
August 12, 1993
Thursday Rosary Service

Our Lady is dressed all in white and has a pink lining on Her veil. She said: “All praise, honor and glory be to Jesus.” I replied, “Now and forever.” She has angels all around Her and She has roses at Her feet. She said: “Little daughter, let us pray now for the Holy Father and that the message he brings will be planted in many hearts.” We prayed.

Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, tonight I come especially to invite you to realize the only path open to souls at this time is the path of holiness. All other paths lead to perdition. Remember there are no half-measures with God, and He will spew the lukewarm from His mouth. Therefore, My little children, rely on the provision of My Heart, for herein is all you need.” She blessed us and left.

August 22, 1993

Our Lady was dressed all in white with Her Immaculate Heart exposed. She also has a crown over Her head. A private message was given. Then Our Lady said: “Let us pray now as I have directed you for all souls having spiritual apathy.” We prayed. Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, continue to pray from the heart, most especially for the lukewarm, for this is the greatest percent of the world’s population and the greatest sword that pierces My Immaculate Heart.” She blessed us and left.

November 13, 1993

Our Lady comes with many stars around her. She says: “All praise be to Jesus.” I answer, “Now and forever.” She asks me to pray first with Her for the remnant church, then for all the lukewarm souls who, She says: “do not realize the path they follow slips to perdition.” Then She asks me to pray with Her for all cardinals, bishops and priests, most especially those who make “conscious decisions each day against faith and morals.” Then She says: “My daughter, the remnant church will take its structure within the ark of My Immaculate Heart. Already, the apostasy has formed in hearts that compromise Church Tradition according to their own whims. These souls place their own will above God’s Will which, in the end, will be their condemnation. Even as I speak to you the hour has struck and God’s arm of justice descends toward earth. This justice will expiate every abomination and will be complete in its coming.”

“But you have nothing to fear if you pursue holiness with every breath. Holiness is the vindication offered a beleaguered world. Therefore, My little daughter, it is necessary that you remove every distraction from your daily routine, insofar as is possible. Be attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Do everything in Holy Love for the sake of holiness. Then God, in His mercy, will take what He needs from you and add what He sees you need from Him. I am ever your Refuge in heaven and on earth. I come from Love to bring you to love, and so to joy and peace.”

February 5, 1994
Saturday Rosary Service

Our Lady is here dressed in a white gown and a blue mantle. There are stars all over the mantle. She says: “Please continue to pray with Me at this time for the spiritually apathetic. For these are the lukewarm, whom God will spew from His Mouth.” We prayed. Then Our Lady said: “Dear children, these days – these times of confusion – free will has become its own god. I, your Mother, am here to tell you that when you are not loving and you are choosing your will, you are slipping from the Refuge of My Heart. Call upon My name and I will come to your aid and quickly guide you back to this solemn Refuge. I love you, My dear children. I’m anxious to spend paradise with you.” Our Lady blessed us and left.

May 27, 1994

Our Lady is here in white with flowers in Her hair. She extends Her arms and turns the palms of Her hands towards heaven. “Dear child, this is why I desire so much, many rosaries from the heart. The fifteen-decade rosary exemplifies Holy Love. Each prayer is as a gentle drop of dew falling on My impoverished Heart that pleads for conversion of humanity. My heart withers when souls turn away, and your prayers replenish what lukewarm souls take from it. My heart is opening as never before to humanity. Pray, pray, pray.”

April 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Pray with Me now for the unconverted: These include the unbelievers, the unforgiving, and the lukewarm. This number varies from moment to moment, as some do not realize their responsibility towards holiness in the present moment.”

“It is through man’s will the Chastisement will come – the destruction of the world brought on by man himself. See then, the unconverted not only choose for themselves, but for the world.”

“Am I not here, My daughter? I who am your life, your Sweetness and your Hope ? I who am your Perpetual Help, Protectress, and Refuge? What is there to fear? I come with great love once again to call My children to love before the hour wears on and it grows too late.”

“Hasten to see that what comes as a purification does not open the abyss between God and man, but serves to unite them together. God’s Love is unalterable – His Mercy from generation to generation. The New Jerusalem is attainable to all through the Refuge of My Heart.”

“But I tell you, those who do not live in Holy Love will be stripped of their worldly gods. The greatest technology will be rendered useless. There will be great signs in the Heavens, on earth and under the earth, as time, as you know it, draws to an end. Nature itself will bear witness to what will transpire. Those in the world will see it not. The sky and all things under it will be set aflame. This hour will be more devastating than the flood. Two thirds of all life will be taken. Mankind will be judged according to the love in his heart.”

“But once again I tell you, those who are in the Refuge of My Heart will not fear. Hasten to make all of what I have told you known to all.”

