Hail Mary


April 21, 1993

Just as you can never retrieve a Hail Mary once said, so you cannot retrieve a Eucharist once received. Do all with your heart.”

June 2, 1994

Our Lady is here in a pink gown and silver mantle and says: “My angel, tonight I desire to pray with you for all those who oppose My ministry of Holy Love.” We prayed. “When you pray for your enemies and those who oppose you at every turn, you earn merit towards their conversion. Dear children, tonight I come to invoke you to unite all your crosses with every cross and suffering now present in the world and united to the suffering Heart of My Son. In doing so, you will win many souls for the Kingdom. Remember, one ‘Hail Mary‘ can convert a soul so do not negate its importance. I’m imparting to you now My Motherly Blessing.”

July 10, 1994

From Our Lady
“I am calling each one to remember the great value heaven places on one ‘Hail Mary‘. It is the price of a soul. Once prayed, it cannot be retrieved. Therefore, come to see the value of prayer from the heart. I give to you now, My Motherly Blessing.”

February 19, 1995

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Lourdes. She spreads Her hands and says: “Peace be with you.” She now has a white rosary around Her waist, but the chain links between the Hail Mary beads are black. She then says: “It is by your efforts, and through your acts of love, that you make the time between the Hail Mary‘s efficacious. The greatest miracle is your salvation.”

May 31, 1995

Our Lady is here in glistening white. She says: “My daughter, begin to see the fulfillment of My call in those I send you. For even the smallest act of love brings closer the completeness of My call. Even a ‘Hail Mary‘ said with a sick person is a brick on the path. Therefore, treasure each moment in love as an opportunity of grace towards My end in you.” She blesses me and leaves.

February 8, 1996
Weekly Rosary Service

From Our Lady
“Dear children, tonight I come to seek your cooperation, so that souls will choose good over evil and Holy Love as the path of light. Dear children, I can no longer restrain the HAND OF JUSTICE. Mankind must become reconciled with his Creator. The unbelievers, that wound My Son with the most grievous sins, are the lukewarm, because they once knew the path I chose for them, and they rejected it. Now I ask you to offer each Hail Mary, so that souls will choose good over evil. I am blessing you now.”

March 17, 1999
St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick comes dressed as a bishop. It seems his cloak is lined with shamrocks. He smiles and says, “Are you having a nice day in praise of Jesus?”


“Pray for the land of your ancestors. In truth, the faith is compromised there, just as it is here. One Hail Mary may be all it takes to change someone’s heart. You never know what one extra Hail Mary may accomplish. It will always do good and is better said than left unsaid.”

‘The enemies in my day were visible. Today the enemy is hidden in hearts. But he is there. Continue to pray.”

July 19, 1999

“Dearest child, I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help you understand the value of the present moment. I do not ask of you heroic deeds and pious acts in each and every present moment as a means of salvation. I do ask your surrender to the law of love. This is the way of reconciliation with your Creator. Mankind has lost sight of this truth. I have come today to renew every heart in a commitment to Holy Love.”

“Take for instance one Hail Mary. If it is recited with a loving heart it brings with it the power to convert a soul, to stop a war, to deliver a soul from purgatory, even to change the future of the world. See then that the love in your heart when you pray determines the power of the prayer.”

“Suppose you were to make a great sacrifice but with much tepidity. I would honor a small, hidden sacrifice done with much Holy Love so much more!”

“If you were to surrender to Me everything you own, but did so begrudgingly or with much flamboyance and show, I would not honor such a sacrifice as much as one Hail Mary offered in the quiet of your heart with much love.”

“Do not lose sight of this truth. Do not be confounded by how much you give Me, but always give with love. This is the key to accomplishing much good and to staying within the Divine Will of My Father. Make it known.”

September 18, 1999

“I have come to speak to you about prayer, and in particular the prayer of the Rosary. I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. So many surrender to prayer without the sentiment of love in their hearts. This weakens the prayer, making it less worthy. Instead, bolster your prayers by recalling the love you have in your heart for Me and My Mother. This allows Me to pour the choicest graces upon you and into your life.”

“Prayer has a cumulative effect. I know ahead of time how many prayers will be offered for each petition. Therefore, you never know what just one more Hail Mary will bring. One Hail Mary said with a loving heart has the power to stop wars, bring nature into harmony with God’s plan, convert an unbeliever, save a vocation, deliver a soul from purgatory, and change the future forever. Think, then, of the power of a whole Rosary said with love.”

“Satan knows that the Rosary is the weapon which will bring about his defeat. This is why he is desperate to discourage its use. Every time you recite a Hail Mary from the heart, the devil is weakened forever in some area and in some soul.”

“You must never be discouraged, then, in praying the Rosary. When your heart is most filled with distraction, understand the adversary is frightened of your prayers.”

“The Heart of My Mother is consoled by your efforts in prayer. She is most indebted to the ones who persevered in a regimen of prayer despite opposition. Make it known.”

July 2, 2001

Our Lady comes as the Sorrowful Mother. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. I see you are using the new Rosary of the Unborn. I affirm to you, my daughter, that each ‘Hail Mary‘ prayed from a loving heart will rescue one of these innocent lives from death by abortion. When you use this Rosary [of the Unborn], call to mind My Sorrowful Immaculate Heart which continually sees the sin of abortion played out in every present moment. I give to you this special sacramental with which to heal My Motherly Heart.”

