Prophetic Messages for the Year Ahead

search words: “year ahead”, foretold, warn
May 1, 1995

Our Lady comes in white. Her Heart is exposed. Purple, pink and white rays are coming from It. She bends over me and says: “Solemnly, I come to tell you today, the world is slipping deeper and deeper into the Season of Tribulation. This is by way of man’s infidelity to God which lifts the staying Hand of Protection from the world. As evil is on the increase, the cataclysmic events I have foretold will increase in severity. If hearts do not return to God and petition His assistance in these events, soon His Hand will be withdrawn completely. Before, you were in the Spring of Tribulation, now, you approach Autumn. When Winter comes, God’s Presence will not be felt in the world. Hearts will be won over by evil and My words to you will be fulfilled. This is the reason I continue My visits to you, and to many around the world, for time has not been exhausted, and grace is still inspiring and converting hearts. My child, continue to pray, pray, pray.”

October 7, 1995

Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima. “Child, I come to you today as the New Eve, and the one who holds reign over Heaven and earth. I am forming the Missionary Servants of Holy Love – first in My Heart, then in the world – as a stronghold of faith against hypocrisy that holds sway over many hearts. There are those who bow low but in their hearts seek positions of importance. I come to you not so you will fear, but so that you will understand. The church will not succumb but is threatened on all sides. Confusion is sown by those who lack humility. Follow My Pope, John Paul II. In him there is no compromise. Unite under his banner. Your Rosaries will defeat Satan. Before My Son returns, you will see the unfolding of many events heretofore foretold. The weak, who are those who do not pray and do not love, will succumb to discouragement, doubts, and confusion. The strong, the ones who faithfully attempt to pray and who are in the Refuge of My Heart, will not be misled or fear. These are the ones many will turn to in the last days. Further, I warn you, do not allow the opinions of others to bear weight in your heart. I am your Protectress in all things. In all things God is your Provision. You must be strong so that those around you are strong. Continue to pray, pray, pray.”

December 31, 1995
New Years Eve

Our Lady comes in white, standing below Her picture in My bedroom. She says: “My daughter, I come in praise of Jesus, born Incarnate. I have prepared this day for you, just as, according to Divine Will, I am preparing the year in time that opens before you. I do not come to proffer predictions, but to open My Heart to you and to the world. The year ahead will see the mission I have given you prosper, both in the world, and more importantly, in hearts. This will pose a threat to some and they will set about trying to oppose us, but their attempts will prove futile. Once again, My grace will triumph. In the world the abyss between God and man will continue to widen. (Blessed Mother is crying now.) I encourage you to pray for the godless. Never assume you have prayed enough. God will honor your feeblest attempts. Choices will be made against tradition which will further compromise the faith of many in certain and specific areas. Well-guarded will be the faith of those close to Me. Tumult and peace will vie for hearts and for a place in the world. Every heart will be challenged. My grace will continue to pour from My Immaculate Heart onto earth. Many signs and wonders will result — challenging unbelievers and convicting hearts. The Rosary will overcome certain sin. This is why ones devoted to the Rosary will be persecuted. All of this is a good sign. Persecution shows Satan’s hand of fear. I am with you and, as always, I direct you to My Son’s Eucharistic Heart. Let Him take up reign in your hearts as Prince of Peace in the present moment, and so, in the year to come. With joy I am blessing you with My Motherly Blessing.”

September 12, 1996
Monthly Message to All Nations

Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. Her Heart is exposed. She says: “I come in praise of Jesus, My only begotten Son. Pray with Me now for all the petitions that are in hearts here today.” We prayed.

Jesus is now here with Blessed Mother. His Heart is also exposed.

“I come to address all nations, all people in this hour of decision which weighs heavy in hearts, and so the world. Today, Satan’s veil of confusion has fallen over hearts in this nation and many nations. My children — all of whom are called to salvation — are confusing freedom of choice with sin. I do not come to take away man’s free will, but to beg your choice of good over evil. You will succeed in this if you choose to live in Holy Love. Through Holy Love you must see that the human embryo from the time of conception is a life that you are commanded to love. Consciences have fallen asleep under much misconception, and the toll on God’s patience is great. You cannot hope to turn away God’s wrath and break His commandments at the same time. My coming to you is to help you to choose. I have begged from My Son this grace. He awaits the change I come to seek in hearts.”

