Tools for Examination of Conscience


“The sum total of all your days upon earth will be judged upon the depth of love in your heart as you lived out each day I have given you. 

Have you performed your daily duties with love for Me and your fellow man? 

Have you respected My Commandments out of love for Me and your neighbor?  

Have you practiced a virtuous life – an exemplary life – not to impress others, but out of love for Me? 

These are the questions each soul should ask himself in any examination of conscience.  This is the groundwork of a soul intent on reaching Heaven.  This is the foundation of living in My Divine Will.” (God the Father, March 30, 2022)


Ten Commandments Nuances and Depth

Anything such as person, place or thing that the soul does not honor as a grace from Me is taking the place of a false god in his spirit.

The motive in the heart when My Name or My Son’s Name is used, needs to be one of reverence, homage and respect. Yet, the common practice today is to profane this Law as a means of expressing surprise, alarm or anger.  

The soul should not engage in any unnecessary work or activity on Sunday.

As your parents age, you are charged with their physical and emotional well-being. When you honor and respect your parents, you honor and respect Me.

Only I must be the One Who calls life unto Myself. Human life must be respected from conception to natural death.

This sexual enjoyment has become the tool of entertainment, advertising and clothing design to name a few.  This is true because man places his own enjoyment ahead of obedience to My Commandments and pleasing Me.

“Stealing small things encourages the heart to steal bigger and greater things. 

The sins of calumny and detraction profane this Commandment.  The soul who is not consecrated to the Truth transgresses this Eighth Commandment

The soul must with prudence avoid any envy of another’s wife, always respecting the marriage vows taken by any couple. 

I permit the soul to admire another’s goods, but not to crave another’s possessions.”

Holy Love Messages on Examination of Conscience

Collection of Lists of Examination of Conscience from Varied Sources