
March 11, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary

When I entered the chapel for adoration, I saw Our Lady standing to the right of the Altar. I started to pray and Our lady interrupted Me saying: “Sign yourself.” (She has been telling me to pray the Sign of the Cross from the heart because it is a prayer.) As I made the sign of the cross, lights simultaneously appeared on Blessed Mother’s forehead, over Her Heart, and on the palms of Her hands. As I was praying the Sorrowful Mysteries, I saw a lighted crown of thorns over Our Lady’s head. During the 4th mystery I saw a lighted cross behind Her, and She was looking up to heaven with Her hands crossed over Her breast. During the 5th mystery I saw Her hands extend and lights on both palms again.

Then She spoke. “My daughter, today I come to reveal to you that the Holy Father holds in his heart a profound desire to honor Me, this humble Handmaid. I took part spiritually, physically, and emotionally in My Son’s Passion. Though the nails did not pierce My flesh, I felt keenly their pain. So, too, I felt the crown of thorns, the instruments of torture, and the agony in the garden. Mystically I died with My Jesus. The Holy Father wants to name Me Co-Redemptrix. He will make this Church Doctrine. Because the truth divides, this will divide hearts. Some will be unable to accept Me in this role. They will need to come deeper in My Heart through a consecrated life to understand this. I will speak tomorrow about this. I bless you now.”

March 12, 1996
Blessed Virgin Mary

From Our Lady
“Dear children, today I invite you to understand in your hearts that My Son’s Paschal Mystery begins with His surrender to His Passion and Death. As My Jesus surrendered, so I, His Mother, surrendered to His Passion. Dear children, as the Holy Father considers the title Co-Redemptrix on My behalf, I invite you to see that I suffer still as man and countries profane God’s laws.”

March 12, 1996
Monthly Message to All Nations
Our Lady of Guadalupe

Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. “I come in praise of Jesus, My Son.”

“Dear children, I do not come to you so often to satisfy the curious and perform miracles so you will believe. I come to reconcile man to God and to make heaven and earth one in spirit. Through your ‘yes’ to Holy Love, My Son is glorified. Just as all nature is awakening and coming to life in this season, I come to awaken hearts and bring faith, hope, and love alive again in the world.”

“Dear children I encourage you to let your hearts be flooded with Holy Love and melted, just as your countenance is warmed by the sun today. I come to ask your cooperation in making atonement to Our United Hearts for sins perpetrated against life. I desire your Communions in reparation for these sins. Open your hearts, My dear children, and turn them towards heaven, like buds opening in the sun.”

“I desire you understand that the fullest meaning of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary is expressed in this newest and most cherished title the Holy Father will bestow upon His Humble Servant. It is because Our Hearts are spiritually one that I am Co-Redemptrix. Just as I supported My Son in His suffering, I desire My children depend upon Me in the midst of every adversity. Do not despise your crosses, but see that they are the embrace of Holy Grace for souls. Holy and Divine Love were united on Calvary, just as they will be united in the New Jerusalem.”

“I am leaving here My peace on this property to be felt always by those who come. Dear children, I am blessing you.”

March 15, 1996
Jesus Christ

Jesus appeared in front of me with His Heart exposed. Inside His Heart was Mary’s Immaculate Heart. He said: “I desire the devotion to the United Hearts be propagated. Satan opposes this Image, for he sees in it a power he cannot vanquish. My provision is upon those who venerate this Image, contemplating its meaning. In the United Hearts is the embodiment of the meaning Co-Redemptrix.”

March 31, 1996
Jesus Christ

From Jesus
I desire that souls make this Way of the Cross part of their lives. I want them to meditate on My passion considering the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary and understanding My Mother’s role as Co-Redemptrix.”

1. Jesus Is Condemned To Death
“Consider how Divine Love and Holy Love made Their Wills one with the Eternal Father. Imitate this resignation by accepting trials.”

2. Jesus Accepts His Cross
“Through the Divine Mercy of the Sacred Heart and the Holy Compassion of My Mother’s Heart, I was able to courageously embrace the cross.”