“Too many are choosing not only to ignore Me, but to ignore the prophets of old who have foretold these times. [Blessed Mother suggested reading Daniel Chapter 12]. Do not forsake this last call, for I tell you when justice comes, many will pass from this world to the next in one moment. Then your choices will end — for eternity. Begin to love now.”

“Dear children, when I appeared to the children at LaSalette, I was weeping for the sin that was committed in the world, the profanity of the Sabbath, and the profanity of My Son’s name. But today, I come to you MUCH MORE YOUR SORROWING MOTHER and at the foot of the Cross. I ask you to consecrate your hearts and your lives to Holy Love. This Flame of Eternal Love that is My Immaculate Heart will lead you along the path of holiness. Your conversion is the beginning of the conversion of all mankind. Today We extend to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

November 8, 1996

“The age of the apocalypse is here. The last days foretold in the Book of Revelations and predicted by the prophet Daniel. I have come to promise you a New Era of Peace. But peace cannot reign in the world until all hearts turn to love. Any choice against God and neighbor is testing God’s patience and calling His justice down from Heaven. I come, My dear children, to reconcile your hearts to God through love – Holy Love. Make it known.”

November 29, 1996

Our Lady’s here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Tonight I have come with special news. My coming to you on My Feast Day of December 12th will be a telling sign of prodigies yet to come and of the urgency of My Message to all nations through you, My daughter. Many of the things I have foretold to you have taken place within the Church and world itself. But the year to come will hold special tribulations, most especially for those outside of Holy Love. While these hardships unfold, My grace will support you. My mantle is around My consecrated ones. Cling to and propagate the devotion to Our United Hearts. I am blessing you.”

June 20, 1997

Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. “My daughter, I come to you as I have promised and foretold. I ask you to have confidence in me now, as I must bring you a special message.”

“I come as your Advocate and Mother. I ask you to make this known to all of my little children. The year ahead – this June to the next – will be a year of untold sorrow and joy. Many revelations [made by the Virgin Mary during this century] will be realized. Those who are weak will not understand, just as they fail to see today. The current tribulations and evils in the world are only a prelude of what is to come.”

“As I come seeking your reconciliation with God, Satan is at my heel seeking your destruction. The apostasy and heresy, that is in hearts now, will be externalized as never before. But I do not predict to you destruction of the Church. Many will succumb but not all.”

“Those who seek the bridge of reconciliation with God – the bridge which is my Heart and Holy Love – will be safe. I speak of spiritual safety, for my Heart is your Spiritual Refuge. Those who pursue their own will shall be easily misled.”

“My daughter, you need not defend this way of love and reconciliation. You need only point it out. This is how Jesus taught.”

“The lives of many will be altered in this year of grave decision. This year continues under the reign of Jesus, King of Mercy and Love. But coming swiftly is my Son’s reign as Just Judge.”

“I do not come to frighten but to awaken sleeping consciences. I do not come to satisfy the curious but to change hearts. The privilege of my coming to you is for all nations and all people. All of these can traverse the bridge of Holy Love. They must choose.”

“The reign of the United Hearts will bring an end to division. It is time to unite in this victory. It is time to believe.”

June 25, 1997

Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: “Praise be Jesus. I come as Herald of My Son’s return. I come to summon all nations into my Immaculate Heart. It is foretold in scripture what is to come.” (Daniel Chapter 7)

“I come to you today as your Mediatrix and Advocate. I come to warn you against an ungodly union forming amongst nations. In this unity is loss of independence and identity. It will bring no order but disorder.”

“Ahead are great trials. The greatest will be suffered by those people who now live sophisticated lives and by nations who have led multitudes astray.”

“The humble and those consecrated to my Immaculate Heart will find peace in the midst of adversity. I will be with them. Great and unforetold are the miracles and graces that will sustain my little ones during these times.”

