Holy Hour of Reparation to the Precious Blood of Jesus


St. Peter reminds us of its importance of when he writes. “You were redeemed not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).

As our Lord Himself said, His blood would be shed for “the forgiveness of sins” (Matt 26:28).

A Powerful Prayer to be Said Before Praying.

“Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar.” – St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi.


The “Constant” Prayer of St. Catherine of Siena

“Precious Blood, ocean of divine mercy: Flow upon us! Precious Blood, most pure offering: Procure us every grace! Precious Blood, hope and refuge of sinners: Atone for us! Precious Blood, delight of holy souls: Draw us! Amen.”


Eternal Father,
we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus,
in atonement for our sins,
in supplication for the holy souls in Purgatory,
and for the needs of the Holy Church.


Precious Blood Prayer in Response to Requests from Our Lord

“Dear Jesus, moved by an impulse of love, and with purity of intention, I wish to cover my humble labors with Your merits and bathe them in the supernatural gold of Your Precious Blood. I desire to consecrate my life to the saving of souls and the extension of Your glory, and I beg the Heavenly Father for as many souls as You shed drops of Blood during Your Passion.” – Sr. Josefa Menendez

Pleading the Blood of Jesus

“Father in heaven, may we all be cleansed by the saving Blood of Jesus; may our consciences be purged of dead works. Scripture says that evil is defeated by the Blood of the Lamb, so we ask that the Blood of Jesus cover all who are in need of protection (all civil, religious and lay leaders, our families, friends, enemies, all those for whom we have promised to pray, and ourselves). We mark the borders of our nation and the doorposts of our churches, homes, schools and places of employment with the Precious Blood of Jesus. Also, we cover our vehicles that no one may ever be injured through them. Thank You, Lord, for shedding Your Blood for us. May the Water and Blood that came from the side of Jesus create a protecting fountain of grace, one which flows directly from the throne of God to us. Come, Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit.”

Prayer of St. Faustina

“O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a Fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You.”


The Blood of Christ Activated as Praise

“Thirdly, the Blood of Christ is a spiritual weapon.”

Rev 12:11

11They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb

and by the word of their testimony;

love for life did not deter them from death.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. (St Gertrude, 1,000 souls released, who can then join in the spiritual warfare prayers)

Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world (Source: Nigeria)

Sacrifice of Most Precious Blood Prayer

“I offer, through you, this devotion to the world of the sacrifice of My Most Precious Blood. The devotion is short, but powerful; it is five ‘Hail Marys’.”

“These are the meditations:”

“The sacrifice of the shedding of My Blood under the whips and thorns perpetrated by My persecutors;”

“The sacrifice of the shedding of My Blood as I was nailed to the Cross;”

“The sacrifice of the shedding of My Blood as My Heart was pierced by the sword;”

“The sacrifice of the shedding of My Blood in every Mass;”

“The sacrifice of the shedding of My Blood as I abide Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the tabernacles of the world.”     (April 11, 2004)

Source: Holy Love Ministry – “…each time this prayer is recited, a drop of My Precious Blood will fall on a soul suffering the flames of Purgatory.”

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus, in satisfaction for my sins, and for the needs of Holy Church. 

This Precious Blood prayer below asks for our Blessed Mother Mary’s always invaluable assistance in combating mortal sin, and is good for both morning and evening prayers. You can add a Hail Mary in her honor for this intention:  

O Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary, offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of thy Divine Son for the intention that one mortal sin may be prevented this day [or this night].

And finally we have these two prayers offering our Lord’s Precious Blood for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, one of which also calls on Mary’s assistance for us:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen. (This is known as the Prayer of St. Gertrude.)

O Eternal Father, I offer Thee, through the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Precious Blood of Thy Son for the relief of the suffering souls in Purgatory.


Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the Circumcision, make me chaste of mind, heart and body.

Precious Blood, oozing from every pore in the Agony of Jesus, grant me to love above all things the holy and Adorable Will of God.

Precious Blood, flowing abundantly in the Scourging at the Pillar, inspire me with a keen sorrow for my sins and a love of suffering.

Precious Blood, falling in profusion from the Crown of Thorns, grant me a love of humiliations.

Precious Blood, furrowing the way to Calvary, fill me with courage to walk unfalteringly in the bloody footsteps of Jesus.

Precious Blood, shed so profusely in the Crucifixion of my Jesus, make me die entirely to self-love.

