you with Holy Love. Let no one pull you away from Me with their false reasoning or even their persuasive titles. Ground your journey in holiness on Holy Love–the gospel itself; then God will be with you and none will defeat you.”
“Tonight I invite each one and all to participate in a new baptism–a Baptism of Truth. The Flame of My Immaculate Heart is this Baptism, for it is the Flame of Truth; herein is Holy Love. Nothing that wages war in opposition to these Commandments of Love is based on truth. We cannot, in truth, concede to any opinion which would silence truth itself. Remember, My Heavenly Spouse is the Spirit of Truth. It is He Who floods your soul, leading you deep into the Chambers of Our United Hearts when you first consent to this new baptism. Be strengthened by My invitation to you tonight, and allow no one to persuade you from My grasp.”
“Once before I told you that one Hail Mary said with a loving heart could stop wars. Today I tell you, your prayers can redirect the course of human events and change the future of the world. Do not let anyone discourage you from coming here to pray. My grace awaits you and I welcome you with open Arms and with a Mother’s Heart.”
“As children of the New Jerusalem, you must challenge the corruption that is eating away at the heart of the world. Moral decadence knows no boundaries. Every heart is a battleground between good and evil. This is why Holy Love has come under fire with such a vengeance. Only Satan could bring controversy to bear on the two great Commandments of Love. Do not be confused, then, My dear little children. Follow the path of salvation that has been illuminated for you at this site and through these Messages.”
“Dear children, any thought, word or deed which transgresses Holy Love is a compromise of the truth. All around you is compromise–in politics, governments, morality, even religion. Compromise tears down the Kingdom of God. I come to unite–to build up the heart of the world in truth. Do not settle for anything less than truth in your own hearts or in the leaders you follow. Compromise leads you down the path of social confusion and chaos. God is not in confusion. He calls you to the solitary path of Holy Love–Truth itself. Be united on this path and accept the Baptism of Truth I come to offer.”
“Tonight I tell you that every sword that has been placed in My Heart is because people do not accept and live in the TRUTH, the TRUTH of HOLY LOVE.”
“I am sending My angels now into your midst to safeguard the truth in your hearts. Those who have come only to find fault will not receive an angel; those who love–will. Dear little children, realize that My Son sends Me here for your welfare.”
“Tonight, My little ones, I’m extending to you My Maternal Blessing of Holy Love.”
Our Lady included this scripture passage with Her message:
2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Working together with him, then, we entreat you not to accept the grace of God in vain. For he says, “At the acceptable time I have listened to you, and helped you on the day of salvation.” Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. We put no obstacle in any one’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way; through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, tumults, labors, watching, hunger; by purity, knowledge, forbearance, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; in honor and dishonor, in ill repute and good repute. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything.
November 14, 2009
I see a great Flame – that I have come to know as the Heart of the Father – rise up behind the Eucharist. God the Father says: “I Am the Eternal Now.” As He speaks, the Flame seems to pulsate.
“I have come to issue forth this Decree of Truth. The Holy Spirit is alive and well here at this apparition site. Indeed, Heaven and I, Myself, have taken possession of this property. No one can prove otherwise no matter his distinction in the world.”
“My Beloved Son, His Immaculate Mother and a multitude of angels and saints appear here and give witness to the Truth. Do not despise the Spirit of Truth that heals hearts and opens the way to salvation and personal holiness through these Messages. Do not deny the Truth out of envy or pride. To do so is to place your soul in jeopardy.”
“Just as I, The Eternal Father, have inspired this Mission, so through the Spirit of Truth, I inspire souls to continue in their prayer effort here. Let no one discourage you or tell you in falsehood you are not allowed to come here.”
“I, your Eternal Father, call you here. * This Mission stands for the truth of the gospel message of love. The error is in hearts that oppose the gospel and the graces which support it here.”
“Just as I made the tongues of all those who detract against this Ministry, I also created the tongues, the souls and spirits, of those who come here to pray despite man’s dictates and opposition. Listen to Me. I need every prayer.”
“Where Heaven opens her arms, there is the supernatural.”
Mt 12: 31
“Therefore, I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.”