Maureen asks: “Blessed Mother, do you mean any ‘Hail Mary‘ or just one prayed on the Rosary of the Unborn?”

Blessed Mother: “This is a special grace attached to this particular Rosary [of the Unborn]. It should always be used to pray against abortion. You will please make this known.”

December 30, 2002

“I have come to you, your Jesus, born Incarnate. We are about to enter upon another year. During this coming year there will be wars on many fronts. But the greatest war continues to be the war that is waged in hearts. This is the war that generates war amongst people and nations if evil wins out.”

“If hearts choose God and His Commandments of Love, you will have peace. It is for this reason Satan opposes these Messages with such vehemence and under the guise of good. He does not want the world to love, but to hate. The adversary seeks your destruction.”

“But I have come to you seeking your assistance. I need each one’s cooperation with grace. Pray your rosaries and ask for peace in hearts. Make holy hours of reparation before My Real Presence.”

“Here are the benefits of one holy hour well-made:”

“When you lay your petitions at the foot of the altar, angels carry them to Heaven.”

“When you make a holy hour and then recite an Our Father, Hail Mary and All Glory Be for the intentions of the Holy Father, the punishment due your sins is remitted. Or, if you offer these same prayers, but give the graces earned to a poor soul in purgatory, he will be released.”

“The practice of making a daily holy hour brings truth to light and scatters darkness.”

“I draw into My Sacred Heart those who esteem My Real Presence. They will be drawn quickly through the Chambers of the United Hearts. I will convict their consciences, making it difficult for them to resist Me.”

“Make these things known.”

March 1, 2003

Blessed Mother is here as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My dear children, each ‘Hail Mary‘ you give to Me is like a precious gift to be unwrapped and enjoyed at My choosing. It is like a soothing balm that embraces your Mother’s Heart, and calms the anxiety that I hold in My Heart for souls who do not listen and do not remain faithful to the Ten Commandments.”

October 7, 2004
Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help you understand the length and breadth of My Father’s Divine Will for you. My Father is the author of every present moment. He is the Creator of man’s free will. Think of the joy in all of Heaven when a breath is drawn and the tongue given over to prayer–the prayer of the Holy Rosary. All of Heaven sighs with joy when free will surrenders to the Divine in this way.”

“When the ‘Hail Mary‘ is being prayed from the heart, time stands suspended between Heaven and earth. Angels carry the light of grace back and forth between Heaven and earth, creating a bridge of light between the soul and his Creator. Such a soul is never alone, but has in his company all the Heavenly court.”

“You will please make this known.”

March 29, 2007

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“The best way to prepare for the future is to live in the present moment in Holy Love, entrusting the future to Divine Provision. Each ‘Hail Mary‘ said from the heart brings My triumphant return closer.”

May 28, 2007

Alanus (angel) comes to me. He says: “All praise be to Jesus.”

“Today in your country the citizens commemorate the dead by visiting cemeteries and decorating grave sites with flags, flowers and so forth. But what I have come to show you should change the outlook of all people concerning the hereafter if they enter into this vision of Purgatory with sincere hearts.”

He then leads me, mystically, along a path which seems to be covered in brambles. We go up a little incline and he asks me to stand beside him on the edge of a rocky cliff. He motions with a sweep of his arm, and below us is a big canyon. At one end are great flames. It looks like people in silhouettes bobbing up and down in these flames. There are loud cries for mercy and shouts of pain, but it does not alleviate the suffering.

Alanus says, “These are the souls in greatest need of prayer and sacrifice. This is the lowest part of Purgatory–the part closest to Hell itself. Many suffer here, for no one prays for them. They were regarded as ‘good’–some even ‘holy’–in their lifetime, but it was all a facade. Many priests are among these poor souls, for they were not faithful to the precepts of the Church.”

“There are those who lied about others, and destroyed their reputations. These are them.” He shows me souls who are having molten lead poured down their throats. It burns holes through their necks but does not stop. On a ledge around this fire are many angels–more than I can count. Alanus says, “These are the guardian angels of those poor souls being purified at this level. Through all of this suffering, the souls’ greatest trial is separation from God.”

I saw souls who seemed to have their flesh melting away. This, too, was unending. Alanus said, “These are the ones who were guilty of sins of the flesh.”

We moved on to view the next level. There seemed to be something like water poured down on the fire so the flames were smaller–not as intense. Alanus said, “Blood and water from the Side of Jesus continually flows upon the souls on this level.” The souls were suffering, but all their suffering seemed more like, and for some reason, the souls seemed more united. They had their hands raised towards an opening. They seemed to be begging for mercy. Alanus told me, “They suffer intensely for not being in God’s Presence.”

We moved on to what seemed like a much better area. These souls looked more like people, but they were gray. Alanus said, “These are the ones closest to Paradise. They are almost completely purified. They need maybe one Mass, or one rosary; maybe one Hail Mary to enter eternal joy.”