“Nations must not seek to be united under an earthly leader but united in my Heart – united in Holy Love. Pray, oh pray for government leaders who have compromised mankind’s position before God. Pray for Church leaders who do not recognize their role in these times.”

“With your Rosary you can overcome evil and change the course of coming events. You must pray. I am blessing you.”

February 24, 1998
4th Tuesday – Mission Prayer Group

Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Pray with Me tonight, dear children, for the success of My Mission in hearts.”

“Dear children, tonight I ask you to believe that the Morning Star is about to mount the summit of victory. But in order for this to take place, My dear children, I need your prayers, so that certain snares and pitfalls can be overcome. These days your country experiences many misfortunes – most believe by the hand of nature. But this is what I have foretold and what I have asked you to expect if abortion continued and if hearts continued to accept apostasy and error. My dear children, you must stand up for the Truth, for the Truth is My victory. Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”

May 5, 1998
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation: 1st Anniversary – Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love

Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says:

“Praise be Jesus. Pray with Me now, dear children, for unbelieving hearts.”

“My dear little children, thank you for your response and for coming today. As you have seen, many events unfolded quickly from last June until this June, just as I foretold. The times are desperate and continue so. I need your prayers to balance the scale of Justice. My dear children, make your prayers as numerous as the blossoms around Me today.”

Our Lady then gave Her Blessing of Holy Love.

August 8, 1998
Cleveland Conference

Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be Jesus. Thank you, dear children, for your prayers, and for your attendance here today at My invitation. Please understand that all I have foretold, through the messengers here today and others around the world, is already happening, and will happen just as I have stated. You will see the Book of Revelation turn to life. My dear children, when you read Scripture, pray it; and if you have a heart of love, you will understand all the details that you are to know. Today, I am extending to all here present My Blessing of Holy Love.”

August 12, 1998
Monthly Message to All Nations

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be Jesus. The needs here are many and varied today, but I invite you to pray with Me for those who oppose the Mission of Holy Love in their hearts.”

“My dear children, as the millennium draws near, many seek answers and many think they know about future events. But, I invite you to realize that Scripture has it, no one prophesizes perfectly.* Further, I invite you to discover the truth of Holy Love in the present moment. While you worry for the future, you have missed the grace of the present.”

“This much I reveal to you. A great shadow of suffering has, and will, pass over this country. But it shall not rest upon it. This is because of your prayers and sacrifices, and in reward for the benevolent nature of your nation towards other countries less fortunate. But, I tell you, formulas and schemes have been shared during this decade with nations that do not understand their potential. Trust has been placed in those who are untrustworthy. Therefore, I call you once again to a renewed spirit of prayer and sacrifice. There are many scheming hearts in your world who have not been reconciled to God.”

“Dear children, I have come to you so that you will understand how important your free will is. You can follow Satan into the world, or you can choose to be united to Me through the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart. Satan calls you along the road of deceit and confusion. The path I call you upon is joy, peace, and love. To choose one, you must give up the other. You cannot live in Holy Love and live in sin at the same time. Each one knows best what he must abandon in order to follow Me into the Heart of My Son.”

“Dear children, it is not necessary that you believe My presence is here in order to be saved; but I caution you, you must live in Holy Love in order to reach salvation. Holy Love, which is to love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself, is gospel, irrefutable, and not subject to your discernment. Therefore, I come to invite you along the path of holiness through Holy Love. But I do not pull or push you. I wait for you to decide. When you come to Me with your heart open, I will embrace you. Dear children, I am always loving you.”

The United Hearts Blessing is given.

*I Corinthians 13, 9-10

For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away.

August 26, 1998
JESUS at adoration

Scripture has it: Fear is useless. What is needed is trust. Greed and self love lead to self destruction. For what does it merit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?”

“Allow Me to tell you the only preparation you need: the only provision to lay up of value is Holy Love in your heart. Everything else is superficial and passing.”

“The time approaches when you cannot live for self alone. Each one will depend on the other for something. You will need to be steeped in Holy Love to share what provision you have with those around you. Let every motive of action be Holy Love. Do not cling to the world as though it is your salvation. Cling to Holy Love. Then, any provision you share out of love will bring you everlasting joy.”