3. Jesus Falls The First Time
“When you slip and fall into sin, My Mother, through Holy Compassion, wraps you in Her mantle and leads you to My Divine Mercy which raises you up again.”

4. Jesus Meets His Mother
“Our eyes met and Holy and Divine Love became one. It was Her prayer that enabled Me to go on. How often souls depend on Your prayers. Unite them to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.”

5. Simon Carries The Cross
“Consider the reluctancy of Simon to embrace the grace of the present moment. How often has the present moment escaped you? Too often, you see the cross and not the grace. Place the present moment in the grace of Our United Hearts. We will help you to see the ‘why’ behind every cross.”

6. Veronica Wipes The Face Of Jesus
“Veronica was one with Holy Compassion and Holy Love. She was not fearful to step forward and comfort Me. I left with Her My mark of Divine Love. I desire all souls comfort Me in the tabernacles of the world.”

7. Jesus Falls The Second Time
“Through My Divine Mercy – and led to Me through My Mother’s Holy Compassion – I will forgive you as often as you fall.”

8. Jesus Consoles The Women Of Jerusalem
“Seek the consolation of the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. She will lead you to the greatest consolation of all – spiritual union with My Heart.”

9. Jesus Falls A Third Time
“Have you slipped away from Me again? I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Imitate Me.”

10. Jesus Is Stripped Of His Garments
“If you are spiritually one with Our United Hearts, the world will hold no value for you. You will use the goods of the world to attain My end. My Mother gave Me Her veil when I had nothing. I ask you to give Me your heart and I will give you everything.”

11. Jesus Is Nailed To The Cross
“My Mother’s hands and feet were laid spiritually on top of My own. She suffered as I suffered, for love of sinners. I ask you to stand with Her now and support Her at the foot of the cross through sorrow for your sins.”

12. Jesus Dies On The Cross
“I died with and for love of you. Divine Mercy and Divine Love are one. Holy Love and Holy Compassion are one. Die to yourself. Live for the United Hearts.”

13. Jesus Is Taken Down From The Cross
“My Mother wept bitter tears as She embraced My broken body. Ask Her to embrace you in Her Heart of Holy Love. Then She will lead you to Me.”

14. Jesus Is Laid In The Tomb
“I was laid in the tomb, but there is no end to My Love and Mercy. I rose again. Rise above sin through My Mother’s Holy Love. Embrace eternity.”

July 30, 1997
Blessed Virgin Mary

My mission in you is to prepare the world for my Son’s Second Coming. Praise be Jesus!” Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love.

“These are the ways my Son sends Me to you with, that the world may be reconciled to God before His return.”

1. “Spread devotion to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, for it is through the United Hearts that Heaven and earth will be united.”

2. “Promulgate the Image you have before you (Mary, Refuge of Holy Love). In this Image is the culmination of all My apparitions during this century. It is the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart spoken of at Fatima. It is the promise of an era to come spoken of at Garabandal. I speak of the crown over My Heart, which foretells the victory of the United Hearts and the triumph of the Church over evil. The cross on My hand represents a dogma which is coming – Co-Redemptrix. I am pointing to My Heart, calling humanity into this safe Refuge. This Refuge is Holy Love. When you live in Holy Love, you imitate My Heart.”

3. “Propagate the Holy Love messages, the path and gateway to the New Jerusalem. Through this simple yet profound message, people should return to holiness, the Ten Commandments, and prayers.”

Your country is in great peril, for it does not embrace love of God but love of self. It governs by human conscience instead of the Ten Commandments.”

“Pray, pray, pray!”

January 3, 1999
Jesus Christ

Jesus appears. He says: “I come to you, Jesus, born Incarnate. Child, today I have come to help you along the journey into My Sacred Heart. Your journey begins and ends in the United Hearts. Understand the fullness of this revelation, for it is here you are drawn. The first step in entering the abode of My Sacred Heart is Holy Love. As well, the last step is Holy Love. My Mother’s Heart is Holy Love. The Immaculate Heart is wholly and perfectly united to the Sacred Heart of your Jesus, both spiritually and emotionally. The Two are inseparable. Thus, you can see that the deeper you journey into Holy Love, My Mother’s Heart, the deeper you come in My Sacred Heart as well.”