“So you see, decorating graves is not what souls, long deceased, cry out for. Many spend long centuries in Purgatory, for their loved ones think they are in Heaven. If you pray and sacrifice for these holy souls, they will assist you now and at the hour of your death.”

“Make it known.”

February 11, 2008
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My Son allows Me to come here today as I did so many years ago in Lourdes. Today, I invite the world to pray the Rosary of the Unborn and to propagate it with the promises. I give it now, as My Son prescribes, not for anyone’s material gain but to stop the terrible sin of abortion. You do not realize how many ways you are hurting yourselves by rejecting life in the womb. In every present moment, a life is snuffed out.”

“When you use this rosary, you save lives with each ‘Hail Mary‘. You hold My Teardrops in your fingers, which envelop every life that is threatened. Embrace this sacramental, dear children, just as you embrace life itself.”

June 20, 2009
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field-Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
(This message was given in multiple parts.)

Blessed Mother is here in a brilliant white, and Her Heart is exposed. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear little children, tonight I come to you in and through pure love. Trustingly remember that Holy Love and truth are one. Those that live outside of truth are not worthy of your obedience. Do not, therefore, be discouraged. Come to Me here at Heaven’s site of predilection and allow Me to tenderly and compassionately tend to your needs.”

“My Son, Whose Heart is All Mercy, All Love, never condones the misuse of authority. He sees the motives which lie hidden away in hearts. Jesus would never discourage prayer or the pursuit of personal holiness through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. During these times, you must base your choices on My words to you here tonight. I clothe My words in truth.”

“During these perilous times much consideration is given to a ‘New World Order’. But, My dear children, this is an agenda of evil; it is a platform for the entrance of the Antichrist. I come to you with Heaven’s plan for order through universal Holy Love. Until every heart chooses Holy Love, you will not have order and you will not have peace. This is why My efforts amongst you here are ecumenical. I come, not just for a few, but for all. All hearts must choose to love God above all else and neighbor as self. It is Holy Love in hearts that will give the world a new sense of order–a new direction in harmony with the Will of God and true peace.”

“Today, in these times, man places his greatest concern on the opinions of those in the world around him rather than the opinion of God. This has brought the sins of calumny, detraction and lies to the forefront, and sows confusion in hearts concerning Heaven’s Mission here. You must be children of the light–upholding only the truth; then God will be your support and your advocate. This is how to trust, for the truth, which is Holy Love, is the foundation of trust.”

“Dear children, all around you is the enemy working through jealous hearts to tear down what Heaven is building up. Do not be dismayed at the instruments Satan is able to use in the world, for evil is not bound by position or rank nor title. I asked your patient endurance through every attack. I seek most of all, your trust–trust in the journey into the Divine Will through the Chambers of the United Hearts; trust in My call to conversion in each present moment through the embrace of Holy Love; trust in My continued call to you to come to this site and partake of the graces offered here. If My Mission here were of no importance, it would not be under attack. But Satan recognizes more than most people, the significance of this Mission and the role it will play towards the Victory of My Son’s Second Coming.”

“Realize that each heart opens into the heart of the world; thus the moment to moment decisions of every soul affect the entire universe.”

“Choose your own salvation in the present moment, for this is what determines the salvation of the world. The future of the world does not depend upon weapons of mass destruction, economic solvency, consolidation of power or any plan of man. The future of the world depends upon man’s surrender to the Will of God through Holy Love. The simple, fervent prayer of one ‘Hail Mary‘ by one soul may turn the tide away from disaster. Never be discouraged, then, in any prayer effort. Your Heavenly Mother always listens, always protects, always mediates graces unforeseen in each present moment for each soul. Have hope, then, and realize no evil lies hidden from My Maternal glance. You are always safe in My Immaculate Heart.”

“Once again I tell you, the more distant the heart of the world becomes from the Will of God, the more insecure it becomes in terms of the threats of war, terrorism, disease and unprecedented natural disasters. It is the hour–the moment–for the Victory of Holy and Divine Love. Do not contribute to the defeat of God’s call. Be a part of the Victory.”

“As every heart opens on to the heart of the world, so every present moment opens on to eternity. Do not waste any present moment on the perplexities of what is to come or on guilt over the past sins My Son has forgiven. In the present always be in Holy Love and trust in My Son’s Mercy and His Provision. This attitude embraces humility and love, and is most pleasing to My Beloved Son.”

“In any present moment when confusion surrounds you, return to My words to you this evening. Every reading will profit you new meaning.”

“Dear children, how I love you! How I desire to console you, and give you strength in the face of persecution!”

“Tonight, My dear children, celebrate as so many enter Paradise. These are the ones who were devoted to Our Two Hearts in their lifetimes.”

“My Son sends Me to thank you for your beautiful and loving prayers, your procession and your heartfelt love. Dear children, My Heart is your Refuge, and I never weary welcoming you into My Arms. You will find peace when you live in Holy Love.”

“My dear children, I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”

September 15, 2009
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field- Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

(This message was given in multiple parts.)

Blessed Mother is here as The Sorrowful Mother. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My dearest little children, I am in your midst once again at the hour Heaven has chosen, and at the site of Heavenly predilection. You have not abandoned Me, nor shall I abandon you. It is God’s Holy and Divine Will that Heaven continues to guide and protect you in these troubled times and through these Messages.”

