Over 150 Holy Love messages touch on “Forgiveness” –
the first installment of five can be found below.
May 20, 1993
Thursday Rosary Service
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady was dressed in white lace. She gave a private message, then said, “Dear children, tonight I invite you to seek always the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart and the peace herein. Do not be deceived to think that you can obtain peace without God’s grace. Dear little children, you must forgive. Pray for the grace of forgiveness because it is only in this way you will be at peace and be able to love as God wants you to love.” Then Our Lady blessed us and left.
July 9, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white, and bows before the Eucharist. “Dear daughter, pride is the root of unforgiveness. Pride nurtures unforgiveness in souls and makes it difficult to accept the faults of others. This is all contrary to love and is an obstacle to the grace of My Heart.” After giving a private message Our Lady said: “If souls could forgive, they would be able to love. Then there would be peace in hearts and in the world. Atrocities such as abortion would be eliminated and holiness would flourish. Therefore, pray always for forgiveness and show others how to forgive.”
November 4, 1993
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Please read John 4:34-38 and John 15:1-17”
Our Lady comes in gray. She bows towards the Eucharist and moves towards me. She says: “All praise be to Jesus.” I answer, “Now and forever.” She says: “My little daughter, I come, once again, to invite you along the path of holiness. To choose holiness is to begin to practice holiness, which is Holy Love. When you once begin to turn to holiness, God will give you the grace that you need to succeed. Holy Love, My daughter, is God’s Will for you, and His Divine Will is Holy Love. They are one and the same. God will always extend to you the grace you need to Cooperate with His Will, and so with divine and Holy Love. Please understand, all that has happened to you so far in your life has been ordained or permitted as a means of drawing you along the path of holiness and deeper into My Heart. Let this be the moment you begin your ‘yes’ to Holy Love, and so, God’s Will for you. Say ‘yes’ in a way that you are able to choose holy forgiveness. Forgive your own imperfections and forgive others’ faults, as well. If you begin to choose this, God will help you through the grace of My Heart. Every thought contrary to Holy Love has its origin in evil. Make all of this known!”
November 11, 1993
St. John Bosco
All at once I saw St. John Bosco delivering a sermon. “My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is only through forgiveness that we are led on the path of holiness and brought deeper into the Heart of Jesus. Forgiveness summons forth God’s mercy and so His love. Then He is pleased to lead the soul according to His Divine Will since there is nothing to hinder Him. Unforgiveness is like a cloak of darkness, shrouding the soul from passing into light and truth. Pray that the Holy Spirit lead you in forgiveness of others and forgiveness of yourself, so that this foreboding obstacle to holiness be forever removed from your life.”
October 1, 1994
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in blue with a white gown. She says: “My dear, dear child, your mission today and always is to embrace Holy Love in the present moment. Therefore, do not find fault with those around you. Look for the positive points in everyone. Make allowance for their errors, for no one is perfect. Even when My Son hung on the Cross, He begged forgiveness for those who were killing Him saying; “They know not what they do.” If He was so merciful in that most agonizing moment, how can you but strive to imitate Him in this present moment and every subsequent moment. No one has wronged you to the degree that My Son was wronged. Love, love, love, My angel. For herein is your perfect joy.”
December 23, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady comes in white and She is radiant. She has large rays of light coming from Her and little sparkling lights around Her. She says: “Praise be Jesus.”
“Today I come to you to ask your prayers for a correction of conscience in all nations. These days it is true that many hold themselves blameless where they are in sin. The healthy conscience does not accuse falsely, but neither will such a conscience be persuaded to false innocence. My coming to you with the Holy Love message is a call to all sinners to reexamine the path of their lives according to Holy Love. I tell you, nations that refuse My call and will not repeal ungodly laws, such as abortion, continue to move the world towards chastisement. What is coming can still be mitigated, but only if abortion is eliminated from the world.”
“Mankind expects much but wants to give little back to God. When he should be prostrate asking forgiveness, he is petitioning for favors. In your country many are coming to see My Image on a window. I want to imprint on hearts My message of Holy Love. You will find soon in your midst My favor and grace towards this end.”
*NOTE: In December of 1996, a 2-story image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was discovered on the window of a bank building in Clearwater, Florida, USA.
