Monthly Message to All Nations


January 10, 1995

From Jesus
“I am sending My Mother to you on the Twelfth of each month to speak especially to this nation. If hearts do not change; if the lack of love in hearts is not resolved; your nation change; if the lack of love in hearts is not resolved; your nation will continue to suffer internal strife.”


January 12, 1995
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. Her Heart is exposed and has drops of blood coming from it. She says: “Pray with Me please at this time for all those who hear My words in their ears but do not live My Message in their hearts.” We prayed. “Dear children, the whole and entire reason I come to you is to return hearts to God. Know for certain there are many hearts of leaders in your country and in the populace that are like the heart of Pharoah – obstinate and unbending. It is for this reason many tribulations have come to your country by way of natural disasters. These events follow one after another and will come closer together unless your nation abandons the cause for abortion and alternate life styles. Dear children, My coming to you is a grace. I ask your prayers that hearts open to My messages to you, and read the signs of the times.” Our Lady blessed us and left.

February 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “I come not to frighten, but out of loving concern. I desire very much that we now pray for the conversion of all sinners.” We prayed. I asked Our Lady what does She want of all the people here today? Our Lady responded: “I desire very much their reparation to Our Loving Hearts, already most grievously wounded by the sins of mankind. I desire their acts of love in reparation to Our Hearts, their communions of reparation, their holy hours, and their prayers.”

“Dear children, Jesus sends Me as a loving Mother in order that the eyes of the conscience of your nation may have the scales removed from them. Dear children, the tempter is already in the sanctuary, concealed in hearts full of compromise, and you do not see the grievous errors. Dear children, seek always the certain Refuge of My Maternal Heart. Pray, pray, pray.” She blessed us and left.

She returned and said: “Dear child, today Satan takes dominion over many hearts clothed in goodness so as to confuse and confound the holy. Your country will suffer the grace of many misfortunes as a means of revealing and correcting her errors.”

March 12, 1995

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “My little children. I come to reconcile souls to God. Please pray with Me now for this intention.” We prayed. “Dear children, today I invite you to recognize the season of tribulation that is upon you. As in any season there are signs. Recognize the cataclysmic natural events as from God. These occur in order to return souls to God, Who is King of Heaven and Earth. In the next season of tribulation you will find money systems failing and collapsing. This will occur as a means of stripping people from the idol of money. The next season I reveal to you My dear daughter, My dear people, is the apostasy, which will occur in the Church. It will be as a winnowing fan separating the wheat from the chaff, and will take place mainly in the West. Then the season of the Antichrist. He will be in the world and in hearts. Dear children, I reveal these things to you now, so that as these events unfold, you will recognize God’s Hand in your midst. Just as in nature, these seasons will overlap one another. There will be no clear line of demarcation, but you will recognize them through Holy Love. I am blessing you now.”

April 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Pray with Me now for the unconverted: These include the unbelievers, the unforgiving, and the lukewarm. This number varies from moment to moment, as some do not realize their responsibility towards holiness in the present moment.”

“It is through man’s will the Chastisement will come – the destruction of the world brought on by man himself. See then, the unconverted not only choose for themselves, but for the world.”

“Am I not here, My daughter? I who am your life, your Sweetness and your Hope ? I who am your Perpetual Help, Protectress, and Refuge? What is there to fear? I come with great love once again to call My children to love before the hour wears on and it grows too late.”

“Hasten to see that what comes as a purification does not open the abyss between God and man, but serves to unite them together. God’s Love is unalterable – His Mercy from generation to generation. The New Jerusalem is attainable to all through the Refuge of My Heart.”

“But I tell you, those who do not live in Holy Love will be stripped of their worldly gods. The greatest technology will be rendered useless. There will be great signs in the Heavens, on earth and under the earth, as time, as you know it, draws to an end. Nature itself will bear witness to what will transpire. Those in the world will see it not. The sky and all things under it will be set aflame. This hour will be more devastating than the flood. Two thirds of all life will be taken. Mankind will be judged according to the love in his heart.”

“But once again I tell you, those who are in the Refuge of My Heart will not fear. Hasten to make all of what I have told you known to all.”

“At this time, I tell you that when My Son returns and everyone is living in Holy Love in the New Jerusalem, all will be made new. The world will be simple and pure as it was meant to be. All will love, and God will be in the center of all hearts. My Son’s Church will no longer be divided by schism, apostasy, and error, but will be made whole once again. And so you see, there is nothing to fear, for I am calling you only to the completeness of Holy Love. I am blessing you.”