* Mt 18: 20
“For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”
1 Thess 5: 19-21
“Do not quench the Spirit, do not despise prophesying, but test everything; hold fast to what is good.”
December 4, 2009
I see a great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I am the Eternal Now – Creator of the Universe and all that is in it.”
“I tell you that the supernatural is everywhere and in everyone. If hearts are not inspired by the Holy Spirit, then they are inspired by evil. Those who say that they study the Messages but find them lacking, have not opened their hearts to the Spirit of Truth Who is the Holy Spirit.”
“Do not discount the Hand of My Son Who performs miraculous healings, visions and more at this site, simply because it suits your purpose. Be of one mind and heart with Me towards the salvation of souls. Do not oppose Me by nurturing a proud heart as Pharaoh did.”
February 24, 2010
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Dear children, today your Heavenly Mother comes with love to help you understand completely the credibility of the graces poured out at this site of Heaven’s favor and through these Messages.”
“These days such graces are often viewed with envious hearts which inspire rash judgment and the desire to control – even abolish. In ages past, the good was weighed with any negative. But today, Church officials listen to any negative opinion and disregard any genuine, positive grace. This attitude is adopted with an eye to control. True discernment comes through the Spirit of Truth – not through any power or authority that seeks only to tear down and destroy.”
“The burden of discernment, therefore, lies with each individual. You must not rely solely upon unjust opinions, but look always with the eyes of truth into the action of grace at this apparition site and in these Messages.”
“Heaven comes here seeking each one’s salvation and affirming every soul’s duty towards his own personal holiness. A path is given you here – the path that leads through the Chambers of the United Hearts. It is a clear path leading to sanctification, if it is diligently followed.”
“It is only the action of evil that clouds the way for you. For who else would distort My call to the virtuous life and Heaven’s resounding call to truth itself?”
“These decades of Messages offered here will take many years of in-depth study before an honest and unbiased opinion can be offered. Do not allow the light of all that Heaven offers here to be buried under the cover of a hasty, cursory opinion. Within your own hearts, My dear children, discover the truth.”
“I sorrow to have to reveal to you such truths as I have today. It is for the sake of souls I do so. Souls are the most important – not reputation, egos or title; these are passing – eternal salvation is not.”
February 24, 2010
St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Do not be surprised at the frankness with which the Holy Virgin has spoken to you this morning. Righteously She places the intricate truths of these Messages above the protection of power and authority which chooses to oppose Heaven’s efforts here.”
“Realize Heaven has chosen to protect the truth.”
April 21, 2010
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I invite mankind to realize the particular significance of the cloud of volcanic ash that is passing over certain areas of the earth, blocking air traffic. Mankind, in a similar way, blocks the Will of God when he places his own free will between his heart and the Heart of My Father; furthermore, such an attitude obstructs the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.”
“When man leaves God out of his plans, it is very easy for Satan to enter in, promoting his own agenda. This is quite evident today in many governing bodies where unbridled power has infiltrated the Truth of the Holy Spirit with lies.”
“Immorality soon overpowers good. Misinformation takes on a life of its own. Mistrust becomes a way of life and a fruit of so much confusion.”
“This ‘cloud of ash’ will only be blown away when mankind begins to think, speak and act only in the Spirit of Truth – the Holy Spirit.”
“Allow your hearts to always be Temples of the Holy Spirit – Sanctuaries of Truth.”
May 23, 2010
God The Father
I see a great Flame which I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I Am Who Am. I Am the Eternal Now. I tell you solemnly, that all Truth is clothed in My Divine Will. My Divine Will is always clothed in the Truth.”
“Therefore, when the Spirit of Truth* enlightens you, know that it is My Will that He do so. Nothing occurs outside of My Permitting Will. Nothing is given outside of My Providing Will. Eternal Good is pure righteousness, which is the direction of all people, events and elements as I desire. When free will thwarts Eternal Good, My Will takes on new direction, but it is always My Divine Will. To profane Truth is to profane My Perfect Divine Will – My Eternal Good.”
* Spirit of Truth is the Holy Spirit.
November 10, 2010
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I tell you in all truth, this Mission has been called into being through the Divine Will of God and exists in and through His Divine Will. We are here for the welfare of all people and all nations. My call to live in Holy Love is a call to unity in the Divine Will. No one holds jurisdiction over God’s Divine Will except the Eternal Father – the Eternal Now.”
