Examination of Conscience Lists Collection

Assistance to Discover the Truth

The soul needs to always pray to discover the Truth about his own spiritual journey – what weakens him and leads him into sin. This is vital to a deeper journey into the Chambers of the United Hearts. Ask, and I will assist you in this self-examination on a daily basis.”

St John Vianney, February 1, 2012


1. “I am the Lord, your God; you shall not have strange gods before Me.”

2. “You shall not take the Name of the Lord, your God, in vain.”

3. “Remember, keep holy the Lord’s day.”

4. “Honor your father and mother.”

5. “You shall not kill.”

6. “You shall not commit adultery.”

7. “You shall not steal.”

8. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

9. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.”

10. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.”



Did I return Love for Love? (God’s love for me back to Him).

Did I find fault with anyone in thought or word when it was not my duty to do so?

Did I transgress another’s rights according to any of the commandments? (Please see end of chapter)

Have I tried to be an example of Holy Love and Holy Humility in my daily life?

Have I allowed Holy Love and Humility to lead me deeper into the virtues: simplicity, prudence, patience, fortitude, and perseverance?

Am I living the message only on my lips (for others to see – superficially); or do I have the message in my heart, thus having a private relationship with Jesus through Mary?

Did I use the world – people, places, and things – to promote the message of Holy Love?

Have I allowed the element of time to manipulate me, or do I use time wisely for the glory of God?

If I am Catholic, do I know the Church laws and obey them? (Please see end of chapter) Am I faithful to my state of life?

If I am Catholic, did I make good use of the sacraments? Did I accept and embrace the crosses in my life as part of God’s Will for me; or do I rebel against the cross, thus losing grace for souls? If I receive special graces in any form, did I broadcast it to others unnecessarily; or do I realize I am undeserving and thank God for it?



An Examination of Conscience for Life in the Divine

NOTE: Always pay special attention to deliberate sins,
however slight they may seem.  All such sins must be completely
overcome in order to become one with the Will of God: “…do you know
who it is that places disorder into the soul?  Sin alone, even the
slightest, if the soul commits it voluntarily and attaches herself to
it.  Oh, how all this deforms the soul, it removes her color, it
debilitates her!”
(Vol. 9: Nov. 16, 1909).

— How well did I make my Examination of Conscience and Act
of Contrition last night?  Did I omit either one?  Did I
remember to thank God for the blessings of the day?

— Did I make my “Prevenient Act” upon awaking in
order to set my whole day in order in the Divine Will?  Did I rise
promptly at the appointed time?  Did I keep in mind the Church’s
teaching on modesty when dressing, which is the outward mark of a true
Child of the Divine Will?  Or did I compromise for the sake of
vanity, comfort or convenience?

— Was I negligent in making “Current Acts” during the
day (through my own fault)?

— What efforts did I make to keep the Divine Attitude
throughout the day?  Did I do everything for Jesus, that is, with a
desire to truly please Him?  Did I do everything in Jesus, leaving my
“own thoughts,” “style,” “tastes and even more” (Vol. 3: Jul. 10,
1900), to take up His?  How many times did I do my will?  What
effort did I make to remain in continual prayer which enables me to
partake in the “ad intra operations that the Divinity wrought in Jesus’
(Vol. 4: Jul. 28, 1902).

— How well did I make my Morning Meditation?  Did I
omit it?

— If I went to Holy Mass or made a visit, did I show proper
reverence in the House of God?  Did I speak unnecessarily or distract
others? — How attentive was I at Holy Mass?  Did I offer myself as
victim with Jesus?

— Did I make proper preparation for the great act of
receiving Holy Communion?  Did I spend the proper time after Holy
Communion keeping Jesus company, or did I make excuses to cut this time
short?  Did I receive Communion in the Divine Will and in some manner
perform those acts Jesus recommended to Luisa for receiving the Holy

— Was I faithful to my prayer resolutions?  Did I pray
my “Rounds,” Hours of the Passion and Rosary as I should?  Did
I pray with attention and proper posture?  Did I spend time reading
and meditating on the Book of Heaven?  Did I make resolutions
as the fruit of my meditation?  And did I keep them?

— Did I attribute any and all good that I accomplished as
coming from God?  Or, rather, did I attribute it to myself who have
“nothing of my own except pure nothingness and the inclination to
(Vol. 1: Ch. 14).

— Did I practice the virtues necessary for living in the
Divine Will: Humility, Abandonment / Resignation, Obedience, Purity of
Intention, etc.? 

— Did I accept everything that happened as the Will of God
for me?  Was this evident by my remaining in that peace so necessary
for Jesus to live in me?   Was I worried about my own spiritual progress, or was I
self-forgetful with a concern only of pleasing Jesus?

— Did I see the image of God in every creature and treat
them accordingly?  Did I accept all that creatures did to me (good or
evil) as coming from God for my benefit?  Did I keep my heart on my
Jesus, my Treasure within, or did it become entangled with affections for

— Did my heart become too absorbed in the pleasures of
material things, of amusements, or of food and drink?

— Did I take time to reflect on the Passion of my
Jesus?  Did I use the different encounters of the day as occasions to
bring love, reparation and relief to Him?  Jesus suffers immensely
from human ingratitude.  Did I thank Him often for myself and for

— Other personal reflections: (i.e. What efforts have I
made to overcome my particular weaknesses and my predominant fault?

