Messages From and About God the Father

Holy Love Ministry Shortcut Messages on Relationship with God The Father

only be satisfied with a loving relationship with Me.”

My relationship with mankind has greatly deteriorated due to errant free will choices. So, I come with yet another grace – this Mission of Holy Love.* Do not reject this opportunity to repair Our relationship. Allow forgiveness to bridge the gap between us.

I am establishing a relationship with mankind now in this generation out of love.

The reason for your moral decline is indifference; indifference as to your relationship with Me and pleasing Me; indifference as to discerning good from evil; indifference in discovering the Truth. Holy Love is the way I have sent you to convert your indifference into zeal for love of Me and your neighbor as self.

“I can only lend support to those who pursue a deeper relationship with Me

“Surrender, then, all worldly attachments and concerns. Allow yourselves a more intimate relationship with Me. When you desire this closeness, you will trust Me more than ever before. It is then you will be able to embrace My Divine Will, which is Love and Mercy itself.”

(Surrender -> Intimate Relationship -> Trust -> Divine Will (Love and Mercy)

Graces carry with them the burden of an effort towards a deeper relationship with Me, My Son and the Holy Mother.*…I speak to you here,** today, to encourage your deeper devotion in living out My Will in every present moment. This takes an effort in prayer in order to discover My Will.

“The reality is, nothing else is as significant as mankind’s relationship with Me. If you achieve great stature in the world but do not acknowledge My role in your success, you have accomplished nothing…Chase after eternal glory – then you can be at peace as to how you spent each present moment.”

With a wise heart he asks for My assistance in discovering ways to sacrifice, in carrying out each sacrifice and in keeping each sacrifice between Me and himself. Every sacrifice given with a sincere heart strengthens the soul’s conversion and his relationship with Me.”

Each present moment can be a building block in our deeper relationship, if you allow it.”

One way to deepen your relationship with Me is to practice trust

“Faith in My Divine Will for you is ultimately tested in the crosses of life… You best come to know Me through prayer and Scripture.  The deeper your relationship with Me – the stronger your faith.”

Prayer changes situations, circumstances and hearts – most importantly the soul’s relationship with Me.

You can and should always try to improve your relationship with Me. Enter My Heart by accepting My Will. 

He must love Me above all else, therefore allowing Me dominion over his heart. It is only through such a relationship with his Creator, man will have perfect security and peace on earth.

These days, family life is an easy target for Satan when the family does not have a good relationship with Me – their Heavenly Father…“Man of Earth, turn to Me as your Father. Include Me in your moment-to-moment decisions. Allow Me into your hearts.”

– a good relationship with Me supports good choices in everyday life

If obedience is leading you away from a deeper relationship with Me, then you need to scrutinize who, and for what reason, you are being asked to obey. Not all leaders are endorsed by Me. Some in leadership roles use their power to break down My Kingdom of Truth in the world.

The devotion to the United Hearts and the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts offers a new and deeper relationship between the soul and Heaven. 

“Unless mankind can return to a respectful, loving relationship with Me, I will have to destroy his dependency upon himself. This is the only way I can regain man’s confidence and restore his dependency upon Me. As it is, man turns to his own ingenuity and efforts before consulting Me through prayer.”

Your relationship with Me bears weight upon all other aspects of your life. The closer you are to My Paternal care, the more profound My Provision in your daily life. 

Be satisfied in your sincere efforts to please Me, but never so satisfied that you do not seek a deeper relationship with Me

“To live in Holy Love is a way of thinking, a way of being, a way of a sound relationship with Me and with My Father.” Such souls do not allow anyone or anything to become more important to them than their relationship with Me.

The soul’s whole relationship with Me is based upon Holy Love.

The soul who accepts My Will accepts what is happening in any given moment either as My Permitting Will or My Ordaining Will. Both of these are My loving Plan – a plan to perfect the soul in holiness and deepen his relationship with Me.”

If you are listening to Me, you will take shelter in your relationship with Me.  Through prayer and sacrifice, you will feel more secure, as many who seek after signs and wonders will fall by the wayside.”

This is why I welcome a close relationship with each one of My children.  This relationship is formed as the soul takes the time to pray each day.  I give each one 24 hours every day.  How much of that God-given time is given back to Me?  I desire your dependency upon My Intercession in your daily lives.  This closer relationship with Me assists you in unimaginable ways.  My Arms are always open and forever open to you.

I desire a close, loving relationship with each soul I create – each one different than the other. Once we have a good relationship, I can guide you easily along the path of righteousness. You will be saved by loving Me more than the world and all its pleasures.  Love Me more than possessions, or comforts or status in the world.  Get to know Me better through the Scriptures.

The future of your nation* and of the world depends upon each one’s relationship with Me.

Your rosaries, your prayers from the heart, bind you to Me in a spiritual relationship which must be a deciding force in your life. 

Listen for My Voice in the quiet of your heart.  Do not be overwhelmed by any single present moment, for I am with you.  Your relationship with Me is your strength or your weakness as you choose it.”