“Once again I state this is an ecumenical call. Our detractors – please note – this means no one has the right, either in canon law or civil law to claim jurisdiction over Heaven’s Mission here. We exist (I say, ‘we’, for I am part of this Mission) to save souls and to call souls to personal holiness.”
“I invite all to understand that everyone has a right to his good reputation. Those who set about trying to destroy the reputation of anyone need to repent before it is too late; for you know not the hour of your own judgment.”
“So I state once again, good does not oppose good. If you are in opposition to this Mission, you have not been inspired by the Spirit of Truth but by the father of lies. Awaken! Hasten to your conversion!”
“My Mercy awaits you.”
June 2, 2011
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“This feast today commemorates My Triumphant return to Heaven. Just as this was a victory, it was also a sad event in the eyes of the apostles; but I did not abandon them. I prepared their innermost hearts for the Spirit of Truth.”
“Through this Mission, I am also preparing hearts to support, defend and always search out the truth. Through the truth, I defend My flock and draw it ever closer to My Sacred Heart. Truth always builds up – lies tear down. Nothing founded on lies will last but fall to ruin. Truth unites – lies divide.”
“See My victory over sin as a triumph over error; then rejoice with Me.”
June 9, 2011
Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady showed me the picture above; then She said: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today many are focused on the future – what they will eat, how will they survive – and so on. They place all their trust on what they themselves can do now to provide for future necessities. While some cargo in the ship is good, if too much is loaded into the ship it will sink. So it is with the soul that becomes distracted with what may come. He sinks beneath the waters of trust.”
“The soul that carries a light cargo remains buoyant upon the sea of trust. He provides prudently what he may need in the future. He does not hoard cargo. He always trusts God in every need.”
“The best preparation is preparation of the heart. Prepare spiritually; then you will know what commodities you may need, and what you will not need. My Spouse, the Spirit of Truth – will lead you.”
June 12, 2011
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today I tell you, the holy war that must be recognized and fought is not one ideology over another but the war between good and evil. Pray that the Holy Spirit is victorious in every heart – inspiring Holy Love; then the heart of every nation will be ruled by the Spirit of Truth. It is only in this way evil will be shown for what it is.”
“No god exists who inspires the destruction of people and nations. Such so-called gods originate in the netherworld – such deceptive ideologies are satanic. Tolerance and silence concerning these false religions is not of God, and strengthens Satan’s domain. Do not be fearful in speaking out against these untruths.”
“Today receive the Spirit of Truth, along with Holy Boldness. Speak up in support of the Truth always. Be faithful to the Spirit of Truth.”
October 14, 2011
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque says:”Praise be to Jesus.”
“I have come to help you to understand the significance of the virtue of Holy Love in your heart when you pray. The deeper the love in your heart, the more your heart resembles the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The greater the Holy Love in your heart, the more the prayer is illuminated, and illuminates the world it comes into; then, our Heavenly Mother can spread the light of such a prayer all over the world, illuminating hearts with the truth.”
“You do not see the good fruits of the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth – in the world today, for Holy Love is snuffed out in hearts and in the world. This determines the course of human events. God desires to illuminate the arrogant free will of man with the brilliant Light of Truth through your loving prayers.”
December 14, 2011
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today, as Christmas approaches, I desire you pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon every heart and all nations. God will not refuse such a prayer, but you must also pray that hearts are receptive to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration.”
“He is the Spirit of Truth. If you pray for such a grace upon every heart, hearts will be inspired to respond to the Truth. It will take a conscious free will effort to resist.”
“Pray this way:”
“Come, Holy Spirit. Flood the hearts of all people and every nation to accept and live in the Truth.”
“Pray this little prayer for the nine (9) days before Christmas. Thank you.”
March 6, 2012
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I desire your trust – first and foremost. All other gifts and graces come to you and are built upon trust. If you do not have Holy Love in your heart, trust will escape you. It is as though Holy Love is the vessel that holds your trust. If the Holy Love is weak, trust slips through the vessel.”