“Today, I invite you to imitate Me. My Heart is the apex of every virtue. Go deeper into the virtues through your will. This way you cooperate with the Divine Will of God. The Will of God is embodied in My Sacred Heart. It is embodied and indeed enthroned in the United Hearts.”

“I understand your lack of background in all areas of theology. I did not come to you today because you are a theologian. But, in all I say to you, you will find verification through your spiritual advisor.”

“Allow Me to continue. Because My Heart is perfectly united to the Heart of My Blessed Mother, both spiritually and emotionally, it bears out that My Mother is Co-Redemptrix.”

“You need to surrender to Me your reputation, child. What I am relating to you is controversial until it is proclaimed.” He goes on. “As We are one in the United Hearts, My Mother suffered with Me. Spiritually, She felt abandoned and desolated as I took on the sins of mankind. Emotionally, She grieved for Her loss and separation from Me. She was able to endure through grace. Thus, I come to proclaim to you, the United Hearts are your Refuge in adversity.”

“Pray for confidence – trust – in all I ask of you. But most of all, trust in this eternal, unalterable Refuge of Our United Hearts. Always, always, I am with you. Make this journey into Divine Love. I am traveling with you.”

He leaves.

February 23, 2002
St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus. I come to help you understand the close alliance between the United Hearts Revelation and the new dogma. First of all, it is important that you think of the Heart of Mary as a Holy and Sacred passageway between the Heart of Jesus and all of earth. No grace (that is, nothing good) comes to earth except through this passageway. Since the Immaculate Heart of Mary is Holy Love and Holy Love is God’s Divine Will, it can be said that every grace God wills for the world is mediated through Holy Love. Therefore, it follows that Our Lady is Mediatrix.”

“Next, understand that because the Heart of Mary is united to the Heart of Her Son, She suffered integrally His Passion. She was not just an onlooker, but She suffered the Passion united to Jesus. Her wounds were mystical only because the union of the Two Hearts is mystical. Therefore, She is Co-Redemptrix.”

“As Advocate, understand that the passageway of Mary’s Immaculate Heart is a two-way passage. Every prayer and sacrifice that anyone gives to Jesus first passes through the Heart of His Mother. Within the Flame of Her Heart the Blessed Mother purifies each petition and sacrifice before sending it on to the Heart of Her Beloved Son. Therefore, She is Advocate.”

“Meditate upon these truths. I will help you to understand them.”

August 22, 2002
Venerable Mary of Agreda

“I am Mary of Agreda. Praise be to Jesus. I have come to describe to you the Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth.”

“Our Lady was invited upon Her arrival in Heaven–Body and Soul–to be seated upon a magnificent Throne. She accepted only as She knew it pleased Her Beloved Son. Immediately, myriads of angels fell prostrate at Her Feet. The Most Blessed Holy Trinity placed themselves behind Her, though They were elevated a little higher than Mary. Mary was given this honor because the Love in Her Heart was always Holy and Perfect–She being immaculately conceived.”

“She obeyed the Father as an obedient daughter. She cared for Her Son as only a loving Mother could. She was the humble, willing spouse of the Most Holy Spirit. Now and always, a bright Heavenly Light forms a Crown over Mary’s Head. The Crown is the reward given to Mary as Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate.”

June 2, 2007
God The Father

I see the Heart of the Father as a huge Flame. He says: “I am the Eternal Now.”

“I have come to enlighten the heart of the world as to the significance of the new Image of the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity and Immaculate Mary.”

“In the world, there is one Marian dogma yet to be proclaimed; that of, Mary, Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate. In this new Image, this dogma is readily evident, for Mary’s Heart is immersed in the Heart of Her Son and surrounded by Her Spouse, the Holy Spirit. Further, the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary are both immersed in the Flame of the Eternal Now–My Paternal Heart.”

