*(these beautiful phrases provided by Heaven as part of the Holy Love messages from 1993 to 1996 are simply culled from the messages, NOT an official litany requested by Heaven)
Potential Responses:
—protect me from the allurements of the world
—preserve in my heart all that is pleasing to You
—strike far from it any seduction of Satan
–I love you, Jesus, My Love
Part I—-(November 1993 – March 1996)
Divine Love, The Alpha and the Omega of the path of holiness, (November 4, 1993)
Divine Love, of which Holy Love is a reflection, ( November 6, 1993)
Divine Love, which is God in our midst, (November 6, 1993)
Divine Love, through which the little way of Holy Love is given, (November 6, 1993)
Divine Love, In which mold the soul can be molded into a true instrument of grace to bear witness in the world to the truth, (November 6, 1993)
Divine Love, which loves the souls that pursue path of Holy Love, (November 6, 1993)
Divine Love, of which Holy Love is an imitation, (November 20, 1993)
Divine Love, heart of Jesus, ( November 21, 1993, May 28, 1995)
Divine Love, Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, ( February 19, 1994, August 31, 1994)
Divine Love, through which the soul is nourished, (February 19, 1994)
Divine Love, the call of Holy Love, (February 22, 1994)
Divine Love, of which Holy Love and Holy Mercy proceed, ( April 6, 1994)
Divine Love, which is the Cross, (April 7, 1994)
Divine Love, one with Divine Will, Divine Mercy and the Cross, (April 10, 1994)
Divine Love, seen in the mysteries of the rosary, (April 26, 1994)
Divine Love, to which souls are lead by the Flame of Holy Love, (August 31, 1994)
Divine Love, most Sacred Heart of My Son, (September 1, 1994)
Divine Love, in which fractured relationships can be placed, (September 1, 1994)
Divine Love, which is unconditional, (October 21, 1994)
Divine Love, which has not self-interest at stake, (November 6, 1994)
Divine Love, of which the Christmas Day crib holds, (November 29, 1994)
Divine Love, in which can be seen a burning passion for souls, (March 3, 1995)
Divine Love, the Flame of which desires to consume mankind, (March 3, 1995)
Divine Love, of which the Immaculate Heart leads, (March 5, 1995)
Divine Love, God’s Kingdom on earth – the New Jerusalem, (March 5, 1995)
Divine Love, one and inseparable to God’s Divine Mercy, (April 20, 1995)
Divine Love, the origin of our salvation through the mystery of the Resurrection, (April 22, 1995)
Divine Love, that spawns Holy Love, concealed in The Godhead – the Three in One, (June 18, 1995)
Divine Love, in which All Goodness and Mercy abound, (September 12, 1995)
Divine Love, the New Jerusalem, (September 26, 1995)
Divine Love, which embraces the wearer of the Two Hearts Scapular, (October 2, 1995)
Divine Love, with which the Beloved Son resides in the tabernacles of the world, (December 26, 1995)
Divine Love, together with Divine Mercy and Divine Will is God’s Grace, (January 21, 1996)
Divine Love, of which Holy Love is the path, (February 10, 1996)
Divine Love, the Destination, (February 10, 1996)
Divine Love, of which the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary are – along with the new Kingdom, (February 10, 1996)(interpretation)
Divine Love, immersed by those living the Messages of Holy Love, (February 15, 1996)
Divine Love, drawn into by imitation of Jesus along with Holy Love, (February 29, 1996)
Divine Love, united with Holy Love on Calvary, (March 12, 1996)
Divine Love, (will be) united with Holy Love in the New Jerusalem, (March 12, 1996) (interpretation)
Part II —-(March 1996 – December 1998)
Divine Love, along with Divine Mercy, lead through the Refuge of the Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, (March 28, 1996)
Divine Love, along with Holy Love, made Their Wills one with the Eternal Father, (March 31, 1996)
Divine Love, upon the meeting of His Mother’s eyes on the Way became one with Holy Love, (March 31, 1996)
Divine Love, His mark of which was left with Veronica, (March 31, 1996)
Divine Love, one with Divine Mercy as Holy Love is one with Holy Compassion, (March 31, 1996)
Divine Love, to which along with Divine Mercy every heart will unite in Holy Love as the Blessed Mother’s Victory, a triumph of love, (September 21, 1996)
Divine Love, approachable only through Holy Love as depicted in the United Hearts, (September 25, 1996)
Divine Love, along with Divine Mercy, to which the last days are entrusted, (January 1, 1997)
Divine Love, along with Divine Mercy, through which mankind and God can be reconciled, (January 1, 1997)
Divine Love, which is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, (February 9, 1997)
Divine Love, lead to by the Blessed Virgin by living and purifying our own heart through the virtue of Holy Love, (February 9, 1997)
Divine Love, in union with Holy Love is represented by the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, (February 9, 1997)
Divine Love, in union with us, wanted by Jesus with each soul, (February 9, 1997)
Divine Love, Sacred Heart of Jesus, of which the Immaculate Heart, Holy Love is the path, (February 16, 1997)
Divine Love, the Flame of which is to be united with the Flame of the Immaculate Heart (which purifies the soul in and through Holy Love), (February 16, 1997)
Divine Love, the Flame of which is the victory of the New Jerusalem, (February 16, 1997)
Divine Love, outside the embrace of, no one enters Heaven, (February 16, 1997)
Divine Love, along with the Divine Will, led into through the Refuge of Holy Love, (March 7, 1997)
Divine Love, along with Holy Love, are the Holy and Divine Will of the Father, (March 30, 1997)