June 30, 1997
Prayer to Jesus in the Eucharist
Blessed Virgin Mary
Dictated to the visionary, Maureen, by Blessed Mother
“My Jesus, I believe in You – truly present in all the tabernacles of the world. I surrender to You my sins and all the love I have in my heart. I beg Your forgiveness for those who do not believe in You and do not love You.”
September 5, 1997
Meditations for Sorrowful Mother Shrine
Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. I have promised you meditations on My Sorrows which will be placed around the Lake of Tears. Let us proceed.”
I invite you to meditate upon My knowledge of all future Sorrow which was given to Me by God at the Presentation.
I invite you to meditate upon the anxiety in the hearts of Joseph and Myself for the safety of Baby Jesus and the anxiety I feel today for those who run from salvation.
I invite you to meditate upon the pain of separation I felt when Jesus was lost. This is a pain all should feel when they separate themselves from My Son through sin.
I invite you to meditate upon the pain of My Heart as I saw the physical pain My Son suffered due to lack of love in hearts. Also think of the pain I suffer today for lack of love in hearts.
I invite you to meditate upon the pain of a Mother’s heart at the death of Her Son, and the virtue of forgiveness I received through grace and prayer. Think of My pain at the sight of the death of the unborn.
I invite you to meditate upon the acceptance of Divine Will that I surrendered to. Ask for that same grace in your life now.
I invite you to meditate upon the understanding I had as My Son was placed in the tomb, that death was a beginning and not an end. Think of the extreme sorrow I felt as I cleansed His Wounds. My sorrow was, as it is today, for the lack of love in hearts.
“After each meditation please recite a Hail Mary.”
December 2, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
Maureen saw a flash of light. Our Lady comes in white. She says: “I am with you in body and in spirit, heart and soul. Listen, My seer, to My words. Praised be Jesus. As My time with the public shortens, there will be more graces given in support of My words to you. This is truly a mission of God’s Everlasting Mercy. His Mercy will be poured out on those who seek it and also the unsuspecting. Truly My grace will secure for souls conversion of heart, healing, and forgiveness. The waters of the River Jordan will flow into and around the people that day [December 12th] giving to them a new baptism of Holy Love.”
“Understand, My mission of Holy Love is not drawing to a close, but taking on a new dimension through My Jesus.”
December 3, 1998
Blessed Virgin Mary
Maureen was complaining to Blessed Mother that her day had been full of interruptions that seemed to be keeping Her away. She came and bent over me with Her Heart exposed. She said: “That is because your heart is full of options, projects, and opinions. Center yourself here.” She points to the Flame over Her Heart.
“I come in praise of Jesus. Today, My daughter, I am removing the last bit of unforgiveness you hold in your heart [unforgiveness of self]. Understand God’s Mercy is complete and perfect. In Him, there is no half measure of forgiveness.”
“Now, I am ready to use you even more, and with more intense signal grace occurring around you. My Messages to you after the 12th will be personal or concerning the ministry. You will see Me interiorly and, as God permits from time to time, exteriorly. Only some of the messages from Me will be published in the Journal of Personal Holiness. My Jesus is preparing an important Mission for you through His words to you and in what He will ask of you as time progresses.”
“The heel that will crush the head of the serpent is comprised of My little ones – those consecrated to the Flame of Holy Love. Satan is confounded by their humility and simplicity. Many of these little ones are part of My army of victim souls. They are drawing souls to Me. They are drawing Mercy from the Heart of My Son. Because of these, the hour of tribulation, the hour preceding God’s Justice, has been lengthened. Do not mistakenly presume God’s Justice is not coming. But understand, God’s love for you and His Mercy upon you.”
“Once again, I urge your readiness through Holy Love. I bid you, do not be frightened, but alert to the times. I am praying with you. I am blessing you.”
February 20, 1999
Jesus Christ
“I am Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to share with you a lesson on forgiveness. To be forgiving the soul must first be loving. This is an obvious base on which forgiveness is built. Unforgiveness is an overpowering obstacle to holiness. It keeps the heart centered on self and not God or neighbor. Since self love is the root of all sin, it is at the very basis of all unforgiveness.”