Jot down your shortcomings each night and keep them for your
next Confession.  It is not necessary to review every detail of the
above examination each night.  Once you are a little familiar with
the list you will find there are certain areas that need your particular
attention.  These you will want to focus on each night so as to work
for improvement.  Then, periodically, you will want to review the
whole examination to see what other areas need to be worked on.

Thorough Catholic Examination of Conscience 

As we accumulate sins, whether big or small, our conscience becomes desensitized to them and we develop callousness about evil. Where once we were repulsed by it, after some time and a variety of venial sins, we may find sinfulness to be routine or even attractive. A thorough examination of conscience can help us reform our conscience and our appreciation for the gravity of our sins.

The following examination of conscience provides a foundation for reflection before going to confession. It is important to drop our defenses when examining our conscience. A spirit of total surrender and forthrightness is the only way to make a proper examination. This examination of conscience is based on the 10 commandments and the precepts of the Catholic Church.

10 Commandments

1. I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me

  • Have I refused to believe in God (Atheism)?
  • Have I engaged in agnosticism?
  • Have I hated God or blamed Him for troubles in my life?
  • Have I denied any of the Catholic Church’s dogmas?
  • Have I deliberately caused others to doubt God or the articles of the faith?
  • Have I attempted to grow and defend my faith?
  • Have I passed on the faith to my children and family in a dedicated way?
  • Have I refused to defend God and my faith to others when they raise objections?
  • Have I denied my faith or doctrines of my faith to others?
  • Have I left the Catholic Church or practiced another religion?
  • Have I joined an organization that is detrimental or opposed to my faith (Communists, Masons, dissident or schismatic groups, or any group which requires its members to hold an oath above and before their duties to the Catholic Church)?
  • Have I given in to despair about God or his forgiveness?
  • Have I presumed of God’s mercy by intentionally committing a sin with the expectation of being forgiven, thereby avoiding true conversion of heart?
  • Have I presumed my own ability to save my soul without help from God?
  • Have I confessed my sins without intending to amend my life?
  • Have I practiced idolatry? Have I placed worldly things such as money, power, success, friendships, government, my nation, race, or possessions before my relationship with God? Have I practiced the spiritual aspects of Yoga?
  • Have I practiced the occult (Wiccans, Satanism, invoking demons, Ouija Boards, black magic, selling your soul, Séances, channeling spirits, shamanism, consulting mediums, Reiki, divination, using charms, horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, clairvoyance, lot interpretation, or card reading)?
  • Have I practiced superstition? Have I attributed supernatural power to a source other than God?
  • Have I practiced polytheism?
  • Have I been indifferent to the faith or God?
  • Have I been ungrateful for the many blessings God has given me?
  • Have I been lukewarm in the faith?
  • Have I been lazy in my faith and spiritual growth?
  • Have I neglected prayer?
  • Have I abandoned promises or vows made to God?
  • Have I restricted the faith of another person or contributed to a restriction of another’s religious freedom? Have I mocked someone for their faith in God? Have I forced others to violate the tenets of their faith or conscience?
  • Have I tempted God by putting His goodness and almighty power to the test by word or deed?
  • Have I committed the sin of sacrilege? Have I received one of the sacraments without the proper disposition of soul (i.e. receiving Holy Communion, confirmation, matrimony, or holy orders with mortal sins on my soul)? Have I treated religious persons such as priests, nuns, bishops or the pope, places such as churches, chapels, and holy sites, and blessed or holy things such as rosaries, relics, and Bibles with due respect? Have I lied about my sins or intentionally omitted some serious sins during the sacrament of confession?
  • Have I engaged in simony by buying or selling spiritual things?

2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

  • Have I used God’s name in a disrespectful, careless, or blasphemous way?
  • Have I spoken disrespectfully, hatefully, defiantly, or carelessly about the faith, or sacred persons, places and things?
  • Have I promoted disrespectful, hateful, defiant, or careless speech about the faith or sacred persons, places and things?
  • Have I watched movies or listened to music that was blasphemous or irreverent?
  • Have I used foul language or watched movies or music that contained foul language?
  • Have I spoken disrespectfully of other people?
  • Have I lied under oath (perjury)?
  • Have I sworn or made promises in God’s name to things that were untrue or of little importance even if they were true?

3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.

  • Have I missed Holy Mass on Sundays or Holy Days without serious cause?
  • Have I failed to bring my children to Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days without serious cause?
  • Have I attended mass by arriving late or leaving early without serious cause?
  • Have I performed servile work on Sundays or other Holy Days without serious cause?
  • Have I refused to help others attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days?
  • Have I shopped or benefitted from unnecessary service on Sundays and Holy Days?
  • Have I intentionally eaten meat or refused to fast on the days set aside by the church for fasting and abstaining from meat?
  • Have I violated the 1 hour fast before Holy Communion?
  • Have I required workers under my direction to perform servile work on a Sunday or Holy Day without serious cause?
  • Have I devoted time to my family and loved ones on Sundays and Holy Days?

