Condensed Version of the Holy Love Messages
by God the Father on the Ten Commandments
First Commandment
“Let us begin with the First Commandment today, remembering always that Holy Love is the embodiment of all the Commandments. The First Commandment dictates that you must recognize Me as Lord of all Creation and have no other false gods before Me. This must raise the question of what is a false god? People place many things ahead of love of Me. These are in the form of the false gods of personal comforts and appearance, wealth, sensual desires, reputation, entertainment and more. Anything such as person, place or thing that the soul does not honor as a grace from Me is taking the place of a false god in his spirit. Man must not subconsciously or with intent credit all good as from human effort. This places human achievement over and above his Creator. Therefore, he makes human the Omnipotence of his Creator. All human efforts, any achievement proceed from My Paternal Heart. Every human effort is a fruit of My Paternal Care for mankind.”
Second Commandment
“…My Most Holy Name and the Name of My Son have become common everyday slang words universally. The Second Commandment states you shalt not use My Name in vain. Yet, the common practice today is to profane this Law as a means of expressing surprise, alarm or anger. The motive in the heart when My Name or My Son’s Name is used, needs to be one of reverence, homage and respect. During these evil times, there is very little respect or reverence in hearts for Me.”
Third Commandment
“Remember that ‘Thou keep holy the Sabbath Day’. This is My Third Commandment. This Law dictates the soul should not engage in any unnecessary work or activity on Sunday. Unnecessary describes work that can wait to be accomplished until another day. The soul must not engage in any activity that invites others to work on the Sabbath. It must be observed as a day of rest in imitation of My day of rest on the seventh day, as I engaged in the creation of the world.”
“Activity which is necessary would be caring for the sick or disabled, supplying food for the needy, rescuing those in dire need, or providing care for those in need mentally, physically or emotionally. The Sabbath needs to be surrendered to the spirituality nurtured in the heart which loves and gives praise to Me.”
Fourth Commandment
“The Fourth Commandment is to ‘Honor thy father and thy mother’. This honor must arise from a deep appreciation of the role I have placed your parents in. You, as their child, are charged with respecting their parental authority as a youngster. As your parents age, you are charged with their physical and emotional well-being. To shirk these responsibilities is to profane the Fourth Commandment.”
“When your parents reach old age, you need to assume the role of their caregiver. Not all parents fit the role of good parents. Nonetheless, I chose them to be your parents and you need to accept their role as such. When you honor and respect your parents, you honor and respect Me.”
Fifth Commandment
“…God the Father…says: “The Fifth Commandment is ‘Thou shalt not kill’. These days, this Commandment is flagrantly violated. Any taking of life is profaning the Fifth Commandment. A whole industry – abortion – has been built around violation of this Commandment. This also includes the harvesting and use of stem cells. Beyond that, there is the acceptance of euthanasia and suicide. I am the Lord and Giver of Life. Only I must be the One Who calls life unto Myself.“
“Disregard for this Commandment has drawn morals to a new low. Degeneration of morals threatens the general well-being of every nation. This is why there are unprecedented atmospheric events. The basic right to life is non-debatable. Human life must be respected from conception to natural death. Violation of this Commandment is man’s useless attempt to control his own destiny. Basic acceptance of My Will precludes such an attitude. My Will is the basis and foundation of all the Commandments.”
Sixth Commandment
“God the Father…says: “As with every Commandment and every sin, consent to violate righteousness needs to be accepted in the heart first. The Sixth Commandment – ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery’ – is no exception to this rule. This sin, however, usually takes the consent of two people but can be committed strictly in the heart and not acted upon physically.”
“I created sex for the purpose of procreation. Within this context, any act or thought which violates purity of heart is sinful, if consented to outside of marriage. Today’s world has relegated sexual excitement to a free choice that all can participate in regardless of marital status. This sexual enjoyment has become the tool of entertainment, advertising and clothing design to name a few. This is true because man places his own enjoyment ahead of obedience to My Commandments and pleasing Me.”
“Make pleasing Me your focus in life out of love for Me. Then all sin will not get a grip on your spirituality or your eternal destination.”
Seventh Commandment
“…God the Father…says: “The Seventh Commandment – ‘Thou shalt not steal’ – like the others is transgressed through a disordered self-love. In profaning this Commandment, the soul places self first ahead of My Will. The soul loses respect for the boundaries of what is rightfully his and what rightfully belongs to another. In short, he takes what is not his to have. This does not only apply to material things, but also to another’s reputation which he takes when he speaks poorly of someone else.”
“The soul is also guilty of violating this Commandment when he misrepresents the faith to others in word or action. In so doing, he is stealing the faith from another’s heart.”
“Stealing small things encourages the heart to steal bigger and greater things. It is, of course, Satan who inspires any theft.”
Eighth Commandment
God the Father. He says: “Today, we will address the Eighth Commandment – ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor’. The sins of calumny and detraction profane this Commandment. The soul who is not consecrated to the Truth transgresses this Eighth Commandment, for his heart is uncharitable and his speech follows suit. Many a soul, community and nation have been destroyed by untruthful tongues.”
“Holy Love must stand guard over the heart. In this way, Truth in speech is preserved. The soul who thinks charitably will not be tempted to speak uncharitably. The soul who succumbs to transgression of the Eighth Commandment must be convicted in the Truth in order to repent.”
Ninth Commandment
“…God the Father…says: “The heart is like the ‘rudder’ of the soul. Where it goes, so goes the soul. This next Commandment – ‘Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife’ – is a Law, like all the others, which must be obeyed in the heart first. The soul must with prudence avoid any envy of another’s wife, always respecting the marriage vows taken by any couple. In today’s society, marriage is not an important institution. Many couples do not even marry before living as one. Those who do marry, do not see it as a guideline towards future desires. To such as these, marriage is not an obstacle to any envious desire.”
“People who transgress this Commandment, have no scruples as to what is good and what is evil. This is encouraged by entertainment, clothing and literature, not to mention modern-day forms of communication. The heart has to desire to stand firm on the path of salvation by obeying this Commandment. He has to let the Commandment stand guard over his heart.”
Tenth Commandment
The Tenth Commandment dictates ‘Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods’. Adherence to this Commandment hinges on obedience to Commandments Six and Seven, as well. Once again, this obedience must be in the heart, as envy starts in the heart first before it is acted upon in the world. I permit the soul to admire another’s goods, but not to crave another’s possessions.”
“My Provision is perfect and complete according to My Will for each soul. It is up to every soul to hold his desires in check according to My Divine Will for him. Those who have much in the world are called to share with those who have little. This is My way of providing for the poor.”
“My Commandments are not just guidelines to salvation. They are Laws which I carved in stone* – not to be negotiated at judgment, but to be accounted for. These Laws strictly hold each soul accountable and obedience to My Commandments needs to arise from a loving heart. In My Omnipotence, I watch each soul’s response to My Laws.”
Holy Love Compilation of Messages by God the Father on the Ten Commandments
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