Precious Blood, shed to the very last drop by the opening of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, give me that generous love that sacrifices all for God.

Precious Blood, sacred source from whence flow all graces, apply Thine infinite merits to my soul.

Precious Blood, Whose virtue animates and vivifies our actions, apply Thine infinite merits to all our works.

Life-Giving Fountain, in which the soul fully slakes its thirst, saturate me with pure love.

O Divine Blood of my Jesus, I adore Thee from the depths of my heart. Thee I fervently invoke, for Thou art my salvation, and by Thee I hope to obtain the joys of Paradise.

Eternal Father, be merciful, for the sake of the Blood of Thine only-begotten Son; we beseech Thee, show us Thy mercy.

Most Precious Blood of Jesus, cry to the Heavenly Father for mercy for us, and deliver us.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Precious Blood in atonement for my sins and for the needs of Holy Church

Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus
For private recitation.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
have mercy on us.
Blood of Christ, only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father,
save us.
Blood of Christ, Incarnate Word of God,
save us.
Blood of Christ, of the New and Eternal Testament,
save us.
Blood of Christ, falling upon the earth in the Agony,
save us.
Blood of Christ, shed profusely in the Scourging,
save us.
Blood of Christ, flowing forth in the Crowning with Thorns,
save us.
Blood of Christ, poured out on the Cross,
save us.
Blood of Christ, price of our salvation,
save us.
Blood of Christ, Without Which there is no forgiveness,
save us.
Blood of Christ, Eucharistic drink and refreshment of souls,
save us.
Blood of Christ, stream of mercy,
save us.
Blood of Christ, victor over demons,
save us.
Blood of Christ, courage of Martyrs,
save us.
Blood of Christ, strength of Confessors,
save us.
Blood of Christ, bringing forth Virgins,
save us.
Blood of Christ, help of those in peril,
save us.
Blood of Christ, relief of the burdened,
save us.
Blood of Christ, solace in sorrow,
save us.
Blood of Christ, hope of the penitent,
save us.
Blood of Christ, consolation of the dying,
save us.
Blood of Christ, peace and tenderness of hearts,
save us.
Blood of Christ, pledge of eternal life,
save us.
Blood of Christ, freeing souls from purgatory,
save us.
Blood of Christ, most worthy of all glory and honor,
save us.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
spare us, O Lord!.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord!.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us, O Lord!
V. Thou hast redeemed us, O Lord, in Thy Blood.
R. And made us, for our God, a Kingdom. Let us pray.
Almighty and eternal God, Thou hast appointed Thine only-begotten Son the Redeemer of the world, and willed to be appeased by His Blood. Grant we beg of Thee, that we may worthily adore this price of our salvation, and through its power be safeguarded from the evils of the present life, so that we may rejoice in its fruits forever in Heaven. Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen.



Eternal Father, we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, poured out on the cross and offered daily on the altar:

For the glory of your name, for the coming of your kingdom and for the salvation of all.

For the propagation of faith, for Pope N., for bishops, priests, and religious and for the sanctification of all the people of God.

For the conversion of sinners, for the loving acceptance of your Word, and for the union of all Christians.

For civil authorities, for the strengthening of public morals, and for peace and justice among all nations.

For the sanctification of our work and suffering, for the poor, sick and afflicted, and for all who rely on our prayers.

For our own spiritual and temporal needs, for those of our relatives, benefactors, and also for those of our enemies.

For those who are to die this day, for the souls in purgatory, and for our final union with Christ in Glory.

O Jesus, Who by reason of Thy burning love for us hast willed to be crucified and to shed Thy Most Precious Blood for the redemption and salvation of our souls, look down upon us here gathered together in remembrance of Thy most sorrowful Passion and Death, fully trusting in Thy mercy; cleanse us from sin by Thy grace, sanctify our toil, give unto us and unto all those who are dear to us our daily bread, sweeten our sufferings, bless our families, and to the nations so sorely afflicted, grant Thy peace, which is the only true peace, so that by obeying Thy commandments we may come at last to the glory of heaven.

O Precious Blood of Jesus, infinite price of sinful man’s redemption, both drink and laver of our souls, Thou who does plead continually the cause of man before the throne of infinite mercy.  From the depths of my heart I adore Thee, and so far as I am able I would requite Thee for the insults and outrages which Thou does continually receive from human beings, and especially from those who rashly dare to blaspheme Thee.

