Holy Hour of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS . . . began this devotion of the
Holy Hour of Reparation, when He entered the Garden of Gethsemane on
Mount Olivet. He said to His Apostles: “My soul is sorrowful even unto
death. Stay ye here and watch with Me.” Later He said to them: “Could ye
not watch one hour with Me? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into
temptation.” [Matt. 26:38, 40, 41]

As Jesus spoke to His Apostles, so He pleads with us to stay and
watch and pray with Him. His Sacred Heart is filled with sadness, because
so many doubt Him, despise Him, insult Him, ridicule Him, spit upon
Him, slap Him, accuse Him, condemn Him. In the Sacrament of His Love,
so many forget Him. Every mortal sin brings down the terrible scourges on
His Sacred Body, presses the sharp thorns into His Sacred Head, and
hammers the cruel nails into His Sacred Hands and Feet.

The ingratitude of mankind continually pierces His Sacred Heart.
When Jesus saw the sins of the world and the reparation that must
be made to His Heavenly Father, He began to fear and to be sad and
sorrowful. “Kneeling down, He prayed: ‘Father, if Thou will, remove this
chalice from Me; But not My Will, Thine be done: There appeared an
Angel from Heaven to strengthen Him; and being in agony, He prayed the
longer, and His sweat became as drops of blood trickling to the ground.”
[Luke 22:41, 44]

The Sacred Heart of Jesus said to St. Margaret Mary: “Make
reparation for the ingratitude of men. Spend an hour in prayer to appease
Divine justice, to implore mercy for sinners, to honor Me, to console Me
for My bitter suffering when abandoned by My Apostles, when they did

“That the necessity of Expiation and Reparation is especially
urgent today must be evident to everyone who considers the present plight
of the world, ‘seated in wickedness’ [John 5:9]. The Sacred Heart promised
to St. Margaret Mary that he would reward abundantly with His graces all
those who should render this honor to His Heart.”

OPENING PRAYERS Spiritual Communion
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of My Jesus, I believe Thou art really present in
the Holy Spirit, Amen. the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love
Thee above everything else, and I long to receive
[Here make the intention for the Holy Hour.] Thee into my soul. I cannot now receive Thee in
Holy Communion, but I beg Thee to come to me at
O Sacrament most holy, least spiritually. I embrace Thee as already there,
O Sacrament Divine! and unite myself entirely to Thee. Grant that I may
All praise and all thanksgiving never be separated from Thee!
Be every moment thine!
I adore Thee every moment, O Living Bread
from Heaven, great Sacrament!

Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy Offering of the Holy Hour
faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.
Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created, O my Sweet Jesus, I desire to spend this Hour
and Thou shall renew the face of the earth. with Thee, to console Thee, and to make some
reparation by the love of my poor heart for the
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, agony Thou didst suffer in Gethsemane. In that
didst instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that in lone hour Thou was forsaken, and the creatures,
the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise, and ever whom Thou didst create to love Thee, loved Thee
rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our not. The weight of all our sins pressed on Thee, and
Lord. Amen. mine as well; and for the sorrow which I caused
The e then by my s ins , I wi l l ende avor
Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in Thee. to repay Thee now by my love. Strengthen it, my
Jesus, that it may in some small measure give Thee
Act of Contrition Sacred Heart of Jesus, strengthened in Thine
agony by an Angel, comfort us in our agony.
O MY GOD, I am heartily sorry for having
offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I
dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell; but
most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who Opening Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament
art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly
resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my My Lord Jesus Christ, it is Thy great love for
sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen. men that keeps Thee day and night in this
Sacrament, full of pity and love, expecting,
O J e s u s i n t h e Bl e s s e d S a c r ame n t , inviting, and welcoming all who visit Thee. I
have mercy on us! believe that Thou art really present in the
Sacrament of the Altar. From the depth of my
nothingness, I adore Thee; and I thank Thee for the
many graces Thou hast given me, especially for the
gift of Thyself in this Sacrament, for the gift of Thy
most holy Mother as my intercessor, and for the
privilege of visiting Thee in this Church.
I now speak to Thy most loving Heart with a
three-fold intention: to thank Thee for the great gift