4. Honor your father and your mother

  • Have I disobeyed my parents’ reasonable wishes?
  • Have I spoken disrespectfully to my parents or legitimate authorities including public officials and employers?
  • Have I broken just laws?
  • Have I disobeyed the reasonable wishes of my teachers (if in school)?
  • Have I failed to care for and support my elderly parents or other family?
  • Have I neglected the needs, education, discipline, or spiritual formation of my children?
  • Have I failed to guide my children in understanding the nature and Church teachings of human sexuality?
  • Have I prayed daily with my children?
  • Have I neglected to encourage my children to receive the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession on a regular basis?
  • Have I voted for, promoted or advanced the agenda of politicians who hold positions contrary to the common good, religious freedom, or the moral law?
  • Have I failed to provide a good example of a virtuous life to others in my care?
  • Have I failed to love and sacrifice for my family?
  • Have I promoted policies or laws that undermine the family such as circumventing parental consent or promoted unnatural family structures such as homosexual or single-parent adoption, and population control measures? Have I promoted policies or laws that undermine the common good and the moral law?
  • Have I encouraged others to disrespect legitimate authority?
  • Have I failed to accept my parents’ advice or admonishments?
  • Have I failed to foster openness to vocations in my children (marriage, holy orders, consecrated single life, etc.)?
  • Have I failed to perform my civic duties such as voting, paying taxes, and service requirements such as jury duty, or just obligatory military service?
  • Have I failed to promote the just treatment of the poor, indigent, or migrants in society?

5. You shall not kill

  • Have I killed or injured a human being directly or negligently and unjustly or cooperated in doing so?
  • Have I failed to promote the dignity and sacredness of human life?
  • Have I promoted unjust war, torture, hostage-taking, kidnapping, or the killing of defenseless humans?
  • Have I procured an abortion or abortion-inducing drugs or helped someone else obtain one?
  • Have I promoted abortion or voted for a politician that does?
  • Have I procured, participated in or promoted In vitro fertilization?
  • Have I promoted human cloning or genetic modification?
  • Have I promoted or procured embryonic stem cell research or therapy?
  • Have I promoted eugenics or population control laws?
  • Have I failed to “turn the other cheek” or love my enemies?
  • Have I tried to kill or harm myself or considered it?
  • Have I promoted euthanasia or the right-to-suicide movement?
  • Have I refused or failed to provide reasonable end-of-life care including medical procedures, food and water, and pain medication?
  • Have I failed to care for the spiritual needs of a dying person (including calling a priest for anointing of the sick, or praying for the person)?
  • Have I desired to kill someone?
  • Have I used more than the necessary force to defend myself?
  • Have I failed to protect others to the best of my ability and duty?
  • Have I physically, emotionally, or psychologically injured someone or desired to do so?
  • Have I given scandal or otherwise shown lack of care for someone’s soul?
  • Have I hated someone or wished ill on them?
  • Have I failed to show respect for the dead or their bodies?
  • Have I failed to provide proper burial for the dead?
  • Have I advocated unjust punishments or capital punishment where it is not just?
  • Have I discriminated against someone by denying them something to which they are justly entitled within the bounds of the moral and natural law?
  • Have I mocked, intimidated or belittled someone?
  • Have I been reckless with human life through my actions or lack of care?
  • Have I abused alcohol or drugs?
  • Have I shown a lack of concern for my health or that of others?
  • Have I promoted the use of alcohol, drugs or any other harmful thing?
  • Have I committed the sin of gluttony or encouraged others to do so?
  • Have I failed to promote peace?
  • Have I given scandal through my actions or inaction?
  • Have I encouraged or assisted others to sin?
  • Have I allowed my anger to control me or persist unchecked?
  • Have I been uncharitable to someone, fought with them, or held a grudge?
  • Have I failed to forgive someone when they have asked me for forgiveness?
  • Have I sought or contemplated revenge?
  • Have I rejoiced in the misfortune of others?
  • Have I abused animals or killed them unnecessarily?

6. You shall not commit adultery

  • Have I failed to practice and promote chastity?
  • Have I sought sexual pleasure outside the marital act?
  • Have I used artificial birth control or encouraged its use?
  • Have I refused children and the gift of life without just cause?
  • Have I participated in in vitro fertilization or immoral fertility treatments (treatments that do not promote procreation through the marital act) or encouraged someone else to do so?
  • Have I procured a sterilization of my reproductive organs or encouraged someone else to do so?
  • Have I forced sex on someone (including a spouse)?
  • Have I denied sex to my spouse without just cause?
  • Have I masturbated (sexual pleasure of oneself outside of the marital act)?
  • Have I deliberately caused male climax outside of sexual intercourse?
  • Have I provided or promoted sexual education that does not follow the teachings of the Catholic Church?
  • Have I used or promoted pornography whether in photos, videos, audio or the written word?
  • Have I donated sperm or eggs?
  • Have I indulged in impure (involving nudity or sex) movies, television, or music, conversation, or jokes?
  • Have I committed adultery (sexual acts or conversation with a married person or with a person that is not my spouse)?
  • Have I divorced my spouse or contemplated doing so even though I am in a valid marriage without grave cause?
  • Have I entered into a marriage without the blessing of the Church?
  • Have I committed incest?
  • Have I engaged in polygamy or polyandry?
  • Have I been involved in an “open marriage”?
  • Have I had sex outside of the bonds of marriage (fornication, homosexual acts)?
  • Have I committed rape?
  • Have I engaged in petting, sexting, or other foreplay outside of marriage?
  • Have I harmed children sexually?
  • Have I engaged in unnatural sexual activities (bestiality, sex with objects, etc.)?
  • Have I engaged in or promoted prostitution?
  • Have I seduced someone or allowed myself to be seduced?
  • Have I refused to accept my God-given sexual identity (sex change operations, cross-dressing, etc.)?
  • Have I promoted, advanced, or cooperated in sins against the sixth commandment?