“Here I will embrace with a Mother’s tender caress all who have been falsely accused, and all whose faith is jeopardized for lack of understanding and compassion. Turn to Me.”

“Remember, My children, it is man who separates with his opinions and beliefs. It is God who seeks to unite in love and in truth. Therefore, put on the armor of truth and bind it about you with Holy Love. Let no one pull you away from Me with their false reasoning or even their persuasive titles. Ground your journey in holiness on Holy Love–the gospel itself; then God will be with you and none will defeat you.”

“Tonight I invite each one and all to participate in a new baptism–a Baptism of Truth. The Flame of My Immaculate Heart is this Baptism, for it is the Flame of Truth; herein is Holy Love. Nothing that wages war in opposition to these Commandments of Love is based on truth. We cannot, in truth, concede to any opinion which would silence truth itself. Remember, My Heavenly Spouse is the Spirit of Truth. It is He Who floods your soul, leading you deep into the Chambers of Our United Hearts when you first consent to this new baptism. Be strengthened by My invitation to you tonight, and allow no one to persuade you from My grasp.”

“Once before I told you that one Hail Mary said with a loving heart could stop wars. Today I tell you, your prayers can redirect the course of human events and change the future of the world. Do not let anyone discourage you from coming here to pray. My grace awaits you and I welcome you with open Arms and with a Mother’s Heart.”

“As children of the New Jerusalem, you must challenge the corruption that is eating away at the heart of the world. Moral decadence knows no boundaries. Every heart is a battleground between good and evil. This is why Holy Love has come under fire with such a vengeance. Only Satan could bring controversy to bear on the two great Commandments of Love. Do not be confused, then, My dear little children. Follow the path of salvation that has been illuminated for you at this site and through these Messages.”

“Dear children, any thought, word or deed which transgresses Holy Love is a compromise of the truth. All around you is compromise–in politics, governments, morality, even religion. Compromise tears down the Kingdom of God. I come to unite–to build up the heart of the world in truth. Do not settle for anything less than truth in your own hearts or in the leaders you follow. Compromise leads you down the path of social confusion and chaos. God is not in confusion. He calls you to the solitary path of Holy Love–Truth itself. Be united on this path and accept the Baptism of Truth I come to offer.”

“Tonight I tell you that every sword that has been placed in My Heart is because people do not accept and live in the TRUTH, the TRUTH of HOLY LOVE.”

“I am sending My angels now into your midst to safeguard the truth in your hearts. Those who have come only to find fault will not receive an angel; those who love–will. Dear little children, realize that My Son sends Me here for your welfare.”

“Tonight, My little ones, I’m extending to you My Maternal Blessing of Holy Love.”

Our Lady included this scripture passage with Her message:
2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Working together with him, then, we entreat you not to accept the grace of God in vain. For he says, “At the acceptable time I have listened to you, and helped you on the day of salvation.” Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. We put no obstacle in any one’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way; through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, tumults, labors, watching, hunger; by purity, knowledge, forbearance, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; in honor and dishonor, in ill repute and good repute. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

August 20, 2010
Friday Service – For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by truth

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“My brothers and sisters, whenever possible turn your hearts lovingly to prayer in the present moment. This will lead you closer to Divine Love. There are many souls in Purgatory today who wish they could say one more Hail Mary in front of the tabernacle, and promptly be delivered into Heaven by so doing.”

“Tonight I’m imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love.”

August 15, 2011
Feast of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady comes in sparkling white with many flowers and angels. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. I have come, as promised, to celebrate My Feast Day with you. Today I will speak to you about God’s Provision.”

“God’s Holy Provision is present moment grace. It is always perfect – always complete. It may take invisible forms or dramatic exterior forms. God’s Provision may be the inspiration to pursue the virtuous life, and the strength with which to do it. Therefore, you must understand that this Mission and Heaven’s influence here is Divine Provision.”

“Some see God’s Hand only in the material aspect; such as storing food for the future, gaining wealth or power. While none of this is evil, it must be used for the common good and must not consume the heart.”

“God’s Grace in the present moment is as subtle as your next breath. It may be the small inspiration to say a ‘Hail Mary‘; or God’s Grace may be the resolution of some problem.”

“Here at this site expect the unexpected. Allow God’s Provision – His Grace – to envelope you. Be aware of God’s Presence and the way He is providing for you.”

“I will bless you, as well. Even now My Blessing rests upon you.”

January 1, 2012
Feast of Mary, Mother of God


Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” (Our Lady is in white and gold.)

She says: “Dear children, it is important that you realize that abortion is the key issue which is bringing about the demise of mankind. If abortion was defeated, the path of reconciliation between the heart of the world and God the Father would be laid bare. Then you would see wars cease, economies stabilize under righteous leadership, moral degeneration reversed, disease and famine greatly resolved and natural, as well as manmade disasters, lessen.”

“For I tell you, evil begets evil. Remember, dear children, one Hail Mary said from the heart can stop wars, heal diseases, change hearts and bring victory of righteousness over evil. Therefore, I have come to mobilize an Army of Prayer – not just here, but around the world. I call it: ‘One Rosary A Day For Life’. This is your Heavenly Mother’s call to arms. Be united in this effort, dear children, as I call you to be. Jesus and I will help you spread ‘One Rosary a Day for Life’ around the world.”