Who would not bless this Blood of infinite value?  Who does not feel within himself the fire of the love of Jesus, who shed It all for us?  What would be my fate, had I not been redeemed by this Divine Blood?  Who has drawn it from the veins of my Savior, even to the last drop?  Ah, this surely was the work of love.

O infinite love, which has given us this saving balm!  O balm beyond all price, welling up from the fountain of infinite love!  Grant that every heart and every tongue may be enabled to praise Thee, magnify Thee and give Thee thanks both now and forevermore.



O Most Precious Blood of Jesus, infinite price of the redemption of sinful humanity, solace and refreshment of our souls, you continuously foster our cause before the throne of Supreme Mercy.  I profoundly adore you and want, as much as possible, to make reparation for the insults and disrespect you receive from human beings, especially from those who dare to blaspheme.

Who will not bless this Blood of infinite value!  Who would not be set aflame with love toward Jesus who shed this Blood?  Who would I be if this Divine Blood had not redeemed me?  Who removed it from the veins of my Lord to the last drop?  Love did it!  O immense love, which bestowed upon us this saving balm!  O immeasurable balm which sprang from a spring of immense love, may all hearts and languages praise you, exult you and give you thanks now and forever. Amen.


O Mary, source of the Precious Blood, you are the guardian of this treasure for which my whole being yearns.  The Blood of Jesus, shed in anguish and shame, the Blood which reconciles and purifies us in your keeping to be dispersed to your children as God wills.

O Mother, give to my intelligence the Blood that heals my infirmities and cancels my iniquities; to my will, the generous Blood which wrought the honor of God by the greatest of immolations.

Give to my heart this spotless Blood which gives rise to holiness; and to every faculty of my mind and every sense and member of my body, the indomitable courage and peace which the Passion and Death of your divine Son purchased for me.  Then shall I be armed for the daily combat, and to Jesus crucified shall be given the trophies of my redemption, and by its merits, bring me, Mother, to sing its praises in eternity. Amen.

Offerings of the Precious Blood

  1. Eternal Father, I offer You the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Your beloved Son, my divine Savior, for the spread and exaltation of holy Church, my dear Savior, for the preservation and welfare of her visible Head, the Sovereign Roman Pontiff, for the cardinals, bishops and pastors of souls, and for all the ministers of Your sanctuary.

Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
May Jesus be thanked and praised forever,
Who has saved us with His Blood!

  1. Eternal Father, I offer You the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Your beloved Son, my divine Savior, for peace and concord among Catholic rulers, for the humbling of the enemies of of our holy faith, and for the welfare of all Your Christian people.

Glory Be to the Father, etc.
May Jesus be thanked and praised forever,
Who has saved us with His Blood!

III. Eternal Father, I offer You the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Your beloved Son, my divine Savior, for the conversion of unbelievers, the uprooting of all heresies, and the conversion of sinners.

Glory Be to the Father, etc.
May Jesus be thanked and praised forever,
Who has saved us with His Blood! 

  1. Eternal Father, I offer You the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Your beloved Son, my divine Savior, for all my relatives, friends and enemies, for the needy, the sick and the troubled, and for all those whom You know I should pray and for whom You want me to pray.

Glory Be to the Father, etc.
May Jesus be thanked and praised forever,
Who has saved us with His Blood! 

  1. Eternal Father, I offer You the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Your beloved Son, my divine Savior, for all those who shall this day pass to the next life. Deliver them from the pains of hell and admit them soon to the possession of Your glory.

Glory Be to the Father, etc.
May Jesus be thanked and praised forever,
Who has saved us with His Blood! 

  1. Eternal Father, I offer You the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Your beloved Son, my divine Savior, for all who are lovers of this great treasure, for all those who are united with me in adoring and honoring It, and finally for those who labor to spread this devotion.

Glory Be to the Father, etc.
May Jesus be thanked and praised forever,
Who has saved us with His Blood! 

VII. Eternal Father, I offer You the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Your beloved Son, my divine Savior, for all my needs, spiritual and temporal, for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and especially for those who are most devoted to this price of our redemption and to the sorrows and sufferings of Mary, our most holy Mother.

Glory Be to the Father, etc.
May Jesus be thanked and praised forever,
Who has saved us with His Blood! 

Glory be to the Blood of Jesus now and forever and through the everlasting ages. Amen.