“This is why the soul cannot surrender to Me past hurts, for he puts his own feelings first – God and all others last.”
“I showed compassion to those who wronged Me. But for so many, it is too much of a challenge to their love and humility to return love and forgiveness for insult and injury. You must love Me more than you love yourself. I have commanded it. Forgiveness is a sign that you have done so and are well on the way of holiness. Unforgiveness tells Me you allow your heart to center on you – your pride, your injury. Do not say, ‘Why me?’ Do not think, ‘Woe is me, such and such happened to me.’ Such thoughts are full of self love and bear unforgiveness as a fruit.”
“I send you the grace, through My Mother’s Heart, that you need to forgive. Open your hearts. Receive it. Welcome it.”
“Receive the benediction of My Heart in your lives.”
March 31, 1999
Jesus Christ
“So you have come, and I have been waiting for you. Incline your ear to your Jesus, born of the flesh. Understand, I am building up a faith community, a community well-versed in holiness – deep in the virtues. To onlookers it may seem as folly – to the intellectual, an unsynchronized effort to abide apart from worldly values. But think for a moment about My own public ministry. I preached the love of forgiveness. I taught men to turn the other cheek. I told My followers not to store up riches on earth, but in Heaven. I told My brothers and sisters to trust in Divine Providence.”
“All of these concepts provoked disbelief to the self-centered heart. Today, you are following in My footsteps. Then do not be surprised that many disbelieve. It is a difficult path I call you upon – one not easily traveled. The message of Holy Love is centered upon unselfishness – dying to self. It is based on surrender. The more the soul surrenders, the deeper he will come into Divine Love.”
“Divine Love is the New Jerusalem. You don’t have to wait. You can have it now while the world swirls around you in turmoil. You do not need to wait for the ‘Warning’ to have your conscience enlightened either. Come to the property. It will all be given within a short time, either as you visit the site, or days subsequent to your visit.”
“This whole mission is based on the victory of Our United Hearts. The victory will be in hearts first, then the whole world.”
“Even this truth, some deny. But you, My sister, must proclaim it. I will bless your efforts.”
April 14, 1999
Jesus Christ
Jesus comes in red and white. He says: “I am Jesus, Redeemer and King, born of the flesh. I have come to celebrate with you today this time following My Resurrection. Understand, redemption came to you through My obedience to the Cross – the Will of the Father.”
“So today let us discuss obedience. To understand obedience, first understand disobedience. Disobedience is self love, for the soul loves his own opinion more than God’s opinion, more than the Church’s opinion, more than the opinion of his superior that God has placed over him.”
“The soul is disobedient that does not obey the Commandments. Tantamount to all the Commandments is the law of Holy Love, for it embraces all the others.”
“The soul is disobedient that challenges Church law – even if it is in the heart alone. This would include Church dogma, all Church rulings on birth control, women priests, married priests, annulments, forgiveness of sins and My Real Presence in the Eucharist.”
“Today there is much confusion about these things. Some judge in the name of discernment. Even My Mother’s apparitions are rash-judged. It is not against canon law to visit these sites before they are investigated and found worthy.”
“Now let Me tell you about obedience. When you obey those in authority over you, you are always accomplishing God’s Holy and Divine Will. Obedience is like the sail of a ship, which carried along on the breeze of self-surrender sails safely into port. Or it is like the shoe on your foot which goes where the will directs it. Obedience is a refuge – a mantle of grace. It is a shadow of the soul’s humility. It is difficult for the proud to be obedient.”
“Come to Me and I will assist you in this and all the virtues. I love you. I will bless you.”
May 23, 1999
4th Sunday Prayer Service to Pray for Unbelievers
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Blessed Mother is in white, while Jesus is in red and white. They both have sparkling lights coming from Their Hearts, which seem to meet at a point in front of us and intermingle. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, I come to you today inviting you to open your hearts and surrender to the Spirit of Holy Love. I desire to pour into your hearts great love and mercy, so that you experience forgiveness, peace, joy, and, most especially Holy Love in every aspect of your lives. Then you will have peace and understanding which is needed so badly in hearts today. We’re extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
September 23, 1999
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Did you know that forgiveness and love are one? My Mercy and My Love are the same. But so too, My child, is the forgiveness and the love in your heart one in the same.”