“You do not need anyone’s approval to pray or to evangelize prayer. You should encourage people from every part of the world to enlist in this ‘army’ of prayer.”

“I am always your Mother, your support, your partner in all that is good; but this Army of Prayer must be spread quickly to be effective – and, so, it is My most precious and personal project.”

“Make it known.”

November 19, 2012
Monday Service – Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“My brothers and sisters, tonight I entrust to you My greatest desire that each heart embrace Holy Love. Let each ‘Hail Mary‘ be ammunition against the evil that opposes this.”

“Tonight I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

October 7, 2013
Feast of The Holy Rosary

(This Message was given in multiple parts.)

Treatise on the Rosary

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Some things must not remain under the cover of darkness any longer. One of these of great importance is the power of a rosary well said. Dear children, realize that the rosary you hold in your hands is the weapon Satan fears. Therefore, he does all in his power to discourage its use and to discount its merits.”

“Your rosaries, dear children, are a lifeline to Heaven. Through the rosary, I, your Mother, can feed you with the nutrients of My Grace. I can nourish your souls with strong virtues and help you to determine God’s Will in the present moment.”

“The rosary deters evil inclinations and encourages deeper personal holiness. With your rosaries, dear children, you can stop abortions, wars and every type of injustice against human dignity. These days, apostasy has separated the faithful and confused even the most ardent children of Mine. You have the right to believe in and follow these Messages and the spirituality of all that is offered here. No one has the right to dictate to the interior forum of your soul. The many rosaries that have been discouraged and stopped here will carry weight at judgment.”

“When you pray the rosary, pray with love in your heart. Do not just recite words. The more love you have in your heart, the more powerful your prayers. I receive your every prayer and join it to My Own. Then I present our prayers to My Beloved Son. He awaits our prayers with great anticipation. He has a purpose for every rosary – every prayer – always for the welfare of souls. Every prayer is of value, whether it is an entire rosary or just a few Hail Marys. I tell you yet again, God has given you the right to pray when you want – where you want. Let no one discourage you.”

“The rosary, dear children, is a share of God’s Mercy in the world today. Cling to His Mercy. Cling to your rosaries. It is a sign to Satan that you belong to Me.”

“When you pray the rosary with a loving heart, dear children, unite your prayer to every Hail Mary being recited in the present moment around the world. That way, I can send stronger nutrients of grace into your hearts and your lives. Such a rosary can deliver the most hardened sinner from Purgatory, convert the stoniest of hearts, strengthen vocations and resolve discord.”

“Take seriously My Call to you to pray the Rosary of the Unborn to put an end to abortion. This is the hope of an end to this evil. I assure you, all of Heaven is praying with you. Your efforts in this regard console the Mournful Heart of My Jesus.”

“I tell you, the father of all lies wants to lead you away from the prayer of the Holy Rosary and to discount its importance. If the enemy of your salvation recognizes the power of the rosary, you, My children, must recognize the strength of this prayer, as well.”

“Therefore, dear little children, I come to build you up in the Truth of the worthiness of your prayers and to fortify you in the courage to persevere in an unbelieving world. Your rosaries are Satan’s defeat.”

November 18, 2013

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Make atonement to My Most Mournful Heart now, in this present moment, by offering to Me every compromise of Truth and abuse of authority you may be experiencing. I tell you, it is the degree of such compromise and abuse that determines the gravity of the Wounds of My Heart. If you make atonement just by praying one Hail Mary, you will mitigate the depth of My Pain and My Justice, as well.”

October 7, 2014
Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Grace. She is framed by the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I come to you today as your Mother, your Refuge, and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary. Jesus sends Me to tell you that unless mankind can recognize his own frailties before God, wars, terrorism and every type of moral degeneration will continue. As it is, man has taken on the role of God, making decisions which protect evil and destroy good.”

“Dear children, these days, you are seeking human solutions to spiritual problems. Whole nations worship false gods and make violence into a religion. You concern yourselves with the economy, and yet your nation is spiritually bankrupt. The solution and your security is in your hands. It is the Holy Rosary. With the power of your rosary you can change hearts. You can convict the hearts of world leaders who abuse their authority and compromise Truth. You can convert the hearts of those who believe and obey corrupt leadership. You can stop wars.”

“Dear children, I come to you on this Feast of the Most Holy Rosary to emphasize the importance of the rosary in the battle against the evil of these times. Evil is in position within the hearts of many world leaders. Satan’s hallmark is confusion and untruth. Leadership is abused when human rights are abused. These days mark the times of far greater abuse of authority than any other. The term ‘freedom’ has become a catch word for acceptance of sin and atrocious abuse of leadership. God’s Truth and His Authority are discounted, while mankind composes his own version of the ‘Truth’.”

“I tell you, solemnly, unless you pick up your rosaries and engage Satan in battle, grave consequences await you.”