May 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations – Servants of Mary – Windsor, Ohio

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Thank you for answering My call to come here tonight. It is a grace that I come. Pray with Me now for the lukewarm.” We prayed. “My daughter, tonight is My last apparition to you at this site, but I am continually here, greeting the pilgrims. I invite My dear children to follow Me to the site I have directed you to, on the Twelfth of next month.”

“All that I am revealing to you is occurring because of lack of Holy Love in hearts. As the Season of Tribulation draws to a close, and during the reign of the Antichrist which will be in hearts and in the world, certain and ordained cosmic events will occur. These will mark the onset of the great purification. Some heavenly bodies will lose their light. Others will fall to earth, relinquishing their place in the heavens.”

“When these things begin to occur, people will clamor for admittance to My Heart, just as they clamored to get into the Ark when the flood began. But I will not admit those who do not love.”

“Dear daughter, dear children, once again I appeal to you to have Holy Love in your hearts, always in the present moment. For what is in hearts affects the entire cosmos. If hearts embrace the Light that is My Son, the world will be in the Light. If hearts choose darkness, the world will be plunged into darkness. Holy Love is the measure by which you choose. Stay close to My dear Pope, John Paul II, – his teachings and encyclicals. Follow the new catechism. What stands contrary to any of these, is contrary to Holy Love and Heaven.”

“My daughter, I tell you, if the lukewarm would accept Holy Love in their hearts, much about the chastisement would be changed, for these are the ones that gravely wound the Heart of My Son. When the darkness comes it will be complete and certain.” Her Mantle is turning black. Some of the stars on Her mantle are slipping off and some are going out. The only light is coming from the area of Her Heart. Our Lady continues. “See My dear daughter, that My Heart is the safe Refuge all must seek. This is Holy Love. Those who do not recognize it will perish. Dear children, your strength and your might are in the Flame of Love that is My Heart. I am always with you, most especially when you are praying My Rosary. I desire that you pray for deep faith and trust. Always follow My beloved Pope who is much maligned and under attack.”

“Dear children, continue to be courageous in your efforts to spread Holy Love, for you are My dear apostles. Tonight, I am extending to you once again, My Special Blessing.”

June 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations

From Our Lady
“I come to you this evening to ask My children to be compatible with the Church’s teaching on the Holy Father’s infallibility; My Son’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist; and My Own role in the Church. These are the areas the enemy favors to attack. Do not be deceived into thinking you can pick and choose which doctrine you believe.”

“Jesus asks that you offer all your communions during the month of the Precious Blood, the month of July, for lukewarm priests. That they will return to belief in the Real Presence of My Son in the Sacrament of the Altar.” Our Lady now says: “Ask people to extend towards Heaven the objects they wish Me to kiss.” She says: “Thank you, My dear little children, for coming in faith, hope and love. Today, I extend to you once again, My Motherly Blessing. And I desire that you use these objects, which I have personally kissed through the angels, to bring souls to Holy Love.”

“Dear children, this Ministry will undergo further persecution in the future, but you will endure through the grace of My Heart. Jesus in His Majesty and Mercy will extend yet another grace to bring souls into Holy Love. For when the great illumination of consciences comes in the future, souls will also see that Holy Love is the path, salvation and refuge. It is at that time, many will come to My apparition site. Dear children, continue to pray from the heart, that My messages of Holy Love are propagated throughout the world, and I am blessing you.”

July 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations – Lorain County, Ohio

Blessed Mother is standing in front of the Sun. She comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “I come to give honor and praise to Jesus, My Son. My little daughter, trusted messenger, My little children, see that under this title I am Queen of the Cosmos, for even the stars of heaven come to rest upon My mantle. In such a way, I invite all humanity to see that the heavens obey He Who sends Me. I come only to lead souls into eternal happiness. Let Holy Love chart the course of all souls for it is in this way harmony is restored in the universe.” Blessed Mother now asks that people hold up the articles to be blessed. “Once again, I invite you to see that what is present in hearts decides the future of the world. If hearts are not reconciled to God, the peace and harmony of the entire cosmos is destroyed. So it is, every purification proceeds from the error in hearts. Make this known.”

