When You Pray (UHB)

  • Begin with the Sign of the Cross Hold a Crucifix in your hands

 In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady: “Dear Children, I am asking you to remember that the Sign of the Cross is a prayer. It is not just words to be rushed through to get to the real prayers. When said devoutly, from the heart, it is an efficacious prayer in preparation for all prayers to follow.”

  • Hold a Crucifix in your hands

Jesus: “Have a clear understanding of My Passion. When you pray, pray with a crucifix in your hands.” (March 28, 2003)

  • Join your prayers to every prayer ever prayed throughout time

Jesus: “When you pray, join your prayers to every prayer that was ever prayed and every prayer that ever will be prayed so that My Father will be greatly honored by every syllable.” (January 25, 2005)

  • Unite your prayers to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Jesus: “How often souls depend on your prayers. Unite them to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.” (March 31, 1996)

  • Cover your prayers with the Most Precious Blood

Our Lady: “My dear, dear children, when you pray, cover your prayers with the Most Precious Blood of My Beloved Son, Jesus.” (June 19, 2003)

  • Pray with a heart full of love for Jesus and Mary

Jesus: “Do not pray out of duty, but pray because you love Me; because you love My Mother, and you desire to please Us. This is the way to make your prayers more powerful.” (March 6, 2006)

  • Strengthen prayer with sacrifice

Our Lady: “When sacrifice is added to prayers, it is twice as strong.” (June 8, 1998)