“At this time, I tell you that when My Son returns and everyone is living in Holy Love in the New Jerusalem, all will be made new. The world will be simple and pure as it was meant to be. All will love, and God will be in the center of all hearts. My Son’s Church will no longer be divided by schism, apostasy, and error, but will be made whole once again. And so you see, there is nothing to fear, for I am calling you only to the completeness of Holy Love. I am blessing you.” ‘

April 24, 1995

Our Lady was waiting for me in the chapel. She was in blue and white, floating in a mist. She had a circle of stars over Her Heart and was holding a rosary. She said: “Do you see how all the while I have been waiting for you and yet, I was with you at Mass ? [I had just come from Mass.] Let us begin. I tell you, God’s Mercy extends from age to age and is upon those who most especially bear no grudge and forgive. It is not within My call to holiness to point the finger of blame at another, but to convict your own heart in Holy Love. Dissension is always accepted in hearts first My angel, before there is division in the world. Solemnly, I tell you that hearts who once heard My call to conversion, and paid heed, have become lukewarm. Some of these visited many of My apparition sites, read many books, and prayed many rosaries. Once again, I call you to see the present moment is your salvation, or your perdition according to your propensity towards Holy Love. Further, I come to tell you, My messenger, that this season in nature will reflect the Season of Tribulation you are now experiencing. Some crops will be watered down and others will be dried up. This reflects the faith that is in hearts. My Son grieves the disregard for the Eternal Father’s Commandments. The Sabbath is profaned; Church law disregarded; Life is dehumanized; Values are convoluted. My call to holiness is scoffed and compromised. My Son desires hearts to be patterned in Holy Love. Souls who immerse themselves in the Flame of Holy Love, that is My Heart, will be protected against the adversary’s evil designs through introspection as to their own state of holiness. I desire to create in the world a conflagration of this Flame through My words to you. You will make this known to all My little children. Praise be to Jesus. Alleluia.”

May 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations – Servants of Mary – Windsor, Ohio

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Thank you for answering My call to come here tonight. It is a grace that I come. Pray with Me now for the lukewarm.” We prayed. “My daughter, tonight is My last apparition to you at this site, but I am continually here, greeting the pilgrims. I invite My dear children to follow Me to the site I have directed you to, on the Twelfth of next month.”

“All that I am revealing to you is occurring because of lack of Holy Love in hearts. As the Season of Tribulation draws to a close, and during the reign of the Antichrist which will be in hearts and in the world, certain and ordained cosmic events will occur. These will mark the onset of the great purification. Some heavenly bodies will lose their light. Others will fall to earth, relinquishing their place in the heavens.”

“When these things begin to occur, people will clamor for admittance to My Heart, just as they clamored to get into the Ark when the flood began. But I will not admit those who do not love.”

“Dear daughter, dear children, once again I appeal to you to have Holy Love in your hearts, always in the present moment. For what is in hearts affects the entire cosmos. If hearts embrace the Light that is My Son, the world will be in the Light. If hearts choose darkness, the world will be plunged into darkness. Holy Love is the measure by which you choose. Stay close to My dear Pope, John Paul II, – his teachings and encyclicals. Follow the new catechism. What stands contrary to any of these, is contrary to Holy Love and Heaven.”

“My daughter, I tell you, if the lukewarm would accept Holy Love in their hearts, much about the chastisement would be changed, for these are the ones that gravely wound the Heart of My Son. When the darkness comes it will be complete and certain.” Her Mantle is turning black. Some of the stars on Her mantle are slipping off and some are going out. The only light is coming from the area of Her Heart. Our Lady continues. “See My dear daughter, that My Heart is the safe Refuge all must seek. This is Holy Love. Those who do not recognize it will perish. Dear children, your strength and your might are in the Flame of Love that is My Heart. I am always with you, most especially when you are praying My Rosary. I desire that you pray for deep faith and trust. Always follow My beloved Pope who is much maligned and under attack.”

“Dear children, continue to be courageous in your efforts to spread Holy Love, for you are My dear apostles. Tonight, I am extending to you once again, My Special Blessing.”

May 13, 1995

Our Lady is here in white and gold. She says: “Praise be to Jesus, ever present in the tabernacles of the world. My daughter, I come to you today, rejoicing in your ‘yes’ to Me which is bearing abundant fruit in the world. I will continue, faithfully, My visits to you on the Twelfth of each month. Those visits will bring manifold graces into the world. The signs I have been giving those who come, will increase and multiply, as will the numbers I am calling and who will answer My call. Pray much for the lukewarm. Many of My priest sons have slipped into this posture. Once again I inform you, the lukewarm hold in their hearts the destiny of the world.” She leaves.