“You cannot run or hide from the day it is written you will come to Me. I can find you. I know you. I see all things. I love you. So do not fear Me. I know what you need and when you need it. Learn to think not in the natural, but rely on grace. I am fortifying My remnant. These are already chosen.”

“I confide all of this to you with Divine Love – Divine Mercy. Believe in Me.”

December 23, 1999

“I am Jesus, born Incarnate. Child, let the hustle and bustle of the season be around you, but not in your heart. I want to occupy your heart. I desire this. I need this. The angels said, ‘Peace to men of good will.’ Good will in the heart is the Eternal Father’s Divine Will which is one with Holy Love.”

“This year just ahead will challenge the fainthearted, the lukewarm, and those devoted to themselves and the world. Those who will anchor their faith in Holy and Divine Love will not waiver. We need to exhaust every path, every doorway of opportunity to reach souls with this message.”

“Foretold in Scripture is every sign of My Second Coming. The foolish do not see this mission for what it is, oil in the virgin’s lamp. The wise take heed and not only live the message, but evangelize it.”

“You will please awaken hearts and make this known. I will bless you.”

April 16, 2006
Easter Sunday

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I am risen. Alleluia! I am risen always in the tabernacles of the world. I am victorious even now in hearts that embrace the eternal truths of Holy and Divine Love. Alleluia!”

“I have come to your midst once again to help you to see that Holy Humility and Holy Love must always be united in the soul in order for the soul to be united to Holy and Divine Love. One does not exist without the other. If one of these–either humility or love is weakened–both are weakened. Learn to put all others first then. Have concern for others’ needs. Consider your own needs last of all. Do everything for love of God–love of neighbor. Fiercely guard your heart to avoid self-seeking in thought, word and deed. Do not be zealous for reputation, but seek only to appeal to Me in littleness. I will give you everything–all that you need. Come to Me as a little child.”

“Every need of this Mission is in My Hands, from the rising to the setting of the sun. Much of what I have foretold is about to happen. I will be there with you. Alleluia!”

September 15, 2006
Midnight Service in the United Hearts Field; Feasts of The Triumph of the Cross 9/14 and The Sorrowful Mother 9/15

Blessed Mother is here as the Sorrowful Mother. She is dressed in gray and has two very large angels with Her–one on each side. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, these days I am in your hearts and you are in Mine. Please understand that no opinions–even lies of others, no matter their prestige or esteem in the world–can change the truth of Heaven’s predilection here at Maranatha. I come to you as a sorrowing Mother seeking the salvation of all of Her children.”

“Dear children, with docility, understand what I am here to tell you. Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. A wound needs to be exposed to the air to finally heal. [She smiles and motions towards the scratch on my arm.] So it is with the bride. Her spouse allows her wounds to come into the light so that a healing can take place from the inside out. Some, in astonishment, say, ‘Look at the depth of the woundedness.’ Remember, My Son is the Divine Physician, and can heal all wounds. He even has sent His own Mother to you as ‘Protectress of the Faith’, a title which is healing in itself. So much does He love you and desire that you have only the truth, for He is the Truth.”

“Those who fear the impact of these apparitions here have spread malicious lies about their authenticity–lies that cannot, and will not, be justified in righteousness. Stop and think, My little children, who would oppose messages that lead you deep into holiness, deep into the Divine Heart of My Son? Who is the enemy of love and does not want your salvation? Who inspires you to doubt the path your Mother calls you upon? If you are wise, you will see Satan’s fingerprints on all these attacks, lies and innuendos.”

“My children, you must realize the sequence of events that is taking place in the world today. You have the beginnings of a new tyranny–a tyranny such as the world has never known. It will be allowed to envelope all of mankind, portraying itself to be good, but proving to be the incarnation of evil. This tyranny will demand a new money system, worship of evil and, thereby, lead you into a one-world religion. You will not find a nugget of truth in any of Satan’s plans for you.”

“Therefore, understand, that the truth is in your midst now in this Mission of Holy and Divine Love. Do not allow evil to convince you otherwise. Cling to the truth, and do not allow yourselves to be misled by darkness. You, My dear, dear children, are children of the Light.”