I tell you, God has created the whole world for the benefit of mankind, yet man has taken God’s Creation and misused it. Man does not see the Hand of God in the creation but, rather, his own human ingenuity. He sees himself as the creator and provider. Mankind does not comprehend his dependency upon God’s gratuity, even unto his next breath! It is this attitude which places this generation in a precarious position and unable to distinguish good from evil. It is this attitude which pre-disposes mankind from turning to Me, picking up the rosary and engaging Satan in battle*. Dear children, be careful of this disordered self-dependency. Be God-dependent.”

“All of the miracles I have worked throughout the centuries and so often at this site [Maranatha Spring and Shrine] through the grace of God, I count as miniscule compared to the graces poured out through one rosary prayed from the depths of the heart.”

“My children, you can vanquish the enemy within hearts now – if you listen to Me.”

“The heart of the world teeters on the abyss. It is the fervently-prayed rosary, which by My Son’s Mercy, holds back earth’s descent into disaster. The enemy does not want you to know this, but I am sent to you to reveal the difference between good and evil and to show you the path of victory.”

“Dear children, your role in the future of the world is integral. If you pray many rosaries, a certain and dangerous threat to the world will be mitigated, perhaps averted. You must combine your prayers with love and humility giving all your efforts over to the Will of God. Never allow Satan to convince you that your prayers do not count. That is a lie. You strengthen the outpouring of my grace with every Hail Mary.”

“If you understood the intense need I have for your rosaries, you would never put them down. As it is, I can only warn you of ominous events which are fast approaching unless many rosaries alter the chain of events. Many lives and souls can be saved by your efforts.”

“Dear children, before I leave you today, I will see into each and every heart. I will gather your petitions into My Immaculate Heart. When I return to Heaven, I will place them upon the altar of My Son’s Most Sacred and Mournful Heart. I will give each of you what you need the most, although it may not be what you consider your greatest need.”

“In return, I ask that you make the rosary a bigger part of your day. Pray for world leaders that they do not compromise the Truth or abuse their authority.”

“It is the evil that is in hearts which threatens world peace and the future of the world.”

“Dear children, today I remind you that Heaven weeps for the lack of discernment on the part of your leaders, between good and evil. If legalized abortion continues to be endorsed by world leaders, with certainty, the trials that I see coming will take place. You must use your rosaries to defend life in the womb. My children, I love you. I’m taking all your petitions with Me to Heaven as I said.”

“Today I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”

* Read Ephesians 6:10-17 (Put on the Armor of God)

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your loins with Truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; above all taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

October 7, 2015
Feast of the Most Holy Rosary – 3:00 P.M. Service

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima and is surrounded by the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, thank you for answering My call to come here* on the Feast of the Holy Rosary. If I could summarize the thirty years of Messages given this visionary,** I would say they are all contained in the rosary. Every mystery is a reflection of Holy Love. The rosary is the anchor of the Remnant Faithful amidst a sea of lies and confusion. Entrust the faith of your hearts to Me, the Protectress of your faith, and do not be misled by those who do not know Me.”

“Dear children, every rosary you pray from the heart is Heaven’s weapon of mass destruction against evil. The evils of the day demand your attentive prayers, your aggressive prayers. Do not allow Satan to discourage you by way of hopelessness.”

“The world without your prayers would be the definition of hopelessness. Evil would prevail in every heart. These days there are whole areas of the world where this is so. The news is filled with every sort of evil plot and action on the part of individuals and certain groups. These cannot be explained away in any manner except to acknowledge Satan’s influence over hearts. These events must encourage your prayers, not discourage them.”

“Dear children, God has given you some good leaders, but their voices have been overpowered by the din of liberals. Many who are now in leadership roles are only politically motivated and do not lead towards the welfare of the world. This generation has been given the gift – the weapon – of the Rosary of the Unborn. Use it to defeat the evil that politics has put in place. It is your lifeline between free will and God’s Divine Will. Do not allow the issue of the sale of body parts from unborn children to quiet down. This is a glimpse into the reality of the evil of abortion.”

“Through the prayers of the rosary every evil that threatens life as you know it can be defeated. The rosary can expose the evil that is in hearts before it spills out into the world. A devotion to the holy rosary is a special sign of predestination.”

“Dear little children, you do not realize the threat of evil all around you. You do not realize how much I need your prayers. Please join Me in the destruction of Satan’s plans which begin by presenting good as evil and evil as good, and end in the condemnation of every soul. Devote the rest of your lives to Satan’s defeat by praying the rosary.”

“Solemnly, I tell you that within certain hearts there is the desire to create a New World Order, a One World Government, even a One World Religion. I have come to you today to plead for another common agenda – one of world prayer that evil is recognized and exposed. In a combined world prayer effort through the holy rosary, this can be accomplished. Only by recognizing evil can Truth be victorious.”

“Let your rosaries unite and encircle the globe.*** Never tire of giving Me one more ‘Hail Mary‘ towards this cause. I am asking the holy souls in Purgatory to support you in this prayer effort.”

“Today, on the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, I come to you with Heaven’s global call to arms. Yes, dear children, arm yourselves with the rosary – a simple but effective solution to earth’s woes. Each one of you has been chosen to receive this call and to act upon it. This is a globalization not designed to hand over power to a few, but to all who will pray the rosary from a heart of Holy Love.”

