2019 PDF Booklet – The Journey Through the Chambers of the United Hearts
2nd Chamber of the United Hearts
Topical Studies
Holy Love Ministries • February 1, 2008
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Primer on the Chambers of the United Hearts
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Here, My messenger, is the Second Chamber outline for the Primer.”
“As the soul surrenders more deeply to Holy Love, he passes into the Second Chamber of My Sacred Heart, which is Divine Love. This is what takes place within the soul in this Second Chamber which is holiness:
*The present moment is purified through a commitment to Divine Love.
*The soul surrenders his health, appearance and comforts.
*The soul begins to distinguish between his wants and his needs.”
October 17, 1999
“I am your Jesus – Divine Love – born Incarnate. Sister, I have been waiting for you. I have come to help you understand. There are degrees of submission and compliance to the Divine Will. This is what the ‘Doors’ to the Chambers of My Heart represent. So you see, each Door is the Divine Will, but entrance to Each Chamber requires greater surrender and commitment.”
“Now the First Door – Holy Love – reveals your glaring faults. The Second Chamber of My Heart asks your more perfect surrender. In this Chamber, little flaws in love come to light. After the soul drifts on the sea of calm when he is first admitted to the Second Chamber, he is able to see certain habits or attachments that hinder him from going deeper into Divine Love – My Heart. Waves of emotion toss him to and fro. At one moment the soul experiences dryness. The next moment he receives consolation. If he perseveres in overcoming his small attachments and inordinate habits, he will be ready to move into the Third Chamber of My Heart. In this Chamber the virtues bloom and the fruits of the Spirit ripen. The soul may think his progress is unremarkable. But, in fact, few souls enter this Chamber and try to be perfected in love to such a degree. This is the Chamber from which I choose My saints, My martyrs of love. But it is also the Chamber where souls are most severely tested by Satan. The soul needs to use heroic virtue in this Chamber lest he slip into discouragement. My sister, you will make all of this known.”
January 27, 2000
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to further enlighten you as to the Chambers of My Heart. The souls that pass from Holy Love into Divine Love have been convicted in their conscience and purified of their most glaring faults.”
“Now as they enter the Second Chamber of My Divine Heart I pour into them knowledge of the virtues, an awareness of the depth of each virtue in their own heart, and a hunger to increase in virtue. For such as these it is not enough just to reach salvation. These souls thirst for holiness, thirst to please Me and draw closer to Me. To them this thirst seems unquenchable. As the virtues deepen they move closer to the next Chamber of My Heart.”
“I encharge these revelations to the world through you. I desire every soul know this call of Holy and Divine Love. It is each soul’s response and surrender of his will that appeases My Wounded Heart.”
“You will please make all of this known.”
January 31, 2000
Jesus Christ
“My sister, I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to discourse with you concerning the chambers of My Heart. When a soul moves from Holy Love into Divine Love and the Second Chamber of My Heart, he receives a longing for a deepening of the virtues. The soul is developing a desire for holiness, but is uncertain as to how to attain it.”
“It is during the soul’s stay in this Chamber that My grace comes to him, enticing him to a more devout life. When the soul’s spiritual desires become spiritual needs from a more pure love, the soul moves into the Third Chamber of My Heart. It is in this Third Chamber of My Heart that I inspire souls to sanctity through a more perfect union and conformity with the Divine Will. The soul can move as deeply into My Heart as he desires. The more he strips himself of self love, the deeper he grows in virtue and into the Chambers of My Heart.”
‘I am opening the door to the sanctuary of My Heart to every soul.”
“Please Me by making this known.”
April 7, 2000
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to explain to you quite simply the Chambers of My Sacred Heart. There are Four Chambers. The First chamber of My Heart is the Immaculate Heart of My Holy Mother Mary – for no one can come to Me except through Her Heart which is Holy Love. Each successive chamber of Our United Hearts takes you deeper into Divine Love – My Divine Heart.”
“It is best explained this way. Compare the spiritual journey to a candle. In the First Chamber – the Heart of My Mother – the flame flickers and does not give off a steady light. The Holy Love in the heart of the soul has not been purified. The soul in this chamber needs to be purged of its most glaring faults. The love in the hearts in this Chamber is weak. It flickers like a flame in a breeze.”
“As the soul is made more loving under the commandments of love, it moves into Divine Love and the Second Chamber of My Heart. Here the soul receives much illumination and interior changes take place within the heart. The soul develops a private relationship with Me. Now the soul has light, but it is like a flame under cover, for much of the flame remains hidden between the soul and Me.”
“The next Chamber [the Third Chamber] brings noticeable change. The progress that the heart has made in the first Two Chambers comes to light. The flame of love in the heart of the soul spills out into the world around him. He is a martyr of love who strives to conform to the Divine Will of My Father.”