7. You shall not steal

  • Have I stolen something?
  • Have I gambled excessively?
  • Have I committed fraud (making a false claim to an insurance company, falsifying information for financial gain)?
  • Have I refused to be generous with my resources to those in need?
  • Have I failed to practice the corporal works of mercy?
  • Have I vandalized or defaced someone else’s property?
  • Have I cheated?
  • Have I paid a fair wage to my workers for an honest day’s work?
  • Have I prevented someone from holding a job (unjustly discriminating, or sabotaging someone’s chances at employment)?
  • Have I promoted actions that lead to slavery of others (sweatshops, human trafficking, or slavery proper)?
  • Have I broken a contract by not fulfilling my end of the obligation?
  • Have I participated in or promoted an unjust strike or lockout?
  • Have I fired someone unjustly?
  • Have I accumulated excessive debt and/or failed to repay it?
  • Have I engaged in usury (charging excessive interest)?
  • Have I overcharged someone or taken advantage of someone in a trade?
  • Have I filed or promoted an unjust lawsuit against someone?
  • Have I failed to make restitution for theft, fraud, or any other action against the 7th commandment?
  • Have I shown a disregard for the environment?
  • Have I unwisely or disproportionately spent money on animals?
  • Have I failed to respect private property or violated the Church’s teachings on subsidiarity by advocating for excessive socialism, or too much government control of resources?
  • Have I failed to work diligently and deliver an honest day’s work to my employer?
  • Have I despised work or succumbed to sloth?
  • Have I failed to do the appropriate amount of work for my family?
  • Have I attempted to speculate and drive up the price of goods or services?

8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

  • Have I lied or willfully deceived someone?
  • Have I gossiped?
  • Have I lied under oath (perjury)?
  • Have I assumed the worst about someone or judged them unfairly?
  • Have I harmed someone’s reputation through detraction (telling others about someone’s faults without grave cause) or calumny (telling lies about a person) or libel (writing lies about someone)?
  • Have I failed to defend the reputation of someone?
  • Have I failed to keep a secret or betrayed someone’s trust?
  • Have I remained silent or been complicit in defaming the Catholic Church?
  • Have I failed to be sincere or candid when appropriate?
  • Have I lead a double life?
  • Have I been a hypocrite?
  • Have I coerced others to lie?
  • Have I prevented others from speaking the truth?
  • Have I engaged in flattery?
  • Have I been boastful or arrogant?
  • Have I mischaracterized something, been overly dramatic, constructed false (straw-man) arguments or engaged in ad-hominem attacks (attacks against the person rather than the argument or viewpoint)?
  • Have I failed to repair the reputation of someone I lied about?
  • Have I revealed the truth to someone who does not have the right to it (such as an unjust aggressor)?
  • Have I violated the seal of confession by telling the contents of someone else’s confession to others?
  • Have I disclosed professional secrets without grave cause?
  • Have I accepted what others say as truth without due scrutiny (particularly in matters of faith and morals or where another’s reputation is a stake)?
  • Have I promoted false public information (propaganda)?

9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife

  • Have I given in to concupiscence (intense human carnal desires)?
  • Have I given in to lust (disordered desire of inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure)?
  • Have I made sexually suggestive or harassing comments or advances toward someone?
  • Have I failed to dress modestly or averted my eyes when someone else is dressed immodestly?
  • Have I violated someone’s privacy by spying on them?
  • Have I encouraged or voluntarily indulged in impure thoughts?
  • Have I promoted promiscuity or immoral attitudes toward sex, modesty, or purity, or moral permissiveness?

10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods

  • Have I envied others because of their possessions?
  • Have I been greedy?
  • Have I been covetous of others’ possessions?
  • Have I failed to live simply and instead given in to materialism?
  • Have I failed to rejoice in another’s success?

Precepts of the Church:

1. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor

  • Have I failed to attend Holy Mass on Sundays or Holy Days?
  • Have I failed to set Sundays and Holy Days aside for rest?

2. You shall confess your sins at least once a year

  • Have I confessed my sins at least once each year?
  • Have my confessions been valid and honest?
  • Have I prepared my soul properly to receive Holy Communion?
  • Have I performed the assigned penance from my confession?
  • Have I made reparation for the harm caused by my sins?
  • Have I made a thorough examination of conscience before confession and honestly attempted to recall all of my sins?
  • Have I had a firm purpose of amending my life and sorrow for my sins before going to confession?

3. You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season

  • Have I received Holy Communion at least once during the Easter season (between the first Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday)?
  • Have I received communion while being outside the state of grace (having mortal sins on my soul)?
  • Have I followed the Eucharistic Fast before receiving Holy Communion?
  • Have I received Holy Communion more than twice in a day

4. You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church

  • Have I eaten meat on Fridays in Lent?
  • Have I failed to follow the rules around fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?
  • Have I followed the spirit of the rules concerning fasting and abstinence?
  • Have I fasted from meat on all Fridays throughout the year or followed the guidelines of the bishops in my locality (i.e. performing some act of penance instead of abstaining from meat in many areas of the USA)?
  • Have I done spiritual and corporal works of mercy and practiced self-denial?