“Tonight, as children of the Light, allow the Light of Holy Love to shine through you, to encompass you and to embrace those around you. I, your Sorrowful Mother, treasure these times with you. I have received special favors from My Divine Son as He seeks to ignite all hearts with the Flame of Holy Love here tonight. In your hearts and in your lives, your Mother will place untold graces–graces you did not have before My coming to you tonight. Relationships with those around you will improve. Physical healings will abound. Stress will be relieved so that you can come closer to Jesus. Future difficulties, which have laid heavy on your hearts, will be resolved. What you doubted before, now you will believe. In all these things, remember to give thanks to Jesus, the One Who sends Me.”

“My dear, dear children, I am here tonight just for you, as you have come to console Me in My sorrows. I have come to relieve your suffering. My children, no longer fear or have anxiety in your hearts, for I am with you. The greatest graces are yet to come; be at peace. I’m taking all petitions with Me to Heaven tonight.”

“I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”

December 14, 2008
Second Sunday Service to Pray against Abortion

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Today, My brothers and sisters, I invite you to cast yourselves upon the Provision of My Heart, which is Divine Love and Divine Mercy itself.”

“During the year ahead, you will face many challenges, not the least of which is the challenge of democracy itself as it slips away. Do not fear, but trust always in the words that I have given you today.”

“I’m extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love.”

January 1, 2011
Feast of The Mother of God

New Year’s Day

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I am Mary, Mother of God.” [She is all in white.] “The year ahead holds many challenges in the Mission, on the world stage and in individual hearts. Every challenge will be matched with a commensurate amount of grace from My Heart. It is important to remember this – My promise of assistance in any need.”

“Natural disasters will ebb and flow like the tide of the sea coming in waves. The Mission here will take on a new role – an important role during these times of mounting distress. Thus you will see more and more turn to this Mission and the spiritual journey offered here.”

“The Rosary of the Unborn is beginning to bridge the gap between Heaven and earth. Please express My thanks to all those instrumental in this effort.”

“The light of truth emanating from this Mission will shine even brighter during the coming year, exposing hypocrisy and lies that the enemy spreads about the good being accomplished here. It will become more and more difficult for the enemy to work covertly. This will be a real grace for the Mission.”

“Do not be alarmed by anything that occurs around you or in the world. Remember My promise of grace to match every event or attack.”

August 5, 2011
Blessed Mother’s Birthday

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come once again this year to celebrate the anniversary of My birth with you. If souls could only realize the great miracle of every birth, there would be no artificial birth control or abortion. Every birth is God’s Plan throughout all eternity. The intrusion of man’s free will upon life in the womb will prove catastrophic in the future, for every soul is God’s instrument. His future is woven into the future of human events. Every human life is like a thread running through a tapestry – the tapestry being the past, present and future of the world. When one thread is pulled, it causes much unraveling in the tapestry. When one human life is snuffed out, God’s Perfect Plan must be altered.”

“In this country, artificial birth control will soon be available free of charge for the asking. What consequences await this decision against God’s Will and with what covertness this was made law. I remind your government officials that it is Satan who works under cover of darkness.”

“Disregard for human rights is also disregard for the Constitution your nation was founded upon. Sadly, the composure of this nation is slipping away under the guise of social justice.”

“So today, My children, I celebrate all God has done for Me – My Immaculate Conception, the Virgin birth – and much more. I celebrate God’s Plan which came to fruition in Me. I pray with you that God’s Plan will be recognized in the heart of your nation, and come to fruition in and through you, as well.”

December 31, 2012


“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“The world is about to embark upon a new calendar year. Hearts hold many genuine concerns, but most hearts do not embrace the one genuine solution, which is Holy Love. My Commandments of Love, though given to you in the New Testament, are, in Truth, the embodiment of the Ten Commandments given to Moses in days of old.”

“To live in Holy Love is a way of thinking, a way of being, a way of a sound relationship with Me and with My Father.”