Leader: Loving God,

All: we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, poured out on the cross and offered daily on the altar,

for the glory of your name,
for the coming of your kingdom,
for the salvation of all people.

Leader: Glory be to the Father…

All: As it was in the …

Leader: Praise and thanksgiving be evermore to Jesus.

All: Who with his Blood has saved us.

Leader: Loving God,

All: we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, poured out on the cross and offered daily on the altar,

for the spread of the church,
for all those consecrated to you by baptism,
for missionaries and catechists,
for sisters, brothers, deacons, priests and bishops,
for our bishop and for Pope John Paul,
and for the sanctification of all the people of God.

Leader: Glory be to the Father …

All: As it was in the …

Leader: Praise and thanksgiving be evermore to Jesus.

All: Who with his Blood has saved us.

Leader: Loving God,

All: we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, poured out on the cross and offered daily on the altar,

for the conversion of sinners,
for the loving acceptance of your word,
and for the union of all Christians.

Leader: Glory be to the Father …

All: As it was in the …

Leader: Praise and thanksgiving be evermore to Jesus.

All: Who with his Blood has saved us.

Leader: Loving God,

All: we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, poured out on the cross and offered daily on the altar,

for our civil authorities,
for the strengthening of public morals,
and for peace and justice among all nations.

Leader: Glory be to the Father…..

All: As it was in the …

Leader: Praise and thanksgiving be evermore to Jesus.

All: Who with his Blood has saved us.

Leader: Loving God,

All: we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, poured out on the cross and offered daily on the altar,

for the sanctification of our work and our suffering,
for the poor, especially the homeless,
for those in prison,
for the sick, for those afflicted in any way,
and for all who rely on our prayers.

Leader: Glory be to the Father…..

All: As it was in the …

Leader: Praise and thanksgiving be evermore to Jesus.

All: Who with his Blood has saved us.

Leader: Loving God,

All: we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, poured out on the cross and offered daily on the altar,

for our own special needs both spiritual and temporal,
for those of our relatives, friends and benefactors,
and also for those of our enemies.

Leader: Glory be to the Father …

All: As it was in the …

Leader: Praise and thanksgiving be evermore to Jesus.

All: Who with his Blood has saved us.

Leader: Loving God,

All: we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, poured out on the cross and offered daily on the altar,

for those who are to die this day,
for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith,
and for our final union with Christ in glory.

Leader: Glory be to the Father …

All: As it was in the …

Leader: Praise and thanksgiving be evermore to Jesus.

All: Who with his Blood has saved us.

Leader: Glory to the Blood of Jesus.

All: Now and Forever. Amen.


Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Most Precious Blood, save the world.

Invocation of the Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love.
L: Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created.
R: And You shall renew the face of the earth.

Let us Pray
O God, Who did teach the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Spirit to be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolations, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Apostles Creed*…
(Bow Your Head)

May the Precious Blood that pours out from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Temple of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge and Sunshine of heaven and earth, cover us now and forever. Amen.
L: O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
R: Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Our Father*…3 Hail Mary’s*…Glory Be*…
(Bow Your Head)
May the Precious Blood that pours out from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Temple of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge and Sunshine of heaven and earth, cover us now and forever. Amen.


The Nailing of the Right Hand of Our Lord Jesus (Pause for brief meditation)
By the precious wound in Your right hand and through the pain of the nail which pierced Your right hand, may the Precious Blood that pours out from there save sinners of the whole world and convert many souls. Amen.

L: O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Our Father*… Hail Mary*…
L: Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Save us and the whole world. (12 times)

Glory Be*…
(Bow Your Head)
May the Precious Blood that pours out from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Temple of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge and Sunshine of heaven and earth, cover us now and forever. Amen.


The Nailing of the Left Hand of
Our Lord Jesus
(Pause for brief meditation)
By the precious wound in Your left hand and through the pain of the nail which pierced Your left hand, may the Precious Blood that pours out from there save souls in Purgatory and protect the dying against the attack of infernal spirits. Amen.
L: O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Our Father*… Hail Mary*…
L: Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Save us and the whole world. (12 times)

Glory Be*…
(Bow Your Head)
May the Precious Blood that pours out from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Temple of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge and Sunshine of heaven and earth, cover us now and forever. Amen.