May 14, 1995

I was asking Our Lady in my heart, who She meant when She said lukewarm. She appeared next to my bed and said, “Those whose faith is exterior and not in their hearts.”

May 17, 1995

From Our Lady
“During these times, and after the illumination of consciences, Jesus will show many that there is little of value except the soul. Many will come to the property (site of future Prayer Center) bearing the demeanor of contrition. But there will be many lukewarm as well. This is why I continue to call you to pray, pray, pray for My lukewarm children. When you do this, you are wiping the tears from My Face and bringing joy to My Heart.” She leaves.

May 18, 1995
Thursday Night Rosary Service

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Pray with Me now for the Holy Father.” We prayed. “Thank you. Pray with Me now for the lukewarm, whose faith is exterior, but not in their hearts.” We prayed.

“Dear children, joyfully I tell you, that God’s favors are about to multiply upon this ministry and in your hearts. Therefore, do not fear any trial, any misfortune, illness, or anxiety, for I am with you, protecting you, and giving you the graces of My Heart as a pillar of strength. I am blessing you.”

May 28, 1995

Over the last two months, Blessed Mother has given Maureen confidential messages, not to be revealed until She advises.

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Grace. She says: “My daughter do not be concerned for the Messages I choose to withhold from many. This has to be, for the time has not come, and hearts are not ready for much of what I confide to you. If all of this were revealed now, it would fall on unbelieving ears. But as more and more events unravel the false security of the world, souls will be ready to listen. One such event is in the offing, so you need to pray. Many are unprepared and do not love.”

“Those in the world have eyes and ears only for what satisfies the senses. I am calling My children to love. For it is through love, the heart is opened, satisfied, and at peace. There is no other way. Through you, My little daughter, I hope to bring many hearts to this resolve.”

“The time that is left is given only by way of many sacrifices and prayers. It is given as an invitation to love. There is nothing that will change hearts except love. Therefore, see that Holy Love is My Last Call to Humanity. It is the remedy for the lukewarm, the unconverted, and My Son’s Church. It is the safe passage to the New Jerusalem and to Divine Love – the Heart of Jesus, My Son. It is all I hope for, pray for, intercede for. It is the peace and security of My Immaculate Heart. Holy Love is the life-line of the world – the bridge that spans the abyss between Heaven and earth. Graciously, I extend it. I invite My children out of the storm of hypocrisy that rages in the world and into Holy Love – My Heart, My Flame of Love. Surrender your wills and your hearts that I may use your love as a spark to ignite love in other hearts. Always remember, there is no tempest that can prevail against the Refuge of My Heart – Holy Love. It is so that I can invite all humanity to this secure ark. Hasten to My call.”

June 6, 1995

Our Lady is in the corner of the chapel in a silvery light. She says: “My daughter, greater things are at stake than financial issues. I speak of souls. Souls who are erring in their opinions and proud in their hearts. There is no justification for what they hold in their hearts. They are self-serving and do not fear God. Even their communions are lukewarm. You need to pray very much for such souls who do not even recognize the state of their own hearts due to Satan’s deceit. You need to trust in My call. Pray very much and I will be with you, interceding on your behalf, and on behalf of My Ministry. I leave you now to return later.”

June 6, 1995

Our Lady is here in grayish blue. She says: “I am the Mother of Mercy. Your prayers will not go unheeded. In time, you will see My place unfold. But, offer up the precious moments of waiting with Me for all the unbelievers and most especially the lukewarm. If one is converted, if one embraces Holy Love, it is a victory. You need to pray for increased faith and hope. Begin today. My Son has answered ‘yes’ to this Ministry. His unfolding of His plan is at hand. He wants all that you want which will lead souls to holiness. The waters of Maranatha will wash clean many souls.”

June 18, 1995
Feast of Corpus Christi

From Jesus

“Concealed in this Godhead – the Three in One – is the Divine Love, the Divine Mercy that spawns Holy Love. Know that My Mercy and My Love are inseparable, just as My Heart cannot be separated from the Heart of My Mother. These are hidden treasures of your faith. Hidden from unbelievers and lukewarm but revealed in these times to the fervent heart.”

June 22, 1995

Our Lady is here in a white mantle and a bluish-gray gown. She says: “I come once again to offer praise and homage to Jesus. My dear, dear children, you do not see how quickly time is passing before My Son returns. I need your sincere prayers to bring the lukewarm into the Ark of My Heart. Every moment is given as a gift from Heaven and as a gift of God’s continued Mercy, so that you, My dear children, can bring Me souls. It is only when you are loving that your prayers are sincere and worthy. Therefore, see and understand that the merit of love in your hearts today, affects the entire cosmos. You cannot answer My call outside of Holy Love. I desire you make this known.”