“You will not find peace through weapons of mass destruction, high powered negotiations and concessions, a one world government, and a one world religion or resolution of financial problems. Peace will only come when all factions come together in Holy Love.”

“The year ahead holds much distress if you do not follow My Formula for peace. Embrace Holy Love.”

January 19, 2013

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Solemnly I tell you, all of Scripture, which refers to the times before My Second Coming, will be fulfilled. I ask your prayers and sacrifices for these times described in the Book of Revelation so that there will be less who will be fooled into apostasy and schism; and so that the Remnant will increase. Pray for the Victory of Truth in hearts.”

November 1, 2014
Feast of All Saints

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“This is the age of the realization of much of Scripture. These are times of fulfillment of ancient prophecies just as in the day when Christ came into the world. For that reason, God permits Scripture to be quoted with many of the Messages, as the Messages are supported by Scripture.”

“Do not take Heaven’s efforts here lightly – nor the abundance of apparitions and Messages for granted. Each one bears its own weight on the scale of God’s call to be converted. You do well to listen sooner rather than later, for only the Father knows times and dates of specific happenings.”

Read Isaiah 10:20-23 *

Realization of the Remnant of Israel

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and they that shall escape of the house of Jacob, shall lean no more upon him that striketh them: but they shall lean upon the Lord the Holy One of Israel, in truth. The remnant shall be converted, the remnant, I say, of Jacob, to the mighty God. For if thy people, O Israel, shall be as the sand of the sea, a remnant of them shall be converted, the consumption abridged shall overflow with justice. For the Lord God of hosts shall make a consumption, and an abridgment in the midst of all the land.

Read 1 Thessalonians 2:13 *

Acceptance by believers of the Truth of the Word of God

Therefore, we also give thanks to God without ceasing: because, that when you had received of us the word of the hearing of God, you received it not as the word of men, but (as it is indeed) the Word of God, who worketh in you that have believed.

* –Scripture verses asked to be read by Blessed Mother.
Scripture taken from the Douay-Rheims Bible.
-Synopisis of Scripture provided by spiritual advisor

December 31, 2014

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“The year ahead, as with any year, holds its challenges and its victories throughout the world. Secular and religious leaders will challenge the Truth. Natural and man-made disasters will breach a general sense of security. Those who depend upon the grace of the present moment will be the most secure.”

“I am always your source of well-being. I do not come to alarm, but to forewarn. Amidst all of the events, your greatest challenge will remain to find the Truth, to defend it and live by it.”

December 31, 2017

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I am the Eternal Now – Lord of all Creation. I have come to help you in many ways. As time unfolds and reveals what has been predicted in Scripture, you must realize that the book of Revelation is not a prescribed timeline of events. Rather, it reveals what will and must take place before My Son’s return. The content of this book is to be digested spiritually, not as the sequence of events. For example, one or more of the seven plagues could occur before the war of Armageddon. This is not a certainty, but an example.”

“The important thing is to always have your heart ready. Prepare spiritually and you will not be surprised or frightened by worldly events. Do not waste time on dates or times or any interpretation thereof. Remain united in the Truth of My Dominion over you. This Truth is the groundwork of faith, hope and love.”

Read 2 Corinthians 3:4-6+

Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to claim anything as coming from us; our sufficiency is from God, who has qualified us to be ministers of a new covenant, not in a written code but in the Spirit; for the written code kills, but the Spirit gives life.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

January 1, 2018
New Year’s Day

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I am God the Father, Creator of all good. Today, as this New Year unfolds, I come to reveal to you directions and warnings which will be necessary to know ahead of time. The collusions between Russia, China, North Korea and Iran will become more open and obvious. Their evil tilts towards the promotion of a One World Order – a government of evil. There will be even greater friction between Israel and its neighboring countries. President Trump will have to take a firm stand.”

“In this country* you will see greater chasms between liberalism and conservatism. While the economy strengthens, the good of this administration will continue to be downplayed. Stricter policies against terrorism will be put into place. This will affect immigration.”