“Say, for instance, you are making a gelatin mold. The gelatin may be forgiveness of your neighbor, but it is shaped and molded in love. Yes, I tell you the truth: the amount of forgiveness in your heart is measured by the amount of Holy Love in your heart. You can’t fit more gelatin in the mold than the mold will hold. Similarly, you can’t forgive more than you love.”
“I desire you make this known. I will bless you.”
November 21, 1999
Sunday Prayer Service for Feast of Christ the King and Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their hearts are exposed and They are dressed in white and gold. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, the best gift you can give Me on My birthday is forgiveness of all those who have opposed you in this ministry, and all those who have turned against you because of this mission. You will be able to do this if you begin to offer to Me the small irritations of your day-to-day life, caused by situations and other people. My brothers and sisters, We’re extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
February 1, 2000
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. You have heard Me say many times that inordinate self love is the instrument Satan uses to oppose Holy Love. Let Me detail in its entirety this obstacle to personal holiness.”
“Inordinate means disordered or excessive. When the soul does not pay much heed between wants and needs, it is a sign of this disordered love. This would be evident in how the soul makes use of and regards the goods of the world, such as clothing, housing, food and the like.”
“But there are other signs of inordinate self love. Fear is one. This is why. The soul caught up in fear, whether it is fear of the future or worry over past sins, in effect is telling Me ‘I don’t trust you. I only trust myself.’ The more the soul withdraws from Me and places confidence in his own efforts, the more I withdraw from him and My grace eludes him. (Hypochondria and scruples are signs of this fear.)”
“Another area of inordinate self love is unforgiveness. This is a grave sin. It draws the soul’s attention in on himself (‘poor me’) and away from Me. Such a soul is not living the law of Holy Love. He is deflecting the gift of My Mercy in his own soul through his own lack of forgiveness towards his neighbor. As you judge, so shall you be judged.”
“Here is another sure sign of self love. It is self-righteousness. This person is in love with his own opinion. More than that, he believes everyone else is wrong. Perhaps you are leading a good and holy life according to Holy Love. But, I tell you, self-righteousness reflects another sign of disordered love which is fear of loss of reputation. Such a soul is not simplistic, but cares very much about his reputation. He loves esteem and honor. He is tempted to say and do many things which compromise the law of love so that others may have high regard for him.”
“If you meditate on what I have said to you today, it will become easier to make the consecration of Divine Love giving to Me your health, your appearance, and your comforts.”
“Make this known to the world. I will bless you.”
September 21, 2000
God The Father
“I am God the Father, Creator of Heaven and earth, Creator of Jesus born Incarnate**, Creator of all sexuality.”
“I created each soul to pursue chastity, for this is according to My commandments. The human body is created to give life and not lust.”
“The virtue of chastity is not one like patience or humility which through time, effort, and grace comes to perfection. No, the chaste soul must always live this virtue perfectly, for any failure in purity is a sin. Like forgiveness, chastity cannot be practiced in portion, but must be observed always.”
“As in any virtue, chastity must be observed in thought, word, and deed.”
“Each soul has been created to share Heaven with Me. No one reaches the Heart of this Eternal Father through lustful thoughts, words, or actions. These are all inspired by My adversary.”
“No one is childlike and at the same time unchaste. It is only the childlike who enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
“Make this known.”
**NOTE from Rev. Frank Kenney, S.M.: “According to Pope Paul VI in an address June 30, 1968 on the topic ‘The Credo of the People of God’ Jesus was ‘born of the Father before time began,’ and ‘through the Father… all things were made’ – that is, created, which includes Our Lord’s humanity. One birth was from all eternity, impossible for us mortals to totally comprehend, while the other birth happened in time and is well-documented.”
October 30, 2000
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to discuss with you the difference between holy perfection and being a perfectionist. The one who seeks to be perfected in the virtues does so out of love of Me. The one who seeks perfectionism in the worldly sense has created a barrier between My Heart and his own.”
“To desire holiness and perfection in the virtues is a lofty goal provided the only concern is to please God. Such a one does not concern himself for worldly esteem. He is at peace – cooperating with the Divine Will of My Father.”