5. You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church

  • Have I given to the Church on a regular basis?
  • Have I given an amount appropriate for my situation?
  • Have I volunteered my time for the Church appropriately for my situation?
  • Have I prayed for the needs of the Church?

Seven deadly sins list & meanings

1. Lust

Lust is a strong passion or longing, especially for sexual desires.

The Bible speaks about lust in 2 Timothy 2:22, “Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love [and] peace…” The Bible also mentions lust in the following verses: Job 31:1, Matthew 5:28, Philippians 4:8, James 1:14-15, 1 Peter 2:11 and 1 John 2:16.

Chastity or self-control cures lust by controlling passion and leveraging that energy for the good of others.

2. Gluttony

Gluttony is an excessive and ongoing eating of food or drink.

1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Additional Bible references include: Psalm 78:17-19, Philippians 3:19-20, Proverbs 23:1-3, Proverbs 23:19-21 and 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.

Temperance cures gluttony by implanting the desire to be healthy, therefore making one fit to serve others.

3. Greed

Greed is an excessive pursuit of material goods.

The Bible says the following in Hebrews 13:5, “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” Other biblical texts which mention greed include: Exodus 20:17, Proverbs 11:24, Proverbs 28:25, Ecclesiastes 5:10, Philippians 4:6 and 1 Timothy 6:9-10.

Charity cures greed by putting the desire to help others above storing up treasure for one’s self.

4. Sloth

Sloth is an excessive laziness or the failure to act and utilize one’s talents.

Solomon spoke of sloth in Proverbs 6:6 saying, “Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise.” The Bible also mentions sloth in the following verses: Proverbs 13:4, Proverbs 24:33-34, Romans 12:11-13, Colossians 3:23 and 2 Thessalonians 3:10.

Diligence or zeal cures slothfulness by placing the interest of others above a life of ease and relaxation.

5. Wrath

Wrath is a strong anger and hate towards another person.

The Bible speaks about wrath in Romans 12:19, “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’” Additional Bible verses include: Psalm 37:8, Proverbs 14:29, Proverbs 15:1, Ephesians 4:26-27, Colossians 3:8 and James 1:19-20.

Patience cures wrath by one first understanding the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking.

6. Envy

Envy is the intense desire to have an item that someone else possesses.

The Bible says the following in Proverbs 14:30, “A sound heart is life to the body, But envy is rottenness to the bones.” Other biblical texts which mention envy include: Job 5:2, Psalm 37:1, Proverbs 24:19-20, Ecclesiastes 4:4, Galatians 5:26 and James 3:14-16.

Kindness cures envy by placing the desire to help others above the need to supersede them.

7. Pride

Pride is an excessive view of one’s self without regard for others.

The Bible says the following in Jeremiah 9:23-24, “…Let not the mighty man boast of his might…but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me…” Pride is also mentioned in the following verses: Proverbs 8:13, Proverbs 16:18, Romans 12:16, 1 Corinthians 13:4, Galatians 6:3 and James 4:6-7.

Humility cures pride by removing one’s ego and boastfulness, therefore allowing the attitude of service.

The seven virtues

The seven virtues were originally defined in the poem, Psychomachia, by Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, a Christian governor who died around 410 A.D. Because of the poem’s prevalence the concept and idea of the seven virtues spread throughout Europe. The following is a listing of the seven virtues and how they cure each of the seven deadly sins:

  1. Kindness = cures envy by placing the desire to help others above the need to supersede them.
  2. Temperance = cures gluttony by implanting the desire to be healthy, therefore making one fit to serve others.
  3. Charity or love = cures greed by putting the desire to help others above storing up treasure for one’s self.
  4. Chastity or self-control = cures lust by controlling passion and leveraging that energy for the good of others.
  5. Humility = cures pride by removing one’s ego and boastfulness, therefore allowing the attitude of service.
  6. Diligence or Zeal = cures slothfulness by placing the best interest of others above the life of ease and relaxation.
  7. Patience = cures wrath by taking time to understand the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking.

Perfect Act of Contrition: Recite after each of the deadly sins”

“Through your Divine Mercy, I repent of all sins associated with ____.
I trust in you to remove all sins and their stain of punishment due to the stain of ____.

End with a Spiritual Communion.
(Prayer by Tony Hickey on Divine Mercy Sunday, 2020 during Corona Virus lockdown)


Examination of Conscience based on the Fruit of the Spirit

“I say, then: live by the Spirit and you will certainly not gratify the desire of the flesh. For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you may not do what you want. But if you are guided by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are obvious: immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, rivalry, jealousy, outbursts of fury, acts of selfishness, dissensions, factions, occasions of envy, drinking bouts, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ [Jesus] have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit.” Gal 5:16-26