“The great and natural resources of this country will be brought to the forefront and strengthen the national image. This Ministry** will continue to be a solace to the Remnant Faithful. Many changes are in hearts in Rome – changes heretofore unthought of. If they come to light, people will need to choose between obedience to title and authority or obedience to the Truth. The focus of the Church will be on more liberal stands on moral issues.”

“Continue your many rosaries and Masses for the Remnant. In the world, the Remnant is comprised of those conservatives unwilling to compromise the Truth.”

* U.S.A.
** The ecumenical Ministry of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read Jude 17-23+

Warnings and Exhortations

But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; they said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who set up divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And convince some, who doubt; save some, by snatching them out of the fire; on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

December 3, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Children, yesterday I spoke to you about unity within the Remnant Church. Today, I must warn you about a unity fast coming which is not of Me. This is the false unity of the One World Order. Already the ground has been laid for this. You are leaning towards a cashless society – one that depends upon the intricacies of technology to survive financially. The One World Order opens the way to one leader – the Anti-Christ.”

“Beware of an order of society that sets the tone for one person to have all the power – no matter any signs and wonders he may portray. Satan knows the heart of man. His intelligence is above human intellect. Therefore, he knows how to present himself in a way most appealing to mankind.”

“Keep close to Me by always obeying My Commandments. I am your Heavenly Father. I will uncover the Truth for you to help you understand these times and what dangers lie hidden behind seeming good.”

Read 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12+

The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the Truth and so be saved. Therefore, God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the Truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

December 12, 2018
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – 3:00 P.M. Service

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, once again, the Lord permits Me to transcend time and space and to communicate with you. Most of you do not realize the tenuous situation the world is in. The welfare of the future of the world rests with a few chosen leaders and what they hold as Truth in their hearts. There is much unrest in the world because of man’s treatment of the unborn. You will never have true and lasting peace in the world until life in the womb is at peace. So long as you accept abortion as a legal right, nations will war against nations. Certain ideologies will embrace violence and Truth will be held up to ridicule.”

“My speaking to you today is yet another chance for the heart of the world to change course. If Heaven’s intervention goes unheeded, My Son, Who has been lovingly patient, will allow His Wrath to begin. I fear then there will be no turning back.”

“Concede your pride in not taking these Messages* seriously with an open heart. Your disbelief or lukewarm response will not change the reality of Heaven’s intervention here.”**

“The Heart of God sorrows for the disregard and indifference in the world today for His Commandments. So few can say with sincerity that they love God above all else as His Commandment dictates. I hold back His Arm of Justice with great effort with the example of your rosaries, other prayers and sacrifices.”

“Every now and then, you glimpse a small portion of God’s Wrath in unprecedented natural disasters, such as powerful hurricanes, fires and earthquakes. These, however, impress the heart of man only temporarily and not enough for his repentance.”

“The laws of every nation must be a reflection of God’s Commandments. Each nation is defined in God’s Eyes accordingly.”

“I do not come to you with a scolding heart, but with a Mother’s Heart who out of love for Her children desires to correct them before it is too late.”

“Dear children, these days much time and effort is given over to gift-giving and worldly goods. I tell you, the greatest gift you have or will ever receive is the gift of your faith. Cherish it. Pray to be able to persevere in your faith, as these are the times foretold when faith would be so contradicted. I am always the Protectress of your Faith, a title I will never relinquish for lack of approval.*** Call upon Me and I will strengthen your faith amidst difficulties.”

“As always, I give praise and honor to Jesus the Lord. I thank each and every one of you for making the effort to be here today, in My presence. I am in the midst of each of your hearts. Each of you is My child and I am your Heavenly Mother. Pray always for the conversion of the heart of the world, which sorrowly grieves the Heart of My Son.”

“Dear children, today I impart to you, as I take every petition into My Heart, My Blessing of Holy Love.”

* The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
*** In March 1988, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland through its “expert theologian”, summarily dismissed Our Lady’s request in 1987 for the title ‘Mary, Protectress of the Faith’ stating that ‘she already had too many titles’.

December 30, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Children, I have come to tell you that in the year ahead, people will suffer from man-made disasters and from natural disasters. Those who are politically motivated for their own sake will be found by Truth. Inches will be made into feet and feet into yards at your southern border.”