“This is how Satan attacks people in important and influential positions. He encourages them to love their own efforts and intellect, and to place their trust therein; then, the Spirit of Truth – the Holy Spirit – no longer influences their decisions. How sad it is to see people lose their way for lack of trust in Heaven’s grace. How sad!”
March 7, 2012
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“The truth is people must pray for discernment, most especially during these times. Not every whim is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Often Satan leads souls down a path of folly in pursuit of false security that is based upon fear.”
“Be at peace in your pursuit of every action. This is part of discernment. Follow the path of Holy Love. Do not act under the cover of secrecy or darkness. That is not of God.”
“Pray to be led only by the Spirit of Truth.”
July 8, 2012
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today I have come to help all of My dear children to realize that I invite everyone into My Heavenly Embrace here – believers and unbelievers alike. None are rejected through Holy Love.”
“My Immaculate Heart is the Refuge which calls out to the unbelievers – in particular, the skeptics and the critics of this Refuge and this Mission. Do not offend the Spirit of Truth – the Holy Spirit – by your refusal to accept the Truth of this Mission; for He is the Founder of the grace you receive here – the Messages, the miraculous healings from the Spring, even the Image – which appears off and on in the Chapel under My title ‘Refuge of Holy Love’.”
“Most especially, I call unbelievers to come here and to see for themselves – to inhale My Presence and experience their conversion of heart. Do not think yourselves to be too sophisticated, too intelligent or in any way above belief in Heaven’s call here. These are Satan’s persuasions. Do not believe you are bound by obedience to stay away. If this were true, I would not be here today, inviting you, calling you. Do not believe that My messenger is disobedient. You do not know the whole story. Character assassination is not of God.”
“Come to Me – your Heavenly Mother. I await you.”
October 12, 2012
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)
(Dictated by Alanus, Maureen’s angel)
He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Prayer to Angel of U.S.A. – Zechariah
“Holy Angel, Zechariah, to you God has entrusted the protection and the guidance of this country. Send the Spirit of Truth into the heart of this nation. Let no legislation become law, or remain as law, which transgresses the Ten Commandments.”
“Carry the Light of Truth to all corners of this country and expose Satan’s deceit, his lies and his plans for what they are. Help us to maintain our God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Amen.”
October 22, 2012
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today, I have come to help all see that the Spirit of Truth is always filtering through Satan’s lies – trying to bring right reason to light. Sometimes, Truth is not easily determined, for Satan is clever in his attacks; but, Truth is eternal, omnipresent and eagerly awaits discovery.”
“True discernment searches out the reality of Truth and does not prejudge or rash judge. Truth is the ally of all righteousness and holiness. Search until you find the Spirit of Truth.”
November 20, 2012
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)
Alanus (Maureen’s Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“In every present moment there is the ongoing battle between good and evil. The human spirit cannot recognize this without cooperating with the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth. The enemy’s most powerful tactic is to disguise his presence and to obscure his attacks. He often wears the camouflage of seeming good.”
“But, to the soul familiar with Holy Love, the enemy’s camouflage is easily discovered. This is why, in every present moment, it is so necessary to embrace Holy Love.”
“Wherever you have unrest and wars, you have a lack of Holy Love. All opposition to Holy Love is inspired by evil. Therefore, I am here to encourage all people and every nation – all laws and legislation – to embrace Holy Love. This is the path of peace and prosperity.”
“There is no other.”
December 4, 2012
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today, dear children, I invite you to understand the positive effects of Holy Love in the world. Holy Love can be likened to a suture which delicately mends the heart of the world torn by division and strife. Holy Love is like a cool drink in the midst of an arid desert bringing refreshment and life-giving hydration. Holy Love is the light in a tunnel of darkness which leads the soul away from error and onto the path of righteousness.”
“Holy Love yields the Light of Truth upon all darkness, distinguishing good from evil.”
“Holy Love enlightens the Will of the Eternal Father, making clear every choice.”
“Holy Love recreates the soul in the Spirit of Truth.”
January 22, 2013
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Today I remind you that these Messages are addressed to all people and all nations; not just one particular group such as Catholics. This being said, I remind all religious leaders to secure their arms of faith around the shoulders of their flock. Especially in the Christian world, faith is under attack. Leadership is tempted towards compromise in order to maintain the status quo.”