“The Immaculate Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem–the portal to the Divine Will–through which the Holy Trinity pours all grace into the world. United to the Sacred Heart of Her Son, Mary suffered in Her own Heart, every wound and insult of the Passion with greater intensity than any human. She is closer to the Holy Trinity than any mortal ever was or will be. Therefore, She is a most powerful Advocate.”

“Present the doctrine of this new Image to the world.”

March 8, 2012
Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I invite you to see that the signing of the last Marian Dogma is an endorsement of the United Hearts Revelation; for as it honors Me as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, it describes the First Chamber of Our United Hearts, (or the Immaculate Heart), as well as the interaction of the First Chamber with all the Others.”

“Once this Dogma is approved, a period of peace will temporarily settle upon the world such as never before. Profound graces will be abundant. Pray for this.”

March 20, 2012
Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I am about to advise you concerning the resolution of the last Marian Dogma, and why Heaven asks for prayers toward this end. Once this Handmaid of the Lord is officially accepted as Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate, the Spirit of Peace will pass over the world. Every heart will be pervaded by Truth. It is at that moment in time souls will need to decide either for Truth or against it.”

“Truth will be as a winnowing fan separating the chaff from the grain. All error will be exposed to the Light. Enmity will transform to friendship.”

“I tell you these things now so that no one can say they did not recognize what was taking place. No one can discount the events as they occur and lose the opportunity for conversion of heart.”

“Pay attention!”

May 27, 2012
Pentecost Sunday
God The Father

Once again I (Maureen) see a Great Flame. A voice says: “I am He Who orders all things mightily – the Eternal Now – God the Father. Today, as in every present moment, I desire My Spirit descend upon the earth, capturing every heart and taking up Sovereignty therein.”

“If this Desire of Mine were realized, My daughter would be proclaimed Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. This declaration would carry with it profound effects in the world, and in hearts which have been stubbornly opposed to their own salvation. It would affect then: politics, governments, religious leaders, even sins which have become political issues.”

“The United Hearts Revelation, which has come into the world through this Mission, is, in essence, the new Marian Dogma of which I now speak. The Immaculate Heart is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate in Her role as the First Chamber of the United Hearts.”

“In Her Heart, She suffered with Jesus; through Her Heart, all grace flows. Her Heart is the Advocate before My Throne for all mankind; especially those most distant from grace.”

“I am sending My Spirit today as a Healing Balm upon the heart of the world. Pray that My Desire is realized in the proclamation of this new Dogma.”

August 22, 2012
Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I have come to discuss with you My Mother’s role in Redemption. Our Hearts beat as one. My Heart is Divine Love. My Mother’s Heart is Holy Love. As I am King of Mercy, She is Queen of Mercy. I am Prince of Peace. My Mother is Queen of Peace.”

“My Heart is the Source of all grace. Her Heart is the Mediatrix of all grace. Upon the Altar of My Heart, mankind lays every petition. My Mother’s Heart is the Holy Advocate of every heartfelt petition.”

“I am your Redeemer. My Mother is Co-Redemptrix. It is She who suffered with Me at the Foot of the Cross as no other could. She bore My Wounds mystically. In Her Heart, She fell with Me – carried the Cross and mystically felt the blows as the nails pierced My Flesh.”

“Our Hearts always beat as one. We are always – though not equal – united.”

May 15, 2017
Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: “Praise be to Jesus”.

“I return to earth once again under this title to help mankind realize the direction he chooses. One hundred years ago I brought the world fair warning of a worse war if the right choices were not made. My warnings went unheeded at great cost while man tried to decide if My words were worthy of belief. Today, I point out, that the world continues in turmoil with the threat of new wars ever on the horizon. More is at stake now than ever before with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Weapons such as these placed in the hands of maniacal leaders could change the future of humanity.”

“The world was promised an outpouring of grace if I was proclaimed Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate. So, I return today with this request – not for My own edification, but for the welfare of the world. Dear children, recognize the direction the heart of the world is pursuing. Pray that evil is recognized and overcome.”

“Do not be complacent. All that I am telling you is true.”

“Be united in the Truth.”