“The cross of lack of discernment will become more obvious and cost souls their salvation. Unity amongst nations will be used towards Satan’s advantage, as illicit peace will form, opening the door to My Wrath. The king of the heart of the world – materialism – will be given more power. Obedience to My Commandments will suffer.”

“As these things unfold, stay close to Me. Do not allow the promises of mere man fool you. Do not be impressed by what seems to be miracles surrounding one man, who is even now plotting his public introduction. You will always have time to convert hearts around you if you see My Will in every situation.”

“Children, there is hope to postpone what I speak of today, but no hope of eradicating it. Your prayers make up the difference.”

Read 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12+

The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the Truth and so be saved. Therefore, God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the Truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

January 1, 2019
Solemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God

The Blessed Virgin Mary says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, today, I invite you to spend the New Year united to God’s Will by living in Holy Love. Do not allow the passage of time to be your enemy. Use the present moment as your pulpit to spread the Message of Holy Love.”

“The coming year holds both victory and defeat. The war against righteous morals will wage on. Marriage will continue to be under attack. Gender will continue as a focal point of contention. More and more, moral issues will be the battleground of Satan’s choice. Expect the unexpected in Church and world politics, as Satan’s influence spreads in the deceit of many hearts. The disrespect for life from conception to natural death will continue to cause violence and the depletion of God’s choicest creations, which would have held the secrets of many solutions to mankind’s woes.”

“My rosary is the weapon of choice against all evil. It is by merit of the rosary much that is hidden in hearts will be brought to light.”

“You can expect unprecedented natural disasters in unprecedented places. People will continue to overlook God’s Grace as a solution and will continue to trust only in human effort.”

“In the midst of all I am describing to you is My Motherly Call to come into My Immaculate Heart, for guidance and protection await you herein. You can find My Heart accessible by virtue of the Holy Love in your own heart.”

“I will defend good and destroy Satan’s agenda if you stay close to Me through the rosary. Dear children, be careful how you walk. Pray for wisdom.”

Read Ephesians 5:15-17+

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Will of the Lord is.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by Blessed Virgin Mary. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

March 27, 2019

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “My children, you see the signs of the seasons all around you – their coming and their going. You prepare for their arrival. If spring is approaching, you begin to plant new life. You prepare to harvest what you plant in the fall. The approach of winter calls you to prepare your homes and your wardrobes for cold weather. Yet, the signs are all around you of My Son’s Second Coming. Few are preparing for His Season of Victory. Few even stop their routine lives enough to recognize it.”

“The harvesting angels will come as foretold – separating the good from the evil. The souls who have chosen Holy Love as a way of life will be escorted to the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who have not and do not choose to embrace My Commandments will spend eternity regretting their choices.”

“Pay attention at all times which direction your free-will choices are leading you. I do not come to choose for you. I come to enlighten you as to the times in which you live. Prepare.”

Read Luke 12:54-56+

Interpreting the Present Time

He also said to the multitudes, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, ‘A shower is coming’; and so it happens. And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, ‘There will be scorching heat’; and it happens. You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky; but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

November 19, 2019

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I am the Lord your God – Creator of the Universe and of all life that abides therein. Only I can speak to you as I choose to today. The world is on the brink of the Apocalypse. The Antichrist is in the world and stands poised – ready to mount his throne. Many signs and events in the world now are apocalyptic in nature. The world has but one or two more steps to take to pass completely into the Apocalypse.”

“Nation after nation will collapse economically, as their main source of revenue fails. Those who do not accept Me as their God will become more influential in the world. All of nature will seem to turn against man. True faith will be more and more persecuted until it is truly a remnant. The Church will survive but on a smaller scale. The spirit of ambition will overtake important leadership, compromising decisions which will affect millions.”

“So, you see, there is more deterioration that will occur as the world steps full force into the Apocalypse. This is why My Apocalyptic Blessing* is so important. It assists people in determining the Truth and to obeying only the Truth in the midst of ever-increasing turmoil.”

* For information regarding the Apocalyptic Blessing please see

Read Luke 21:10-11+

Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)