“It is my joy to be with you today and to tell you that I am taking all of your petitions into My Immaculate Heart to present them to My Son in Heaven. If you are living in Holy Love, dear children, you will find it easy to be united through the rosary, and this campaign to make the rosary a global weapon will be successful. Fear nothing but trust in God’s grace.”

“Today, I’m extending to you My Blessing of Holy Love.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** Maureen Sweeney-Kyle.
*** This is an urgent call by the Blessed Virgin Mary for a united worldwide effort – through prayer of the holy rosary – that all evil in the world be recognized by all hearts in the world and exposed as such.

November 15, 2015

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“These days, evil has been emboldened by twisted, convoluted thinking. Human life holds little value in the eyes of many. The freedom to pray in public places or to display the Commandments has become a transgression of freedom instead of a God-given right. Many resort to violence to solve inner anger instead of turning to Me for help in their struggles. False religions have carried hearts away from the Truth.”

“I remind you that prayer changes things. During these times when evil is flourishing under the guise of good, you must have faith that your rosaries are enlightening hearts as to the difference between good and evil. The conversion of one heart at a time makes a difference in the overall picture. Every conversion is weakening Satan’s grasp on the heart of the world. Every faith-filled ‘Hail Mary‘ holds the power to stop aggression and to reveal the Truth where it lies hidden. Therefore, have hope that your prayers count and do not surrender to discouragement.”

Read Jude 17-23+

Synopsis: Christian admonition to persevere in prayer and in God’s Love welcoming always the Mercy of Jesus Christ that leads to Eternal Life. Beware of those who confuse your faith, be on guard of those in error, seeking always to rescue them from the eternal fire through your prayers.

But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; they said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who set up divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And convince some, who doubt; save some, by snatching them out of the fire; on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Jesus.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of scripture provided by Spiritual Advisor.

November 20, 2015

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“These days it is considered a conservative stance to identify evil as evil. Even as evil becomes more flagrant in the world, many deny its threat and potential danger. There is the tendency to vilify good and Truth. Take for instance the general attitudes towards this Mission of Truth.*”

“However, Truth has its way of surfacing and coming to light. Placating evil is not the solution. In doing so, the potential harm of evil acts in the world is highly likely. You cannot befriend evil for it will always seek its own advantage despite any accommodation.”

“You must recognize and oppose your enemy in order to be protected from him. Arm yourselves with your rosaries. Pray for worthy leadership – leadership that is not concerned for political gain, but for the welfare of its followers. Peace will never visit earth through negotiating with evil. You must pray for wisdom in the hearts of your leaders. Pray that they realize they cannot achieve peace by naively accepting the lies of those with evil intent. Pray that worthy Missions such as this are not obstructed by the abuse of authority, but supported and encouraged as a strength.”

“Dear children, Satan has used the compromise of Truth to rise to positions of influence. The time is at hand when he does not even need to conceal his actions as they are not vehemently opposed but tolerated – even accepted. We must change this together. I will pray with you each time you say a ‘Hail Mary‘.”

* The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

February 21, 2016

Our Lady comes in white. She holds a rosary and lets the Hail Mary beads slip through Her fingers as I (Maureen) pray. The beads are like pearls but as they slip through Her fingers they turn into the tear drops with the unborn babies in them as on the Rosary of the Unborn. She smiles faintly and says, “Every child in the womb is precious to Me, no matter its deformity. Once again I tell you, every Hail Mary prayed on this rosary from the heart saves a life from the sin of abortion. This is a sacramental most powerful and meant for these times when opinions are costing lives and souls.”

She leaves but there is one tear drop of the unborn left in the air momentarily.

March 21, 2016

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“In the world you appreciate it when your foods are prepared in a proper manner. For instance, you wouldn’t want ice cream served to you warm or a steak served cold. In a similar way, your heart must be prepared properly for the arrival of the celebration of Easter. This is accomplished through your efforts in personal holiness during this Holy Week.”

“Make every effort to please Jesus in many small ways. If you do not have time for a whole rosary, say a few Hail Mary‘s. Make the most of every present moment, diverting attention from yourself and focusing on God and others. This is the way to live in Holy Love always, but especially during this Holy liturgical season.”

“If your hearts are properly prepared, My Jesus will be at ease in your hearts on Easter. He will be most appreciative of your thoughtful preparation.”

August 29, 2016
Monday Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“My brothers and sisters, Heaven’s need for your prayers intensifies with every passing moment. These are serious times that require your serious efforts. One more ‘Hail Mary‘ can save a life, change world politics, stop a war. Continue to pray, pray, pray.”

“I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

November 1, 2016

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“If enough continue to pray, good will be victorious over evil in this election. Know that every ‘Hail Mary‘ prayed from the heart is like an arrow which pierces the heart of Satan. Do not accept that the victory is already won but pray, pray, pray.”

October 7, 2017
Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary – 3:00 P.M. Service

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Our Lady is first covered by two angel wings. They open and She is dressed as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My dear children, I am sent here,* as always, to bring change to the heart of the world and to redirect man’s efforts towards peace and security. Human effort apart from God will never result in this much sought-after peace. One hundred years ago at Fatima,** God entrusted the peace of the world to My Immaculate Heart. You know now that My Heart is Holy Love. Secure your peace by living in Holy Love. That is the path to conversion of the heart of the world. Each soul is a part of the heart of the world. Each soul determines the future of the world by his moment-to-moment choices.”