The Nailing of the Right Foot of
Our Lord Jesus
(Pause for brief meditation)
By the precious wound in Your right foot and through the pain of the nail which pierced Your right foot, may the Precious Blood that pours out from there cover the foundation of the Catholic Church against the plans of the occult kingdom and evil men. Amen.

L: O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Our Father*… Hail Mary*…

L: Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Save us and the whole world. (12 times)
Glory Be*…
(Bow Your Head)
May the Precious Blood that pours out from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Temple of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge and Sunshine of heaven and earth, cover us now and forever. Amen.


The Nailing of the Left Foot of Our Lord Jesus
(Pause for brief meditation)
By the precious wound in Your left foot, and through the pain of the nail which pierced Your left foot, may the Precious Blood that pours out from there protect us in all our ways against the plans and the attacks of evil spirits and their agents. Amen.

L: O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Our Father*… Hail Mary*…

L: Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Save us and the whole world. (12 times)

Glory Be*…
(Bow Your Head)
May the Precious Blood that pours out from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Temple of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge and Sunshine of heaven and earth, cover us now and forever. Amen.


The Piercing of the Sacred Side of
Our Lord Jesus
(Pause for brief meditation)
By the precious wound in Your Sacred Side and through the pain of the lance which pierced Your Sacred Side, may the Precious Blood and water that pour out from there cure the sick, raise the dead, solve our present problems and teach us the way to our God for eternal glory. Amen.

L: O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Our Father*… Hail Mary*…

L: Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Save us and the whole world. (12 times)

Glory Be*…
(Bow Your Head)
May the Precious Blood that pours out from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Temple of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge and Sunshine of heaven and earth, cover us now and forever. Amen.
L: O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
R: Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. (repeat 3 times)

Hail Holy Queen*…

Let us Pray
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, we honor, worship and adore You because of Your work of the everlasting covenant that brings peace to mankind. Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Console the Almighty Father on His throne and wash away the sins of the whole world. May all revere You, O Precious Blood, have mercy. Amen.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus *have mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary *pray for us
St. Joseph, husband of Mary *
Saints Peter and Paul *
St. John at the foot of the Cross *
St. Mary Magdalene *
All the prayer warriors and intercessors of heaven *
All the great saints of Our Lord *
All the heavenly hosts, Legion of Mary *

“Be humble and accept the Divine Will, you will reach the end. Offer your families to My Precious Blood. I will save them. I promise to convert them before the Great Tribulation comes. There will be peace and love. I say to you adore and honor My Precious Blood.”

“I will allow My Precious Blood to fall on the heart of every sinner offered to My Precious Blood. I say to you offer to Me and pray for them always through My Precious Blood. I will destroy all evils in your families. I have heard your prayers. Rejoice, for your request has been granted.”

“My children, never fail to give testimony when you see this goodness, from the One who loves thee . . . If anyone among you loves Me, let him console Me and pray for unrepented sinners . . . the remaining days are great and holy. Your adoration will be great and holy. Come with reverence and awe and worship your God.” (25 July 1997)


The Chaplet of the Precious Blood, also known as the Precious Blood Rosary, is a meditation on the generous love of Jesus, who shed his blood for us. Each mystery calls us to meditate on one of the seven times Jesus shed his blood. Each “decade,” except the last, consists of five “Our Fathers” followed by one “Glory be” and the verse and response. There are thirty-three Our Fathers in all, recalling the thirty-three years of Jesus’ life on earth.

As an aid to meditation, quotations from sacred Scripture are provided for each Our Father. Different members of the group gathered to pray might each read the verses for a different mystery.

The Chaplet was composed in 1809 by Francesco Albertini and officially approved in the same year. Albertini, who founded the ArchConfraternity of the Precious Blood, was the mentor and spiritual director of Saint Gaspar del Bufalo, founder of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood.

Saint Gaspar encouraged the Missionaries to pray this chaplet with the people every morning. It is an excellent way of heightening our awareness of God’s presence in difficult and painful situations. It can help us connect our own suffering, the suffering of those we love, and the suffering of our enemies, with the suffering of Christ. Many people who like to pray the rosary every day pray the Precious Blood Rosary on Fridays, the day when we traditionally meditate on the Passion.

Introductory Dialogue

Leader:    O God, come to our assistance.

All:         Lord, make haste to help us.

Leader:    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

All:         As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.


All:         O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, and lead all souls into heaven, especially those most in need of thy mercy.