.  The spiritual relationship man has with his God is the most important relationship of his earthly existence.  Each one should spend much effort in deepening this relationship through prayer and sacrifice.”

“Without prayer and sacrifice, the soul withers away in the environment of worldly concerns.  He is not fed spiritually and, moreover, is not concerned about the relationship he has or doesn’t have with Me.ask for the grace to love Me more than anything in the world

.  Always try to have a deeper and more perfect relationship with Me.  Strive to find new ways to please Me

When you pray for each other, that is faith in action.  Do not search out weaknesses in your neighbor in your heart.  Search out the good points in each other.  This type of positive thinking strengthens your relationship with Me.”

Show Me that you care by living in Holy Love and obeying My Commandments.  This is the way of deepening your relationship with Me.” “I await your ways of pleasing Me.  I enjoy pleasing you in return.”  

“Make the effort to forgive those who bring bad memories to your heart.Once you forgive everyone, there is a clear path of grace between your heart and Mine. Do not allow bad memories to stand in the way of a deeper relationship with Me.”

conform your hearts to Holy Love* before you begin to praySelf-knowledge opens the door to a closer relationship with Me.”

Do not go back and forth between worldly entrapments and a deeper relationship with Me.

The depth of the soul’s relationship with Me when he draws his last breath, determines his eternity.”

Value your relationship with Me above all else

“… all are called to a relationship with Me through personal holiness…. The souls who take this journey to heart are the ones whose prayers I listen to most intently, for they love Me and choose to please Me through obedience to My Commandments

“Children, your prayer life is the fruit of your spirituality. If you neglect your relationship with Me, this weakness is reflected in a distant relationship with Me – one that does little to lead you along the path of a deeper personal holiness. Such a weak relationship between us is reflected in lack of trust in My Provision. The weak soul does not comprehend My Strength.”

restore the present moment in your hearts by asking Me to show you each present-moment graceFor the goal of personal holiness is an ever-deepening relationship with Me. So, when you pray for someone’s conversion, pray that first and foremost they desire to come closer to Me.”

What areas of your personal holiness are discouraging to you? What distracts you in prayer? How can you change your relationships with others to be more like Holy Love?** What virtues do you most need to improve on? What are the areas of pride in your life?


  • Pray first for the grace to believe in the power and the necessity of your prayers so the angels will surround you and help you to pray.
  • Invoke the aid of The Queen Mother and Protectress of your Faith who is a strong ally as a prayer partner.
  • “The best way to pray is to ask Jesus to let your prayers be born from Holy Love. Then He will send the Holy Spirit to engulf your heart with this precious gift”
  • “…Concede to Me the time you would spend pleading for all your intentions and just ask Me to help you to pray from the heart.  I cannot refuse such a prayer in the present moment.”

It is important that you keep your focus when you pray.  Center your thoughts on Me.  Pray in a quiet place.  Surrender your hearts to My Will, not on the many situations and circumstances surrounding you.  I will listen to any well-intentioned prayer, but especially to a heartfelt prayer.”

Always cover your heart each morning with the Precious Blood of My Son* and pray for St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, to protect you.”

Before you enter into prayer, call on Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Refuge of Holy Love.  Call on Joseph, Terror of Demons, as well.

September 18, 2020
God The Father

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father.  He says: “Children, your prayers these days are more important than ever before in the history of mankind.  You have, in this country, a presidential election coming up* – the results of which will affect the entire world.  You are choosing a world leader, not just a leader of this nation.  It is important that you keep your focus when you pray.  Center your thoughts on Me.  Pray in a quiet place.  Surrender your hearts to My Will, not on the many situations and circumstances surrounding you.  I will listen to any well-intentioned prayer, but especially to a heartfelt prayer.”

“I, Creator of the world and of Heaven, itself, am always available to listen to you.  I know the desperate intentions in your hearts and all that you are and should be thankful for.  I desire you have and recognize My Strength and Intercession on your behalf.  Before you enter into prayer, call on Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Refuge of Holy Love.  Call on Joseph, Terror of Demons, as well.   Your prayer effort is My consolation these days.”

Read Jonah 3:8-10+

. . . but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and let them cry mightily to God; yea, let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence which is in his hands. Who knows, God may yet repent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we perish not?” When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God repented of the evil which he had said he would do to them; and he did not do it.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

* U.S. Presidential Election on  November 3, 2020.

October 3, 2022
God The Father

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Always have hope in your hearts – hope in the grace of the present moment – hope in the ultimate decision of My Divine Will. Do not let the peace of your heart rest upon worldly provision but upon My Divine Provision. Depend upon My Intercession, as I always have your best interests at heart.”

“Be at peace, then, with the grace of the present moment. Surrender any discouragement to My Divine Will. That which opposes hope does not come from the Holy Spirit, but from an evil spirit. Always cover your heart each morning with the Precious Blood of My Son* and pray for St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, to protect you.”

Read Romans 5:1-5+

Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Holy Love Ministry Messages from with God The Father