“Ah! But now we come to the Fourth Chamber of My Heart. This is the Most Intimate Chamber. The souls in this privileged Chamber – and few there are – live in complete union with the Divine Will of God. The flame of the little candle of the soul now burns with a steady light as it is united to the Flame of Our United Hearts. The soul has no more wants, for his will is annihilated and one with the Divine Will. This Chamber is the goal of all spirituality. This Chamber is a palace and in this palace the Will of My Father is enthroned.”
“I can tell you about this spiritual journey, but you must follow it through surrender of your own will. Each door to each Chamber opens through greater surrender and conformity to the Divine Will. When you discover God’s Will in your own heart, you will be in the Fourth Chamber.”
“Please make it known.”
August 25, 2000
Primer on the Chambers of the United Hearts
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Here, My messenger, is the Second Chamber outline for the Primer.”
“As the soul surrenders more deeply to Holy Love, he passes into the Second Chamber of My Sacred Heart, which is Divine Love. This is what takes place within the soul in this Second Chamber which is holiness:
*The present moment is purified through a commitment to Divine Love.
*The soul surrenders his health, appearance and comforts.
*The soul begins to distinguish between his wants and his needs.”
October 20, 2000
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My messenger, record these words. The United Hearts Revelation represents the complete spiritual journey from the first moment of conversion of heart to complete union with the Divine Will of God.”
“My Mother’s Immaculate Heart is Holy Love, which is the Two Great Commandments – love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. When the soul begins to live these commandments in his own heart, he has taken the first step – that of conversion. He is in the First Chamber of Our United Hearts – the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. The key to entering this Chamber undaunted is the invocation to Mary, Protectress of the Faith. When My Mother is so invoked, Satan takes flight.”
“The subsequent Chambers on this journey towards perfect union to the Divine Will are all within My Sacred Heart, which is Divine Love. My Mother’s Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. My Heart is the New Jerusalem.”
“My grace is attendant to and in perfect proportion with the soul’s efforts to pass through the Chambers of My Heart. The Second Chamber represents pursuit of holiness; the Third, perfection in virtue; the Fourth, conformity to the Divine Will; and the Fifth, unity with the Divine Will.”
“All this I give to humanity as a teaching in the spiritual life. I desire you make it known.”
January 25, 2001
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to further dictate to you the secrets of Our United Hearts – salvation, holiness, perfection, conformity and unity.”
“In the world today the vast majority of the world’s population remains unconverted; that is, they do not pursue their own salvation. Conversion comes through the grace of My Mother’s Heart. Thus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the First Chamber of Our United Hearts. It is the antechamber to holiness, perfection, conformity and unity.”
“The Heart of My Mother is Holy Love – the Two Great Commandments – to love God above all else and his neighbor as himself. No one attains salvation who will not abide by these Two Commandments. And so, with or without knowing this, the soul who seeks his own salvation must gain entrance to the First Chamber of Our United Hearts – Holy Love – My Mother’s Heart.”
“Once the soul gains admittance to My Mother’s Immaculate Heart, his most glaring faults are brought to light through the Flame of Holy Love – The Flame of Her Heart. If he perseveres in grace, these faults will be burned away and the soul will be allowed to pass into the Second Chamber of Our Hearts which is personal holiness. Now he is entering Divine Love and My Divine Heart.”
January 26, 2001
Jesus Christ
“I have come to you – your Jesus, born Incarnate. I invite you to see that each Chamber of My Sacred Heart is approachable only through a greater submission of free will. Thus, as the soul approaches the Second Chamber of My Heart, he begins his martyrdom of love; that is, he dies to his own free will as a sacrifice of love.”
“In the second Chamber of My Majestic Heart – The Flame of My Heart – the soul pursues holiness. The Flame of Divine Love reveals small flaws of character that separate the soul from Me. In this Chamber of My Heart the soul is more aware of the present moment. He understands the past must be committed to My Mercy – the future to My Provision. He opens himself up to the grace of the present moment.”
“The souls in the Second Chamber of My Heart are becoming more aware of the Eternal Father’s Will for them and most accepting of My Father’s Will. Then as they surrender more and more to the Divine Will in the present moment, they prepare themselves for entrance into the Third Chamber of My Sacred Heart.”
January 31, 2001
Jesus Christ
“Behold! I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to describe to you the fifth and most intimate Chamber of My Divine Heart. In this Chamber the soul is consumed with the desire to love Me – to please Me. In this love the soul is taking a giant step beyond conformity to the Divine Will. In conforming to the Will of God there are still two wills – God’s Will and the human will. The soul is making the effort to accept all things as from the Hand of God.”
“But in this most elite and intimate fifth Chamber of My Heart, the soul not only accepts, but loves God’s Will for him. It is in this love that has been perfected in the greatest degree possible that the soul comes to union with the Divine Will. Few reach this fifth Chamber of My Heart.”
“See then that it is love that invites you into the first Chamber – the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. It is love that invites you into the second Chamber seeking greater purification and holiness. It is love that desires perfection in the virtues – the third Chamber. It is love that takes the soul into the fourth Chamber conforming the human will to the Divine. It is love which brings the soul into union with God in the fifth Chamber. It is the depth of the soul’s surrender to love that determines his eternity.”
