Series on the Holy Eucharist

June 19, 2008


“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I am going to begin today a series of messages which come to you through My Eucharistic Heart. In the Eucharist I am stripped of all human dignity. While I am truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, I appear only as a bit of bread, a drop of wine. Humanly speaking, to the naked eye, there is nothing more there. But I have told all of humanity that I am present in the Sacred Species. I am asking mankind to look with spiritual eyes at My Real Presence. Feel My Strength. Understand with My Wisdom.

“I stripped Myself of every attachment to be with you in this simple form. Humbly, I come to you, not in power and glory. You must come to Me in the same way, humbly and without pretense. It is through childlike littleness you will readily recognize Me. When you receive Me in such a way, I enter your heart and you enter My Eucharistic Heart. Then we are united. I cannot leave such a worthy soul until he wills it or until he forgets about Me.”

June 19, 2008


“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“When you receive Me in the Eucharist, I desire that our hearts become like notes in a symphony, flowing together, making beautiful music together. If I could be united like this with each heart, all would abide in the Divine Will. We would make beautiful symphonies together, Me and each heart. There would be no more wars, immorality or compromise of the truth.”

“Today people say they stand for the truth, but the truth they support is only a lie. If souls would unite to My Eucharistic Heart, they would be united with the Truth Itself.”

June 22, 2008


“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I tell you in all truth, that each time a soul receives Me in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, he receives the embodiment of the Divine Will.
The Triumph of Our United Hearts will be the Triumph of the Divine Will. Remember, ‘No one can come to Me unless the Father draws them.’ Therefore, understand it is the Eternal Father Who calls people to the Eucharist.”

June 22, 2008


“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“My brothers and sisters, moral apostasy has taken over the heart of the world. In order to return the world to a heart that embraces Holy and Divine Love, I am asking for a novena of nine Sundays in a row when you will receive Communion for the intention of the return of Christian values to all hearts.”

“I await each one’s love in the tabernacles of the world. Do not leave My Love unattended.”

June 27, 2008
Friday Rosary Service


Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“My brothers and sisters, please realize that not all Communions are of the same merit. Sometimes the communicant is actually in the state of mortal sin, and it grieves Me deeply when he receives under the Sacred Species. At other times the recipient may be lukewarm or even losing his faith and unbelieving. Once again he is not worthy to receive the Sacred Bread of Angels.”

“The Communion is as worthy as the depth of Holy Love in the communicant’s heart. Love Me very much. Recall these sentiments of love before you receive Me; then your time in Purgatory will be shortened.”

“I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

June 28, 2008


“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Today your weather is turbulent; one storm passes and another comes. It is much like the world itself, one crisis after another. You can take shelter from stormy weather, but the storms of life affect everyone because they widen the abyss between Heaven and earth, the abyss between the Divine Will and free will. This is so, for mankind continues to love himself more than God and neighbor.”

“I await in the tabernacles of the world the conversion of each soul. Yet, as I have given Myself wholly for the redemption of all mankind, souls do not desire to give themselves entirely to Me. Since God is not in the heart of the world, the heart of the world is far from the Creator, as well. This does not bode well for the future.”

“Make amends to My Heart in holy hours of reparation. My Mother weeps that more do not do this. It is a mother’s sorrow to see her son wounded, even abandoned. In healing My Heart, you are appeasing My Mother’s Sorrowful Heart, as well.”

July 1, 2008


“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I tell you solemnly, every second of every minute of every hour, I am abused in the tabernacles of the world. People show great indifference towards Me, receive Me unworthily or hold Me hostage towards an evil end.”

“But I continue to remain with you out of Divine Love. I desire that even the most heinous crimes against My Real Presence be brought to the abode of My Mercy with repentance. There, I will wrap them in Mercy and Love, for I desire no one’s demise, but only their welfare.”