“My Son’s Church will undergo a purification before it is once again united in faith and tradition. Faction will oppose faction. The true faithful will be scattered and persecuted. Reverence for My Son in the Eucharist will diminish even more that it has, and become controversial. In all of this, understand I am your Protectress, Refuge and Hope. I come to lead you out of the darkness, into the light, and to the New Jerusalem. Through all of this, the Church will not succumb. When My Immaculate Heart claims triumph, so too, will the Eucharistic Heart of My Son be triumphant.”

“My dear children, I desire to share eternity with you. I desire that you be reconciled with God. I come to show you the way through Holy Love. It is not for My welfare, dear children, that I call you to this path, but for your own.”

“Your country mistakenly believes that because, it shares with impoverished nations much of its surplus, it is closing the abyss between God and man, at the same time, they are sacrificing lives on the altar of abortion. One does not offset the other.”

“Dear children, It is by your efforts, your prayers, your sacrifices, and love that Hearts will change. Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”

August 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations – Lorain County, Ohio

Our Lady is here with many angels. She is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: ” I come in praise and honor of Jesus the King. Do Me the favor now of praying with Me for the unconverted.” We prayed. Our Lady is asking the people to hold up their objects to be blessed. She is sending out angels now. I asked Her what She wants from all the people here. Our Lady responded: “I desire that all lead consecrated lives; to consecrate themselves to the Flame of Holy Love that is My Immaculate Heart. Further, I desire that My children come to Me under this title of Guadalupe, for in this way I will protect their faith. It is the season of the great apostasy and the unfolding and fulfillment of the Third Secret of Fatima. Therefore, My children, I call you more than ever to come into the Refuge of My Heart, where I will protect your faith and lead you to sanctity. I am blessing you.”

September 12, 1995
Feast of The Holy Name of Mary

Our Lady is here. First She was Our Lady of Fatima, Her clothes are changing to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel; now to Our Lady of Sorrows. Now She is Our Lady of Guadalupe. There are many angels with Her and they say: “Blessed be the Holy Name of Mary.” Our Lady is asking the people here to hold up their objects to be kissed. Jesus is now here blessing the crowd. He extends His Hands out over the people like He is praying over them. Our Lady continues: “Dear children, most especially, I bless your hearts so that you will be Missionaries of Holy Love. Pray with Me now.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight I ask you to understand that My message to you on Holy Love is the fulfillment of the Gospel message – most especially, in the present moment. I invite you to form a Lay Apostolate – ‘The Missionary Servants of Holy Love’, and enable Me to propagate My Words to you, around the world. I need your prayers and your sacrifices, through which My Victory will come.”

“Sadly, I tell you My Son’s Church on earth is like a ship tossed about in a stormy sea. The ship’s captain, My Holy Pope, is doing his best to guide it into the safe harbor of tradition, but all around him is a tidal wave of compromise. He is greatly in need of your prayers. While there are many good and holy priests in the world today, there are far more lukewarm priests who are leading many astray by virtue of their position in the Church. Still more threatening are those in the hierarchy who plot against My Pope. It is necessary that I come to you once again to ask you to unite in prayer, so that good can overcome evil. Let My Rosary be the golden chain that binds Satan in Hell forever.”

“I have asked for the formation of Prayer Cells. Unite in response to My call. Then you will truly be Servants of Holy Love.”

“I come to help you understand, that God’s Hand of Justice shall not be removed from the world until hearts understand their place and dependence upon The Almighty for all things. It is the unbelievers who cause division in families and in governments. They depart from God’s Law and employ their own evil rules. I do not come to judge, but to warn. It is My Son Who shall judge all peoples. I come to call My children back to God through Holy Love. The deeper you immerse your heart in the Flame of Holy Love, the closer I will take you to Divine Love, which is The Heart of My Son. It is here All Goodness and Mercy abound. Graciously, I tell you, it is not My coming to you that means your salvation, but your response to My call.”

“These days, many in this nation, and in the world, concern themselves for the integrity of financial systems. But I tell you, it is the spiritual bankruptcy of the world that must be a priority. Souls are the only commodity of eternal value. Holy Love is the deposit of faith I seek to protect in My Maternal Heart. Make it known.”

October 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations – Indian Hollow Park, Lorain County, Ohio

Blessed Mother is here with many angels. She is dressed as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Praise be to Jesus, My dear children. I come to you today as your Mother and Mother of all Nations. I am sending My angels into your midst with My kiss of Motherly love. Pray with Me now, for all those who are unconverted.” We prayed. “Dear children I come to you today as a sign to you of God’s mercy, and I ask that you recognize this present day age as the age of God’s mercy upon all mankind.”