February 1, 2001
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. If love is the entrance to each Chamber of My Heart, please understand then, that it is only by a deeper surrender to love that the soul can be transported from one Chamber to another.”
“In the first Chamber the soul must decide to love God more than sin. That is his salvation – the Heart of My Mother. In the second Chamber the soul loves God and neighbor even more and seeks holiness. In the third Chamber through a purer love the soul seeks perfection in every virtue. In the fourth Chamber the purified soul, now more perfected in virtue, desires to conform his will to the Will of God. And those precious souls who reach the fifth Chamber of My Heart, live in union with God’s Will. God lives in them and they in Him. My Father establishes His Kingdom within the hearts of those who enter the fifth Chamber of Our United Hearts.”
“Pray this prayer:
“Dear United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I desire to surrender to Holy and Divine Love in all things, in all ways and in every present moment. Send me the grace so that I may do this. Help me as I try to respond to this grace. Be my protection and provision. Take up Your Reign in my heart. Amen.”
March 1, 2001
Jesus Christ
“Thank you for coming here to visit Me. Consecrate your day to My Eucharistic Heart and let us begin. I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Maureen prays the Consecration.
“Always begin your day this way. I pour out in abundance My Divine Love when this is prayed. Let us begin.”
“Today, once again I come to seek self surrender. When you surrender yourself you surrender your will, and so doing, make your will one with the Will of My Father. The Divine Will is always Holy Love. It can never be otherwise. When you surrender to the Will of God, your life must reflect this Love. Just as a mirror reflects your physical appearance, your will must reflect the Love of God. I draw deep into My Sacred Heart the ones who desire this love and Divine Will.”
“The one who is making a sincere effort to live in Holy Love receives the anointing of the present moment. That is to say, he is made most aware of the grace offered in the present moment. This is the second Chamber of My Heart – holiness. My coming to you in these times and My revelation of the Chambers of My Heart is a certain sign of My Triumph, both in hearts and in the world.”
“Make this known.”
April 25, 2001
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help you see, once again, the importance of the present moment. It is in the grace of the present moment that you must make the journey into the Chambers of My Heart. In the present moment, then, is your perfection in every virtue and your conformity to the Divine Will.”
“Understand that every present moment is an opportunity of growth. Every present moment is a test of virtue. It is only in the test that virtue is perfected. If you desire to be patient, you will be given opportunities to be patient and, therefore, grow in patience. If you desire humility, you will be humbled – and so it goes with every virtue. The challenge in virtue is proof of its existence or absence in the soul.”
“But if the soul misses the present moment, he also misses the opportunity for growth and perfection. See then, that the Second Chamber opens the way to the Third, Fourth and Fifth Chambers of My Heart.”
March 8, 2003
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas says: “Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you see that all the grace obtained in one Chamber of the United Hearts is carried into the next Chamber and deepened. In other words the soul enters the First Chamber and is purified of his iniquity through Holy Love. When he enters the Second Chamber–holiness in the present moment–the purification he experienced in the First Chamber abides with him and continues. As he seeks to be holy in the present moment, he is even more aware of the slightest fault or iniquity, and strives to overcome them.”
“Gradually, the soul is drawn into the Third Chamber which is perfection of the virtues. The virtues are deepened through an awareness of imperfections in the present moment–the First and Second Chambers. And so it goes until the Kingdom of God–the Kingdom of the Divine Will–is established within the soul itself through union with the Divine Will.”
“So you see, this spiritual journey is like building a house–a spiritual refuge–within the human heart. One block builds upon another until the Kingdom of the Divine Will is enthroned with the heart itself.”
“Make this known.”
May 9, 2011
Blessed Virgin Mary
Stages of Purification
Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I have come to describe to you the Flame of My Immaculate Heart – the Flame of Holy Love – The First Chamber of Our United Hearts. There are different compartments or chambers, if you will, within this Flame. The first and most intense area of this Flame is for souls just beginning to discover their own iniquities. Many spend long years in this part of the Holy Flame, for pride does not permit them to admit their own guilt and weaknesses.”
“Gradually as the soul discovers the purpose behind many of his actions and sinfulness, he passes to the next area of the Flame of My Heart which is repentance. Here he may fall victim to a scrupulous conscience which is a favorite trap of Satan. With humility, he will overcome this obstacle.”
“The less intense part of the Flame of My Heart is for the most repentant soul. This soul seeks God’s Mercy with a resolve to do better. This is the highest part of the Flame of My Immaculate Heart.”
“Having passed successfully now through every part of the purifying Flame of Holy Love, the soul moves willingly to the Second Chamber of Our United Hearts and begins his journey to perfection in Divine Love.”
“These, then, are the stages of purification through the Flame of Holy Love. Each stage lends itself to passage into the next.”

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