“You must, as conscientious leaders, stand for righteousness and support righteousness – not what is popular for the sake of popularity. Do not cooperate with any attitude which will not tolerate criticism. Be open to the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth. Do not oppose one another. Be united in an effort to save souls.”
February 5, 2013
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Accept these, my words, in humility and with gratitude. Truth, which has been subjugated to any evil, no longer is Truth. But, this does not mean Truth cannot be put to the test. The test, however, must be one determined to uphold the reality of the Truth – not bent on destroying it towards some personal agenda or gain.”
“The victory of Truth in hearts is more important than the protection of any title or the subservience to any earthly authority. This is because God is Truth. The soul cannot live in Truth if he becomes confused as to what the Truth actually is.”
“The Spirit of Truth must not be denied, but recognized and
heeded.” *
*Note – The Spirit of Truth is the Holy Spirit.
February 8, 2013
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I tell you, the spiritual journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts is My Glory in the world. It is My Victory and the salvation of souls. Of course, Satan opposes this path – this Revelation – as he does any good in the name of false righteousness.”
“Today, let us examine false righteousness. Such rash judgment refuses to explore the Truth. It is like a presumption, that because it is his opinion, the self-righteous cannot be wrong. This is the grave error that the Pharisees made. They believed in themselves and loved their own opinions more than the Truth. Furthermore, these same false righteous Pharisees condemn any who did not agree with them.”
“False righteousness is a blind path leading the soul blindly away from his own salvation. Such a one is greatly impressed with his own opinions, perhaps title or authority, to the point of disregarding any opposing opinion.”
“False righteousness uses the tongue as the thrashing floor to crush every grain of Truth. True righteousness is honest, forthcoming and open to all good. The truly righteous encourages the Spirit of Truth, looks for good, and forgives, bearing no grudges.”
“The soul cannot progress through the Chambers of Our United Hearts unless he first believes in this Revelation. Do not be tricked away from this belief by any form of false righteousness.”
February 22, 2013
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“I am building the New Jerusalem within each heart that lives in Holy Love. Holy Love is and will be the foundation of the New Jerusalem. Heaven’s peace abides on this property. Anything which destroys your peace is not of Me. Therefore, any discouragement in coming here to this site is not coming from the Spirit of Truth. Do not doubt it.”
“By your becoming the Message of Holy Love, you preach the Message. It is not necessary to preach by words which often become too enhanced by the human spirit. Be the Message of Holy Love to others and they will search you out, hungering for more.”
“Remember, a good foundation will not collapse under pressure. Therefore, the foundation of Holy Love in your heart must be fortified by prayer, strengthened by sacrifice, and protected by your surrender to My Father’s Divine Will.”
February 24, 2013
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“What people these days must constantly be aware of is that there are two forces at work in the world today: the Power of the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth – and the power of darkness – the Father of Lies. Both of these spirits try to influence your every present moment. You need to remember this in every decision – great or small. It is all too easy to forget and not to recognize who is influencing you. These influences can come through other people, your leisure or entertainment, or even the opinions you form and act upon.”
“Most people acknowledge there is good and evil at work in the world today, but they do not realize the tug of war being waged over every free will decision, and they do not choose wisely. Satan tries to influence everyone in every present moment to his advantage. For him, there is no such thing as a small victory. He uses every inroad towards his final victory – the perdition of the soul.”
“You can win souls for Me by using this information, today, towards deeper personal holiness and your own spiritual purification. I wish to help each one of My little lambs to remember this Message. Fear no evil, but do not cooperate with it.”
March 1, 2013
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Please note that what I am saying to you today is based upon Scripture. The Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth – conceived the Word Incarnate in Our Lady’s Womb. This was only possible because Our Lady’s Heart was open to the Holy Spirit.”
“In a similar way, the same Holy Spirit will be at work in the upcoming Conclave of Cardinals about to assemble in Rome to elect a new Pontiff. Their hearts must be open to the Spirit of Truth. If their hearts are compromised in any way, they will not act on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.”
“Therefore, all should pray that hearts are open and act according to the inspiration of the Spirit of Truth as they begin this enormous task.”