“Dear children, through God’s infinite love and mercy, He extends His grace of conversion at each of My shrines and at each of My apparition sites; and through His mercy, which continues to pour into every heart until My Son’s coming, He will convert millions. He will give each soul a sign of their state before God.”

“If man is not reconciled with God, a disaster worse than the flood will fall upon the world. It will be greater, for it will affect more people and a greater expanse of earth. Millions will die in their sins. (She is crying.) Only through our prayers and sacrifices can I withhold the arm of justice.”

“Most do not see and refuse to recognize the evil in the world. This is because people make a god of their free will. In so doing they reject just reason and invite compromise into their hearts. Hearts will be judged according to the measure of Holy Love. It is a cubit unrelenting in righteousness.”

“It is for this reason I am choosing to form the Missionary Servants of Holy Love, to propagate and live My message to you. Through My grace it will spread across the world as a purifying flame devouring evil. I invite you always to choose good over evil so that you will be ready when My Son returns. I love you.”

“My Dear children, this warning and My signs and miracles will come too late for some. I ask you to continue to pray for the unconverted. I am always with you when you are praying. I am blessing you.”

November 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations – Indian Hollow Park, Lorain County, Ohio

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Praise be to Jesus, My little children. I am here. I am loving you. I greet you with a heart that beats with great hope because of your faithfulness. Dear children, pray with Me now for those who are led astray from the true faith, through compromise and doubt.” We prayed. “Today I call to you to surrender to Me your faith so that I may protect it from compromise and hypocrisy. You cannot persevere in your faith without My grace. Alone you are easy prey to the malefactor. But all things you surrender to the grace of My Heart, I will protect, proliferate, and make whole. I come to you for your salvation. Do not concern yourself with the temporal. These things pass by as quickly as a leaf in the wind. Pray, so that you will guard against spiritual bankruptcy. It is by your efforts and My grace you are saved.”

“I desire that these things come to light so that souls understand more deeply the profound nature of My call. These days My Son’s Church lies divided and faces the challenge of compromise and rebellion against the true dogma of faith. Just as there were the devout, the doubters, and even a traitor amongst the first apostles, so it is in the Church hierarchy today. But the Church will not succumb and will prevail. It is necessary that She pass through a period of purification to bring about wholeness. This trial is upon you. Satan who was unable to defile Jesus in My Womb — the first tabernacle — now seeks to compromise My Son’s Real Presence in the tabernacles of the world through doubt and error. In a similar way the adversary challenges all life in the womb. In order to accomplish these atrocities, he takes hearts away from sound spirituality and pulls them into the false reasoning of the world. Often this is accomplished through the door of the pride of intelligencia. Real wisdom comes from God and does not challenge the sound doctrine of Church tradition. Real wisdom leads to Holy Love.”

“Dear children, these days you must realize that wars are not waged between nations, but in hearts. Satan’s weapons are compromise, doubt, and confusion. But your weapon, dear children, is your strong faith, with which you give Me your Rosaries. This weapon is stronger than anything that Satan can conjure up.”

“Dear children, I want you to let Me protect your faith. I come to you today as your Mother and your Protectress. Do not hesitate to call upon Me. It is through your prayers, I am converting millions.”

Now there are many angels here; and, as Our Lady blesses us, they move about the people here. She leaves.

December 12, 1995
Monthly Message to All Nations

The Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “I bid you give praise to Jesus. I come to welcome all who come to My new site of grace and prayer. I invite you now to extend the articles you need blessed. This is the last time I will send the angels to your midst to bless these articles, because now you have been given the spring. [Note: Maranatha Spring was unearthed on Our Lady’s new prayer site this morning]. You unearthed the spring this morning as I desired, to show that it is always necessary for hearts to cooperate with grace, or else it will remain hidden from them. But, My grace is readily present here at this site today and always. Today I initiate in you My new mission of Merciful Love and I invite you to take it into the world. Do not leave it captured in your hearts. Holy Love, Merciful Love are one. They come from My Son through Me. I desire that you offer this Love to those you come in contact with, that they too may be apostles of My Heart. For it is in this way the world will undergo a genesis and be renewed in the Faith. Dear children, our beginnings here are humble just as My Son’s birth was in a humble place. The impact of My grace depends on you, on your willingness to evangelize. Dear children, I hide no grace from you. I offer all. My provision is complete on this property. I am blessing you with My Special Blessing.”