“The worldly perfectionist is greatly concerned with the way others perceive him. If he should make a mistake, he is quick to make excuses and blame others. It is difficult for such a one to acknowledge his own error. The perfectionist is not content with looking into his own heart, but he can readily see the errors of all those around him.”
“While the one who tries to be perfected in virtue loses his own will in the Will of God – the perfectionist is full of opinions which he cannot let go of readily. The perfectionist most often has himself at the center of his thoughts and motives, while the one who seeks perfection in the virtues tries to always have love of God at the center of his thoughts, words and actions.”
“The perfectionist has trouble forgiving both himself and others. But Holy Love always makes allowances. In humility the soul must forgive and understand that human forgiveness is a mirror of the soul’s humility and a shadow of God’s infinite Mercy.”
“Make it known.”
December 10, 2001
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus. I have come today to help you understand spiritual blindness. This is a form of pride fanned by Satan’s deceit. The enemy encourages this type of pride. He places a veil over hearts so that they are unable to distinguish the presence of grace in their midst. In such cases the soul’s thoughts become convoluted. He even sees good as evil, and evil as good. He has distorted hearing, extracting falsehood from truth. It is not long until spiritual envy consumes his heart. This type of jealousy bears with it rash judgment. But the soul views his rash judgments as discernment, for his thinking has become so convoluted.”
“The spiritually blind miss all the graces around them. They are easily led to apostasy, heresy, discouragement and even despair. They openly challenge the faith they once had. Often they are full of unforgiveness and, therefore, do not trust in God’s Mercy and forgiveness.”
“If they should witness or hear of miracles, they are quick to discount them. They believe deep within that such things could never happen because they do not happen to them. For this reason, profound messages fall on deaf ears.”
“There is attendant to spiritual pride a spiritual sloth. Subconsciously they know that if they opened their hearts to the grace all around them, they would have to change interiorly. The spiritually blind are the compromised. These are the ones responsible for abortion. These are the ones who believe themselves to be Catholic, but challenge Church hierarchy. These souls miss the call to holiness that is the vocation of all souls. It is a chilling truth that they are answering Satan’s call to perdition.”
“This lesson uncovers the enemy where he lies hidden in hearts. Make it known.”
February 5, 2002
Monthly Message to All Nations
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I have come to speak to all people and every nation about the sin that begets all sin. It is hedonism. This is the lie that Satan has nurtured in hearts so that belief is in pleasure, not in God’s law. The soul grasps at the brass ring of whatever makes him happy in the present, thereby making any pleasure the law he forms his conscience around instead of God’s law.”
“Stop and think of the prevalent sins today: Abortion–because the life in the womb is unwanted, it does not bring pleasure; every sort of crime against the innocents for the sake of momentary pleasure; greed in the business world, and consumerism because money is held as a god.”
“But I come to tell all people today that the law of Holy Love–love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself–is the law by which each one will be judged. It matters not if you believe in it, or if you do not believe in it. Holy Love is the basis of your salvation.”
“The greatest portion of My Mercy falls upon those deepest in sin. All they need do is turn their hearts towards Me for an instant, and I will flood their hearts with My forgiveness, and draw them to Me.”
“Do not make a god of pleasure or of your free will. To do so is to condemn yourself for all eternity. Turn to Me with a contrite heart. Love Me as I love you.”
“I have come to you to correct the hearts of those who have been mislead by Satan, and to correct the soul of the world. Do not think that because something gives you pleasure in the flesh that it is good and pleasing in the eyes of God. You must make all your moment by moment decisions according to My law of Holy Love, for when I Return, the Victory of the United Hearts will come through Holy and Divine Love. There will be no misfortune; souls will understand their place before God. Yes indeed, My Father’s Kingdom to come is a Kingdom of Divine Love.”
“Today I tell you that a contrite heart is more pleasing to Me than many fervent prayers, many Holy Hours, a rigorous fast or even almsgiving. While all of these are important to holiness, it is the repentant heart I cherish. True repentance rises from a heart of Holy Love.”
“When you meditate upon My Passion and Death, you bring to Me contrite hearts. Never fail Me in this, then. Mercy begets mercy. When you give Me contrite hearts by your efforts, I will never fail you in My Mercy.”