  1. Love
    Do I love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength above all else? Do I give to God what belongs to God? Do I truly love others as I love myself? Do my actions show it? Am I caring toward my family, my friends, and people I don’t know? Do I make sacrifices for the good of others?
  2. Joy
    Am I joyful and content with what I have and with the gifts the Lord has given me? Have I envied another person or another’s possessions or lifestyle? Do I trust that God loves me, calls me by name and will always provide for my material and spiritual needs? Do I joyfully submit to God’s will? Am I willing to suffer joyfully for the sake of others?
  3. Peace
    Is there someone I need to forgive and have not? Do I hold grudges? Is my temper a problem? Do I hold anger or resentment in my heart? Have I ever told myself the lie that I am “unlovable,” or “no good,” or denied that I am an awesome beloved child of God? Have I been seeking peace with God, with others and my conscience?
  4. Patience
    Do I really honor my parents? Do I try to listen to what they ask of me and be patient with them? Do I lash out when I am frustrated? Do I curse in impatience? Am I tolerant of other people even if they disagree with me?
  5. Kindness
    Do I look to the needs of others and strive to treat every person as if they were Jesus Himself? Am I kind to myself, or am I too hard on myself? Do I give in to depression or self-pity? Have I always sought the supreme good of others? Am I kind in thought, word, and actions? Have I willfully turned away from opportunities to be kind?
  6. Generosity
    Am I generous with what I have? Have I stolen anything? Do I put too much trust or emphasis in material possessions? Have I given my time, talent and money to God and the poor? Do I serve God not counting the cost? Do I tithe and help the poor from my first or the best? Do I give of myself without being asked? Do I give the most or the least of myself?
  7. Faithfulness
    Am I truthful and understanding? Do I seek to tell the truth even when I may be embarrassed when I do? Am I loyal to my friends? Am I faithful to my commitment to God, His church, my family? Am I constant in my Christian calling to be a disciple of Christ? Am I committed sincerely in my Christian values? Are my priorities rightly ordered?
  8. Gentleness
    Do I always need to be in control? Does my need for power, recognition, or prestige take precedence over the need for God in my life? Do I force my will on others? Am I gentle with my eyes, mouth and hands especially when I am angry?
  9. Self-control
    Do I have a humble spirit of penance and self-denial as taught by Jesus? Do I guard my senses? Have I given into carnal pleasures, vanity, greed or lust? Am I guilty of fornication, masturbation, or adultery? Have I been immodest in anyway? Have I given into addiction, pornography, gluttony, or technology? Have I resorted to slander, gossip or detraction?


5PM—Jesus takes leave of His Most Holy Mother 

Before starting any action, let us always invoke the blessing of God, so that our actions may have the touch of the Divinity, and may attract His blessings not only on us, but upon all creatures.

6PM—Jesus departs from His Most Holy Mother and goes toward the Cenacle 

  • Are we ready to sacrifice even the most legitimate and holy affections in order to fulfill the Divine Volition?
  • Do we walk on the street being modest and composed, so as to be an example for others? What do we say in our conversations? 
  • When the opportunity arises, do we make the passion of the Divine Redeemer the object of our conversations?
  • Do we place in our conversations the intention of relieving Jesus Christ?
  • Do we try to do them in the Will of God, infusing in others the spirit of Jesus Christ? 

7PM—The Legal Supper 

  • And when we pray, can we say that the angels were pleased; that we have been recollected and reverent, in such a way that they were joyously carry our prayers to Heaven, just as they carried those of our Jesus?
  • Or do they rather remain saddened?

8PM—The Eucharistic Supper 

  • What should we do in our hiddenness? In order to become similar to Jesus Christ, we must hide everything in Him: thoughts, glances, words, heart beats, affections, desires, steps and works; even our prayers—we should hide them in the prayers of Jesus. 

9PM—First hour of Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane 

  • In order to conform to Jesus in everything, we must go back into ourselves, applying these reflections to ourselves: in all that we do, can we say that there is a continuous flow of love running between us and God?
  • But do all these actions run toward God with love? 
  • Does Jesus find in us the sweet enchantment of His Love running toward Him, so that, enraptured by this enchantment, He may overflow with us with more abundant love?
  • Do we let ourselves be worked by the divine hands, as the Humanity of Jesus let Itself be worked? 
  • All that we feel within ourselves—inspirations, mortifications, graces—is nothing other than a crafting of love. Do we take those things as God wants?
  • Do we give Jesus the freedom to work, or by taking everything in a human manner and as meaningless, do we rather reject the divine crafting, forcing it to bend its arms? 
  • Do we abandon ourselves in His arms as though we were dead in order to receive all the blows which the Lord will dispose for our sanctification? 

10PM—Second hour of Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane 

  • Do we always pray, in whatever mood we may be—cold, hard, tempted?
  • Do we give Jesus the pains of our soul as reparation and relief in order to copy Him completely, thinking that each mood of ours is a pain of Jesus?
  • Do we lose heart, or do we remain at the feet of Jesus with courage, giving Him all that we suffer, so that Jesus may find His own Humanity in us?
  • That is, are we His Humanity for Jesus?
  • What did the Humanity of Jesus do? It glorified Its Father, expiated, pleaded the salvation of souls. And we—do we enclose within ourselves these three intentions of Jesus in everything we do, so as to be able to say, ‘We enclose in ourselves all the humanity of Jesus Christ?’
  • Do we place in our darkness the intention of making the light of truth shine in others?
  • And when we pray with fervor, do we place the intention of melting the ice of many hearts hardened in sin? 

11PM—Third hour of Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane 

  • And we–do we ask for help from Heaven in any painful circumstance?
  • And if we turn also to creatures, do we do this with order, with those who can comfort us in a saintly way?
  • Are we at least resigned, if we do not receive those comforts which we are hoping for, in using the indifference of creatures to abandon ourselves more in the arms of Jesus?
  • Jesus was comforted by an Angel. And we—can we say that we are the angels of Jesus by remaining around Him to comfort Him and share in His bitterness? 