Divine Love, which will reign with Holy Love in the victory of the United Hearts, (June 10, 1997)
Divine Love, the Flame of Jesus’ Heart, (June 11, 1997)
Divine Love, the Flame of which loves, (June 11, 1997)
Divine Love, of which when I am in the Flame of, You are in me and I am in You, (June 11, 1997)
Divine Love, along with Divine Mercy, represented the Water and Blood which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus on Calvary, (August 28, 1997)
Divine Love, to which Holy Love takes you through the devotions of the Blessed Mother and Holy Eucharist, (October 10, 1997)
Divine Love, for which mankind will return Holy Love (Holy Love for Divine Love) [a purpose] for which the Blessed Mother is sent, (March 16, 1998)
Divine Love, as His tiny Sacred Heart formed under the Immaculate Heart of at the angel’s announcement, (March 21, 1998)
Divine Love, united with Holy Love at Jesus’s Conception, (March 21, 1998)
Divine Love, came into the world with the manger as His throne, (March 21, 1998)
Divine Love, Who gave us Holy Love (His Mother) as He expired on the cross, (March 21, 1998)
Divine Love, only imitated if we are first humble, (March 30, 1998)
Divine Love, along with Divine Mercy, when believed and trusted, we too are victorious, (April 20, 1998)
Divine Love, along with Divine Mercy, the way to which is the pursuit of holiness through self-examination of conscience, (June 12, 1998)
Divine Love, along with Divine Mercy, of which Jesus clothed in the majesty, will mount His throne and take dominion over all people and nations, (June 12, 1998)
Divine Love, ever-present, ever-vibrant, with which Jesus, living in the tabernacles of the world, is waiting for us, (June 14, 1998)
Divine Love, higher than the greatest mountain, (August 28, 1998)
Divine Love, along with Divine Mercy, the pure light of sanctity, the Flame of Jesus’ Heart, (September 5, 1998)
Divine Love, the Flame of which Mary, Refuge of Holy Love has come to lead deep into, (September 6, 1998)
Divine Love, the perfection we are drawn to by Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, (September 6, 1998)
Divine Love, with Whom we live in union if united to the Will of God through Holy Love, (September 18, 1998)
Divine Love, the Way, the Truth, and the Light, (October 20, 1998)
Divine Love, Who is the Son and except through Whom no one can come to the Father, (October 20, 1998)
Divine Love, the light of which we have been lead through the Flame of the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, (October 20, 1998)
Divine Love, Which along with Holy Love, Heaven desires each one live immersed in every moment, their whole being and existence giving praise to Jesus, (October 20, 1998)
Divine Love, to Which the Blessed Mother is sent to teach us the way, (November 16, 1998)
Divine Love, the Way, through Holy Love, into the Heart of Our Dear Savior , (November 16, 1998)
Divine Love, along with Holy Love, through which everything can be transformed into grace, (December 10, 1998)
Divine Love, Heart of the Son, is called upon by the Refuge of Holy Love by way of Holy Love, (December 11, 1998)
Divine Love, a new call, a familiar path, the humble way in which we can take up our repose, find our sure-footing, (December 15, 1998)
Divine Love, Flame of His Heart, a known way, a singular privilege, through the Heart of His Mother, Holy Love, (December 18, 1998)
Divine Love, the Flame of His Heart, perfection, union, the Flame of which is the Kingdom of God’s Divine Will, the New Jerusalem , (December 19, 1998)
Divine Love, My Heart, misunderstood, dwelling of Divine Intimacy, (December 21, 1998)
Divine Love, of which His Merciful Heart enwraps us, longs to take us into, (December 21, 1998)
Divine Love, the presence of which along with Divine Mercy, we will experience around us, the deeper we go into the Mother’s Heart of Holy Love, (December 28, 1998)
Divine Love, experienced by imitating, living, and consecrating ourselves to Holy Love, becoming the loving servant of all, (December 30, 1998)
Divine Love, His Heart of which will embrace us, a protection during this age of convoluted values, when we resolve to move along the path of holiness and righteousness by living the Message of Holy Love, (December 31, 1998)
Part III (January 1999 – )
Divine Love, the Sacred Heart, the mystery of which we are called into deeply, (January 4, 1999)
Divine Love, the road of which is travelled with Jesus and His Mother, through a deepening life in the virtues, (January 4, 1999)
Divine Love, the messages of which we are requested to come into deeply, (January 5, 1999)
Divine Love, all around us today in this present moment and awaits us in the future, (January 10, 1999)
Divine Love, purer than any love known to us on earth, foretaste of Heaven, Eternal, (January 10, 1999)
Divine Love, along with Divine Mercy, are the irreversible gifts ( rivers, lakes, and streams) of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, (January 11, 1999)
Divine Love, along with Holy Love, will fill – fill to overflowing – anything we empty ourselves of, (January 11, 1999)
Divine Love, which comes into our souls and works when dying to self and loving Jesus, (January 11, 1999)
Divine Love, the Heart of which there is but one door, Holy Love (the surrender to salvation), (January 11, 1999)
Divine Love, the Kingdom of which a soul cannot progress along the path outside of humility and love, (January 13, 1999)
—to be continued
Messages on Divine Love 1993 – 1999
Messages on Divine Love 2000 – 2005
Messages on Divine Love 2006 – 2010
Messages on Divine Love 2011 – 2015
Messages on Divine Love 2016 – 2020
Messages on Divine Love 2021 – Present