Self Delivery Exercises


I ask the Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, to show me

the faults and failings of my heart in relation to Holy Love

And any attached negative spirits who wish to do me harm of body and soul

O Holy Comforter, the weakness of our flesh supply.

Far from us drive the foe we dread..

From the Spirit of distraction, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of procrastination, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of confusion, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of pride, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of compulsivity, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of introversion, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of workaholism, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of curiosity, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of rebellion, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of presumption, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of perfectionism, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of lack of discipline, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of fear, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of resentment, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of vanity, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of skepticism, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of slothfulness, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of complaining, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of marital division, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of fantasy, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of passivity, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of escapism, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of indecision, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of depression, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of selfishness, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of vanity, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of self-hatred, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of impatience, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of addiction , We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of spiritual pride, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of jealousy, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of stubbornness, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From the Spirit of criticism, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

From any inappropriate soul ties, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

*“Demons of fatigue, in the Holy Name of Jesus I command you to leave.”

*From the Spirit of Infirmity, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

*From the Spirit of Fatigue, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord

*If Jesus makes me free, I will be free indeed. (Jn. 8:36).

 *Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus, heal me! Jesus, save me! Jesus, free me

*(exorcist, Msgr Stephen Rossetti)

For additional lists of negative spirits including sources from “Prayers of Deliverance” and “Holy Love Ministry” please navigate to this page


Future update: a section will be added after studying the Deliverance Prayer Manuals of the Missionaries of the New Evangelization in the discussion about adding a renunciation of Satan around the time of confession similar to what is prayed during our Baptism.

I reject, renounce, and rebuke Satan and all his works and all his empty promises.

“In the holy name of Jesus, I reject, I renounce, and I rebuke the spirit of (_________). In Jesus’ holy name, I cast it out!”