12AM—Jesus is arrested 

  • In the deceptions, in the betrayals of creatures, are we ready to forgive as Jesus forgave? Do we take from the hands of God all the evil that we receive from creatures?
  • Are we ready to do all that Jesus wants from us?
  • In the crosses, in the strains, can we say that our patience imitates that of Jesus? 

1AM—Thrown from a cliff, Jesus falls into the Cedron stream 

  • And we—do we abandon ourselves at the mercy of the Will of God?
  • In our weaknesses and falls, are we ready to stand up again to throw ourselves in the arms of Jesus?
  • And we—do we abhor any stain and shadow of sin?
  • Are we ready to give shelter to Jesus in our heart, not to make Him feel the nausea which other souls give Him with sin, and to compensate for the nausea that we ourselves have given Him many times? 

2AM—Jesus is presented to Annas 

  • And we—are we intrepid and courageous when it comes to glorifying the Lord, or do we let ourselves be won by human respect?
  • In our speaking, do we always look for the glory of God?
  • In order to exalt the glory of God, do we bear everything with patience like Jesus? 
  • Do we always avoid speaking ill of the neighbor, and do we excuse him if we hear that others run him down? 
  • Do we watch over the Heart of Jesus, so that He may not receive any offense which has not been repaired by us?
  • Do we watch over ourselves in everything, so that our thought, gaze, word, affection, heartbeat and desire may be as many sentries around Jesus, watching over His Heart, and repairing for all the offenses? 
  • And in order to do this, do we pray Jesus to watch over each of our acts, and to help us watch over our own heart?
  • Are we ready to answer when our Jesus calls us? 

3AM—Jesus in the house of Caiphas 

  • And we—when the Lord allows that we be slandered and unjustly accused, do we look only for God, Who knows our innocence; or do we rather beg esteem and honor from creatures?
  • Does truth always arise on our lips?
  • Are we adverse to any trick and lie? 
  • Do we bear with patience, the mockeries and confusions that creatures give us? Are we ready to give our life for their salvation? 

4AM—Jesus at the mercy of the soldiers 

  • And we—are we constant during repeated sufferings, or do we lament, get irritated and lose peace; that peace of heart which is necessary to allow Jesus to find a happy dwelling place within us?
  • Do we look at those who offend us with the same love [as Jesus]? 
  • Is the love which we show them so great as to be a voice for their hearts—so powerful as to convert them to Jesus? 

5AM—Jesus in prison 

  • And we—are we happy to be alone with Jesus, or do we look for the company of creatures? Isn’t Jesus alone our only breath and our only heartbeat?
  • Are we happy to be bound by Jesus in that prison in which His love places us—that is, obscurity, oppressions and other things?
  • Do we feel the firmness and promptness to imprison ourselves in Jesus for love of Him?
  • Do we long for Jesus alone to come and keep us company, to free us from the chains of every passion, and to bind us with the stronger chains of His Heart?
  • Do we place our pains as a court around suffering Jesus in order to remove from Him the spit and mud which sinners send Him?
  • Is our prayer constant with Jesus? 

6AM—Jesus before Caiphas again, who confirms His condemnation to death and sends Him to Pilate

  • When we go out, do we let ourselves be directed by Jesus?
  • Is our composure an example for others, and our steps like magnets which call souls around Jesus? 
  • Is our life always the same or do we change it for the worse, depending on the encounters that we have? 

7AM—Jesus before Pilate, Pilate sends Him to Herod 

  • Do we feel the same with everyone?
  • Do we try to conquer our natural evil if we don’t like someone?
  • In dealing with creatures, do we always try to make Jesus known, and to make the light of truth shine in them?
  • And we—when we are slandered, mocked, insulted, or derided, do we think that the Lord wants to give us a divine likeness?
  • In the pains, in the scorns, and in all that our poor heart may feel, do we think that it is Jesus Who gives us sorrow with His touch, Who transforms us into Himself with His touch, and gives us His likeness?
  • And as suffering returns to us, do we think that Jesus, looking at us, is not satisfied with us, and therefore gives us another squeeze in order to render us completely like Him?
  • Following the example of Jesus, can we say that we have dominion over ourselves; and that in adversities, we prefer to remain silent instead of answering?
  • Do we ever let ourselves be won by curiosity? 

8AM—Jesus is brought back to Pilate and put after Barabbas. Jesus is scourged. 

  • And we—are we stripped of everything?
  • Do we let ourselves be bound by love?
  • Don’t we see that in that gave [of Jesus] there is also a reproach for us, since we too contributed to binding Him?
  • And we—are we pure in the mind, in the gaze, in the words, in the affections, so as not to add more blows on that innocent Body?
  • Are we always bound to Jesus, so as to be ready to defend Him, when creatures strike Him with their offenses? 

9AM—Jesus is crowned with thorns. Presented to the people: “Ecce Homo!” Jesus is condemned to death

  • And we—do we avoid sentiments of pride?
  • Do we attribute to God the good that we do? 
  • Do we consider ourselves as being inferior to others?
  • Is our mind always empty to any other thought in order to give rise to grace?
  • When Jesus makes Himself felt in our mind and in our heart, do we reciprocate His inspirations, or do we place them into oblivion?
  • And we—do we respect all the holy things?
  • Do we use all the reverence which befits them, as if we were touching Jesus Christ Himself? 
  • Are we ready to accept any pain to prevent Jesus from being offended and from suffering?
  • How do we sympathize with the pains which Jesus suffers in seeing many souls snatched from His Heart?
  • Do we make His pains our own so as to relieve Him from all that He suffers?
  • Do we strive to let Jesus live on earth?
  • Are we ready to give our own life so that beloved Jesus may be relived of all the offenses, or do we rather imitate the Jews, people so much favored—almost as our own souls, which are loved so much by Jesus—and shout like them, “Crucifigatur” (let Him be crucified)? 