First Mystery: The Circumcision

When eight days were completed for his circumcision, he was named Jesus, the name given him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. (Luke 2:21)   

Our Father

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption. (Galatians 4:4-5)

Our Father

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.” (Matthew 5:17)

Our Father

In Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor lack of it counts for anything; only faith, which expresses itself through love. (Galatians 5:6)

Our Father

At the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11)

Our Father

Glory be to the Father.

All:             O my Jesus, forgive us..

Leader: Come, Lord, and help your people.

All:             Bought with the price of your own Blood.

Second Mystery: The Agony in the Garden

Jesus prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. He said, “Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want but what you want.” (Mark 14:35b-36)

Our Father

Jesus was in such agony and he prayed so fervently that his sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground. (Luke 22:44)

Our Father

Since he himself was tempted through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are tempted. (Hebrews 2:18)

Our Father

In the days when he was in the flesh, Jesus offered prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. (Hebrews 5:7)  Our Father

By this will, we have been consecrated through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. (Hebrews 10:10)

Our Father

Glory be to the Father.

All:             O my Jesus, forgive us…

Leader: Come, Lord, and help your people.

All:             Bought with the price of your own Blood.

Third Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar

I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; My face I did not shield from buffets and spitting. (Isaiah 50:6)

Our Father

Upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole; by his stripes we were healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

Our Father

So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released Barabbas to them and, after he had Jesus scourged, handed him over to be crucified. (Mark 15:15) Our Father

Through his blood, God made Jesus the means of expiation for all who believe. (Romans 3:25)

Our Father

With your blood you purchased for God those from every tribe and tongue, people and nation. (Revelation 5:9)

Our Father

Glory be to the Father…

All: O my Jesus, forgive us…

Leader: Come, Lord, and help your people.

All:             Bought with the price of your own Blood.

Fourth Mystery: The Crowning with Thorns

The soldiers then wove a crown of thorns and fixed it on Jesus’ head, throwing around his shoulders a cloak of royal purple. (John 19:2)

Our Father

They came to him and said, “Hail, King of the Jews!” And they struck him repeatedly. (John 19:3)

Our Father

Pilate had an inscription written and put on the cross. It read, “Jesus the Nazarene, the King of the Jews.” (John 19:19)

Our Father

He wore a cloak that had been dipped in blood, and his name was called the Word of God. (Revelation 19:13)

Our Father

Glory be to the Father…

All:             O my Jesus, forgive us…

Leader: Come, Lord, and help your people.

All:             Bought with the price of your own Blood.

Fifth Mystery: Jesus Carries the Cross

In the end, Pilate handed Jesus over to them to be crucified. So they took Jesus, and carrying the cross himself he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgotha. (John 19:16)

Our Father

Jesus said to all, “If any wish to come after me, they must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)

Our Father

For the sake of the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)

Our Father

Jesus himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (1 Peter 2:24)

Our Father

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. (Galatians 6:14)

Our Father

Glory be to the Father…

All: O my Jesus, forgive us…

Leader: Come, Lord, and help your people.

All:             Bought with the price of your own Blood.

Sixth Mystery: The Crucifixion

Jesus said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many.” (Mark 14:24)

Our Father

When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him and the criminals there, one on his right, the other on his left. (Luke 23:33)

Our Father

It pleased God to make absolute fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile all things in his person, whether those on earth or those in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. (Colossians 1:19-20)

Our Father

But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. (Ephesians 2:13)

Our Father

“When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all things to myself.” (John 12:32)

Our Father

Glory be to the Father…

All: O my Jesus, forgive us…

Leader: Come, Lord, and help your people.

All:       Bought with the price of your own Blood.

Seventh Mystery: The Piercing of Jesus’ Side

One of the soldiers thrust his lance into Jesus’s side, and immediately blood and water flowed out. (John 19:34)

Our Father

This happened so that the scripture passage might be fulfilled: “They will look upon him whom they have pierced.” (John 19:36a, 37b)

Our Father

Jesus Christ it is who came through water and blood, not in water only, but in water and blood. (1 John 5:6a)

Our Father

Glory be to the Father…

All: O my Jesus, forgive us…

Leader:    Come, Lord, and help your people.

All:         Bought with the price of your own Blood.

Closing Prayer

Father, by the blood of your own Son you have set all people free and saved us from death. Continue your work of love within us, that by constantly celebrating the mystery of our salvation, we may reach the eternal life it promises. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.