Prayers Before Social Interactions

God the Father

Oh God, pour forth Your Spirit into my heart so that I might love everyone who comes today. Help me to forget myself and focus on others’ needs. Give me the wisdom and counsel of Your Holy Spirit. Allow me to see You in each person. Amen.

Jesus, Help Me To Think, Speak and Act Charitably

“Lord Jesus, I surrender (my will and) this day to Your United Hearts. Wash me in humility. Remind me to think, speak and act charitably towards others. Help me to always be a reflection of Your Divine Love, which is God’s Will for me. Amen.”

Holy Spirit Prayer Before Social Interactions

Holy Spirit, be in my heart and on my lips that I may act and speak as you desire. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for me.

Holy Love

I choose with my free will to love God above all else, and my neighbor as myself. I choose this – Holy Love in the present moment – and seek God’s help in doing so in every future moment. Amen.

Holy Angles, Flood My Heart

Holy Angels, please keep me on course, flood my heart with love of God and neighbor.