10AM—Jesus takes up the cross and walks toward Calvary, where He is stripped

  • And we—do we love suffering like Jesus?
  • Can we say that our heartbeats echo His divine heartbeats, and that we to ask for our cross?! 
  • When we suffer, do we have the intention of becoming companions of Jesus in order to relieve Him from the weight of His Cross?
  • How do we accompany Him?
  • As He receives insults, are we always ready to give Him our little sufferings as relief for His pains?
  • In working, in praying, and when we feel the hardship of our suffering under the weight of interior pains, do we let our pain fly to Jesus, which, like a veil, may dry up His sweat and cheer Him, as we make His hardship our own? 

11AM—Jesus is crucified 

  • And we—do we rest in Him in all our pains?
  • Can we say that we prepare a bed for Jesus in our heart with our patience and with our love? 
  • Do we remain completely crucified to Him, at least with our main senses?
  • Do we always keep our mind, our heart, and all our being as nailed with the nails of His Most Holy Will?
  • Do we look with love at those who offend us, for love of Him? 

12PM–First Hour of Agony on the Cross–The first word of Jesus 

  • And we—do we try to live detached from the world, from creatures, and from all that tastes of earth?
  • Does our love for Jesus reach the extent of finding rest in suffering?
  • Do we make the prayer Jesus our own in order to continuously excuse sinners before the Father, and to plead for mercy for them, even for those who may have offended us? 

1PM—Second Hour of Agony on the Cross—second, third and fourth word of Jesus 

  • And we—do we pray always for the souls of the so many dying who need a prayer, so that hell may be closed to them, and the gates of Heaven opened?
  • And we—do we give everything to Jesus?
  • In all that we do—prayers, actions and other thing—do we always have the intention of absorbing new love in ourselves, so as to give everything back to Him? 
  • When the lord gives us fervor, light and love, do we use them for the good of others?
  • Do we try to enclose souls in this light and in this fervor, so as to move the Heart of Jesus to convert them; or do we selfishly keep His graces for ourselves alone?
  • What use do we make of the great gift of His Mama, Whom He gave to us?
  • Do we make the love of Jesus, the tendernesses of Jesus and all that Jesus did our own, so as to make His Mama content?
  • Can we say that our divine Mother finds in us the contentment that she found in Jesus?
  • Are we always close to her, as faithful children; do we obey her and imitate her virtues?
  • Do we try anything in order not to escape from her maternal gaze, so that She may keep us always clinging to Jesus?`
  • In everything we do, do we always call the gazes of the celestial Mother to guide us, so as to be able to act in a saintly way, as true children of hers, under her compassionate gaze? 
  • And we—can we say that our love for souls is similar to that of Jesus?
  • Are our prayers, our pains and all our most tiny acts united to the acts and to the prayers of Jesus in order to snatch souls from hell?
  • How do we sympathize with Jesus in His immense sorrow? 

2PM—Third hour of Agony on the Cross—fifth, sixth and seventh word of Jesus–the death of Jesus

  • Do we burn with thirst for Jesus?
  • Do our thoughts and affections have always the purpose of quenching His ardent thirst? 
  • And we—do we strive, in each thing, to be a continuous consummation of love for Jesus? 
  • Do all of our acts, words and thoughts move us to be consumed for love of Jesus? 
  • Do we fulfill the Will of God in everything?
  • Do we abandon ourselves perfectly in His Volition without looking at whether it is advantageous for us or not, just being content to find ourselves abandoned in His most holy arms?
  • Is the dying to ourselves a continuous love for Jesus?
  • Can we say that, although we live, we do not live; that we are dead to everything in order to live not from our own life, but only from the life of Jesus?
  • Does all that we do, think, desire and love recall the living of Jesus within us, so as to make our word, our step, our desire and our thought die completely in Jesus? 

3PM—Jesus, dead, is transfixed by the blow of a lance–The deposition from the Cross 

  • And we—do we let ourselves be wounded in everything by the love of Jesus; or do we rather let ourselves be wounded by the love of creatures, by pleasures, and by attachment to ourselves? 
  • And we—do we deposit all our fears, our doubts and our anxieties in the arms of our Mama? 
  • Do we let Jesus rest by casting away our fear and our agitations? 

4PM—The Burial of Jesus—Most Holy desolate Mary 

  • And we—do we hid from the gazes of creatures; are we indifferent if everyone forgets us? In holy things, do we remain indifferent, with that holy indifference which leads us continuously to Him?
  • And do we form with our constancy a sweet chain, so as to attract Him toward us? 
  • Is our gaze buried in the gaze of Jesus, so we look at nothing but that which Jesus wants?
  • Is our voice buried in the voice of Jesus, so that if we want to speak, we do not speak but with the tongue of Jesus?
  • Are our steps buried in His, so that as we walk, we may leave the mark of the steps of Jesus, not our own?
  • And is our heart buried in His, in order to love and desire as His Heart loves and desires?