“We are blessing you today with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
April 21, 2002
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus. I have come to you today to speak about recent scandals within the Church. Some heretics use these unfortunate scandals as a platform to promote married priests and women priests. They neglect the fact that the Holy Father has already made decisions against both of these. Celibacy is not the cause of these problems. It is the evil that is in hearts, which is the cause.”
“You would never legalize theft because many people steal. Why change the laws set down by the Holy Father because some are too weak and open to evil to obey the laws. Remember that the cause of every sin is failure in Holy Love. The sinner places love of the sin above love of God and neighbor.”
“In the case of these scandals, just as guilty if not more, are the enablers–the ones who covered up the crime. Asking forgiveness in retrospect is not much consolation for the lost innocence of the victims.”
“We must pray for the Church to be healed from the inside out. We must pray that as She is stripped and purified, the remnant faithful will cling to their faith.”
May 23, 2002
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Sister, forgiveness is the fruit of a loving heart. It is the soul’s cooperation with My grace and mercy. The soul who cannot forgive is failing in Holy Love. When resentment and bitterness consume your heart, there is no space in your heart for love.”
“Some people passionately bear grudges instead of passionately loving Me. It is such a heart that brings destruction upon himself and others. Each one must let Me be the Just Judge. Never presume you know more than Me.”
“An unforgiving heart is at war within. A forgiving heart is at peace. An unforgiving heart constantly renews old wounds. A forgiving heart is healed. An unforgiving heart does not seek holiness, but its own imagined justice.”
“Do not waste the present moment on unforgiveness, but spend it on Holy Love. Ask and I will help you.”
November 25, 2002
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, when you gather around a bountiful table this week in thanksgiving, thank God first for helping you to forgive those in your life who have opposed you, accused you or otherwise injured you in any way. This is a great gift, for without forgiveness the soul cannot proceed deeper into the Chambers of Divine Love.”
“When the illumination of conscience comes–as it will–each one will see clearly whom he must forgive, and unforgiveness will be seen as a huge barrier between the soul and God. Pray for the gift of forgiveness daily.”
“I will bless you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”
September 22, 2003
Monday United Hearts Confraternity Service
Jesus Christ
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, your trust in Me is consoling for I know that you can only trust Me if you love Me. As My Mother stood at the foot of the Cross, She consoled Me with a loving and trusting Heart. If She had been there with an empty heart, a bitter heart or an angry heart, I would have not been consoled.”
“You must see the difference, My brothers and sisters, for it is forgiveness that arises from such love. I never act in a way that will harm you, but only in a way that will lead you to salvation.”
“Tonight We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
February 6, 2004
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to take you deeper into the mystery of Our United Hearts. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart closely resembles My Own Most Sacred Heart. While My Heart is Divine Love, Her Heart is Holy Love.”
“As you know, Holy Love–My Mother’s Heart–is the First Chamber of the United Hearts, for it is in the Flame of Holy Love the soul is purged of his most glaring sins and faults. As the soul is made aware of these sins, it is the Holy Mercy of My Mother’s Heart which moves the soul to remorse and repentance. It is only then that My Divine Mercy flows into the heart of the sinner. So you see, just as Holy Love prepares the heart for Divine Love, Holy Mercy prepares the heart for Divine Mercy.”
“If the soul is not repentant, he is not ready for My Mercy and I cannot forgive him. The soul first must allow My Mother to prepare him for My forgiveness.”
July 28, 2004
Jesus Christ
Jesus appears with light streaming from His Wounds. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“You see My Mercy, My Forgiveness before you, spilling from My Wounds of Love. From moment to moment, souls present themselves to Me for their judgment and their souls are filled with unforgiveness. Purgatory is filled with such as these. Here I do not speak of that unforgiveness which is deeply buried in the soul-so deeply buried that the soul is unaware of it. The unforgiveness which bears the weight of judgment is the grudge that is willingly carried and allowed to bear bitter fruit in the heart and in the world.”
“It is not that My Sacrifice was not enough for such as these, but that these begrudging souls will not allow themselves to enter into the sacrifice with Me. They cannot love when it is most difficult to love. They will not embrace the cross of personal injury and insult. The unforgiving do not imitate My Divine Mercy.”