“At Fatima, ecclesiastical approval was slow to come. This was a deterrent to belief. Many lives were lost in a war which I came to prevent as a result of this reluctance to accept My help. I pray you will not repeat this mistake here again.”

“I warn you, reluctance to listen this time will result in something far more horrific than any war you have yet experienced on earth.”

“Dear children, these are harrowing times – times when small decisions become great decisions and great decisions are made to seem miniscule. Today, I come to you for your ongoing welfare. I come to remind you of the power of your prayers. One ‘Hail Mary‘ prayed from the heart has the power to convert a soul, stop a war or unravel evil plans hidden in hearts. When your prayers are united with all the prayer recited in that moment around the world, one prayer has infinite power. Think then of the power of one rosary. Consider the effect of many rosaries prayed throughout the day. Do not allow Satan to discourage your prayer efforts. Celebrate the gift of the rosary today.”

“Today, I come specifically to draw the world into unitive prayer. This unitive prayer has the potential to uncover and reverse evil. When you begin to pray, say, ‘I unite my prayers to all the prayers being prayed around the world in this present moment.’ I take this collective prayer and use it as a barrier against the evil that is in hearts all over the world.”

“I do not come to sensationalize the dangers of these times, but to unite you in an ongoing effort of prayer against evil. The Father’s Patriarchal Blessing is given to you here today for the same reason. His efforts here are unprecedented.”

“As so many have responded to My Call to be here for this special Blessing of God the Father – you will find changes in your lives, in your hearts and in your own families.”

“My children, you are holding the most powerful weapon in the world if you are holding the Rosary of the Unborn. For its merits far outweigh anything man could contrive of.”

“God the Father will now impart to you His Patriarchal Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** Apparitions in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal.

August 8, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “As Father of all Ages, I tell you, all that your country is undergoing by way of this fire* is redeemable as grace for your nation** in times to come. Continue to work together to control an out-of-control situation. Never before has so much evil been concentrated all at once in one portion of your nation.”

“My encouragement, today, is to pray around the clock using to your advantage the time zones that are present across your country. One Hail Mary can change everything from wind direction to rain systems.”

“I am God Who takes control over all. Continue to ask. Lives are at stake.”

* Catastrophic and Historic wildfires in California
** U.S.A.

Read Luke 11:9-13+

And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

October 7, 2018
Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary – 3:00 P.M. Service

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, I come to you today with many graces – the greatest of which is surrender to God’s Holy Will. When you accomplish this, Papa God shares with you the many graces which fill His Hands.”

“Please realize, dear children, that the times in which you live are evil. Satan is attempting to divide and to overthrow the government of this country.* You must clearly see good versus evil in your political parties. Outside sources are paying people to demonstrate against any honest attempt at righteousness.”

“The battleground is in hearts. If you do not recognize the war, you cannot succeed in victory. Wisdom in hearts has taken a blow from complacency – I come to you today hoping to awaken consciences. This battle over the appointment of the next Supreme Court Justice* is a symptom of these times. Decades ago, this would not even have been an issue. Decades ago, all would be united behind your elected President. As it is, opinions in some hearts have been conceived in evil.”

“As a loving Mother, I come to snatch My errant children out of Satan’s grip. Those who continue to resist Me are choosing a negative eternity. Some already are surrounded by flames and can only escape through a heartfelt contrition and conversion.”

“The Church is still, and yet, experiencing her Passion. Vast numbers of once faithful members have succumbed to apostasy. The future, however, holds the promise of a resurrected Church – one based upon Tradition and unscathed by error. Now, however, the flames of deceit lick at the heart of the Truths of the Faith. The naive and undiscerning are easily deceived. I am wrapping My Mantle of Protection around My Remnant Faithful.”

“My rosary remains the weapon of choice during these evil times. One Hail Mary said lovingly from the heart extinguishes the flames of error in many hearts – even in the hearts of some hierarchy. I am fighting every battle with you as the Protectress of your Faith. I see crimes against the Faith that you do not suspect. I see ambition rather than religious fervor taking charge of some vocations. Just as evil is relentless as an adversary of the Faith, I am relentless as a formidable Protectress. I will help the Remnant to increase and multiply. I will place the Remnant in the Ark of My Heart.”

“Dear children, today, as we celebrate together the Feast of the Holy Rosary, please realize that your rosaries made the difference in the confirmation of the next Supreme Court Justice. As it was, Truth was under attack in a flagrant attempt to change good into evil. Your rosaries are the lifeline of My Remnant Faithful which always supports the Truth.”

“We are united, all of you, with Me as the Remnant Faithful. Face each day with courage knowing that I will not let you slip and fall along the path of perdition. My children, your prayers are mounting to the HALLS of HEAVEN and many souls will be saved. I’m taking with Me, today, all your petitions in My Heart and will present them to My Son.”

“Tonight, I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”

* U.S.A.
** Judge Brett Kavanaugh.