“Because Divine Mercy and Divine Love are My Father’s Will, souls such as these reject God’s Divine Will for them. It is a grace to be given the opportunity to forgive. For in practicing forgiveness for wrongs perpetrated against himself, the soul expresses his love for Me. His heart is unburdened. Then he is carried deeper into Divine Love.”
“On the other hand, the unforgiving soul calls down judgment upon himself. He may be in purgatory from age to age. This is so, for he may have spread this bitterness of heart around him to others, as well. This crime must be obliterated along with the unforgiveness he carried to judgment within his own heart. Souls are not only answerable for their own hearts, but for what they have spread to other hearts, too.”
“An unrepentant, bitter heart is like a tapeworm devouring everything in its path and ravaging the heart that hosts it.
“I will speak to you again on this subject. Make this known.”
July 29, 2004
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help all understand that they must put all insult and injury behind them. Let it all be washed away by the grace of forgiveness. Understand that a contrite heart is pleasing to Me, but once you have experienced My Mercy on your behalf, you must trust My Divine Mercy.”
“Do not allow yourselves to be trapped in a scrupulous conscience by refusing to believe in My Mercy. Forgive yourselves. Not to do so is a reflection of self-love. The soul cannot forgive himself as he cannot accept his own sinfulness. Ask Me for the help to be open to and accept My Mercy. The humble heart can forgive self and neighbor and does not waste time licking his wounds.”
“In every present moment accept God’s Will for you. Do not hold anger in your heart for whatever God permits or ordains for you. Understand that you will be given the grace to handle every problem life hands you. My Father, Who sees all things, will not abandon you. Avoid a bitter heart at all costs, for many will be in purgatory until the end of time because of bitterness of heart.”
“Let forgiveness cleanse your hearts of all grudges. Then you will be ready for the Kingdom.”
July 31, 2004
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come so that you will know that the soul who forgives all his enemies, his persecutors and detractors is a soul who is blameless in My sight. It is such as these that advance quickly through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. This is Holy Forgiveness and can only be accomplished through Holy Love.”
“When the soul asks with a sincere heart, he receives My assistance in reaching this depth of forgiveness. This is not to say that he no longer holds unpleasant memories about certain people in his past, but he can recall these people and situations without anger. Anger and unforgiveness go hand in hand.”
“Upon this journey of forgiveness, the soul begins to pray for the ones who have in some way injured him. The more unforgiveness is overcome in the heart, the more I fill the heart with My Divine Love–Divine Mercy. The soul must realize that this inner healing cannot take place in his heart apart from Holy Love, for it is love which must replace bitterness and anger.”
“Tantamount to forgiving is to recognize the need to forgive.”
“You will please make this known.”
August 9, 2004
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, Divine Love–Divine Mercy, born Incarnate.”
“I have come to speak to you once again about unforgiveness. If love and mercy combined made a fine sauce, unforgiveness would be like a bitter herb that ruined the chef’s masterpiece when he added it. Unforgiveness in the soul is like a deadly disease–insidious at the onset, but as a deadly cancer to every virtue.”
“Resentments and woundedness are unforgiveness. These are like introverted anger. These are a form of pride buried deep within the soul eating away at personal holiness. Resentments and woundedness come from disordered self-love. The soul cannot accept the wrong that was done to him as God’s permitting Will. He cannot allow God to weave the tapestry of his own salvation. He cannot meet the challenge of becoming more humble.”
“I invite each one to surrender everything in the past to Me. Accept all the insults others have perpetrated against you with humility. This is how you surrender to forgiveness. Accept your own sinfulness and weaknesses. I do–I still love you and I forgive you!”
October 16, 2004
Jesus Christ
“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“Today I invite you to understand that My Mercy comes to you in many ways. First and foremost, My Divine Mercy forgives your sins. Yet, there is more to My Divine Mercy than forgiveness. My Mercy comes to you as the grace which convicts your conscience and draws you to conversion. It is Divine Mercy which sheds grace upon this Mission in the Messages, miracles and healings. It is Divine Mercy that brings together the human soul and the Divine Will of My Father.”
“My Mercy is the embrace of Divine Love. Neither Divine Love nor Divine Mercy exist apart from the other. They are one.”
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